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Coke Formation Mechanisms and Coke

Inhibiting Methods in Pyrolysis Furnaces

Article in Journal of chemical engineering of Japan October 2002

DOI: 10.1252/jcej.35.923


31 2,469

3 authors:

Jafar Towfighi S.M. Sadrameli

Tarbiat Modares University Tarbiat Modares University


Aligholi Niaei
University of Tabriz


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Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp. 923-937, 2002 Journal Review

Coke Formation Mechanisms and Coke Inhibiting Methods in

Pyrolysis Furnaces
Chemical Engineering Department, Tarbiat Modares University,
P.O. Box 14155-4838, Tehran, Iran

Keywords: Coke Formation, Coke Inhibition, Hydrocarbons Pyrolysis, Cracking Coil, Kinetics

Research has been carried out to understand the mechanisms under which coke formation occurs and
to search for solutions to reduce or eliminate coke deposition. Significant efforts bave been exerted over
the past twenty years in developing coke-inhibiting methods. Coke inhibitors, i.e., chemical additives, or
special coating of metal surfaces which suppress coke formation. Coke inhibitors/surface coating work
by passivating catalytically active metal sites through cbemical bonding interactions, and/or forming a
thin layer to physically isolate the metal sites from coke precursors in a process stream, and/or interfer
ing with those radical reactions leading to coke formation by blocking active radical sites on surfaces.
Tbis review paper investigates the effect of the most important methods such as new chemical additives,
tube material construction, pretreatment of surface on the coke formation of pyrolysis furnaces.

Introduction tial pressure of hydrocarbon, temperature, conversion,

reactor construction material and residence time. This
The thermal cracking of hydrocarbons ranging review paper investigates the mechanisms of coke for
from ethane to gas oil is the most important source of mation and the effect of the most important coke in
olefins and aromatics. the main feedstocks of the pet hibiting methods such as chemi:cal additives, pretreat
rochemical industries. The operation is carried out in ment of surface, tube material construction and feed
gas fired furnaces containing e.g., 4-8 vertical coils in composition in pyrolysis furnaces.
paralle I and having a production capacity of the order
of 100,000-1,000.000 tons/year ethylene, The hydro
1. Pyrolysis and Coke Formation
carbon is diluted with steam (e.g .. 0.3-0.4 kg steam/kg
hydrocarbon in ethane and propane cracking, 0.6-0.7 1.1 Pyrolysis kinetics
for naphtha) to minimize undesired side reactions and The reaction mechanism of thermal cracking of
preheated to around 600-650C in the convection sec hydrocarbons is generally accepted as free-radical
tion of the furnace. chain reactions. Ethane cracking represents the sim
The thermal cracking of hydrocarbons is always plest application of the free-radical mechanism, The
accompanied by coke formation. The coke deposits on reaction scheme with heavier feeds is much more com
the walls of the coil and affects the operation of py plex than that of gaseous feedstocks, due to the fact
rol:- ~i, coils with pressure drop increase, heat transfer that hundreds of reactants (feed components) react in
re!juction. hot spot and corrosion by carbonization. parallel and some of those components are formed as
These phenomena have penalties such as reduced run reaction products during the reaction. As conversion
length. ~electi\'ity reduction. production losses, high and concentrations of olefins and other products in
maintenance cost and increased utility cost. For above crease, secondary reactions become more significant.
reasons the c(1ke has to be periodically removed. Ob Cyclodiolefins and aromatics are produced at increased
viously. such information is of extreme importance for partial pressure of olefins and diolefins, which is a
the operation. design and optimization of cracking fur favorable condition for condensation reactions.
naces and further to e\aluate recently introduced anti Many investigators have measured the product
coking additives or special coating of the tubes. Many yield in hydrocarbon pyrolysis, and detailed mecha
factors affect coke formation such as feedstocks, par- nistic kinetic models have been published for gaseous
feed (Murata and Saito, 1975; Sundaram and Froment,
1978; Tomlin et al., 1995), but very few detailed ki
netic models have been published for heavy feed. Dente
Received on November 13,2001 Corre,pondence concerning
this article should be addressed to J. Trm fighi IE-mail address: et al. (1979) developed a simulation program (SPYRO) based on the fundamental free radical reaction, for the

COPFight 2002 The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan 923

o Active Sites;

L Coke Precursor
Metal particle on
Metal particle on

* Grain boundaries

~.~.~~.--- \
Metal crystalline
Metal oxides or

5-Carbon Diffusion
I 2-Sitc adsorption '> 6-Nucleution and
I ,"i-Strrface reactions \
carbon forma:ion ..

