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Mantra, yantra and tantra for pleasure and divinity

By Amritananda of Devipuram, via Ammulapalem, Anakapalle 531001

A brief introduction to Acharas:

God/Goddess manifest the world being half male (Dakshina) and half female (Vama). Different
traditions of worship have come into vogue. The creator is worshipped as male, female or both.
Shaivites prefer to worship the father principle in the linga. Shaktas prefer to worship the mother
principle in the yoni. Kula means total. So Kaulas worship both linga and yoni. Worship can take
Satvic, Rajasic, or Tamasic forms according to each ones choice. Satvics use mostly imagination,
according to Bhavana Upanishat. Rajasics use substitutes like pnchamritas for pancha makaras in
worship. Tamasics offer wine, meat, fish, cereals and sex in worship. The main idea of Tantra is to
create a miraculous, wish fulfilling and enjoyable world through pleasure.

The need for revising existing Tantras:

We believe that Tantra releases traumas coming from suppression, neurotic psycho-somatic
disorders, and make for a positive outlook on life. Tantra is universally needed to release floodgates
of creativity.

But the orthodoxy rigidly imposes that not one word can be changed, not one minute can be saved.
The attitude is take it or leave it. Dire consequences will follow if you violate this rule, incurring wrath
of the Guru. Unfortunately this attitude has done more harm than good in many ways. The Sri
Chakra Tantra takes six to 8 hours. Lot of work goes into preparation of specific food offerings.
Women who ought to be worshipped are tied up in this work. The real naivedyam of offering pleasure
to Goddess is forgotten. Puja just becomes a long, difficult to learn, boring, and sometimes at the
end a glorified drinking party. In these modern days, young people are counting seconds, not even
minutes: their lives are indeed very short of time. The learning curves are very steep. The genuine
teachers are very difficult to even talk to. Our insistence on orthodoxy is thus rejecting 99% of young
generation from getting the benefits of tantra. We simply cant afford to lose the 99% of college going
youth if we want to spread the Tantras and to make an impact on society. Otherwise we will forever
be condemned as antisocial black magicians instead of genuine beauty and pleasure seekers who
we really are. Imagine people in wet clothes rolling on ground doing parikrama, implying that God
loves suffering. Now imagine young people sing, dance and have fun in temples as service to Gods.
To remind us about this heritage of community fun in service of Goddess, sculptures of loving
couples decorate the walls of great temples of yore. If we choose, we can be like that even today.
Millions of tourists all over the world are searching for methods of combining bhoga and moksha,
enjoyment and Nirvana, reflecting the need as well as acceptance of tantric way of life.

To spread the message we have to tell that Tantra accepts all forms of love and pleasure in worship,
and so is enjoyable; it has been held secret only because it explores the role fear and sex in
transformation; in that it is not evil or dark; that it opens up a soul giving and seeking divine
pleasures to all; that it appeals to the youthful spirit of fun; that it is an exciting way to reach an ocean
of bliss; that it does not require many hours of commitment every day; that it define goals of life by
connecting to Goddess and getting help from Her. To achieve these ends, we need to compact the
tantra into a daily practice lasting an hour or less and make it thoroughly enjoyable, every minute of

Creating and propagating a short form of Sri Chakra Tantra

We have done it and are propagating it. People are getting enormous benefits in less than a month
even spending less than an hour a day. What follows are the ideas behind accelerating the learning
curve; and also the actual procedure as a pdf document in telugu. It is just 8 pages in all. This
document and animation in flash can both be downloaded from our website

The ideas behind compacting Sri Chakra Tantra

I studied Sri Vidya. I built a major Sri Chakra Temple. I have practiced Sri Chakra Puja/Tantra every
day for 33 years in a row. I think I understand it enough to dare to simplify its content, not
compromising its purity of intent.

We live in three bodies. The physical, lotus, and yantra. The king of yantras is called Sri yantra.
Nirvana is the process of moving from physical to lotus body and lotus to Yantra body. Nirvana
means to cut the causal chain forcing us to get rebirth. The soul may still decide to come down by
choice as an avatar.

As I understand, the upasana of Sri Chakra has 3 streams called Sri Kram, Lalita kram and
Navavaran. We have given the name Triveni Kalpa for this new version based on Sri Vidya.

The first part is Sri Kram, where immortality is invoked into a fluid in a holy vessel. The vessel is
called visesha patra. But the best vessel we can think of is our own body. The vital fluid in it is the life
To make the gross physical body fit to receive nectar, first we need to remove its grossness by
connecting it to the lotus body. One very good way to do it is to touch each point of physical body
with a vibrator as we are saying the mantra in all the lotuses. The vibrations should be strong enough
to go to the petal and force attention there, but not so strong as to cause discomfort. It is much better
to use the vibrator than just think about it. Use of vibrator is an innovation to cut the time required to
activate all chakras.

Normally we would use Datta mantra for 16 petals of visuddhi, Krishna for 12 of Anahata and so on.
But why use different mantras? Guru mantra has all mantras in it. Why not use it alone? This is
another innovation. We use the mantra of trinity in the form Om am hrim krom ehyehi dattatreyaya
svaha. We use it 16 times round neck, 12 times round chest, 10 around waist, 6 around yoni and 4
in womb and 3 in the eyes.

In preparing nectar, we invoke fire, sun and moon. We also invoke the powers of creating new ideas,
preserving the best ones, destroying evil, powers which are concentrated and diffused into the body.
Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Iswara, Sadsiva are these powers. In this kalpa, we use pictures saving
thousands of words, directly into the charkas of womb, yoni, navel, chest and neck. We invoke the
compassionate look of the mother into her eyes; she can give life back by a mere look. We invoke all
these and more powers into the vessel, the person receiving empowerment. We tell that all is the
creator, the creator is in the creation; one life animates all, even if forms differ. And then the
panchamrits are given making the person a divine being.

The second stream is a massage, bath and a beauty treatment, worship and food offerings. Here we
think of the lady as Lalita Herself.

The last stream is to keep the greatest of yantras, the Sri Chakra near the yoni and worship it with
Khadgamala, the limbs of Goddess Sri Chakra. The Sri Chakra is formed when four male priciples
unite with five female principles. The fifth transcendent goddess who is Herself the guru blesses all
this. The person gets fully empowered, and receives worship as a living God/Goddess. It is the
ultimate honor and fulfillment to receive worship for your divinity.

The offering

From beginning to end the process just takes half-hour to an hour. Every seeker will be able to
commit this much of time. It is our fond hope that people will really enjoy this new Triveni Kalpa, do it
every day, and reach nirvana. That is our samkalpa and blessing: Soubhagya for all of us.

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