Flower Sale Order Form 2017

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Pillow Elementary Annual Flower Sale

Order Form
Its time for our Valentine flower sales to begin! Order a flower or several
flowers! You can have them delivered to you so that you can give them to
someone else here or at home. OR the 4th graders can deliver the flower(s)
for you, here at school. Sale ends on the day of our school Valentine parties.
Cost: $2.00 Per Carnation
Complete the information below and return it, along with correct cash, to
school. After completing the form, hold on to your order! Students will come
to your class each day to collect the orders. All orders are prepaid. No
checks, please.
How to Order a Flower
Place this information on the form below:
1. Fill in the number of flowers you want to order.
2. List the person you want to receive the flower and their teachers name.
3. Put your name and your teachers name.
4. Write your message.
5. Check only ONE box for delivery:
Deliver FOR you OR
Deliver TO you so you can give the carnation to someone special.

REMEMBER: You must use a different order form for each person
you give a flower to. Use one form per person, not per flower.

******************** CUT HERE ******************

Number of Flowers________
To ______________________________________ Teacher ________________________
From ____________________________________ Teacher ________________________

Please deliver to this person FOR me.

Please just bring the flower(s) to me, so I can deliver it (them) myself.

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