Fig. 1 Steps of formation of filamentous coke with catalytic mechanism

pyrolysis of hydrocarbon feed. The radical reaction accumulation in the particle causes a pressure buildup
mechanisms of pyrolysis of normal and branched par at the dislocations and the grain boundaries, which may
affins (Murata and Saito, 1973; Dente and Ranzi, 1983; exceed the tensile strength of the metal. The metal
Ranzi etal., 1983. 1997). heavy liquid feeds (Depeyre partic Ie is then Iifted from the surface and carbon
et at., 1989: Dente et al., 2001), naphtha (100 et al., crystallizes at the end of the particle. A growing carbon
200 I), substituted aromatic hydrocarbons (Chen and stem thus develops which carries the crystallite at its
Froment, 1991a, 1991b) have been investigated. top. The precipitation of carbon can give rise to
Recently a complete reaction, rigorous kinetic structural deficiencies in the carbon lattice, thereby
model, for the decomposition of the hydrocarbon feed creating reactive carbon centers along the filament skin.
(ethane to naphtha) has been prepared by Towfighi and Hydrocarbon radicals and molecules from the gas phase
Karimzadeh (1993) and Towfighi et al. (1993, 1998b, are incorporated at these reactive sites, whereby lateral
2002a). This reaction network contains more than 1000 growth of the filaments occurs. In this way a porous
reactions for 91 species such as initiation reactions, layer of interwoven filaments is formed. Carbon
H -abstractions, radical additions, decomposition reac migrating over the metal surface precipitates on the
tions, isomerization reactions, termination reactions, metal surface surrounding the carbon stem. Surface
and Diels-Alder cyclizations. carbon may thus be formed, encapsulating the metal
Many authors however, have developed molecu and preventing further growth.
lar kinetic models for pyrolysis of hydrocarbons. The The properties of the metal are very important in
pyrolysis of ethane, propane, butane (Sundaram and this mechanism. Encapsulation of the metal particles
Fromen!, 1977a, 1977b; Bozga et al., 1988; Towfighi reduces the rate of dehydrogenation of the chemisorbed
et al., 1994b, 1998a; Owtadi and TowfighL 2000), hydrocarbon atoms. At this stage the catalytic activity
naphtha (Kumar and Kunzru, 1985a; Parameswaran et of the metal particle diminishes and both carbon for
al., 1988; Niaei and Towfighi, 1993; Towfighi and mation and CO production slow down (Albright and
Shokuhi, 1994; Towfighi et al., 1994a; Towfighi and McConnel, 1979; Trimm and Turner, 1981; Baker et
Sharfi, 2000; Sadrameli et al., 2000; Sadrameli and al., 1982; Albright and Marek, 1988a, 1988b, 1988c;
Towfighi, 2(00), cyclohexane (Pant and Kunzru, 1997), Francoise et al., 1995).
gas oil (Zou et al., 1993; Depeyre et al., 1989) have 1.2.2 Radical coking mechanism At the gas/coke
been in~estigated and published. interface layer, the polyaromatics are not completely
1.2 Mechanisms of coke formation dehydrogenated. At this surface, hydrogen abstraction
The three mechanisms by which cokes produced reactions by free radicals from the gas phase can oc
in the coil and transfer line exchanger (TLE) of a crack cur. Hydrogen, methyl, and ethyl radicals are the most
ing furnace are reviewed as follows: active species. As a consequence, the concentration of
1.2.1 Catalytic coking mechanism Industrial the active sites at the coke surface becomes a function
cracking coils frequently contain different weight of the gas phase composition. This explains that the
percentage of chromium, nickel and iron. As shown in feedstocks generating more active radicals also yield
Fig. 1, during the startup of a furnace, the reacting gas more coke.
mixture is in contact \\lith the bare reactor walls. As shown in Fig. 2, at the free radical positions
Initially a hydrocarbon molecule is chemisorbed on a on the coke surface, certain gas phase molecules or
metal crystallite on the surface and by a surface reaction radicals (coke precursors) react via an addition mecha
convert to coke. Carbon atoms thus dissolve in and nism. All unsaturated molecules from the gas phase
diffuse through the metal panicle. The carbon are potential precursors. The long aliphatic side chain


1 '"
""PNAITAR ""Coke

~ Beta scission
) CondensatIOn j

/ 1 to form coke

~ Coke


Hydrogen abstnl.ction

. H

. "'~

+ H,
Fig. 3 Growth of coke by condensation mechanism

is considered important in the cracking of liquid

feedstocks, such as heavy naphtha, atmospheric or


~ ~
vacuum gas oil. Condensation mechanism is generally
Dehydrogenation : i H
.. + , relatively unimportant at temperatures of700C or less.
h h
The exact temperatures depend to some extent on the

hydrocarbons being pyrolyzed (Lahaye et al., 1977;

Fig. 2 Steps of growth of coke hy radical coking mecha Albright and Marek, 1988c).
nism 1.3 Modeling of coke formation
As mentioned above the formation of eoke in the
cracking coils is thought to be caused by three reac
of these molecules is subjected to decomposition. The tion mechanisms, which have been explained in the
remaining part of the molecule reacts in a few steps to previous paragraphs. In the following the modeling of
a ring structure. in which the dehydrogenation reac the coking phenomena in thermal cracking reactors is
tions proceed very rapidly. In this way the aromatic coneentrated by many authors on the main mechanism,
structure continues to grow further and the free radi which is the radical coking mechanism. In all of pub
cal site 3t the coke surface is regenerated by further lished papers, it is stated that, the number of reactions
hydrogen 3bstmction. can be decreased by restricting the number of coke
This mech3ni~Ill explains the formation of coke precursors especially unsaturates and aromatics which
layers containing carbon atoms in spc hybridization. are reactive and good candidate for the radical addi
The hydrogen content of such a deposit is very low, in tion.
agreement with industrial observ3tions. The cross-link Kinney and Del Bel (1954) studied the pyrolysis
of aromatic layers explains \\ hy samples of coke of unsubstituted aromatic hydrocarbons and suggested
layers from industrial coils are extremely hard and can that coke is formed from a step arise condensation of
hardly be drilled. This mechanism is the most impor the aromatic rings. Similarly, Virk et al. (1974) have
tant one in the coke formation (Ranzi et al., 1985; reported that coke is formed from aromatic substance,
Kopinke et al., 1988. 1993a, 1993b: Reyners et al., especially from benzene condense together to form
1994). diphenyl and two molecules of this component react
1.2.3 Polyaromatic condensation This third to give quadraphenyJ and so on until eventually coke
mechanism implies the formation of polynucle3r aro is formed.
matics in the gas phase via free radical reactions As Sundaram and Froment (1979) and Sundaram et
shown in Fig. 3. aromatics are the most important in al. (1981) studied the coke deposition in the pyrolysis
termediates, some aromatics are produced by of ethane and propane. He pointed out that the coke
trimerization and other reactions involving acetylene. precursor is propylene in propane pyrolysis, and is
Starting with simple aromatics. condensation and de mainly butadiene and aromatics in ethane pyrolysis.
hydrogenation reactions occurs to produce tar drop Ranzi et ai. (1985) have reported that coke formation
lets or soot particles that can be liquid or even solid at during naphtha pyrolysis involves the continuous trans
the conditions prevailing in a thermal cracking reac formation of polymeric material into coke through de
tor. Part of the droplets impinges on the tube wall. Some hydrogenation and dealkylation reactions. In this
rebound into the gas phase, but it is more likely that mechanism, olefins, diolefins, aromatics, polyaromatics
they adhere to the surface and are incorporated in the and acetylinic compounds have been postulated as the
coke layer. since the outer surface of the droplets is coke precursors. However, no details of the model have
not completely dehydrogenated. Hence, hydrogen ab been revealed. Albright and Marek (1988a) developed
qraction reactions by gas phase radicals are possible a general equation and found to correlate the coking
dnd the coke layer can grow further. This mechanism rates as a function of run time.

