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Guide: Battle System and Translation
Version 0.95
By marmando17 <marmando@windowslive.com>
Date Started: January 26, 2014
Last Updated: January 31, 2014
0.5 Wrote everything until Battle Act
0.6 Added Skills section, edited Introduction and Armitization Artes section
Revised Armitization and Battle Difficulty section
0.7 Added Skills and Bonus Skills section
0.8 Added List of Skills and Bonus Skills, Equipment Fusion Rules
Added Battle Strategy section
0.9 Revised some sections to improve layout and appearance
0.95 Added some new Bonus Skills
---------------Copyright(C)2015 by Marco Armando (marmando17)------------------
All Rights Reserved. This guide is only for private & personal use. Actions
such as reprinting, reproducing, or copying parts or the entire content
in any form, by means of electronic recording, physical copying, or others,
are considered as theft. Use of this guide for sales and promotional purposes
is strictly prohibited. Quoting and distribution of contents shall not be done
without permission to prevent plagiarism. This FAQ/Guide is hosted only by
GameFaqs. If you find this guide being posted on other sites, please dcontact
either the guide creator or Gamefaqs immediately.
1. Introduction...........................................................[INT]
2. Battle Controls........................................................[CON]
3. Combat.................................................................[COM]
3.1 Combat Introduction
3.2 Spirit Chain (SC) and Blast Gauge (BG)
3.3 Combat Features
3.4 Enemy Weakness
a. Damage Display
b. Status Relations with Elements
c. Unbalanced/Knocked-Down Enemies
4. Battle Artes...........................................................[ART]
4.1 Basic Rules
4.2 Tokugi/Base Artes
4.3 Ougi/Arcane Artes and Tenkyoujutsu/Seraph Spells
4.4 High Rank Artes and Spells
4.5 Hi-Ougi/Mystic Artes
5. Armitization...........................................................[ARM]
5.1 Armitization Guide
5.2 Armitization Artes
5.3 Recovery Arte
5.4 Banish Blast
6. Battle Act.............................................................[ACT]
6.1 Battle Act Introduction
6.2 Battle Act List (Support)
6.3 Battle Act List (Control)
6.4 Battle Act List (Defense)
6.5 Battle Act List (Technical)
6.6 Battle Act List (Blast)
6.7 Battle Act List (Armitization)
6.8 Battle Act List (Banish)
6.9 Battle Act List (Mystic Arte)
7. Skills.................................................................[SKL]
7.1 Equipment Skills and Fusion
7.2 Skill Board
7.3 Bonus Skills
1. Same
2. Elm
3. Union
8. Tactics................................................................[TAC]
8.1 Battle Call
8.2 Battle Strategy
9. Battle Difficulty......................................................[DIF]
1. Introduction [INT]
Welcome to my guide for the Battle System of Zestiria. Basically, what I wanted
to do is just helping people who have difficulties in playing Tales games that
are still in Japanese. Sometimes, people have to debate about how the system
works because of limited understanding of Japanese. So I decided to make this
guide because I live in Japan and my understanding of Japanese is quite enough
to interpret almost all the in-game explanation about the battle system.
Despite my advanced Japanese skill, it is always difficult to make a correct
localization of arte names. So I will still use the Japanese spelling for the
artes, for example Majinken (not Demon Fang), Dankuuken (not Vortex), etc.
It would be helpful if you are able to read basic hiragana and katakana. If
you are not, I can imagine how difficult it is for you when reading 'Dankuuken'
here and you don't know how to find which skill is Dankuuken in the game
screen selection.
Please do take note that this is not a guide for Arte List. This is a guide for
battle system. I added a list of Battle Acts just for the sake of explaining
how they affect the battle system.
You may not use this guide for sites outside GameFaqs, but you are always
welcome to quote the content as long as you have my permission. Before doing
anything, be sure to contact me first, I will be happy to chat with you. :)
If there is any mistake in this guide, you are also welcome to contact me and
give me corrections and advices. Pardon my English too for I am not a native
speaker of English. This is actually my very first guide, I tell you, despite
my 20 years of gaming experience and having defeated all of Tales mothership
titles all the way from Phantasia to Xillia 2. Anyway, have fun reading this
and thanks a bunch!
2. Battle Controls [CON]
Circle - Tokugi/Base Artes
X - Ougi/Arcane Artes or Tenkyoujutsu/Seraph Spells
Square - Guard/Defend
Triangle - Battle Menu
D-Pad - Change Seraph Partner
L-Stick - Move
R-Stick - Battle Call
L1 - Armitization or Release Armitization
L2 - Free Run, Control for The other pair
R1 - Show enemy details, switch target enemy
R2 - Blast
3. Combat [COM]
3.1 Combat Introduction
The combat of Tales of Zestiria is called Fusionic Chain Linear Motion BS.
Basically, you can say that this is quite similar to the combat style of Tales
of Graces. The forward and backward movement are not triggered by left and
right button, but up and down button. The left and right button are used to
perform sidesteps to either left or right. While in the enemy line, the
character can only move forward or backward. Pressing Square and directions
allows the character to step forward, backward, or sideward.
