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Hybrid Health Education In-depth Study Topic


DECISION INFLUENCES CHART - Use the sample chart for your reference.

Directions: Use specific quotes or facts to explain how these areas can influence a
persons opinion, either positively or negatively, regarding your topic. B
e sure to
parenthetically cite each must . find 2 cited facts per section on this chart.

Influences Examples

Media (magazines, newspapers, billboards, Many experts believe that deforestation

is taking place on such a large scale,
Advertising, TV, radio, videos, films, especially in South America, that it has
promotions, coupons, etc.)
already significantly altered the worlds
climate (New York Times, n.a.)
Deforestation means taking a forest and
destroying it. All of the trees, plants,
insects, animals and people who live
there are either killed or forced to find a
new home. (CNN, n.a.)

Seventy percent of the 3000 plants

identified by the United States National
Technological/Medical Advances Cancer Institute as having potential
anti-cancer properties are endemic to the
(computer, research studies, new medicines
or procedures, etc.) rainforest. (Adventure Life, n.a.)
Due to rainforest destruction, the earth
loses an estimated 137 plant, animal and
insect species every day. As the
rainforest disappears, so do many
potentially valuable drugs. Currently 25%
of Western pharmaceuticals are derived
from rainforest materials (Medicine
Hunter, n.a.)

Most Americans (74%) say they only

rarely or never discuss global warming
Interpersonal Communications with family and friends, a number that has
grown substantially since 2008 (60%).
(family, friends, peers, co-workers,
teachers, etc.) (Climate Change in the American Mind, 3)
Only four in ten Americans (40%) say
they hear about global warming in the
media at least once a month
(Climate Change in the American Mind, 3)
Due to rainforest destruction, the earth
loses an estimated 137 plant, animal and
Immediate Risks insect species every day. (Medicine
Hunter, n.a.)
One and one-half acres of rainforest land
is lost every second. This has
far-reaching environmental and economic
consequences. (Medicine Hunter, n.a.)

At current rates of loss, the rainforests will

be completely gone in forty years.
Long-Term Risks (Medicine Hunter, n.a.)
Over the longer term, deforestation of
tropical rainforests can have a broader
impact, affecting global climate and
biodiversity. (Consequences of
Deforestation. n.a.)

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