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Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

Je les ai tous rencontr, appris, et rviss, mais j'en ai oubli beaucoup ! Hakol pagachti lamadti vehazarti aval harbh chakahti !

=! ;

(J'apprends l'hbreu depuis 2009.05. = Ani lomd 'ivrit maz chanah 2009.05. =

2009.05 )


Le cygne, avec ses ailes et plumes, garde ses petits.

= Habarbour 'im knafim venotsot chlo chomr t tinoqot chlo.

Le verbe, avec ses temps et conjugaisons, abrite des mots de mme racine.
=Hapo'al 'im zmanim venetiyot chlo chomr t milim 'im oto chorch.


(2016.01 - 2016.0125) Andr Gagnoud,, <><
( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )

( Notation de A.G. (choisie afin de prserver l'ordre alphabtique lors d'un tri alphabtique sur la liste des verbes)
Verbe et ses Conjugaisons :
Les lignes avec les codes ci-dessous sont toutes prcdes par la liste des traductions possibles v1, v2, v3, etc.. du verbe hbreu.
Note : si, par exemple, v2, est en taille 6 (et non pas 8), c'est que cette traduction, bien que propose dans "", n'est pas prsente dans mon dictionnaire
"Dictionnaire bilingue de poche Franais<->Hbreu, avec translitration", dition Prolog publishing House LTD",
publi en Isral, 22 euros, 305+205 pages, format 13.0x9.6x2.9 cm, code barre = 0 02780004203 / 278-4203
"=00>" : (type de verbe), forme_canonique(= pass_il), infinitif, prsent_je(m.), pass_je(m./f.), futur_je(m./f.) futur_tu(m.)
"=10>" : Prsent = Hovh => je/tu/il(m.), je/tu/elle(f.), nous/vous/ils(m.), nous/vous/elles(f.)
"=21>" : Pass = 'Avar => je(m./f.), tu(m.), tu(f.), il(m.), elle(f.),
"=22>" : Pass = 'Avar => nous(m./f.), vous(m.), vous(f.), ils(m.), elles(f.)
"=31>" : Futur = 'Atid => je(m./f.), tu(m.), tu(f.), il(m.), elle(f.),
"=32>" : Futur = 'Atid => nous(m./f.), vous(m.), vous(f.), ils(m.), elles(f.)
"=40>" : Impratif = Tsivoui => tu(m.), tu(f.), vous(m./f.) <= langage formel (crit/acadmique)
"=41>" : Impratif = Tsivoui => tu(m.), tu(f.), vous(m./f.) <= langage parl (dans la rue)
"=42>" : Impratif ngatif = Tsivoui chlili => tu(m.), tu(f.), vous(m./f.)
Mots de mme racine :
"=50>" : Mots relis au verbe car ayant la mme racine
"=60> =>(verbe)=>" xx : pour les Mots relis au prsent verbe (de type "passif"), les voir dans le verbe xx (de type "actif")
ex : tre appel =60> =>(verbe)=> lire, appeler, nommer = (pa'al) qara, liqro
) Notation de A.G. (choisie afin de prserver l'ordre alphabtique lors d'un tri alphabtique sur la liste des verbes)

Recherche de mots :
Dans ce fichier, les mots ne sont pas ncessairement toujours classs exactement par ordre alphabtique !
Notamment, les mots "drivs d'un verbe" sont classs "sous l'aile de ce verbe", lequel est, quant lui, plac par ordre alphabtique.
=> Utiliser la fonction "Recherche" qui saura trouver le mot s'il existe dans ce fichier.,
mais faire "Rpter" (jusqu'en fin de fichier) pour trouver toutes les occurrences du mot cherch car le mot recherch peut avoir plusieurs traductions.
Notation sans voyelle :
En notation sans voyelle, il y a (de faon standard) :
redoublement du "vav" quand il est consonne.
redoublement du "yod" quand il comportait un "dagch" en notation avec voyelles.

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

(en direction de) = l =

; (lieu) = b... = ;

Aaron(prnom m.) = aaron = = ;

abandonner, quitter, dlaisser =00> (pa'al) 'azav, la'azov, 'ozv, 'azavti, 'zov ta'azov =

abandonner, quitter, dlaisser =50> abandonn (dsert), dlaiss= azouv =

; abandonne (dserte), dlaisse = azouvah = ;

abattre, faire chuter/tomber, jeter, tirer au sort (loterie), avorter =00> (hif'il) hipil, lehapil, mapil, hipalti, apil tapil =

abattre, faire chuter/tomber, jeter, tirer au sort (loterie), avorter =50> avortement = hapalah = ;
abattre, faire chuter/tomber, jeter, tirer au sort (loterie), avorter =60> =>(verbe)=> tomber, chuter, mourir =00> (pa'al) nafal, linpol/lipol

abm, panne (en panne) = meqoulqal = ; abme, panne (en panne) = meqoulqlt = ;

abondance, profusion = chfa' = ;

Abraham (prnom m.) = avraham = ;

abrger, raccourcir =00> (pi'l) qitsr, leqatsr, meqastr, qitsarti, aqatsr teqatsr =

abrger, raccourcir =50> abrviation = qitsour = ; court = qatsar = ; courte = qtsarah = ;

abrger, raccourcir =50> raccourci(n.) = taqsir = ; raccourci(n.) = qitsour drk = ;

abrger, raccourcir =50> raccourci(a.) = meqoutsar = ; raccourcie(a.) = meqoutsrt = ;

abrger, raccourcir =50> raccourcissement = hitqatsrout = ;

absence (il n'y a pas, nant, pas de) = in = ;

abstrait = abstraqti = ;

accder, consentir =00> (pa'al) cha'ah, lich'ot (le), cho'h, cha'iti, ch'h tich'h =

( )
accepter, approuver, tre d'accord =00> (hif'il) hiskim, lehaskim (le..), maskim, hiskamti, askim taskim =

accepter, approuver, tre d'accord =50> accord = hskm = ; accept, accord = hiskim = ;

accident = teounah = ;

accoucher, enfanter =00> (pa'al) yalad, laldt, yold, yaladti, ld tld = ;

accoucher, enfanter =50> accouche = yoldt = ; accouchement = ldah = ;

accoucher, enfanter =50> enfance = yaldout = ; enfant(m.) = yld = ; enfant(f.) = yaldah = ;

accoucher, enfanter =50> enfants(m.) = yladim = ; enfants(f.) = yladot = ;

accoucher, enfanter =50> enfantin(m.) = yaldouti = ; enfantin(f.) = yaldoutit = ;

accoupler, apparier =00> (pi'l) zivg, lezavg, mezavg, zivagti, azavg tezavg = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

accoupler, apparier =50> accouplement = zivoug = ; couple, paire = zoug = ;

accoupler, apparier =50> poux, conjoint = bn zoug = ; pouse, conjointe = bat zoug = ;

accuser (incriminer) =00> (hif'il) hchim, lehaachim (t, be), maachim, hchamti, aachim taachim = ( )

accuser (incriminer) =50> accusateur = maachim = ; accusatrice = maachimah = ; accusation = ichoum =

accuser (incriminer) =50> accus = ncham = ; accuse = nchmt = ;

accuser (incriminer) =50> coupable(m.) = achm = ; coupable(f.) = achmah = ;

acheter, acqurir, obtenir =00> (pa'al) qanah, liqnot, qonh, qaniti, qnh tiqnh =

acheter, acqurir, obtenir =50> achat = qniyah = ; achats, courses = qniyot = ; achat terme = qniyah = ; acheteur =

qonh = ;

acheter, acqurir, obtenir =50> centre commercial = qanyon = ;

achever, finir, terminer (achever) =00> (pi'l) siym, lesaym, mesaym, siyamti, asaym tesaym =

achever, finir, terminer (achever) =50> fin, terminaison = siyoum = ;

acn = aqnh = ;

acronyme = notariqon = ;

action (finances) = menayah = ;

actualiser, mettre jour =00> (pi'l) 'idkn, le'adkn, me'adkn, 'idkanti, a'adkn te'adkn =

actualiser, mettre jour =50> actualisation = hidkoun = ; actualis = me'oudkan = ; actualise = me'oudknt =

actuel, courant = 'och = ; <= [Il] passe et [Il] revient = 'over vachav = ;

addition (note payer) = hchbon = ;

adjectif = chm to'ar = ;

adapter pour la scne =00> (hif'il) himhiz, lehamhiz, mamhiz, himhazti, amhiz tamhiz =

adolescent, garon (jeune garon) = na'ar =

; adolescente, fille (jeune fille) = na'arah = = (Esther 2.4) ;

adorer, se prosterner, idoltrer =00> (pa'al) sagad, lisgod (le..), sogd, sagadti, sgod = )(

adorer, se prosterner, idoltrer =50> adoration = sgidah = ; mosque = misgad = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

adresser par la poste =00> (pa'al) ma'an, lim'on, mo'n, ma'anti, m'an tim'an =

adresser par la poste =50> destinataire = nim'an = ;

adulte(m.), g (en hbreu parl) = mevougar = ; adulte(f.), ge (en hbreu parl)= mevougrt = ;

aroport = nemal t'oufah = ; aroport = sdh t'oufah = ;

affection pulmonaire (= affection des poumons) = dalqt riot = ;

affectionner =00> (pi'l) hivv, lehabv/lehovv, mehabv, hibavti, ahabv tehabv =

affectionner =50> affection = hibah = ; <-> confiture = ribah =

affectionner =50> amateur(n.) = hovv = ; amatrice(n.) = hovvt = ;

affectionner =50> amateur(a.) = hovvan = ; amatrice(a.) = hovvanit = ; amateurisme = hovvanout =

affectionner =50> [ve = havah = = (Gense 3.20) ; <= Je ne suis pas vraiment sr que la racine soit la mme que celle du verbe
"affectionner" !]

affectionner =50> hobby (passion, loisir, centre d'intrt) = tahbiv = ;

affirmation = hiyouv = ; affirmatif, positif = hiyouvi = ; affirmative, positive = hiyouvit = ;

Afrique = afriqah = ;

ge = gil = ;

g = zaqn = ; ge = zaqnah = ;

agence (bancaire) = snif banq = ;

agence de location de voiture = soknout skarat-rkv = ;

agence de voyages = misrad nesi'ot = ; agence de voyages = soknout nesi'ot = ;

agence immobilire (mdiation appartements) = soknout tivouk dirot = ;

agence matrimoniale = soknout chl nisouim = ;

agenda = yoman = ; agenda, ordre du jour = sdr yom = ;

agent(m.) = sokn = ; agent(f.) = soknt = ;

Agge (prnom m.) = hagai = = ;

agneau = sh = = (Exode 12.3) ; agneau = talh = ;

agrable(m.), plaisant = na'im = ; agrable(f.), plaisante = ne'imah = ;

agresser, attaquer, s'emparer =00> (pa'al) taqaf, litqof, toqf, taqafti, tqof titqof =

agresser, attaquer, s'emparer =50> agresseur = toqf = ; agresseuse = toqft = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

agresser, attaquer, s'emparer =50> agressif = toqfani = ; agressive = toqfanit = ;

agresser, attaquer, s'emparer =50> agression (attaque) = hatqafah =

; agressivit = toqfanout = ;

agresser, attaquer, s'emparer =50> attaque (agression) = tqifah = ;

agriculteur = haqlay =
; agricultrice = haqlayit = ; agriculture = haqlaout = ;

ah-ah ! = ahah ! = ! ;

aider, assister =00> (pa'al) 'azar, la'azor (le..), 'ozr, 'azarti, 'zor ta'azor = )(

aider, assister =50> l'aide de = be'zrat = ; aide (Avec l'aide de Dieu) = Be'zrat Hachm = B"H = " =

aider, assister =50> aide (Avec l'aide de Dieu) = (en aramen) Besi'ata Dichmaia = = ;

aider, assister =50> aide, assistance, secours = 'zrah = ; assistant = 'ozr = ; assistante = 'ozrt = ;

aider, assister =50> femme de mnage = 'ozrt bayit = ;

aider, assister =50> Esdras = 'zra = = ;

aigle = nchr = ; aigles = necharim = ;

aiguille ( coudre) = mahat = ;

aiguille (montre/horloge) = mahog = ; aiguilles (montre/horloge) = mehogim = ;

ail = choum = ;

aile (d'oiseau) = kanaf = ; ailes (d'oiseau) = knafim = ;

aimer =00> (pa'al) ahav, lhov, ohv, ahavti, ohav tohav = ;

aimer =50> amour = ahavah =
; amoureux, pris = meohav = ; amoureuse, prise = meohvt = ;

aimer =50> amour nouveau (frais) = ahavah tari = ;

an = bekor = ; ane = bekorah = ;

an (premier-n) = maqat bekorot = ;

ainsi = kak =
; ainsi, de cette faon, c'est comme ! = kakah = ;

air = avir = ;

Air France = ir frans = ;

ajouter =00> (hif'il) hosif, lehosif ('al), mosif, hosafti, osif tosif =

ajouter =50> additif = tosaf =
; additionnel, supplmentaire = nosaf = ; additionnelle, supplmentaire = nosft = ;

ajouter =50> ajout = tosft =
; augmentation = hosafah = ; supplment (de nourriture, "rab") = tosft = ;

ajouter =50> ajouts = tosafot = ; supplments (de nourriture, "rab") = tosafot = ;

album = albom = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

allgorie, parabole = machal = ;

allemand = germanit = ;

aller ( pieds), marcher =00> (pa'al) halak, lalkt, holk, halakti, lk tlk =

aller ( pieds), marcher =50> halakah (rgle de Loi Juive) = halakah= ;

aller ( pieds), marcher =50> marche ( pieds) = halikah = ; marcheur = halkan = ; marcheuse = halkanit = ;

aller ( pieds), marcher =50> partir ( partir) = ilk = ;

aller, voyager (sur terre), partir =00> (pa'al) linso'a (le..), nos'a, nasa'ti, sa' tisa' = )(

aller, voyager (sur terre), partir =50> voyage = nesi'ah = ; voyageur = nos'a = ; voyageuse = nosa'at = ;

allergie = alrgiah = ;

alliance = brit = ;

allo ! = halo ! = ! ;

allumer =00> (hif'il) hidliq, lehadliq, madliq, hidlaqti, adliq tadliq =


allumer =50> allumage = hadlaqah = ; incendie = dlqah = ;

allumer =50> inflammation (affection) = dalqt = ; sinusite (affection des sinus) = dalqt sinousit = ;

alors = az = ;

amande = chaqd = ; amandes = chqdim = ;

amandier = chqdiyah = ;

ambiance = avirah = ;

ambulance = amboulans = ;

ambulancier = hovch = ;

amer = mar = ; amre = marah = ;

Amrique = amriqah = ;

ami = havr = ; amis = havrim = ; amie = havrah = ; amies = havrot = ;

amiti = havrout = ; ami = havr = ; amie = havrah = ;

amnistier, gracier =00> (pa'al) hanan, lahon/lahnon, honn, hanoti, ahon tahon = /

amnistier, gracier =50> amnistie = haninah = ;

amnistier, gracier =50> grce (charme) = hn = ;

amnistier, gracier =50> gracieux = hinani = ; gracieuse = hinanit = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

Amos = 'amos = (Amos 1.1) ;

amphithtre = amfitatron = ;

ampoule (lampe) = nourah = ;

an, anne = chanah(f.) =

; ans, annes = chanim(f.) = ; ans, annes = chanot(f.) = ; deux ans, deux annes = chnatayim =

an (dix ans) = 'sr chanim = ; an (onze ans) = 'ahat 'srh chanah = ; <= singulier si >= 11
ans !

an (il y a un an, l'an pass) = lifni chanah = ;

ananas = ananas = ;

ancien (vieux) = yachan = ; ancienne = yechanah = ; anciens (vieux) = yachanim = ; anciennes = yechanot =

ancien = 'atiq = ; ancienne = 'atiqah = ;

ancrer, amarrer =00> (pa'al) 'agan, la'agon, 'ogn, 'aganti, 'egon ta'egon = ;

ancrer, amarrer =50> ancrage = 'aginah = ; ancre = 'ogn =

; ancr = ??'ogn?? = ; ancre = ??'ognah?? =

ne = hamor = ;

anglais = anglit = ; Angleterre = angliah = ; Anglo- = anglo- = ;

animal = hayah = ; animaux = hayot = ;

animateur = manhh = ; animatrice = manhah = ;

anis = anis = ?? ; anisette = ?araq? = ; <= comment s'crit ?

anne, an = chanah(f.) = ; annes, ans = chanim(f.) = ;

anne de . = chnat-..... = ;

anne de paix = chnat(f.) chalom = ; annes de paix = chnot(f.) chalom = ; annes d'tudes = chnot(f.)

limoud = ;

annes 30 = chnot ha-chlochim = ; annes 80 = chnot-hachmonim = ;

anniversaire (de naissance) = yom houldt = ;

annoncer, informer =00> (hif'il) hodi'a, lehodi'a (le, 'al be), modi'a, hoda'ti, odi'a todi'a = ) (

annoncer, informer =50> annonce = moda'ah = ; informateur = modi'a = ; informatrice = modi'ah = ;

annoncer, informer =50> information (savoir) = mida' = ; information (nouvelle) = yedi'ah = ; information (renseignements) = modi'in =

annuler, supprimer, faire opposition (paiement) =00> (pi'l) bitl, levatl, mevatl, bitalti, avatl tevatl =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

annuler, supprimer, faire opposition (paiement) =50> annulation, opposition, suppression = bitoul = ;

anti- (prfixe) = anti- = ;

Antibes = antibe =? ;

antique(m.) = 'atiq = ; antique(f.) = 'atiqah = ;

antiseptique = mehat = ;

apercevoir, discerner, distinguer, diffrencier, remarquer =00> (hif'il) hivhin, lehavhin (bin be), mavhin, hivhanti, avhin tavhin =
) ( ;

apercevoir, discerner, distinguer, diffrencier, remarquer =50> distinctif = mavhin = ; distinctive = mavhinah = ;

apercevoir, discerner, distinguer, diffrencier, remarquer =50> distinction = avhanah = ;

apercevoir, discerner, distinguer, diffrencier, remarquer =50> discernement = ivhoun = ; discernement = havhanah = ;
apercevoir, discerner, distinguer, diffrencier, remarquer =60> =>(verbe)=> tester, prouver, examiner = (pa'al) bahan, livhon

aphikomne, afikomne, afikoman (= substitut de l'agneau pascal) = afikomn = ;

apostrophe = grch = ; apostrophes, guillemets = grchayim = ;

appareil (lectrique) = makchir = ;

appartement = dirah = ;

appartenir , dpendre de =00> (hitpa'l) hichtayk, lehichtayk (le), michtayk, hichtayakti, chtayk tichtayk = ( )
appartenir , dpendre de =60> =>(verbe)=> attribuer, appartenir = (pi'l) chiyk, lechayk

apptit = tavon = ; apptit (bon apptit !) = betavon ! = ! ;

application (informatique) = apliqatsion = ;

apporter, amener, prendre en =00> (hif'il) hvi, lehavi, mvi, hvti, avi tavi = )(

apprendre, tudier =00> (pa'al) lamad, lilmod, lomd, lamadti, lmad tilmad =

apprendre, tudier =50> apprenti = mitlamd = ; apprentie = mitlamdt = ; apprentissage = lemidah =

apprendre, tudier =50> didacticiel, tutoriel (logiciel ducatif) = lomdah = ; didactique(m.) = limoudi = ; didactique(f.) = limoudit =

apprendre, tudier =50> lve(m.), tudiant = talmid(m.) = ; lve(f.), tudiante = talmidah(f.) = ; tudi = limad ? =

apprendre, tudier =50> tude = limoud = ;

apprendre, tudier =50> Talmud (tude) = talmoud = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

approuver, confirmer =00> (pi'l) ichr, leachr, meachr, icharti, aachr teachr =

approuver, confirmer =50> approbation = ichour = ; confirmation = ichour = ;

aprs = ahari = ...

; aprs le ... = ahary ha... = ; aprs que ... = ahari che... = ... ;

aprs-midi = ahari hatsohorayim = ;

aquarium = aqvariom = ;

arabe = 'aravi = ;

aramen (langue) = aramit = ;

arbitrer, faire l'intermdiaire =00> (pi'l) tivk, letavk (bin), metavk, tivakti, atavk tetavk = )(

arbitrer, faire l'intermdiaire =50> agent immobilier = metavk dirot = ; agents immobiliers = metavki dirot =

arbitrer, faire l'intermdiaire =50> intermdiaire(m.) (agent) = metavk = ; intermdiaire(f.) (agent) = metavkt = ;

arbitrer, faire l'intermdiaire =50> mdiation (entremise, intermdiaire) = tivouk = ;

arbre, bois (matire), potence (arbre) = 'ts = (Esther 2.23, 5.14) ;

arche sainte (arche d'alliance) = aron qodch = ; arche sainte (arche d'alliance) = aron habrit = ;

archologie = arkiologiah = ; archologue = arkiolog = ;

architecte = arkitqt = ;

arte = idrah = ;

argent (mtal, couleur, monnaie) = ksf = ;

argent liquide, comptant = mezouman = ;

argile, matire, sujet, matire (sujet) = homr = ;

argot = slng = ;

argumenter =00> (pi'l) nimq, lenamq, menamq, nimaqti, anamq tenamq =


argumenter =50> argument (raison) = nimouq = ; argumentation = anmaqah = ;

Arih (prnom m.) = arih = ;

armnien, armnienne = armni armnit = ;

armoire = aron(m.) =
; armoires = aronot(m.) = ;

armoire vtements = aron(m.) bgadim = ; bibliothque (armoire livres) = aron(m.) sfarim = ;

arranger, disposer, mettre (la table), organiser, rdiger, diter =00> (pa'al) 'arak, la'arok, 'ork, 'arakti, rok ta'arok =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

arranger, disposer, mettre (la table), organiser, rdiger, diter =50> avocat = 'ork din =
; avocate = 'orkt din = ;

arranger, disposer, mettre (la table), organiser, rdiger, diter =50> dispositif = ma'arak =
; rdig = 'arouk = ;

arranger, disposer, mettre (la table), organiser, rdiger, diter =50> rang = 'arouk = ; range = 'aroukah = ;

arranger, disposer, mettre (la table), organiser, rdiger, diter =50> rdacteur = 'ork = ; rdactrice = 'orkt = ;

arranger, disposer, mettre (la table), organiser, rdiger, diter =50> rdaction (action) = 'arikah = ; rdaction (d'un journal) = ma'arkt =

arranger, disposer, mettre (la table), organiser, rdiger, diter =50> rdig = 'arouk =
; rdige = 'aroukah = ;

arrter, s'arrter, dtenir =00> (pa'al) 'atsar, la'atsor, 'otsr, 'atsarti, 'tsor ta'atsor =

arrter, s'arrter, dtenir =50> arrestation = ma'atsar = ;

arrire-petit-fils, arrire-petite-fille = nin, ninah = ;

arrire, derrire = ahor =

; en arrire = meahor =
; en arrire = meahari = ;

arriver, parvenir, mriter =00> (hif'il) higi'a lehagi'a (le.., be.., me..), magi'a, higa'ti, agi'a tagi'a = ) (

arriver, parvenir, mriter =50> arrive = haga'ah = ;

arriver, se produire (=se passer) =00> (pa'al) qarah, liqrot, qorh, qariti, qrh tiqrh =

arriver, se produire (=se passer) =50> Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? = Mah qorh ? = ? ; Que s'est-il pass ? = Mah qarah ? = ?

artre = 'orq =
; artres = 'orqim = ; artre coronaire = 'orq klili = ;

artichaut = artichoq = ;

article (l'article dfini en hbreu) = h hayidou'a = ;

artiste (m.) = oman =
; artiste (f.) = omanit = ; artistique (m.) = omanouti = ; artistique (f.) = omanoutit =

ashkenaze(m.) = achknazi = ; ashkenaze(f.) = achknazit = ;

aspirine = aspirin = ;

assaillir, attenter la vie =00> (hitpa'l) hitnaqch, lehitnaqch (be), mitnaqch, hitnaqachti, tnaqch titnaqch =

)( ;

assaillir, attenter la vie =50> assaillant = mitnaqch = ; assaillante = mitnaqcht = ;

assassiner =00> (pa'al) ratsah, lirtsoah, rotsah, ratsahti, rtsah tirtsah =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

assassiner =50> assassin, tueur = rotsah = ; assassinat = rtsah = ; assassin = nirtsah = ; assassine = nirtsahat =

asservir =00> (pi'l) chi'evr, lecha'evr, mecha'evr, chi'evarti, acha'evr techa'evr =


asservir =50> asservissement = hitcha'abdout = ;

asservir =60> =>(verbe)=> travailler = (pa'al) 'avad, la'avod

assez (suffisamment), suffisant = maspiq = ; suffisante = maspiqah = ; assez (c'est assez) = zh maspiq =

assez, suffisamment = dai = !