The same as the combat system of Graces, there is no air combo. In Graces, the
battle system focuses more on movement, instead of cool air combos. Avoiding
enemies' attacks and swift movement during battle will get you through hard
battles. This is practically true because one-on-one battle in Graces is way
much better than the traditional one in other Tales. In other Tales games,
the character cannot perform sidestep and move to other lanes (except Rebirth)
to avoid an enemy's attack. One-on-one battle in traditional Tales is only a
matter of defense and using items effectively because the character is locked
in one lane. However, in Graces (and of course Zestiria), sidesteps makes it
possible to avoid and counter enemies swiftly.
The only difference between Graces and Zestiria, in the matter of similar
style, is the response speed. This is just my personal opinion, but the
movement in Zestiria seems slow and does not response fast to my inputs. The
combat pace in Graces seems faster than that in Zestiria. However this is just
because the animation of Zestiria is better and the characters sprites are
made the same proportion size as normal humans (not deformed).
3.2 Spirit Chain (SC) and Blast Gauge (BG)
The battle system in Zestiria uses two gauge points (or maybe I should include
HP and make them three, lol).The first one is called SC, and this works like
CC in Graces, but the scale is 100. Artes require SC, so when a character run
out of SC, he/she cannot perform an action. SC will recove by itself when a
character stays idle. Avoiding enemy attacks or succesfully defending against
special attacks will also recover SC. Some healing spells also recover SC.
Notice that when you end a battle with, let's say 44 SC, you will not find the
number 44 when you open the menu screen. You should see a different number.
That is called Initial SC. Initial SC is recovered by resting at the inn or
eating some cookings.
Initial SC will be reduced by 1 for each battle you enter. When a character's
initial SC is high, SC recovery rate of the character is fast, but when his SC
is low (for example he enters the battle with initial SC 20 or 30), the SC of
the character will recover very slowly despite your guarding action. So it is
important to keep your SC high throughout a long dungeon or you have to bare
with slwo SC recovery rate when your Initial SC has gone zero.
The second gauge is Blast Gauge (BG). Blast is a special feature of Zestiria.
Using Blast allows you to perform various battle actions, for example using
Mystic Artes, performing Armitization, and also recovering SC and continuing
combos. Battle Act details will be explained in its own sections. BG is charged
by attacking enemies or defending (using specific Battle Act).
3.3 Combat Features
There are many features provided for Zestiria battle system. All of these will
be explained in details in other sections. First of all, the party is limited
to only two humans and two seraphs. One human is partnered together with one
Seraph, resulting into two pairs. A seraph needs a human to participate in
battle. So, a party of two humans and one seraph is okay, but not a party of
one human and two seraphs. The second seraph will be automactically removed
from battle party.
Changing controlled character, seraph partner, seraph partner of the other
human, until forcing the other human to perform Armitization is possible during
battle. However, all of these needs the corresponding Battle Acts. For example,
changing controlled character during battle is only possible when 'Character
Change' Battle Act is equipped.
3.4 Enemy Weakness
Tales of Zestiria still implements enemy weakness system, following the great
success of the system in Xillia. There are four elements in the game, which are
fire, water, earth, and wind. There is non-elemental element but it's not very
important. Every enemy has different elemental weakness, so using the correct
elemental attacks is the best road to victory. Attacking an enemy with fire
resistance with fire attacks will do A LITTLE damage. When I say a little, it
is really a little. The battle might take forever when you are fighting a boss
in Hard mode without paying attention to elemental weaknesses.
When you hit enemy weaknesses, SC consumption for artes is reduced by 30%.
a. Damage Display
When you attack an enemy, the damage pop-up will tell you the effects of your
attacks. Basically, there are four types of damage pop-up.
1. Normal : when enemy is hit by attacks unrelated to its weakness and
2. REDUCE : when enemy is hit by its elemental resistance
3. WEAK : when enemy is hit by its elemental weakness
4. PENETRATE : although damage is given, interruption does not occur
5. INVALID : damage is cut about 90%
6. REFLECT : damage is reflected back
b. Status Relation with Elements
Relation between elements and statuses is as below:
Physical Attack - Normal - Paralyze
Special Attack - Fire - Burn
Physical Defense - Earth - Slow-foot (Cannot Move)
Special Defense - Water - Poison
Concentration - Wind - Fatigue
To summarize, an effect is doubled when the relation is in the horizontal
line. For example, if you attack an enemy with fire elemental weakness,
the probability of an attack that has property of inflicting Burn status or
reducing special attack is doubled. And when you attack the enemy whose
special attack is being reduced, the probability of inflicting Burn status
is 4x.
c. Unbalanced/Knocked-Down Enemies
When you attack an unbalanced enemy with Base Arte Level 1, your character's
BG will be increased 1. Remember that this only occurs ONLY for Level 1 Base
Arte. If you are in the middle of combo and unintentionallly hit the enemy,
you won't get extra BG.
