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Holidays Home Work (2016-17)

Class VI

1. Write a paragraph on How we celebrate sports day in our school.
2. Write your views on factors which influence our travel like Air travel, Cell phone, Plastic
money, E-mail, Internet & etc.
1. Topic- Name of Dam, Acknowledgement (net format), Introduction, History, Location, How
it affect local people, Conclusion, Bibliography (Sources of information), Text book, Internet
source name, Certificate.
2. Learn and write 200-250 words on Plastic boon or bane for group discussion activity. (On
science notes copy).
3. Learn chapter 10,11,12,13,14,17

1. Pottery making (make a pot with the help of clay and decorate it beautifully).
2. Find out what kind of local self government body is present in your area and what public
services it provides.
3. Make a power point presentation on Bio diversity of your locality.

1. Make poster on A3 size sheet beautifully decorate on anyone topic:-
Save girl child
Support disabilities
Ban on Rs.500-Rs.1000
Say no to polythene bags
2. Learn latest chapters, done in class.

1. Make a project on Ration and Proportion (Pg.187 on A$ sheet).
2. Assignment:-
Q1. Simplify:- 75.3 104.645 + 178.96 47.9
Q2. If the school bag of Neelam and Garima weigh 6kg 80g and 5kg 265g respectively. Whose bag
is heavier and by how much.
Q3. Write algebraic expressions for the following
i) X increased by 12
ii) The product of x and y added to their sum
iii) 5 times x added to 7 times y
iv) Thrice m added to six times p
v) N taken away from 10 times z
Q4. Ranjit scores 80 marks in English and x marks in Hindi. What is his total score in the two
Q5. Divide 642 among A,B,C in the ratio of 1:2:3
Q6.Which ratio is larger 3:4 or 9:16
Q7.Express in simplest form i) 3weeks : 3 days ii) 4kg : 2kg 500g
Q8.Which of the following ratios are in proportion
i) 91 : 104 and 63 : 84 ii) 81kg : 45kg and 18 men : 10 men
Q9.If the cost of 1 dozen oranges is Rs. 33.60 , find the the cost of 30 oranges.
Q10. 40 men can finish a piece of work in 26 days. How many men will be needed to finish it in 16
Q11. Make a project on Ratio and Proportion (page no. 187) on an A-4 sheet.
Holidays Home Work (2016-17)
Class VII

1. Make list of any 4 persons who do different kinds of work in your nearby locality, & write a
beautiful paragraph based on your information.
2. Make a beautiful new year greeting card with natural things and write an impressive message
on it.
1. Make a project on importance and conservation of forest.
2. To discet a flower and paste its various parts on a scrap book and mention its function also.
3. Make a project of health hazard.
4. Learn L-13 for pen paper test.
1. Market Survey Make a list of five items of daily use. Write down the prices at which these
items are sold in your neighborhood grocery store. Also write down the prices at which these
items are sold in the nearest wholesale market. Do you notice any difference?
2. Make a flowchart on different types of human settlement. Also write origin of settlement.
Make a project on A3 size sheet beautifully decorated on any one topic and learn latest chapters
done in class. Topics are hereby :-
Computer lab rubrics
Staying safe online
1. Revise Ch-6,7,12 with examples.
2. Make a project on symmetry.
3. Do objective assignment of ch-7,12 on assignment sheets.
Holidays Home Work (2016-17)
Class VIII

1. Caring for the environment Make one paper bag with the help of any old T-shirt or any
un-used thing.
2. Write the biographical sketch of Jerome K.Jerome.
1. Make a project on natural calamity.
2. Learn L-14 for pen paper test.
1. Make a news montage on civil cases and criminal cases of the court on A4 size sheet and also
write the comparative analysis on civilant criminal cases.
2. Write a report on conditions of untouchables today.
3. On an outline map of India show the cities with the population of over 2 million.
1. Make poster on A3 size sheet beautifully decorate on anyone topic:-
Features of computer science
Constants and variables
Program flow control
2. Learn latest chapters, done in class.


1. Do practice of Ch- 6,7,13,15

2. Make a question paper containing 15 questions from the Ch-6,7,13,15 and also solve the same
on a separate sheet.

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