WordProblems Year6

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Maths Word Problems
Year 6
What is the
What is the distance...?

For how

Maths Word Problems

Year 6

Lizzie Marsland


Author: Lizzie Marsland
Series Editor: Peter Sumner
Cover and Page Design: Kathryn Webster
The right of Lizzie Marsland to be identified as the author of this
publication has been asserted by her in accordance with the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.

HeadStart Primary Ltd

Elker Lane

T. 01200 423405
E. info@headstartprimary.com

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without
the prior permission of the publisher.

Published by HeadStart Primary Ltd 2015 HeadStart Primary Ltd 2015

A record for this book is available from the British Library -

ISBN: 978-1-908767-31-8


Year 6: NUMBER - Number and place value

Page Objectives
Page 1 - Read and write numbers to at least 10,000,000
Page 2 - Read and write numbers to at least 10,000,000

Page 3 - Order and compare numbers to at least 10,000,000
Page 4 - Order and compare numbers to at least 10,000,000
Page 5 - Determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 10,000,000
Page 6 - Determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 10,000,000
Page 7 - Round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy
Page 8 - Round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy
Page 9 - Use negative numbers in context and calculate intervals across zero
Page 10 - Use negative numbers in context and calculate intervals across zero
Page 11 - Solve problems involving number and place value
Page 12 - Solve problems involving number and place value
Page 13 - Solve problems involving number and place value

Year 6: NUMBER Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Page 14 - Multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using

the formal written method of long multiplication
Page 15 - Multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using
the formal written method of long multiplication
Page 16 - Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal
written method of long division

Page 17 - Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal
written method of long division
Page 18 - Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal
written method of long division and interpret the remainder as a whole number
Page 19 - Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal
written method of long division and interpret the remainder as a fraction
Page 20 - Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal
written method of long division, rounding the remainder as appropriate for
the context

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Page 21 - Interpret remainders appropriately for the context

Page 22 - Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written
method of short division, interpreting remainders according to the context
Page 23 - Perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers
Page 24 - Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers
Page 25 - Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers
Page 26 - Use knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four

Page 27 - Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in context
Page 28 - Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Page 29 - Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Page 30 - Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Year 6: NUMBER - Fractions (including decimals and percentages)

Page 31 - Use common factors to simplify fractions
Page 32 - Use common multiples to express fractions in the same denomination
Page 33 - Compare and order fractions, including fractions greater than 1
Page 34 - Compare and order fractions, including fractions greater than 1
Page 35 - Add fractions with different denominators, using the concept of equivalent fractions
Page 36 - Subtract fractions with different denominators, using the concept of equivalent
Page 37 - Add or subtract fractions with different denominators, using the concept of
equivalent fractions
Page 38 - Add or subtract mixed numbers, using the concept of equivalent fractions
Page 39 - Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form
Page 40 - Divide proper fractions by whole numbers

Page 41 - Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents
Page 42 - Identify the value of each digit in numbers to three decimal places
Page 43 - Identify the value of each digit in numbers to three decimal places
Page 44 - Divide numbers by 10 giving answers upto 3 decimal places
Page 45 - Divide numbers by 100 giving answers upto 3 decimal places
Page 46 - Divide numbers by 1000 giving answers upto 3 decimal places
Page 47 - Multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers
Page 48 - Multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers
Page 49 - Use written divison methods in cases where the answer has up to two decimal places

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Page 50 - Solve problems which require answers to be rounded to specified degrees of accuracy
Page 51 - Recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages,
including in different contexts
Page 52 - Solve problems involving percentage
Page 53 - Solve problems involving percentage
Page 54 - Solve problems involving fractions
Page 55 - Solve fraction problems

Page 56 - Solve problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages
Page 57 - Solve problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages


Page 58 - Solve problems involving the relative size of quantities using division and multiplication
Page 59 - Solve problems involving the relative size of quantities using division and
Page 60 - Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages
Page 61 - Solve problems involving the comparison of percentages
Page 62 - Solve problems linking percentages, angles and pie charts
Page 63 - Solve problems involving scaling by multiplication
Page 64 - Solve problems involving scaling by division
Page 65 - Solve problems involving scaling by multiplication and division
Page 66 - Solve problems involving scaling of shapes
Page 67 - Solve problems involving unequal groupings using knowledge of fractions and multiples
Page 68 - Solve problems involving unequal quantities
Page 69 - Solve problems involving unequal quantities


Page 70 - Solve problems involving finding missing numbers using simple formulae
Page 71 - Solve problems with linear number sequences
Page 72 - Express missing number problems algebraically
Page 73 - Express missing number problems algebraically
Page 74 - Solve problems involving equations with two unknown numbers
Page 75 - Enumerate possibilites of combinations of two varibles