4. Battle Artes [ART]
4.1 Basic Rules
There are three types of attacks in Zestiria, which are Tokugi (Base
Artes), Ougi (Arcane Artes), and Tenkyoujutsu (Seraph Spells). Base Artes are
performed by pressing the circle button. Both humans and seraphs can use Base
Artes. Arcane Artes and Seraph Spells are performed by pressing the X button.
However, ONLY humans have Arcane Artes. The Seraphs get the spells for the
X button and Seraph Spells require casting time. These three work according to
below basic rules:
1. Base Artes CAN interrupt Seraph Spells casting.
2. Arcane Artes CANNOT interrupt Seraph Spells casting, Arcane Artes will be
knocked back.
3. Arcane Artes CANNOT be interrupted by Base Artes. Base Artes will be
knocked back.
4. When interrupted during Spell casting by Arcane Arte, casting time will be
reduced by half.
So, it works like janken (rock-paper-scissor).
Arcane Arte --> Base Arte --> Seraph Spells --> Arcane Arte
For number 1 and 2, I think there is no problem since you just have to use a
Base Arte when you want to interrupt the enemies' spellcastings. But number 3
is quite troublesome. If an enemy is trying to assault you with an Arcane Arte
and you are performing a Base Arte, you will be interrupted and damaged. On the
other hand, you can also do the same thing to enemies. Anyway, it is difficult
to differentiate whether an enemy is going to use an Arcane Arte or not. You
have to see and learn, then remember. Usually some Arcane Artes of enemies
require them to perform an energy-charging behavior (a wolf preparing to dash
or a backward movement).
Artes and spells have embedded effects, for example enemy stun. Combining this
and elemental weakness will be the key to finish a battle in a breeze. There
is also a specific Battle Act that increases the probability of effects.
4.2 Tokugi/Base Artes
This is basically the same as A-Artes in Graces. Base Artes input keys are
already fixed. Generally, there are 4 levels of Base Artes, and each of them
corresponds to a single input direction and the circle button. Base Artes
have to be performed in order from Level 1 to Level 4. You can just say these
are like normal attacks, but with more variety of attack animation.
The Base Arte menu screen is shown as something like this.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Blank Arte --> Arte --> Arte --> Arte
Up/Down Arte --> Arte --> Arte --> Arte
Left Arte --> Arte --> Arte --> Arte
Right Arte --> Arte --> Arte --> Arte
Of course, you can switch to different directions when chaining. For example,
after you perform two Blank Base Artes, you can use Left Level 3 Base Artes.
Usually the Up/Down-direction Artes are Artes that charge and press forward.
The Left and Right-direction Artes are usually either Artes that hits across
the battlefield to hit multiple enemies in a straight line, or Artes that move
in a left or right direction. Combining these artes will allow you to move
in battlefield while attacking.
Effects of Chain
Increasing number of Base Arte usage during chain will reduce SC consumption.
4.3 Ougi/Arcane Artes and Tenkyoujutsu/Seraph Spells
This is basically the same as B-Artes in Graces. You can set up to 5 slots for
Arcane Artes and Spells (4 input directions and blank). The blank slot is set
initially to Omakase (leave it to computer), basicaly it's random. The up and
down direction are connected, the same also goes for the left and right ones.
So, if you just set Arcane Artes to up and left direction, the down-direction
slot will be automatically filled with the up-direction skill, and the right-
direction slot will be automatically filled with the left-direction skill.
It also works the other way if you just fill down and right-direction slots.
The automatically-connected skills are shown in blue instead of black color.
The format will be shown in the Arte menu screen as below.
Blank - Arte 1
Up - Arte 2 _______
Left - Arte 3 _____ | *the inner line connects left and right
Right - Arte 3 (blue) _____| | the outer line connects up and down
Down - Arte 2 (blue) _______|
Arcane Artes can be performed anytime, but performing them after a series of
Base Artes (for example 3 Base Artes) will deal more damage. Performing an
Arcane Arte directly sometimes help to interrupt an enemy's Base Arte.
Spells can only be used by Seraphs and humans during Armitization. Spells
CANNOT be interrupted by Arcane Artes. Casting time is faster after you chain
combos. Chaining more combos results into more casting time reduction. The
basic combo when you want to use spells is attack using Base Artes, and step
backward once, then cast a spell.
Casting Time Reduction
1. 2 chains: 20% casting time reduction
2. 3 chains: 40% casting time reduction
3. 4 chains: 60% casting time reduction
Effects of Chain
Increasing number of Arcane Arte usage during chain will increase damage.
Increasing number of Spell usage during chain will increase knock-back time.
4.4 High Rank Artes and Spells
This is basically the same as Altered Artes in Graces. One thing is, you need
to equip two Battle Act for this, Upper Prize and Charge Cast. Battle Act will
be explained more in details in another section.
For Arcane Artes, HOLDING X button when performing an Arcane Arte will let the
character perform the higher rank of used Arcane Arte, if the used Arcane Arte
has the High-Rank Arte learned.
