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Abu Dhabi Education Council

Al Tamayouz School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (1)

Key words : :
Vibration : A fast shaking backwards and forwards :
or up and down
Pitch : How high or low the sound is :

When you speak the sound transfer to the

surrounding and your friends can hear you .

How can sound travel ?
1- When we speak , the sounds we make cause

vibrations in the air
2- The vibrations travel through the air in all
directions -3
3- Our ears receive the vibrations, and we can hear
the sound

* Complete the following sentences using the
guide words :

Sound vibrations receive travel directions
When the dog barks the sound make vibrations in
the air, then the vibrations . .
through the air in all . . .
Our ears .. the .
vibrations, so we can hear the .

Page | 2
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Tamayouz School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (2)

Key words : :
Wave : Movement of energy through a substance :
Echo : The reflection of sound waves :


Sound travels as waves through a substance similar

to the waves you can see in the slinky.
The waves move through the slinky and the sound
waves move through the air.
* Why astronauts cannot hear each other directly *
in the space ?

When we shout in an empty room we hear our

voice again this returned sound called echo
When the sound wave hits a wall it reflect and we
hear echo

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Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Tamayouz School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (3) Sound
Key words : :
Oscilloscope : An equipment shows us how an
electrical signal changes over periods of time

* Draw a sketch of the pattern on the oscilloscope *

shown below when there is a quiet sound with a
low pitch.

* Draw a sketch of the pattern on the oscilloscope *

shown below when there is a loud sound with a
high pitch.

Page | 4
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Tamayouz School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (4) Sound waves

Key words : :
Amplitude : The distance between X- axis and the :
top ( or bottom ) of the wave :
Wavelength : The length of each wave ) (
Frequency : The number of waves each second :

* Identify top, bottom, amplitude and wavelength *

in the graph. .

* Put a tick in the correct answer : : *

1- Which sound has the highest pitch ? -1
a The sound with the greatest amplitude [ ] ] [
b The sound with the greatest wavelength [ ] ] [
c The sound with the greatest frequency [ ] ] [
2- Which sound has the lowest pitch ? -2
a The sound with the lowest amplitude [ ] ] [
b The sound with the lowest wavelength [ ] ] [
c The sound with the lowest frequency [ ] ] [
3- Which sound is the loudest ? -3
a The sound with the greatest amplitude [ ] ] [
b The sound with the greatest wavelength [ ] ] [
c The sound with the greatest frequency [ ] ] [

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Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Tamayouz School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (5) Speed of Sound
Key words : :
Speed : The distance traveled divided by time

How can we calculate speed ?

Distance ( d )
Speed ( S ) =
S t
Time ( t )
Example : 777 -1
1- A plane dropped a bomb 700 m far from Hamad . 2
he heard the sound 2 seconds after he saw the
explosion . Calculate the speed of sound.

2- A ship sent a sound signal to the seabed they
heard the echo after 4 seconds , if the speed of . ) / 1484 (
sound in water is ( 1484 m/s ) . How deep is the
seabed here ?

Material Speed of sound

Air 340 m/s
Water 1484 m/s
Wood 4110 m/s
Iron 5120 m/s
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Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Tamayouz School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (6)

Echo Applications
Key words : :
Sonar : A system for detection of objects under :
water by emitting sound pulses
Echolocation : A type of sonar used by some :

To measure the depth of water In medical diagnoses

The whale can detect the prey The bat detect the prey and direction

* How can bat detect directions although its *

blindness ?

* How can whales communicate under water ? *

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Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Tamayoz School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (1)

Key words : :
Photosynthesis : The process plants use to convert :
light energy into glucose
Chlorophyll : A green chemical produced by plant :
cells needed for photosynthesis
Glucose : A sugar that can be used by living things

for energy
Starch : A substance made up of glucose stored in
plant cells

Animals get their energy from food they eat but

plants cannot eat, so they need another way to get
energy . The plant leaves use sunlight and carbon
dioxide to make glucose . This process called

The word equation for photosynthesis : :

Water + carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen

* Identify the reactants of photosynthesis : : *

. .

* Identify the products of photosynthesis : : *

. .

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Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Salamat School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (2)


Choose words from the box to fill in the gaps below :

Sunlight night day glucose photosynthesis energy

air chlorophyll food starch plants green - red

1- Plants get their .. from the sun

2- Plants make their own food in a process called ..

