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Name: Charity April Mancera Yr./Course/Sec.: I-BSED Bio.Sci.

Election 2K16

Individual has the right and power to choose a good leader.

Election 2K16 is an important issue in our country nowadays. It is an

act of choosing someone who has the capacity and is responsible of his/her
duties to serve the people and country. Who will be the one to abolish
corruption, crime, violence, and poverty in our country?

People are waiting for this day to come because they will be given a
chance to choose a person they wanted to, if who is capable of owning the
throne, or position. A leader which has determination on facing the issues of
our country. A leader that is ready to take the responsibility and duties
heartedly and truthfully.

As the presidential election is fast approaching, each candidate shows

their potential and ability to become a leader to the people. As you can see,
the candidates have their own stand for being the next leader. But, there are
candidates seem arguing for they are against to each other.

Choosing a leader is not an easy thing to do. You must think of it

thousand times because a single vote can change our countrys facing now.
So, you should carefully and wisely vote whoever you wanted to be the next
leader in our country. Lastly, you should not treat this as a joke because a
good leader should be a good influence to the people and country.

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