Trishamsha Chart

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D-30 Chart

Trishamsha Chart Adversities

In the scheme of Varga charts, Trishamsha chart is
referred to assess adversities, miseries, mishapening,
calamity etc in ones life. D-30 chart is helpful in
understanding the sufferings due to evil coming from the
past life. This chart is consulted to check the fall in moral
character of an individual (of female) also.

Parashari D-30 is calculated taking into account of five

unequal divisions and it is not just 1/30th part of a sign.
Each division is ruled by a particular planet. Except Sun
and Moon, out of seven, 5 planets have been given
lordship. In odd sign, Mars rules 0-5 degree (Aries),
Saturn 5-10 degree (Aquarius), Jupiter 10-18 degree
(Sagittarius), Mercury 18-25 degree (Gemini) and Venus
25-30 degree (Libra). In even sign Venus rules 0-5 degree
(Taurus), Mercury 5-12 degree (Virgo), Jupiter 12-20
degree (Pisces), Saturn 20-25 degree (Capricorn), Mars
25-30 degree (Scropio). Each division of Trishamsha is
presided by a diety as per the element of sign. In odd
signs (of Agni, Vayu, Akash, Prithvi and Jal Tatva) deities
are in this order Agni, Vayu, Indra, Kuber and Varun. In
even signs of (Jal, Prithvi, Akash, Vayu and Agni Tatva),
this order is reversed i.e. Varun, Kuber, Indra, Vayu and

Study of Trishamsha chart is meant for understanding the

possibilities of sufferings to this physical body which is
made of Panchbhoot Kshiti, Jal, Pawak, Gagan and
Sameera by the way of five planets Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
In our life, we face obstacle and receive sufferings from
the Shad Ripu / Dosha (Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada
and ahamkara) which are indicated from Randhra and
Badhak Bhavas.

To understand the adversities in life, complete reading of

D-30 chart in tune with Lagna chart is essential. Lord of or
planet(s) in Trik Houses, Lagna, 4th House and 10th
House need to be considered carefully. Lagna of
Trishamsha shows the bodily sufferings to the self due to
previous life bad karma done of which negativities are
coming to this incarnation. 4th House, its Lord or
planet(s) therein indicates cure of disease or hassle due
to character. 6th House, its Lord or planet(s) therein
indicate(s) sufferings due to Rog, Rin, and Ripu. 8th
House, its Lord or planet(s) therein hint(s) for critical
illness, life threatening accident of which sufferings are
difficult to ward off by remedies etc. 10th House, its Lord
or planet(s) therein indicate(s) miseries arising out due to
willful wrong deed. 12th House, its Lord or planet(s)
therein shows(s) the future plan of 8th House in the form
of dissolution of health, confinement (hospitalization, Jail
etc) and sufferings due to sleep disorder, lack of hunger,
over expense of money etc.

Involvement of 5 planets in casting the Trisamsa Chart,

suggests to worship Panch Devtaa (Surya- Mars, Shiva -
Saturn, Vishnu - Jupiter, Ganesha - Mercury and Devi -
Venus) represented by the said planets. So, for smooth
life one should perform panchopchar Puja of Panch Devta
by Deep, Dhoopa, Naivedya, Pushpa, and Gandh.

Lets understand the delineation of D-30 chart through an

example chart of a female given below:

Trisamsha Chart Lagna is having the same sign as it is in

Rashi Chart i.e. Taurus Sign. Venus is available in the
Lagna of both charts. Planet in Lagna indicates the
acquired negativity causing physical suffering. It is
indicative of weakness that has developed in this birth
due to inherent weaknes of D-30 Lagna itself. In addition
to planet in Lagna, Lagnesh of D-30 Chart indicates the
Tatwa that has become strong or weak.

Venus, the Lagna Lord, shows the weakness related to

Kama (lust, desire), one of Shadripu. The tattwa
represented by Venus is Water (emotion, copulation).
Since D-30 Lagna is strong, the weaknes indicated by
Venus planet would be strong. Sixth House Lord Venus is
posited in the Lagna and Debilitated Sun is place there.
These indicate sufferings due to strong desire for enjoying
typical Venusian significations that may cause disease.
Eighth house is afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. It gives clue
that she has inherited weakness from the past life. In the
8th house 2nd Lord and 5th Lord Mercury is posited.
These indicate suffering due to critical ailment,
undiagnosed disease. And, suffering due to problem
related to child and Kutumb also.

Tenth House Lord is Saturn who is placed in the 7th House

while Mars is occupying the house which indicates that
Impulsive wrong action may bring adversity by the way
problem in private job or business or spouse or marriage.
Twelfth House is occupied by Moon, the 3L and is ruled by
Mars who is in the 10th house. That is, sufferings from
lung or respiration or phlegm related problem that too
due to wrong deed in haste and fury.
Native is suffering from multiple diseases Asthama,
Allegy, hormonal imbalance etc. She underwent an
operation for cure of female related some disease but
even after operation / removal still real disease is
undiagnosed. Yonger Son has been facing poor health
condition from his birth. There is lack of harmony in the
Kutumb due to which off and on she has to suffer. In brief,
the points indicated above have strong say in her
sufferings. A few sufferings are remediable but much
affliction in the 8th house suggests her suffering for
longer time or whole life.

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