; assez !, suffit ! (= suffit !) = dai ! = ; suffisamment = lemadai = ;

assiette = tsalahat(f.) = ; assiettes = tsalahot(f.) = ;

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =00> (pi'l) chitf, lechatf, mechatf, chitafti, achatf techatf =

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> associ, colocataire (m..) = choutaf = ; associe, colocataire (.f.) = choutafah = ;

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> commun = mechoutaf = ; commune = mechoutft = ;

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> compte commun/joint = hchbon mechoutaf = ;

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> collaborateur, cooprant = mechatf = ; collaboratrice, cooprante = mechatft =

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> collaboration, coopration = chitouf = ;

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> coopratif = chitoufi = ; cooprative = chitoufit = ;

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> faire participer des amis = lechatf havrim = ;

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> participant = michtatf = ; participante = michtatft= ;

associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager =50> participation = hichtatouf = ;

Assurus = ahachveroch =
= (Esther 1.1) ;

Assyrie, Assyrien = achour = (Esae 10.12, 10.5) ;

Astart = 'achtort =
(I Rois 11.5) ; Astart (les Astarts) = 'achtarot =
(Juges 2.13) ;

assurer =00> (pi'l) bitah, levatah, mevatah, bitahti, avatah tavatah =


assurer =50> assur = mevoutah = ; assure = mevoutahat = ;

assurer =50> assurance = bitouah = ; assurance-vie = bitouah hayim = ;

assurer =50> assureur = sokn bitouah =

; assureuse = soknt bitouah = ;

attacher, relier =00> (pa'al) qachar, liqchor ('al), qochr, qacharti, qchor tiqchor = )(

attacher, relier =50> attache, lien = qchr = ; attach, li = qachour = ; attache, lie = qachourah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

attacher, relier =50> communication = tiqchort = ;

attacher, relier =50> contact (relation) = qchr = ; contact visuel = qchr 'ayin = ; contact (en contact avec) = beqchr 'im =

attacher, relier =50> se relier par ordinateur = lehitqachr bemahchv = ;

atteindre, heurter, toucher, vexer, (faire du mal ), offenser =00> (pa'al) paga', lifgo'a (be), pog'a, paga'ti, fga' tifga' = ( )

atteindre, heurter, toucher, vexer, (faire du mal ), offenser =50> atteinte, offense = pgi'ah = ; poignard = pigion = ;

atteindre, heurter, toucher, vexer, (faire du mal ), offenser =50> attentat = pigou'a =
; attentats = pigou'im = ;

atteindre, heurter, toucher, vexer, (faire du mal ), offenser =50> touchant = nog'ah = ; touchante = noga'ah = ;

atteindre, heurter, toucher, vexer, (faire du mal ), offenser =50> touche (action) = negi'ah = ;

attendre =00> (pi'l) hikah, lehakot (le..), mehakh, hikiti, ahakh tehakh = )(

atterrir, descendre =00> (pa'al) nahat, linhot, noht, nahati, nhat tinhat = ;

atterrir, descendre =50> atterrissage = nehitah = ;

attribuer, appartenir =00> (pi'l) chiyk, lechayk, mechayk, chiyakti, achayk techayk =

attribuer, appartenir =50> appartenance = chayakout = ; appartenance = hichtayakout = ;

aube = chahar = ;

auberge (ancienne) = han = ; auberges (anciennes) = hanim = ;

auberge = aksaniyah = ;

aubergine = hatsil = ;

aucun, aucune = af lo = ... ;

aucun, aucune, pas de = choum = ;

augmenter =00> (hif'il) hirbah, leharbot (le), marbh, hirbiti, arbh tarbh = )(

augmenter =50> beaucoup = harbh = ;

aujourd'hui = hayom = ;

Auschwitz = ochvits = ;

aussi = gam = ;

aussitt, immdiatement = miyad = ;

Australie = ostraliah = ;

autobus, bus (s.) = otobous = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

automatique(m.) = otomati(m.) = ; automatique(f.) = otomatit(f.) = ;

autoroute = autostrada = ; autoroute = kvich-rachi = ;

automne = sta(i)v = = ;

autre(m.) = ahr =
; autre(f.) = ahrt = ; autres(m.) = ahrim = ; autres(f.) = ahrot = ;

autrefois = lefanim = ; autrefois = pa'am = ;

avancer, progresser =00> (hitpa'l) hitqadm, lehitqadm (be..), mitqadm, hitqadamti, tqadm titqadm = ( )

avancer, progresser =50> antrieur, avant, d'abord, prcdent = qodm = ; antrieure, prcdente = qodmt = ;

avancer, progresser =50> auparavant = miqodm = ;

avancer, progresser =50> avance (acompte) = miqdamah = ; avance (progression) = hitqadmout = ;

avancer, progresser =50> avanc = mitqadm = ; avancs = mitqadmim = ;

avancer, progresser =50> avant (en avant, allons-y) = qadimah = ;

avancer, progresser =50> tt, en avance(m.) = mouqdam(m.) = ; tt, en avance(f.) = maqdimah(f.) = ;

avancer, progresser =50> tout d'abord = qodm qol = ;

avant (adv.) = lifni-kn = ;

avant-hier = chilchom = ;

avant, devant, il y a (dure) = lifni = ;

avantage = itron(m.) = ; avantages = itronot(m.) = ;

avenir = 'atidot = ;

i i i i i
avec (moi toim toif lui elle) = ti tak tka to tah = ;

i i i i i
avec (nous vousm vousf eux elles) = tanou tkm tkn tam tan = ;

avec = 'im = ;

avec qui ? = 'im mi ? = ;

avenue = sdrah = ; avenues = sdrot = ;

avion = matos = ;

avocat (fruit) = avoqado = ;

avoir (possession), /vers (destination) (moi toim toif lui elle) = li lak lka lo lah = ;

avoir (possession), /vers (destination) (nous vousm vousf eux elles) = lanou lakm lakn lahm lahn = ;

avoir =00> (pa'al) ych .. = ;

avoir =11> j'ai(m./f.) = ych li(m./f.) = ;

avoir =12> tu(m.) as = ych leka(m.) = ; tu(f.) as = ych lak(f.) = ;

avoir =13> il a = ych lo = ; elle a = ych lah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

avoir =14> nous(m./f.) avons = ych lanou(m./f.) = ;

avoir =15> vous(m.) avez = ych lakm(m.) = ; vous(f.) avez = ych lakn(f.) = ;

avoir =16> ils ont = ych lahm =

; elles ont = ych lahn = ;

avoir =21> j'avais(m./f.) ..objet.. = hayah li(m./f.) objet(m.) = ...(m.) ; = hayitah li(m./f.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =221> tu avais(m.) ..objet.. = hayah leka(m.) objet(m.) = ...(m.) ; = hayitah leka(m.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =222> tu avais(f.) ..objet.. = hayah lak(f.) objet(m.) = ...(m.) ; = hayitah lak(f.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =231> il avait(m.) ..objet.. = hayah lo(m.) objet(m.) = ...(m.) ; = hayitah lo(m.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =232> elle avait(f.) ..objet.. = hayah lah(f.) objet(m.) = ...(m.) ; = hayitah lah(f.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =24> nous avions(m./f.) ..objet.. = hayah lanou(m./f.) objet(m.) = ...(m.)

; = hayitah lanou(m./f.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =251> vous aviez(m.) ..objet.. = hayah lakm(m.) objet(m.) = ...(m.)

; = hayitah lakm(m.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =252> vous aviez(f.) ..objet.. = hayah lakn(m.) objet(m.) = ...(m.)

; = hayitah lakn(m.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =261> ils avaient(m.) ..objet.. = hayah lahm(m.) objet(m.) = ...(m.)

; = hayitah lahm(m.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir =262> elles avaient(m.) ..objet.. = hayah lahn(m.) objet(m.) = ...(m.)

; = hayitah lahn(m.) objet(f.) = ...(f.) ;

avoir besoin, devoir

=00> (hitpa'l) hitstark, lehitstark, mitstark, hitstarakti, tstark titstark =

avoir besoin, falloir =00> (pa'al) tsarak, litsrok, tsarik, tsarakti, tsrak titsrak =

avoir besoin, falloir =50> besoin, ncessit = tsork =

; besoins= tsrakim = ;

avoir faim, tre affam =00> (pa'al) ra'av, lir'ov, ro'v, ra'avti, r'av tir'av = )(

avoir faim, tre affam =50> affam = ra'v = ; affame = ra'vah = ; affams = ra'vim = ; affames = ra'vot =

avoir faim, tre affam =50> affam = mour'av =

; affame = mour'vt = ;

avoir mal, faire mal, souffrir =00> (pa'al) kaav, likov, kov, kaavti, kav tikav =

avoir mal, faire mal, souffrir =50> douleur, mal (douleur) = kev = ; douloureux = kov = ; douloureuse = kovt = ;

avoir peur, craindre, s'effrayer =00> (pa'al) pahad, lifhod (me..), pohd, pahadti, fhad tifhad = )(

avoir peur, craindre, s'effrayer =50> craintif, peureux = pahdan =

; craintive, peureuse = pahdanit = ;

avoir peur, craindre, s'effrayer =50> peur = pahad = ; peureux = pohd = ; peureuse = pohdt = ;

avoir raison, tre juste, tre correct =00> (pa'al) tsadaq, litsdoq, tsodq, tsadaqti, tsdaq titsdaq =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

avoir raison, tre juste, tre correct =50> avec raison, justement = betsdq = ;

avoir raison, tre juste, tre correct =50> charit = tsedaqah = ;

avoir raison, tre juste, tre correct =50> juste(m.) (sage) = tsadiq = ; juste(f.) (sage) = tsadiqah = ; justice = tsdq =

Baal = ba'al = = (Juges 2.13) ; Baals = be'alim = = = (Juges 2.11) ;

baby-sitter = baby-sitr = ; baby-sitter = chmartaf = ;

bactrie, microbe = haydaq = ;

bague, anneau (bague) = taba'at = ;

baignoire = ambatiah = ; bain = ambat = ; bain rituel = miqvh = ;

baisser, faire descendre, rabattre, ter, tlcharger =00> (hif'il) horid, lehorid, morid, horadti, orid torid =

baisser, faire descendre, rabattre, ter, tlcharger =50> baisse = horodah = ;

balancer, bercer =00> (pi'l) nidnd, lenadnd, menadnd, nidnadti, anadnd tenadnd =

balancer, bercer =50> balancement = hitnodedout = ; balanoire = nadndah = ; insomnie = nadndat chinah =

balcon, terrasse (balcon) = mirpst = ;

ballon = kadour = ; football = kadourgl = ;

banane = bananah = ;

banque = banq = ;

Banque Nationale (en Isral) = banq leoumi = ; Banque Discount (en Isral) = banq disqount = ;

banque (service bancaire) = banq chirout = ;

banquier = banqai =
; banquire = banqayit = ;

baptiser, immerger, tremper (aliment) =00> (hif'il) hitbil, lehatbil, matbil, hitbalti, atbil tatbil =

baptiser, immerger, tremper (aliment) =50> baptme, immersion = tvilah = = (Matthieu 21.25) ; immersion = hatbalah = ;

barbe = zaqan = ;

barbecue = mangal = ; barbecue = barbeqiou = ; barbecue (au barbecue) = 'al hach = ;

Barcelone = bartslonah = ;

baron = baron = ;

bas = matah = ; bas (en bas) = lematah = ;

bas = namouk = ; basse = namoukah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

basket-ball = kadour-sal = ; (panier = sal = )

bassine, cuvette, saladier = qe'arah = ;

bateau, navire = oniyah = ; = Naml Haifah

batterie (de tambours) = toupim = ;

bavarder, papoter =00> (pi'l) pitpt, lefatpt, mefatpt, pitpatti, afatft tefatft =

bavarder, papoter =50> bavard = patptan = ; bavarde = patptanit = ; bavadarge = pitpout = ;

bavarder, papoter =50> papotage = patptanout = ;

beau [temps] (=agrable) = na'im = ;

beau belle beaux belles = yafh yafah yafim yafot = ;

beau-frre = gis = ; belle-sur = gisah = ;

beaucoup = hamon = ; beaucoup (nombreux) = rav = ; beaucoup (nombreuse) = ravah = ;

beaut = iofi = ;

bb(m.) = tinoq = ; bbs(mp.) = tinoqot = ; bb(f.) = tinoqt = ; bbs(fp.) = tinoqot =

bdouin = bdvi = ; bdouine = bdvit = ;

Ber-Chva (ville) = ber-chva' = ;

beige = bz'(m./f.) = ;

beignet = soufganiyah = ; <= ptisserie l'huile fourre le plus souvent la confiture

beignet = levivah = ; <= beignet de pomme de terre

Belgique = belgiah = ;

bnfice, profit = rvah = ;

bnficiaire (banque) = moutav = ;

bnir =00> (pi'l) brk, levark ('al, t, h.., be..), mevark, brakti, avark tevark = ) (

bnir =50> bndiction = brakah = ;

bnir =50> bni = barouk = ; Dieu soit lou !, Bni soit Dieu ! = barouk HaChm ! = ! ;

bnir =50> bnir sur = levark 'al =
; bnir sur le vin = levark 'al hayayin = ;

bnir =50> bienvenue ! = broukim ! = ;

bnir =50> bienvenue ( celui qui arrive) ! = barouk haba ! = ; bienvenue (aux arrivants) = broukim habaim = !

bnir =50> flicitations, vux = brakah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

Benjamin (prnom m.) = binyamin = ;

Bethlhem = bit lhm = ;

betterave = slq = ;

beurre = hmah = ;

Bible = Tanak =
; Bible = Miqra = ; Bible (Livre des 2 Alliances) = Sfr haBritot = ;

Bible (Pays de la Bible) = artsot hamiqra = ;

bibliothque (armoire livres) = aron(m.) sfarim = ;

biblique = tanaki(m.) = " ; biblique = tanakit(f.) = ; biblique = miqrai(m.) = ; biblique = miqrait(f.) =

bientt (= encore peu), suite (tout de suite) = tkf = ;

bire = birah = ;

bifteck = stiq = ;

bijou = tarchit (m.) = ; bijoux = tarchitim(m.) = ;

bilan = maazan = ; bilans = maaznaim = ;

billet (bout de papier) = ptq = ; billets (bouts de papier) = ptaqim = ;

billet (carte, ticket) = kartis = ; billet d'avion = kartis tisah = ;

billet (de banque) = chtar(m.) = ; billets (de banque) = chtarot(m.) = ;

billet (de banque : faux billet) = chtar mezouyaf = ; (falsifi, faux = mezouyaf = )

billet (de banque : vrai billet) = chtar amiti = ; (vritable(m.) = amiti = , vritable(f.) = amitit = )

biographie = toldot hayim = ;

biscottes = tsnimim = ;

biscuit = 'ougiyah = ;

bizarre, trange = mouzar = ;

blague, plaisanterie = bdihah = ;

blmer, rprimander )(
=00> (pa'al) nazaf, linzof (be), nozf, nazafti, zof tizof =

blmer, rprimander
=50> blme, rprimande = nezifah = ;

blanc = lavan =
; blanche = levanah(f.) = ; blancs = levanim(m.) = ; blanches = levanot(f.) = ;

blanc, ple(m.) (peau) = hivr = ; blanche, ple(f.) (peau) = hivrt = ,

blessure = petsi'ah = ;

bleu = kahol(m.) / khoulah(f.) = / ; bleus = khoulim(m.) / khoulot(f.) = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

bleu ciel, azur = tklt = = (Exode 28.31) ; bleu fonc = kahol khh = ; bleu roi/royal = kahol royal =

bleuet = deganiah = ; Le premier kibboutz est fond en 1910 Degania prs de Kinrt -> ,

blond (couleur) = blondini = ; blonde (couleur) = blondinit = ;

blouson = me'ilon = ;

bocal = tsintsnt = ;

buf = chor = ;

boire =00> (pa'al) chatah, lichtot, choth, chatiti, chth tichth =


boire =50> banquet, festin = michth = ;

boire =50> boisson = chtiyah = ; buveur = chatyan = ; buveuse = chatyanit = ; eau potable = mayim chtiyah=

boire =50> ivre(m.) = chatoui = ; ivre(f.) = chatouyah = ;

boite = qoufsah = ;

boite aux lettres = tivat doar = ;

bol = qa'arit = ;

bon (d'obligations/du trsor), obligation (finance = note de dette), = igrt hov = ;

bon (moralement / au got), bonne, bons, bonnes = tov tovah tovim tovot = ;

bon (bont) = tov = ; bon (il n'y a rien de mieux que ...) = in tov mi... = ... ;

bonbon = soukariyah = ;

bond, serr = tsafouf = ;

bonheur = ochr = ;

Bonheur (prnom f.) = ochrah = ;

bonjour, paix, salut = chalom = ;

Bonne Nouvelle = besorah = ; Matthieu 4.23 + dictionnaire

Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume = besrat hamalkout = ; Matthieu 4.23

bonsoir = 'rv tov = ; bonne nuit = laylah tov = ;

bordeaux = bordo(m./f.) = ;

botte = magaf(m.) = ; bottes = magafayim(m.) = ;

bouche = ph = ;

boucher = qatsav = ; bouchre = qatsavit = ;

bouchon, encombrement (circulation) = pqaq = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

boucle (d'oreille) = 'agil = ;

boucl = metoultal = ; boucle = metoultlt = ;

boucls = metoultalim =
; boucles = metoultalot = ;

bouclier = magn = ;

bouger (se dplacer) =00> (pa'al) na', lanou'a, na', na'ti, anou'a tanou'a = ;

bouger =00> (pa'al) (zouz) zaz, lazouz, zaz, zazti, azouz tazouz = ;

bouger =50> dplacement = hazazah = ; dplacement (mouvement) = tzouzah = ;

bougie = nr(m.) =
; bougies = nrot(m.) = ; bougie en souvenir de l'me d'un dfunt = nr-nechamah(m.) = ;

) (
bouillir, enrager =00> (pa'al) ratah, lirtoah (be, me,'al), rotah, ratahti, rtah tirtah =

bouillir, enrager =50> bouillant = rotah = ; bouillante = rotahat = ; bouilli = ratouah = ; bouillie = ratouhah =

bouillir, enrager =50> furieux = rotah = ; furieuse = rotht = ;

boulettes = qtsitsah = ;

bouquet = zr = ;

bouquetin = ya'l = ;

bourgeon = nitsan = = ; <=> fleurs = nitsanim = = (Cantique 2.12) ;

bourse (des valeurs) = boursah = ; bourse, porte-monnaie = arnaq = ; bourse (d'tudes) = milgah = ;

bout de papier = pisat neyar = ;

bouteille = baqbouq = ;

bouton (de clavier) = miqldt = ;

bouton (vtement, appareil, ascenseur) = kaftor = ;

bouton (visage) = petsi'ah panim (blessure visage) = ;

boycotter, confisquer =00> (hif'il) hhrim, lehaherim, maherim, hhramti, aherim teherim =

boycotter, confisquer =50> boycottage, boycott = hrm = ; boycott = mouhram = ; boycotte = mouhrmt =

boycotter, confisquer =50> confiscation = hahramah = ; confisqu = mouhram = ; confisque = mouhrmt =

bracelet = tsamid = ;

branche (arbre) = 'anaf = ; branche (arbre), bras = zro'a(f.) = ;

branche (organisation), succursale = snif = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

bras, branche (arbre) = zro'a(f.) = ;

brebis, btail (menu btail) = tson = (Marc 5.34, Hbreux 13.20) ;

brillant = mavriq = ; brillante = mavriqah = ; brillants = mavriqim = ; brillantes = mavriqot =

briller (soleil), se lever (soleil) =00> (pa'al) zarah, lizroah, zorah, zarahti, zrah tizrah =

briller (soleil), se lever (soleil) =50> brillant (luisant) = zohr = ; lever (astre) = zrihah = ;

brique = levnah(f.) = ; briques = levnim(f.) = ;

britannique(m.) = briti = ; britannique(f.) = britit = ;

brocoli = broqoli = ;

bronz = chazouf = ; bronze = chazoufah = ;

brosser =00> (hif'il) hivrich, lehavrich, mavrich, hivrachti, avrich tavrich =


brosser =50> brossage = havrachah = ; brosse = mivrcht = ; brosse dents = mivrcht chinayim =

brouette = meritsah = ;

brouille (scrambled) = meqouchqcht = ;

bruire, tre bruyant =00> (pa'al) ra'ach, lir'och, ro'ch, ra'achti, r'ach tir'ach =

bruire, tre bruyant =50> bruit = ra'ach =

; bruyant = ro'ch = ; tremblement de terre = ra'ach = ;

brler (calciner) =00> (pa'al) saraf, lisrof, sorf, sarafti, srof tisrof =

brler (calciner) =50> brl = sarouf = ; brle = saroufah = ; incendie = srfah = ;

bungalow = tsimr = ;

bureau (administration) = lichkah = ;

bureau (local) = misrad = ;

butte = giv'ah = ;

C.O.D. = t = ;

C.O.D. (moi toim toif lui elle) = oti otak otka oto otah = ;

C.O.D. (nous vousm vousf eux elles) = otanou otkm otkn otam otan = ;

= zh = ; (c'est !) = zhou = ! !
; ( marche !) = zh 'ovd ! = ; (avec ) = bazh = ;

cabane = soukah = ; cabanes = soukot = ; Soukot (Fte des Cabanes) = Soukot = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

cabine = ta = ; cabines = taim = ; cabine d'essayage = ta medidah = ; cabines d'essayage = tai medidah =

cble = kvl/kabl = ;

cachr (= digne) = kachr = ; cachre = kchrah = ; cacherout (prescriptions alimentaires) = cacherout = ;

cachr (super cachr) = glat kachr = ;

cacher, dissimuler =00> (hif'il) histir, lehastir, mastir, histarti, astir tastir =

cacher, dissimuler =50> cache = mistor = ; cachette = str = ; cach (dissimul) = nistar = ; cache (dissimule) =

nistrt = ;

cacher, dissimuler =50> Esther (prnom f.) = str = = (Esther 2.7) ;

cacher, enfouir =00> (hif'il) hhbi, lehahebi, mahebi, hhbti, ahabi tahabi =

cacher, enfouir =50> cachette = mahbo = ; cachette = mahavo = ;

cadeau = matanah = ;

caf = qafh =
; caf (lieu) = bit qafh = ; caftria = qaftriah = ; au caf (lieu) = bevit-qafh =

cahier = mahbrt = ; cahiers = mahbarot = ;

caisse (bote) = tivah = ;

caisse (ticket) = qoupah = ; caisse du supermarch = qoupat-souprmarqt = ;

caissier = qoupai = ; caissire = qoupait = ;

calendrier = louah chanah = ;

calmer, rassurer =00> (hif'il) hirgi'a, lehargi'a, margi'a, hirga'ti, argi'a targi'a =

calmer, rassurer =50> calmant = sam harga'ah = ; calmant = margi'a = ; calmante = margi'ah =

calmer, rassurer =50> calme = ragou'a = ; dtente = harga'ah = ; rester calme = lehichar ragou'a =

calmer, rassurer =50> instant (un instant !) = rga' ! = ! ; instant (un instant !) = raq rga' ! = ! ;

calmer, rassurer =50> moment, instant = rga' = ; moment (en ce moment) = karga' = ;

calvitie = qarahat = ;

camion = masait = ; camionneur = nahag masait = ; camionnette = tndr = ;

camion-citerne = mekalit = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

campus = qampous = ;

Canada = qanadah = ;

canal (T.V.), chane (T.V.) = 'arouts = ;

canap = sapah = ;

cancer = sartan = ;

canicule = charav = ;

capital = hon =
; capital (fonds) = qrn = ;

capitale (ville) = 'ir birah = ; capitale (ville) = birah =
(Esther 1.5) ; <=> bire = birah =

capturer (faire prisonnier) =00> (pa'al) chavah, lichbot, chovh, chaviti, chbh tichbh =

capturer (faire prisonnier) =50> captif = chavoui = ; captive = chavouyah = ; captivit = chvi = ; captivit = chvi = ;

capturer (faire prisonnier) =50> prisonnier de guerre (=captif de guerre) = chvoui milhamah = ;

car, parce que = ki = ;

carafe, cruche = qanqan = ; carafe d'eau = kad hamayim = ; (cruche, vase (pot) = kad = )

cardiologue = qardiolog = ; <= moins utilis que "rof(m.)-lv"

