Side Stand Retrieve System" Has Been Developed

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In this modern world the way of living was

changing with the change in existing features. From this,
automobile takes a great part, since it plays a major role in our
daily life.

While coming to the two-wheelers accidents

occurs due to over speed, ignores to use helmets, and forgets
to lift the side stand while riding the vehicles. In this forgetting
to lift the side stand causes more accidents in rural areas and
partly in urban areas too, because for all the other keys of
accidents have some preventive measures, but for the
accidents which occurred due to side stand do not have a
proper preventive measure. If you see the accident percentage,
36% of the accidents occur due to this.

To prevent this type of accidents SPROCKET-

SIDE STAND RETRIEVE SYSTEM has been developed.
This system can be attached to any type of two-wheeler.

Based on the working principle of two-wheeler

(i.e. the power is generated in the engine and it transmits
power to the pinion and makes it to rotate. The pinion transmits
power to the rear wheel pinion and makes the vehicle to move)
this sprocket-side stand retrieve system is designed because
this system will get the power from the chain drive.

All the required information will be explained and

discussed in briefly.

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