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Technical Seminar

Draft Standard Form of Domestic Sub-contract

Monday, 7 April 2014

16:00 17:30 (Registration starts at 15:30)

Construction Industry Resource Centre

Registration Fee
Free of Charge

About the Seminar

The Construction Industry Council (the CIC) considers that having user-friendly and simple standard
forms of contract readily available for the adoption in subcontracting works can be an effective measure to
help minimise disputes and outstanding payment problems. On this basis, a Task Force on Standard
Contract Provisions for Domestic Subcontracts (the Task Force) has been established under the
Committee on Procurement and Subcontracting of the CIC to work out a standard form of contract for the
adoption in domestic subcontracting works. With the concerted efforts of the Task Force Members over
the past 2 years, the first draft of the Standard Form of Domestic Sub-contract (the Draft) has been
complied and is undergoing an industry consultation ending on 15 April 2014. In the technical seminar,
the Chairman of the Task Force will share with the participants about the background and key provisions of
the Draft.

Terms and Conditions

1. The Seminar will be conducted in Cantonese supplemented with English on technical / special terms.
2. The Consultation Document for the Draft Standard Form of Domestic Sub-contract could be downloaded from the CIC Website:
3. It is suggested that participation in the Seminar counts for 1.5 CPD hours.
4. The organiser reserves the rights to make any changes without prior notice.
5. Registration will only be accepted upon receipt of completed registration form either by email or by fax or by post.
6. Registration will be processed on a first-come-first-serve basis. The organiser reserves the right for final decision. Confirmation email will
be sent to the successful registrants in due course.
7. For enquiries, please liaise with the organiser at tel. 2100 9409 or email to for assistance.
Technical Seminar

Draft Standard Form of Domestic Sub-contract

Monday, 7 April 2014 | Construction Industry Resource Centre


Programme Rundown

Time Event Speaker

15:30 16:00 Registration

16:00 16:10 Welcome Remarks Mr. Ivan WONG

Director - Registration Services
CIC Secretariat
Construction Industry Council

16:10 17:00 Introduction to the Draft Sr TANG Ki-cheung

Standard Form of Domestic Chairman
Sub-contract Task Force on Standard Contract Provisions for
Domestic Subcontracts
17:00 17:30 Q&A Session
Construction Industry Council

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = REGISTRATION FORM ==================

Please complete the form below and return by email to or by fax to 2100 9491
or by post to SRS Registration Office, Room 2001-03, Alliance Building, 130-136 Connaught Road Central,
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong on or before 3 April 2014

Last Name : Ir/Sr/Prof./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms.

First Name :

Company : Tel. No. :

Position Fax No. :

Address :

Email :

Note: Confirmation e-mail or fax will be sent to successful registrations in due course.

Declaration: I hereby register for this Seminar. I agree to the terms and conditions as set out by the organiser and declare that the above
information stated by me is correct at the time of completion.
Please keep me informed of future events of the CIC (including training courses, trade testing, registration, events and other aspects of its work
and the construction industry) by using the above data that I have provided.
I do not wish to receive any information from the CIC in relation to its activitts in the construction industry.

Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________________

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