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Page 76 - Solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using
decimal notation up to three decimal places
Page 77 - Solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using
decimal notation up to three decimal places
Page 78 - Solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using

decimal notation up to three decimal places
Page 79 - Solve problems involving converting measurements of length
Page 80 - Solve problems involving converting measurements of mass
Page 81 - Solve problems involving converting measurements of volume
Page 82 - Solve problems involving converting measurements of time
Page 83 - Solve problems converting between miles and kilometres
Page 84 - Solve problems, involving perimeter and area
Page 85 - Solve problems, recognising that shapes with the same areas can have different
MP perimeters and vice versa
Page 86 - Solve problems using formula for area
Page 87 - Solve problems using formula for volume
Page 88 - Solve problems by calculating the area of parallelograms
Page 89 - Solve problems by calculating the area of triangles
Page 90 - Solve problems by calculating the area of compound and mixed shapes
Page 91 - Solve problems by calculating and comparing the volume of cubes and cuboids using
cubic centimetres
Page 92 - Solve problems by calculating and comparing the volume of cubes and cuboids using
cubic metres
Page 93 - Solve problems by calculating and comparing the volume of cubes and cuboids
extending to other units (mm3 and km3)

Year 6: GEOMETRY - Properties of shapes / Position and direction

Page 94 - Solve problems involving 2D shapes using dimensions and angles

Page 95 - Solve problems involving 2D shapes using dimensions and angles
Page 96 - Solve problems involving the properties of 3D shapes
Page 97 - Solve problems involving nets of 3D shapes
Page 98 - Solve problems involving the properties of 2D and 3D shapes
Page 99 - Solve problems involving angles in triangles
Page 100 - Solve problems involving angles in quadrilaterals

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Page 101 - Solve problems involving angles in regular polygons

Page 102 - Solve problems involving the parts of a circle
Page 103 - Solve problems involving angles
Page 104 - Solve problems involving position and direction
Page 105 - Solve problems involving position and direction


Page 106 - Interpret pie charts and use these to solve problems
Page 107 - Interpret pie charts and use these to solve problems
Page 108 - Interpret pie charts and use these to solve problems
Page 109 - Interpret line graphs and use these to solve problems
Page 110 - Interpret line graphs and use these to solve problems
Page 111 - Interpret line graphs and use these to solve problems
Page 112 - Calculate and interpret the mean as an average
Page 113 - Calculate and interpret the mean as an average
Page 114 - Calculate and interpret the mean as an average

Answers - Year 6

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These problems have been written in line with the objectives from the 2014
Mathematics Curriculum. Questions have been written to match all appropriate
objectives from each content domain of the curriculum.

Solving problems and mathematical reasoning in context is one of the most difficult skills
for children to master; a real life, written problem is an abstract concept and children need
opportunities to practise and consolidate their problem-solving techniques.

As each content domain is taught, the skills learnt can be applied to the relevant
problems. This means that a particular objective can be reinforced and problem-solving
and reasoning skills further developed. The pages can be reproduced and used either
within or outside the mathematics lesson at school. They are also very useful as a
MPhomework resource.

The questions are arranged, in general, so that the more difficult questions come
towards the bottom of the page. This means that differentiation can be achieved with
the lower ability children working through the earlier questions and the higher ability
going on to complete the whole page. The CD-ROM contains editable copies of each
page. These can be edited and saved, as required, to provide extra practice or additional
differentiated problems. The electronic versions on the CD-ROM can also be used on an
interactive whiteboard, facilitating class discussion and investigation.

An example of a step-by-step method to solve word problems can be found on the

following page. This can be edited, enlarged or used as a poster for classroom display

and/or copies given to each child to be used as a check for each question answered.

Important parts of each question have been highlighted in bold font. Once children
have become more proficient at problem solving, it may be appropriate to remove these
prompts on the editable page. Children can then be encouraged to use a highlighter or
underline the important parts themselves.

Since a structured approach to problem solving supports learning, developing

a whole-school approach is very worthwhile.

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Follow these steps:

1 Read the problem carefully.

2 Find the question.

3 Identify the important parts.

4 Decide on the operation or operations.

5 Carry out the operation or operations.


6 Check your answer.

7 Feel very pleased with yourself.

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MP Number and place value

These are
all about
number and
place value!

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NUMBER - Number and place value Year 6

Order and compare numbers to at least 10,000,000

1 Here is a sequence of numbers. Put the numbers in order of size from

smallest to largest.

8452 7482 7452 7432

2 Bishra is trying to decide which number is the largest: 35,494 or 53,949.

Which one should he choose?

3 Lola puts these numbers in order of size from largest to smallest. What
should her new list look like?
532,873 532,200 532,998

4 Mr Robinson asks his class to write down the number which is larger than
854,323 but smaller than 854,325. What number should they write?