Carmel = Karml = ; Carmel (= Mont Carmel) = Har haKarml = ( I Rois 18.19) ;
carnet = pinqas = ; carnet de chques = pinqas chqim = ; carnet de chques = pinqas tsqim =
' ;

carotte = gzr = ; carotte = gzarim = ;

carr (nom) = ribou'a = ; carr (adj) = ravou'a = ; carre (adj) = revou'ah = ;

carrefour = tsomt = ;

carreler =00> (pi'l) ritsf, leratsf, meratsf, ritsafti, aratsf teratsf =


carreler =50> carrelage = ratsafout = ; carreleur = ratsaf =
; carreleuse = ratsafit = ;

carreler =50> parterre, plancher = ritspah = ; quai = retsif = ;

carte (de gographie) = mapah = ; carte du monde = mapat 'olam(m.) = ;

carte (ticket, billet) = kartis = ;

carte d'identit = te'oudat zhout = ;

carte de crdit = kartis achrai = ;

carte de la ville = mapat-ha'ir = ;

carte postale = glouyah = ; cartes postales bibliques = glouyot haTanak = " ;

cascade = mapal = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

casquette = qasqt = ;

casser, briser =00> (pa'al) chavar, lichbor, chovr, chavarti, chbor tichbor =

casser, briser =50> bris = chavour = ; brise = chavourah = ; brise-vent = chovr rouah = ; brisure =

chvr = ;

casser, briser =50> casse = chvr = ; cass = chavour = ; casse = chavourah = ; cassure, fracture = chvr =

casser, briser =50> fragile(m.) (cassable) = chavir = ; fragile(f.) (cassable) = chavirah = ; fragilit = chvirout = ;

casserole, marmite = sir = ;

catastrophe, Holocauste (Shoah) = choah = ;

catgorie = soug = ;

cause ( cause de) = biglal = ;

cause, raison (motif) = sibah = ;

causer, occasionner =00> (pi'l) inah, leanot, meanh, initi, aanh taanh =

causer, provoquer(causer) =00> (pa'al) garam, ligrom (le), gorm, garamti, grom tigrom = )(

causer, provoquer(causer) =50> caus = nigram = ; cause = nigrmt = ;

cave = martf = ;

caverne, grotte = me'arah = ;

ce, cet, cela = zh = ; cette = zot / zo = ; ces = lh = ; ces = lou = ; ce, cet (l'un et l'autre) = zh lazh =

cdre = rz = ; cdres = arzim = ; cdres du Liban = arzi haLevanon = = (Psaumes 104.16) ;

ceinture de scurit = hagorat-betihout = ; ceinture de scurit = hagorat-bitahon = ;

cela me va = matim li = ;

cleri = karpas = ;

clibat = ravaqout = ; clibataire = ravaq = ; clibataire(f.) = ravaqah = ;

celui qui, celle qui = mi ch... = ;

cent (100) = mah = ;

centime de shekel = agorah = ;

centimtre = sntimtr = ;

centre commercial = qanyon = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

centrer, centraliser =00> (pi'l) mirkz, lemarkz, memarkz, mirkazti, amarkz temarkz =

centrer, centraliser =50> central (tlphonique) = mirkzt = ; central(a.) = mrkazi = ; centrale(a.) = mrkazit =

centrer, centraliser =50> centralisateur = merakz =

; centralisatrice = merakzt = ;

centrer, centraliser =50> centralisateur = rikouzi = ; centralisatrice = rikouzit = ; centralisation = mirkouz = ;

centrer, centraliser =50> centralit = mrkaziout = ; centre = mrkaz = ; centre-ville = mrkaz h'air =

centrer, centraliser =50> centr = memourkaz = ; centre = memourkzt = ;

centrer, centraliser =50> concentration = rikouz =

; camp de concentration = mahanh(m.) rikouz =

centrer, centraliser =50> milieu (centre) = merkaz = ;

cercle = 'igoul = ;

crales = dganim = ;

cerf = tsvi = ;

cerise = douvdevan = ;

certificat = te'oudah = ;

cesser, arrter, s'arrter, interrompre =00> (hif'il) hifsiq, lehafsiq, mafsiq, hifsaqti, afsiq tafsiq =

cesser, arrter, s'arrter, interrompre =50> arrt, cessation, entracte, interruption, pause, rcration = hafsaqah = ; jugement (arrt) = psiqah =

cesser, arrter, s'arrter, interrompre =50> verset = pasouq = ;

cesser, disparatre, passer =00> (pa'al) halaf, lahalof, holf, halafti, hlof tahalof =

chabat (samedi) = chabat = ; soir de chabat (vendredi soir) = 'rv-chabat = ;

chacun = kol had = ;

chagriner, attrister =00> (hif'il) h'tsiv, leha'atsiv, ma'atsiv, h'tsavti, a'atsiv ta'atsiv =

chagriner, attrister =50> triste(m.) = 'atsouv = ; triste(f.) = 'atsouvah = ; tristesse = 'tsv = ; tristesse = 'atsvout =

chagriner, dsoler =00> (pi'l) tsi'r, letsa'r, metsa'r, tsi'arti, atsa'r tetsa'r =

chagriner, dsoler =50> chagrin = tsa'ar = ; dsolant = metsa'r = ; dsolante = metsa'rt = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

chagriner, dsoler =50> dsol = mitsta'r = ; dsole = mitsta'rt = ;

chagriner, dsoler =50> ennui (dsagrment), malheur = tsarah = (pas sr que mme racine) ; malheureusement = letsa'ari = ;

chagriner, dsoler =50> regrettable(m.) = metsa'r =

; regrettable(f.) = metsa'rt = ;

chai (cave vin), pressoir vin = yqv = ; chais (caves vin), pressoirs vin = yqavim = ;

chane (collier), collier (chane) = charchrt = ;

chaise, sige = kis(m.) = ; chaises, siges = kisot(m.) = ;

chle de prire Juif = talit = ;

chambre coucher = hadar-chinah = ; chambre d'enfants = hadar-yeladim = ;

chambre d'amis (d'invits) = hadar-orhim = ;

chambre-bibliothque = hadar-sifriah = ;

chambre, pice = hdr = ;

chameau = gamal = ;

champ = sadh = ;

champagne = champaniah = ;

champignon = pitriyah = ;

chance = mazal =
; chance (bonne chance) = mazal tov = ;

chandelier = pamot(m.) = /
; chandeliers = pamotot(m.) / pamotim(m.) = ;

chandelle = nr(m.) =
; chandelles = nrot(m.) = ;

changer (devises), convertir =00> (hif'il) hmir lehamir, mmir, hmarti, amir tamir =

changer (devises), convertir =50> change (bureau de change (service de conversion)) = chirout hamarah = ;

changer (devises), convertir =50> changement = tmourah = ;

changer (devises), convertir =50> conversion (argent), change = hamarah =

; convertisseur = mmir = ;

changer, modifier, transformer =00> (pi'l) chinah, lechanot, mechanh, chiniti, achanh techanh =

changer, modifier, transformer =50> changeant = michtanh = ; changeante = michtanah = ;

changer, modifier, transformer =50> changement (modification) = chinoui = ; changement (pas de changement !, ne change pas !) = lo mechanh = !

changer, modifier, transformer =50> diffrent = chonh = ; diffrente = chonah = ;

changer, modifier, transformer =50> transformateur = chanai = ; transformation (de forme) = chinoui tsourah = ;

chanson (varit) = pizmon = ;

chanter =00> (pa'al) ran, laroun, ran, ranti, aroun taroun = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

chanter =00> (pa'al) (chir) char, lachir, char, charti, achir tachir = ;

chanter =00> (pi'l) zimr, lezamr, mezamr, zimarti, azamr tezamr =


chanter =50> Cantique des Cantiques = Chir haChirim = ;

chanter =50> chanson d'enfants = chir yladim = ; chansons pour enfants = chiri-yladim = ;

chanter =50> chanson, pome = chir = ; chant, posie = chirah = ;

chanter =50> chant = zmr = ; chant = zimrah = ; chants de chabat = zmirot = ;

chanter =50> chanteur = zamar = ; chanteuse = zamrt = ;

chanter =50> orchestre = tizmort = ;

chanter =50> pote(m.) = mechorr = ; pote(f.) = mechorrt = ;

chanter =50> rossignol = zamir = ;

chanter =50> soire o l'on chante en chur = rv-chirah = ;

chapeau, casquette = kova' = ; chapeau de paille = kova' qach = ;

chapitre = prq = ; chapitres = praqim = ;

chaque = kol = ; chaque jour = kol yom = ;

charger, surcharger, imposer =00> (hif'il) h'mis, leha'amis, ma'amis, h'masti, a'amis ta'amis =

charger, surcharger, imposer =50> charge (poids) = 'oms = ; charg, bond = 'amous = ; charge, bonde = 'amousah = ;

charger, surcharger, imposer =50> charg = 'mous, 'amousah, 'amousim, 'amousot = ;

charger, surcharger, imposer =50> chargement = ha'amasah = ; surcharge = 'oms ytr = ;

chariot, charrette = kirkarah = ;

charit, bont = hsd = ;

charmant, sympathique(m.) = nhmad = ; charmante, sympathique(f.) = nhmadah = ;

Charon (prnom f.) = charon = ;

chasser =00> (pa'al) tsad, latsoud, tsad, tsadti, atsoud tatsoud = ;

chasser =50> chasse = tsayid = ; chasseur = tsayad = ; chasseuse = tsaydt = ; gibier = tsayid = ;

chat = hatoul = ; chatte = hatoulah = ;

chtaigne = 'armon = ;

chtain (couleur) = chatni = ;

chauffer, rchauffer =00> (pi'l) himm, lehamm, mhamm, himamti, ahamm tehamm =

chauffer, rchauffer =50> chaleur = hom = ; chaud = ham = ; chaude = hamah = ; J'ai chaud = Ham li = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

chauffer, rchauffer =50> chauffage = himoum = ; chauff = mehoumam = ; chauffe = mehoummt =

chauffer, rchauffer =50> rchauffement = hithamemout = ;

chauffer, rchauffer =50> Tu(m.) as chaud = Ham leka = ;

chausser, mettre (chaussure), fermer ( cl) =00> (pa'al) na'al, lin'ol, no'l, na'alti, n'al tin'al =

chausser, mettre (chaussure), fermer ( cl) =50> chaussure = na'al(f.) =

; chaussures = na'alayim(f.) = ;

chausser, mettre (chaussure), fermer ( cl) =50> chaussures de sport, baskets = na'ali sport = ;

chausser, mettre (chaussure), fermer ( cl) =50> fermeture (verrouillage) = ne'ilah = ;

chausser, mettre (chaussure), fermer ( cl) =50> pantoufle (=chaussure de maison) = na'al(f.)-bayit = ;

chausser, mettre (chaussure), fermer ( cl) =50> pantoufles (=chaussures de maison) = na'ali(f.)-bayit = ;

chausser, mettre (chaussure), fermer ( cl) =50> tongs = na'ali tsba'ot = ;

chkl = chql = ;

chemin, route, manire (faon) = drk(f.) =

; chemins, routes, manires (faons) = drakim(f.) = ;

cheminer =00> (pa'al) chaval, lichbol, chovl, chavalti, chbol tichbol =


cheminer =50> sentier = chvil = ;

chemise, chemisier, t-shirt = houltsah = ;

chne = alon = (Gense 35.8) ;

chque = hamhaah = ; chque= chq = ; chque= tchq = ' ;

cher (affection) = yaqar = ; chre (affection) = yeqarah = ;

cher (onreux) = yaqar = ;

cher (pas cher, bon march) = zol = ; cher (pas chre, bon march) = zolah = ;

chercher, rechercher =00> (pi'l) hips, lehaps, mehaps, hipasti, ahaps tehaps =

chercher, rechercher =50> recherche = hipous = ;

cheval = sous = ;

chevelure = s'ar(m.) = ; cheveu = sa'arah = ; cheveux = se'arot(m.) = ;

cheveu, poil = sa'arah =
; cheveux, poils = sa'arot = ;

chez = tsl = ; chez le mdecin(m.)/mdecin(f.) = tsl harof(m.)/harofah(f.) = ;

Chicago = chiqago = ;

chien = klv = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

chiffonn, rid = meqoumat = ; chiffonne, ride = meqoumtt = ;

chiffonns, rids = meqoumatim = ; chiffonnes, rides = meqoumatot = ;

chimie = kimi =
; chimique(m.) = kimi = ; chimique(f.) = kimit = ;

chimiste(m.) = kimai = ; chimiste(f.) = kimait = ;

chinois = sini = ; chinoise = sinit = ;

chips, frites = tsips = ;

chocolat (boisson) = choqo = ; chocolat (morceau) = choqolad = ;

chur = maqhlah = ;

choisir, voter, lire =00> (pa'al) bahar, livhor (be..), bohr, baharti, vhar tivhar =

choisir, voter, lire =50> lection = bhirah = ; lections = bhirot = ;

choisir, voter, lire =50> slection, choix (assortiment) = mivhar = ;

chose = davar =
; choses = dvarim = ; chose (mme chose) = oto davar = ;

chou = krouv = ; chou-fleur = krouvit = ;

chourouq ("ou" chourouq) = chourouq = ; => "ou chourouq" (gteau = 'ougah = )

christianiser, convertir au Christianisme =00> (pi'l) nitsr, lenatsr, menatsr, nitsarti, anatsr tenatsr =

christianiser, convertir au Christianisme =50> Chrtien = notsri = ; Chrtiens = notsrim = ;

christianiser, convertir au Christianisme =50> Chrtienne = notsriyah = ; Chrtiennes = notsriyot = ;

christianiser, convertir au Christianisme =50> Chrtien (adj.) = notsri = ; Chrtienne(adj.) = notsrit = ;

christianiser, convertir au Christianisme =50> Chrtien vangliques = Notsrim havangliyim = ;

christianiser, convertir au Christianisme =50> Christianisme = natsrout = ;

christianiser, convertir au Christianisme =50> sentinelle, garde = notsr = ; sentinelles, gardes = notsrim = (Jrmie 31.5 ) ;
christianiser, convertir au Christianisme =60> =>(verbe)=> garder, prserver = (pa'al) natsar, lintsor

chva ("e muet") = chva = =
; => "e muet" (tudiant, lve = talmid = , vers o ? = lean =

ci-dessous = lehalan = ; ci-dessous = lifnikim = ; ci-dessous (en bas) = lematah = ;

ci-dessus = le'il = ;

cicatrisation = hagladah = ;

ciel = chamayim(mp.) = ;

cigarette = sigariah = ; Note : En notation sans voyelle, redoublement du "yod" quand il comportait un "dagch" en notation avec voyelles

cil = ris(f.) =
; cils = risim(f.) = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

cinma = qolno'a = ; cinma (btiment), cinmas (btiment) = bit-qolno'a , bati-qolno'a =

cinmathque = sinmatq =
; cinmathque = sirtiyah = ;

cinq (5 f.) = hamch(f.) = ; cinq (5 m.) = hamichah(m.) = ;

cinq-cent (500) = hamch mot = ;

cinquante (50) = hamichim(f.) = ;

cinquime(m.) = hamichi = ; cinquime(f.) = hamichit = ; cinquime (un), 1/5 = hamichit = ;

circoncire =00> (pa'al) (moul) mal, lamoul, mal, malti, amoul tamoul = ;

circoncire =50> circoncis = nimol = ; circonciseur = mohl = ;

circoncire =50> circoncision = milah =
; circoncision (alliance) = brit milah = ;

citadelle = matsadah = ;

citron = limon = ;

citrouille, potiron = dla'at(f.) = ;

clair (couleur, peau) = bahir = ; claire (couleur, peau) = bahirah = ;

classe = kitah = ;

classique(m.) = qlasi = ; classique(f.) = qlasit = ;

clavier (ordinateur) = miqldt = ;

cl = maftah(m.) = ; cls = mafthot(m.) = ;

client = qliyent = ; cliente = qliyentit = ;

cligner, clignoter =00> (pa'al) qarats, liqrots, qorts, qaratsti, qrots tiqrots =

climat = aqlim = ;

climatisation = mizoug avir = ; climatis = mmouzag = ; climatiseur = mazgan avir = ;

clinique = qliniqah = ;

clouer =00> (pi'l) mismr, lemasmr, memasmr, mismarti, amasmr temasmr =

clouer =50> clou = masmr = ; clou = memousmar = ; cloue = memousmrt = ;

clouer =50> clout = mesoumar = ; cloute = mesoumrt = ;

clown = litsan = ;

club = mo'adon = ;

coca-cola = qolah = ;

code = qod = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

cur = lv = ;

cur (par cur) = be'al ph = ;

coffre-fort = kasft = ;

Cohen (nom), prtre = kohn = ;

col (de chemise) = tsavaron = ;

collier (bijou) = 'anaq = ; collier (chane), chane (collier) = charchrt = ; collier (d'animal) = qolar = ;

colline = tl =
; colline = giv'ah = (Jrmie 16.16) ;

colombe = yonah = ;

coloniser, installer (peupler), peupler =00> (pi'l) yichv, leyachv, meyachv, yichavti, ayachv teyachv =

coloniser, installer (peupler), peupler =50> exploitation agricole = mochav = ; village = mochavah = ;

coloniser, installer (peupler), peupler =50> colon(m.) = mityachv = ; colon(f.) = mityachvt = ; colonie = mochavah =

coloniser, installer (peupler), peupler =50> habitant = tochav = ; habitante = tochvt = ;

coloniser, installer (peupler), peupler =50> localit (commune) = yichouv = ;

combattre =00> (nif'al) nilham, lehilahm (be..), nilham, nilhamti, lahm tilahm = )(

combattre =50> combat = lehimah =
; combattant = lohm = ; combattante = lohmt = ;

combattre =50> guerre = milhamah =
; guerres = milhamot = ;

combattre =50> Guerre d'Indpendance (libration) = milhmt-hachihrour = ;

combattre =50> Guerre des Six Jours = milhmt-chcht-hayamim = ;

combattre =50> Guerre Mondiale = milhmt-ha'olam = ;

combattre =50> Deuxime Guerre Mondiale = milhmt-ha'olam hachniyah = ;

combien ? = kamah ? = ? ?
; Combien cote ? = Kamah zh 'olh ? = ;

commander (qqch), inviter, rserver =00> (hif'il) hizmin, lehazmin, mazmin, hizmanti, azmin tazmin =

commander (qqch), inviter, rserver =50> commande, invitation = hazmanah = ; rservation = hazmanat maqom =

commander (qqch), inviter, rserver =50> commander par Internet = lehazmin baIntrnt = ;

commander, ordonner, enjoindre =00> (pi'l) tsivah, letsavot, metsavh, tsiviti, atsavh tetsavh =

commander, ordonner, enjoindre =50> commandement (ordre) = tsav = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

commander, ordonner, enjoindre =50> commandement (prescription) = mitsvah = ; commandement (Bar Mitsvah) = bar mitsvah =

commander, ordonner, enjoindre =50> impratif (grammaire) = tsivoui = ; ordre (commandement), impratif (grammaire) = tsivoui = ;

comme = kmo = ; comme = kfi = ;

comme (m.), de ce genre(m.) = kazh = ; comme (f.), de ce genre(m.) = kazot = ; comme (p.), de ce genre(p.) = kalh =

comme ci, comme ! = kakah kakah ! =! ; comme si = keilou = ;

commencement = rchit = (Gense 1.1) ;

commencer, dbuter =00> (hif'il) hithil, lehathil (be.., le..), mathil, hithalti, athil tathil = ) (

commencer, dbuter =50> dbut = hathalah = ; dbut = thilah = ;

commencer, dbuter =50> dbutant = mathil = ; dbutante = mathilah = ;

commencer, dbuter =50> prfixe = thilit = ;

comment ? = ik ? = ; comment = ik = ; comment = kitsad = ;

comment (01. comment vais-je ?) = mah chlomi ? = ;

comment (02. comment vas-tu(m.) ?) = mah chlomka(m.) ? = ;

comment (03. comment va-t-il ?) = mah chlomo ? = ? ; comment (04. comment va-t-elle ?) = mah chlomah ? =

comment (05. comment allons-nous ?) = mah chlomnou ? = ,

comment (06. comment allez-vous(m.) ?) = mah chlomkm ? = ;

comment (07. comment allez-vous(f.) ?) = mah chlomkn ? = ;

comment (08. comment vont-ils ?) = mah chlomam ? = ? ; comment (09. comment vont-elle ?) = mah chloman ? =

comment va ? (=comment est entendu ?) = mah nichm'a ? = ;

comment va ? = mah chlomka(m.) ? = ;

comment va ? (comment les sujets ?) = mah ha'inyanim ? = ;

comment cela ? = mah pitom ? = ! ; ce n'est pas vrai ! = mah pitom = ;

comment dit-on ? = ik omrim(mp.) ? = ? ; comment crit-on ? = ik kotvim(mp.) ? = ;

Comment s'appelle-t-elle ? = Mah chma ? = ... ; Elle s'appelle ... = Chmah ... = ; nom de elle = chmah =

? ...
Comment s'appelle-t-il ? = Mah chmo ? = ; Il s'appelle ... = Chmo ... = ; nom de lui = chmo = ;

commentaire (exgse) = parchanout = ; (rclamer, exiger, demander, s'enqurir de =50> commentaire (exgse) = midrach = )

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

commentaire (talkback, intercommunication) = toqbaq =

; commentaires (talkbacks, intercommunications) = toqbaqim = ;

commercer =00> (pa'al) sahar, lishor (be), sohr, saharti, shar tishar = )(

commercer =50> commerce = mishar = ; commerce = sahar = ;

commercer =50> commercial = mishari =

; commerciale = misharit = ;

commercer =50> commercialis = nishar =

; commercialise = nishrt = ;

commercer =50> marchand = sohr = ; marchande = sohrt = ; marchandise = shorah = ;

commercialiser =00> (pi'l) mishr, lemashr, memashr, misharti, amashr temashr =

commercialiser =60> =>(verbe)=> commercer = (pa'al) sahar, lishor (be)

commission (frais bancaire, courtage) = 'amlah = ; = 'amalah = ; <= les 2 variantes existent dans mon dictionnaire

commune = qomounah = ;

communiquer (appeler) =00> (pi'l) tiqchr, letaqchr, metaqchr, tiqcharti, ataqchr tetaqchr =
communiquer (appeler) =60> =>(verbe)=> attacher, relier = (pa'al) qachar, liqchor

compagnie (en compagnie) -> utiliser : avec = 'im =

compagnie d'lectricit = hvrat hachmal = ;

compagnie, socit (entreprise, groupe social) = hvrah = ;

compagnies, socits (entreprises, groupes sociaux) = hvrot = ; <= parl / crit => compagnies, socits (entreprises, groupes sociaux) = havarot =

comparer, galiser =00> (hif'il) hichvah, lehachvot, machvh, hichviti, achvh tachvh =

comparer, galiser =50> gal, pareil = chavh = ; gale, pareille = chavah = ; gal (tre gal ) = chavh l.. = .. ;

comparer, galiser =50> comparaison (parallle), galisation = hachvaah = ;

comparer, galiser =50> valeur = chovi = ; valoir = liheyot chavh = ;

complter =00> (hif'il) hichlim, lehachlim, machlim, hichlamti, achlim tachlim =


complter =50> complment = hachlamah = ; complmentaire(m.) = machlim = ; complmentaire(f.) = machlimah =

complter =50> complet, entier = chalm =
; complte, entiere = chalmah = ;

complter =50> complt = nichlam = ; complte = nichlmt = ;

compositeur = malhin = ; compositrice = malhinah = ;

comprendre =00> (hif'il) hvin, lehavin, mvin, hvanti, avin tavin = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

comprendre =50> comprhensible(m.) = mouvan = ; comprhensible(f.) = mouvnt = ;

comprendre =50> comprhensif = mvin =

; comprhensive = mvinah = ; comprhension = havanah = ;

comprendre =50> compris = mouvan =

; comprise = mouvnt = ; sens (signification) = mouvan = ;

comptabilit (=gestion de compte) = nihoul-hchbon = ;

compte ( valoir) = 'al hchbon = ;

compte courant (bancaire) = hchbon 'och = ;

compte commun/joint = hchbon mechoutaf = ;

compte devise = hchbon matah" = " ; compte pargne = hchbon hisakon = ;

compte, note ( payer) = hchbon =

; compte bancaire = hchbon banq = ;

compter =00> (pa'al) safar, lispor, sofr, safarti, spor tispor =

compter =50> dnombrement = sfirah = ;

compter =50> nombre cardinal = mispar yesoudi = ; nombres cardinaux = misparim yesoudiim =

compter =50> nombre, chiffre, numro = mispar = ;

comptoir, guichet = dlpq = ;

concentrer, centraliser =00> (pi'l) rikz, lerakz, merakz, rikazti, arakz terakz =
concentrer, centraliser =60> =>(verbe)=> centrer, centraliser = (pi'l) mirkz, lemarkz

concert = qontsrt = ;

concilier, arbitrer =00> (pi'l) pichr, lefachr (bin), mefachr, picharti, afachr tefachr = )(

concilier, arbitrer =50> compromis = pcharah = ; conciliateur (mdiateur) = mefachr = ; conciliatrice (mdiatrice) = mefachrt =

conclusion = masqanah = ;

concombre = melafefon = ;

condition = tnai = ; condition ( condition que) = bitnai ch .. = .. ; condition (sous condition) = 'al tnai =

conduire =00> (pa'al) nahag, linhog (be ..), nohg, nahagti, nhag tinhag = )(

conduire =50> conducteur, chauffeur = nhag =

; conductrice = nahgt = ; conduite (d'un vhicule) = nehigah = ;

conduire =50> conducteur d'autobus = nhag chl otobous = ; conducteur d'autobus = nhag otobous =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

conduire =50> rouler voiture / conduire une voiture = linhog bemekonit = ;

confesser =00> (pi'l) vidah, levadot, mevadh, viditi, avadh tevadh =


confesser =0r>
confesser =50> confession = vidoui = ;

confiture = ribah = ; confiture de fraises = ribat-toutim = ; confiture d'oranges = ribat-tapouzim =

confondre, embrouiller =00> (pi'l) bilvl, levalvl, mevalbl, bilvalti, avalvl tevalvl =

confondre, embrouiller =50> Babel = bavl = (Gense 10.10, 11.9, Esdras 2.1) ;

confondre, embrouiller =50> confondit = balal = - , =

(Gense 11.9 => );

confondre, embrouiller =50> confus = mevoulbal =

; confuse = mevoulblt = ; confusion = bilboul =

congeler, geler, stagner =00> (pa'al) qafa, liqpo, qof, qafati, qpa tiqpa =

congeler, geler, stagner =50> conglateur = maqpi = ; conglation = haqpaah = ; conglation = qfiah =

congeler, geler, stagner =50> congel = qafou = ; congele = qafouah = ;

congeler, geler, stagner =50> gel (suspension) = qipaon = ;

congrs = kns = ;

conjugaison = netiyah = ;

connatre, reconnatre, faire connaissance, prsenter =00> (hif'il) hikir, lehakir (le..), makir, hikarti, akir takir = ( )

connatre, reconnatre, faire connaissance, prsenter =50> cognitif = hakarani = ; cognitive = hakaranit = ;

connatre, reconnatre, faire connaissance, prsenter =50> connaissance (relation) = makar = ; reconnaissance = hakarah = ;

connatre, reconnatre, faire connaissance, prsenter =50> connu = moukar = ; connue = moukrt = ;

conqurir =00> (pa'al) kavach, likboch, kovch, kavachti, kboch tikboch =


conqurir =50> conqurant = kovch = ; conqurante = kovcht = ; conqute = kibouch = ;

