Berlin - USSR Hero Rota Razvedki

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Rota Razvedki
Only the luckier, smarter, sharper crews made it out alive.
Vasili Pavolovich Bryukhov
The tireless advances from Operation Bagration to the very borders of Germany have severely depleted our heroic brigades.
Replacement soldiers and crews are rare, and time to develop new tactics is even more so. However, in an army where initia-
tive is often punishable, there are remarkable exceptions, adapting and leading crews or platoons toward final victory. Those
men that remain have become professional soldiers along the way and are determined to end this terrible war.
Hero companies and platoons from a Hero Rota Razvedki Smarter
(page 3), and Hero Corps Support (page 7) use all of the Many years of war have made the Soviet soldiers veterans.
normal Soviet special rules on pages 249 to 252 of the Once in combat, they know what to do and how best to
rulebook (except for Hen and Chicks). In addition they also do it. They persevere, though still plagued by incompetent
use the Luckier, Smarter, and Sharper special rules, as well as leadership and an influx of poorly trained or ill-prepared
the Cat Killers special rule. replacements.
Luckier Teams from Hero platoons and companies pass all Skill
Your men have come through the cauldron of war. Most have Tests on a result of 3+. In addition, when firing bombard-
been in action non-stop since Operation Bagration, nearly a year ments, Hero companies roll to hit as though they were rated
ago. They have learned to survive, and the luckiest, smartest, as Veteran.
sharpest of these have become Heroes of the Soviet Union.

If the Company or 2iC Command team is Destroyed, your Sharper

opponent must roll a 5+, rather than the normal 4+, when Years of training on the job means that tank crews have
rolling for Warrior Team Casualties (see page 106 of the become familiar with their tanks and they know how to get
rulebook). the most out of them.

Hero platoons and companies do not use the Hen and

Cat Killers Chicks special rule.
The medium self-propelled guns used their accurate long-
range anti-tank weapons to support Soviet troops against
German tanks.

SU-85, SU-85M and SU-100 assault guns from an

Assault Gun Company do not use the Volley Fire special
rule. Instead, SU-85, SU-85M and SU-100 assault guns
from an Assault Gun Company that did not move in
the Movement Step may re-roll failed rolls To Hit when
shooting their main guns at platoons with all teams more
than 16/40cm away.
HERO ROtA RAZVEDKI Hero Reconnaissance Company

Mechanised Company

You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one company or platoon
from each box shaded grey.
Your Hero Rota Razvedki HQ must be either a Guards corps (marked ) or a Red Army corps
(marked ). All other companies or platoons with either of these symbols must be from the
Hero Rota Razvedki HQ same corps as your Hero Rota Razvedki HQ.




Hero Razvedki Platoon Hero Motostrelkovy


Company Hero Tankovy Hero Spetsnaz Platoon

Hero Mototsikletnaya Hero Mototsikletnaya Company


Platoon Hero Mototsikletnaya

Hero Inomarochnikiy Platoon

Tankovy Company


Hero Razvedki Platoon Hero Light Armoured

Car Platoon
Hero Mototsikletnaya Guards Hero Rocket


Platoon Mortar Battalion

ARTILLERY Hero Assault Gun 8
Hero Razvedki Mortar

Hero Heavy Mortar

Hero Motostrelkovy Company

Hero Kavalyeriyskiy AIRCRAFT

Hero Razvedki

Anti-tank Company

ARMOUR Air Support


Hero Sapper Company


Hero Tankovy

Hero Inomarochnikiy

Tankovy Company


Hero Anti-aircraft

Machine-gun Platoon
Motivation and Skill Guards Red Army
The scout companies of the tank and mechanised corps are
hand-picked from the best troops available. RELUCTANT CONSCRIPT RELUCTANT CONSCRIPT
Guards Hero Rota Razvedki (marked ) is rated as Fearless
Red Army Hero Rota Razvedki (marked ) is rated as Fearless Trained.

