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Stand, Walk and Jog Tackles

Pupils: pairs.
Kit: N/A

Pupils are shown the key teaching point and reminded of safety
regarding tackling.
Pupils stand opposite each other.
Starting with one pupil on their knees (Red) and the other pupil in
front of them (Blue).
Red, wraps their arms around the legs of the Blue. Remembering to
put cheek to cheek.
Red rolls to the corresponding side and bring down Blue.
Swap over roles.

As pupils feel more confident this can be done at a walking towards

pace and then a jog.
Have pupils stand up and practice the above steps.

Pair up the pupils with a more confident/experienced pupil. Have

this pupil as a lead learner that can give advice and support.
Encourage this pupil to be tackled more and the other pupil to
tackle at a pace they feel comfortable with.
If the pupil does not feel confident being tackled, have them
practice rolling to the ground from knelt then from standing, until
they feel confident and understand it doesnt hurt.

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