conqurir =50> conquis = kavouch = ; conquise = kavouchah = ;

consacrer =00> (pi'l) qidch, leqadch, meqadch, qidachti, aqadch teqadch =


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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

consacrer =50> qidouch (bndiction sur le vin, prire de sanctification) = qidouch = ; faire le qidouch = la'asot qidouch = ;

consacrer =50> sacr (adjectif) , saint (adjectif) = qadoch = ; sacre, sainte = qdochah = (Lvitique 7.6 ) ;

consacrer =50> saintet (nom) = qodch = (Lvitique 10.10) ; saintet = qdouchah = ;

consacrer =50> Temple (de Jrusalem) = Bit-hamiqdach =

conscient = mouda' = ; consciente = mouda'at = ;

conseiller =00> (pa'al) ya'ats, li'yots (le), yo'ts, ya'atsti, i'yats ti'yats = )(
conseiller =60> =>(verbe)=> conseiller = (pi'l) yi'ts, leya'ts (le)

conseiller =00> (pi'l) yi'ts, leya'ts (le), meya'ts, yi'atsti, aya'ts teya'ts = )(

conseiller =50> conseil = 'tsah =

; conseil = yi'outs = ; conseil (assemble) = mo'atsah = ;

conseiller =50> conseiller = yo'ts =

; conseillre = yo'tst = ;

consquence (par consquent, c'est pourquoi) = 'al kn = ;

construire =00> (pa'al) banah, livnot, bonh, baniti, vnh tivnh = ;

construire =50> btiment = binyan = ;

construire =50> constructeur, constructif = bonh = ; constructrice, constructive = bonah = ; construction = bniyah = ;

construire =50> construit = banoui = ;

construire =50> immeuble = binyan =
; groupe (de verbes) = binyan = ;

consul = qonsoul = ; consulat = qonsouliah = ;

consulter =00> (hitpa'l) hitya'ts, lehitya'ts (be, 'im), mitya'ts, hitya'atsti, tya'ts titya'ts = ( )
consulter =60> =>(verbe)=> consulter = (pi'l) ya'ts, leya'ts

consulter =00> (pi'l) ya'ts, leya'ts (le), meya'ts, yi'atsti, aya'ts te'yats = )(

consulter =50> consultatif = metya'ts = ; consultative = metya'tst = ; consultation = hitya'atsout =


contacter, appeler, tlphoner =00> (hitpa'l) hitqachr, lehitqachr (le..), mitqachr, hitqacharti, tqachr titqachr =
)( ;
contacter, appeler, tlphoner =60> =>(verbe)=> attacher, relier = (pa'al) qachar, liqchor

contagion = hadbaqah = ; contagieux = midabq = ;

contempler =00> (hitpa'l) hitbonn, lehitbonn (be), mitbonn, hitbonanti, tbonn titbonn = )(

contempler =50> contemplation, observation (regard) = hitbonenout = ;

contempler =60> =>(verbe)=> s'intresser , surveiller = (pi'l) bonn, levonn

contenu = tokn = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

continuer =00> (hif'il) himchik, lehamchik, mamchik, himchakti, amchik tamchik =


continuer =50> continuation = hmchk = ; continuation = himachkout = ; continuer (on continue) = mamchikim =

continuer =50> durant, pendant = bemchk = ; dure = mchk = ; suite = hmchk = ;

continuer =50> tu(m.) continueras = tamchik = ; tu(f.) continueras = tamchiki = ;

contravention, PV = raport = ;

convaincre, persuader =00> (pi'l) chikna', lechakna', mechakn'a, chikna'eti, achakna' techakna' =

convaincre, persuader =50> convaincant, persuasif = mechakn'a =

; convaincante, persuasive = mechakna'at = ;

convaincre, persuader =50> convaincu = mechoukna' = ; convaincue = mechoukna'at = ;

convaincre, persuader =50> persuasif = mechakn'a = ; persuasive = mechakna'at = ; persuasion = chiknou'a =

convalescence = havraah = ;

convenir, correspondre, ajuster, adapter, tre adapt =00> (hif'il) hiteim, lehateim, mateim, hitamti, ateim tateim =

convenir, correspondre, ajuster, adapter, tre adapt =50> appropri, adquat = mateim = ; approprie, adquate = mateimah =

convenir, correspondre, ajuster, adapter, tre adapt =50> appropri (cela me va) = mateim li = ;

convenir, correspondre, ajuster, adapter, tre adapt =50> appropri (cela me va) = zh mateim = ;

convoi = chayarah =
; convois = chyarot = ;

copain = havr = ; copains = havrim =

; copine = havrah = ; copines = havrot = ;

copier, recopier =00> (hif'il) h'etiq, leha'etiq, ma'etiq, h'etaqti, a'etiq ta'etiq =

copier, recopier =50> copie = h'etq = ; copie conforme (un sur un) = had 'al had = ;

coq = tarnegol = ;

cor = chofar = ;

corde = hvl = ;

cordonnerie = sandlariyah = ; cordonnier = sandlar = ; cordonnire = sandlarit = ;

coronaire = klili = ;

corps = gouf =
; corps humain = gouf haadam = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

correspondre (par courrier) =00> (hitpa'l) hitkatv, lehitkatv ('im), mitkatv, hitkatavti, tkatv titkatv = ( )

correspondre (par courrier) =50> correspondance = hitkatouv = ;

correspondre (par courrier) =50> correspondant = mitkatv = ; correspondante = mitkatvt = ;
correspondre (par courrier) =60> =>(verbe)=> crire = (pa'al) katav, liktov (be ..)

correspondre , s'accorder =00> (hif'il) hiqbil, lehaqbil, maqbil, hiqbalti, aqbil taqbil =

correspondre , s'accorder =50> correspondant (quivalent) = maqbil = ;

corriger (un texte) =00> (hif'il) higiha, lehagiha, magiha, higahti, agiha tagiha =

corriger (un texte) =50> correcteur = magiha = ; correctrice = magihah = ; correction (de texte) = hagahah = ;

corriger (un texte) =50> erreur, faute = chgiah= ;

cortge = tahaloukah = ;

costume (vtement) = halifah = ;

cte (rivage), plage = hof = ;

ct (00. ct de ...) = 'al yad ... = ... ; ct ( ct de ...) = leyad ... = ;

ct (01. ct de moi(m./f.)) = 'al yadi(m./f.) = ;

ct (02. ct de toi(m.)) = 'al yadka(m.) = ; ct ( ct de toi(f.) = 'al yadk(f.) = ;

ct (03. ct de lui) = 'al yado = ; ct ( ct d'elle) = al yadah = ;

ct (04. ct de nous(m./f.)) = 'al yadou(m./f.) = ;

ct (05. ct de vous(m.)) = 'al yadkm(m.) = ; ct ( ct de vous(f.) = 'al yadkn(f.) = ;

ct (06. ct d'eux) = 'al yadham = ; ct d'elles = 'al yadhan = ;

ct (d'un ct) = mi tsad had = ; ct (de l'autre ct) = batsad hachni = ;

ct (droit : au ct droit) = 'al yad yamin = / ; ct (droit : du ct droit) = mi yad/tsad yamin = ;

ct (droit (ct)) = yamin = ...

; ct ( droite) = yaminah = ; ct ( droite de ...) = mi yamin l ... = ;

ct (gauche : au ct gauche) = 'al yad smol = / ; ct (gauche : du ct gauche) = mi yad/tsad smol =

ct (gauche (ct)) = smol = ; ct ( gauche) = smolah = ; ct ( gauche de ...) = mi smol l ... = ...

ct = tsad =
; cts = tsaddim = ; ct (sur le ct) = batsad = ;

cte cte = zh letsad zh = ;

coton = koutnah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

cou = tsavar = ;

coucher de soleil = chqi'ah = ;

coude = marpq(m.) =
; coudes = marpqim(m.) = ;

coudre =00> (pa'al) tafar, litpor, tofr, tafarti, tpor titpor = ;

coudre =50> couture (profession) = tfirah = ; couture (assemblage) = tfr = ; couturire = tofrt = ;

coudre =00> (pi'l) hiyt, lehayt, mehayt, hiyatti, ahayt tehayt = ;

coudre =50> aiguille ( coudre) = mahat = ; fil = hout = ; tailleur (couture) = hayat = ;

coupe (trophe) = gavi'a = ; coupe (les 4 coupes du Sdr de Pessah) = arba' kosot = ;

couper (ciseaux), dcouper (ciseaux) =00> (pa'al) gazar, ligzor ('al), gozr, gazarti, gzor tigzor =

couper (ciseaux), dcouper (ciseaux) =50> coupe (aux ciseaux), dcoupage = gzirah = ; coupes (aux ciseaux), dcoupages = gzarot = ;

couper (ciseaux), dcouper (ciseaux) =50> groupe (de verbe), secteur = gizrah = ; groupes (de verbe), secteurs = gzarot = ;

couper (ciseaux), dcouper (ciseaux) =50> sentence (tribunal) = gzar din = ;

"/ "
couper (ciseaux), dcouper (ciseaux) =50> sous-groupe (verbal) ayin-vav-ayin-yod = gizrat ayin-vav-ayin-yod = ;

couper (ciseaux), dcouper (ciseaux) =50> sous-groupe (verbal) hachlmin = gizrat hachlmin = ;

couper (ciseaux), dcouper (ciseaux) =50> sous-groupe (verbal) lamd-h = gizrat lamd-h = ;

couper (ciseaux), dcouper (ciseaux) =50> sous-groupe (verbal) p-yod = gizrat p-yod = ;

couper =00> (pa'al) hatak, lahtok (be), hotk, hatakti, htok tahtok =

couper =50> morceau = hatikah = ; morceaux = hatikot = ; morceau de pomme = hatikat tapouah =

cour = hatsr(f.) = ; cours = hatsrot(f.) = ;

courant, actuel = 'och = ; <= [Il] passe et [Il] revient = 'over vachav = ;

courgette = qichou = ; courgettes = qichouim = ;

courir =00> (pa'al) (routs) rats, larouts, rats, ratsati, arouts tarouts = ;

courir =00> (pa'al) (routs) rats, larouts, rats, ratsati, arouts tarouts = ;

courir =50> brouette = meritsah = ;

courir =50> coureur = rats =
; coureuse = ratsah = ; course = ritsah = ; course du matin= ritsat boqr =

courir =50> intensif = nimrats = ;

couronne = ktr =
; couronne royale = ktr malkout = = (Esther 1.11) ;

courrier, poste = doar = ; courrier lectronique = doar lqtroni = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

cours (leon) = qours = ;

cours (taux) = cha'ar = ; cours (taux de change) = cha'ar hahalifin = ; cours officiel (affiche) = cha'ar yatsig =

cousin (fils d'oncle) = bn-dod = ; cousin (fils de tante) = bn-dodah = ;

cousine (fille d'oncle) = bat-dod =

; cousine (fille de tante) = bat-dodah = ;

coussin = karit = ; coussins = kariot = ;

couteau = sakin = ;

coutume = minhag = ;

couverts = sakoum = ; sakoum : sakin (couteau) + kaf (cuillre) + ou (et) mazlg (fourchette)

cracher =00> (pa'al) yaraq, liroq, yorq, yaraqti, iraq tiraq = ;

cracher =50> crachat = yeriqah =

; crachoir = marqeqah = ;

craindre, redouter =00> (pi'l) pihd, lefahd, mefahd, pihadti, afahd tefahd =
craindre, redouter =60> =>(verbe)=> avoir peur, craindre, s'effrayer = (pa'al) pahad, lifhod

craindre, vnrer =00> (pa'al) yar, liro (m), yar, yarti, ira tira = )( ;

craindre, vnrer =50> crainte = tira = ;

cravate = 'anivah = ;

crayon = 'iparon(m.) = ; crayons = 'fronot(m.) = ;

crayon-feutre, stylo-feutre = touch = ;

crdit (bancaire) = achrai = ; crdit (bancaire) = haqafah = ;

crditer (un compte bancaire) =00> (pi'l) zikah, lezakot, mezakh, zikiti, azakh tezakh =

crditer (un compte bancaire) =50> crdit = zikoui = ; crdit, avoir = zkout = ; droit = zkout = ;

crditer (un compte bancaire) =50> grce (grce , cause de) = bizkout = ;

crer ex nihilo =00> (pa'al) bara, livro, bor, barati, vra tivra = ;

crer ex nihilo =50> Au commencement, Dieu cra le ciel et la terre. = , = ,=

. , =
(Gense 1.1) ;

crer, former, produire (fabriquer) =00> (pa'al) yatsar, latsrt/litsor, yotsr, yatsarti, tsor titsor = /

crer, former, produire (fabriquer) =50> producteur = yatsran = ; productrice = yatsranit = ;

crer, former, produire (fabriquer) =50> productif = yatsrani = ; productive = yatsranit = ;

crer, former, produire (fabriquer) =50> production = yitsour = ; produit = totsar = ;

crme = qrm = ; crme (de lait) = chamnt = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

Crte = qrst = ; crtois = qrsti = ;

creuser, extraire (d'une mine) =00> (pa'al) karah, likrot, korh, kariti, krh tikrh =

creuser, extraire (d'une mine =50> ils ont creus = karou = (Psaumes 22.17 = ;

creuser, fouiller =00> (pa'al) hafar, lahafor (be..), hofr, hafarti, hepor tahepor = )(

creux = halal = ; creux (adj.) = haloul = ; creuse = haloulah = ;

crier, hurler, rprimander =00> (pa'al) tsa'aq, lits'oq, tso'q, tsa'aqti, ts'aq tits'aq = )(

crier, hurler, rprimander =50> cri = tse'aqah = ; criard = tsa'aqani = ; criarde = tsa'aqanit = ;

crochet = vav = ;

croire, avoir confiance =00> (hif'il) hmin, lehaamin (le..,be..), maamin, hmanti, aamin taamin = ( )

croire, avoir confiance =50> amen = amn = ; amen (<0543> = assur, tabli) = amn = (Nombres 5.22) ;

croire, avoir confiance =50> confiance = moun = ; croyance, foi = mounah = = (Matthieu 6.30) ;

croire, avoir confiance =50> croyant = maamin = ; croyante = maaminah = ;

croire, avoir confiance =50> vrit (en vrit, en vrit) = amn amn = (Jean 3.3) ;

croiser, recouper =00> (hif'il) hitsliv, lehatsliv, matsliv, hitslavti, atsliv tatsliv =

croiser, recouper =50> croisade (voyages de la croix) = masi hatslav = ; crois = tsalban = ;

croiser, recouper =50> crois = moutslav = ; croise = moutslvt = ; croisement (routier) = hitstalvout =

croiser, recouper =50> croix = tslav = ; croix rouge = tslav haadom = ;

cruche, vase (pot) = kad = ;

cueillir =00> (pa'al) qataf, liqtof, qotf, qatafti, qtof tiqtof =


cueillir =50> cueillette = qatif = ; cueillette (de fleurs) = qtifah = ;

cuillre = kaf = ; cuillre (petite cuillre) = kapit = ;

cuir, peau (du corps, d'un vtement) = 'or = ;

cuire au four =00> (pa'al) afah, lfot, ofh, afati, ofh tofh = ;

cuire au four =50> boulanger = ofh =

; boulangre = ofah = ; boulangerie, patisserie (magasin) = maafiyah = ;

cuire au four =50> cuisson (au four) = afiyah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

cuire au four =50> patissier (boulanger de gteaux) = ofh 'ougot =

; patisserie (gteau) = maafh = ;

cuire, cuisiner, faire la cuisine =00> (pi'l) bichl, levachl, mevachl, bichalti, avachl tevachl =

cuire, cuisiner, faire la cuisine =50> cuisine (art de la cuisine), cuisson = bichoul = ; livre de cuisine (art de la cuisine) = sfr bichoul =

cuisine (salle) = mitbah =
; cuisinier = tabah = ; cuisinire = tabahit = ;

cuisinire (appareil) = kidayim = ; cuisinire gaz = kidayim gaz = ;

cuisse = yark(m.) =
; cuisses = yarkim(m.) = ;

cuivre = nehocht = ;

culotte, slip, caleon = tahtonim = ;

culture = tarbout =
; culturel = tarbouti = ; culturelle = tarboutit = ;

cursif = ktav = ;

cygne = barbour = ;

Cyrus = korch = (Esdras 1.1) ;

d'eux = mhm = ; d'elles = mhn = ;

d'o ? (provenance, origine) = main ? = ;

Daliah (prnom f.) = daliah = ; Dalit (prnom f.) = dalit = ;

dame = gvrt = ; madame = gvirti = ;

damier = louah damqah = ;

Dan (prnom m.) = dan =

; Danah (prnom f.) = danah = ;

danger = sakanah =
; dangereux = mesoukan = ; dangereuse = mesouknt = ;

Dani (prnom m.) = dani = ;

dans [un/une/des] = b =
; dans le/la/les/l' = be+ha = ba = ;

dans, l'intrieur de ( partir de, de l'intrieur de) = metok = ; dans, l'intrieur de = betok = ; (intrieur = tok = )

dans (0.) dans/ + moi = be + ani -> bi = ;

dans (1.) dans/ + toi(m.) = be + atah -> beka = ; dans/ + toi(f.) = be + at -> bak = ;

dans (3.) dans/ + lui = be + hou -> bo = ; dans/ + elle = be + hi -> bah = ;

dans (4.) dans/ + nous = be + anahnou -> banou = ;

dans (5.) dans/ + vous(m.) = be + atm -> bakm = ; dans/ + vous(f.) = be + atn -> bakn = ;

dans (6.) dans/ + eux = be + hm -> bahm / bam = / ; dans/ + elles = be + hn -> bahn / ban = ;

danser =00> (pa'al) raqad, lirqod, roqd, raqadti, rqod tirqod =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

danser =50> dancing = oulam riqoudim = ;

danser =50> danse = riqoud = ; danseur = raqdan = ; danseuse = raqdanit = ;

danser =50> danse folklorique (= populaire) = riqoudi-'am = ;

Daphnah (prnom f.) = dafnah = ;

date (du calendrier) = ta'arik = ; date limite (date toit) = ta'arik gag = ; date en langue trangre = ta'arik lo'azi =

datte, palmier-dattier = tamar = ; dattes, palmiers-dattiers = tmarim = ; dattier (arbre) = 'ts hatamar = ;

David (prnom m.) = david = = ;

de ( partir de) = min = ;

= /
de (provenance, origine) (00.) = m / mi = / ; de (provenance, origine) la/les/l' / du = me+ha = ma = ;

de (provenance, origine) (00.) m = = ; devant une lettre gutturale ( ) -> mAmriqah, mAngliah, mHoungariah, mRousiah, mItaliah + mAntibes

de (provenance, origine) (00.) mi = = ; devant autres lettres -> iNice !

miBelgiah, miIsral, miParis, miTel-Aviv, miTsarfat, miSfarad + m

de (provenance, origine) = mt = ;

de (provenance, origine) (01. moi toim toif lui elle) = mimni mimka mimk mimnou = ;

de (provenance, origine) (02. nous vousm vousf eux elles) = mitanou mikm mikn mihm mihn =

de toutes sortes = mikol vekol = ;

de, (possession) (moi toim toif lui elle) = chli chlak chlka chlo chlah = ;

de, (possession) (nous vousm vousf eux elles) = chlanou chlakm chlakn chlham chlhan =

de, (possession) = chl = ;

d = qoubiyah = ;

dbardeur (tricot), gilet = afoudah = ;

dbarrasser, enlever, dtacher (nettoyer) =00> (hif'il) hsir, lehasir, msir, hsarti, asir tasir =

dbarrasser, enlever, dtacher (nettoyer) =50> dbarras = mahsan =

; enlvement (pas rapt) = hasarah = ; <= pas mme racine ?

dbiter (un compte bancaire) =00> (pi'l) hiyv, lehayv, mehayv, hiyavti, ahayv tehayv =

dbiter (un compte bancaire) =50> dbit, dette = hovah = ; dette = hov(m.) = ; dettes = hovot(m.) = ; dbit (bancaire) = hiyouv =

dchirer =00> (pa'al) qara', liqro'a, qor'a, qara'ti, qra' tiqra' =


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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

dchirer =50> dchir = qarou'a = ; dchire = qarou'ah = ; dchirement = qri'ah' = ; dchirure = qra' =

dcider =00> (hif'il) hhelit, lehahelit/lehahalit, mahelit, hhelatti, ahelit tahelit = /


dcider =50> dcision, rsolution = hahelatah = ;

dcorer, arborer (bijou), fixer =00> (pa'al) 'anad, la'anod, 'ond, 'anadti, 'nod ta'anod =

dcourager, dsesprer =00> (pi'l) yich, leiach, meiach, yiachti, aiach teiach =

dcourager, dsesprer =50> dcourag = meyouach = ; dcourage = meyoucht = ;

dcourager, dsesprer =50> dcourageant = meyach = ; dcourageant = meyacht = ; dcouragement = yiouch =


dcouvert (bancaire) = mechikat ytr = ; dcouvert (bancaire) = overdraft = ; dcouvert (bancaire) = gra'on =

dcouvrir (mettre jour), dvoiler =00> (pa'al) hasaf, lahsof, hosf, hasafti, hsof tahasof =

dcouvrir, rvler =00> (pi'l) gilah, legalot, megalh, giliti, agalh tegalh =

dcouvrir, rvler =50> dcouvert = galoui = ; dcouverte = galouyah = ; dcouverte(n.), rvlation = giloui = ;

dcouvrir, rvler =50> dcouverte (apparition) = hitgalout = ; dcouverte (trouvaille) = taglit = ;

dcrire =00> (pi'l) tr, letar, metar, tarti, atar tetar = ;

dcrire =50> descriptif = tiouri =

; descriptive = tiourit = ; description = tiour = ;

dcrire =50> titre (universitaire) = toar =
; titres (universitaire) = taarim = ;

dfaut (imperfection) = moum = ;

dfendre, protger =00> (pi'l) gonn, legonn ('al), megonn, gonanti, agonn tegonn = )(
dfendre, protger =60> =>(verbe)=> dfendre, protger = (hif'il) hgn, lehagn ('al)

dfendre, protger =00> (hif'il) hgn, lehagn ('al), mgn, hganti, agn tagn = )(

dfendre, protger =10> mgn meginah meginim meginot = ;

dfendre, protger =50> Arme de Dfense d'Isral = tsva haganah leisral (=Tsahal) = (= )

dfendre, protger =50> bouclier = magn =

; toile (bouclier) de David = magn david = ;

dfendre, protger =50> dfense, protection = haganah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

dfendre, protger =50> dfensif(a.) = haganati = ; dfensive(a.) = haganatit = ;

dfendre, protger =50> dfensive = mignanah = ;

dficit = gira'on =
; dficitaire = begra'on = ; dficitaire(m.) = gir'oni = ; dficitaire(f.) = gir'onit =

dehors(m.) = houts = ; dehors(f.) = houtsah = ; (dans) dehors ( l'extrieur) = bahouts = ; (dans) dehors ( l'extrieur) = hahoutsah =

dj = kvar = ;

djeuner (petit djeuner = repas du matin), repas du matin = arouhat-boqr = ;

dlimiter =00> (pa'al) taham, lithom, tohm, tahamti, tham titham =


dlimiter =50> dlimitation = tihoum = ; dlimit = tahoum = ; dlimite = tahoumah = ;

dlimiter =50> domaine (activit, secteur) = thoum = ;

dlit, infraction = 'avrah = ;

dluge = maboul = ;

demain = mahar = ;

demander =00> (pi'l) biqch, levaqch (mi..), mevaqch, biqachti, avaqch tevaqch = )(

demander =50> demande = baqachah = ; demande (conomie) = biqouch = ;

demander =50> demandeur = mevaqch = ; demandeuse = mevaqcht = ;

demander =50> plat (s'il vous plat = par demande) = bevaqachah = ;

demeurer, habiter, tre beau =00> (pa'al) navah linvot, novh, naviti, nvh tinvh = ;

dmocratie = dmoqratiah =
; dmocratique(m.) = dmoqrati = ; dmocratique(f.) = dmoqratit =

dmographie = dmografiah = ;

dent = chn(f.) =
; dents = chinayim(f.) = ;

dplacer (bouger), bouger (dplacer), remuer =00> (hif'il) hziz, lehaziz, mziz, hzazti, aziz taziz =
dplacer (bouger), bouger (dplacer), remuer =60> =>(verbe)=> bouger = (pa'al) (zouz) zaz, lazouz

dployer, dballer, tendre ( la main) =00> (hif'il) hochit, lehochit, mochit, hochatti, ochit tochit =

dposer (banque), confier =00> (hif'il) hifqid, lehafqid, mafqid, hifqadti, afqid tafqid =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

dposer (banque), confier =50> dpt (bancaire), versement (bancaire) = hafqadah = ; dposant (banque) = mafqid = ;

dposer (banque), confier =50> dpt (bancaire), caution (garantie) = piqadon = ;

dposer (banque), confier =50> employ (employ de bureau), guichetier = paqid = ; employ (employe de bureau), guichetire = pqidah =

dposer (banque), confier =50> ordre (instruction) = pqoudah = ;

dposer (banque), confier =50> versement (bancaire), dpt (bancaire) = hafqadah = ;

depuis = maz = ;

dput = havr knst = ;

drangement (en drangement, en panne, hors service)(m.) = meqoulqal = ; drangement (en drangement, en panne, hors service)(f.) = meqoulqlt =

dranger, gner, troubler, empcher, interrompre =00> (hif'il) hifri'a, lehafri'a (le), mafri'a, hifra'ti, afri'a tafri'a = ( )

dranger, gner, troubler, empcher, interrompre =50> drang (fou) = moufra' = ; drange (folle) = moufra'at = ; drangement =

hafra'ah = ;

dernier = aharon = ; dernire = aharonah = ;

derrire (prposition) = maahori = ; derrire = mehori = ;

descendant (fils) = tstsa = ; descendance, postrit = tstsaim = ;

descendre =00> (pa'al) yarad, lardt, yord, yaradti, rd trd = ;

descendre =50> descendant = yord = ; descendante = yordt = ; descendu = mourad = ; descendue = mourdt =

descendre =50> descente (pente) = morad = ; descente (action), dclin = yeridah = ;

descendre =50> maigrir, perdre du poids (descendre en poids) = lardt bamichqal = ;

descendre =50> pluie (premire pluie aprs l't) = yorh = ;

dsert = midbar(m.) = ; dserts = midbariyot(m.) = (Nombres 1.1 = Bamidbar) ; dsert de Jude = midbar-yehoudah =

dsinfecter, purifier, purger =00> (pi'l) hit, lehat, mehat, hitti, ahat tehat =

dsinfecter, purifier, purger =50> dsinfection = hitoui = ;

dsirer =00> (pa'al) hafats, lahafots (be), hofts, hafatsti, hepots tahepots =

dsirer, convoiter =00> (pi'l) ivah, leavot, meavh, iviti, aavh teavh = ;

dsordonn(nom) = balaganist = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

dsordre, pagaille, foutoir = balagan = ;

dessert = qinouah = ; dessert = manah aharonah = ;

dessiner, peindre =00> (pi'l) tsiyr, letsayr, metsayr, tsiyarti, atsayr tetsayr =

dessiner, peindre =50> dessin, peinture (dessin) = tsiyour = ; peintre(m.) = tsayar = ; peintre(f.) = tsayrt = ; uvre = yetsirah

= ;

dessiner, peindre =50> dessin (illustr) = metsouyar = ;

dessiner, peindre =50> pittoresque(m.) = tsiyouri = ; pittoresque(f.) = tsiyourit = ;

dessous, sous = tahat = ; dessous (au-dessous de, en dessous de) = mitahat le... = ... ;

dessus, sur = 'al = ; dessus (au dessus) = me 'al = ;

dtail = prat = ;

dtester, har =00> (pa'al) san, lisno, son, santi, sna tisna = ;

dtester, har =50> dtest = sanou =

; dteste = snouah = ; haine = sineah = ;

dtester, har, accuser, incriminer

=00> (pa'al) satan, liston, sotn, satanti, ston tiston =

dtester, har, accuser, incriminer

=50> antichrist = sotn machiah = = (II Jean 2.8) ;

dtester, har, accuser, incriminer =50> Satan = satan = =

(Job 1.6) ; satanique(m.) = stani = ; satanique(f.) = stanit = ;

dtruire =00> (pa'al) haras, laharos, hors, harasti, hros taharos =


dtruire =50> destructeur = harsani =

; destructrice = harsanit = ; destruction = hrs = ;

dtruire =50> dtruit = harous = ; dtruite = harousah = ;

dette = hov = ;

deux (2) = chnaim(m.) = ; deux (2) (forme raccourcie) = chni(f.) = ; deux (2) = chtayim(f.) = ; deux (2) (forme raccourcie) = chti(f.)