YOL. 35 NO. 10 2002 925

Kumar and Kunzru (1985b), Sahu and Kunzru 35r---------------------------------~
(1988) studied the coke deposition in naphtha pyroly 30 ---CH4
sis and concluded that aromatics were coke precursors. 25
The rate of coke formation was found to be propor -C4H6
tional to the square of the concentration in the cracked -Aromatic

product. Lou el al. (1986) and Zou et al. (1987, 1991,

1993) found different results that both ethylene and

propylene are coke precursors, and ethylene is the more
intense precursor. Froment (1990) has reported the
o w a

U D ~ D ~
coking rate was correlated with respect to the concen Reactor length Iml
tration of a number of products such as C5+ olefins,
Fig, 4 Variation of product yields along the coil
diolefins. butadiene. butene. and aromatics, through a
first order rate equation. Significant information on
mechanisms and relative rates of coking was obtained
by Zimmerman and co-workers from studies using 14 C_ 0.014 ---800 hr
labeled components (Kopinke et al . 1988, 1993a, 0.012 ........... 1700 hr
\993b). Towfighi et at. (2002b) has reported the cok :! 0.01
ing rate was correlated with respect to the concentra
tion of olefins, diolefis and aromatics, through a power
j 0,008
~ 0.006
law rale equation.
~ 0.004
Olefin Research Group of Tarbiat Modares Uni V
versity achieved the calculation of the temperature and
product distribution in thc reactor with the help of an 0

6 12 18 24 30 36 42
accurate rigorous kinetic model for the decomposition Reactor length (m I
of the hydrocarbon feed (Towfighi el al., 2002a). Tak
Fig. 5 Variation of coke thickness along the coil at differ
ing into account the kinetics of coke formation
ent run length
(Towfighi ef at., 2002b). along with the simultaneous
simulation of the reactor and the firebox, provides a
detailed understanding of the behavior and an accu
rate prediction of the cracking furnace run length. The 1360 r------------------------------,
coupled furnace and reactor simulation can then be 1310 -800 br
optimized in order to obtain a favorable product dis 1260
tribution or to reduce unwanted side effects. such as ~
-;; 1110
fouling of the heat transfer surfaces by coke deposi S
tion. The test results of simulation in a sample indus i lIoO
trial naphtha cracking furnace as shown in Figs. 4-6, E
~ 1110
which is in good agreement with the industrial data.
The formation of coke in TLX is thought to be IMO~------__--------------------____J
o 10 20 30 40
occured by only two mechanisms. The first consists of Reactor length Iml
surface catalyzed reactions, and the second is the po Fig. 6 Variation of tube skin temperature along the coil at
lymerization of the pyrolysis products through unde different run length
sirable secondary reactions (Lahaye et al., 1977;
Sadrameli and Sharifnia, 1996). In contrast to the for
matitln of coke in cracking coils, only little is known
about the details of the formation of carbon rich prod catalyzed polymerization (Ranzi et al., 1985) or de
ucts which are deposited in the TLE tubes at tempera composition of unsaturated hydrocarbons at the inner
tures between about 350 and 600C. Events taken into surface of the TLE tubes followed by the thermal de
account are a mechanical transfer of coke like parti hydrogenation of the resultant polymers.
cles from the reactor coils into the TLE, a physical
condensation of the high boiling point cracked prod 2. Coke Reduction Techniques
ucts at the TLE walls (Kopinke ef al., 1993c; Batch et
al., 1995; Sadrameli el al .. 1999. 200l), a chemical In this review the effect of several techniques for
condensation of unsaturated cracked products from the reduction of cokc formation is investigated. For in
gas phase to droplets at temperatures above 350C, a stance, the effect of the most important new chemical
chemical interaction between the deposited products additives. alteration of the coil surfaces and the com
and reactive gas phase species, and even a metal position of feed on the coke formation in pyrolysis
furnaces is investigated.


2.1 Coke reduction by addition of inhibitors
2.1.1 Thiochemical compounds In commercial
steam cracking of hydrocarbons, sulfur components are
80 (
~ 70
added to the feed. Naphtha or heavier feed fractions 60
contain sulfur. This reduces the CO yield in the outlet "
stream of the furnace. which is often interpreted as an "
e 40
indication of a reduced coking rate. It is also reported i! 30

that in the absence of sulfur containing additive in the 20

feed. the pressure drop rapidly increase with time. A 10


number of bench scale and pilot plant experiments with

300 500 700 900
sulfur containing additives have been reported. In some Temperature I'q
reports, it is claimed that coking in the cracking coil
can be controlled by the addition of sulfur containing Fig. 7 Percentage of decomposition of thiochemical com
additives (Bajus ef al., 1981, 1983; Depeyre et al., pounds
1985; Koltz, 1986). Godar and Corneli (1978) sug
gested a process of inhibiting fouling at elevated tem
perature by adding organo-sulfur compounds. In addi and (CH')2S0 compounds to n-nonane steam cracking
tion, Callejas and Greenwood (1995) explained a catalyzed the rate of n-nonane decomposition and in
method of treating ethylene furnaces with hydrogen hibited secondary reactions leading to the formation
sulfides under steam-containing environment to reduce of C 4Ho and aromatic compounds.
CO and/or coke formation. Herrebout and Grootjans The use of steam as a dilluent gives a rise to the
(2000) also disclosed process of inhibiting of coking formation of CO. CO is not observed when nitrogen is
by adding thiohydrocarbons where the sulfur is part of used as a dilluent (Pramanik and Kunzru, \985). Two
aromatic hetrocycles. preferably thiophene and/or processes are important in describing this: the metal
benzothiophene. catalyzed removal of carbonaceous intermediates and
Bajus ct al. (1981) studied the effect of adding coke by steam reforming processes and the slower
thiophene to a reformer raffinate feed and reported that noncatalytic gasification of coke by steam.
the coke formation reduction was observed. Also the Preoxidation of the surface increases the selectivity
effect of sulfur content in the feed was studied by add toward CO formation and thiochemical compounds are
ing thiophene to the naphtha. The rate of coke forma very effective on reduction of CO yield in industrial
tion decreased with an increase in the sulfur content of cracker (Francoise cr al., 1995).
the feed. Experimental results show that below 0.4 wt% Figure 7 illustrates the relationship between tem
thiophene, the asymptotic coking rate was inversely perature and decomposition of some common sulfur
proportional to the thiophene content of naphtha compounds. A comparison of the physical properties
whereas at higher thiophene concentrations the inhibi of various sulfur compounds is given in Table 1.
tion in the coking rate was less (Sahu and Kunzru, Dimethyldisulfide (DMDS) completely decomposes at
1988). 400-500C, even before entering the cracking coil,
The sulfur addition to the feed can reduce the rate since the temperature in the preheat section reaches
of coking in two ways. Firstly it reacts with the metal 600C. Some other sulfur compounds are more stable
surface to form metal sulfides, thus passivating the and require higher energy level to decompose.
reactor wall or it can take part in the homogeneous gas Benzothiophene remains unchanged until 675C. Thi
phase free radical reactions. The effect of sulfur in ophene is a more stable molecule and decomposes
pas~ivaing the metal wall is well known through the above 800C. For a given concentration of sulfur in
following reaction (Bajus et al., 1981; Towfighi and the feed the asymptotic coking rate decreases in the
Niaei, 2000). following order:

