Why The Singer Says Stop Explaining'? Why The Singer Is Crying?

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Student name: Date:

What was the relationship Why the singer says Why the singer is
between the singer and the stop explaining? crying?
person who is dedicated it?

Why the
singer says Why she says
she dont she know
what to know what the
what is person is
happening? thinking?

Why the
singer does Why they
not want to don`t what to
listen talk again?
Student name: Date:

What feelings
do you find in
the lyrics?

Do you
What is the
dedicate this
purpose of
song? Why?
the song?
To whom?

What would
Why do you
happen when
think the
the person
author write
listens the
this song?
Student name: Date:

To whom is
the song

of the
What is
the topic Who is the
of the singer?

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