5 Mrs Thorn asks her class which of these numbers is smaller: 1,263,892 or
1,326,982. What should their answer be?

6 Which number is larger: 2,999,998 or 2,999,989?

7 Which number is smaller: 5,842,978 or 5,841,989?

8 Christian wants to put these numbers in order from smallest to largest.

What should his new list of numbers look like?

5,389,000 10,900,500 8,938,030 3,500,089

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NUMBER - Number and place value Year 6

Round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy

1 At New Hall Primary there are 545 pupils. How many pupils attend the
school to the nearest hundred?

2 There are 4389 Red Flyers fans at the rugby match. Round the number of
fans to give an approximate attendance.

3 Miss Cranston buys a new sports car for 18,599. Is the cost of the car
nearer to 18,500 or 18,600?
4 Ayesha rounded a football crowd of 84,762 to the nearest ten thousand.
Was this the best way to estimate the attendance? Explain your answer.

5 Thomas writes down the number 349,400. Round this number to the
nearest hundred thousand.

6 There are 2,736,949 people living in your city. What number would you
round to, to tell a friend how many people lived in your city?

7 In a rainforest, there are exactly 1,997,382 trees. What would be a good

approximation of this number? Explain your answer.

8 Ghulam wins 5,523,445 on the lottery. He spends 24,000 on a holiday

of a lifetime to Australia. How much money has he left to spend? Use
rounding to give an approximate answer.

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NUMBER - Number and place value Year 6

Use negative numbers in context and calculate intervals

across zero

1 The temperature is -6C. It falls by 7 degrees. What is the temperature


2 The temperature is -12C. It rises by 3 degrees. What is the temperature

3 The temperature in Alaska is -18C. The temperature in Sweden is -2C.

How many degrees higher is the temperature in Sweden than in Alaska?
4 The temperature in Britain is 3C. The temperature in Alaska is -18C.
What is the difference in temperatures between Britain and Alaska?

5 Jayden had a target long jump of 300 centimetres. He recorded each of

his 7 attempts above and below his target as follows:

3 cm -2 cm 0 cm 4 cm -3 cm -1 cm 2 cm

a) How far did he jump in his longest jump?

b) How far did he jump in his shortest jump?

c) How many more centimetres was his longest jump than his
shortest jump?

d) Jaydens 8th jump was 9 cm shorter than his longest jump. How far
was his 8th jump?

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NUMBER - Number and place value Year 6

Solve problems involving number and place value

1 Gok is trying to put these numbers in order of size, starting from the
smallest. Help him put them in the correct order.

7891 7982 7421 7834

2 Adam is practising throwing the cricket ball. He had a target of throwing

the ball 25 metres. He recorded each of his 6 attempts above and below
his target as follows.

MP +2m -4m -1m +5m +3m -6m

a) Which attempt was closest to his target of 25 metres?

b) What was the difference between his longest and shortest throw?

3 The temperature in Moscow was -2C. The temperature dropped by 5

degrees. What was the temperature after the drop?


Samantha has to think of a number that is smaller than 139,297 but larger
than 139,295. What number should she choose?

5 Nadine rounded 2,872,785 to the nearest 10,000. What should her answer
have been?

6 The number 9,873,033 was written on a ticket in words. What was written?

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Addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division
are all about
addition, subtraction,
and division

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NUMBER - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Year 6

Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number

using the formal written method of long division

1 There are 91 coloured pencils in a box. Katie shares them equally between
13 school friends. How many pencils does each friend receive?

2 Every morning, Ben bakes 384 cupcakes to sell in his shop. Each tray holds
16 cupcakes. How many trays of cupcakes will he have altogether?

3 The Zoo buys 868 bananas to feed 28 monkeys. The bananas are given out
equally. What is each monkeys share?
4 Logan is trying to work out the answer to 572 26. What should his
answer be?

5 Use a formal written method of long division to solve two thousand, one
hundred and fifty six divided by fourteen.

6 Mr Williams saved 1456 for his holiday in a year. He saved an equal

amount of money every week for 52 weeks. How much money did he save

each week?

7 In preparation for the school party, Ashok was making bags of sweets. He
shared 9146 sweets equally between 36 bags. How many sweets were in
each bag? How many sweets were left over?

8 What is the quotient of 1053 and 39, where 39 is the divisor?

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NUMBER - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Year 6

Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number

using the formal written method of long division and
interpret the remainder as a whole number

1 There are 98 junior children in Daisyhill School. In assembly, children sit in

rows of 18.
a) How many full rows can be made?
b) How many children are left over?

2 At the garden centre, Mr Poppy has 98 flower bulbs. He puts 16 bulbs in

each plant pot. How many bulbs will he have left over?
3 There are 393 colouring pencils in Class 6. Selina divides them equally
between the 29 children in her class.
a) How many colouring pencils does each child get?
b) How many pencils are left?

