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Strand: Lesson:

SBI4U: Population Dynamics Research Project Introduction

Enduring Understanding: Achievement Chart:

(success criteria)
The increased consumption of resources
and production of waste associated with Thinking:
population growth result in specific - Begin to think of the issues
stresses that affect Earths sustainability. surrounding the selected resource

Technological developments can Application:

contribute to or help offset the ecological - Apply the ideas of population
footprint associated with population growth dynamics to the human population
and the consumption of natural resources. and our everyday lives

Overall Expectations: - Think/pair/share

F1. Analyse the relationships between Knowledge:

population growth, personal consumption, - Prior knowledge regarding natural
technological development, and our resources
ecological footprint, and assess the
effectiveness of some Canadian initiatives
intended to assist expanding populations.

Specific Expectations:



- Computer lab/chromebooks
- Research Project handout
Timing Lesson Sequence Strategies/Activities

0-5 min - Attendance/agenda large class discussion

5-10 min - Community time group work
10-15 min - Think/pair/share - students think think-pair-share
about and then discuss with a partner
computer assisted
what resources humanity is straining
as our population continues to grow activity
15-20 min - Classroom discussion of TPS results research
20-25 min - Hand out and go over Research homework
Project handout
25-65 min - Students may form their own groups
based on interest of topic or
presentation style, and will be given
time to decide begin researching
65-70 min - Students must submit an exit card
detailing their group members,
selected topic, and presentation style
before the end of the period

Assessment (of/for/as):

Assessment for learning: Think/pair/share will give insight to class prior knowledge on
the topic, while exit card will allow the teacher to give students immediate feedback


Reflections (what worked): Reflections


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