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SPM Session 2a: How to plan a business project


A project is a set of activities, which must be carried out in a defined order. For example, building a
house will consist of activities like, building the walls, installing the plumbing, erecting the roof etc.
Critical Path Analysis is a widely used method in the planning and control of projects, to ensure that
the resources associated with the project (e.g. labour, machines and cash) are used effectively.


1) Construct an activity-on-the-node network to represent a project.

2) Calculate, for each activity, the earliest and latest start and finish times and the total float.
3) Identify the critical path and explain its significance.

Stages in Critical Path Analysis

1) Break down project into a number of activities.

2) Estimate the duration of each activity.
3) Decide on the logical sequence of activities (i.e. the immediate predecessors for each activity).
4) Draw the network diagram.
5) Make a forward pass through the network, calculating the earliest start time (EST) and the
earliest finish time (EFT) for each activity.
6) Make a backward pass through the network, calculating the latest start time (LST) and the latest
finish time (LFT) for each activity.
7) Determine the minimum time that the project can be completed in, the critical path and the
floats of all the non-critical activities.

Lecture Example:

Given below are details of the activities involved in the launch of an advertising campaign.

Activity Description Duration (weeks) Immediate Predecessors

A Set objectives 2 ---
B Design TV advertising 5 A
C Design new packaging 10 A
D Design newspaper campaign 6 B
E Film TV advertisements 4 B and C
F Arrange graphics 2 D
G Run campaign in HTV region 4 E and F
H Assess results 2 G
I Arrange national campaign 4 H

a) Draw a network and calculate the earliest and latest start and finish times. How long will it take
before the national campaign is under way?
b) Calculate the total float for each activity and hence identify the critical path.
Tutorial Questions

1) A project consists of the following activities. Draw a network to represent the project and hence
identify the earliest and latest start and finish times and the total float for each activity. How long will it
take to complete the project?

Activity Duration (weeks) Immediate Predecessors

A 9 ---
B 2 A
C 3 A
D 7 B and C
E 6 D
F 1 E
G 4 D
H 5 G and F

2) A machine used in a factory is due to be overhauled. Production worth 1000 per day will be lost
while the overhaul takes place and, because of this, the factory's engineer wants to plan the operation

He knows that, before any other work can be carried out, the machine will have to be transported to the
workshop and this will take a day. On arrival at the workshop, the outer casing of the machine will
have to be removed (this will take half a day) and only when this has been completed can other
activities commence.

One fitter (fitter number 1) will remove the cylinder head (this will take 0.5 days) and then replace the
pistons (1 day). He will then replace the cylinder head (0.5 days).

At the same time, a second fitter (fitter number 2) will remove the filters (1 day) which he will then
clean (2 days) before refitting them (0.5 days). While the two fitters are working, an electrician will
remove the electrical system (3 days) and then install new electric components (1 day). He will then
need to test the new electrical system (1 day), but he cannot commence this until the first fitter has
finished replacing the cylinder head and the second fitter has completed the refitting of the filters.

When the new electrical system has been tested, the outer casing of the machine will be refitted (0.5
days) and the machine will be transported back to the factory (1 day).

a) Draw a network to represent the overhaul and hence determine the earliest and latest start and
finish times for each activity.
b) What will be the value of production lost during the overhaul?
c) A specialist extra mechanic can be hired temporarily to assist fitter number 2 to work on the filters
at a cost of 100 per day. If he is hired, the duration of these three activities will be reduced by
25%. Is it worth hiring this extra mechanic? Give reasons for your answer.

Session 2b: Resource Planning using GANTT Charts

In this lecture, we look at how Gantt charts can be used in association with critical path analysis
(CPA) to plan the efficient use of resources (e.g. people, cash and equipment) which will be used
during a project. A CPA charts tell you how activities are related to each other but they do not easily
tell you when activities occur. A GANTT chart is used for this purpose. A GANTT chart in
conjunction with a Resources Histogram can also help you plan the most efficient use of resources.


1) Draw a Gantt chart to represent a project.

2) Use the Gantt chart to make efficient use of resources.

Lecture Example

A small market research company consists of six people who are all adept at dealing with the many and
varied problems associated with conducting surveys, such as designing the necessary computer
software, briefing interviewers etc. The company hires interviewers for their surveys and the six
permanent staff never carry out interviews themselves. Recently, the company was asked to conduct a
market research survey for a food manufacturer. Details of the activities, which the survey will involve,
are given below.