4 Yousef is trying to work out the answer to 856 divided by 29. What should
his answer be? What is the remainder?

5 Springtree School buys 623 work books for the children. There are 96
children in the school.

a) How many work books does each child receive?

b) How many work books are left over as spares?

6 Freddie picks 1067 strawberries. 22 strawberries are in a packet.

a) How many full packets of strawberries can be made?
b) How many strawberries will be left over?

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NUMBER - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Year 6

Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number

using the formal written method of long division and
interpret the remainder as a fraction

1 Fourteen chairs fit in each row of a school hall. There are 91 chairs.

a) How many full rows will there be?
b) What fraction of another row can be filled?

2 A room in a library has 978 books. Each shelf can hold 18 books. How
many shelves are used to hold the books? Give your answer as a mixed
number, in its lowest terms.
3 A factory makes wheel nuts for lorries. Each lorry needs 28 wheel nuts.
a) How many lorries could be fitted with 819 wheel nuts?
b) What fraction of a lorrys wheel nuts would be left?

4 931 chocolate drops are used to decorate 38 cakes. How many chocolate
drops are used on each cake? Give your answer as a mixed number, in its
lowest terms.

5 Zak thought of a mixed number and multiplied it by 60. The answer was
1605. What was the mixed number, in its lowest terms?

6 Sweets were packed into boxes of 42.

a) How many full boxes could be filled with 1568 sweets?
b) What fraction of another box could be filled with the remaining
sweets? Give your answer in its lowest terms.

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NUMBER - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Year 6

Perform mental calculations including with mixed operations

and large numbers

1 There are 1250 letters in Post Box A and 2350 letters in Post Box B.
a) How many letters are there altogether?

b) The postman delivers 2640 letters. How many letters still need to
be delivered?

2 4400 Pottingham and 4700 Silverpool fans were watching the football
match. 1550 fans left the game before the final whistle.
a) How many fans were watching altogether?
b) How many watched till the end?

3 Robert, the robot, takes 50 equal steps. He walks 2.5 metres. How many
centimetres is each step?

4 There are 165 pieces of fruit for break time. The fruit is shared equally
between 45 children.
a) How many pieces of fruit do they eat each?

b) How many pieces of fruit are left over?

5 Kellys average stride was 80 centimetres. She wanted to travel 10

metres. After 12 average strides, how far would she have left to travel?

6 There were 3800 black cars and 3600 blue cars made in the Liverchester
factory. In the Manorpool factory, 1250 fewer cars were made. How many
cars were made in Manorpool?

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(including decimals and percentages)
are all about
fractions, including
decimals and


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NUMBER - Fractions (including decimals and percentages) Year 6

Compare and order fractions, including fractions greater than 1

1 James ate three eighths of a cake and his brother, Dom, ate one half. Who
ate more?

2 Abdallah and Scarlett played crazy golf. Abdallah won 5/12 of the holes and
Scarlett won 1/3. Who has won more holes?

3 Mrs Bramble used eight ninths of a bag of flour and 12/6 bags of sugar to
make her cakes. The bags of flour and the bags of sugar were the same
size. Which ingredient did she use more of?
4 Which fraction is larger: 5/3 or 14/9?

5 Three friends are eating a pizza each. Zoey eats 3/4, Dawood eats 10/12
and Sierra has 5/8 of her pizza. Who eats the most and who eats the least
amount of pizza?

6 Harriet has written down 13/5 and 23/10 on her whiteboard. Which fraction

is smaller?

7 Caz says, 9/8 is smaller than 14/12. Is he correct?

8 Put these fractions in order of size, from largest to smallest.

3/2 1/2 5/6 11/4 9/8

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NUMBER - Fractions (including decimals and percentages) Year 6

Subtract fractions with different denominators, using the

concept of equivalent fractions

1 Harry subtracts 1/2 from 3/4. What should his answer be?

2 Three fifths of the class are in the playground. Three tenths are on the
field. How much more of the class are in the playground than on the field?

3 Zoyas mum puts 5/8 of the vegetables on the table. One quarter are still
on the hob. How much more of the vegetables are on the table than on
the hob?
4 Riley eats 5/12 of the biscuits on Monday and 1/6 on Tuesday. Find the
difference between the fraction of the biscuits he eats on Monday
and Tuesday.

5 At the pet shop, a quarter of the rabbits are in hutches. One sixth are
being held by customers. Find the difference between the fraction of
rabbits in hutches and the fraction being held by customers.

6 Calculate 11/12 minus 1/8.

7 Find the difference between 10/11 and 3/5.

8 Emily spends 1/6 of her wage on a new dress and 4/9 on some shoes. Find
the difference between the fraction of her wage she spends on shoes and
the fraction she spends on a dress.

