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ACTIVITY 4: Fish-Drop Container

Enhance fine motor skills
Also enhances hand-eye coordination
Babies demonstrated an interest in placing objects in other

Learning Experience:
1. Enhance fine motor skills
2. Allow problem solving abilities
3. Supporting turn taking skills

ELECT: Cognitive 4.3 Problem Solving

Solving problems with actions by trial and error
Admiration for the infants achievement of her goals
reinforces and promotes continued exploration and problem
Realizing that the object (fish) will only fall into the container
if placed in a certain way.

1. Clear container (cracker container)
2. Foam stickers
3. Foam fish
4. Electrical tape

Who: Myself and small group of infants

Where: Indoors carpet area

Place container on carpet around several infants
Encourage them to the activity
give each of them a foam fish
Demonstrate how the fish fits in the hole at the top of the
Applaud success as the babies accomplish activity

Teaching Strategies:
1. Invitation motivates children to try activities
2. Scaffolding process of providing and then gradually
removing external support

What went well
All babies were interested in the activity
All babies were able to accomplish and understood the
purpose of the activity
What didnt go well
Some of the older infants grabbed the container and ran
away with it while the younger ones attempted to eat the
foam fish.
How the babies communicated with one another
After all the fish were in the container, I had to remove the
lid and dump out all the fish so they can begin to activity
Providing a book about fish swimming; referencing to the

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