Activity Description Duration (weeks) Preceding Activities Staff Required

A Design survey 6 --- 5
B Print questionnaire 2 A 1
C Engage interviewers 2 A 3
D Prepare instructions 1 A 1
E Set up software 2 A 2
F Brief interviewers 1 C and D 1
G Test software 1 E 2
H Supervise fieldwork 5 B and F 4
I Analyse results 3 G and H 5
J Prepare report 2 I 5

a) Draw a network to represent the project.

b) For each activity, calculate the earliest and latest start and finish times and the total float.
c) What is the critical path and (ignoring staffing) how long will it take to complete the survey?
d) Draw a Gantt chart to represent the project.
e) Calculate the number of staff who will be required for each week of the project, assuming that each
activity starts as early as possible.
f) Given the number of staff required, can the project be completed in the time calculated in d)?
g) If one member of staff were ill from week 7 to 14, would the completion of the survey be delayed?

Tutorial Questions

1) Shipways boatyard undertakes spring refits on cabin cruisers and yachts. In the past, the company
has received complaints from customers regarding the time taken to complete the job. Consequently,
the M.D. Alan Waters has decided to carry out a critical path analysis on the cabin cruiser refit. The
table below gives, for each activity, the duration, immediate preceding activities and the number of
yard assistants required.

Activity Description Duration (Days) Preceding Activities Yard Assistants

A Bring craft up slipway 1 --- 2
B Overhaul seacocks 3 A 1
C Scrape and prepare hull 7 A 2
D Paint hull 4 C 1
E Remove engine 2 A 3
F Overhaul engine 16 E 1
G Clean and paint engine 3 E 1
H Refit engine 3 F and G 3
I Apply antifoul paint 2 D and H 2
J Refloat 1 B and I 2

a) Draw the network and determine how long the refit will take. What are the critical activities and
how much float do the non-critical activities have?
b) Draw a Gantt chart and resource histogram for the refit. What is the maximum number of yard
workers required and when is this required?
c) Unfortunately, there are only four yard assistants available during the period of the refit. Using
your Gantt chart and/or histogram, reschedule the activities so that no more than four yard
assistants will be required.

2. A building project consists of nine activities, details of which are given below:

Activity Duration (Weeks) Preceding Activities Cash Required (000)

A 4 --- 20
B 2 A 40
C 1 A 20
D 3 B and C 10
E 1 B and D 9
F 2 D 18
G 4 E and F 7
H 2 A 5
I 1 G and H 19

a) Draw a network for the project and for each activity calculate the earliest and latest start and finish
times and the total float.
b) How long will the project take to be completed?
c) If the activities start at their earliest possible times, draw a Gantt chart and determine the maximum
amount of cash that will be required in any one week.
d) If cash flow problems meant that a maximum of 60000 was available in any one week, could the
project still be completed in the time you calculated in a)? Give reasons for your answer.

Session 2c: A Probabilistic Approach to Project Scheduling

Activity completion times are rarely known with 100% accuracy. This is particularly true for projects
that have never been done before where subjective estimates for activity duration times have to be
made. Given this uncertainty a technique that treats activity duration times as random variables is
needed. In this session, we will meet one such method: Program Review and Evaluation Technique


Understand the need for probabilistic project scheduling.

Calculate project durations and critical paths using PERT.
Be aware of the assumptions and limitations of PERT.


a = an optimistic time to perform the activity ('best case').

m = the most likely time to perform the activity ('the mode')
b = a pessimistic time to perform the activity ('worst case')

If m is roughly in the middle 75% of the range between a and b then the following formulae can be
used to estimated the mean completion time i, variance s i2 and standard deviation s i of activity i:

a + 4m + b
i =

i =

i =


The critical path can be determined by using the mean completion times of the activities as if they
were fixed completion times. The expected time to complete the project is determined solely by the
completion times of the activities on the critical path.
The time to complete one activity is independent of the time to complete any other activity.
There are enough activities on the critical path so that the distribution of the project completion
time can be approximated by a normal distribution.