S' + metal ~ metal sulfide Dimethyl disulfide> Ethylmercaptane > Dimethyl

sulfide> Carbon disulfide> Benzothiophene > Thi
Bajus et al. (1983) found that. during n-heptane ophene
pyrolysis, the addition of dibenzyl sulfide or dibenzyl
disulfide decreases the rate of coking. Also they ob For a given sulfur concentration in the feed, the
tained that the addition of butanthiol and carbon amount of sulfur fed per surface unit differs consider
disulfide decreases the coking rate during reformer ably for the various units. For ethane, propane and
raffinate pyrolysis. In the same concentration of two butane cracking conditions typically used in industrial
thiochemical, the carbon disulfide is more effective practice, addition of 100-200 ppm-S as DMDS corre
than butanthiol on reduction of coke formation. sponds to 480-968 mg-S/m 2 while for the pilot unit
Dcpeyre et al. ( 1985) reported that addition of (C2Hs)2S this value amounts to 47.85 mg-S/m2. When spiking

VOL. 35 NO. 102002 927

Table 1 Physical properties of common presulfiding (thiochemical) compounds

Properties DMDS DMS NR\1 EM CS 2 DES MM H2S

Molecular weight 94.2 62.1 90.2 62.1 76 90 47 34
Boiling point 109.6 37 98 35 48 92 8 0
'7c Sulfur 68 52 36 52 54 36 67 94
J:'Xnsity 1.063 0.843 0.83 0.83
Sulfur content [gill 720 440 300 430 1058 301 58! 855
Vap. pressure 29.3 505 48 535 3&7 58 1530 18000
[mbar at 20"C1
Viscosity 0.62 0.28 0.5 0.23
(cpoise 20"C)
Tot'decomposition 400 450 425 400
Tofdecomposition 520 650 650 565

DMDS: dimethyl disulfide: DMS: dimethyl sulfide: DES: diethyl disulfide: MM: methyl mercaptane:
EM: ethyl mercnptane; NBM: normal butyl mereaptane; CS2: carbon disulfide

naphtha feed, its sulfur content is used as a guide. Where C"H", (hydrocarbon) is considered for steam
Reeently contradictorial results were reported on reforming (Rostrup-Nielsen, 1973; Wagner and
the effect of sulfur containing additives on the coking Froment, 1992). Sulfur compounds can alter the rate
rate. Froment (1990) claimed that the CO yield is not of radical reactions through their interference with
a reliable indicator for the coke formation. Velenyi et hydrogen transfer and with termination reactions.
al. (1991) reported an increase of the coking rate on 2.1.2 Phosphorous compounds Phosphorous
Inconel 600 in pyrolysis of ethane with hydrogen containing additives have been shown to be effective
sulfide in the feed. Francoise er al. (1995) observed in inhibiting coking rates. Naberezhnova et al. (1983)
that addition of carbon disulfide results in an impor reported that the organophosphorous compounds were
tant reduction of the CO yield. both in the initial and very effective in controlling the coke formation dur
the asymptotic range. Sulfur compounds from the gas ing pyrolysis of liquid hydrocarbons without affecting
phase are more readily chemisorbed on the metal par the product yields. Boone (1983) of Nulco Company
ticles than water and hydrocarbon molecules. Cover reported the development of proprietary products con
age of metal sites by sulfur then leads to a lower con taining phosphorous with or without sulfur which were
centration of active oxygen atoms at the surface and effective in reducing the coking rate during
hence to a lower catalytic CO production. When S, and hydrocarbon pyrolysis. The additive provided a film
S, are empty sites on the surface of metal catalyst to passivate the metal surface to prevent it from
(cracking coil surfaces contain with high weight per catalyzing the coke formation. The increase in run
cent ofNi and Fe) and the carrier respectively, the fol length varies from 50% to 223%. Moreover, the steam
lowing sequence can be formulated for the adsorption air decoking time decreased by 5-10Ck and cleaning
of steam and formation of active oxygen atom (S,-O): of exchangers was easier because of softer coke
(Towfighi er al., 1999).
The effect of the addition of triethylphosphite
(TEP) on the rate of coke formation was investigated.
The reduction in the rate of coke formation was ini
tially higher and then gradually decreased such that, at
high concentrations of phosphous, the coking rate ap
proached a constant value (Ghosh and Kunzru, 1988).
- + S,- = S,-H,O
H,O -- Such a trend of coking rate with run time is well estab
lished in references (Kumar and Kunzru, 1985b;
Francoise et al., 1995). As can be seen from these re
sults, coking rates were significantly reduced in the
presence of triethylphosphite. This reduction in the
coking rate is comparable to the limited data reported
by Boone (1983). The results discussed above show
that the phosphorous neither takes part in the homoge-


neous reactions nor catalyses the coke-steam reaction. 0.1 r--------------
This seems to be correct phosphorus-containing addi
tives passivate the metal surface. ---BDP
Vaish and Kunzru (1989) reported the effect of -+--TPPS
triphenylphosphite (TPP) addition on the rate of coke
formation. Coking rates were significantly reduced in
the presence of triphenylphosphite. Comparison of
the results of the effect ofTEP and TPP on the coking
rate for the same naphtha and for the same phospho
rous concentration in the feed shows that, o zoo 400 600 800 1000
triphenylphosphite is a more effective coke inhibitor Phosphorous Content or F..,d (ppml