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NUMBER - Fractions (including decimals and percentages) Year 6

Identify the value of each digit in numbers to three

decimal places

1 Olivia writes down the number 78.3. What does the digit three represent?

2 Bishra partitions the number 728.9. How many tenths are there?

3 Mr Ambrose asks his class to partition 0.67 into tenths and hundredths.
How many hundredths are there?

4 Lydia swam the length of the pool in 48.26 seconds. What proportion of a
MP second is the digit 6?

5 Add the value of the digit eight in 45.89 to the value of the digit eight in

6 Conrad measured out 4.652 kg of sugar. What proportion of a kilogram is

the digit 2?

7 What is the value of the digit 6 in the number 1342.846?


8 For her homework, Shelby had to find the difference between pairs
of numbers. She had to use one of the words tenths, hundredths or
thousandths as part of her answer. What should her answers have been to
the following?
a) 2.345 and 2.348
b) 10.362 and 10.462
c) 267.459 and 267.419

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NUMBER - Fractions (including decimals and percentages) Year 6

Solve problems involving percentage

1 35% of the crisps in a shop are salt and vinegar. There are 100 packets of
crisps. How many packets of salt and vinegar crisps are there?

2 73% of 500 children go to school by car. How many children go to school
by car?

3 There is 25% off in a sale. How much is knocked off a game which cost 48
before the sale?
4 What is 20% of 4.80?

5 Which is more: a) 75% of 300 or b) 30% of 800? Explain how you know.

6 A basketball team played 30 games. They won 70% of the games. How
many games did they lose?

Cupcake Cafe

coffee - 1.60 sandwiches - 1.20 cakes - 1.00

7 The cafe decided to give 25% of its takings to charity. How much would
go to charity if the cafe sold one coffee, one sandwich and one cake?

8 The cafe sold 10 coffees and 8 sandwiches. It gave 6.90 to charity

altogether. How many cakes must it also have sold?

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NUMBER - Fractions (including decimals and percentages) Year 6

Solve problems involving percentage

1 65% of the chocolate bars sold by a shop are milk chocolate. The shop
sold 200 chocolate bars altogether. How many milk chocolate bars did the
shop sell?

2 59% of the 400 children at the primary school are boys. How many
children are boys?

3 There is 25% off in a sale. How much are the trainers reduced by, if they
originally cost 56?
4 What is 75% of 62.20?

5 Which is more: a) 60% of 350 or b) 35% of 700? Explain how you know.

6 Southworth Primary has 30 school governors. 70% of the governors are

women. How many of the governors are men?

Creative Crafts
cards - 1.60 flowers - 1.20 pencils - 1.00

(a packet) (a bunch) (a packet)

7 25% of the money the shop takes is profit. How much profit is there if
the shop sold 2 packets of cards, 3 packets of pencils and 10 bunches of

8 The shop decides to take 20% off everything in the sale. Write out the
price of all the items in the sale.

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NUMBER - Fractions (including decimals and percentages) Year 6

Solve problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages

1 After Amelias birthday party, one fifth of the food was left over. What
percentage of the food was left over after Amelias birthday party?

2 Three quarters of Bobbys birthday cake was eaten at his party. What
percentage was left?

3 Laura had 15% of 300. Shabana had two fifths of 120. Who had more?

MP Rhys bought 7 toys costing 4.32 each and 3 games costing 12.26 each.
How much did he spend altogether?

5 In the numeracy lesson, Niko had to change three fifths into a decimal.
What should his answer be?

6 Which is bigger: thirteen twentieths or 0.69? Show your working out.

7 Marcus had two bank accounts. In one, he had 6432 and in another he

had 2450. He spent 75% of his money from both bank accounts to buy a
car. How much did he pay for the car?

8 At an athletics meeting, the first 5 long jumpers jumped as follows:

1.32 m, 1.15 m, 1.2 m, 1.33 m and 1 m. The sixth jumper jumped 10%
further than the average of the first 5 jumps. What distance was the sixth

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These are
all about
ratio and

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Solve problems involving the relative size of quantities

using division and multiplication

Ingredients to make 30 Lemon Cupcakes

3 cups of flour

1 packet of butter
1.5 cups of white sugar
6 eggs
3 teaspoons of lemon zest
1 cup of milk
3 tablespoons of lemon juice
Mrs Beattie, made lemon cupcakes every day, except Sundays. Each day
she had to make a different number. Rewrite the recipe for every day, as
shown below:

1 Monday - 60 cupcakes

2 Tuesday - 10 cupcakes

3 Wednesday - 40 cupcakes

4 Thursday - 15 cupcakes

5 Friday - 5 cupcakes

6 Saturday - 100 cupcakes

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Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages

1 In Class 6B, 40% of children came to school by car. There were 30 children
in 6B. How many children came to school by car?

