Mpcwa Devotion 2013

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Day 20 - Do it Your way Lord.


Genesis 20
Psalms 20

Proverbs 20

Matthew 20


Proverbs 20 : 24

A man's steps are of the Lord;

How then can a man understand his own way?

Most of the times, I wonder why God puts me on challenging situations that make me
ask Him, "Why God, Why?" It's just like the question of why do we need to study
discreet Mathematics when in fact, there is no use for that on our daily living. God
wants me to understand the genius of His ways. It might look totally different and off of
the usual ways of the world but it always leads to better endings.


Proverbs 20 : 22

Do not say, "I will recompense evil";

Wait for the Lord, and He will save you.

Proverbs 20 : 22

Do not say, "I will recompense evil";

Wait for the Lord, and He will save you.


Proverbs 20 : 21

An inheritance gained hastily at the beginning

Will not be blessed at the end.


I will keep putting my trust in the Lord with regards to the processing of my Permanent
Residence. I know I really couldn't understand it now, but I will keep my tust on HIm
who's ways are different but mighty and with better endings.

I will always remain steadfast in Him who is able to do what is impossible. I will still do
my best on my job and not pay evil to my employer though my boss is trying to fool me
around by delaying the processing of my PR papers.

Starting tonight I will not murmur anymore about the long waiting time for my PR
processing but instead, I will wait for the Lord. He will save me from boredom.

Lord develop in me the virtue of patience. I will not pay evil with evil for I know that you
will avenge me at the right time. I know You will save me, so I will wait for your right
timing. By the way things are happening now, it looks totally hopeless but I trust in Your
ways cause I know You always know what is the best for me. Thank you Lord. Amen

Posted by Henry Ayeras at 9:57 PM

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