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Mishnah The Mishnah

discusses statements made by various politicians running for

The Donald1 who wishes to build a wall2

can force the Mexicans to build it.3 Bernie
Sanders said, this is the general rule: for all needs of the
country, we force the citizens of the country to pay.4
Hillary Clinton said, behold, I am like a
seventy-year-old,5 yet I was unable to
merit sending confidential emails6 from my private server7 until
Obama expounded the verse, which said,8 this second
letter to include confidential emails.9

Gemara The Gemara addresses how

Trump is able to make the
The Gemara concedes this point and thus
refutes the question on different grounds:
Mexicans pay for the wall: Rather, its not a question
But this one is for a different reason:
benefitting and this one is paying! Since Youre challenging [The Donald] from
America is benefitting, they should pay, not logic when you ask that the Americans
Mexico.10 ? should pay? You cant challenge him from
R Aba11 answered, logic.16 The Donald
for when he drives [the is The Donald! Hes a talfan17
illegally immigrated Mexicans] 12 out. and he can argue on
Since Mexico doesnt want them either, logic.
theyll build the wall to keep them out.13
The Gemara still asks: The Gemara quotes the next part of the
R Bbb14 challenged Mishnah:
him, but the Mishnah said BERNIE SANDERS
that he CAN FORCE them to build the wall. SAID this is the general rule: for all needs of
If the Mexicans are building the wall willingly, the country, we force the citizens of the
it cant be described as being forced.15 country to pay.
1 This refers to Donald Trump. He is referred to as The 10 Rashi.

Donald because of his ego, which he makes well-known 11 This could be any number of Amoraim R Idi bar Avin, R

through his hair which is so long that it looks like it has Ada bar Ahavah, etc. and thus we have left the
extensions (Rashi). abbreviation as is and not translated it into a name. See note
2 Translation follows Rashi. 14.
3 The Gemara will explain why. 12 Elucidation follows Rashi.
4 The Gemara will explain what this is referring to. 13 Elucidation follows Rashi.
5 But not actually seventy - shes actually sixty-eight (Rashi). 14 Since the first Amora was abbreviated as , the

Tosfos add that, unlike R Elazar ben Azariah, who made a Gemara then quoted an Amora whose names begin with the
similar comment when his beard miraculously turned white next letter after aleph - that is, beis. Thus, .
(see Berachos 12a), Hillarys beard did not turn white, for she 15 Elucidation follows Rashi.

did not have a beard. 16 Elucidation follows Rashi.

6 Translation follows Rashi. 17 Rashi proposes that the word derives from topple and
7 Translation follows Rashi. He explains that unlike most means that he said things so powerfully without logic that it
government employees, who sent their confidential emails on can overpower well thought-out refutations, or from teflon
the governments server, Hillary deceitfully placed them on and means that any arguments that are thrown at him wont
her own. stick, as if it were thrown at teflon. He adds that the second
8 Esther 9:29 sounds like the more reasonable source. Tosfos propose a
9 Since the first letters didnt arouse any uproar, since they third source, a therapist; just as a therapist tells you
were sent through the proper government servers, they sent what to do and doesnt have to explain, so, too, The Donald.
a second set of letters through private servers. Thus we see
that one is allowed to do so (Rashi).

The Gemara asks: land and islands of the sea.

But does If I were king Achashveirosh at that time,
Sanders want to make a wall?18 No! I would
The Gemara explains: have given houses full of all good things
This is what he means to to each one
say: According of the citizens of the country.21,22
to me, we dont need to build a wall, and The Donald said,
therefore we dont need to make the public I f I w e r e t h e r e a n d w e r e
pay for it. But according to you Achashveirosh at that time,
that we should build a wall, I would have only
at least agree to me placed the tax on the Chinese.23
that we should force the citizens of the Hillary said, If
country of America to pay for it, not those of I were there and were Achashveirosh at that
Mexico. The Donald would respond, of time,
course, that hes going to build a wall and I would have placed the entire tax on Wall
make Mexico pay for it. Street.24

The Gemara proposes a query based on The Gemara quotes the next part of the
Sanders opinion: Mishnah:
They asked the following: Hillary said that she
If someone wants to eat ice was like a seventy-year-old, yet I was
cream, what is the halacha? Do we make unable to send classified emails from my
the other citizens pay for it, or is that not private server, until Obama expounded a
considered a benefit of the public that we verse like her.
would make everyone else pay?19 The Gemara asks:
The Gemara solves the question based on a But was she not able to send them?
Braisa: But the passuk says,25
Come and hear a proof, and the matter became
for we taught in a Braisa: known to Mordechai. From
Bernie Sanders expounded,20 where did he know?
and Is it not because
Achashveirosh placed a tax, etc. on the hackers found the files sent from her
18 Usually when the Mishnah says this is the general rule, it marry a woman with money? They answer that, indeed, it
means to elaborate on the previous clause. Since the would be impossible to get married with money in a country.
Mishnah just discussed The Donalds plan to build a wall, the 23 Since the Chinese are bankrolling the Americans, they use