Hero Rota Razvedki HQ KAPITAN
Headquarters KAPITAN

Company HQ 50 points 40 points

Company Command 2iC Command Battalion Komissar
Options Rifle team Rifle team team
Add a Battalion Komissar team and M3A1 armoured
transporter for +15 points.
M3A1 armoured M3A1 armoured M3A1 armoured
Arm any or all M3A1 armoured transporters with transporter transporter transporter
additional AA MG for +5 points per vehicle. Company HQ
Replace one AA MG on any or all M3A1 armoured Hero Rota Razvedki HQ
transporters with a .50 call AA MG for +5 points per
vehicle. A Hero Rota Razvedki HQ that is mounted as Motorcycle
Replace all M3A1 armoured transporters with turretless teams uses the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules on page 196
BA-10M, or captured Sd Kfz 251 armoured transport- of the rulebook and are Reconnaissance teams while mounted.
ers at no cost.
Remove all M3A1 armoured transporters and replace
the Company and 2iC Command teams as Company
2iC Command Motorcycle MG teams for +10 points
per team and replace the Battalion Komissar team
with a Motorcycle Komissar team for +10 points.

The combat troops of a Rota Razvedki (reconnaissance Lend-leased equipment, recon infantry will find and exploit
company pronounced ro-ta raz-ved-ki) are fast and deadly. every hole in the enemys defences.
Whether mounted in Soviet armoured cars, captured, or

Hero Mototsikletnaya Platoon Leytenant

HQ Section with:
Command Motorcycle MG team
2 Motorcycle Sections 125 points 105 points
HQ Section

A Hero Mototsikletnaya Platoon is not subject to the Serzhant Serzhant

Centralised Control special rule.
A Hero Mototsikletnaya Platoon uses the Motorcycle Motorcycle MG team Motorcycle MG team
Reconnaissance rules on page 196 of the rulebook and are Motorcycle Section Motorcycle Section
Reconnaissance teams while mounted. Hero Mototsikletnaya Platoon

The motorcycle platoons of the razvedki are out there keeping in M-72 motorcycles with sidecars, the motorcyclists were
a vigilant eye on the Germans whereabouts. found at the head of the advancing exploitation forces,
keeping an eye out for enemy ambushes.
Each Razvedki battalion had two companies of motorcycle
troops and one company of armoured soldiers. Mounted
Hero Razvedki Platoon Leytenant

HQ Section with:
2 Rifle Squads 170 points 145 points Command Rifle/MG team M3A1 armoured
Rifle/MG team transporter

Options HQ Section

Replace all Rifle/MG teams with SMG teams at no Serzhant Serzhant

Replace one AA MG on any or all M3A1 armoured
transporters with a .50 cal AA MG for +5points per Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Arm any or all M3A1 armoured transporters with an M3A1 armoured transporter M3A1 armoured transporter
additional AA MG for +5points per vehicle.
Rifle Squad Rifle Squad
Replace all M3A1 armoured transporters with tur-
Hero Razvedki Platoon
ret-less BA10M or captured Sd Kfz 251 armoured
transporters at no cost.
Replace up to one Rifle/MG or SMG team per Rifle
Squad with a Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points
per team.

Leading the exploitation and breakthrough columns has

You may replace up to one Rifle/MG or SMG team with thinned the ranks of the razvedki, but they can sense the end
a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game before of the war more keenly than most and their resolve has not
deployment. diminished.
With a myriad of weapons that includes rifles, machine-guns,
A Hero Razvedki Platoon is not subject to the Centralised submachine-guns, and flame-throwers, they ride into battle
Control special rule. mounted in armoured transporters.

Hero Light Armoured Leytenant
Car Platoon Leytenant

3 BA-64 105 points 90 points
Command BA-64 BA-64 BA-64

Option Armoured Car Section

Replace the AA MG on up to two armoured cars with Hero Light Armoured Car Platoon
a hull-mounted PTRD anti-tank rifle at no cost.

