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CLB 40002- Engineering Technologist in Society

Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |1


Ethical behavior is acting in ways that are uniform with how the business world views
moral values and principles. The objectives for of workplace ethic problems are to determine the
importance of ethics at workplace, to find out the ethic problems at workplace and to find out the
ways to overcome the ethic problems at workplace. The benefits of ethics in the
workplace a re property protection, teamwork and productivity, public image and decision
making. The workplace ethic problems are divided by two parts which are ethical problems of
employers (caused by employers) and ethical problems of employees (caused by employees). For
example, ethic problem by employers is Favoritism is considered as highly unethical behavior
which means some of the employers might siding a particular employee with consideration to
bonuses and promotions at the same time ignore other qualified employees while ethical
problems by employees is Bullying behavior where employees usually did not know what to do
if the see their co-workers bullying another employees either sexually, mentally or physically
because they tend to worry about their jobs and do not want to be labeled as a busybody if they
trying to help or report to the employers about the bullying. There are some possible ways to
overcome workplace ethic problems, for example generate a code of conduct such as written
code with includes acceptable and unacceptable behavior and what indicator are taken if an
employees break the code which supplies both employers and employees with an overview of
type of behavior and conduct the company expects.
CLB 40002- Engineering Technologist in Society

Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |2


1. To determine the importance of ethics at workplace.

2. To find out the ethic problems at workplace.
3. To find out the ways to overcome the ethic problems at workplace.

CLB 40002- Engineering Technologist in Society

Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |3

1. About Ethical Behavior

Ethical behavior is acting in ways that are uniform with how the business world views
moral values and principles. The four major factors that can lead to ethical problems in the
workplace are conflicts of interest, organizational connection problems, inadequacy of integrity
and confusing advertising.

2. The Importance of Ethics in the Workplace

i. Property Protection

A potent ethical culture within work is essential in protecting the assets. Employees are the
person who complies by the workplace ethics capable to defend and respect the company's
assets. To imply, they could stay away from creating personal long distance calls using the
company's lines. Employees can only respect company assets when employers treat them with
dignity and respect which makes them feel glad and happy to be working for the company.
Employers should ensure that their workers commit in an environmental with potent ethics and
integrity so that it will raise employees discourages and pride them from stealing equipment and

ii. Teamwork and Productivity

Workplace ethics is fundamental and essential in promote increased teamwork and productivity
between employers and employees. It helps in line up the values of the company's business with
those employees. Ethics allow employees to feel a potent line up between their work and values
which they display such feeling through the growth of motivation and productivity.

iii. Public Image

Company and employers will gain a lot of respect and a potent image in the public when they
make ethical options. To imply, employers could fulfill their corporate social duty by lowering
waste removal from the company. The public will think about their company's business to be run
with integrity and respect. Constructing a potent public image through ethical conduct also
makes employers and company gains a lot of clients.

iv. Decision Making

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Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |4

Ethical behavior in workplace motivates an environment of making decisions based on ethics. It

also increase transparency when pledge any work decisions. It helps to initiate change
successfully in the company which it can be considered as challenge. Ethical behavior within the
workplace alerts the employers and employees on how to act systematically even in hard times.


1. Workplace Ethic Problems

CLB 40002- Engineering Technologist in Society

Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |5

People spend their days except weekends at their job sites or offices and they facing ethical
problems at their workplace everyday. The problems can be solved with some analysis and
common sense among the employees without anybody brings harm or loses their jobs.

a) Ethical Problems Of Employers

Favoritism is considered as highly unethical behavior which means some of the
employers might siding a particular employee with consideration to bonuses and
promotions at the same time ignore other qualified employees.
i. Sexual harassment is not ethical in workplace which means they do harm towards
an employees sexually or abstain from take some action against person who are
involved in such faults which it is strictly prohibited.
ii. Dismissal of any employee without any early notice where such dismissal should
be done after previous indications and notice including periods must be issued at
least a month or two before so that the person could find another job and to avoid
iii. Unnecessary hold up in paying employees' prudent gratuity and fund after exiting
from the company is a violation of professional ethics.

b) Ethical Problems Of Employees

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Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |6

i. Doing personal business on working time can be considered as an abuse to your

employer. For instance, employees usually to spend much time of their weekdays
hours on their jobs, they usually are attracted to do personal business on working
ii. Accept credit for other employees' work. Employees usually work in a group to
expand and generate some new products and seldom does everyone in the group give
or contribute equally to complete a final product. Team leaders must urge all
employees to do specific tasks to help finish a project.
iii. Bullying behavior. Employees usually did not know what to do if the see their co-
workers bullying another employees either sexually, mentally or physically because
they tend to worry about their jobs and do not want to be labeled as a busybody if
they trying to help or report to the employers about the bullying.
iv. Making a long phone call using the company's cost. For instance, organizations
usually supply a refund for phone bills of employees especially job that involving
using phone. Take for granted and making personal calls is totally unethical.
v. Carrying home company's properties or assets
vi. Incorrect usage of machineries. Some employees use company's printers and
computers for their personal uses such as surfing video at YouTube.
vii. Take for granted of travel benefit. It is relevant to employees who always travel and
visit for company's purpose and jobs. For example, they neglect their duties during
travel because of shopping or other personal business.
viii. Against rules and regulations of the company such as give out company's data or
confidential information to other parties. Each company has their own law or policy
and accepting the terms and conditions is a must as an employee. Breach or fail to
maintain any of these rules might leads to unwanted problem between the company
and employees.
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Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |7

