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Going down the memory lane

I was once a netball player in my high school, and this EWRF National Netball
Tournament 2015 gave me chance to look back at my glorious past of being a
netball player in school, and now I am a volunteer for this grand event. On the
25th, 26th and 27th September 2015 this energetic event was conducted in SK
La Salle, Brickfields with almost 400 students from all over the country.
I was a volunteer for this event, and not only the volunteer but I was also the
coach in charge for the Gopeng school players under Tanjung Malim EWRF
Branch. This whole event was conducted with the collaboration of SEDIC (Socio
Economic Development for Indian Community) and it was indeed a successful
event. Almost 28 students from Tanjung Malim took part in this Tournament and
3 volunteers from Tanjung Malim went to the spot to assist the organisers in
conducting this big and grand event.

We were all excited for this event as his was the first tournament that I took part
as a volunteer. In addition, I was assigned to take care of Tanjung Malim
participants and I felt that as a privilege to be given such a big responsibility
which many would never get when one is being as a volunteer. Well, yes, as
everyone expect and think I was totally excited to do my tasks for this whole
event and I was extremely tired when the day ended after the tournament.
Though it was really tiring, I had the chance to meet the Best National Netball
Player who came to visit the Tournament and also the chance to meet with many
new people. Furthermore, while watching the students playing the netball during
the tournament, it was reminiscing my memory of being a Netball player back in
high school, as I shared my experience and some tips with the students so that it
could might help them in playing the game.

The incident that was totally unforgettable for me during this event was a
participant from Tanjung Malim branch, Keshiviny injured her arm and we rushed
her to the hospital and the situation was really heating up. We were really
worried about her as we thought the injury might be very serious but Thank God,
it was just a twisted arm that needed to be held in a cast, otherwise she was
utter fine. Sungai Petani Branch was announced as the Champion of the
tournament and Tanjung Malim branch managed to win the 2nd Runner Up place
in the Tournament. I felt like WOW....!!! because being as a volunteer from
Tanjung Malim branch I felt really proud to be in that place. All those sleepless
nights and tiring works for the past 3 days was worth it.
We finally took lots and lots of pictures and not forgetting that the President of
EWRF thanked the volunteers, us for being such a big help for the success of the
event, but I felt like thats why we were there as volunteers for the first place.

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