3- Animals eat .. or other animals. They dont make their own ..

4- In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are converted to .. and oxygen

5- The oxygen is released into the ..

6- The glucose is converted into .. in the plant leaves

7- To do this, a chemical called .. must be present in the leaves

8- Chlorophyll absorbs .. and blue light so it appears ..

9- A plant also needs .. for the photosynthesis reaction to take place

10 Plants dont photosynthesis during ..

* Write true or false for each sentence of the following :

1- Chloroplasts absorb green light ( . )

2- A cell needs oxygen for photosynthesis ( . )

3- Photosynthesis dose not take place in animal cells ( . )

4- Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll ( . )

5- Photosynthesis take place in plant cells all the time ( . )

6- Carbon dioxide and water are converted into starch in photosynthesis ( . )

Page | 9
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Salamat School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (3)

* Factors affecting photosynthesis : : *
1- sunlight 2- carbon dioxide 3- water -3 -2 -1

1- Sunlight : : -1
Conduct the experiment in page 159 in textbook 159
The white light spectrum composed of seven colors
, , ,
, , , ,

, ,
, ,

Chlorophyll reflect color and absorb

other colors of the spectrum

The part of the plant cell where photosynthesis

happens is which contain

Increasing the light intensity photosynthesis ) / (

( increase / decrease )

2- Carbon dioxide : : -2
Conduct the experiment in page 161 in textbook 161
The gas needed for photosynthesis is .

We put . in flask to absorb carbon dioxide

The plant leaf in the flask which contains potassium

hydroxide doesnt contain

3- water : : -3
From where plant get water ? ..
Look at the photosynthesis equation, what are the
reactants ? .. , .. .. , ..

Page | 10
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Salamat School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (4)

Plant Cell

* Match each part of the cell with its function :

Cell wall The part of the cell where photosynthesis happens

Cell membrane The protective wall that surrounds the cell

Cytoplasm These convert glucose into energy

Nucleus The semi-permeable barrier that allows passing substances in or out the cell

Chloroplast An enclosed space inside the cell containing water and salts

Mitochondria The liquid that makes up most of the cell

Page | 11
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Salamat School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (5) Carbon Cycle
Key words : :
Herbivore : An animal which just eats plants :
Carnivore : An animal which just eats other animals

As we see there is a relation between Respiration

and Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis equation : :

Carbon dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen

Respiration equation : :

Glucose + Oxygen Carbon dioxide + Water

* What are the reactants of photosynthesis ? *

.. and ...... .................................. ..............................

* What are the products of photosynthesis ? *

.. and ...... .................................. ..............................

* What are the reactants of respiration ? *

.. and ...... ..............................

* What are the products of respiration ? *

.. and ...... .................................. ..............................

Page | 12
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Salamat School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (6)
Fossil Fuels
Key words : :
Fossil fuels : Oil, coal, and gas formed from ancient :
plants and animals
Locked carbon : Carbon that is stored underground

in fossil fuels

* Choose words from the box to fill in the gaps *

below : :

glucose energy new photosynthesis

plant carbon atom air animal
The plant gets a . from carbon dioxide .............................
in the and uses it to make .............................

The animal eats the and uses glucose to .............................

give it The carbon atom is put back into .............................
the air by the This carbon .............................
atom now ready for another plant to use in . .............................

* Complete the following sentences using words : : *

fossil fuel carbon dioxide microorganisms coal -
broken down gas - carbon oil
Some . Is left in the bodies of plants and .............................
animals when they die .
... feed on dead plants and animals and .............................
release ... to the air .............................
Sometimes when oxygen levels are low
microorganisms die. The dead plants and animals .
are not . .............................

Over millions of years pressure changes them to

. , . and . ............................. ............................. .............................

They called . .............................

Page | 13
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Salamat School Cycle 2
Science Department

Name : Grade : Date : / /

Worksheet (7)
Key words : :
Deforestation : Cutting down all the trees in an :

area of forest

Some countries have cut down many of the earths

large forests to get wood or use the land for
farming and building

* What are the causes of deforestation in some *

countries ?

* What is the effect of deforestation on carbon *

dioxide in the atmosphere ?

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