1. Sorey's Dankuuken is the High-Rank Arte of Sekkushou,
so holding X button while doing Sekkushou will trigger Dankuuken next.
2. Rose's Hououtenku is the High-Rank Arte of Musouka,
so holding X button while doing Musouka will trigger Hououtenku next.
Known Arcane Arte chain for Sorey:
1. Saijinga (SC 10) > Mueishou (SC 17) > Garyuuenbu (SC 26)
2. Shunjinken (SC 12) > Tachiguren (SC 20) > Zeppushouha (SC 28)
3. Sekkuushou (SC 14) > Dankuuken (SC 22) > Jugohoujin (SC 25)
4. Shishisenkou (SC 24) > Bakuraishikoujin (SC 37)
Known Arcane Arte chain for Rose:
1. Mizuboshou (SC 8) > Hyoueishin (SC 12)
2. Sougazan (SC 7) > Shuushouraizan (SC 13) > Shokkaryouran (SC 30)
3. Garyuusen (SC 10) > Musouga (SC 22) > Hououtenku (SC 32)
4. Genshin Doryuu (SC 10) > Genshin Mikagami (SC 14)
If the second arte also has another High-Rank arte, it is possible to perform
3 Arcane Arte chain by just holding X button.
For Seraph Spells, PRESSING circle button at the end of a casting will let the
character continue casting and change the casted spell into the higher rank of
the used Seraph Spell, if the used Spell has the High-Rank Spell learned.
1. Mikleo's Splash is the High-Rank Spell of Ice Sears,
so pressing circle button directly at the end of Ice Sears casting will let
Mikleo continue his casting in order to change the spell to Splash.
2. Laila's Burnstrike is the High-Rank Spell of Photon Blaze,
so pressing circle button directly at the end of Photon Blaze casting will
let Laila continue her casting in order to change the spell to Burnstrike.
4.5 Hi-Ougi/Mystic Artes
I think many of you don't need this section because almost all Tales games
except the old ones has Msytic Arte system implemented. Pressing and holding
R2+circle button during chains will invoke a character's Mystic Arte if the
character has 3 BG. You don't need any special skill or Battle Act to perform
Mystic Arte. You only need the character to learn his/her Mystic Arte by
level or event.
Because the source of almost all battle actions comes from BG, for example,
Armitization, Partner Armitization, recovering SC to continue combos, etc,
BG management is one important aspect of battle in Zestiria.
5. Armitization [ARM]
5.1 Armitization Guide
Armitization is something like combining a human and a Seraph in one body. The
attacks change to elemental attacks depending on the element of the Seraph.
Even when you (for example you are controlling a human) are dead, you can still
perform Armitization if your Seraph partner is still alive, thus reviving you
free of charge. However, when you are KOd during Armitization, both of you will
die. Therfore, it is important to pay attention to the battle flow so that you
manage to release Armitization or heal yourself when your HP is low. A specific
Battle Act can allow you to survive when KOd during Armitization, but your
Seraph partner will still die.
Another thing that is very thoughtful of this game is the auto-recovery of
Seraph outside battle. Changing a Seraph to the backrow will let him/her heal
slowly. Even if he/she is dead, the HP will still recover after a while. Only
humans and incapacitated Seraphs in battlefield need Life Bottles.
A good scenario is, that when the other pair (not you and your partner) is
dead (let's say both Rose and Dezel are dead), Dezel should be shifted to the
backrow to let another Seraph (let'say Mikleo) enter the battle. Then, by
making Mikleo and Rose perform Armitization, Rose comes back to life! Horray!
Dezel will also recover at the backrow because of the automatic recovery.
Please note that all these action can be done by the AI, but not so fast. That
is why there are some Battle Acts that allow you to force AI to do all of
these when you want.
There is no time limit for Armitization, but broken or finished Damage Gauge
will not start again until you release and perform another Armitization. And
increase of BG during Armitization is slower than that during human form. So
it is important to release Armitization when your BG is low although your HP
is still high enough.
5.2 Armitization Artes
When a human perform Armitization, his artes will change to another set of
ones. And the artes will be Arcane Artes and Seraph Spells, and no Base Artes.
Now Arcane Artes are performed by circle button while Spells are performed by
X button. This is one of the weakness of Armitization, since you cannot at all
disrupt enemy spell casting. The rules of the artes are the same as explained
The matrix for the artes and spells is shown as below. You need to choose the
way how you fight depending on enemies, since there are enemies that often
use spells (not compatible to handle with Armitization). Armitization is not
always strong and recommended.
Default button | Human | Seraph | Armitization
Circle Button | Base Artes | Base Artes | Arcane Artes
X Button | Arcane Artes | Spells | Spells
5.3 Recovery Arte
Every Armitization has a Recovery Arte. To use it, just press R2 when the
character is idle. However, it costs 1 BG.