If we accept the above assumptions, we can conclude that the project completion time has an
approximately normal distribution. The following three steps will then gives us the mean, the variance
and the standard deviation of the project's duration:

1. For each activity i calculate i and s i as specified above.
2. Determine the critical path using i as a fixed time for each activity i.
3. The overall project completion time has a normal distribution with:

Mean = i
i on critical path

Variance 2 = i

i on critical path

Standard Deviation = 2


Given below are details of the activities involved in the launch of an advertising campaign.

Durations (weeks)
Activity Description Optimistic Likely Pessimistic Predecessors
A Set objectives 1 2 3 ---
B Design TV advertising 3 5 8 A
C Design new packaging 6 10 12 A
D Design newspaper 4 6 8 B
E Film TV 4 4 6 B and C
F Arrange graphics 1 2 2 D
G Run campaign in HTV 2 4 5 E and F
H Assess results 2 2 2 G
I Arrange national 2 4 5 H
a) What is the probability that the project will be completed within 26 weeks?
b) Give a reasonable interval estimate of the number of weeks to complete the project.

First, we need to calculate the mean, variance and standard deviation of all activities:

Durations (weeks rounded to 1 dp)

Activity Description s s2 Predecessors
A Set objectives 2 0.3 0.1 ---
B Design TV advertising 5.2 0.8 0.7 A
C Design new packaging 9.7 1 1 A
D Design newspaper 6 0.7 0.4 B
E Film TV 4.3 0.7 0.4 B and C
F Arrange graphics 1.8 0.2 0 D
G Run campaign in HTV 3.8 0.5 0.3 E and F
H Assess results 2 0 0 G
I Arrange national 3.8 0.5 0.5 H

Now we need to determine the critical path: The Critical Path is A-C-E-G-H-I.

The mean completion time of the project is: 25.6

The project variance is: 2.3
The project standard deviation is: 1.5

Using the Normal Distribution we can now answer the questions:

First, let us define X = completion time of project.

Then transform into Z by Z = (X - ) / s

Now using the normal distribution table:

a) The probability that the project is completed within 26 weeks p(x = 26).

p(x = 26) = 60%

b) A reasonable interval for the project duration.

We can be 95% certain that the project duration will be between 28.5 weeks and 22.7 weeks.

Tutorial Question

Swansea Universitys Business School plans a reunion of all people who graduated in 2000. They have
asked you to plan the event having determined the following tasks.

Description Predecessor Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

A Determine Current Addresses --- 20 25 50
B Determine Budget --- 3 5 12
C Choose Site B 10 14 21
D Hire Band B 5 14 18
E Design Commemorative Mugs --- 10 10 14
F Mail Invitations A, C 8 14 25
G Hire Photographer B 3 4 7
H Determine Excess Funds D, F, G 32 40 50
I Buy Tombola Presents E, H 2 5 8

a) Give an estimated completion time for this project.

b) Which activities have most slack?
c) What is the probability that the project will last longer than 90 days?
d) Give a time within which the project is completed with 99% probability.
e) Discuss the validity of the PERT assumptions for this project.

Session 2d: Applying Simulation to Project Management Problems

Simulation is a versatile technique mainly used in problems that are too complicated to be modelled
mathematically. In this lecture, we will consider the use of simulation in queuing problems, but the
technique can be used in many other areas including stock control and investment appraisal.


1) Understand how simulation works and be able to outline the main stages of a simulation study.
2) Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of simulation.

What is Simulation?

Simulation involves the development of a computer model that is designed to mimic the behaviour of a
real system. For example a model might be used to simulate the queues of customers at supermarket
checkouts over an eight-hour day. The most common business applications of simulation are in:

Queuing problems (our focus).

Stock control problems.
Investment appraisal decision (i.e. risk analysis).
Critical Path Analysis.

Why Use Simulation?

1) It can be used to model problems where a mathematical model would be extremely complex or
2) The decision- maker can experiment with a simulation model to determine the best course of action
(e.g. the effect of operating different numbers of supermarket checkouts could be observed).
Experimenting with the real system may be expensive, dangerous or impossible.
3) It allows the behaviour of a system over a long period (e.g. a year) to be observed in a computer
run taking only a few minutes.
4) The real system might not yet exist.