The armoured car platoon of the rota razvedki is armed with

A Hero Light Armoured Car Platoon is a Reconnaissance BA-64 armoured cars. Often the enemy will reveal themselves
Platoon. by destroying one armoured car, allowing the rest to retreat
and inform the following force of the enemys location. An
A Hero Light Armoured Car Platoon is not subject to the assault force is quickly organised and the fascists will soon
Centralised Control special rule. regret revealing their position!
Hero Razvedki Mortar Company KAPITAN

HQ Section with:
6 82-BM-41 135 points 120 points Command Rifle team Observer Rifle team
HQ Section
Add an Observer Rifle team for +15 points.
Add trucks for +5 points for the company.
82-BM-41 Truck 82-BM-41 Truck
Despite the toll that the winter campaigns have taken, we mortar mortar
still maintain all of our mortars. We have achieved this
by reducing the number of crew members rather than the 82-BM-41 Truck 82-BM-41 Truck
mortar mortar
number of weapons. This ensures that we can continue sup-
porting our troops as they press on to the final objective:
victory. 82-BM-41 Truck 82-BM-41 Truck
mortar mortar
Mortar Platoon Mortar Platoon
Hero Razvedki MORTAR Company

Hero Razvedki Anti-tank KAPITAN


HQ Section with: Command Rifle team
HQ Section
4 76mm ZIS-3 145 points 115 points
Add trucks or Lend-lease M2 or M3 half-tracks for
76mm ZIS-3 gun 76mm ZIS-3 gun
+5points for the company.
Arm any or all M2 or M3 half-tracks with a .50 cal AA
MG for +5 points per half-track. Truck Truck

On defence, the guns of the heavy anti-tank company are 76mm ZIS-3 gun 76mm ZIS-3 gun
best used to create a fire trap which the enemy are lured into
by our razvedchiki. Then, at the critical moment, the guns
fire a devastating volley into the enemys flanks, crushing Truck Truck
their attack. When attacking, the mobility of the guns Anti-tank Platoon Anti-tank Platoon
allows them to come into action on the flanks of our bold
HERO Razvedki Anti-tank Company
razvedchiki, keeping enemy counterattacks at bay, before
limbering up to exploit their victory.

Hero Anti-aircraft LEYTENANT

Machine-gun Platoon LEYTENANT

3 DShK AA truck 80 points 75 points
DShK AA truck
3 ZSU M17 MGMC 160 points 150 points
HQ Section

As we crush the Nazi army into a smaller and smaller pocket, Serzhant Serzhant
what is left of the Luftwaffe will try to strike at us whenever
they can. We are prepared and have had plenty of chances
to practice our gunnery against these ever-rarer fascist
aeroplanes. DShK AA truck DShK AA truck
AA MG Section AA MG Section

Hero Anti-aircraft machine-gun Platoon

Motivation and Skill Guards Corps Red Army Corps
Hero support platoons and companies from a Guards units
(marked ) are rated as Fearless Trained. RELUCTANT CONSCRIPT RELUCTANT CONSCRIPT
Hero support platoons and companies from a Red Army
units (marked ) are rated as Confident Trained.

Hero Tankovy Company Leytenant


4 T-34 obr 1942 260 points 230 points

3 T-34 obr 1942 195 points 170 points
Command Tank Tank
4 T-34/85 obr 1944 375 points 330 points
HQ Section Tankovy Platoon
3 T-34/85 obr 1944 280 points 250 points
Serzhant Serzhant
Upgrade all T-34 obr 1942 to have Cupolas for
+5points for the company.
Tank Tank
Replace any or all T-34 obr 1942 with T-34/85 obr
Tankovy Platoon Tankovy Platoon
1944 tanks for +30 points per tank.
Hero Tankovy Company
Add Bed Spring Armour to any or all T-34 obr 1942
or T-34/85 obr 1944 tanks for +5 points per tank.
Mount SMG Tank Escorts on all tanks for +10points
per tank.