5.4 Banish Blast
Banish Blast can be performed by pressing R2 during Armitization chain. Banish
Blast is a kind of strong AOE attack and the cost is 1 BG. Yes, it costs BG but
there are some benefits of using it in the middle of battle heat:
1. After Banish Blast, you can continue chaining.
2. Probability of arte-embedded effects after Banish Blast will increase twice.
(For example, enemy stun)
3. When enemy HP is low, Banish Blast will be triggered faster and damage will
be high to finish the enemy.
6. Battle Acts [ACT]
6.1 Battle Act Introduction
Battle Act is what you call 'Skills' in other Tales. But the difference here
in Zestiria is that Battle Act has effects on the battle system, thus affecting
all characters, not each character. The same as other Tales, equipping a Battle
Act requires AP. You can increase AP by finding old stones (for battle tips),
finding Normin, levelling, and so on.
Below list uses this format.
Name of Battle Act (AP required)
To learn: how to get this Battle Act
6.2 Battle Act List (Support)
A-Guard (4)
Automatic guard when needed 5 times, but gained grade is halved.
To learn: from the beginning
A-Sidestep (4)
Automatic sidestep when needed 5 times, but gained grade is halved.
To learn: from the beginning
A-Backstep (4)
Automatic backstep when needed 5 times, but gained grade is halved.
To learn: from the beginning
A-Frontstep (4)
Automatic frontstep when needed 5 times, but gained grade is halved.
To learn: from the beginning
A-Divinity (4)
Automatic Armitization when needed, requires 1 BG.
To learn: After you learn Armitization
A-Finality (4)
Automatic Mystic Arte when needed, requires 3 BG.
To learn: After Sorey learn his human form Mystic Arte
6.3 Battle Act List (Control)
Free and Free (5)
L-Stick becomes Free Run. L2+L-Stick becomes Linear Run.
To learn: perform 50 combos
Sky Recovery (5)
When thrown to sky, pressing square will let a character take his stance again.
To learn: Perform SC recovery using steps 3 times
Long Step (20)
Distance of steps is increased.
To learn: Perform a total damage of 10000 during Armitization
*2 coming soon*
To learn: Perform SC recovery using steps 300 times
To learn: Perform SC recovery using steps 1000 times
6.4 Battle Act List (Defense)
Snipe Charge (1)
Defend 1 second or more, next arte effects probability is doubled.
To learn: from the beginning
Hide Guard (4)
When defending, a character is less likely to be targeted.
To learn: Perform Guard Charge 100 times
Appeal Guard (2)
When defending, a character is targeted more.
To learn: Perform Guard Charge 200 times
Split Guard (20)
The moment an enemy Mystic Arte hits, pressing square can halve the damage.
To learn: Perform Guard Charge 1000 times
Push Guard (6)
Able to avoid enemy attacks by performing frontstep.
To learn: Perform SC recovery using steps 20 times
Break Charge (3)
Defend 2 seconds or more, next arte cannot be guarded by enemy.
To learn: Perform Guard Charge 20 times
Blast Charge (2)
Defend 1.5 seconds or more, BG is charged.
To learn: Perform Armitization 5 times
6.5 Battle Act List (Technical)
Upper Prize (0)
By holding X during an Arcane Arte, the High-Rank arte of the used Arcane Arte
will follow next.
To learn: Learn one High-Rank Arcane Arte
Charge Cast (0)
By pressing circle at the end of spellcasting, casting can be continued and
spell will be changed to the High-Rank spell.
To learn: Learn one High-Rank Seraph Spell
Half and Half (2)
Damaged is halved. You can only set this to one person.
To learn: Perform 60 combos
Sub Partner Change (5)
Pressing L2+D-Pad will let you change the Seraph partner of the other pair.
To learn: Do 100 battles in difficulty higher than 'Second'
Sub Divinity (5)
Pressing L2+L1 will let you force the other pair to perform Armitization.
To learn: Do 200 battles in difficulty higher than 'Second'
Character Change (5)
Pressing Square+D-Pad will let you change the controlled character.
To learn: Do 30 battles in difficulty higher than 'Second'
*1 coming soon*
To learn: Number of encounter x1000
6.6 Battle Act List (Blast)
Partner Blast (4)
Holding R2 after 1 chain will recover your partner SC by 50 and let him attack
the target. Costs 1 BG.
To learn: Perform Blast 20 times
Blow Blast (4)
Holding R2 after 2 chain will blow back enemy. Costs 1 BG.
To learn: Perform Blast 50 times
Chain Blast (4)
Holding R2 after 3 chain will recover your SC by 50 and let you restart chain.
To learn: Perform Blast 5 times
*1 coming soon*
To learn: Perform Blast 500 times
6.7 Battle Act List (Armitization)
Revenger (20)
During Armitization: the last damage you took when defending will be added to
your next attack, but the the effect wlll also affect your maximum HP.
(example: took 100 damage when guarding, your max HP is reducedby 100, but
your next attack will be plus 100)
To learn: Perform a total damage of 40000 during Armitization
Reviver (25)
Allow you to survive once when dying during Armitization, but the Seraph will
still die.