The Limitations of Simulation

1) It is effectively sampling the behaviour of the system and therefore a simulation run is only an
estimate that is subject to sampling errors. These errors can be reduced by repeating the simulation
run several times.
2) It normally requires the use of a complex computer package.
3) Like any model a simulation will, to some extent, be a simplification of the real system.
4) It does not prescribe the 'best' solution to a problem. Instead, this is identified by trial and error and

Using random numbers in simulation

The random behaviour, which occurs in systems (e.g. random time intervals between arrivals in a
queue), can be simulated by using random numbers. This technique is known as a Monte-Carlo
Simulation. Note that most computers produce pseudo-random numbers, i.e. numbers that are produced
using a deterministic process but which appear to be random. This can be a problem, e.g. mid square
method of creating random numbers.

Example of a Simulation Model:

Case Study The Vale Manufacturing Company

Vale Manufacturing has to overhaul its main machine during a ten-day period in the summer when
the factory will be closed for holidays. Details of the activities, which the overhaul will involve, are
given below:

Activity Description Preceding Activities

A Remove machine casing ---
B Remove pumps A
C Clean cylinders A
D Replace filters A
E Clean and replace pumps B
F Replace casing C, D and E
G Test and adjust controls F

a) Estimates of the most likely duration of the activities are given below. Assuming that these
estimates are correct, determine how long the overhaul will take to complete.

Activity A B C D E F G
Est. Duration (days) 1 2 7 3 4 1 1

Because the above estimates are only rough, the companys chief engineer has decided to estimate
probability distributions for the activity duration. These are given below.

Activity Duration (da ys) Probability

A 1 1.0

B 1 0.4
2 0.5
3 0.1

C 5 0.2
6 0.2
7 0.3
8 0.3

D 3 0.8
4 0.2

E 2 0.1
3 0.2
4 0.4
5 0.3

F 1 1.0

G 1 0.7
2 0.3
b) Use random numbers to simulate one possible combination of activity durations (assume, for the
moment that the activity durations are independent). The results for the whole group will then
be combined.
c) Use these combined results to estimate:
i. The probability (or risk) of the project over-running the ten day deadline.
ii. The probabilities of the following events:
Path A-B-E-F-G is the only critical path.
Path A-C-F-G is the only critical path.
Path A-D-F-G is the only critical path.
More than one path is critical.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using simulation in project planning compared with
conventional critical path analysis?

Areas in Upper Tail of the Normal Distribution
The function tabulated is 1 minus the cumulative distribution function of a standardised Normal
variable z. Thus this is the probability that a standardised normal variate selected at random will be
greater than a value of z.

.00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09

0.0 .5000 .4960 .4920 .4880 .4840 .4801 .4761 .4721 .4681 .4641
0.1 .4602 .4562 .4522 .4483 .4443 .4404 .4364 .4325 .4286 .4247
0.2 .4207 .4168 .4129 .4090 .4052 .4013 .3974 .3936 .3897 .3859
0.3 .3821 .3783 .3745 .3707 .3669 .3632 .3594 .3557 .3520 .3483
0.4 .3446 .3409 .3372 .3336 .3300 .3264 .3228 .3192 .3156 .3121

0.5 .3085 .3050 .3015 .2981 .2946 .2912 .2877 .2843 .2810 .2776
0.6 .2743 .2709 .2676 .2643 .2611 .2578 .2546 .2514 .2483 .2451
0.7 .2420 .2389 .2358 .2327 .2296 .2266 .2236 .2206 .2177 .2148
0.8 .2119 .2090 .2061 .2033 .2005 .1977 .1949 .1922 .1894 .1867
0.9 .1841 .1814 .1788 .1762 .1736 .1711 .1685 .1660 .1635 .1611

1.0 .1587 .1562 .1539 .1515 .1492 .1469 .1446 .1423 .1401 .1379
1.1 .1357 .1335 .1314 .1292 .1271 .1251 .1230 .1210 .1190 .1170
1.2 .1151 .1131 .1112 .1093 .1075 .1056 .1038 .1020 .1003 .0985
1.3 .0968 .0951 .0934 .0918 .0901 .0885 .0869 .0853 .0838 .0823
1.4 .0808 .0793 .0778 .0764 .0749 .0735 .0721 .0708 .0694 .0681

1.5 .0668 .0655 .0643 .0630 .0618 .0606 .0594 .0582 .0571 .0559
1.6 .0548 .0537 .0526 .0516 .0505 .0495 .0485 .0475 .0465 .0455
1.7 .0446 .0436 .0427 .0418 .0409 .0401 .0392 .0384 .0375 .0367
1.8 .0359 .0351 .0344 .0336 .0329 .0322 .0314 .0307 .0301 .0294
1.9 .0287 .0281 .0274 .0268 .0262 0.256 .0250 .0244 .0239 .0233