2 Louisa needed to save 120 for a trip in June. By April, she had saved 60%.
How much had she saved?

3 Nameeta was also going on the trip. She had saved 75% by April. How
much more had she left to save?

There were 150 children in Key Stage 2 at Pear Tree Primary School. Year 6
carried out a survey to find the favourite sport of each child in Key Stage 2.
Look at their results and then answer the questions, which follow.

swimming - 20% football - 30%

netball - 16% athletics - 24%
did not know - 10%

4 How many children liked swimming or football the best?


How many children knew which sport they liked the best?

6 How many children did not like netball the best?

7 How many children did not like netball or football the best?

8 Jawaad said, The survey has found that 1 in every 5 children like
swimming the best. Was he correct? Explain your answer.

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Solve problems linking percentages, angles and pie charts

Oscar drew a pie chart to represent the proportions of ingredients for his
favourite fruit punch, shown below:

orangeade 60% lime juice 25%
lemonade 10% secret ingredient 5%

1 What was the angle size of the orangeade section?

2 Which of the ingredients was represented by the section with a 90 angle?

3 The first angle Oscar drew was to represent the lemonade. What was the
size of the reflex angle he had left?

4 What was the angle size of the section representing Oscars secret

5 Oscar made 6 litres of his favourite punch. How many millilitres of each
ingredient did he need?

6 How many more millilitres of his secret ingredient would Oscar need to
make 4 litres than 3 litres?

7 One day, Oscar wanted to make 4.5 litres of punch, but he only had 400
ml of lemonade. How much more did he need?

8 Lucy only liked a third as much orangeade as Oscar. If she drew a pie
chart, how many degrees would that section have?

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Solve problems involving scaling of shapes

1 The perimeter of a square was 12 cm. A new square 25 times bigger was
drawn. What was the size of one side on the new square?

2 Each side of regular hexagon-shaped play area measured 3 m. A scale
drawing was made, where 1 cm represented 0.5 metre. What was the
length of each side on the scale drawing?

3 The area of rectangle A was 12 cm2. Rectangle Bs length and width were
3 times as big. What were the possible lengths and widths of rectangle B?
4 Year 6 made a scale model of their school. The scale used was 1: 50.

a) The actual dimensions of a window were 1 m x 0.75 m. What

were the dimensions of the window on the model? Give your answer
in centimetres.

b) The area of the yard (which was square) on the model was 1 m.
What was the actual length of the yard?

c) There was also a triangular-shaped play area in the yard. One side
on the model was 25 cm, another was 30 cm and its perimeter
was 70 cm. What was the actual length of the sides of the play area?
Give your answer in metres.

d) One wall in the school was 30 metres by 25 metres. What was the
area of this wall on the scale model?

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Express missing number problems algebraically

1 Cucumber Caf needed to put five more tea cups than coffee mugs on the
counter. To make sure they always had the correct amount, this table was
on the wall:

Tea Coffee
8 3

What are the missing numbers in the table?

MP Oscar had 12 football cards, but he lost some on the bus. When he got
home, he only had 9 left. Which of the following formulae would show
how many football cards (f) Oscar lost?

12 f = 9
12 f = 9
12 + 9 = f

3 Daniel bought seven packets of biscuits. Each packet had the same
number of biscuits. Daniel had 112 biscuits altogether. Which of the
following formulae could be used to work out how many biscuits (b) were

in each packet?

b = 7 x 112
b = 112 + 7
b = 112 7

4 Write down a formula which could be used to solve this problem: There
were 14 boxes. Each box had 12 sweets. How many sweets (s) were there

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Enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables

1 There were five chocolates in a bag. Some were plain (p) and some were
nutty (n). Use the equation p + n = 5 and list all the possible combinations
of plain and nutty chocolates in the box.

2 Year 6 had been learning about factors and multiples. They had the
equation a x b = 36. What could a x b represent? List all the possibilities.

3 The next equation said 30 x = y. What could x and y represent? List all
the possibilities.

4 Mannys class had thirty children. The number of girls (g) was between
ten and fifteen and the number of boys (b) was between fifteen and
twenty. Use the equation g + b = 30 to find all the possible combinations
of boys and girls.

5 There were some salt and vinegar (v) and cheese and onion (o) crisps
in a box. The shopkeeper said that v x o = 42. List all the possible
combinations of salt and vinegar and cheese and onion crisps in the box.

6 Zac was given this equation: A x B + 3 = 27. His teacher asked him to
list all the possible combinations for A and B. What should his answer
have been?

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Solve problems, recognising that shapes with the same areas can
have different perimeters and vice versa

1 Alices garden was square-shaped. Each side measured 6 m. Work out the
perimeter and area of Alices garden.

2 John had a piece of rectangular paper. The length was 26 cm and the
width was 10 cm. Calculate the perimeter and area of the paper.

