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Claymore's XMR/QCN/FCN/BCN GPU Miner.

This is POOL version.
Catalyst 15.12 is required for best performance and compatibility.
Set "GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT" environment variable as "100".
For multi-GPU systems, set Virtual Memory size in Windows at least 16 GB:
"Computer Properties / Advanced System Settings / Performance / Advanced / Virtu
al Memory".
This miner is free-to-use, however, current developer fee is 2.5%, miner mines 3
9 rounds for you and 1 round for developer.
If you don't agree with dev fee - don't use this miner, or use "-nofee" option.
Attempts to cheat and remove dev fee will cause a bit slower mining speed (same
as "-nofee 1") though miner will show same hashrate.
This version is for recent AMD videocards only: 7xxx and 2xx, also 6xxx and 5xxx
. No nVidia support.
This version is for Windows x64 and Linux x64 only. No 32-bit support.
Linux version also requires AMD APP SDK installed. Linux version has been tested
in Cent 6.5 and Ubuntu 14.04.
Miner has built-in GPU overclocking features and temperature management.


-o pool address. Both HTTP and Stratum protocol are supported. You can spec
ify several "-o" parameters to use several pools, or use "pools.txt" file, or us
e both.
First pool specified via "-o" option is main pool: miner will switch to
main pool every 30 minutes.
-u your wallet address.
-p password, use "x" as password.
-di GPU indexes, default is all available GPUs. For example, if you have fou
r GPUs "-di 02" will enable only first and third GPUs.
-a Select algorithm:
"-a 0" (default) means autoselection.
"-a 1" fastest mining mode for 290/290x and 270/270x cards.
"-a 2" low power consumption mode for 290/290x cards. A bit less speed (
1%) but less power consumption (10-15%).
"-a 3" fastest mining for old cards (6xxx and 5xxx).
"-a 4" fastest mining for recent cards (280x, 270/270x etc).
You can also specify mode for every card separately, for example, "-a 12
It is very important for good mining speed to select correct "-a" and "-
h" values for your cards.
For old cards 5xxx and 6xxx use "-a 3" mode only, otherwise you can get
"LowDifficultyShare" errors from pool.
-wd watchdog option. Use "-wd 1" to enable watchdog, miner will be closed if
any thread is not responding for 1 minute or OpenCL call failed,
so you can restart it from some script if some GPU does not respond.
-ee close miner if no more pools are available in the list. By default, mine
r tries all pools one by one, after last pool it tries first pool again and so o
Use "-ee 1" to close miner when it tried all pools, so you can restart it from s
ome script and do some additional actions related to internet connectins if nece
-dbg debug log and messages. "-dbg 0" (default) - create log file but don't s
how debug messages.
"-dbg 1" - create log file and show debug messages. "-dbg -1" - no log f
ile and no debug messages.
-r Restart miner mode. "-r 0" (default) - restart miner if something wrong
with GPU. "-r -1" - disable automatic restarting. -r >0 - restart miner if somet
wrong with GPU or by timer. For example, "-r 60" - restart miner every h
our or when some GPU failed.
-li Low intensity mode. Specify "-li 1" if you don't want Windows to freeze.
-nofee: set "1" to cancel my developer fee at all. In this mode some recent opti
mizations are disabled so mining speed will be slower by about 5%.
By enabling this mode, I will lose 100% of my earnings, you will lose on
ly 2.5% of your earnings.
So you have a choice: "fastest miner" or "completely free miner but a bi
t slower".
If you want both "fastest" and "completely free" you should find some ot
her miner that meets your requirements, just don't use this miner instead of cla
iming that I need
to cancel/reduce developer fee, saying that 2.5% developer fee is too mu
ch for this miner and so on.
-tt set target GPU temperature. For example, "-tt 80" means 80C temperature.
This option enables temperature management for all installed cards.
-h number of hashes that GPU processes during one round (HashCnt). If not s
pecified, default value is used. For many cases you can increase performance by
adjusting this parameter value.
For example, "-h 832" means HashCnt=832 for all cards. You can also spec
ify values for every card, for example "-h 640,832,1376,0", zero value means aut
Values must be divisible by 32, otherwise near value that is divisible b
y 32 will be selected.
Use "m", "+" and "-" keys to find the best value. One hash takes about 2
MB of GPU memory, too big value may cause unstable mining and in many cases max
value is not the best.
For example, for 280x card the best value is 832. For 290x card the best
value is 1376.
For most popular cards miner sets the best value automatically, but ther
e are many cards and I don't have them all, so you can find the best "-h" value
by yourself.
Press "m" key to see current hashrate for every GPU round, then use "+"
and "-" keys to increase/reduce "-h" value. You can also press "0"..."9" keys to
select active card.
Sometimes changing "HashCnt" by "+" and "-" keys causes problems with Op
enCL, in this case you need to restart miner and change "-h" values in command l
ine directly.
-cclock set target GPU core clock speed, in MHz. If not specified or zero, miner
will not change current clock speed. You can also specify values for every card
, for example "-cclock 1000,1050,1100,0".
-mclock set target GPU memory clock speed, in MHz. If not specified or zero, min
er will not change current clock speed. You can also specify values for every ca
rd, for example "-mclock 1200,1250,1200,0".
-mport remote monitoring port. Default port is 3333, specify "-mport 0" to disa
ble remote monitoring feature.
-colors enables or disables colored text in console. Default value is "1", use "
-colors 0" to disable coloring.

NsGpuCNMiner.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u 449TGay4WWJPwsXrWZfk
MoPtDbJp8xoSzFuyjRt3iaM4bRHdzw4qoDu26FdcGx67BMDS1r2bnp7f5hF6xdPWWrD3Q3Wf7G6 -p x
Do not forget to specify your wallet address!

Use "-o" option or "pools.txt" file to specify several pools. Every pool has 3 c
onnection attempts. "pools.txt" file has text format, one address per line.
If the first character of a line is ";" this line will be ignored.
After pool address you can also specify login and password, use space as separat
or, for example: !
stratum+tcp:// 449TGay4WWJPwsXrWZfkMoPtDbJp8xoSzFuyjRt3iaM
4bRHdzw4qoDu26FdcGx67BMDS1r2bnp7f5hF6xdPWWrD3Q3Wf7G6 x
If login or password are not specified, "-u" and "-p" parameters will be used.

About 810 h/s on stock 290X (Hynix memory).
About 710 h/s on stock 290X (Elpida memory).
About 690 h/s on stock 290 (Elpida memory).
About 550 h/s on stock 280X (Hynix memory).
About 440 h/s on stock 270X (Elpida memory).
About 410 h/s on stock 270 (Elpida memory).

1. Install Catalyst v13.12.
2. Disable overclocking.
4. Set Virtual Memory 16 GB.
5. Reboot computer.

For 290X/290/280X/270X/270 you can leave default parameters, i.e. do not specify
"-a" and "-h", miner will apply best settings automatically.
For other cards, guide how to get maximal speed:
1. Try "-a 1", "-a 3", "-a 4" and select best mode, press "m" key to see immedia
te hashrate.
2. Remember "HashCnt" value when miner starts, then specify "-h" parameter with
this value, remember hashrate and change "-h" parameter step by step by 32 in bo
th directions (less and more).
Select best value based on immediate hashrate.

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