2.0 .02275 .02222 .02169 .02118 .02068 .02018 .01970 .01923 .01876 .01831
2.1 .01786 .01743 .01700 .01659 .01618 .01578 .01539 .01500 .01463 .01426
2.2 .01390 .01355 .01321 .01287 .01255 .01222 .01191 .01160 .01130 .01101
2.3 .01072 .01044 .01017 .00990 .00964 .00939 .00914 .00889 .00866 .00842
2.4 .00820 .00798 .00776 .00755 .00734 .00714 .00695 .00676 .00657 .00639

2.5 .00621 .00604 .00587 .00570 .00554 .00539 .00523 .00508 .00494 .00480
2.6 .00466 .00453 .00440 .00427 .00415 .00402 .00391 .00379 .00368 .00357
2.7 .00347 .00336 .00326 .00317 .00307 .00268 .00289 .00280 .00272 .00264
2.8 .00256 .00248 .00240 .00233 .00226 .00219 .00212 .00205 .00199 .00193
2.9 .00187 .00181 .00175 .00169 .00164 .00159 .00154 .00149 .00144 .00139

3.0 .00135 .00131 .00126 .00122 .00118 .00114 .00111 .00107 .00104 .00100
3.1 .00097 .00094 .00090 .00087 .00084 .00082 .00079 .00076 .00074 .00071
3.2 .00069 .00066 .00064 .00062 .00060 .00058 .00056 .00054 .00052 .00050
3.3 .00048 .00047 .00045 .00043 .00042 .00040 .00039 .00038 .00036 .00035
3.4 .00034 .00032 .00031 .00030 .00029 .00028 .00027 .00026 .00025 .00024

3.5 .00023 .00022 .00022 .00021 .00020 .00019 .00019 .00018 .00017 .00017
3.6 .00016 .00015 .00015 .00014 .00014 .00013 .00013 .00012 .00012 .00011
3.7 .000108 .000104 .000100 .000096 .000092 .000088 .000085 .000082 .000078 .000075
3.8 .000072 .000069 .000067 .000064 .000062 .000059 .000057 .000054 .000052 .000050
3.9 .000048 .000046 .000044 .000042 .000041 .000039 .000037 .000036 .000034 .000033

4.0 .000032

5.0 0.000 000 286 5.5 0.000 000 019 6.0 0.000 000 001

Random Numbers

16 76 62 27 66 63 01 63 78 59 45 07 31 66 49 34 39 23 05 38 13 52 53 94 53 98 33 41 19 95
01 64 18 39 96 10 15 83 87 60 88 78 28 16 84 00 52 43 48 85 61 81 77 23 23 73 96 53 97 86
55 34 57 72 69 05 02 03 24 17 37 30 28 59 85 44 88 01 62 12 24 62 20 42 31 09 62 06 65 72
32 25 34 03 36 12 68 46 55 89 00 84 14 36 37 33 11 49 15 16 93 09 45 89 06 42 37 13 81 83
79 78 45 04 91 84 37 90 61 56 79 93 96 38 63 52 70 05 48 43 30 19 99 85 48 35 96 29 00 45

48 28 01 83 84 31 54 14 13 17 31 51 10 96 46 61 65 70 22 12 83 79 68 20 66 38 61 34 09 49
35 91 70 29 13 82 97 77 77 81 51 10 19 34 88 76 51 94 84 86 37 56 08 18 09 46 44 33 63 71
04 69 22 64 07 97 81 26 03 89 39 41 88 92 10 54 47 33 70 15 94 76 62 11 89 12 96 88 17 31
24 16 74 11 53 49 08 96 21 44 59 28 61 71 96 42 36 31 16 59 91 50 27 78 37 71 71 00 51 72
01 01 11 88 38 21 68 40 95 79 65 45 53 41 07 30 29 43 65 42 75 17 26 99 79 23 47 37 17 31