than triethyl phosphite. The possible reason can be

Fig. 8 Effect of phosphorous content of feed on coking
postulated that. the metal-phosphorous complex is rate
more stable with triphenylphosphite or a larger metal
surface is occupied with each molecule of
Also they reported that the phosphorous com coke inhibitor than TPP could be that the metal-phos
pound affects the rate of decomposition of coke. From phorous complex is more stable with BOP or larger
experimental data. it can be seen that. there was no metal surface area is occupied by each molecule of the
significant decomposition of coke below 700 K. For complex. In addition in the decomposition of each
the coke obtained from phosphorus-containing naph molecule of TPPS, two radicals, Le. C 6 H s S' and
tha. coke removal started at a temperature of 700 K, (C6H,)JP' which can passivate the metal walls are
and decomposition of coke was completed in 12 min. form'ed, whereas in the case of BOP only one
On the other hand for the coke obtained from phos passivating radical is formed per molecule dissociated.
phorus-free naphtha. coke removal started at 738 K, At the same phosphorous concentration, TPPS was
and decomposition of coke was eompleted in 16 min. found to be more effective than BOP in reducing the
This indicates that the coke obtained from phospho rate of coke formation. Also EOAX analysis of the coke
rus-containing naphtha is more reactive. A possible surface showed that the addition of organophosphorous
reason for this could be that phosphorus compounds compounds significantly reduced the concentration of
catalyze the carbon oxidation reactions. metals, such as iron, nickel, and chromium, incorpo
Oas et al. (1992) investigated that the presence of rated in the coke. It is concluded from these results
benzyl diethyl phosphite (BOP) and triphenyl phos that the organophosphorous compounds inhibit the
phine sulfide (TPPS) in the naphtha feed, significantly coking rate by passivating the surface (Chowdhury and
reduce the rate of coke formation. For instance, with Kunzru, 1993; Kumar, 1999). As shown in Fig. 8, in
naphtha containing 200 ppm of phosphorous (as BOP). the same concentration of various phosphorous com
the asymptotic coking rate. is reduced by 87.7%. Ad pounds, TPPS is a more effective coke inhibitor than
dition of either BOP or TPPS had no significant effect others and the asymptotic coking rate decreases in the
on the hydrocarbon gaseous product yields. Since the order of:
product distribution is not affected, the additive only
influences the heterogeneous coke forming reactions. TPPS > BOP> TPP > TEP
~1(Jst probably, BOP and TPPS passivate the metal sur
fac"e by decomposing into the free radicals which com Reed (1995) of Phillips Petroleum Company has
bine \\ ith the surface. At high temperatures, BOP can reported that a new coke inhibitor named Phillips
be decomposed in three ways of reactions as follows: antifoulant (phosphorous based compound) is effective
for reduction of the coking rate. Experimental data
(ChH,CK)PO(OC,H), clearly show that the antifoulant run reached the time
--; C,H,CH; + (C,H,O),P'O (I) limit with no increase in pressure drop because the
coking rate was very low in both the coil and TLE and
stable cracking temperature had been reached. Also
--; (C!)f,CH"P'O(OC}l,) + 'OC,H, (2) Tong (1995), Tong et al. (1998) and Tong and
Poindexter (1998) of Nalco/Exxon Company reported
(C(,HSCH,)PO(OC,H,). that a phosphorous-based coke inhibition treatment
--; (C 6H,CH,)POO'(OC,H,) + C 2H,' (3) method named as "COKELESS" has been developed
in the laboratory. The application of the COKELESS
The phosphorous-containing free radicals can be program on both liquid and gas industrial crackers, has
combined with the metal surface to form a passivating shown very promising results. Lower tube metal
film. A possible reason for BOP's being more effective temperature, higher throughputs and higher severity at

YOL. 35 NO. 10 2002 929

the same coil outlet temperature has been observed. in the pyrolysis of ethane. In addition Babash and
Likewise, the following patents disclose phospho Mukhina (1999) have reported that the use of water
rous compounds for inhibiting the formation of coke soluble combinations of chemicals, magnesium or
in the pyrolysis furnaces. Weinland (1978) suggested calcium acetate, potassium carbonate and phosphorous!
that phosphate and phosphite mono and di-esters in sulfates as an inhibitor, was introduced at the Russian
small amounts, act as antifoulant additives in ethylene ethylene plant and has been applied successfully for
furnaces. Certain phosphite esters, phosphate esters and two years. These are effective catalysts in the following
thiophosphate esters are disclosed by Kaplan and basic coke-steam conversion reactions:
Lindley (1985), Kaplan and Kisalus ( 1989) as being
effective for reducing fouling in ethylene furnaces.
Porter and Reed (1985) have reported a method of in
hibiting coke formation in ethylene furnaces by treat
ing the furnaces with a combination of tin- and phos
phorous-containing compounds, or antimony- and
phosphorous-containing compounds, or tin-antimony
and phosphorous-containing compounds. Kisalus CO 2 + C ~ 2CO
(1989) has presented a method of reducing fouling in
ethylene furnaces by using triphenylphosphine. The inhibitor solution is introduced into the
Phosphorothioates, phosphorictriamides, phosphonate, feedstock flow in the transition zone from the convec
thiophosphonate (Tong and Poindexter, 1994a, 1994b, tion to the radiant section of the furnace '::011. where
1998) and dithiophosohoric acid ester (Taylor et al., feedstock temperature is 600-650C.
1995) are suggested as coke inhibitors in ethylene fur The following benefits have been re.;orded:
naces. An improved method for the inhibition of coke Increase in furnace operational runl1mg lime.
formation in pyrolysis furnaces is investigated by Tong Decrease in the carbonization of COllis and increase
and Poindexter (1999), using a combination of sulfur in the life span.
and phosphorous-containing compounds having an Reduction in time span of decoking l~perations.
atomic ratio of sulfur to phosphorous of at least 5. Elimination of the risk of tube's burnout from
2.1.3 Alkali metals and other inorganic compounds steam air decoking by its replacement \\ Hn endothermic
It is now well established that the oxidation steam purging in the presence of coke gasification
fication) of coke can be catalyzed by certain metals catalysts.
and inorganic compounds. Bennett and Price (l982) Decrease of coil damage derived fr,-~:n 10\\ er wall
reported that contamination of the coked surface with temperatures and reduction of cyclic theml.3l loads as
Na, K. Li, Rb, Cs carbonates or oxides. Ba and Sr ox sociated with lower frequency of decokmg operations.
ides enhance gasification of coke. Experimental data Reduction in utility costs of .2.-+ per.:ent.
shows that alkali metal salts affect the gasification of In other research work Chan el at. 199& I reported
deposited coke in order of: the effect of H 2PtCl o additives in v. ater. on coke for
mation in the steam cracking of ethane and propane.
K > Na > Rb > Cs > Li This was accomplished by comparing the amounts and
rates of coke production on quartz and Incoloy sur
Their experimental data showed that above ele faces in both the absence and presence of the additives.
ments catalyze the oxidation rate markedly, by factors What is important, however is the significant and con
up to l35. All the alkali metal ox ides or carbonates sistent reduction in coke formation in the presence of
were aCjive. The alkaline earth oxides also enhanced the additive in the feed stream. For example, at 830C,
oxidation, although to a smaller extent than the alkali the coke formation rate decreases from a high value of
metal carbonates or oxides. Again the effectiveness of 0.34 mg/cm 2min in the absence of the additive to a
these contaminants decreases with burning off. but even low value of 0.089 mg!cm~min, representing a factor
after 50% gasification it enhances the oxidation rate of 3.8 decrease in coke formation in the presence of
by a factor between 2 and 4. the additive.
It was found that coke formation was significantly 2.2 Alteration of the reactor surface chemistry
reduced in pyrolysis of n-hexane (Bahadur et al., 1987), Different pretreating methods are investigated to
naphtha (Mandal and Kunzru, 1986) in the presence suppress coke formation. Holman et al. (1982) studied
of K,COj The most active materials are K 2C0 3 , the effect of the surface pretreatment and showed the
Na 2C0 3, K,O, Na,O and Na,S04' Sodium and preoxidation resulted in much higher coke formation
potassium carbonate can enhance decoking rates by compared with the prereduction of the surface. It can
factorsof8and 16 respectively. Narayanaetal. (1999) be seen that all of methods form a passive layers on
found that by using a mixture of 75 ppm ofpottassium the metal oxides have the function of inhibiting coke
and 50 ppm of antimony, coke yield is reduced by 96% formation. In this way, the catalytic action of the metal