A typical full-strength Soviet tank corps had 189 tanks on By 1945, most tank units field the T-34/85 obr 1944 with
record. By January 1945 many of the frontline units had its powerful 85mm anti-tank gun and improved armoured
about 40% of their strength left. Three months later these to better protect the crew. Many units still operate with
same units would have less than two dozen tanks remaining, the older T-34 obr 1942 with its less powerful 76mm gun.
but were still fighting and leading exploitations. However, this is still a great weapon use again enemy infantry
and light vehicles.

Hero Inomarochnikiy Leytenant

4 M4 245 points -
3 M4 185 points - Command Tank Tank
HQ Section Tankovy Platoon
4 M4 76mm 395 points -
3 M4 76mm 295 points - Serzhant Serzhant

Arm any or all M4 or M4 76mm tanks with .50 cal
Tank Tank
AA MG for +5 points per tank.
Tankovy Platoon Tankovy Platoon
Mount SMG Tank Escorts on all tanks for +10points
per tank. Hero Inomarochnikiy Tankovy Company

The American Emcha is very different from the Soviet built become confused, unable to concentrate their fire. Use these
T-34 tank. It is higher and not as wide, but the Emchisti like dogs to draw out the fascist wolf, who will be forced to ma-
it for its reliability and spacious interior. noeuvre to fire on their Soviet tormenters. Next the hunters
arrive, more Emcha tanks or SU-100 assault guns, and they
Comrades! To get the best out of this American beast we must
kill the exposed wolf while he has manoeuvred to take on the
hunt the German tanks. First we set our Emcha dogs amongst
dogs. This, comrades, is how we hunt the fascist wolf.
the enemy and threaten his flank armour. The fascists will
Hero Assault Gun Company KAPITAN

3 SU-76M 135 points 120 points

2 SU-76M 90 points 80 points
Command assault gun
3 SU-85 230 points 205 points HQ Section
2 SU-85 155 points 135 points
3 SU-85M 305 points 270 points
2 SU-85M 205 points 180 points
3 SU-100 360 points 320 points Assault gun Assault gun
2 SU-100 240 points 215 points Assault gun Platoon Assault gun Platoon

Option Hero Assault gun Company

Mount SMG Tank Escorts on all assault guns for

+10points per assault gun.

As the German collapse becomes more and more certain, it We may be lucky and our enemy disheartened, but they may
falls to us to make sure that we all make it out alive. Closer just as well fight hard and fanatically. We must be cunning
cooperation between our assault guns, the cavalry will win and choose our battlegrounds carefully so that we can make
the day. the most of our long-range and powerful guns.

Hero Spetsnaz Platoon KAPITAN


HQ Section with:
2 Spetsnaz Squads 170 points Command SMG team Captured half-track
1 Spetsnaz Squad 100 points HQ Section


Replace Command SMG team with a Command
Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.
SMG team SMG team SMG team SMG team

A Hero Spetsnaz Platoon is a Reconnaissance Platoon.

Captured half-track Captured half-track
Spetsnaz Squad Spetsnaz Squad
A Hero Spetsnaz Platoon is an Infiltration Platoon. They may
Infiltrate a Hero Tankovy Company, a Hero Inomarochnikiy Hero Spetsnaz Platoon
Tankovy Company, a Hero Motostrelkovy Company, or a
Hero Razvedki Platoon. See the Infiltration rules on page 250 A Hero Spetsnaz Platoon is rated Fearless Veteran.
in the rulebook. FEARLESS VETERAN