To learn: Perform Armitization around 50 times? *still not sure*
*1 coming soon*
To learn: Perform Armitization 1000 times
6.8 Battle Act List (Banish)
High Banish
Performing Banish Blast when the enemy is unbalanced or knocked down will let
you perform Banish Blast faster.
To learn: Perform Banish Blast 1 times
Banish Chain
Holding R2+Circle before Banish Blast hits, will stop the Banish Blast and
connect it to Armitization Mystic Arte.
To learn: Perform Banish Blast 200 times.
6.9 Battle Act List (Mystic Arte)
Ten Thousand (30)
After performing Mystic Arte when total damage during Armitization is 10000,
every character can perform Mystic Arte with 1 BG cost reduction for 1 time.
To learn: Deal a total of 30000 damage during Armitization
Deadly Rave (40)
After performing Mystic Arte when your HP is below 25%, every character can
perform Mystic Arte with 1 BG cost reduction for 1 time.
To learn: *coming soon*
Cool Beauty (30)
Avoiding enemy attacks without taking damage for 4 consecutive times will grant
1 BG cost reduction to every character to perform Mystic Arte for 1 time.
To learn: Perform Mystic Arte 150 times
Friend Link (50)
During Mystic Arte, pressing circle button repeatedly will let other characters
follow with his/her Mystic Arte, if he/she has 3 or more BG.
To learn: *coming soon*
*2 more coming soon*
To learn: Perform 100 combo
To learn: Perform Mystic Arte 300 times
7. Skills [SKL]
7.1 Equipment Skills and Fusion
Every equipment has 4 slots of skills. Most of the skills are status-based, but
some of them also have effects on battle. Fusion of same equipments is possible
to be done. In fact, weapons with the same name are allocated at different item
slots because their embedded skills are not always same. So, equipments are not
handled like consumables. Number of items such as x15 will not be displayed for
equipments. A single equipment means a single item slot. Equipments with the
same name can be combined.
By fusioning two equipments, you can get new skills, depending on the skill
combination and the blank skill slots. If you combine the same skills in the
same slot, the result will be the original skill. Combining diferent skills in
one slot results into a new skill. Moving skill to another equipment can be
done if the other equipment has the correct blank slot. For example, you have
Phantom in Slot 2 of Weapon A and weapon B has a blank Slot 2, the combined
weapon will inherit Phantom in Slot 2. If weapon B has another skill in that
slot, the Phantom will be changed to another skill. Blue-highlighted skills
that is obtained from combination are locked skills. Locked skills cannot be
moved or combined from one equipment to another, so it is considered as Blank
when combining equipments.
Fusioning example:
Amber Sword + Amber Sword > Amber Sword+1
Slot 1 Attack Attack Attack
Slot 2 Phantom (Blank) Phantom
Slot 3 Geyser Block (something new)
Slot 4 (Blank) (Blank) (Blank)
Matching equipment slots when doing this will get you equipments with four
skills (which should never be able to be found in shops). Fortunately, the
cost of equipment fusion is not so expensive, so you can go for many trials.
Just pay attention that you lose your material equipments. Too many errors
will empty your bag.
Equipments also have levels which are 5 stars. Using them equipped in battles
will level them up. There is still a discussion even in Japanese forums about
how different it is when you combine two maxed equipments and unmaxed ones.
As far as I see, the weapon status result is the same. (For example, combining
2 Amber Swords (ATK 50) will result into Amber Sword+1 (ATK 53). The result is
still 53 when I combine 2 maxed Amber Swords.
7.2 Skill Board
There are about six types of equipments you can equip in one character, weapon,
side arm, head, body, ring, and accesory. Each of them has skills that will be
inserted on the skill board when equipped.
Basically, skills are divided into 5 elements and 10 types. So there are a
total of 50 basic skills that can be aligned to obtain bonus skills. The
board size is 5x10, as shown below. The mark (X) means the equipped skills.
