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Finding Gamma
Pascal Fries,1,2,* Rene Scheeringa,1 and Robert Oostenveld1
1F.C.Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University Nijmegen, 6525 EN Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2Department of Biophysics, Donders Centre for Neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen, 6525 EZ Nijmegen, The Netherlands
DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2008.04.020

Neuronal gamma-band synchronization is central for cognition. Respective studies in human subjects fo-
cused on a visually induced transient enhancement of broadband EEG power. In this issue of Neuron,
Yuval-Greenberg et al. demonstrate that this EEG response is an artifact of microsaccades, raising the ques-
tion of whether gamma-band synchronization can be assessed with EEG.

When networks of neurons are activated, The EEG has been used extensively in trode recordings in animals revealed
they engage in synchronous rhythmic human cognitive neuroscience, because consistently that, for example, visual stim-
activity in the gamma-frequency range it is relatively cheap and easy, but uli induced synchronized rhythms that oc-
(30100 Hz) (Gray et al., 1989). This nevertheless delivers noninvasive mea- curred in each trial with a different phase
gamma-band synchronization affects surements of human brain activity with relation to stimulus onset. The variable
neuronal interactions (Womelsdorf et al., millisecond temporal precision. This pre- phase relation makes those components
2007) and thereby subserves several cen- cision has been exploited predominantly disappear in ERPs, and they can only be
tral cognitive functions, including percep- to study brain responses with a strict tem- revealed if the spectral (frequency-wise)
tual binding (Gray et al., 1989), attentional poral relation to either a sensory stimulus, power of neuronal activity is estimated
selection (Fries et al., 2001), and working a motor response, or any other externally separately per trial and only then aver-
memory maintenance (Pesaran et al., accessible event. The respective event is aged.
2002). These functions of gamma-band used to trigger the averaging of EEG Such a power analysis in turn retains
synchronization have been revealed in epochs to obtain the event-related poten- not only the interesting gamma-band
numerous experiments in animals, using tial (ERP). The underlying rationale is that rhythm, but also power from, for example,
microelectrodes that record single neu- any brain response related to the event small muscle artifacts. These muscle
rons, small groups of neurons, or the local is phase locked to it and survives averag- artifacts contain power actually predomi-
field potential (LFP, a sort of EEG re- ing, while anything else is noise and is re- nantly in the gamma band, and it is
corded inside the neuropil). The LFP is moved through the averaging. However, precisely this reason why most re-
due to intra- and extracellular current the absence of phase locking is precisely searchers prefer to low-pass filter EEG
flows that can also be measured noninva- a characteristic feature of the neuronal signals around 30 Hz, eliminating many
sively as magnetoencephalogram (MEG) gamma-band synchronization that had potential artifacts but also any potential
or electroencephalogram (EEG). been observed in animals. The microelec- gamma-band activity. Thus, both the

Neuron 58, May 8, 2008 2008 Elsevier Inc. 303



movements are controlled. Yuval-Green-

berg et al. (2008) demonstrate with
excruciating clarity that the iGBR is
a manifestation of miniature saccades.
The contraction of extraocular muscles
during miniature saccades (MSs) causes
a short spike in the EEG scalp recordings.
This spike is not actually rhythmic, just
short (a few tens of milliseconds), but in
the spectral power analysis, this corre-
sponds to a broad-band power elevation
between 30 and 100 Hz. Yuval-Greenberg
et al. can explain also the temporal
features of the iGBR out of the temporal
pattern of MSs. MSs occur with a sponta-
neous rate (roughly three per second)
already before stimulus onset. After stim-
ulus onset, this rate drops to almost zero
around 100 ms, rebounds to a peak be-
tween 200 and 300 ms, and then returns
back to baseline levels. To understand
how this explains the time course of the
iGBR, one has to realize that it is not
the slow rate of MSs that produces the
gamma rhythm, but rather, each MS pro-
duces a broad-band iGBR, and the rate of
MSs determines the strength of the iGBR.
Furthermore, the peak of MS rate be-
tween 200 and 300 ms poststimulus is
much broader than each individual MS-in-
Figure 1. Neuronal Gamma-Band Synchronization Can Be Assessed with EEG duced EEG spike. Therefore, the EEG
(A) Illustration of recording location in V1 (primary visual cortex) of an awake macaque monkey.
(B) Time-frequency analysis of LFP power recorded from the position indicated in (A).
spikes are not aligned to stimulus onset,
(C) Estimated sources of visually induced gamma-band activity as measured with MEG in a human and the iGBR is not phase locked to stim-
subject. ulation. And finally, the drop in MS rate
(D) Time-frequency analysis of MEG sensors over the source shown in (C).
around 100 ms after stimulus onset actu-
(E) Estimated sources of visually induced gamma-band activity as measured with EEG in another human
subject. ally corresponds to a drop in iGBR below
(F) Time-frequency analysis of an EEG electrode over the source shown in (E). baseline levels, which has been consis-
tently found, but hardly discussed.
Thus, both spectral and temporal iGBR
event-related averaging in ERPs and the fully aware of the risk of artifacts sneaking characteristics are well explained as MS
common low-pass filtering were blind- into the power spectra. Therefore, these artifacts. But what about the numerous
folding most of the EEG-based research issues were discussed in the initial manu- cognitive effects that have been docu-
for potential gamma-band activity. scripts, and some studies even contained mented for the iGBR? Yuval-Greenberg
Some investigators realized these direct estimates of the influence of muscle et al. could not address all of those effects
problems and took the courageous step artifacts (Tallon-Baudry et al., 1998). in one study. However, they performed an
to overcome ERP traditions, to open their Those considerations discarded an arti- experiment that is typical for iGBR stud-
filters, and to investigate non-stimulus- factual nature of the iGBR, and the studies ies, using visual stimuli in which parts
locked power at frequencies in the rather suggested that the iGBR actually could either be perceptually bound into
gamma-band range. This research fo- assessed neuronal gamma-band syn- a gestalt or not. When perceptual binding
cused on the visual modality and revealed chronization in human subjects. Indeed, was possible, iGBR was enhanced. This
that visual stimuli induce enhanced power iGBR was shown to correlate with per- iGBR finding would be in line with hypoth-
from 30100 Hz and around 200300 ms ceptual binding, priming, etc., and these eses about neuronal gamma-band syn-
after stimulus onset, a response that has cognitive modulations of the iGBR chronization, but Yuval-Greenberg et al.
often been called the visually induced seemed to provide growing evidence for show it to be fully explained by the pattern
gamma-band response, or iGBR (Tallon- it not being an artifact. of MSs in the different visual stimulation
Baudry et al., 1996; Yuval-Greenberg Yet, a paper in this issue of Neuron sug- conditions. While this does not prove
and Deouell, 2007). The involved investi- gests that those cognitive modulations of that MSs explain previously published
gators were seasoned EEG experts and the iGBR rather reveal how intricately eye iGBR effects, it does raise serious