Gemara thus assumes that Sanders is saying that when their position to take advantage of America and steal money.
building such a wall or any other need of the country we Trump thus promises that if he rises to power, he will tax the
should make the country pay. Since he doesnt want to build Chinese and weaken them in return (Rashi). Tosfos point out
a wall, why does he preface it with this is the general rule? that even if Trump were in Achashveiroshs shoes, he
19 Elucidation follows Rashi. wouldnt be able to tax the Chinese he was king only from
20 Esther 10:1 Ethiopia to India, which doesnt include China! This just goes
21 Thus the Gemara has shown that Bernie would give ice to show you what Trump is willing to do to make America
cream to citizens at everyones expense, as that would be great again.
included in all good things (Rashi). Although the Gemara 24 Translation follows Rashi. Tosfos ask: Hillary makes

could conclude here, it quotes the rest of the Braisa anyway. thousands of dollars from Wall Street; why would she tax
22 Tosfos ask: According to Sanders, he would give such vast them? It must be, then, that she would continue accepting
amounts of everything even silver that it would be these funds for personal use but call them a tax, just that it
devalued to the point that it would not even be worth a sounds better to call them a tax instead of a bribe.
perutah, the smallest unit of currency. This poses the 25 Esther 2:22. The matter discussed here is the plot by

following problem: one of the ways to marry women is with Bigsan and Seresh to kill Achashveirosh.
money or something equal to money (Kiddushin 2a). If there
is so much money that its not worth anything, how can you

personal server by Bigsan and Seresh, and classified documents publicly,

this hacker told Mordechai what he had 2 8 [ ) ( ] i s s h e 2 8
found?26 disqualified for the Presidency?29
(The Gemara refutes the proof: 30[ )( ]And if

No; maybe you want to say we do disqualify her,30

its just a conspiracy.27) if one sent unclassified
emails that
The Gemara poses a query regarding afterwards were classified,31
Hillarys eligibility to be President: 3 0 [ ) ( ] i s s h e 3 0
They asked the following: disqualified from the presidency?32
One who sends Let it stand unanswered.

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26 Elucidation follows Rashi. Tosfos argue, noting that Hillary to her. Presumably, this was changed due to censorship, as
was merely seventy when she spoke of her private server, above (see note 26).
whereas the incident of Bigsan and Seresh took place over 29 Elucidation follows Rashi.

two thousand years before she was born. Rather, the 30 Presumably, Haghos HaBadchans change would apply

Gemara is speaking deceitfully, due to censors. (See note here as well, since we are still talking about Hillary.
28.) Not wanting to speak out her lies, since that would imply 31 Rashi explains that the document lacked the word

that there is some truth to what she said, the Gemara uses classified when it was sent, and the word was added.
an exaggeration: just as its preposterous to think that Bigsan Tosfos argue, saying that it goes after the contents, not the
and Seresh were able to send emails from her server, its document itself. Even though its uncommon for such a
also preposterous to think that Hillary didnt send them. situation to occur anyway for a document to be sent
27 Perhaps Bigsan and Seresh didnt actually plot to kill the unclassified and later classified, but since Hillary is claiming
king, but were merely set up and hanged for it. Thus, theres thats what happened with all the thousands of classified
no proof that such a server exists, so for all we know it could emails on her server, the Gemara felt a need to mention the
be a right-wing conspiracy (Rashi). Since we know that case.
Bigsan and Seresh actually plotted to kill the king, it follows 32 Tosfos note that Rashis wording seems to indicate that

based on this Gemaras analogy that Hillary actually does you can vote for Hillary. But the Gemara seems to indicate
have such a server. Therefore, it must be that this line was that one is disqualified from the Presidency by sending
added by Hillarys advisors, and so it must be deleted classified emails, since theres a rule that if the Gemara asks
(Tosfos). For this reason, we have placed this line in and if you want to say it means we hold of that side! How
parentheses in our elucidation. can someone whos disqualified from the Presidency become
28 The original reading is , to him. Since we are dealing President?
with Hillary, Haghos HaBadchan changes the reading to ,

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