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A: How did your dinner party turn
What a great weekend! I havent
1 FUN out?
had so much fun in ages.
B: Oh, it was great fun.
Not only is he on the ball when it
We had such a funny weekend; I
2 Funny comes to business but hes also
havent laughed so much in ages
a very funny man socially.
One minute shes making a fuss of
Its a funny situation; I dont Shes gone off the idea of travelling
you and the next shes making a fuss
3 FUNNY really know who to take the around the world because shes a
about you. She really is a funny
matter up with bit funny about flying.
A: Have you heard from Jane
FUNNILY lately?
ENOUGH B: Funnily enough, she's off to
university tomorrow.
FUNNY FEELING Ive a funny feeling (that) she
THAT won't turn up tonight.
Yesterday, I made up my mind to I cant seem to get through at the
6 To get through call John but I couldnt get moment.
through (to him). Would you mind having a go?
Hes not thick but hes very She keeps telling him to stop
difficult to get through to/ its nagging her, but
7 To get through
very difficult to get through to the message doesnt seem to be
him. getting through (to him).
Ive just been running over her
I dont know how I got through Ill never get through all this work by
finances, and its quite apparent
8 To get through last week. I felt all the odds were lunch time; its bound to take up the
that shell have problems in getting
against me. whole day.
through next year.
Although Liverpool put up a brave
fight, Manchester United won the
Fifty odd students took the exam
9 To get through match which means they have got
but only eight got through.
through to the semi-finals for the
second year in a row.
In a restaurant:
I must cut down on spending. Its only
I wont be able to get through all cant get over how many shoes
10 To get through Monday and Ive already got through
of this food. Do you mind if we youve got through this year
a hundred pounds.
swap dishes?
The odds on his latest proposals
11 To get through getting through Parliament are
very slim. (see picture below)
Yesterday I made up my mind to
Youre so difficult to get hold of
12 To get hold of call John but I couldnt get hold o
these days.0 What are you up to?
f him.
Ill ask round the office but I can Things are a bit hectic today, but Ill
tell you now that tickets for a try and get hold of the keys to the
13 To get hold of
Wimbledon final are almost flat so that you can go round to see
impossible to get hold of. it tonight.
get hold of the I dont know where you got (hold Its very odd. How on earth could he
14 wrong end of of) the idea that we were have
the stick prepared to take up your offer. got hold of such an impression?
I was under the impression that
A: I'm sorry, I won't stand for that
get hold of the the bank was going to put up at
sort of rudeness!
15 wrong end of least 50% of the capital, but I
B: I was only joking. You've got (hold
the stick must have got (hold of) the
of) the wrong end of the stick.
wrong end of the stick.
The fact they are unlikely to get Having to put up another hundred Even though they had never got through the opening
Daunting, to be Bringing up children is a daunting
16 through the work on time is a thousand pounds is quite a daunting rounds of the competition, they werent daunted by
daunted task these days.
rather daunting thought prospect. the opposition they had to take on.
I cant usually be bothered to I havent got her number handy. Ill
We may still need to call on your
look up the meaning of words in have to look it up in my phone book
17 To look up help, but things are (definitely)
the dictionary. I just go on with at home and get back to you with it
looking up.
what Im reading. tomorrow.
Funnily enough, Im the only one
I look up to my father even though He's so stuck-up; I won't stand for the
18 To look up to in this office who doesnt look up
Im always rowing with him. way he looks down on my family.
to him.
1. Its a wonder they are still partners
A: I've got through two loaves of (Its) no wonder shes unhappy; after the terrible rows they keep on
19 No wonder bread this week. shes got no one to turn to in these having.
B: No wonder youre getting fat! situations. 2. He's so careless with money; its a
wonder that he can get by.
A: Why are you frowning so
To tell you the truth, I dread She dreaded that he would go up the
Christmas. wall
20 To dread B: Im sorry, I cant help it; I just
I cant cope with all the family if he ever caught on to what was
dread going into work at the
reunions. going on.