Skill Board:
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Normal | X
Fire |
Earth |
Water |
Wind |
Column 1: Status skills
Normal | Attack : Physical Attack +4%
Fire | Mind : Special Attack +4%
Earth | Defense : Physical Defense +4%
Water | Resist : Special Defense +4%
Wind | Spirits : concentration +4
Column 2: Combat skills
Normal | Rampage: Stun Damage +20%
Fire | Rune: Stats increase time increased by 15%
Earth | Block: Blocking reduces the damage by 5% more than usual
Water | Restore: Stats decrease time reduced by 8%
Wind | Good Will: Reduce the time you'll being stunned by 20%
Column 3: HP skills
Normal | Bloody: HP recovery +40 when succesfully stunning enemy
Fire | Pleasure: HP recovery +4 gradually while chaining artes
Earth | Prime: HP recovery +10 when blocking a attack
Water | Gain: HP recovery +60 by defeating an enemy
Wind | Relieve: HP recovery +50 for each BG used
Column 4: SC skills
Normal | Phantom: +10 SC when succesfully stunning enemy
Fire | Chain: 1% reduction of SC consumption during chain
Earth | Mirage: SC recovery speed +4% when blocking
Water | Geyser: +8 SC when taking hit
Wind | Justice: +10 bonus SC when avoiding an attack
Column 5: BG skills
Normal | Tempest: +5% BG every 10 hits
Fire | Wonder: +8% BG by defeating an enemy
Earth | Forest: +25% BG rate when blocking
Water | Feather: +16% BG rate when avoiding an attack
Wind | Tension: +8% BG when succesfully stunning enemy
Column 6: Status inflicting skills
Normal | Paralyze: +10% chance to inflict "Paralyze"
Fire | Burning: +10% chance to inflict "Burn"
Earth | Throw: +10% chance to inflict "Slow-foot" (cannot move)
Water | Poison: +10% chance to inflict "Poison"
Wind | Cloudy: +10% chance to inflict "Fatigue"
Column 7: Race skills 1
Normal | Beast: +10% damage on a monster from the "beast" family
Fire | Crust: +10% damage on a monster from the "crustacean" family
Earth | Infini: +10% damage on a monster from the "irregular" family
Water | Appado (?): +10% damage on a monster from the "crawling" family
Wind | Union: +10% damage on a monster from the "flying" family
Column 8: Race skills 2
Normal | Serian: 10% damage on a monster from the "beast" family
Fire | Armored: 10% damage on a monster from the "armored" family
Earth | Undead: 10% damage on a monster from the "undead" family
Water | Demon: 10% damage on a monster from the "demon" family
Wind | Dragon: 15% damage on a monster from the "dragon" family
Column 9: Attribute/Elemental skills
Normal | Void: Non-elemental damage increased by 10%
Fire | Fire: Fire damage increased by 10%
Earth | Earth: Earth damage increased by 10%
Water | Aqua: Water damage increased by 10%
Wind | Wind: Wind damage increased by 10%
Column 10: Forbidden skills
Normal | Penetrator: will not be interrupted when taking damage less than 40
Fire | Shield: Rigid body (chance of being not interrupted) +1 while casting
Earth | Prevent: All damage is mitigated by 30
Water | Invalid: Damage below 400 will be nullified.
Wind | Phoenix: 20% chance of surviving from death blow with 1 HP left
7.3 Bonus Skills
Bonus Skills can be obtained if requirements are met. Requirements for bonus
skills are related to the Skill Board. Bonus skills are obtained by aligning
skills using three rules that will be explained below.
There are 3 ways to obtain a bonus skill, Same, Elm, and Union.
1. Same
If you stack two same skills. There will be a number shown at the upper right
of the skill icon.
Skill Board:
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Normal | X(2) -> Same
Fire |
Earth |
Water | X(4) -> Same
Wind |
Num of | Bonus | Effects
Stacks | Skill |
2 | Anthem | Knockdown time when interrupted is reduced by 6%
3 | Blast | Maximum BG +1
4 | Exceed | Number of chain +1 (for example, Chain Combo 4 > 5)
5 | Asterisk | Damage is doubled when the hit is multiple of 10
6 | Aegis | Prevent petrification and halve impact when blown off
7 | Zexceed? | Reduce BG consumption for Mystic Arte by 1
8 | Reborn | Recover 25% of received damage
9 | Thousand | Halve damage more than 1000
11 | Mystic | Reduce casting time by 40%
*not complete yet,coming soon*
2. Elm
If you set minimum 2 skills of the same elements next to each other.
Skill Board:
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Normal | X X -> not Elm
Fire |
Earth | X X -> Elm
Water |
Wind | X X X -> Elm
Num of | Element | Bonus | Effects
Align | Row | Skill |
| Normal | De-Void | Reduce non-elemental damage by 10%
| Fire | De-Fire | Reduce fire damage by 10%
2 | Earth | De-Earth | Reduce earth damage by 10%
| Water | De-Aqua | Reduce water damage by 10%
| Wind | De-wind | Reduce wind damage by 10%
| Normal | Locking | Decrease Paralyze effect by 50%
| Fire | Comfort | Decrease Burn effect by 50%
3 | Earth | Elven | Decrease Slow-foot effect by 50%
| Water | Melting | Decrease Poison effect by 50%
| Wind | Reading | Decrease Fatigue effect by 50%
| Normal | Attacker | Physical attack +1 when level up
| Fire | Minder | Special attack +1 when level up
4 | Earth | Defenser | Physical defense +1 when level up
| Water | Resistor | Special defense +1 when level up
| Wind | Spiriter | Concentration +1 when level up
| Normal | En-Void | Increase non-elemental damage by 10%
| Fire | En-Fire | Increase fire damage by 10%
5 | Earth | En-Earth | Increase earth damage by 10%
| Water | En-Aqua | Increase water damage by 10%
| Wind | En-Wind | Increase wind damage by 10%
| Normal | * | Stunning time by non-elemental attack +2 seconds
| Fire | coming | Stunning time by fire attack +2 seconds
6 | Earth | soon | Stunning time by earth attack +2 seconds
| Water | | Stunning time by water attack +2 seconds
| Wind | Zephyr | Stunning time by wind attack +2 seconds
| Normal | Vanish | Nullify non-elemental resistance of enemy
| Fire | | Nullify fire resistance of enemy
7 | Earth | * | Nullify earth resistance of enemy
| Water | coming | Nullify water resistance of enemy
| Wind | soon | Nullify wind resistance of enemy
| Normal | | Convert non-elemental damage to 1 (35% chance)
| Fire | Efreet | Convert fire damage to 1 (35% chance)
8 | Earth | Gnome | Convert earth damage to 1 (35% chance)
| Water | Undine | Convert water damage to 1 (35% chance)
| Wind | Sylph | Convert wind damage to 1 (35% chance)
| Normal | | 40% chance of non-elemental influence x4
| Fire | Faidesu? | 40% chance of fire elemental influence x4
9 | Earth | * | 40% chance of earth elemental influence x4
| Water | coming | 40% chance of water elemental influence x4
| Wind | soon | 40% chance of wind elemental influence x4
| Normal | | Reflect 30% of non-elemental damage
| Fire | | Reflect 30% of fire damage
10 | Earth | Amber | Reflect 30% of earth damage
| Water | | Reflect 30% of water damage
| Wind | | Reflect 30% of wind damage

3. Union
If you set all elemental skills in one column. Union Bonus Skills have the
most badass skills. For example, the combination below results into a bonus
skill named Soldier which raises all stats by 20 points! Wow!