3 John said, If I cut my paper in half along its length and then put the two
new rectangles back together to make a rectangle 13 cm by 20 cm, the
area will be the same as in the original rectangle. Is he correct? Explain
your answer.
4 A rectangle has an area of 36 cm2. What could the length and width of the
rectangle be?

5 Two rectangular gardens each have a perimeter of 28 m. Each garden has

different dimensions. What could the area of each garden be? Explain your

6 Look at the compound shape shown below. Luke drew a rectangular

shape with exactly the same area. What could be the length and width of
Lukes shape? (drawing not to scale)

4 cm

6 cm
4 cm

12 cm

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Solve problems using formula for volume

1 Write down the formula to find the volume of a cuboid.

What is the volume of a cuboid with dimensions: 4.5 m x 3 m x 1.2 m?

3 A swimming pool had a length of 20 m, a width of 10 m and a depth of

6.5 m. What was the volume of the pool?

4 What is the volume of a cube with a height of 3 m?

5 The volume of a cuboid was 24 cm3. Its length was 3 cm and its width was
2 cm. What was the height of the cuboid?

6 The volume of a cuboid-shaped tub was 6 cm3. What could the possible
dimensions be?

7 The swimming pool in Question 3 could also be converted to a diving pool.

Five metres of its length could be lowered to a depth of 15 m. What was

the volume of the pool when it was converted to a diving pool?

8 Some Year 6 children were collecting rainwater in a cuboid shaped

container. The volume of the water they collected after a week was
72 cm3. The base of the container was 6 cm by 4 cm and its height was
5 cm. During the next week, the tub became full. What volume of water
did they collect in the second week?

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Solve problems by calculating and comparing the volume of

cubes and cuboids extending to other units (mmand km)

1 Elana is making a toy necklace with 5 mm cubes and cuboids measuring

4 mm x 5 mm x 6 mm. She uses 4 cubes and 3 cuboids. What is the total

volume of the necklace?

2 Ebony is building a tower with cuboid-shaped bricks. The blue bricks are
30 mm x 50 mm x 20 mm. The red bricks are 10 mm x 20 mm x
20 mm. She uses 2 blue bricks and 5 red bricks. What is the total volume
of the tower?
3 A cube has a volume of 27,000 mm3. A cuboid with dimensions of 30 mm
x 30 mm x 20 mm is placed inside the cube. If another cuboid was placed
in the cube so that there was no space left, what would be the dimensions
of the other cuboid?

4 Year 6 were using a computer programme to estimate the volume of lakes.

The programme measured the volume by adjusting the dimensions of the
lakes into cuboid shapes. The class adjusted the dimensions of Lake A to
be 7 km x 2 km x 1.5 km. Lake B had a length of 6.5 km, a width of 3 km
and a depth of 1 km. What was the estimated difference in the volume of

the lakes? Show your working.

5 Next, they used the programme to estimate the volume of icebergs. They
adjusted the dimensions of an iceberg, so that it had a length of 1 km and
a width of 0.5 km. The total volume of the iceberg was 1 km3. The height
of the iceberg above the water was 0.8 km. What was the estimated depth
of the iceberg below the water?

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Interpret pie charts and use these to solve problems

Look at the favourite subjects of the pupils in Alyssas class and answer the
questions below.



P.E. 180o
1 a) What percentage of the class like P.E. lessons best?
b) What fraction is this?

2 a) What fraction of the class like English best?

b) What percentage of the class like English best?

3 a) What percentage of the class did not choose maths as their


favourite subject?
b) What fraction is this?

4 If there were 32 children in the class, how many children liked P.E. best?

5 If there were 29 children in Alyssas class, could this chart represent the
class? Explain your answer.

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Interpret line graphs and use these to solve problems

Conversion graph: kilometres - miles




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

1 Approximately, how many kilometres is equivalent to 20 miles?

2 Daynas family went on holiday in France. They saw a road which said,
Calais - 60 km. Approximately, how many miles was it to Calais?

3 Tabassum went for a cycle ride. She cycled 5 miles. Approximately, how

many kilometres did Tabassum cycle?

4 What is the total approximate distance in kilometres of 20 miles, 10 miles

and 50 miles?

5 Ruthie lives 80 kilometres away from London. Joe lives 120 kilometres
away from London. Approximately, how many more miles does Joe live
away from London than Ruthie?

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Interpret line graphs and use these to solve problems

A graph to show how far a car travelled on a trip


distance 120


MP 10 am 11 am 12 noon 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm

1 How far had the car travelled by 11:30 am?

2 Look at the vertical (y) axis. How many miles do points A and B represent?

3 Estimate how many miles the car had travelled at 1 pm.


4 Five miles is equivalent to approximately eight kilometres. How many km

did the car travel altogether?