A Hero Spetsnaz Platoon is an exception to the Centralised The heroic Spetsnaz platoon will be leading our valiant
Control special rule. They operate as a normal platoon. charge to victory.
Hero Motostrelkovy KAPITAN
Company KAPITAN Serzhant
Maksim HMG Maksim HMG
HQ Section with: Command SMG team
3 Motor Rifle Platoons 275 points 230 points HQ Section Platoon
2 Motor Rifle Platoons 190 points 160 points
Add up to two Maksim HMG teams for +25 points SMG team SMG team SMG team SMG team
per team.
Replace up to one SMG team per Motor Rifle SMG team SMG team SMG team SMG team
Platoon with a Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points Motor Rifle Motor Rifle
per team. Platoon Platoon
The enemy has fallen back to his last citadel. The time for
victory is upon us and we must not fail. Leave no weapon
SMG team SMG team SMG team SMG team
unused, spare no time, drive on to Berlin!
Motor Rifle Platoon

Hero Motostrelkovy Company

Hero Kavalyeriyskiy Kapitan

Company Kapitan
HQ Section with:
Command Cavalry Rifle/MG team
4 Cavalry Platoons 225 points
HQ Section
3 Cavalry Platoons 175 points
2 Cavalry Platoons 125 points Leytenent Leytenent

Replace any or all Cavalry Rifle/MG teams with Cavalry Rifle/MG team Cavalry Rifle/MG team
Cavalry SMG teams at no cost.
Replace up to one Cavalry Rifle/MG or SMG team Cavalry Rifle/MG team Cavalry Rifle/MG team
per Cavalry Platoon with a Cavalry Panzerfaust SMG Cavalry Platoon Cavalry Platoon
team for +10 points per team.
Add up to four Tachanka machine-guns carts for Leytenent Leytenent
+30points per cart.
Cavalry Rifle/MG team Cavalry Rifle/MG team
A Hero KavalyeriyskiyCompany is rated Fearless Trained.

FEARLESS TRAINED Cavalry Rifle/MG team Cavalry Rifle/MG team

Cavalry Platoon Cavalry Platoon

Cavalry should be used as an striking force hitting the enemys LEYTENANT

flanks and rear. The Red Army cavalry were the masters of
flanking manoeuvres, using their dismounted troops to pin
Tachanka Tachanka
the enemy they use the speed and manoeuvrability of the
cavalry to out flank them, cut off their reinforcements, and
secure the objective. Tachanka Tachanka
The Tachanka is a fast-moving horse-drawn cart mounting Machine-gun platoon
a Maxim machine-gun. These brave men advance with the
cavalry and lend much-needed heavy machine-gun support, hERO kAVALYERIYSKIY Company
pinning down the enemy as the cavalry charge. Modified
to allow anti-aircraft fire, the Tachanka becomes even more
Hero Sapper Company KAPITAN

HQ Section with:
3 Sapper Platoons 225 points 185 points Command Rifle team Pioneer Supply horse-drawn wagon
2 Sapper Platoons 155 points 130 points HQ Section


Replace up to one Pioneer Rifle team per Sapper
Platoon with a Pioneer Panzerfaust SMG team for
Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team
+10 points per team.
Add a Pioneer Supply horse-drawn wagon for
+20points or a Pioneer Supply truck for +25points. Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer
Rifle team Rifle team Rifle team Rifle team
SAPPER Platoon SAPPER Platoon
In this grand offensive, there will be no shortage of things to
blow up, bridges to build, or German positions to reduce. LEYTENANT
The sappers have borne the brunt of the war on their backs,
but now they, like your other troops, have an opportunity to
Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team
exact revenge.
Sapper Platoon

Hero Sapper Company

Hero Heavy Mortar Company KAPITAN


HQ Section with:
6 120-PM-38 180 points 160 points Command Rifle team Observer Rifle team

4 120-PM-38 125 points 110 points HQ Section


Add an Observer Rifle team for +15 points.