= ;

deux jours = yomayim = ;

deux-cent (200) = matayim = ;

deux-mille (2000) = alpayim = ;

deuxime (adjectif) = chniyah(f.) = ;

deuxime(m.) = chni = ; deuxime(f.) = chniyah = ;

devant, avant = lifni = ;

dvelopper =00> (pi'l) pitah, lefatah/lefatah, mefatah, patahti, aftah tefatah = /


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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

dvelopper =50> dvelopp = mefoutah = ; dveloppe = mefoutahat = ; dveloppement = pitouah = ;

devenir, se raliser =00> (nif'al) niheyah, lehihayot, niheyh, niheyti, hayh tihayh =

deviner =00> (pi'l) nihch, lenahch, menahch, nihachti, anahch tenahch =


devise trangre = matb'a(m.) houts = ; => matah(m.) = " ; devise locale = matb'a(m.) meqomi =

devoir, falloir, avoir besoin,consommer =00> (pa'al) tsarak, litsrok, tsarik, tsarakti, tsrak titsrak =

devoir, falloir, avoir besoin, consommer =50> besoin = tsork = ; besoins = tsrakim = ;

devoir, falloir, avoir besoin, consommer =50> consommateur = tsarkan= ; consommatrice = tsarkanit= ; consommation = tsrikah=

devoir, falloir, avoir besoin, consommer =50> oblig de = tsarik= ;

devoirs (scolaire) = chi'ouri bayit = ;

diabte = soukrt =
; diabtique (m.) = soukrti = ; diabtique (f.) = soukrtit = ;

dialogue = dialog =
; dialogues = dialogim = ;

diamant = yahalom =
; diamants = yahalomim = ;

diapositive = chqoufit =
; diapositives de la leon = chqoufitim min hachi'our = ;

dispersion (exil), diaspora = tfoutsah = ; maison de la diaspora = bit hatfoutsot = ;

dicter =00> (hif'il) hiktiv, lehaktiv, maktiv, hiktavti, aktiv taktiv =

dicter =50> dicte = haktavah = ;

dicter =60> =>(verbe)=> crire = (pa'al) katav, liktov (be ..)

dictionnaire, vocabulaire = milon = ; vocabulaire = otsar milim = ;

Dieu (le Dieu dAbraham, le Dieu dIsaac et le Dieu de Jacob) = lohi = = = , = = = (Exode 3.6) ;

Dieu = HaChm = ;

Dieu(x) = lohim = =
= (Gense 1.1) ; <= d'aprs des Juifs, c'est un des noms de Dieu et, pour ne pas le prononcer, ils changent le son "hi" = en "ki" !

= =
Dieux (autres dieux/divinits) = lohim ahrim = = (Deutronome 17.3) ;

diffrence = hvdl =
; diffrence (cart) = hfrch = ;

diffrent = chonh =
; diffrente = chonah = ;

digne(m.) = raoui =
; digne(f.) = raouyah = ; digne(m.) de confiance = raoui-moun = ;

dimanche (jour premier) = yom richon = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

diminuer (dcrotre) =00> (hif'il) hifhit, lehafhit, mafhit, hifhati, afhit tafhit =

diminuer (dcrotre) =50> amortissement = phat = ;

diminuer (dcrotre) =50> moins (-) = pahot. = ; moins que = pahot m... = ... ; moins que = pahot machr =

diminuer (dcrotre) =50> plus ou moins = pahot o yotr = ;

diminuer (dcrotre) =50> rduire son poids = lehafhit bamichqal = ;

diminuer (dcrotre) =50> rduction = hafhatah = ;

Dinah (prnom f.) = dinah = ;

dire =00> (pa'al) amar, lmor/lomar (le..), omr, amarti, omar tomar = )( /

dire =50> article (de presse) = maamar = ;

dire =50> dire (c'est dire) = zot omrt = ; dire (que veut dire ?) = mah zot omret ? = ? ;

dire =50> dire (c'est--dire) = klomar = ;

dire =50> parole (maxime) = imrah = ;

dire, raconter, dclarer =00> (hif'il) higid, lehagid (le), magid, higadti, agid tagid = )(

dire, raconter, dclarer =50> lgende (rcit) = agadah = ;

dire, raconter, dclarer =50> rcit (lgende) = hagadah = ; Hagadah (rcit) de Psah = hagadah chl pesah = ;

direct, tout droit = yachir =

; directe = yechirah = ;

diriger, administrer =00> (pi'l) nihl, lenahl, menahl, nihalti, anahl te'nahl =

diriger, administrer =50> administratif = nihouli =

; administrative = nihoulit = ;

diriger, administrer =50> direction = minhalah =

; direction = hanhalah = ;

diriger, administrer =50> directeur, manager = menahl =

; directrice = menahlt = ;

diriger, administrer =50> gestion = nihoul = ; gestion = minhal = ; gestion d'entreprises = minhal 'asaqim =

diriger, administrer =50> service (chef de service), manager = menahl mahlaqah = ;

discothque = disqotq = ;

discount = disqount = ;

discuter (dbattre), se disputer =00> (hitpa'l) hitvakah, lehitvakah ('im), mitvakah, hitvakahti, tvakah titvakah =
)( ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

discuter (dbattre), se disputer =50> discussion (litige) = vikouah =

; discussion (litige) = hitvakhout = ;

discuter, bavarder, converser =00> (pi'l) sohah, lesohah ('im), mesohah, sohahti, asohah tesohah = ( )

discuter, bavarder, converser =50> conversation = sihah = ;

discuter, dbattre =00> (pa'al) dan, ladoun (be ..), dan, danti, adoun tedoun = ;

discuter, dbattre =50> dbat = diyoun = ; discussion = din oudvarim = ; discussion (dlibration) = hitdaynout =

discuter, dbattre =50> discut = nadon = ; discute = nadonah = ;

dispensaire (caisse malades) = holim-qoupat = ;

dispenser, exempter =00> (pa'al) patar, liftor, potr, patarti, ftor tiftor =

dispenser, exempter =50> dispense, exemption = ptor = ; duty free = patour-mimks = ;

dispenser, exempter =50> exempt, hors taxe = patour = ; exempte, hors taxe = ptourah = ;

disponible, joignable = zamin = ; disponibilit = zminout = ;

disqualifier, invalider, liminer, annuler =00> (pa'al) pasal, lifsol, posl, pasalti, fsol tifsol =

disqualifier, invalider, liminer, annuler =50> disqualification, invalidation = psilah = ;

disque = disq =
; disque (musique) = taqlit = ; disque compact (CD) = taqlitor = ; disquette = taqliton=

disque dur = konan qachiah = ;

distributeur automatique (banque), ATM, DAB, GAB = banqat = ; = kaspomat = ;

distributeur automatique = automat mekirah = ;

divin = lohi =
; divine = lohit = ; divinit = lohout = ;

divorc, divorce (adjectif) = garouch grouchah = ;

dix (10) = 'asarah(m.) = ; dix (10) = 'sr(f.) = ;

docteur = doqtor = "
; docteur = doqtor = ; docteur honoris causa = doqtor-kavod = ;

document = mismak = ;

doigt = tsba'(f.) = ; doigts = tsba'ot(f.) = ;

domino = domino = ;

dommage (c'est dommage !, tant pis) ! = haval ! = ;

domicile ( domicile) = babayit = ;

domicile, rsidence, crche = ma'on(m.) = ; domiciles, rsidences , crches = me'onot(m.) = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

donc (en consquence, c'est pourquoi) = lakn = ; donc = fo = ;

donner, aller =00> (pa'al) yahav, lihov, yohv, yahavti, ihav/hav tihav/thav = /
/ ;

donner, faire un don =00> (pa'al) nadav, lindov, nodv, nadavti, dov tidov= ;

donner, faire un don =50> don = nedavah = ;

donner, faire un don =60> =>(verbe)=> tre volontaire, se porter volontaire = (hitpa'l) hitnadv, lehitnadv

donner, fournir =00> (pa'al) natan, latt, notn, natati, tn titn = ;

donner, fournir =50> don = netinah =

; donne = natoun = ;

donner, fournir =50> donne = natoun = ;

Dorit (prnom f.) = dorit = ;

dormir =00> (pa'al) yachn, lichon, yachn, yachanti, ichan tichan = ;

dormir =50> dormeur = yachn =

; dormeuse = yachnah = ;

dormir =50> dortoir = oulam chinah = ; chambre coucher = hadar-chinah = ;

dormir =50> insomnie = nadndat chinah = ; sommeil = chinah = ;

dos = gav = ;

dossier (documents) = tiq = ;

douane (customs) = mks = ; douanier = moks = ; douanire = mokst = ;

dounam (= 1000 m2 = 1 hectare) = dounam = ;

doux(s.), sucr = matoq = ; doux(p.), sucrs = matouqim = ; douce, sucre = metouqah = ; douces, sucres =

metouqot = ;

douze = chtim-srh(f.) = ; douze = chnim-srh(m.) = ;

drapeau, bannire = dgl = ;

dresser, placer =00> (hif'il) hitsiv, lehatsiv, matsiv, hitsavti, atsiv tatsiv =

dresser, placer =50> arme = tsava(m.) =

; armes = tsevaot(m.) = ;

dresser, placer =50> Arme de Dfense d'Isral = tsva haganah leisral (=Tsahal) = " (= );

dresser, placer =50> Arme divine (Arme de l'ternel) = tseva = =

= (Josu 5.14,15 : ;

dresser, placer =50> Arme Rouge = tsava haadom = ;

dresser, placer =50> ternel des Armes = = =

tsevaot = (I Samuel 15.2 : ;

dresser, placer =50> militaire(m.) = tsvai =

; militaire(f.) = tsvait = ;

dresser, placer =50> position (militaire) = moutsav =

; positionnement = hatsavah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

droguer, intoxiquer =00> (pi'l) simm, lesamm, mesamm, simamti, asamm, tesamm =

droguer, intoxiquer =50> drogue = sam = ; drogu = mesoumam = ; drogue = mesoummt = ;

droit (ct) -> bon (moralement / au got), bonne, bons, bonnes = tov tovah tovim tovot = ;

droit, direct, tout droit = yachar = ; droite, directe = yecharah = ;

Duba = doubai = ;

dupliquer (document), polycopier =00> (pi'l) chikfl, lechakpl, mechakpl, chikfalti, achakfl techakfl =

dupliquer (document), polycopier =50> duplication, polycopie = chikpoul = ;

dupliquer (document), polycopier =50> polycopi = mechoukpal = ; polycopie = mechoukplt = ;

dupliquer (un document), doubler (multiplier), redoubler =00> (hif'il) hikpil, lehakpil, makpil, hikpalti, akpil takpil =
dupliquer (document), doubler (multiplier), redoubler =60> =>(verbe)=> multiplier, doubler = (pa'al) kafal, likpol

durcir, devenir difficile, tre dur, tre difficile, tre pnible =00> (pa'al) qachah, liqchot, qochh, qachiti, qchh tiqchh =

durcir, devenir difficile, tre dur, tre difficile, tre pnible =50> difficile(m.), dur (=difficile) = qachh = ; difficile(f.), dure (=difficile) = qachah = ;

durcir, devenir difficile, tre dur, tre difficile, tre pnible

=50> difficilement, peine (avec difficult), durement (avec difficult) = beqochi = ;

durcir, devenir difficile, tre dur, tre difficile, tre pnible =50> difficult = qochi = ; difficults = qechayim = ;

durcir, rendre difficile, objecter, rtorquer =00> (hif'il) hiqchah, lehaqchot ('al), maqchh, hiqchiti, aqchh taqchh =
)( ;

durcir, rendre difficile, objecter, rtorquer =50> durcissement = hitqachout = ;
durcir, rendre difficile, objecter, rtorquer =60> =>(verbe)=> durcir, devenir difficile, tre dur, tre difficile, tre pnible = (pa'al) qachah, liqchot

durer, continuer =00> (nif'al) nimchak, lehimachk, nimchak, nimchakti, machk timachk =
durer, continuer =60> =>(verbe)=> continuer = (hif'il) himchik, lehamchik

duty free = patour-mimks = ;

DVD = di-vi-di = ;

e-mail = i-mayil = ;

eau = mayim(e) = ;

eau de mer = mayim chl yam = ; eau de mer = mi-yam = ;

eau de toilette = mi qolon = ;

eau douce = mayim metouqim = ; eau froide / chaude = mayim qarim / hamim ;

eau gazeuse = sodah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

eau minrale = mayim minraliyim = ; eau potable = mayim chtiyah= ; eau sale = mayim melouhim=

bouriff, dsordonn = parou'a = ;

changer, changer, remplacer =00> (hif'il) hhlif, lehahalif, mahalif, hhlafti, ahalif tahalif =

changer, changer, remplacer =50> change = halifin = ; change = halfanout = ; changeur = halfan = ;

changer, changer, remplacer =50> change = halafah = ; changeur = mhlaf = ;

changer, changer, remplacer =50> remplaant = mahlif = ; remplaante = mahlifah = ; remplacement = hahlafah =

charpe, foulard = tsa'if = ; charpes, foulards = ts'ifim = ;

chec = kichalon = ;

cho = hd = ; cho (rsonance) = tehoudah = ;

chographie = oultrah-saound = ;
clair = baraq = ; clairs = braqim = ;

cole = bit-sfr = ;

conomie = kalkalah = ; conomique(m.) = kalkali = ; conomique(f.) = kalkalit = ;

conomiser =00> (pa'al) hasak, lahsok, hosk, hasakti, hesok tahesok =


conomiser =50> conomiser de l'argent = lahsok ksf = ; pargne = hisakon = ;

couter (attentivement), prter attention =00> (hif'il) hiqchiv, lehaqchiv (le..), maqchiv, hiqchavti, aqchiv taqchiv = ( )

couter (attentivement), prter attention =50> coute (attentive) = haqchavah = ;

couteurs = ozniyot = ;

cran (de cinma) = masak = ; cran (de tlvision) = mirqa' = ;

crire =00> (pa'al) katav, liktov (be ..), kotv, katavti, ktov tiktov =

crire =50> adresse = ktovt(f.) = ; adresse Internet = ktovt(f.) intrnt = ;

crire =50> auteur (crivain) = kotv = ;

crire =50> bureau (meuble) = miktivah = ; bureau (table d'criture) = choulhan ktivah = ;

crire =50> cursif, crit = ktav = ; criture = ktivah = ; par crit = bektav = ;

crire =50> crit (adj.) = niktav = ;

crire =50> crit = katouv = ; crite = ktouvah = ; crits = ktouvim = ; crites = ktouvot = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

crire =50> crits (13=

) = ktouvim =
; critures saintes = kitvi haqodch = ;

crire =50> journaliste(m.), reporter(m.) = katav = ; journaliste(f.), reporter(f.) = katvt = ;

crire =50> lettre (courrier) = miktav = ; manuscrit = ktav-yad = ;

crire =50> lettre (00. lettre (courrier)) = miktav = ;

crire =50> lettre (01. ma lettre) = miktavi =

; (de moi = chli = ) ; mes lettres = miktavai = ;

crire =50> lettre (02. ta(m.) lettre) = miktavka =

; (de toi(m.) = chlka = ) ; tes(m.) lettres = miktavika = ;

crire =50> lettre (03. ta(f.) lettre) = miktavk =

; (de toi(f.) = chlak = ) ; tes(f.) lettres = miktavaik = ;

crire =50> lettre (04. sa(m.) lettre) = miktavo =

; (de lui = chlo = ) ; ses(m.) lettres = miktavaiv = ;

crire =50> lettre (05. sa(f.) lettre) = miktavah =

; (de elle = chlmiktav = ) ; ses(f.) lettres = miktaviha = ;

crire =50> lettre (06. notre lettre) = miktavnou =

; (de nous= chlanou = ) ; nos lettres = miktavinou = ;

crire =50> lettre (07. votre(m.) lettre) = miktavkm = ; (de vous(m.)= chlakm = ) ; vos(m.) lettres = miktavikm =

crire =50> lettre (08. votre(f.) lettre) = miktavkn = ; (de vous(f.)= chlakn = ) ; vos(f.) lettres = miktavikn =

crire =50> lettre (09. leur(m.) lettre) = miktavam = ; (de eux = chlmiktavm = ) ; leurs(m.) lettres = miktavihm =

crire =50> lettre (10. leur(f.) lettre) = miktavan = ; (de elles = chlmiktavn = ) ; leurs(f.) lettres = miktavihn =

crire =50> p.s. (post scriptum) = noun bt = niktav batsad = .. = ;

crire =50> reportage = katavah = ;

dition = mahadourah = ;

duquer =00> (pi'l) hink, lehank, mehank, hinakti, ahank tehank =


duquer =50> ducateur (pdagogue) = mehank = ; ducatrice (pdagogue) = mehankt = ;

duquer =50> ducatif = hinouki =

; ducative = hinoukit = ;

duquer =50> ducation, instruction (ducation) = hinouk = ; ducation physique = hinouk goufani = ;

effacer =00> (pa'al) mahaq, limhoq, mohq, mahaqti, mhaq timhaq =

effacer =50> effaable(m.) = mahiq = ; effaable(f.) = mahiqah = ; effaceur (brosse effacer), gomme = mahaq = ;

effacer =50> effacement (annulation) = mehiqah = ;

effacer =50> effac(m.) = nimhaq = ; efface(m.) = nimhqt = ;

effacer =50> effac(m.) = mahouq = ; efface(m.) = mahouqah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

gypte = mitsraim = = = (Exode 3.10) ;

ilat = ilat = ;

El-Al = l-'al = " = ;

laborer, transformer (traiter), cultiver (le sol), adapter =00> (pi'l) 'ibd, le'abd, me'abd, 'ibadti, a'abd te'abd =

laborer, transformer (traiter), cultiver (le sol), adapter =50> labor = me'oubad = ; labore = me'oubdt = ;

laborer, transformer (traiter), cultiver (le sol), adapter =50> traitement = 'iboud = ;

lectricien = hachmalay = ; lectricienne = hachmalayit = ;

lectricit = hachmal = ; lectrique = hachmali = ;

lectronique = lqtroniqah = ; lectronique(m.) = lqtroni = ; lectronique(f.) = lqtronit =

lev = gavoha = ; leve = gvohah = ,

lie (le prophte) = liyahou = (I Rois 17.1) ;

elle = hi(f.) = ; elles = hn = ;

embouteillage (bouchon mouverment) = pqaq tnou'ah = ; embouteill = paqouq = ;

embranchement = hista'afout = ;

embrasser =00> (pi'l) nichq, lenachq, menachq, nichaqti, anachq tenachq =

embrasser =50> baiser (un), bise, bisou = nechiqah = ;

empcher (retenir), retarder =00> (pi'l) 'ikv, le'akv, me'akv, 'ikavti, a'akv te'akv =

empcher (retenir), retarder =50> empchement, retard = 'ikouv = ;

empereur = qisar = ; empire = qisarout = ;

emploi du temps = louah hazmanim = ;

emprunter (argent) =00> (pa'al) lavah, lilvot (me), laviti, lvh tilvh =

emprunter (argent) =50> emprunt = halvaah = ; emprunt = milvh = ; emprunteur = lovh = ;

en/avec ... = b... = ;

encaisser, percevoir =00> (pa'al) gavah, ligbot, govh, gaviti, gbh tigbh =

encaisser, percevoir =50> perception (finance) = gviyah = ;

enchant(m.)/enchante(f.) (=agrable trs) = na'im mod = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

chapper (s'en sortir), tre extrait =00> (nif'al) nhlats, lehhalts (me), nhlats, nhlatsti, halts tehalts = )(

chapper (s'en sortir), tre extrait =50> et les fera chapper au danger = vayehaltsm = = (Psaumes 34.7) ;

employer, faire travailler =00> (hif'il) h'vid, leha'avid, ma'avid, h'vadti, a'a'vid ta'avid =

employer, faire travailler =50> employ = 'ovd = ; employe = 'ovdt = ;
employer, faire travailler =60> =>(verbe)=> travailler = (pa'al) 'avad, la'avod

encore (persistance) = 'adayin = ;

encourager, stimuler =00> (pi'l) 'odd, le'odd, me'odd, 'odadti, a'odd te'odd =

encourager, stimuler =50> bientt (= encore peu) = 'od me'at = ; encore = 'od = ; encore (de nouveau) = 'od pa'am =

encourager, stimuler =50> dans (temps/dure) = be'od = ;

encourager, stimuler =50> encore (quoi encore ?) = mah 'od ? = ? ; encore (quelque chose d'autre ?) = 'od machhou ? = ?

encourager, stimuler =50> encourageant = me'odad = ; encourageante = me'oddt = ; encouragement = 'idoud =

encourager, stimuler =50> plus (+) = ve'od = ;

encre = dio = ;

endroit, lieu, place = maqom(m.) = ; endroits, lieux, places = meqomot(m.) = ; endroit, lieu, place ( la place de) = bimqom =

enfin, finalement = sof-sof = ;

enfler =00> (pa'al) tafah, litpoah, tofah, tafahti, tpah titpah =


enfler =50> bidon = pah = ; poubelle (= bidon ordure) = pah achpah = ;

enfler =50> enfl = nafouah = ; enfle= nafouhah = ;

enfler =50> enflure= hitnaphout = ; enflure (boursouflement) = nefihout = ;

enfler =50> glucides (fculent) = pahmimot = ;

enfler, gonfler =00> (hif'il) hitpiah, lehatpiah, matpiah, hitpahti, atpiah tatpiah =

enfler, gonfler =60> =>(verbe)=> enfler = (pa'al) tafah, litpoah

enlacer, treindre =00> (pi'l) hibq, lehabq, mahbq, hibaqti, ahabq, tehabq =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

enlacer, treindre =50> embrassade, treinte, clin = hibouq = ;

ennemi = oyv = = = (Esther 9.1) ;

ennuyer =00> (pi'l) chi'emm, lecha'emm, mecha'emm, chi'emamti, acha'emm techa'emm =


ennuyer =50> ennui = chi'amoum = ; ennuyant, ennuyeux = mecha'amm = ; ennuyante, ennuyeuse = mecha'ammt =

ennuyer =50> ennuy = mechou'amam = ; ennuye = mechou'ammt = ;

norme(m.) = 'atsoum = ; norme(f.) = 'atsoumah = ;

enquter =00> (pa'al) balach, livloch (ahari), bolch, balachti, vloch tivloch =

enquter =50> linguiste(m.) = balchan = ; linguiste(f.) = balchanit = ;

enquter =50> policier(a.) = balachi = ; policire(a.) = balachit = ;

enquter, interroger, rechercher =00> (pa'al) haqar, lahaqor, hoqr, haqarti, heqor, taheqor =

enquter, interroger, rechercher =50> chercheur, enquteur = hoqr = ; chercheuse, enquteuse = hoqrt = ;

enquter, interroger, rechercher =50> enqute = haqirah = ; enqute (investigation) = tahqir = ;

enquter, interroger, rechercher =50> tude (recherche) = mhqar = ; recherche (scientifique) = hqr = ;

enrler =00> (pi'l) hiyl, lehayl, mehayl, hiyalti, ahayl tehayl = ;

enrler =50> arme = hayil = ; soldat = hayal = ; soldate = haylt = ;

enrler =50> enrlement = hiyoul = ;

enseigner =00> (pi'l) limd, lelamd, melamd, limadti, alamd telamd =

enseigner =50> didacticiel, tutoriel (logiciel ducatif) = lomdah = ; didactique(m.) = limoudi = ; didactique(f.) = limoudit =

enseigner =50> enseignant = mlamd = ; enseignante = mlamdt = ;

enseigner, ordonner, indiquer =00> (hif'il) horah, lehorot (le), morh, horiti, orh torh =

enseigner, ordonner, indiquer =50> docteur (professeur) = morh = ; docteurs = morim = (phsiens 4.11) ;

enseigner, ordonner, indiquer =50> enseignement = horaah = ;

enseigner, ordonner, indiquer =50> enseignement = horaah = ;

enseigner, ordonner, indiquer =50> instituteur = morh(m.) = ; institutrice = morah(f.) = ;

enseigner, ordonner, indiquer =50> professeur(m.) = morh(m.) = ; professeur(f.) = morah(f.) = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

ensemble = yahad = ; ensemble = beyahad = ;

ensuite, puis = ahar kak = ;

entendre, comprendre, obir =00> (pa'al) chama', lichmo'a (le..), chom'a, chama'ti, chma' tichma' = )(

entendre, comprendre, obir =50> audition = chimou'a = ; oue = chmi'ah = ;

entendre, comprendre, obir =50> auto-discipline = michma'at 'atsmit = ;

entendre, comprendre, obir =50> disciplinaire(m.) = michma'ati = ; disciplinaire(f.) = michma'atit = ;

entendre, comprendre, obir =50> discipline = michma'ah = ;

entendre, comprendre, obir =50> disciplin = memouchma' = ; discipline = memouchma'at = ;

entendre, comprendre, obir =50> entendu (Je n'ai rien entendu !) = Lo chama'ti ! = ;

entendre, comprendre, obir =50> oue = chmi'ah = ;

entendre, comprendre, obir =50> sens, signification = machma' = ; signification = machma'out = ;

enterrer, ensevelir =00> (pa'al) qavar, liqbor, qovr, qavarti, qbor tiqbor =

enterrer, ensevelir =50> cimetire = bit qvarot = ;

enterrer, ensevelir =50> enterr = qavour =

; enterre = qvourah = ; enterrement = qvourah = ;

enterrer, ensevelir =50> tombe, tombeau = qvr(m.) = /

; tombes, tombeaux = qvarim(m.) / qvarot(m.) = ;

entourer, tourner =00> (pi'l) sovv, lesovv, mesovv, sovavti, asovv tesovv =

entourer, tourner =50> autour = saviv = ; autour = misaviv = ; autour de ... = misaviv le = ... ;

entourer, tourner =50> entourage = svivah = ;

entourer, tourner =50> environnement, environs, alentours = svivah = ;

entourer, tourner =50> environnemental = svivati = ; environnementale = svivatit = ;

entourer, tourner =50> jouets (entourages) = svivin = ;

entre, parmi = bin = ... ...