5 How many miles had the car travelled between 12 noon and 3 pm?
Approximately how many kilometres is this?

6 What time do you think the driver of the car had lunch? Explain your answer,
using the line graph.

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Calculate and interpret the mean as an average

Test Scores
Demi: 26, 32, 24, 39, 32, 21, 24, 32, 18, 32, 17

Jaz: 27, 29, 23, 24, 39, 24, 23, 33, 23, 30, 33

1 What would you do to find Demis average score?

2 Who has the highest average score?

3 In the next test, Demi scored 39. What was her new average?

4 Linford scored 18, 17, 13, 19 and 18 in some mental arithmetic tests. What
was his average score?

5 Each test had 20 questions. Linford says, I want to increase my average

score to 19, in the next test. Is this possible? Explain your answer.

6 Lily wants to find out her average high jump over 6 jumps. Would she find
the mean, mode or median?

7 The average of Franks five high jumps was 1.2 metres. He jumped 1 m,
1.2 m, 1.25 m and 1.15 m for his first four jumps. How high must he have
jumped in his fifth jump?

8 The average for Zaras 5 high jumps was 1.3 m. She jumped a different
height for each of her jumps. How high might she have jumped on each

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Year 4: NUMBER Number and place value

Page 1: 1)eighty nine 2) 522 3) 1299 4) ten thousand, seven hundred and fifty six
5) 53,611 6) 28,665 7) no; 2,415,361 8) nine million, four hundred and twenty
three thousand, six hundred and three pounds
Page 2: 1) forty two 2) 384 3) six hundred and seventy three 4) 3554 5) 2599 6) four
hundred and forty thousand, nine hundred and twenty seven 7) no; one million,
two hundred and eighty five thousand, three hundred and twenty two 8) 8,502,639

Page 3: 1) 7432, 7452, 7482, 8452 2) 53,949 3), 532,998, 532,873, 532,200 4) 854,324
5) 1,263,892 6) 2,999,998 7) 5,841,989 8) 3,500,089, 5,389,000, 8,938,030,
Page 4: 1) 1823; appropriate explanation 2) 5405, 5050, 5005, 5000 3) 7343 4) 33,735,
33,532, 33,275, 33,253 5) 562,453 6) 243,873, 442,837, 738,242, 873,422
7) 1,852,446 by 26,982 8) 9,899,999
Page 5: 1) 3 2) 1 3) 5 4) thirty thousand 5) six thousand 6) 8 in 180,532; appropriate
explanation 7) 770,000 8) 2 in 7,243,689; appropriate explanation
Page 6: 1) 2 2) 7 3) 8000 4) no; 3000, appropriate explanation 5) no; 50,000, appropriate
explanation 6) 2,000,000 7) 8 in 2,843,993; appropriate explanation 8) 500,000
Page 7: 1) 4 2) 43,000 3) 8 4) 12,000 5) 600,000 6) 1,480,000 7) 8,400,000
8) 1000; appropriate explanation
Page 8: 1) 500 2) 4300 3) 18,600 4) no; appropriate explanation 5) 300,000
6) 2,700,000 7) 2,000,000; appropriate explanation 8) 5,500,000
Page 9: 1) -7C 2) 13C 3) -23C 4) -17 5) 19 6) 4C 7) no; appropriate explanation
8) -6
Page 10: 1) -13C 2) -9C 3) 16C 4) 21C 5) a) 304 cm b) 297 cm c) 7 cm d) 295 cm
Page 11: 1) 2100 2) 5 3) 900 4) 300,000 5) no; 21, appropriate explanation 6) no; 213,000
appropriate explanation 7) two million, eight hundred and thirty two thousand, two

hundred and forty nine pounds 8) 6,943,999

Page 12: 1) 700 2) -4 3) 372,489 4) 980,000 5) 308,257 6) 1OC 7) 1000
8) no; appropriate explanation
Page 13: 1) 7421, 7834, 7891, 7982 2) a) c b) 11 m 3) -7C 4) 139,296 5) 2,870,000
6) nine million, eight hundred and seventy three thousand and thirty three
Year 6: NUMBER Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Page 14: 1) 552 2) 810 3) 270 4) 3000 5) 7030 6) 19,125 7) 56,025 8) 330,358
Page 15: 1) 368 2) 744 3) 1876 4) 2496 5) 13,379 6) 7882 7) 118,272 8) 71,050
Page 16: 1) 6 2) 14 3) 23 4) 8 5) 12 6) 126 7) 126 8) 129
Page 17: 1) 7 2) 24 3) 31 4) 22 5) 154 6) 28 7) 254; 2 left over 8) 27

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Maths Word Problems
Year 6
This book includes:
problems for all appropriate objectives of
the 2014 Curriculum

editable versions of the pages on a CD-ROM

built-in differentiation

one-step, two-step and multi-step problems


suggested whole school procedure for

problem solving

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