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Essay Analysis 2016

CSE Essay Paper 2016

UPSC continued with its pattern of 2014 and 2015 in 2016 CS Essay exam as well. Students were
required to write on two essays in about 1000-1200
1000 words each while selecting one from each section
A and B. The trend of asking Argumentative/Persuasive Essays that started in 2012 still continued

We, at Orient IAS, were strongly anticipating topics related to women

women empowerment
empowerment and
sustainable development to appear in this years paper. This anticipation of us was reflected in the
inclusion of the following topics in our Essay Test Series:

Women Empowerment
Reference 1: There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. (Orient
Workshop -2)
Reference 2: We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. (Orient Workshop 9)
Reference 3: Men as agents of women empowerment - Let's empower women by empowering men ((Orient Test
Reference 4: She believed she could, so she did. (Orient Test 808)

Sustainable Development
Reference 1: Sustainable development a choice or a compulsion? (Orient Workshop 7)
Reference 2:: There is no need to protect the environment. Rather there is a need to create a world where the
environment doesnt need protection. (Orient Test 802)
Reference 3:: We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. (Orient Workshop
2) & (Orient Test 801)
Reference 4: Environmental justice and positive economic development Are these mutually exclusive?
(Orient Workshop 6)
Reference 5:: Environmental Governance an option or an inalienable part of Development Agenda? (Orient
Test 808)

First 2 topics of this years papers proved us right. The topics asked being If
If development is not
engendered, it is endangered and Need
Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed
breed. The
material and discussions including creative introductions and conclusions that we pr provided with
respect to these topics came in handy to our students during the examination.

In Section A, UPSC provided an exit route through the topic Water

Water disputes between States in
federal India.
. It was a direct topic that has been in news in the recent
recent times. However, taking the
exit route generally implies that itll mostly be average marks that can be earned through it, unless
and until the student improvises more than enough to stand out from the crowd.

Orient IAS, 57, 3 Floor, Old Rajendra Nagar, || || +91-9643772112;
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The last topic in Section A, Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social
welfare could also have been addressed very comprehensively by utilizing the key arguments and
dimensions as were provided in the material and discussed in the following references.
Reference 1: Knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement. (Orient Test 806)
Reference 2: Rising expenditure on Science & Technology an extravagance for a developing nation? (Orient
Test 806)
Reference 3: Intellectual property rights an impediment to the universal access of knowledge? (Orient Test
Reference 4: Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. (Orient Test 804)

Section B of the paper seemed to be inspired by the recent developments in the socio-political-
economic and technological space. But the focus was more on testing the candidates through their
analytical opinions on these knowledge based topics. The topics looked simple and straightforward
prima facie but could easily prove to be a perfect recipe for disaster if not handled well. The definition
of an essay as a reflection of the candidates personality becomes even more relevant in such cases.

In this Section, the topics Cyberspace and Internet : Blessing or curse to the human civilization in
the long run and Digital economy : A leveller or a source of economic inequality could have
been handled easily and effectively by using material and discussions from the following references.
These topics seemed inspired by the recent World Economic Forum meet in January 2016 with
Agenda in Focus: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, as also by the recent focus of the government to
widen the penetration of cashless and digital economy through not just demonetization but also other
initiatives that have been in the offing for long such as introduction of RuPay card, focus on financial
inclusion through Jan Dhan Yojana, JAM trinity etc.
Reference 1: Knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement. (Orient Test 806)
Reference 2: Digital Revolution is all about empowerment. (Orient Test 806)
Reference 3: We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live,
work, and relate to one another (Orient Test 807)

Another topic Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or outcome of economic reforms
appeared like a commentary on the aftereffects of economic liberalization and reforms in India. The
following Essay topics of our test series provided instant and effective reference, including
introductions, content, and conclusions, to this topic.
Reference 1: Ultra High Net worth Indians and malnourished infants a stark reality of modern India.
(Orient Test 804)
Reference 2: To build a vibrant economy, investment has to be made in the people. (Orient Test 805)
Reference 3: Financial inclusion is a lever with great potential for economic and social progress. (Orient Test
Reference 4: Start-ups are the engines of development. (Orient Test 806)

Orient IAS, 57, 3 Floor, Old Rajendra Nagar, || || +91-9643772112; 9810949873
The topic Competitive federalism : Myth or reality was inspired by the recent developments
related to Goods and Services Tax (GST), proposed/effected amendments in the land acquisition acts
and labour policies amongst other developments.

Overall, to our students, UPSC Essay paper 2016 seemed like another Orient Test Series paper.
The difficulty level and topics asked were in some places, almost identical while in most other places,
were almost similar to what they have been tested for in the Orient Essay Test Series 2016.

To sum up, out of 8 given topics, 5 were directly inspired by the recent developments. But the way
they were asked, it left no doubt in mind that the students were expected to write it like an essay and
not as a GS answer. Generating content might not be a challenge in these essays but what is
essentially important is the organization, logical flow of thoughts, diversity of opinion, captivating
introduction and a conclusion that ensures a sense of closure.
Out of the rest, 2 on women empowerment and sustainable development were evergreen
topics which had not been asked by UPSC for quite some time and were heavily anticipated. The last
one on innovation was a broader topic that expected a wider perspective.

However in all these topics, the diversity of arguments and logical flow of thoughts would be valued.
In this context, one's diverse thinking, one's ability to respond critically and personally to a problem
or issue, one's acumen to select and use information to support an argument and presentation of
ones arguments in a structured and impressive way, becomes important.

Essay, thus, remains, not just a disgorgement of facts, but a test of ones personality and needs to be
handled in that way only.


Orient IAS, 57, 3 Floor, Old Rajendra Nagar, || || +91-9643772112; 9810949873

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