I dread to think what the world A: What do you believe will happen
21 I dread to think would be like if the Nazis got if he doesnt get away with it?
hold of power again. B: I dread to think!
The partners of the company turned
Even though the play got over
down his offer to reshape the
22 Flop, to flop its initial problems, it turned out
business because they thought the
to be a complete flop in the end.
whole scheme would flop.
After a hectic day in the office, I
23 Flop, to flop like to flop into an armchair and
be made a fuss of.
Taxi driver:
It looks like were going to be
Would it be putting you out if you
24 To drop of held up for quite o while. Would
dropped me (off) at the airport?
you like to be dropped (off)
somewhere else?
She wont ask us round again if you
I dropped off right in the middle
25 To drop of of the meeting; I felt quite
dropping off whilst her husband is
awkward when I woke up.
talking to you.
Business has dropped off a little Interest in taking up the
but Governments share offers has
26 To drop of
its bound to pick up by the dropped off dramatically in recent
summer. months.
Dedication and a spotless
I cant make out why everyone
reputation are
27 To rate rates him as an accountant; he can
rated very highly in this
hardly add up!
Everyone keeps going on about I think his potential is underrated.
28 Overrated how funny that film is. I think its We could really do with a person
overrated. like him in this firm.
John, my partner, is very happy
Hes always raving about/over Even though the show received rave-
To rave about last years turnover, but I
29 English pubs, but I think theyre reviews in most of the newspapers, it
about/over dont think its anything to rave
overrated. flopped.
First I had to drop my mother off
at the post office, then I spent Theres nothing that drives me up the
I could do without you hassling me;
Hassle, to hours trying to get through to wall more than a shop assistant
30 I promise HI do it when I get the odd
hassle. my bank manager and finally I hassling me to try on clothes
was held up in traffic. What a as soon as I enter his store.
I fancy going to the sales this
Its a pity youre not up to going out
31 To fancy today;
to see if we can pick up some
I really fancy a drive in the country.
He fancies every pretty woman
he meets, but looks dont rate He looks down on any woman who
32 To fancy
very highly as far as Im doesnt fancy him.
A: I bumped into our old Fancy seeing you here! I thought
Fancy telling her she was thick! No
33 To fancy headmaster last week. you had taken up residence in
wonder shes so upset.
B: Fancy that! Spain.
I don't really fancy my chances
34 To fancy of getting the job; the odds
against me are too high.
A: Do you fancy a Chinese take-
I could murder Ive had such a hectic day; I away?
( + food/drink) could murder a cup of tea. B: No, not really, but I could murder
a pizza.
I dont know why the boss is Youve got the wrong end of the When I was a young boy at school, I
picking on me lately. stick. was often picked on by the bigger
36 To pick on
Why doesnt he have a go at I didnt mean to pick on you; its just pupils because I was always the odd
someone else for a change? the way it came across. one out.
A: Were running out of
I thought Id be able to put up with
petrol/The petrol is running out. I've run out of money and
37 To run out the situation but Ive run out of
B: It serves you right! I told you Im running short of money.
patience/my patience has run out.
to fill up over an hour ago.
Im so cross with you; you knew
I didnt realise my bus pass had run
your visa was running out but
38 To run out out.
you couldnt be bothered to
I was lucky to be let off.
renew it.
Teacher to student:
You didnt take in a word I said Fancy expecting her to take in all
39 To take in
last lesson; I might as well not that information in one go!
have taught you.
She wasnt taken in by the
salesman who I cant get over how you let him Her brother might be easily taken in,
40 To take in
tried to sell her a dodgy washing take you in like that. but she is not quite so gullible.
After his marriage broke up, he Even though we are short of staff at
A rave-review like this doesnt come
41 To come along went out with the first girl that the moment, we cant afford to take
along very often.
came along. on just anyone that comes along.
Come along! Were running out
42 To come along
of time.
