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Digital Communications

(Subject Code: EC3201, No. of Credits: 4)


Sampling: Impulse Sampling, Natural Sampling, Flat top sampling, Aliasing, Signal to Distortion Ratio
Pulse code modulation (PCM), Quantization, Design of uniform Quantization, Non uniform Quantization, Differential PCM, Delta Modulation
Information theory: Entropy, Source coding theorem, Mutual information, Channel coding theorem, Differential entropy, channel capacity
Line codes, Inter symbol Interference, Minimum bandwidth calculations, Nyquist pulse, and Raised cosine pulse
Signal space analysis, Vector transmitter, Vector receiver, Maximum likely hood detection, Correlation and Matched filter receiver, Probability of
error calculation, Union bond on probability of error
Digital band pass modulation, BPSK, BFSK, BASK, M-array modulation, Coherence detection, Non coherence detection, DPSK, Probability of
error and bandwidth calculation, Matlab simulationsResources:

1. Simon Haykin, Digital Communications, Wiley India Edition, 2008
2. Proakis, Digital Communications, Fourth Edition, McGrawHill, 2000


Video Lectures Typical example
Units of Reading Material by
problems and Assignments Examination details
syllabus Prof. Bikash Kumar Dey Prof. Bikash Kumar Dey solutions
Lec1.pdf Lecture - 1 Introduction
Lec2.pdf Lecture - 2 Sampling
Lecture - 3 Quantization ,
Lec3.pdf PCM and Delta Modulation
Lecture - 4 Probability and
Lec4.pdf Random Processes Typical example
Lecture - 5 Probability and problems and 4 Assignments for Unit-I
Unit-I EST
Lec5.pdf Random Processes (Part - 2) solutions for Unit-I and Unit-II syllabus yet to Mid 1
Lecture - 6 Channels and and Unit-II syllabus be uploaded in our
Unit-II (20 Marks
Lec6.pdf their Models yet to be uploaded in institute server (20 Marks
our institute server Objective &
Lecture - 7 Channels and 40 Marks
Lec7.pdf their Models (Part -2) Descriptive)
Lecture - 8 Information covered within
Lec8.pdf Theory (Part - 1) Syllabus
first 25 days of
covered in
Lecture - 9 Information instruction
total 80
Lec9.pdf Theory (Part - 2) period
days of
Lecture - 10 Bandpass Signal Mid 2 instruction
Lec10.pdf Representation ( Part 1 ) period in a
Lecture - 11 Bandpass Signal Typical example (20 Marks semester
Lec11.pdf Representation (Part - 2) problems and Descriptive)
4 Assignments for Unit-III
Unit-III solutions for Unit-III,
Lecture - 12 Digital and Unit-IV syllabus yet to
& Unit-IV and part of Syllabus
Modulation Techniques be uploaded in our
Unit-IV Unit-V syllabus yet to covered within
Lec12.pdf (Part - 1) institute server
be uploaded in our second 25
Lecture - 13 Digital institute server days of
Modulation Techniques instruction
Lec13.pdf (Part - 2) period
Lecture - 14 Digital
Modulation Techniques
Lec14.pdf (Part - 3)
Lecture - 15 Digital
Modulation Techniques Part
Lec15.pdf -4
Lecture - 16 Digital
Modulation Techniques Part
Lec16.pdf -5
Lecture - 17 Digital
Modulation Techniques
Lec17.pdf (Part - 6)
Lecture - 18 Digital
Modulation Techniques
Lec18.pdf (Part - 7)
Lecture - 19 Digital
Modulation Techniques
Lec19.pdf (Part - 8)
Lecture - 20 Digital
Modulation Techniques Mid 3
Lec20.pdf (Part - 9)
Typical example (20 Marks
Lecture - 21 Digital
problems and Descriptive)
Modulation Techniques 4 Assignments for part of
Unit-V solutions for part of
Lec21.pdf (Part - 10) Unit-V and Unit-VI syllabus
& Unit-V and Unit-VI Syllabus
Lecture - 22 Probability of yet to be uploaded in our
Unit-VI syllabus yet to be covered within
Lec22.pdf Error Calculation institute server
uploaded in our third 25 days
Lecture - 23 Calculation of institute server of instruction
Lec23.pdf Probability of Error period
Lecture - 24 Calculation of
Lec24.pdf Probability of Error
Lec25.pdf Lecture - 25 Equalizers
Lecture - 26 Source Coding
Lec26.pdf (Part - 1)
Lecture - 27 Source Coding
Lec27.pdf (Part - 2)
Lecture - 28 Source Coding
Lec28.pdf Part - 3
Lecture - 29 Source Coding
Lec29.pdf Part 4
Lec30.pdf Lecture - 30 Channel Coding

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