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Thanksgiving Dinner

It was almost thanksgiving and i had invited my friend over for dinner. I had
invited Emma Watson, Maddie Ziegler, Gabby Douglas, and Priyanka
Chopra. I looked at the clock and i realized that it was 6:30 they would all
be here any minute now. I rushed into the kitchen and got the food into
bowls and set it on the table. Everything else had already been set up so I
put a few finishing touches when finally the doorbell rings Ding dong.. I
rushed to the door and to find Maddie waiting there. Hey Maddie! i said,
Hey Sia! she replied. Come on in! i said. She walked in. Beautiful
house she said while she took off her coat. Thank you I cried I took her
coat and put it in the closet. Then i showed her to the table and she sat
down when again the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find Gabby and
Emma. Hi guys, come on in! I said joyfully. Hi Sia, they both replied. I
brought them to the table where Maddie was sitting. They greeted Maddie
and sat down. Happy early Thanksgiving everyone! i cheered. You too
everyone one agreed happily. Then the doorbell rang one more time. That
must be Priyanka, I said. I got up and went to the door and when i opened
it and found Priyanka. Hey Priyanka, i said, Hey Sia! she said. I invited
her in and she took off her coat. We walked to the table. I am so sorry that
im late you guys she said. No problem, I said We were just talking, i
said. Once we were all settled in I once again wished them all a happy
thanksgiving. Then I asked Maddie How is the dancing going,. Great, i
am doing a lot of shows for Sia she said the, the singer she laughed.
Ohhhh exclaimed Gabby. I thought you meant Sia that is here!. Once
we all stopped laughing, I asked Emma and Priyanka How is the acting
going? Any new movies Emma Ya, actually we are working on a Beauty
and the Beast! Cool said Gabby. How is your show going Priyanka? i
asked. it is going great we are filming a lot, but it's fun, she said. Great!
I said. Gabby, how is practice for gymnastics? I asked. Good, we
practice a lot, i actually have a meet on Sunday, she said. Well, make sure
tell me when and where! i said, I would love to come Definitely! she
cheered. We all agreed. Then we started eating. We all devoured it quickly
, and got seconds. There was turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn and so
much more. The air was filled with the smell of the food and it was so good.
Great food Sia! exclaimed Priyanka Thank you! i pleaded. Your
welcome she responded. Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.
We finished up and started cleaning up. When everything was cleaned up
we sat down again and began to talk about what we were going to do for
thanksgiving. All of us were going to have a party with our family and
friends, and Priyanka was going home to India. Then out of the blue Gabby
asked if Maddie would dance for us. No,no,no, I really shouldn't, said
pleeeease, we all begged. If you do I will do some gymnastics for you,
suggested Gabby. Fine Maddie puffed. Yay we all cheered. We all went
to the basement because there was a lot more space down there. We sat
on the big couch and i played a song for Maddie. I played Elastic Heart.
Maddie did such a good job that I was speechless when she was done.
She walked up to us. So what did you think? said Maddie between pants.
That was amazing! stammered Gabby. Wow said Priyanka in
amazement. That was sooo good I exclaimed. When we all sat back
down i said in a game show host voice Next up is Gabby!. We all laughed
then Gabby got up. I played one of her old floor routine tracks and she
flipped away. She did back and front tucks. Back handsprings and a bunch
more tricks. When she was done she was panting. We walked upto her
again in amazement. You are so flexible! I said in awe. Definitely
amazing! said Maddie. If this was you in a basement i can't wait to see you
in your meet or better yet the Olympics. Thank you she cheered. I looked
at my phone and said Oh look at the time, it is already 11:30. You're
right said Maddie. We all walked back up the stairs. Everyone got their
coats and walked towards the door. Thank you Sia for having me over
said Gabby anytime! is replied. The food was delicious! said Maddie.
Thank you i worked hours on all of it!. Then priyanka grabbed the
doorknob and opened the door. They all walked out. As they went to their
cars I called out to them goodnight and have a good Thanksgiving Thank
you they all called back. Then I watched as one by one they all pulled out
and drove out into the dark. Then I went back in an closed the door.

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