; entre .. et ... = bin .. lvin . = ;

entre-temps = bintayim = ;

entre (= plat premier) = manah richonah = ;

entrer, pntrer =00> (nif'al) niknas, lehikans (le..), niknas, niknasti, kans tikans = )(

entrer, pntrer =50> assemble = knst = ; glise = knsiyah = ; entre = knisah = ; Knesset (parlement isralien) =

knst = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

entrer, pntrer =50> introduction = haknasah =

; revenu = haknasah = ;

envelopper, emballer =00> (pa'al) 'ataf, la'atof, 'otf, 'atafti, 'tof ta'atof =

envelopper, emballer =50> emballage = 'atifah = ; emball, envelopp = 'atouf = ; emballe, enveloppe = 'atoufah =

envelopper, emballer =50> enveloppe = mata'afah = ;

envie (j'ai envie (faon de parler= argot)) = ba li (slng) = ( ) ; envie (j'ai envie de rire ) = ba li litshoq = ;

envie = hchq =
; envie (j'ai envie) = ych li hchq = ;

environ ( peu prs), autour de, comme = ke... = ... ;

environ, peu prs, approximativement = be'rk = ;

envoyer, expdier =00> (pa'al) chalah, lichloah, cholah, chalahti, chlah tichlah =

envoyer, expdier =50> aptre = chaliah = = (Jean 13.16) ; missaire = chaliah = = ;

envoyer, expdier =50> aptre (Paul, aptre de Jsus-Christ) = Polos chliah Ychou'a haMachiah = =
= = (II
Corinthiens 1.1) ;

envoyer, expdier =50> aptres = chlihim = = = (Ephsiens 4.11) ; aptre = chliah = = (voir 2 Corinthiens 1.1) ;

envoyer, expdier =50> envoi = chilouah = ; envoi = chlihah = ; envoi (expdition) = michloah = ;

envoyer, expdier =50> envoy = chaliah = ; envoye = chalihah = ; envoyeur = cholah = ; envoyeuse =

cholahah = ;

envoyer, expdier =50> expditeur = cholah = ; expditrice = cholahah = ;

envoyer, expdier =50> mission = chlihout = ; missions = chlihouyot = ;

pais (chevelure) = 'avh = ; paisse = 'avah = ;

pais (nez), camus, retrouss = sold = ;

pais, rempli (lvres) = mela = ; paisse, remplie (lvres) = melat = ;

pais, remplis (lvres) = melim = ; paisses, remplies (lvres) = melot = ;

phod = fod = = (Exode 28.31) ;

pi = chibolt = ; pis = chibolim = ;

picerie = makolt = ;

pidmie = magfah = ;

poque, priode = tqoufah = ;

quipe = tsvt = ;

escalier = madrgot = ; escaliers d'urgence (emergency stairs) = madrgot hirom = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

escalope = chnitzl =
; escalope pane = schnitzl = ;

Espagne = sfarad = ; espagnol = sfaradi =

; espagnole = sfaradit = ;

esprer =00> (pi'l) qivah, leqavot (le..) meqavh, qiviti, aqavh teqavh = )(

esprer =50> esprance, espoir = tiqvah = ; hymne isralien = tiqvah = ;

esprit, vent = rouah(f.) = ;

essayer, tenter (essayer) =00> (pi'l) nisah, lenasot, menash, nisiti, anash tenash =

essayer, tenter (essayer) =50> essai = nisoui = ;

essorer, pressurer, presser (fruit) =00> (pa'al) sahat, lishot, soht, sahatti, shat tishat =

essorer, pressurer, presser (fruit) =50> essoreuse = mashtah = ; presse-fruit = mashtah = ; press (fruit) = sahout =

est, orient = mizrah = ; est (vers l'est), oriental = mizrahah = ;

est-ce que ? = haim ? = ? ;

estimer, valuer, taxer =00> (pa'al) cham, lachoum, cham, chamti, achoum tachoum =

estimer, valuer, taxer =50> cas (en aucun cas) = bechoum panim vaofn = ;

estimer, valuer, taxer =50> estimation = choumah =

; rien = choum davar = ;

estomac = qivah = ;

et [un/une/des] = v =
; et le/la/mes/l' = va = ; et le/la/mes/l' = ve+ha = va = ; et + consonnes ( ) -> son "ou" (et non pas son "v")

et caetera (etc.) = vekoulh = ;

tablir, arranger, constituer =00> (pi'l) konn, lekonn, mekonn, konanti, akonn tekonn =

tablir, arranger, constituer =50> tablissement = kinoun = ;

tablir, dresser, construire, fonder =00> (hif'il) hqim, lehaqim, mqim, hqamti, aqim taqim =

tablir, dresser, construire, fonder =50> tabli = houqam = ; mise sur pied = haqamah = ;

tablir, dresser, construire, fonder =50> mise sur pied (cration de l'tat d'Isral) = haqamat-hamedinah = ;

tablissement = qinoun = ;

tagre, rayon = madaf = ;

tal, stand, podium = doukan = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tape = chalav = ; tapes = chlabim = ;

tat (situation), situation = matsav = ;

tat, Province = medinah = ;

tats-Unis [d'Amrique] = artsot habrit = ;

t = qayits = ;

teindre =00> (pi'l) kibah, lekabot, mekabh, kibiti, akabh tekabh =


teindre =50> teint = kavoui = ; teinte = kavouyah = ; teint = mekoubh = ; teinte = mekoubah =

teindre =50> extinction = kiboui = ;

teindre =50> pompier = kabai = ;

tendre, taler =00> (pa'al) marah, limroah, morah, marahti, mrah timrah =

tendre, taler =50> tal (tendu) = marouah = ; tale (tendue) = marouahah = ;

ternel = Yah = (Psaumes 68.5) ; ternel est son nom = Yah est son nom = (Psaumes 68.5) ;

ternellement = le'olam = (Jean 16.51) ;

ternit (pour l'ternit) = 'ad 'olam = (II Pierre 3.18) ;

Ethiopie = kouch = = (Esther 1.2) ;

tonnement = tmihah = ;

tranger = houts = ; tranger ( l'tranger) = houts la'arts = ; tranger ( l'tranger) = houl = " ;

tranger = zar =
; trangre = zarah = ;

trangler =00> (pa'al) hanaq, lahanoq, honq, hanaqti, hnoq tahanoq =


trangler =50> touffant = mahniq = ; touffante = mahniqah = ; touffement = haniqah = ; touffement

= mahnaq = ;

tre =00> (pa'al) hayah, liheyot, , hayiti, heyh tiheyh = ;

tre accept, tre reu =00> (hitpa'l) hitqabl, lehitqabl (le), mitqabl, hitqabalti, tqabl titqabl = ( )
tre accept, tre reu =60> =>(verbe)=> recevoir, accueillir, accepter = (pi'l) qibl, leqabl

tre aid =00> (nif'al) n'zar, leh'azr (be), n'zar, n'zarti, 'azr t'azr = )(
tre aid =60> =>(verbe)=> aider, assister = (pa'al) 'azar, la'azor

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tre appel =00> (nif'al) niqra, lehiqar, niqra, niqrti, qar tiqar =
tre appel =60> =>(verbe)=> lire, appeler, nommer = (pa'al) qara, liqro

tre arrang =00> (pou'al) soudar, , mesoudar, soudarti, asoudar tesoudar =

tre arrang =60> =>(verbe)=> ranger, arranger, disposer = (pi'l) sidr, lesadr

tre attaqu, tre assailli =00> (nif'al) nitqaf, lehitaqf, nitqaf, nitqafti, taqf titaqf =
tre attaqu, tre assailli =60> =>(verbe)=> agresser, attaquer, s'emparer = (pa'al) taqaf, litqof

tre attrist =00> (pa'al) daav, lidov, dov, daavti, dav tidav = ;

tre autoris, tre permis =00> (houf'al) houtar, , moutar, hotrarti, outar toutar =

tre autoris, tre permis =50> permis = moutar = ;

tre calme, se calmer =00> (pa'al) chaqat, lichqot, choqt, chaqatti, chqot tichqot =

tre calme, se calmer =50> silence = chqt = ; silence ! = chqt ! = ! ;

tre calme, se calmer =50> silencieux, tranquille = chaqt = ; silencieuse = chqtah = ;

tre command, tre invit =00> (houf'al) houzman, , mouzman, houzmanti, ouzman touzman =
tre command, tre invit =60> =>(verbe)=> commander (qqch), inviter, rserver = (hif'il) hizmin, lehazmin

tre connu, tre reconnu =00> (houf'al) houkar, , moukar, houkarti, oukar toukar =
tre connu, tre reconnu =60> =>(verbe)=> connatre, reconnatre, faire connaissance, prsenter = (hif'il) hikir, lehakir (le..)

tre considr (apprci) =00> (nif'al) nhchav, leh(i)hachv, nhchav, nhchavti, hachv thachv =

tre considr (apprci) =50> considr = nhchav = ; considre = nhchvt = ;
tre considr (apprci) =50> =>(verbe)=> penser, rflchir = (pa'al) hachav, lahchov

tre content, se rjouir =00> (pa'al) samah, lismoah, samah, samahti, smah tismah =

tre content, se rjouir =50> heureusement = lesamahti = ;

tre content, se rjouir =50> joie (gat) = simhah =

; joie (avec joie, avec plaisir) = besimhah = ;

tre content, se rjouir =50> joyeux(p.) = smhim = ; joyeuses = smhot = ;

tre content, se rjouir =50> joyeux(s.) = samah = ; joyeuse = smhah = ;

tre dcd =00> (nif'al) niftar, lehipatr, niftar, niftarti, patr tipatr =

tre dcd =50> dcd = niftar = ; dcde = nifterah = ; dcs = ptirah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tre dtruit =00> (nif'al) nhras, lehhars, nhras, nhrasti, hars tehars =
tre dtruit =60> =>(verbe)=> dtruire = (pa'al) haras, laharos

tre discut (parl) =00> (pou'al) doubar, , medoubar, doubarti, adoubar tedoubar =

tre discut (parl) =50> parl = medoubar = ; parle = medoubrt = ;

tre discut (parl) =60> =>(verbe)=> parler = (pi'l) dibr, ledabr

tre crit, tre inscrit =00> (nif'al) niktav, lehikatv, niktav, niktavti, ktv tikatv =
tre crit, tre inscrit =60> =>(verbe)=> crire = (pa'al) katav, liktov

tre lev, tre tabli =00> (houf'al) houqam, , mouqam, houqamti, ouqam touqam =
tre lev, tre tabli =60> =>(verbe)=> tablir, dresser, construire, fonder = (hif'il) hqim, lehaqim

tre lucid, tre interprt =00> (pou'al) porach, , meforach, porachti, aforach teforach =
tre lucid, tre interprt =60> =>(verbe)=> expliquer, commenter, interprter = (pi'l) prch, lefarch

tre mu, avoir le trac =00> (nif'al) nirgach, lehragch, nirgach, nirgachti, ragch tragch =
tre mu, avoir le trac =60> =>(verbe)=> se sentir, ressentir =00> (hif'il) hirgich, lehargich

tre en colre, se fcher =00> (pa'al) ka'as, lik'os ('al), ko's, ka'asti, k'as tik'as = )(

tre en colre, se fcher =50> colre = ka'as = ; colreux = ka'asan = ; colreuse = ka'asanit = ;

tre en retard, tarder, diffrer =00> (pi'l) hr, leahr (le ..), meahr, harti, aahr teahr = )(

tre en retard, tarder, diffrer =50> retard = ihour = ;

tre en retard, tarder, diffrer =50> tard, en retard = meahr = ; tard, tardif = meouhar = ; tardive = meouhrt =

tre entendu, obir =00> (nif'al) nichma', lehichma', nichma', nichma'ti, chma' tichma' =
tre entendu, obir =60> =>(verbe)=> entendre, comprendre, obir = (pa'al) chama', lichmo'a (le..)

tre enterr =00> (nif'al) niqbar, lehiqavr, niqbar, niqbarti, qavr tiqavr =
tre enterr =60> =>(verbe)=> enterrer = (pa'al) qavar, liqbor

tre envoy, tre expdi =00> (nif'al) nichlah, lehichalah, nichlah, nichlahti, chalah tichalah =
tre envoy, tre expdi =60> =>(verbe)=> envoyer, expdier = (pa'al) chalah, lichloah

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tre trangl =00> (nif'al) nhnaq, lehhanq, nhnaq, nhnaqti, hanq thanq =
tre trangl =60> =>(verbe)=> trangler = (pa'al) hanaq, lahanoq

tre exig (sollicit) =00> (nif'al) nidrach, lehidarch, nidrach, nidrachti, darch tedarch =
tre exig (sollicit) =60> =>(verbe)=> rclamer, exiger, demander, s'enqurir de = (pa'al) darach, lidroch

tre falsifi =00> (pou'al) zouyaf, , mezouyaf, zouyafti, azouyaf tezouyaf = ;

tre falsifi =60> =>(verbe)=>falsifier = (pi'l) ziyf, lezayf

tre fatigu =00> (pa'al) 'ayaf, l'yof, 'ayf, 'ayafti, 'yaf t'yaf = ;

tre fatigu =50> fatigu = 'ayf = ; fatigue = 'ayfah = ;

tre ferm, tre clos =00> (nif'al) nisgar, lehisagr, nisgar, nisgarti, sagr tisagr =
tre ferm, tre clos =60> =>(verbe)=> fermer, clore = (pa'al) sagar, lisgor

tre fix, tre dcid =00> (nif'al) niqba', lehiqva', niqba', niqba'ti, qava' tiqava' =
tre fix, tre dcid =60> =>(verbe)=> fixer, dterminer, dfinir = (pa'al) qava', liqbo'a

tre hospitalis, tre hberg =00> (hitpa'l) hitachpz, lehitachpz (be..), mitachpz, hitachpazti, tachpz titachpz =

)( ;
tre hospitalis, tre hberg =60> =>(verbe)=> hberger, hospitaliser (quelqu'un) = (pi'l) ichfz, leachfz

tre hypothqu =00> (pou'al) mouchkan, , memouchkan, mouchkanti, amouchkan temouchkan =

tre hypothqu =60> =>(verbe)=> hypothquer, gager = (pi'l) michkn, lemachkn

tre la vedette =00> (pi'l) kikv, lekakv, mekakv, kikavti, akakv tekakv =

tre la vedette =50> toile = kokav = ; vedette (clbrit), star = kokav = ;

tre malade, tomber malade =00> (pa'al) halah, lahalot (be..), holh, haliti, hlh thlh = )(

tre malade, tomber malade =50> convalescence, gurison = hahlamah = ;

tre malade, tomber malade =50> dispensaire (caisse malades) = holim-qoupat = ;

tre malade, tomber malade =50> malade(m.) = holh = ; malade(f.) = holah = ;

tre malade, tomber malade =50> maladie = mahalah = ; maladie = holi = ;

tre malade, tomber malade =50> maladif = holani =

; maladive = holanit = ;

tre maquill =00> (pou'al) oupar, , meoupar, ouparti, aoupar teoupar =

tre maquill =60> =>(verbe)=> maquiller = (pi'l) ipr, leapr

tre mentionn =00> (nif'al) nizkar, lehizakr (be), nizkar, nizkarti, zakr tizakr = )(
tre mentionn =60> =>(verbe)=> rappeler, mentionner = (hif'il) hizkir, lehazkir
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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tre oubli =00> (nif'al) nichkah, lehichkah, nichkah, chekahti, chakar tichakar =
tre oubli =60> =>(verbe)=> oublier = (pa'al) chakah, lichkoah

tre parfum =00> (pou'al) bousam, , mevousam, bousamti, avousam tevousam =

tre parfum =60> =>(verbe)=> parfumer = (pi'l) bism, levasm

tre pay =00> (pou'al) choulam, , mechoulam, choulamti, achoulam techoulam =

tre pay =60> =>(verbe)=> payer = (pi'l) chilm, lechalm

tre photographi, se faire photographier =00> (hitpa'l) hitstalm, lehitstalm, mitstalm, hitstalamti, tstalm titstalm =
tre photographi, se faire photographier =60> =>(verbe)=> photographier, prendre en photo, filmer = (pi'l) tsilm, letsalm

tre prsent, tre expos =00> (houf'al) houtsag, , moutsag, houtsagti, outsag toutsag =
tre prsent, tre expos =60> =>(verbe)=> prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter = (hif'il) hitsig, lehatsig

tre pris, tre attrap =00> (nif'al) nitpas, lehitafs, nitpas, nitpasti, tafs titafs =
tre pris, tre attrap =60> =>(verbe)=> occuper, prendre, attraper (saisir), saisir = (pa'al) tafas, litpos

tre publi, tre rput, devenir clbre =00> (hitpa'l) hitparsm, lehitparsm, mitparsm, hitparsamti, tparsm titparsm =

tre publi, tre rput, devenir clbre =60> =>(verbe)=> publier, diter = (pi'l) pirsm, lefarsm

tre racont =00> (pou'al) soupar, , mesoupar, souparti, asoupar tesoupar =


tre racont =50> racont = mesoupar = ; raconte = mesouprt = ;

tre racont =60> =>(verbe)=> raconter = (pi'l) sipr, lesapr

tre rassasi, tre satisfait =00> (pa'al) sava', lisbo'a, sav'a, sava'ti, sba' tisba' =
tre rassasi, tre satisfait =60> =>(verbe)=> rassasier, satisfaire = (hif'il) hisbi'a, lehasbi'a

tre rtabli =00> (pou'al) chouhzar, , mechouhzar, chouhzarti, achouhzar techouhzar =


tre rtabli =50> tre reconstitu = mechouhzar = ;

tre rtabli =60> =>(verbe)=> reconstituer = (pi'l) chihzr, lechahzrtre sage, tre intelligent =00> (pa'al) hakam, lahkom, hakam, hakamti, hkam thkam =

tre sage, tre intelligent =50> intelligence (sagesse) = hokmah = ; sage (intelligent) = hakam = ;

tre sage, tre intelligent =50> intelligent = hakam = ; intelligente = hakamah = ;

tre satisfait, tre content, tre expi =00> (pou'al) routsah, , meroutsh, routsiti, aroutsh teroutsh =

tre satisfait, tre content, tre expi =60> =>(verbe)=> vouloir, dsirer = (pa'al) ratsah, lirtsot

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tre sauv =00> (nif'al) nocha', lehivacha', nocha', nocha'ti, ivacha' tivacha =

tre sauv =50> et ainsi tout Isral sera sauv ... = ouvekn kol-Yisral yivach'a ... = ..
= .. (Romains 11.26) ;

tre servi =00> (houf'al) hougach, , mougach, hougachti, ougach tougach = ;

tre servi =50> servi = mougach = ;

tre servi =60> =>(verbe)=> servir ( table), prsenter (servir) = (hif'il) higich, lehagich

tre termin =00> (nif'al) nigmar, lehigamr, nigmar, nigmartti, gamr tigamr =
tre termin =60> =>(verbe)=> terminer, achever, finir = (pa'al) gamar, ligmor

tre transport =00> (houf'al) housa', , mousa', housa'ti, ousa' tousa' = ;

tre transport =50> =>(verbe)=> transporter = (hif'il) hisi'a, lehasi'a

tre tu =00> (nif'al) nhrag, lehharg, nhrag, nhragti, harg tharg =

tre tu =60> =>(verbe)=> tuer = (pa'al) harag, laharog

tre vol =00> (nif'al) nignav, lehiganv (me), nignav, nignavti, ganv tiganv = )(
tre vol =60> =>(verbe)=> voler, drober = (pa'al) ganav, lignov

tre volontaire, se porter volontaire =00> (hitpa'l) hitnadv, lehitnadv (le..), mitnadv, hitnadavti, tnadv titnadv =
)( ;

tre volontaire, se porter volontaire =50> volontaire(am.) = hitnadvouti = ; volontaire(af.) = hitnadvoutit = ;

tre volontaire, se porter volontaire =50> volontaire(nf.), bnvole(nf.) = mitnadvt = ;

tre volontaire, se porter volontaire =50> volontaire(nm.), bnvole(m.) = mitnadv = ; volontaires(np.), bnvoles(np.) = mitnadvim =

troit, mince(m.), triqu = tsar = ; troite, mince(f.), trique = tsarah = ;

troits, minces(m.), triqus = tsarim = ; troites, minces(f.), triques = tsarot = ;

tudiant = stoudnt = ; tudiante= stoudntit = ;

eunuque = saris = = (Esther 2.3) ;

Euphrate = prat = = (Gense 15.18 : fleuve d'Euphrate = nahar-Prat) ;

euro = iro = ; euros = youro = ;