I gather that youre going to take
Were going over to Janes this
on John at tennis next week.
43 To come along evening.
Would you mind if I came along
Why dont you come along as well?
and watched?
How are your plans for the new
She was a bit slow to catch on when
company coming along?
44 To come along she first started but now shes
It sounds like a daunting task to
coming along fine.
Of course you dont think your The judge is bound to be biased in
brother favour of/towards the second It is quite apparent that the company
45 Biased
picked on that little boy; youre defendant because they belong to is biased against women.
biased! the same rugby club.
I gather that your firm of
solicitors is biased towards
46 Biased
company law/ has a company
law bias.
If you want to get on in the
know your sister got through her
47 To get on business world, you have to be
exams, but how did you get on ?
on the ball.
Just because hes getting on a bit, (it)
Its time we were off; its getting It must be getting on for 9 oclock. Some of the directors who make up the Board are
48 To get on doesnt mean he should be allowed to
on. Where on earth has she got to? getting on for 80.
get away with murder.
Even though I look up to my
We used to get on (very well with
To get on (well) mother,
49 each other)
with I dont really get on (well) with
but now I dread bumping into her.
I really fancy going out tonight but
To get on (well) Instead of making a fuss, why
50 unfortunately, I have to get on with
with dont you just get on with it?
some work.
A: Dinners not quite ready, so
The meeting has had to be put off
here are a few snacks to be
To get on (well) until 2pm, but Im sure you all have
51 getting on with.
with plenty of things to be getting on
B: Great! I could murder a
with for the time being.
A. How come the plumber didnt We cant put up with this any
come round this morning? longer.
52 To get On to
B: I dont know; Ill get on to him Youll have to get on to the
straight-away. accountant about it.
We may as well wait and see the
What was the outcome of that
outcome of the Boards
53 Outcome dreadful row
discussions before we get on
the partners had last week?
with any work.
Even though he has been getting I think his sacking was uncalled-for;
to you recently, hes had
54 Uncalled-for
I think your behaviour towards to put up with a lot of hassle at
him was totally uncalled-for. home this year.
The Minister, who has been accused
Id rather you didnt ask her round.
If ABC Ltd take us over, theyre of racism, feels that people had got
You know what shes like; as soon
55 To take over bound to be biased in favour of hold of the wrong end of the stick
as someone starts a conversation,
their own employees. when he said that the country was
she completely takes over.
being taken over by immigrants.
Lawyer to client:
It makes no odds who takes over Ive instructed my partner, Anna, to
56 To take over while youre away, as long as take over the case.
hes/shes competent. Dont worry, I ran over all the details
with her this morning.
I wouldnt swap my Rolls Royce for
I think theyre an appalling firm.
your Porsche. Mind you, Ive always
57 Mind you Mind you, they have got an
fancied the idea of having a sports
excellent accountant.
I got a bit carried away with the
I understand why you had to tell
shopping today.
To get carried No wonder his wife left him; he him off but
58 My wife is bound to hit the roof when
away got too carried away with his job. I thought you got a little bit carried
she finds out how much money Ive
got through.
Just because hes my brother; it
doesnt mean Im going to stick Dont let him pick on you like that.
59 To stick up for
up for him every time he gets Stick up for yourself!
into a row. It serves him right!
Im sorry Im having an off-day
To be/feel under today but Im feeling a little
60 the weather (To under the weather. Would you
feel a little unwell) mind if I took the rest of the day
Jobs in advertising are highly
Sought-after (In sought-after these days, but Im He is meant to be one of the most
61 demand, wanted) not cut out for that particular sought-after footballers in Italy.
To show up (To Wife to husband:
Every time we have your father
embarrass someone in Cant you see that your tie doesnt
front of other people - the round to dinner with our
62 go with your shirt?
subject is usually neighbours, he shows us up (in
a person with whom one All the other men will be smart;
front of them).
has a close relationship) please dont show me up

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