Add trucks for +5 points for the company. 120-PM-38 Truck 120-PM-38 Truck
mortar mortar
The heroes of the heavy mortar company will continue to
pour the high-explosive bombardments on top of the enemy. 120-PM-38 Truck 120-PM-38 Truck
They are even more deadly than before, taking on all of the mortar mortar
experience gained from the last year of brutal campaign after Mortar Platoon Mortar Platoon
brutal campaign. LEYTENANT

There is nowhere the Germans can go now, and the mortar

troops have their coordinates. Few will escape our revenge.
120-PM-38 Truck 120-PM-38 Truck
mortar mortar
Mortar Platoon
Hero Heavy MORTAR Company

Air Support LEYtenant

Priority Air Support Leytenant

Il-2M Tip 3M Shturmovik 290 points

Il-2 Shturmovik 270 points Shturmovik
Limited Air Support
Air Support
Il-2M Tip 3M Shturmovik 225 points
Il-2 Shturmovik 200 points
Guards Hero Rocket PODPOLKOVNIK

HQ Section with: Command Observer
Rifle team Rifle team
8 BM-13-16 Katyusha 215 points DShK AA truck

4 BM-13-16 Katyusha 135 points

2 BM-13-16 Katyusha 75 points Truck
HQ Section DShK AA truck
8 BM-31-12 Katyusha 375 points
4 BM-31-12 Katyusha 225 points platoon
2 BM-31-12 Katyusha 120 points
Model all BM-13-16 Katyusha or BM-31-12
Katyusha rocket launchers with five or more crew
and count each rocket launcher as two weapons when Rocket launcher Rocket launcher
firing a bombardment for +10 points per Rocket
Mortar Platoon.
Add Anti-aircraft Platoon for +50 points. Rocket launcher Rocket launcher
Replace all DShK AA trucks with 37mm obr 1939 Rocket mortar Rocket mortar
guns towed by trucks for +15 points for the platoon. platoon platoon

Super Heavy Rockets
A Guards Hero Rocket Mortar Battalion equipped with
BM-31-12 Katyusha rocket launchers uses the Super Heavy
Rockets special rule. Rocket launcher Rocket launcher

At the start of the game, place a Full Salvo marker with

a Guards Hero Rocket Mortar Battalion equipped with
Rocket launcher Rocket launcher
BM-31-12 Katyusha rocket launchers. Remove this marker
Rocket mortar Rocket mortar
after firing an Artillery Bombardment. platoon platoon
If a battalion with BM-31-12 Katyusha rocket launchers Guards Hero Rocket Mortar Battalion
does not have a Full Salvo marker when it fires an Artillery
Bombardment, roll a Skill Test for each Rocket Launcher Mobile Rocket Launchers
able to fire in the Bombardment. Only those that pass the Guards rocket mortar battalions used shoot n scoot tactics
Skill Test can fire as part of the Bombardment. like their German counterparts.
Place a Full Salvo marker on a battalion with BM-31-12
Katyusha rocket launchers at the end of any Shooting Step A Guards Hero Rocket Mortar Battalion that fired may
in which every Rocket Launcher in the platoon was able to take a Skill Test in the Assault Step instead of taking part
fire an Artillery Bombardment, but none did so. in an Assault:
If it passes the Skill Test, remove all Smoke Trail markers
A Guards Hero Rocket Mortar Battalion is rated Fearless from all Rocket Launcher teams in the battalion.
Trained. Otherwise, they are too slow in getting away, leaving them
FEARLESS TRAINED vulnerable to counterbattery artillery fire using the Fire In
the Sky rule on page 138 of the rulebook.
Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

Medium Tanks
T-34 obr 1942 Standard Tank 6 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Fast tank, Limited vision, Wide-tracks.
76mm F-34 gun 32/80cm 2 9 3+
T-34/85 obr 1944 Standard Tank 7 5 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG.
85mm ZIS-53 gun 32/80cm 2 12 3+
M4 (M4A2 Sherman) Standard Tank 6 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG.
M3 75mm gun 32/80cm 2 10 3+
M4 76mm (M4A2 Sherman) Standard Tank 7 4 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo.
M1 76mm gun 32/80cm 2 12 3+

Medium Assault Guns

SU-85 Standard Tank 5 5 1
85mm D-5S gun 32/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted, Cat killer.
SU-85M Slow Tank 9 5 1 Overloaded.
85mm D-5S gun 32/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted, Cat killer.
SU-100 Slow Tank 9 5 1 Overloaded.
100mm D-10S gun 40/100cm 1 16 2+ Hull mounted, Cat killer.