304 Neuron 58, May 8, 2008 2008 Elsevier Inc.



concerns. These concerns will need to be ual, it is clearly restricted to a limited fre- REFERENCES
addressed in reanalyses of existing data quency band of typically 1030 Hz width.
and/or replications of previous studies Visually induced gamma-band activity Fries, P., Reynolds, J.H., Rorie, A.E., and
Desimone, R. (2001). Science 291, 15601563.
that will now include precise eye-position with these characteristics has been re-
recordings. corded also in human subjects using Gray, C.M., Konig, P., Engel, A.K., and Singer, W.
Yuval-Greenberg et al. explicitly do not MEG, and source analyses located it to (1989). Nature 338, 334337.

raise concern about neuronal gamma- early visual areas (Figures 1C and 1D) Hoogenboom, N., Schoffelen, J.M., Oostenveld,
band synchronization itself. Neuronal (Hoogenboom et al., 2006). Thus, typical R., Parkes, L.M., and Fries, P. (2006). Neuroimage
gamma-band synchronization has been neuronal gamma-band synchronization 29, 764773.

demonstrated directly with microelec- is clearly present in the human brain, Makeig, S., Debener, S., Onton, J., and Delorme,
trode recordings of pairs of single neurons and it should be possible to record it A. (2004). Trends Cogn. Sci. 8, 204210.
(Maldonado et al., 2000), pairs of neuron also with the EEG. In Figures 1E and 1F,
Maldonado, P.E., Friedman-Hill, S., and Gray, C.M.
groups (Gray et al., 1989), and in LFPs we show visually induced gamma-band (2000). Cereb. Cortex 10, 11171131.
(the latter reflect the precision of synchro- activity in human EEG with a spectrotem-
nization in their amplitude) (Fries et al., poral signature and an estimated source Pesaran, B., Pezaris, J.S., Sahani, M., Mitra, P.P.,
and Andersen, R.A. (2002). Nat. Neurosci. 5,
2001) (Figures 1A and 1B). These record- that are very similar to monkey LFP (Fig- 805811.
ings assess neuronal activity within only ures 1A and 1B) and human MEG (Figures
tens to hundreds of micrometers around 1C and 1D). This example demonstrates Tallon-Baudry, C., Bertrand, O., Delpuech, C., and
Pernier, J. (1996). J. Neurosci. 16, 42404249.
the electrode tips, and electric fields that neuronal gamma-band synchroniza-
from eye muscle contractions do not af- tion can be investigated with EEG, and Tallon-Baudry, C., Bertrand, O., Peronnet, F., and
fect them. Importantly, gamma-band syn- therefore, EEG researchers should keep Pernier, J. (1998). J. Neurosci. 18, 42444254.
chronization assessed in this way has their filters wide open. The move from Womelsdorf, T., Schoffelen, J.M., Oostenveld, R.,
a spectrotemporal pattern that is very dif- ERPs to EEG spectral analysis remains Singer, W., Desimone, R., Engel, A.K., and Fries,
ferent from the iGBR, but very consistent a central scientific challenge (Makeig P. (2007). Science 316, 16091612.
across the different types of microelec- et al., 2004). The important correction by Yuval-Greenberg, S., and Deouell, L.Y. (2007). J.
trode recordings. It starts with the first Yuval-Greenberg et al. must not make Neurosci. 27, 10901096.
neuronal spiking response (Fries et al., us shrink from this challenge, but rather
Yuval-Greenberg, S., Tomer, O., Keren, A.S.,
2001), remains stable over the course of make us pursue it with even greater dili- Nelken, I., and Deouell, L.Y. (2008). Neuron 58,
the response, and, within a given individ- gence and caution. this issue, 429441.

Neuron 58, May 8, 2008 2008 Elsevier Inc. 305

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