Europe = iropah = ;

vangliste = mevasr = =

(Actes 21:8 + 2 Timothe 4.5) ; vanglistes = mevasrim = (Ephsiens 4.11) ;

vangliste => Philippe l'vangliste = Pilipos hamevasr = (Actes 21.8) ;

vangile = besorah =
; voir 1 Corinthiens 9.18 ; Bonne Nouvelle = besorah = ; dictionnaire

ve = havah = = (Gense 3.20) ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

veiller, rveiller (quelqu'un), susciter =00> (hif'il) h'ir, leha'ir, m'ir, h'arti, a'ir ta'ir =
veiller, rveiller (quelqu'un), susciter =60> =>(verbe)=> rveiller, stimuler, provoquer, soulever = (pi'l) 'orr, le'orr

vnement = irou'a = ; vnements = irou'im = ;

vnement (accident) = meora'(m.) = ; vnements (accidents) = meora'ot(m.) = ;

videmment = bevadai = ;

voluer, s'ouvrir, ouvrir =00> (nif'al) niftah, lehiptah, niftah, niftahti, ptah tiptah =

voluer, s'ouvrir, ouvrir =50> volution = hitpathout = ;

voluer, s'ouvrir, ouvrir =50> volutionniste(nm.) = hitpathoutan = ; volutionniste(nf.) = hitpathoutanit =

voluer, s'ouvrir, ouvrir =50> volutionniste(am.) = hitpathouti = ; volutionniste(af.) = hitpathoutit = ;

voluer, s'ouvrir, ouvrir =60> =>(verbe)=> ouvrir = (pa'al) patah, liftoah

exact, correct, vrai = nakon = ; exacte, correcte, vraie = nekonah = ;

exactitude, prcision = diouq = ; exactement, prcisment = bediouq = ;

excellent (= "nickel") = metsouyan = ;

exception = harigah = ; exceptionnel = harigi = ; exceptionnelle = harigit = ;

exclusif = biladi =
; exclusive = biladit = ; exclusivement = beofn bilvadit = ;

exemple (par exemple/allgorie) = lemachal = ; exemple = dougmah = ;

exiler, expatrier, bannir =00> (hif'il) higlah, lehaglot, maglh, higliti, aglh taglh =

exiler, expatrier, bannir =50> bannissement = haglayah = ;

exiler, expatrier, bannir =50> exil = galout = ; exil = golah = ; exil = golh = ; exile = golah = ;

expiation = kaparah =
; expiation (Yom Kipour = Jour des Expiations = Jour du Grand Pardon) = yom hakipourim =

exprience, tentative = nisaion = ; exprimental = nisioni = ;

expliquer =00> (hif'il) hisbir, lehasbir, masbir, hisbarti, asbir tasbir =

expliquer =50> explicatif = hasbarati = ; explicative = hasbaratit = ; explication = hsbr = ;

expliquer =50> explication grammaticale = hsbr diqdouqi = ; explications grammaticales = hsbrim diqdouqiyim =

expliquer =50> expliqu = mousbar = ; explique = mousbrt = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

expliquer, commenter, interprter =00> (pi'l) prch, lefarch, mefarch, prachti, afarch tefarch =

expliquer, commenter, interprter =50> (rclamer, exiger, demander, s'enqurir de =50> commentaire (exgse) = midrach = )

expliquer, commenter, interprter =50> commentaire (exgse) = parchanout =

; commentateur = parchan = ;

expliquer, commenter, interprter =50> explicite(m.) = meforach = ; explicite(f.) = meforcht = ; explicitement = befrouch =

expliquer, commenter, interprter =50> interprtation = prouch = ; interprtation = parchanout = ;

expliquer, informer, vrifier, rechercher, clarifier =00> (pi'l) brr, levarr, mevarr, brarti, avarr tevarr =

expliquer, informer, vrifier, rechercher, clarifier =50> incertain (temps), pas clair, pas net (clair) = lo barour =

expliquer, informer, vrifier, rechercher, clarifier =50> net (clair) = barour = ; nette (claire) = barourah = ;

exploiter, profiter, utiliser =00> (pi'l) nitsl, lenatsl, menatsl, nitsalti, anatsl tenatsl =

exploiter, profiter, utiliser =50> exploitation = nitsoul =
; exploit = menoutsal = ; exploite = menoutslt = ;

exploiter, profiter, utiliser =50> exploiteur, profiteur = natslan = ; exploiteuse, profiteuse = natslanit = ;

exporter =00> (pi'l) yits, leyats, meyats, yitsti, ayats teyats = ;

exporter =50> exportateur = yetsouan =

; exportatrice = yetsouanit = ;

exporter =50> exportation = yitsou =

; exportation = yetsou = ; institut de l'exportation = makon hayitsou = ;
exporter =60> =>(verbe)=> sortir, partir = (pa'al) iatsa, latst (m..)

exposition = ta'aroukah = ;

exprimer, prononcer =00> (pi'l) bit, levat, mevat, bitti, avat tevat =

exprimer, prononcer =50> expression = bitoui = ; libert d'expression = hofch habitoui = ;

expulser, chasser, divorcer =00> (pi'l) grch, legarch, megarch, grachti, agarch tegarch =

expulser, chasser, divorcer =50> divorce = grouchim =

; divorc = garouch = ; divorce = grouchah = ;

expulser, chasser, divorcer =50> expuls = mgorach = ; expulsion = grouch = ;

extrieur(m.) = hitsoni =
; extrieure = hitsonit = ;

exterminer (anantir), anantir =00> (hif'il) hikhid, lehakhid, makhid, akhid takhid =

exterminer (anantir), anantir =50> ananti = nikhad = ; anantie = nikhdt = ; extermination = hakhadah =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

exterminer (anantir), annihiler =00> (hif'il) hichmid, lehachmid, machmid, hichmadti, achmid tachmid =

exterminer (anantir), annihiler =50> exterminateur = machmid = ; exterminatrice = machmidah = ;

exterminer (anantir), annihiler =50> extermination = hachmadah = ; camp d'extermination = mahanh(m.) hachmadah =

externe(m.) = hitsoni = ; externe(f.) = hitsonit = ;

face (en face de) = moul = ;

facile(m.) = naql = ; facile(f.) = naqlah =

; facilement = benaql = ;

facile(m.), lger = qal = ; facile(f.), lgre = qalah =

; facilit = qalout = ;

faible(m.) = halach = ; faible(f.) = halachah =

; faiblesse (morale) = houlchah = ;

fainant, paresseux = 'atslan = ; fainante, paresseuse = 'atslanit = ;

faire (monnaie), changer (monnaie) =00> (pa'al) parat, lifrot, port, paratti, frot tifrot =

faire attention, tre prudent =00> (nif'al) nizhar, lehizahr (be, me), nizhar, nizharti, zahr tizahr = ) (

faire attention, tre prudent =50> attention, prudence = zehirout = ; attention ! = zehirout ! = ! ;

faire attention, tre prudent =50> prudent = zahir =

; prudente = zehirah = ;

faire danser =00> (hif'il) hirqid, leharqid, marqid, hirqadti, arqid tarqid =
faire danser =60> =>(verbe)=> danser = (pa'al) raqad, lirqod,

faire de la gymnastique (s'exercer) =00> (hitpa'l) hit'aml, lehit'aml, mit'aml, hit'amalti, t'aml tit'aml =

faire de la gymnastique (s'exercer) =50> gymnastique = hit'amlout = ;

faire enfler, faire gonfler =00> (hif'il) hitsbah, lehatsbot, matsbh, hitsbiti, atsbh tatsbh =

faire entendre, annoncer =00> (hif'il) hichmi'a, lehachmi'a, machmi'a, hichma'ti, achmi'a tachmi'a =

faire entendre, annoncer =60> =>(verbe)=> entendre, comprendre, obir = (pa'al) chama', lichmo'a (le..)

faire entrer, introduire =00> (houf'al) houknas, , mouknas, houknasti, ouknas touknas =
faire entrer, introduire =60> =>(verbe)=> entrer, pntrer = (nif'al) niknas, lehikans

faire patre =00> (pa'al) ra'ah, lir'ot, ro'h, ra'iti, r'h tir'h = ;

faire patre =50> berger, pasteur = ro'h = =

(Cantique 3.14, Marc 6.34, Hbreux 13.20) ; bergre = ro'ah = ;

faire patre =50> bergers, pasteurs = ro'im = = (Ephsiens 4.11) ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

faire sortir, dpenser, publier =00> (hif'il) hotsi, lehotsi, motsi, hotseti, otsi totsi =

faire sortir, dpenser, publier =50> publication = hotsaah laor = ;

faire sortir, dpenser, publier =50> sortie (dpense), dpense, frais(s.) = hotsaah = ;

faire sortir, dpenser, publier =50> sortir de l'argent = lehotsi ksf = ;

faire voir, montrer, prsenter =00> (hif'il) hreah, lehareot, mareh, hreyti, areh tarehh =

faire voir, montrer, prsenter =50> apparence (vue) = marh(m.) = ; apparences (vues) = marot(m.) = ;

faire voir, montrer, prsenter =50> miroir = marah = ;

faire voir, montrer, prsenter =50> rfrence (bibliographique) = marh maqom (m.) = ;

faire voir, montrer, prsenter =50> vue = marh(m.) =

; vues = marot(m.) = ;
faire voir, montrer, prsenter =60> =>(verbe)=> voir = (pa'al) raah, lirot

faire, accomplir =00> (pa'al) 'asah, la'asot, 'osh, 'asiti, 'sh ta'ash = ;

faire, accomplir =50> accompli, susceptible de = 'asoui = ; accomplis, susceptible de = 'asouyah = ;

faire, accomplir =50> acte (action) = ma'ash =

; action = 'asiyah = ; action de = 'isoun = ;

faire, accomplir =50> action = 'asiyah =

; action de = 'isoun = ;

faire, accomplir =50> pratique(n.) = ma'asi = ;

faire, accomplir =50> s'amuser (faire la vie) = la'asot hayim = ; on s'amuse bien (on fait la vie) = 'osim hayim =

fait (en fait) = be'tsm = ;

falafel = falafl = ;

falsifier =00> (pi'l) ziyf, lezayf, mezayf, ziyafti, azayf tezayf = ;

falsifier =50> falsifi, faux = mezouyaf = ;

falsifier =50> falsificateur = zayfan = ; falsificatrice = zayfanit = ; falsification = zayfanout = ;

familial = michpahti = ; familiale = michpahtit = ; famille = michpahah = ;

farine = qmah = ;

fascicule (pages relies) = hovrt(f.) = ;

fauteuil = koursah = ;

fax = faqs = ;

fculent = 'amilani = ;

femelle, fminin (grammaire) = neqevah = ; fminin (grammaire) = neqvi = ;

fminin singulier = neqvah-yahid = ; fminin pluriel = neqvah-rabot = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

femme (jeune femme) = bahourah = ;

femme, pouse = ichah(f.) = ; femmes, pouses = nachim(f.) = ; ma femme/pouse = ichti = ; sa femme/pouse = ichto

= ;

fentre = halon(m.) = ; fentres = halonot(m.) = ;

fenouil = choumar = ;

fente (de rocher), gorge (de montagne) = neqiq = (Jrmie 16.16) ;

ferme = havah = ;

fermer, clore =00> (pa'al) sagar, lisgor, sogr, sagarti, sgor tisgor = ;

fermer, clore =50> clos, ferm = sagour =

; close, ferme = sgourah = ; fermeture = sgirah = ;

fermer, clore =50> fermer un compte = lisgor hchbon = ;

fermer, clore =50> serrurerie (mtier) = masgrout = ; serrurerie (atelier) = masgriyah = ; serrurier = masgr =

fermeture clair = rouksan = ; <= parl / crit => fermeture clair = roksan = ;

festival = festival = ;

fta = ftah = ;

fte (non religieuse : rception) = mesibah = ;

fter, clbrer =00> (pa'al) hagag, lahagog / lahag, hogg, hagagti, hegog tahegog = /

fter, clbrer =50> fte (religieuse) = hag = ; fte (rception) = hagigah = ; fte de Pessah = hag pesah = ;

feu (de circulation), feu rouge = ramzor = ;

feu = ch(f.) = ;

feuille (d'arbre) = 'alh = ; feuille (d'arbre) = 'alim = ;

feuille (de papier) = daf = ; feuilles (de papier), pages = dafim = ;

fve = foul = ;

fiancer =00> (pi'l) rs, lears, mears, rasti, aars tears = ;

fiancer =50> fianc(n.) = arous = ; fiance(n.) = arousah = ; fianc(a.) = meoras = ; fiance(a.) = meorst =

fiancer =50> fianailles = rousim = ;

fichier (informatique) = qovts = ; fichiers (informatique) = qvatsim = ;

fier = gh =
; fire = gah = ; fiers = gim = ; fiert = gaavah = ; fiert = hitgaout =

fivre = hom = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

figue = tenah(f.) = ; figues = tenim(f.) = ;

figuratif = figourativi = ;

file d'attente = tor = ;

fille (fille, jeune fille, demoiselle) = bahourah = ; fille (jeune fille, demoiselle) = 'almah = ;

fille (jeune fille) = na'arah = = (Esther 2.4) ;

fille = bat =
; filles = banot = ; filles = bnot = ;

film = srt =
; films = sratim = ; film DVD = srt di-vi-di = ; film (petit film) = sirton=

fils(s.), garon = bn =
; fils(p.), garons = banim = ; fils (mon fils) = bni = ;

filtrer =00> (pi'l) sinn, lesann, mesann, sinanti, asann tesann = ;

filtrer =50> filtrage = sinoun =
; filtre, mot cl = masnn = ; filtr = mesounan = ; filtre = mesounnt =

filtrer =50> passoire = mesannt = ;

fin (bout, terminaison) = sof =
; fin ( la fin, finalement) = basof = ; fin (en fin de compte) = besofo chl davar =

final = sofi =
; finale = sofit = ; finalement = sof-sof = ;

fin (tnu) = daq = ; fine (tnue) = daqah = ;

fin = qts = ;

fin, dlicat = 'adin = ; fine, dlicate = 'adinah = ;

finalement = levasof = ;

financer =00> (pi'l) mimn, lemamn, memamn, mimanti, amamn temamn =

financer =50> financ = memouman = ; finance = memoumnt = ; financement = mimoun = ;

fitness (gym, sport) = kochr = ; salle de sport (fitness, gym) = hadar-kochr = ;

fixer, dterminer, dfinir =00> (pa'al) qava', liqbo'a, qov'a, qav'ati, qba' tiqba' =

fixer, dterminer, dfinir =50> dcision = qvi'ah = ;

fixer, dterminer, dfinir =50> faire la queue (file d'attente) = liqbo'a tor = ;

fixer, dterminer, dfinir =50> fixation = qvi'ah = ;

fixer, dterminer, dfinir =50> fixe(m.) = qavou'a = ; fixe(f.) = qavou'ah = ;

fixer, dterminer, dfinir =50> fixes(m.) = qvou'im = ; fixes(f.) = qvou'ot = ;

fixer, dterminer, dfinir =50> fix = mqouba' = ; fixe = mqouba'at = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

fixer, dterminer, dfinir =50> fixer un rendez-vous = liqbo'a pgichah = ;

flner, faire du lche-vitrine =0.1> (Chm Po'al) lehizdangf = ; se promener dans l'avenue Dizengoff Tel-Aviv (= les "Champs-Elyses" de Tel-Aviv)

flner, faire du lche-vitrine =00> (hitpa'l) hizdangf, lehizdangf, mizdangf, hizdangafti, zdangf tizdangf =

flche = hts = ;

fleurir =00> (pa'al) parah, lifroah, porah, parahti, frah tifrah =

fleurir =50> fleuri = pirhoni = ; fleurie = pirhonit = ; fleur = prah = ; fleur = prahim =

fleurir =50> fleurissant = porah = ; fleurissante = porahat = ;

fleurir =50> fleuriste(m.) = mokr prahim = ; fleuriste(f.) = mokrt prahim = ;

fleuve = nahar(m.) = ; fleuves = naharot(m.) = ;

flotter (surnager) =00> (pa'al) tsaf, latsouf, tsaf, tsafti, atsouf tatsouf = ;

flotter (surnager) =50> flot (torrent) = chtsf = ; flottaison = tsifah = ; flotte = tsi = ; flottes = tsayim = ;

flte = halil = ; fltiste = halilan = ;

foire = yerid = ;

fois ( usage unique)(m.) = pa'ami = ; fois ( usage unique)(f.) = pa'amit = ;

fois (chaque fois) = kol-pa'am = ; fois (une fois par semaine) = pa'am bechavou'a = ;
fois (s.), il tait une fois = pa'am(f.) = ; fois (p.) = pe'amim(f.) = ; fois (cette fois-ci) = hapa'am(f.) = ;

fonc (peau), sombre(m.) = khh = ; fonce (peau), sombre(f.) = khah = ,

fonctionner, agir, travailler =00> (pa'al) pa'al, lif'ol, po'l, pa'alti, f'al tif'al =

fonctionner, agir, travailler =50> action, uvre, opration = pe'oulah = ;

fonctionner, agir, travailler =50> actif = pa'il =

; active = pa'ilah = ; activit = pe'ilout = ;

fonctionner, agir, travailler =50> hif'il = hif'il = ;

fonctionner, agir, travailler =50> verbe = po'al =

; verbes = pe'alim = ; infinitif = chm hapo'al = ;

fonctionner, agir, travailler =50> verbes rguliers = pa'al chlmin = o ; font entendre " " au "Prsent masculin singulier".

fond de pouvoir, mandataire = meyouph-koah = ;

fonder (crer), tablir =00> (pi'l) yisd, leyasd, meyasd, yisadti, ayasd teyasd =

fonder (crer), tablir =50> fondamental = yesodi = ; fondamentale = yesodit = ;

fonder (crer), tablir =50> fondateur = meyasd = ; fondatrice = meyasdt = ; fondation = yisoud = ;

fonder (crer), tablir =50> fondement (assise) = yesod = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

fontaine, source = ma'ayan(m.) = ; fontaines, sources = ma'ayanot(m.) = ;

force = koah = ;

fort = ya'ar = ; forestier(m.) = ya'ari = ; forestier(n.) = ya'aran = ;

forme (de verbe), btiment, immeuble = binyan = ;

forme (figure) = tsourah = ;

forme (je suis en forme) = ani margich tov = . ;

forme-type = michqal = ;

fort = hazaq = ; forte = hazaqah = ; force (vigueur) = hozq = ;

fortifier, encourager, adopter =00> (pi'l) imts, leamts ('t) , meamts, imatsti, aamts teamts = ( )

encourager, adopter adoption = imouts = ;

encourager, adopter =50> courage = omts = ; courageux = amits = ; courageuse = amitsah = ;

encourager, adopter =50> effort = maamats = ;

forum = foroum = ;

fou = mechouga' = ; folle = mechouga'at = ;

foule (public) = qahal = ; foule, multitude = hamon = ;

four ( micro-ondes) = miqrogal = ;

four (de cuisine) = tanour = ;

fourchette = mazlg(m.) = ; fourchettes = mazlgot(m.) = ;

fourmi = nemalah = ; fourmillire = tl nemalim = ;

frais (nouveau, rcent) (s.) = tari =
; frache (nouvelle) (s.) = triyah = ; frais (nouveaux) (p.) = triyim = ; fraches (nouvelles) (p.) = triyot

= ;

fraise = tout(f.) = ; fraises = toutim(f.) = ; fraise = tout-sadh(m.) = ; fraises = toutim-sadh(m.) =

franais = tsarfatit = ; franaise = tsarfatiyah = ; France = tsarfat = ; franais = tsarfatit =

frapper =00> (hif'il) hikah, lehakot, makh, hikiti, akh takh = ;

frapper =50> coup = makah =

; coup de soleil = makat chmch = ;

frapper la porte =00> (pa'al) dafaq, lidpoq (be), dofq, dafaqti, dpoq tidpoq = )(

frre (00.) = ah = ; frres = ahim = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

frre (01. mon frre) = ahi =
(de moi = chli = ) ; mes frres = ahai = ;

frre (02. ton(m.) frre) = ahka =
(de toi(m.) = chlka = ) ; tes(m.) frres = ahika = ;

frre (03. ton(f.) frre) = ahk =
(de toi(f.) = chlak = ) ; tes(f.) frres = ahaik = ;

frre (04. son(m.) frre) = ahiv =
(de lui = chlo = ) ; ses(m.) frres = ahaiv = ;

frre (05. son(f.) frre) = ahah =
(de elle = chlah = ) ; ses(f.) frres = ahiha = ;

frre (06. notre frre) = ahnou =
(de nous= chlanou = ) ; nos frres = ahinou = ;

frre (07. votre(m.) frre) = ahkm =
(de vous(m.)= chlakm = ) ; vos(m.) frres = ahikm = ;

frre (08. votre(f.) frre) = ahkn =
(de vous(f.)= chlakn = ) ; vos(f.) frres = ahikn = ;

frre (10. leur(m.) frre) = aham =
(de eux = chlahm = ) ; leurs(m.) frres = ahihm = ;

frre (11. leur(f.) frre) = ahan =
(de elles = chlahn = ) ; leurs(f.) frres = ahihn = ;

frire =00> (pi'l) tign, letagn, metagn, tiganti, atagn tetagn = ;

frire =50> frites = touganim =
; friteuse = sir tigoun = ; friture = tigoun = ;

frites = tsips = ' ;

fromage = gvinah =
; fromage blanc = gvinah levanah = ;

front = mtsah = ;

fruit = pri(m.) =
; fruits = prot(m.) = ; fruits secs = prot yavchim = ;

fumer =00> (pi'l) 'ichn, le'achn, me'achn, 'ichanti, a'achn te'achn =

fumer =50> fume = achan = ; fumeur = me'achn = ; fumeuse = me'achnt = ;

futur = 'atid = ; futur (dans un futur proche) = ba'atid beqarov = ;

gage (hypothque) = machkon = ; gage = 'iravon = ;

gagner (argent), encaisser, profiter, vaincre =00> (hif'il) hirviah, leharviah, marviah, hirvaheti, arviah tarviah =

gagner (argent), encaisser, profiter, vaincre =50> profit = rvah = ;

gagner (un prix), mriter =00> (pa'al) zakah, lizkot (be..), zokh, zakiti, zkh tizkh = )(

gagner (un prix), mriter =50> gagnant = zokh = ; gagnante = zokah = ; gain = zkiyah = ;

gagner (un prix), mriter =50> mrite = zkout = ; mrites = zkouyot =

; mrite (grce ) = bizkout = ;

gagner sa vie =00> (hitpa'l) hitparns, lehitparns (me), mitparns, hitparnasti, tparns titparns = ( )

gagner sa vie =50> gagne-pain = parnasah = ;

galerie = galriah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

Galile = galil = ;

galoper =00> (pa'al) dahar, lidhor, dohr, daharti, dhar tidhar = ;

galoper =50> galop = deharah =

; galopade = dehirah = ;

gant = kfafah = ;

garage = mousak = ; garagiste = mousakniq = ;

garantir, cautionner =00> (pa'al) 'arav, la'arov (le), 'orv, 'aravti, 'rov ta'arov =

garantir, cautionner =50> caution (garantie) = 'arvout = ;

garantir, cautionner =50> garant = 'arv = ; garante = 'arvah = ; garants = 'arvim = ;

garantir, cautionner =50> garantie bancaire = 'arvout banqait = ;

( )
garantir, promettre, scuriser =00> (hif'il) hivtiah, lehavtiah (le), mavtiah, hivtahti, avtiah tavtiah =

garantir, promettre, scuriser =50> certitude = bithah = ;

garantir, promettre, scuriser =50> promesse = havtahah = ; prometteur = mavtiah = ; prometteuse = mavtihah =

garantir, promettre, scuriser =50> promis = mouvtah = ; promise = mouvtahat = ;

garantir, promettre, scuriser =50> scurit (assurance) = bitahon = ; assurance = bitouah = ;

garantir, promettre, scuriser =50> sr (bien sr !) = btah ! = ; sr = batouah = ; sre = betouhah = ;

... ...
garantir, promettre, scuriser =50> sr que ... , certain que ... = batouah ch ... = ; sre que ... , certaine que ... = batouhah ch ... =

garder, observer, surveiller, conserver =00> (pa'al) chamar, lichmor, chomr, chamarti, chmor tichmor =

garder, observer, surveiller, conserver =50> baby-sitter = chmartaf = ; garde (action), surveillance = chmirah = ;

garder, observer, surveiller, conserver =50> gard, rserv = chamour, chmourah, chmourim, chmourot =

garder, observer, surveiller, conserver =50> gardien = chomr = ; gardienne = chomrt = ;

garder, prserver =00> (pa'al) natsar, lintsor, notsr, natsarti, tsor titsor = ;
garder, prserver =60> =>(verbe)=> convertir au Christianisme = (pi'l) nitsr, lenatsr

gaspiller, dpenser =00> (pi'l) bizvz, levazvz, mevazbz, bizvazti, avazvz tevazvz =

gaspiller, dpenser =50> dpenser de l'argent = levazbz ksf = ;

gaspiller, dpenser =50> dpensier = bazbezan = ; dpensire = bazbezanit = ; gaspillage = bizbouz = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

gteau = 'ougah = ;

gteau au chocolat = 'ougah michoqolad = ; gteau au chocolat = 'ougat-choqolad = ;

gteau aux pommes = 'ougat tapouhim = ;

gauche (au ct gauche) = 'al yad smol = /
; gauche (du ct gauche) = mi yad/tsad smol = ;

gauche (ct) = smol = ; (gauche) gauche = smolah = ..