surface decreases or even disappears completely hrs. The temperature is then increased to about 930
(Marek and Albright, 1982b). Experimental data from 960C and held, on steam only, for another 10 hrs.
different pretreated methods show that the catalyzing These steps form a stable and adherent Cr20 3 surfaces
intensity to coke deposition can be concluded in the film.
order of (Zou et al.. 1987): Oxidized Ni > Ni > oxi 2.3 Tube materials of the reactors
dized SS > SS > SS treated with hydrogen> SS treated 2.3.1 Effect of tube material The effect of con
with diluted hydrochloric acid >SS treated with hy struction material on the coking rate was investigated
drogen sulfide> SS trealed with diluted sulfuric acid for many of metal alloys and quartz tubes. As men
> quartz. tioned in Section 1.2, catalytic coking occurs on clean
Different pretreating methods result in different tubing surfaces with high weight percentage ofNi and
duration time of passivating function in coking/decok Fe that catalyze dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons at
ing operations. The more durable protective layer, the elevated temperature. It has been experimentally
more lasting passivating function and rice versa. It was observed that the rates of coke deposition were initially
found that the different reactor surface activities, not high and gradually decreased to a constant asymptotic
only influences the surface reaction and coke value with progress of the reaction. The high initial
deposition but also has remarkable effects on the gas rates are due to the catalytic effect of the metal surface
phase product distribution. The experimental data on the coke forming reactions and as the eoke layer
(Marek and Albright 1982b) indicates that the greater builds up, the catalytic activity is progressively
the activity of the reactor surface, the lower the yields reduced. Similar trends for the coking rate has been
of ethylene and propylene and the higher the hydro reported on the all of metal alloys in pyrolysis of
gen yield accordingly. It indicates that the active reac hydrocarbons (Trimm and Turner, 1981; Kumar and
tor surface enhances ethylene and propylene to form Kunzru, 1985b; Francoise et al.. 1995). Surface
more coke by dehydrogenation and condensation re reactions are in general much less important in quartz
actions. reactors. It has been experimentally observed that metal
Another research work also shows that, surface particles migrate from the reactor walls to the top of
morphology changes significantly after chemical pre the growing carbon chain, which would explain the
treatment (Holmen et al., 1982). Pictures taken with effect of material of construction on the asymptotic
the scanning electron microscope (SEM) before and coking rate (Brown and Albright, 1976).
after the treatments of Incoloy800 with hydrogen Using an SEM equipped with EDAX to analyze
sulfide. helium. 6mlt steam in hel ium, or oxygen show for metals shows that coke formed on alloy surfaces
that the various portions of a metal surface were often contains highly dispersed metal particles of
changed to different extents. The relative effect of these nickel, chromium, and especially iron. These metal
treatments on morphology was in the following order: particles had apparently been extracted from the alloy
surfaces. This mechanism explains the simultaneous
formation of metal-catalyzed filamentous coke and
corrosion, perhaps along with erosion, of the metal
Changes in the morphology during helium treat surface (Albright and Yu, 1979; Albright and McGill,
ment are believed to be caused by high temperature. 1987; Graff and Albright, 1982; Marek and Albright,
SEM pictures show an Incoloy 800 surface after helium 1982a).
treatment slightly rougher than the untreated 1ncoloy As steam-cracking processes first became com
800 surface. He! ium treatment of pol ished Incoloy 800 mercial in the early 1950s, they were small capacity
resulted in grains of metal outlined by a network of units, using 304 stainless steel (SS) tubing. As operat
ch~mnel. ing units became larger and coil outlet temperature
Following approaches have been taken or are be reached 720-820C, 310 SS and Incoloy 800 were in
ing considered by industry: troduced. To get high heat fl ux in short-residence-time
Pre-sulfiding is done by some operators when heaters and minimize tube metal temperature, smaller
starting up a new coil and in some cases after each diameter cracking tubes were adopted. Now stronger,
decoking operation, A typical procedure uses 175-200 cast materials with high Si HK-40 alloy, the modified
ppm DMDS, DMS or hydrogen sulfide on steam-only HP-45 alloys and several specialty, modified higher
for 4 to 6 hrs at 680C prior to feed in. The sulfur com Ni alloys are used. Figure 9 shows the basic groups of
pound is then reduced to 75-100 ppm on feed after thermal cracking coils alloys. Key considerations in
feed in and continued at this level during the full run selecting appropriate metallurgy for pyrolysis furnaces
length. The effectiveness is measured by monitoring are:
CO content before the methenator. Oxidation