Assault Guns
SU-76M Standard Tank 3 1 0 Wide-tracks.
76mm ZIS-3 gun 32/80cm 2 9 3+ Hull mounted, Volley fire.

BA-64 Jeep 0 0 0 AA MG, Recce.
With PTRD anti-tank rifle 16/40cm 2 5 5+ Hull mounted.
Motorcycle MG team Jeep - - - Motorcycle reconnaissnce, Dismount as MG team.
MG 16/40cm 3 2 6 Hull mounted, Vehicle MG.

Rocket Launchers
BM-13-16 Katyusha Wheeled - - - Mobile rocket launcher.
BM-13-16 rocket launcher 64/160cm - 2 4+ Rocket launcher.
BM-31-12 Katyusha Wheeled - - - Mobile rocket launcher.
BM-31-12 rocket launcher 48/120cm - 3 1+ Rocket launcher, Super heavy rockets.

Anti-aircraft Vehicles
DShK AA truck Wheeled - - -
DShK AA gun 16/40cm 4 4 5+ Anti-aircraft, Portee.
ZSU M17 MGMC (quad .50 cal) Half-tracked 1 0 0
M45 quad .50 cal gun 16/40cm 6 4 5+ Anti-aircraft.

Cavalry Machine-guns
Tachanka Wagon - - -
Maksim HMG 24/60cm 3 2 6 Hull-rear MG, Portee.

Vehicle Machine-guns
Vehicle MG 16/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fire.
.50 cal Vehicle MG 16/40cm 3 4 5+ ROF 1 if other weapons fire.
Weapon Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes

Maksim HMG Man-packed 24/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down or moving.

82-BM-41 mortar Man-packed 24/60cm 2 2 3+ Minumum range 8/20cm, Volley fire.
Firing bombardments 40/100cm - 2 6
120-PM-38 mortar Light 56/140cm - 3 3+

Anti-aircraft Guns
DShK AA MG Man-packed 16/40cm 4 4 5+ Anti-aircraft, Turntable.

Anti-tank Guns
76mm ZIS-3 gun Medium 32/80cm 2 9 3+ Gun shield, Volley fire.

Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Weapons and Notes
Rifle team 16/40cm 1 2 6
Rifle/MG team 16/40cm 2 2 6
MG team 16/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 2 when Pinned Down.
SMG team 4/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Flame-thrower team 4/10cm 4 - 6 Flame-thrower.
Komissar team 4/10cm 1 1 6
Staff team 16/40cm 1 2 6 Moves as a Heavy Gun team.

Additional Training and Equipment

Panzerfaust 4/10cm 1 12 5+ Tank Assault 6, Cannot shoot in the Shooting Step if moved in the
Movement Step.
Pioneer teams are rated as Tank Assault 4.

Vehicle Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes

ZIS-5 3-ton, ZIS-6 4-ton, Dodge -ton, or
Studebekker 2-ton truck Wheeled - - -
Horse-drawn wagon Wagon - - -

M2 or M3 half-track Half-tracked 1 0 0 Optional .50 cal AA MG.

Armoured Transporters
M2 or M3 half-track Half-tracked 1 0 0 Optional .50 cal AA MG.
M3A1 armoured transporter Jeep 1 0 0 AA MG.
Turretless BA-10M armoured transporter Jeep 1 0 0 Hull MG.
Captured half-track (Sd Kfz 251 or Sd Kfz 250) Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG.

Aircraft Weapon To Hit Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Il-2 Shturmovik Cannon 3+ 9 5+ Flying tank.
Bombs 4+ 5 1+
Rockets 3+ 6 3+
Il-2M Tip 3M Shturmovik Cannon 3+ 12 4+ Flying tank.
Bombs 4+ 5 1+
Rockets 3+ 6 3+

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