63 62 06 34 41 55 66 12 62 11 91 51 67 62 44 53 14 36 59 25 42 34 43 39 28 13 81 20 67 58
05 85 40 25 24 88 09 31 54 88 62 25 06 84 63 86 60 42 04 53 37 85 94 35 12 22 66 22 15 86
37 40 13 68 97 45 65 58 26 51 01 48 41 19 10 88 77 90 45 59 28 55 53 09 48 48 50 86 45 48
00 06 41 41 74 05 90 35 89 95 18 86 20 26 88 41 96 53 78 72 97 77 46 44 80 03 47 43 73 86
96 76 28 12 54 53 73 19 09 03 05 03 72 19 15 44 39 52 38 79 11 16 36 27 03 56 11 50 81 69

82 21 15 65 20 67 69 61 34 25 25 27 99 41 28 69 63 21 83 41 81 99 13 37 05 46 44 33 63 71
71 30 32 06 47 29 18 94 51 23 60 75 86 90 68 14 29 09 34 04 58 70 61 43 97 73 13 28 58 01
67 95 07 76 30 99 53 93 61 28 02 89 08 04 49 41 47 10 25 62 78 45 63 98 35 44 91 13 32 97
19 42 74 39 91 08 81 27 39 90 16 77 23 02 77 83 36 36 05 56 33 29 94 71 11 84 97 50 87 46
90 35 57 29 12 95 67 47 29 83 06 66 24 12 27 67 72 16 42 79 10 80 21 38 84 46 24 79 16 76

49 18 09 79 49 61 15 18 13 54 35 76 22 42 92 48 69 49 02 58 77 55 33 62 02 40 25 67 87 82
62 33 74 82 14 97 12 25 93 47 61 38 44 12 45 96 96 68 27 31 86 97 80 61 45 54 34 81 85 35
15 06 15 93 20 31 56 34 19 09 22 06 34 72 25 04 37 59 87 21 46 72 60 18 77 18 37 79 49 90
60 09 71 89 87 03 45 44 66 88 16 47 61 43 77 56 59 75 36 75 69 99 47 26 52 28 06 24 25 93
16 06 10 89 20 87 68 62 15 43 55 74 30 77 40 07 08 55 18 40 31 57 75 95 80 71 50 57 36 23

63 95 73 76 63 94 21 78 55 09 27 80 30 21 60 11 05 65 09 68 99 01 30 98 34 09 48 56 27 44
07 28 59 78 46 59 63 69 36 03 80 22 02 53 53 80 45 67 93 82 97 86 21 78 73 00 97 79 06 08
01 31 10 60 39 73 71 89 16 04 64 72 08 59 44 18 28 15 00 41 32 29 30 69 59 78 12 03 09 70
66 89 65 64 60 92 09 84 38 76 48 68 64 71 06 36 63 32 08 58 66 37 32 20 30 60 40 60 81 19
20 15 37 00 49 84 60 71 62 46 46 68 05 14 82 31 91 18 95 58 46 38 03 93 22 08 43 18 73 68

32 95 80 97 63 01 85 54 76 96 18 26 32 96 43 70 81 10 95 91 13 58 18 24 76 35 30 58 21 46
27 43 37 86 53 03 92 18 27 46 01 32 90 76 14 39 54 16 49 36 23 54 20 86 85 72 87 08 62 40
28 41 50 61 88 02 17 79 18 05 78 19 69 16 00 43 12 74 49 14 23 21 34 74 97 27 37 83 28 71
91 76 21 64 64 80 66 39 94 97 73 20 96 05 68 44 22 78 84 26 69 11 15 83 80 58 37 78 80 70
23 22 30 88 57 18 55 63 77 09 80 06 54 18 66 51 67 11 52 49 90 49 22 23 62 22 17 66 65 84

39 60 04 59 81 48 38 75 93 29 88 02 84 27 83 26 41 77 63 37 02 92 65 68 99 06 76 50 03 10
25 12 74 75 67 64 23 91 08 25 71 32 76 25 62 42 38 97 01 50 34 68 35 44 77 79 88 01 97 30
28 10 99 00 27 34 18 04 52 35 84 80 32 75 77 03 30 28 25 59 89 41 58 91 63 74 22 19 13 84
86 28 30 02 35 48 84 60 37 65 57 90 12 02 07 47 60 92 10 77 00 95 01 31 76 57 24 55 06 88
98 25 37 55 26 46 98 63 71 62 92 03 51 59 77 33 34 91 58 93 17 76 37 13 04 37 40 15 42 57


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