Pre-oxidation is useful in preparing a new coil for Carburization

\)peration. It involves heating the radiant coil to 760 Creep strength

~88;:lC while on steams only and holding for about 10 High temperature ductility


VOL 35 NO. 102002 931







Fig. 9 Basic groups of thermal cracking furnace alloys

Unfortunately, there is no simple assessment of These oxides thermally stable in high temperature,
properties that ensures max imum cost effectiveness for i.e. Crp3' SiO" and Alp) up IOS0, 1100, 11S0C re
the lifetime of a cracking coil. The properties of the spectively. Today the best industrial operating results
reactor surface affect the rate of coke formation. This and maximum effectiveness were fouild by use of Al
is because the physical and chemical properties of the loy 28/48 Wand Alloy 3S/4S. The presence of W im
reactor surface will influence the radical and surface proves carburization resistance; W plus Nb is better
reactions in pyrolysis of hydrocarbons. The formation than W alone. Synergistic additions of W, Nb, Ti and
of a stable, compact, protective oxide film is needed Zr greatly improve carburization resistance (Parks and
to minimize oxidation and carburization of coils. To Schillmoller, 1996).
proviJle adequate oxidation resistance, a minimum of 2.3.2 Effect of polishing By polishing alloy sur
2S% Cr is desirable. Higher Cr imparts a more stable face, there is a change in emmitance of the surface in
oxide film, but introduces instability in the alloy struc heat transfer by radiation. The emittance, which influ
ture. Cr. Ni and Si are effective barriers to carburiza ence radiation and therefore the temperature of the re
tion. High weight percentage are beneficial and provide actor surface, may vary from below 0.1 for a polished
a protective and regenerative oxide film. Oxides of surface up to 0.9 for a plain or a carbonized surface.
silicon, chromium, aluminum, manganese, and others Highly polished surface, with low emittances, oper
formed stable, compact and protective film and reduce ates as much as SO-100C below that of unpolished
catalytic coke by reducing the carbon diffusion rate or surface (Albright and McGill, 1986). Accordingly, re
solubility (Parks and Schillmoller. 1996; Wysiekierski duction of metal surface temperature significantly re
et al., 1999). The order of the stability of these oxides duces the carbon formation for no other reason than
are as below: the slower chemical reaction rate and phase changes
in solution equilibria that occur at these lower tem
Alp, > TiO > TiO~ > Si(\ > Crp3 > SiO > Mnp1 > peratures. Also the rate of carburization of alloys de
Mn 3 0 4 > FeO > FecO) > NiO > Cr01 crease by a factor of O.S for every 40C tube metal


temperature decrease (Albright et ai., 1979; Baker et N
al., 1982).
Temperature alone is not sufficient to explain the

difference observed. Mechanically polishing a surface ~" 8

will result in a reduction of the general roughness or

'sc.. 6
number of disorders that have resulted from manufac .
0 4
turing (Marek and Albright, 1982b: Brown and Hill, ...U
1982). This was demonstrated in laboratory scale study 2

by a marked reduction in the surface roughness from "e=


..: 0
71 rms for the unpolished surface to 6 rms for the Ni HP HK Alonized HP
polished. Furthermore, if acti ve metal particles already
Fig. 10 Amount of coke deposition on various substrates
exist on the surface, they will be removed or reduced
in size and number by polishing. Indeed experimental
data showed that significant reduction in coke
deposited during pyrolysis of various feedstocks. The tube did not change.
ratio of coke formed on the unpolished surface to that Based on ED AX analyses, the aluminum content
formed on the polished varied from 5.6 for isobutane was in the range of 42 to 87 wt%.
up to 28.1 for ethane (Crynes and Crynes, 1987). The presence of high percentages of Cr, AI, Nb
One other consideration, polishing, is a change in and Si in the alonized surface.
chemistry of the surface, which is exposed, to the re The alonized tube has not shown any carburiza
acting gas. Not only the reaction chemistry but also tion and intergranular increase of carbon.
the phase behavior relating to carbon solution at the The non alonized coil by contrast had lost approxi
surface will change hy polishing. In reviewing other mately 20% of its wall thickness especially on the in
studies, polishing metah of different chemical com ner surface, because of carburization and subsequent
positions usually results in rates of carbon formation metal dusting.
similar to that of quart!, v. hich is generally considered The non-alonized tube is heavily carburized on
most inert. With lower ~urface temperature (radiation the surface.
effects), less mechanical surface defects, and possibly The increase of carbon along grain boundaries
a change in che111i~try, Ie~, carbon and an inactive car beneath the surface of non-alonized tube.
bon is created under the new conditions, and this pre In other industrial experience, has investigated the
venh or greatly reduce, filamentous carbon formation. effect of surface alonization on HP coils and similar
Therefore, with reduced filamentous carhon, the ac result is obtained for alonized HP surface. Results of
tive metal particles canl10t continue to be generated laboratory work in the pyrolysis system of ethane
and/or be exposed to further catalyze carhon forma (Albright and McGill, 1987) on HP substrate are shown
tion. in Fig. 10, and ethylene pyrolysis (Marek and Albright,
2.3.3 Effect of alonization of surface Albright 1982a) on Incolloy 800 substrate, have indicated the
and Yu (1979) investigated the effect of alonization on reduction in weight of coke by a factor of 6-7. The
coke formation phenomena. They ohtained valuable in fact that alonized coils operate at lower temperatures
formation by com pari ng the morphologies of coke than non-alonized coil is likely caused by at least two
formed on stainless steels by using a scanning elec factors. First, less coke is formed on the alonized
tron microscope (SEM) equipped with EDAX, from surfaces. Second, the thermal conductivity of the coke
different coke precursors in a pilot scale system. Par on the alonized surfaces is greater.
tiCularly noteworthy is the finding that for aluminized 2.3.4 Effect of silica coating Brown et ai. (1982)
(alonized) Incoloy 800 surfaces filamentous coke was found that silica coating process reduced the rate of
not ohserved and iron, nickeL and chromium were not coke formation in pyrolysis coils. Silica coating is pro
detected in the coke (Albright et ai., 1979; Albright duced on alloy steel substrates by the decomposition
and Yu, 1979: Graff and Alhright, 1982; Marek and of an alkoxysilane in a carrier gas. Briefly, an
Albright. 1982a; Albright and McGill, 1987). alkoxysilane (e.g. tetra etheyl orthosilicate) is injected
Results from industrial installations of alonized (I % by weight) into a preheated stearn flow, which
furnace coil composed of Incoloy 802 tubing and non passes into the coating vessel where steel substrates
alonized Incoloy 802 in a Gulf Canada Ltd. ethylene are radiantly heated to 600-850C. Silica films, largely
furnace, indicated that the al uminum rich layer remains amorphous in character, have been deposited with a
on allonized surface after 3 112 years and following wide range of thickness, as thin as 1 micron or less.
results were observed (Albright and McGilL 1987): Metallurgical examination of silica coated alloys
The alonized tube had not any loss of metal from showed no deleterious action on the bulk alloy. Indeed
the surface during the 3 112 years. silica coating has been found to protect the alloy sur
The roughness of the inner surface of the alonized face from oxidative attack in high temperature steam