ix. Some employees take some stationery and pocket tools to use at their home. Even
though it is undetected by the cameras but it unethical.
x. Abusing company time. Either for covering someone who always comes late or
altering punch card, abusing company time is in the tops of the list. To imply, do
some personal business during working hours such as on the phone with your
spouse to find out whether children back from school or not.
xi. Rough behavior. Workplaces are always filled with supervisors and employers who
use their power and position and also take for granted to disrespect and mistreat other
workers. Unfortunately, if it involves gender and race, it is usually no legal shield
towards rough behavior in the workplace.

xii. Cheating to employees. The quickest way to lose the belief of the employers is to
cheat to them and employers often do it.

xiii. Abusing company internet rule. Cyber slackers is an example of the terms use to
recognize person or workers who browse the web when the actually should be
working which might be a big and quite pricey problem for the companies.

xiv. Communicate in disrespectful ways which employees are not allowed to use
disrespectful language in office during the work time.

xv. Working for multiple company or organizations which an employee cannot work
more than one place in a time. The person could be charged from being a team of
organization in future if they ever get caught.
CLB 40002- Engineering Technologist in Society

Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |8

2. Possible Ways To Overcome Workplace Ethic Problems

Morality and ethics problems in workplace are something complicated to handle. Brief-
thinking employers who apply workplace ethics policy are usually ready and well-prepared for
possible problems arise because of difference in culture or opinion during works. Nevertheless,
controlling and avoiding ethical problems in the workplace needs a constant and alert approach
to matters that can possibly be illegal and harmful.

i. Generate a code of conduct such as written code with includes acceptable and
unacceptable behavior and what indicator are taken if an employees break the code which
supplies both employers and employees with an overview of type of behavior and
conduct the company expects.
ii. Reinforces the consequences. The employers should hold their employees responsible
when they act unethically, they will be referred to the code of conduct and will be taken
necessary actions to warn or expel by notifying new employers about the rules during
orientation sessions.
iii. Display some appreciation to employees to encourage loyalty. Faith employees are less
possible to act unethically and feel that a company values and the effort they put into
completing the tasks on a daily basis.
iv. Expand a workplace rules based on the code of conduct and company's background. Do
some revision based on employees handbook to insert the rules and prepare copies of
checked handbook to the employees. Provide signed confession forms employees to
indicate if they understand and received the workplace ethics policy.
v. Do problems sharing. Share the problems with employers to gain advantage of their
experience. Bring ethical questions to employers could keep employees out of problems
and to solve conflicts.
vi. Do some discussion. Discuss the company's code of ethics for official instruction. This
easy action is capable to settle workplace problems immediately. The codes provide a
background on which to consider the pros and cons of company's decisions giving
employers and employees an n obvious picture which decision is more related with
company's ethical commitment. Employees can discuss with teamwork and co-workers
CLB 40002- Engineering Technologist in Society

Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems Page |9

from other companies that you trust from other networking groups such as former
employers without reveal company's secrets to obtain broad wide of knowledge and
vii. Hire employees who have experience and education that show they are expert workers
and able to handle tasks at hand.
viii. Generate checks and balances system to reduce the chances for unethical behavior rather
than leave related responsibilities in hands of one particular employee. To imply, a
technician does a shutdown procedure while an engineer does maintenance for the plant.
ix. Read a lot. Read the articles related to other companies' problems which also related to
our problems. Reading others' experience could give us a brief look into what to expect if
we made a same decision.
x. Prepare workplace ethics exercising to employees. Use assorted instruction techniques to
engage employees in study how to solve and address ethical problems.

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Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems P a g e | 10

In a nutshell, both employers and employees need to make decisions at all levels and
every side of perspective of a company. Every employers or employees in a company or
organization are exposing to problem and risks but some of the ethical decisions can be more
complicated and challenging to completely understand. Morality and ethics problems in
workplace are something complicated to handle. Brief-thinking employers who apply workplace
ethics policy are usually ready and well-prepared for possible problems arise because of
difference in culture or opinion during works. Seeking and applying the solutions about ethical
problems can rise decision-making and also keep them on the good and right side of rules and

CLB 40002- Engineering Technologist in Society

Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems P a g e | 11

1. Ruth, M. (2016). How To Handle Ethical Issues in the Workplace. Small Business.
Retrieved from
2. Don, R. (2016). Common Ethical Workplace Dilemmas. Small Business. Retrieved from
3. David, I. (2016). How To Resolve Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace. Small Business.
Retrieved from
4. Lydia, R. (2015). Etiquette and Ethics: A Growing Problem in the Workplace. Nimble
Blog. Retrieved from
5. Amy, G. (2015). How To Speak Up About Ethical Issues at Work. Harvard Business
Review. Retrieved from

CLB 40002- Engineering Technologist in Society

Assignment 2 (individual): Workplace Ethic Problems P a g e | 12

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