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Normal | X
Fire | X
Earth | X -> Union
Water | X
Wind | x
Union | Bonus | Effects
Column | Skill |
1 | Soldier | All Stats +20
2 | Assassin | HP recovery when avoiding using step +7%
3 | Priest | Maximum HP +20%
4 | Scout | SC recovery +10%
5 | Warlock | Auto BG recovery +100% when BG is 0
6 | Shaman | Time of abnormal status inflicted to enemy +80%
7 | Swordsman | During second chain, interruption time to enemy +12
8 | Knight | During third chain, interruptino time to enemy +12
9 | | *coming soon*
10 | |
8. Tactics [TAC]
8.1 Battle Call
During battle, you can perform a Battle Call by pressing R-Stick.
Left - Spread/Separate Attack (characters attack different enemies)
Right - Focused Attack (characters attack one enemy)
Up - Offensive Stance
Down - Defensive Stance
8.2 Battle Strategy
Battle tactics can be accessed from the menu screen. From left to right, they
are Basic Behaviour, Battle Tactics, Attack Frequency, Defense and Recovery,
and Blast.
1. Basic Behaviour (there are 2 columns of selection)
Leave it to you Aim nearby enemies
Target the most dangerous enemy Reduce number of enemies
Target multiple enemies Cancel enemy artes
Target far enemies Attack the same enemy as partner
Protect partner Spread out attack
2. Battle Tactics
Melee Battle (Use melee artes)
Range Battle (take range from enemies and attack)
Balanced (Use all artes evenly)
Use fast artes more often
Use artes that targets enemy weaknesses
3. Attack Frequency
Do not attack
Counter enemy attacks (Keep SC around 75)
Balanced (Keep SC around 50)
Attack-oriented (Keep atacking until SC is about 25)
Full offense (Attacking without caring about SC)
4. Defense and Recovery
Very Often/Thoroughly (Heal and guard when HP is not 100%)
Frequently (Heal and guard when HP is below 75%)
Moderately (Heal and guard when HP is below 50%)
Sometimes (Heal and guard when HP is below 25%)
Ignore recovery
5. Blast
Leave it to you
Attack (Use Blast for chaining, stunning, etc)
Armitization (Use Blast only for performing Armitization)
Defend (Use Blast only for defense and recovery purpose)
Do not use (Do not use Blast Gauge at all)

9. Battle Difficulty [DIF]
The default difficulty levels that can be chosen for the first time are Simple,
Normal, Second, and Hard. The default level is Normal.
The game can be enjoyed even for player that is not used to action battle.
Refreshing gameplay is the main priority.
Normal difficulty of the game.
Recommended for experienced player that is used to action battle.
Rarity of equipment drops is increased.
For player who wants a challenge in battlefield. Gained experience is reduced
but gained gald is increased.
For players that still feel Hard is not enough.
Gained gold and gald is a little bit higher than Hard.
How to Unlock: Win 300? battles on Hard.
*coming soon*

10. Credits [CRE]
Thanks to Namco Bandai for this great game!
It is true that people are somewhat disappointed by some in-game facts, for
example Alicia leaving the party earlier, then the stupid camera during battle
in narrow places. But overall, I think this game has its own unique atttractive
Thanks to JohnsonLi for pointing out that there is no Base Arte during
Armitization. Instead, circle button is for Arcane Artes.
Thanks to Silvius782 for helping me compile the Skill List.
As I told you at the beginning, please write to me at marmando@windowslive.com
if you see any mistake on this guide. Please do not hesitate to ask questions,
give comments, or recommendations. Your name will be put here, do not worry.
=================================END OF CONTENT================================

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