VOL. 3S NO. 102002 933

jng and cracking operations. Thi, Jh\) reouces degra Table 2 Tile re~alive rates of coking as feed composition
dation of the alloy by pre\ enllng carburization
Feed Relative coking rate Relative coking rate
(Wysiekierski et at., 1999). in cracking coils inTLE
Coke deposition measuremenh were made on both
PaITJ.~:n' 0.2-0.8 0.14-0.5
uncoated and coateo tuhe,. \In HK40, Incoloy 800. Olel~::" 0.73-1.03 0.35-0.8
niekel foil, quartz v. ilh I;' pkJI industrial feedstocks in Bu:;:zruene 1.68 1.35
a laboratory scale i Bnl\\ n ef al., 1982). Hence the A,:~,~ ;ene >5 3.0
results showeo the coking rate on HK40 was four tt, :\, 1.2 1.45
Aromatics 1.5 0.33
six times higher than that on silica coated HK-tli .;I:
Put} aromatics 12-30
830C and the similar results was obtained frtm, ,tte:
alloys. From these tests it became C]e,H thJ: unJe,
certain conditions of temperature, stcc;f1) [.(Ill .;InJ n,)\\
rate, coke formation catalyzeo b~ the I!'d,ll su~strJ:e is more inlensi ve than its formation in paraffin hydro
and silica coating would conslderJh;.\ redu.:e :he rdte carbon decomposition. In 1,3-butadiene pyrolysis coke
of coking. Also at 850C, up t\) J t ,l":I,lr ttt In redu.:ti\ln is formed five to six times faster than that of ethylene.
in coking rate was obtained b~ sillc'dl.'(latin,: \'n Incl)loy The rate of coke formation is increasing in going from
800, above 900C the c'ilJting \\ as less dfi,lent. The paraffin to naphthalene and from naphthalene to aro
effect of the decoking operallon on c"ke tc1rmation in matic hydrocarbons. Aromaties include the important
subsequent cracking runs \\ as als" studied It i<; shown class of eoke precursors. The aromatic ring structure
that, after many times of steam/air dec'llkIng cycle, no is close to the structure of the coke matrix. Further
deleterious action upon the silica c('.(ling. (branched) aromatics are reactive components, espe
2.4 Effect of feed composition cially at the high temperature prevailing in the ther
It is v.ell known that the nature of the feedstock mal cracking coils. Table 2 shows the relative rates of
affects the coke formation. After 60-80 days of opera coking as feed composition in cracking coils and TLE
tion, a naphtha cracker v. ill often need to be sh ut down, (Ranzi et al., 1985; Kopinke et at., 1993a, 1993b;
due to excessive tube metal temperatures. Ethane fur Babash and Mukhina, 1999).
naces on the other hand exhibit much longer run lengths Based on the experimental data on pyrolysis of
and usually are shut oown for high-pressure drop or hydrocarbons, tendency of various compounds to form
other operational reasons. Pyrotec Company has inves coke in pyrolysis furnaces increases in the following
tigated the nature of the coke deposits in the radiant series:
coils and found significant differences between the
coke, is deposited by naphtha and that is deposited by Methane < ethane < ethylene < propylene < benzene
the ethane and lighter LPG. The comparison of crack < ethylbenzene, xylene < styrene < alkenes C4 <
ing rate of straight run naphtha and ethane feed stock cyclopentadiene < methyl naphthalene < antheracene
in a conventional vertical tube furnace ~howed that the < methyl antheracene < acetylene.
external tube wall temperature profile of naphtha fur
naces rises much sharper than ethane furnaces (Ranzi When feedstock molecular weight increases, the
et al., 1985). rate of coke formation also increases. In atmospheric
Thermal conductivity of the coke oeposited by gas oil pyrolysis the coking rate is two to four times
naphtha and gas oils is in the range of 3-5 kcallmhrC, higher than the coking rate in the naphtha cracking
This coke is amorphous and is often soft to the touch. under the same conditions.
Coke deposited by ethane or LPG has thermal
conductivity values 2-3 times higher, giving values in
the range 10f 10-12 kcal/mhroC. This coke has a
regular structure and is therefore much harder than The formation of coke in cracking coils mainly is
naphtha coke. This difference in thermal eonductivity thought to be caused by catalytic coking and heteroge
is reflected in the tube metal temperature profiles. The neous noneatalyitic mechanisms or radical coking.
tube metal temperatures of naphtha furnaces rise much Catalytic coking can be controlled by alloy selection,
faster due to the increased resistance from the coke such as high Cr-high Si alloys or by surface treatments
layer. Ethane coke offering less resistance leads to a with AI, Cr, Si or coatings. Radical coking can be con
smaller increase in tube metal temperature, for the same trolled by adding crackable sulfur to feed, by increas
coke thickness. ing the steam/hydroearbon ratio and adding other an
The rate of coke formation depends on the char tifouling additives. Literature survey shows that addi
acteristics of feedstock defined by its structure, mo tive passivate the both catalytic and asymptotic cok
lecular weight, PIONA analysis and sulfur content. ing mechanisms in three ways. The additive may be
Coke formation in diolefin pyrolysis is more intensive preferentially adsorbed on the surface and retard the
than its formation in olefins processing which in turn adsorption of coke preeursors, tar droplets, or soot


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