; (gauche) gauche de = smol le.. = ;

gauche (ct) -> mauvais (moralement / pas au got), mauvaise, mauvais, mauvaises = ra' ra'ah ra'im ra'ot = ;

gaz = gaz = ; gazeux = gazi =

; gazeuse = gazit = ; gazeuse (eau gazeuse) = gazoz = ;

Gaza = 'azah = ; Gaza (les gens de Gaza) = 'azatim = (Choftim = Juges 16.1,2) ;

gant = 'anaq = ; gante = 'anaqah = ;

Gdon (prnom m.) = gide'on = ;

gnral (en gnral) = bedrk-klal = ;

gnration = dor(m.) = ; gnrations = dorot(m.) = ;

gnie = gaon = ;

genou = brk(f.) = ; genoux = brkim(f.) = ;

sexe, genre, sorte, espce = min = ;

gens (les gens), monde = anachim = ;

gentil, sympa = nhmad = ; gentille sympa(f.) = nhmadah = ;

gentil, mignon, adorable = hamoud = ; gentille, mignone, adorable = hamoudah = ;

gographie = giografiah = ;

Georges (prnom m.) = g'iorg' = ;

grondif = chm hape'oulah = ;

geste, mouvement = tnou'ah = ;

gestion = nihoul = ;

gilet (de corps) = goufiyah = ; gilets (de corps) = goufiot = ;

Givat Ram (= butte plateau) = giv'at ram = ; plateau (go.), niveau = ram = ; (quartier du centre de Jrusalem)

glace (crme glace) = glidah = ; glace -/au- = glidat- = ;

glace (eau gele) = qrah = ; glace (eau gele) : Job 38.29 -> glace (eau gele) <07140> = qarah = ;

global = koll = ;

gloire = tehilah(f.) = ; gloires = tehilot(f.) = ; glorieux = mehoulal = ; glorieuse = mehoullt =

golfe, baie = mifrats = ;

gomme, effaceur (brosse effacer) = mahaq = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

gonfler =00> (pi'l) nipah, lenapah, menapah, nipahti, anapah tenapah =


gonfler =50> gonflable(m.) = mitnapah = ; gonflable(f.) = mitnapahat = ;

gonfler =50> gonflant = tofah = ; gonflante = tofahat = ; gonflement (boursouflure) = tfihah = ;

gonfler =60> =>(verbe)=> enfler = (pa'al) tafah, litpoah

gorge = garon = ;

gothique(m.) = goti = ; gothique(f.) = gotit = ;

goter =00> (pa'al) ta'am, lit'om, to'm, ta'amti, t'am tit'am =


goter =50> bon (au got) = ta'im = ; bonne (au got) = te'imah = ;

goter =50> dgustation = te'imah = ; got = ta'am = ;

goter =50> dlicieux, savoureux = ta'im = ; dlicieuse, savoureuse = t'imah = ;

goter =50> dlicieux, savoureux(p.) = t'imim = ; dlicieuses, savoureuses = t'imot = ;

goutte = tipah = ; goutte--goutte (arrosage) = tipin tipin = ;

gouverner, raconter (avec des exemples) =00> (pa'al) machal, limchol (be), mochl, machalti, mchol timchol =

gouverner, raconter (avec des exemples) =50> allgorie, parabole, fable = machal = ; exemple (par exemple/allgorie) = lemachal = ;

gouverner, raconter (avec des exemples) =50> gouvernement = mmchalah = ; gouvernemental = mmchalti = ;

gouverner, raconter (avec des exemples) =50> Premier Ministre = roch hammchalah = ;


gouverner, raconter (avec des exemples) =50> Proverbes = michli = ;

grce (remerciements ) = todot le.. = ;

graisser, huiler =00> (pi'l) chimn, lechamn, mechamn, chimanti, achamn techamn =

graisser, huiler =50> graissage = chimoun = ; graisse = chouman = ;

graisser, huiler =50> graiss = mechouman = ; graisse = mechoumnt = ;

graisser, huiler =50> graisseux = choumani = ; graisseuse = choumanit = ;

graisser, huiler =50> huile = chmn = ; huile d'olives = chmn-zitim = ;

gramme = gram = ;

grammaire = diqdouq =
; grammatical = diqdouqi = ; grammaticaux = diqdouqiyim = ;

grand (haut : taille) = gavoha =
; grande (haute : taille) = gvohah = , grands (taille) = gvohim = ; grandes (taille) = gvohot =

grand-pre = saba = ; grand-mre = savta = ;

grandir, augmenter, crotre =00> (pa'al) gadal, ligdol, gadl, gadalti, gdal = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

grandir, augmenter, crotre =50> augmentation = hagdalah = ;

grandir, augmenter, crotre =50> croissance (augmentation) = gdilah = ; croissance (augmentation) = gidoul = ;

grandir, augmenter, crotre =50> grand = gadol =

; grande = gdolah = ; grands = gdolim = ; grandes = gdolot =

grandir, augmenter, crotre =50> grandeur = gdoulah = ; taille = grandeur (amplitude), godl = ;

grandir, augmenter, crotre =50> gros (en gros, en grand, en gnral) = bgadol = ;

grands-parents = saba vesavta = ;

gratuit = hinam =
; gratuitement = behinam = ;

grave (srieux) = retsini = ;

grave,colreux(ms.) = ko'as = ; grave,colreuse(fs.) = ko'ast = ;

graves,colreux(mp.) = ko'asim = ; graves,colreuses(fp.) = ko'asot = ;

Grce = yavan =
; grec = yvani = ; grecque = yvanit = ; salade grecque = salat-yvanit = ;

grle = barad = ;
grenade = rimon = ; grenadier = 'tsi rimon = ;

grenier = 'aliyat gag(m.) = ;

grenouille = tsfard'a = (Exode 8.1-13) ;

grve = chvitah = ; grviste(m.) = chovt = ; grviste(f.) = chovtt = ; (mme racine que pour "chabat" =

grillager =00> (pi'l) richt, leracht, meracht, richati, aracht teracht =


grillager =50> grillag = merouchat = ; grillage = merouchtt = ;

grillager =50> grille = rcht = ; rseau = rcht = ; rseaux sociaux = rchtot hvratiyot = ;

grill = qalouy = ; grille = qalouyah = ;

grippe = chapa'at = ;

gris (s.) = afor(m.) / aforah(f.) = / ; gris (p.) = aforim(m.) / aforot(f.) = ;

gros (en gros, en grand, en gnral) = bgadol = ;

grossier, impoli, obscne = gas = ; grossire, impolie, obscne = gasah = ; grossiret, impolitesse, obscnit = gasout = ;

grossir =00> (hif'il) hichmin, lehachmin, machmin, hichmanti, achmin tachmin =

grossir =50> crme (de lait) = chamnt = ;

grossir =50> gras = choumani = ; grasse = choumanit = ; gros = chamn = ; grosse = chamnah = ;
grossir =50> =>(verbe)=> graisser, huiler = (pi'l) chimn, lechamn

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

grotte, caverne = me'arah = ;

groupe (verbal) = binyan = ;

groupe (verbal) hif'il = binyan hif'il = ; groupe (verbal) hitpa'el = binyan hif'il = ;

groupe (verbal) pa'al = binyan pa'al = ; actif = pa'il = ; groupe (verbal) pi'l = binyan pi'l = ;

groupe, quipe (de sport) = qvoutsah = ;

gurir =00> (pi'l) rip, lerap, merap, ripti, arap terap = ;

gurir =50> clinique, dispensaire, infirmerie = mirpaah = ;

gurir =50> dentiste (= mdecin [des] dents) = rof(m.)-chinayim(f.) = ;

gurir =50> gurison = ripoui = ;

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) = rof(m.) = ; mdecin(f.) = rofah(f.) = ;

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) cardiologue (= mdecin [du] cur) = rof(m.)-lv = ; <= plus utilis que "qardiolog"

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) chirurgien = rof(m.)-menatah = ;

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) gnraliste (= mdecin [de] famille) = rof(m.)-michpahah = ;

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) gnraliste = rof-klali = ; gnral (adj.) = klali = ;

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) gyncologue (= mdecin [des] femmes) = rof(m.)-nachim = ;

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) ophtalmologue (= mdecin [des] yeux) = rof(m.)-inayim(f.) = ;

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) ORL (= mdecin [de] nez,oreille,gorge) = rof(m.)-af,ozn(f.),garon = ;

gurir =50> mdecin(m.) pdiatre (= mdecin [des] enfants) = rof(m.)-yladim = ;

gurir =50> mdecine = refouah = ;

gurir =50> mdicament, remde= troufah = ; remde, mdicament = troufah = ;

guide(m.), instructeur = madrik = ; guide(f.), instructrice = madrikah = ;

guider, diriger, rgler, accorder (instrument) ) (

=00> (pi'l) kivn, lekavn, mekavn, kivanti, akavn tekavn =

guider, diriger, rgler, accorder (instrument) =50> direction (sens) = kivoun = ;

guillemets = merkaot = ;

Guine = ginah = ;

guitare = gitarah = ;

guttural (de la gorge) = groni = ; gutturale (de la gorge) = gronit = ; => Liste des caractres guturaux = ( )

habiter =00> (pa'al) chakan, lichkon (be), chokn, chakanti, chkon tichkon =

habiter =50> demeure, Tabernacle = michkan = ; logement = chikoun = ;

habiter =50> quartier (ville) = chkounah = ; quartiers (ville) = chkounot = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

habiter =50> voisin = chakn = ; voisine = chknah = ; voisins, voisines = chknim, chkniot = ;

habiter =50> voisinage = chknout = ;

habiter, sjourner =00> (pa'al) (gour) gar, lagour (be..), gar, garti, agour tagour = )( ;

habiter, sjourner =00> (pa'al) (gour) gar, lagour (be..), gar, garti, agour tagour = )( ;

habiter, sjourner =50> habitation, logement = megourim = ;

habiter, sjourner =50> habitation, logement = megourim = ;

habiter, sjourner, se loger =00> (hitpa'l) hitgorr, lehitgorr (be), mitgorr, hitgorarti, tgorr titgorr = ( )
habiter, sjourner, se loger =60> =>(verbe)=> habiter, sjourner = (pa'al) (gour) gar, lagour

habituel = ragil =
; habituelle = ragilah = ;

Hadassah = hadasah = = (Esther 2.7) ;

Hafa = hifah = ;

halakah (rgle de la Loi Juive) = halakah= ;

hallel (verbe l'impratif : loue, glorifie) = hallel = ; => Voir = Prire juive compose des Psaumes 113-118

hallucination, dlire, reprsentation imaginaire = hazayah = ;

Haman = haman = = (Esther 3.1) ;

hanche, taille = motn(m.) = ; hanches = matnayim(m.) = ;

Hanoukah = hanoukah = ; hanoukiyah (candlabre de Hanoukah) = hanoukiyah = ;

harem = bit nachim = =

= (Esther 2.9) ; harem (dans le palais) = beharmon ? = (Google) ;

haricot = che'ou'it = ;

harosset = harost = ;

hataf = hataf = ;

hataf patah ("a hataf patah") = hataf patah = ; => "a hataf patah" (je = ani = = )

hataf qamats ("a hataf qamats") = hataf qamats = ; => "a hataf qamats" (midi = tsohorayim = = )

hataf sgol ("a hataf sgol")

= hataf sgol = ; => "a hataf sgol" (formidable, magnifique = nehdar = )

haut (en haut) = lema'lah = ;

haut, grand = gavoha =

; hauts, grands = gvohah = ; hauteur = govah = ;

Havah (Allons !, Go !) = Havah = ;

Havah (Havah nagilah) = Rjouissons-nous = ; Havah (Havah neranenah) = Soyons heureux = ;

h-h ! = hh- hh ! = ! ;

hberger, hospitaliser (quelqu'un) =00> (pi'l) ichfz, leachfz (t), meachpz, ichfazti, aachfz teachfz = ( )

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

hberger, hospitaliser (quelqu'un) =50> hospitalisation = ichpouz = ;

hberger, hospitaliser (quelqu'un) =50> hospitalis = meouchpaz = ; hospitalise = meouchpzt = ;

hbraque(m.) = 'ivri = ; hbraque(f.) = 'ivrit = ;

hbreu = 'ivrit = ; hbreu (= classe d'hbreu) = oulpan = ;

hbreu biblique = 'ivrit miqrait = ; hbreu moderne = 'ivrit modernit = ;

hbreu formel = 'ivrit gavohah = ; hbreu quotidien = 'ivrit yomyom = ;

Hbron = hvron = ;

hectare (= 1000 m2 = 1 hectare = 1 dounam) = dounam = ;

Hnoc = hanok =
(Gense 5.24) ;

herbe = 'sv = ;

herbes amres = maror = ;

Hrode = hordos = ;

hros = gibor = = (Esae 3.2) ;

Herzl = hertsel = ;

Herzliya (prs de Tel-Aviv) = hertsliyah = ;

heure ( l'heure, temps) = bazman = ;

heure (quelle heure est-il ?) = mah hacha'ah ? = ... ; heure (il est ) = ha cha'ah = ;

heure = cha'ah = ; deux heures = cha'atayim = ;

heure d't = cha'on qayits = ; heure d'hiver = cha'on horf = ;

heureusement = lesamahti = ;

heureux = meouchar = ; heureuse = meouchrt = ;

hier = tmol = ;

hiriq hasr ("i hiriq hasr") = hiriq hasr = ; => "i hiriq hasr" (avec = 'im = )

hiriq male ("i hiriq male") = hiriq male = = ; => "i hiriq male" (homme = ich = )

histoire = toladot(fp.) = ;

histoire = historiah =
; historique(m.) = histori = ; historique(f.) = historit = ;

hiver = horf = ;

ho ! = ho ! = ! ;

holam hasr ("o holam hasr") = holam hasr = ; => "o holam hasr" (non = lo = )

holam male ("o holam male") = holam male = ; => "o holam male" (bon = tov = )

Hollande = holand = ;

homme (jeune homme, garon) = bahour = ; homme (jeune homme) = 'lm = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

homme = ich = ; homme = gvr = ; hommes = gvarim = ; homme = adam = ; homme (jeune homme) =

bahour = ;

homme d'affaires = ich 'asaqim = ; femme d'affaires = cht 'asaqim = ;

homosexuel = homosqsoual = ;

Hongrie = houngariah = ;

hpital = bit-holim = ;

horaire = louah(m.) zmanim = ;

horloge = cha'on qir = ; horloger = ch'an = ; horlogre = ch'anit = ;

hors de = mihouts le ... = ;

hot dog = naqniqiyah = ;

htel (btiment) = bit-malon = ; htels (btiment) = bati-malon = ;

htel = malon(m.), = ; htels = mlonot(m.) = ;

htesse (de l'air) = daylt = ;

houpah (tente de mariage religieux Juif), baldaquin, dais = houpah = ;

huit (8) = chmonah(m.) = ; huit (8) = chmonh(f.) = ;

huit-cent (800) = chmonh mot = ;

hum ! = mm... ! = ;

humilier, abaisser =00> (hif'il) hichpil, lehachpil, machpil, hichpalti, achpil tachpil =

humilier, abaisser =50> humiliant = machpil = ; humiliante = machpilah = ; humiliation = hachpalah =

hymne isralien = tiqvah = ;

hyper = hipr =
; hyperlien = hiprqchr = ; hypermarch = hiprchouq = ;

hypocrisie = tsvi'out = ; hypocrite(m.) = tsavou'a = ; hypocrite(f.) = tsavou'ah = ;

hypothquer, gager =00> (pi'l) michkn, lemachkn, memachkn, michkanti, amachkn temachkn =

hypothquer, gager =50> gage (hypothque) = machkon = ; gageur = memachkn = ; gageuse = memachknt =

hypothquer, gager =50> hypothque, prt hypothcaire = machkantah(f.) = ; = machkanta(m.) = ;

hypothquer, gager =50> hypothqu = memouchkan = ; hypothque = memouchknt = ;

hysope = zahatar = ; hysope = izov = (Exode 12.22) ; <Strong 0231> = 1) une plante utilise dans des buts mdicinaux ou religieux

ici, l = kan = ; ici = poh = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

idal = idiali = ; idale = idialit = ;

ide = ra'eyon(m.) = ; ides = ra'eyonot(m.) = ;

identifier, reconnatre =00> (pi'l) zihah, lezahot, mezahh, zihiti, azahh tezahh =

identifier, reconnatre =50> celui-ci, c'est = zh = ; c'est = zhou = ;

identifier, reconnatre =50> identificateur = mezahh = ; identificatrice = mezahah = ;

identifier, reconnatre =50> identification (avec) = hizdahout = ; identification = zihoui = ;

identifier, reconnatre =50> identifi = mezohh = ; identifie = mezohah = ;

identifier, reconnatre =50> identique(m.) = zhh = ; identique(f.) = zhah = ;

identifier, reconnatre =50> identit = zhout = ; carte d'identit = te'oudat zhout = ;

il = hou(m.) = ; ils = hm = ;

le = i = ; lot = i qatan = ;

indispensable(m.) = hkrhi = ; indispensable(f.) = hkrhit = ;

indispensable(m.) = hiyouni = ; indispensable(f.) = hiyounit = ;

imbcile(m.), bte(m.), sot = tipch = ; imbcile(f.), bte(f.), sotte = tipchah = ;

immdiat = miyadi =
; immdiate = miyadit = ; immdiatement, aussitt = miyad = ;

impermable = me'il gchm = ;

implorer =00> (pi'l) chioua', lechav'a, mechav'a, chiva'ti, achav'a techav'a =

impt = mas =
; impts = misim = ; impt sur le revenu = mas haknasah = ;

imprimer =00> (hif'il) hidpis, lehadpis, madpis, hidpasti, adpis tadpis =

imprimer =50> impression (imprimerie) = hadpasah = ; imprimante = madpst = ;

imprimer =50> imprim (un) = dvar dfous = ; imprim(m.) = moudpas = ; imprime(m.) = moudpst =

imprimer =50> imprimerie= dfous = ; imprimeur = madpis = ; imprimeuse = madpisah = ;

incendier =00> (hif'il) hiv'ir, lehav'ir, mav'ir, hiv'arti, av'ir tav'ir =

incendier =50> incendie (combustion) = tav'rah = ;

incliner =00> (hif'il) (nitah) hitah, lehatot, math, hititi, ath tath = ;

incliner =50> inclinaison (tendance) = netiyah = ; inclin = noth = ; incline = notah = ;

inclus (contenu) = kaloul = ; incluse (contenue) = kaloulah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

inconvnient, dsavantage = hisaron(m.) = ; inconvnients, dsavantages = hsronot(m.) = ;

Inde = hodou = ;

indpendance = 'atsmaout = ; indpendant = 'atsmai = ; Jour de l'Indpendance = yom ha'atsmaout =


indiquer, signaler, noter, mentionner, remarquer =00> (pi'l) tsiin, letsaiin, metsaiin, tsiianti, atsaiin tetsaiin =

indirect = 'aqif = ;

infarctus (= obturation muscle cur) = otm chrir halv = ;

infecter, contaminer, polluer =00> (pi'l) zihm, lezahm, mezahm, zihamti, azahm tezahm =

infecter, contaminer, polluer =50> infection = zihoum = ; infect = mezoham = ; infecte = mezohmt = ;

infecter, contaminer, polluer =50> pollution = zihoum = ; pollu = mezoham = ; pollue = mezohmt = ;

infirmier = hovch =
; infirmire = hovcht = ;

infirmire = ahot = ;

ingnieur(m.) = mehands =
; ingnieur(f.) = mehandst = ;

ingnieur(m.) informaticien (ordinateurs) = mehands mahchvim = ;

initiales = rachi-tivot = ;

injecter =00> (hif'il) hizriq, lehazriq, mazriq, hizraqti, azriq tazriq =


injecter =50> injection = hazraqah = ; injection (mdicale) = zriqah = ;

injecter =50> seringue = mazrq = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =00> (pa'al) racham, lirchom, rochm, rachamti, rchom tirchom =

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> inscription = harchamah = ; inscription = richoum = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> inscrit = nircham = ; inscrite = nirchmt = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> inscrit = rachoum = ; inscrite = rachoumah = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> liste, rpertoire = rechimah = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> liste de distribution = rechimat halouqah = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> liste de distribution (diffusion, dispersion) = rechimat tfoutsah = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> officiel = richmi =

; officielle = richmit = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> ordonnance (de mdecin) = mircham-rof = ;

inscrire, noter (crire), enregistrer =50> recette (cuisine) = mircham = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

institut = makon = ;

institutionnaliser =00> (pi'l) misd, lemasd, memasd, misadti, aamasd temasd =


institutionnaliser =50> institution(m.) = mosad = ; institutions(m.) = mosdot = ; institution publique = mosad-tsibour =

institutionnaliser =50> institutionnalisation = misoud = ; institutionnalis = memousad = ;institutionnalise = memousdt =

institutionnaliser =50> Mosad = mosad = ; "Mosad" ( Institut pour les renseignements et les affaires spciales ) = HaMosad lemodi'in veleTaqkidim Meyouhadim =

instruire, inaugurer =00> (pa'al) hanak, lahanok, honk, hanakti, henok tahenok =

instruire, inaugurer =50> instruction (ducation) = hinouk =

; inauguration (crmaillre) = hanoukat bayit = ;

insulter, injurier, maudire =00> (pi'l) qill, leqall, meqall, qilalti, aqall teqall =

insulter, injurier, maudire =50> insulte, injure (juron), maldiction = qlalah = ; maudit = meqoulal = ; maudite = meqoullt =

intelligence = miskal = ; intelligence = skl = ; intelligent = intlignti = ;

intention ( l'intention de) = mitkavn =

; intention = kavanah = ;

interdire =00> (pa'al) asar lsor ('al), osr, asarti, sor tsor = )(

interdire =50> interdiction = isour = ; interdit = asour =

; interdite = asourah = ;

interdire =50> prisonnier = asir = ; prisonnire = asirah = ;

intresser =00> (pi'l) 'inyn, le'anyn, me'anyn, 'inyanti, a'anyn te'anyn =


intresser =50> intressant = me'anyn =

; intressante = me'anynt = ;

intresser =50> intressants = me'anynim =

; intressantes = me'anynot = ;

intresser =50> intress = me'ounyan =

; intresse = me'ounynt = ;

intresser =50> intrt = 'inyan =

; intrt (sollicitude) = hit'anyenout = ;

intresser =50> sujet = 'inyan = ?

; comment va ? (comment les sujets ?) = mah ha'inyanim ? = ;

intrieur = pnim = ; dedans, l'intrieur = bifnim =

; intrieur = pnimi = ; intrieure = pnimit = ;

intrieur = tok = ;

intermdiaire = binayim = ; entre-temps = bintayim = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

international(m.) = bin-loumi = ; internationale(f.) = bin-loumit = ;

internaute(m.) = golch = ; internaute(f.) = golcht =

; internautes(m.) = golchim = ;

interne(m.) = pnimi = ; interne(f.) = pnimit = ;

Internet = intrnt = ;

interrompre le courrant =00> (pi'l) mitg, lematg, mematg, mitagti, amatg tematg =

interrompre le courrant =50> bouton (lectrique), interrupteur = mtg = ;

interview = reayon = ;

intimit, vie prive = pratiout (vie prive) = ;

itinraire, parcours = masloul = ;

introduire, amener =00> (hif'il) hiknis, lehaknis, maknis, hiknasti, aknis taknis =
introduire, amener =60> =>(verbe)=> entrer, pntrer = (nif'al) niknas, lehikans

inventer, dcouvrir, prsenter (document), remettre (document) =00> (hif'il) himtsi, lehamtsi, mamtsi, himtsti, amtsi tamtsi =

inventer, dcouvrir, prsenter (document), remettre (document) =50> inventeur = mamtsi = ; inventrice = mamtsiah = ;

inventer, dcouvrir, prsenter (document), remettre (document) =50> invention = hamtsaah = ;

inventer, dcouvrir, prsenter (document), remettre (document) =60> =>(verbe)=> trouver, plaire = (pa'al) matsa, limtso (hn)

inverser, renverser, retourner, tourner, transformer, devenir =00> (pa'al) hafak, lahafok (le..), hofk, hafakti, hfok tahafok = ( )

inverser, renverser, retourner, tourner, transformer, devenir =50> contraire = hfk = ; au contraire = lehfk = ;

inverser, renverser, retourner, tourner, transformer, devenir =50> inverse(m.), oppos = hafouk = ; inverse(f.), oppose = hafoukah =

inverser, renverser, retourner, tourner, transformer, devenir =50> renversement = hipouk = ; retournement = hafikah = ;

investir =00> (hif'il) hichqi'a, lehachqi'a, machqi'a, hichqa'ti, achqi'a tachqi'a =


investir =50> investissement (finance) = hachqa'ah = ; investisseur = machqi'a = ; investisseuse = machqi'ah =

inviter =00> (pi'l) rah, learah, mearah, rahti, aarah tearah =


inviter =50> hte (celui qui invite) = mearah = ; htes (ceux qui invitent) = mearhim = ;

inviter =50> invit = orha = ; invite = orahat =

; invits = orhim = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

inviter, commander (qqch), inviter, rserver =00> (hif'il) hizmin, lehazmin, mazmin, hizmanti, azmin tazmin =

inviter, commander (qqch), inviter, rserver =50> commande, invitation = hazmanah = ; rservation = hazmanat maqom =

iris = sirah = ; iris pineux = sirah qoutsnit = ; = Hanna et
Ephraim Hareuveni

Isral = isral = ; isralien = isreli = ; isralienne = isrelit = ; Isral (Pays d'Isral) = rts-isral =

Italie = italiah =
; italien = italqi = ; italienne = italqit = ;

ivrogne(m.) = chikor =
; ivrogne(f.) = chikorah = ; ivrognerie = chikrout = ;

j1 = alf =
; j2 = bt = ; j3 = giml =
; j4 = dalt = ; j5 = h = ; j6 = vav =
; j7 = zayin = ; j8 = ht = ; j9 = tt = ; j10 =

yod = ;

j11 (10+1) = yod alf = ; j12 (10+2) = yod bt = ; j13 (10+3) = yod giml = ; j14 (10+4) = yod dalt = ;
Note : Les combinaisons j15 (10+5) et j16 (10+6) sont remplaces par j15 (9+6) et j16 (9+7) !

En effet, les Juifs s'interdisent de prononcer le Nom de Dieu figurant dans le "Ttragramme" = !

j15 (10+5) = y h = ;

j15 (9+6) = tt vav (prononc "tou") = ; Tou BiChvat = tou bichvat =

" ; ,

j16 (10+6) = y v = ; j16 (9+7) = tt zayin =

j17 (10+7) = yod zayin =
; j18 (10+8) = yod ht = ; j19 (10+9) = yod tt = ;

j20 (20) = kaf = ; j21 (20+1) = kaf alf = ; j22 (20+2) = kaf bt = ; j23 (20+3) = kaf giml = ; j24 (20+4) = kaf dalt = ;

j25 (20+5) = kaf h =

; j26 (20+6) = kaf vav = ; j27 (20+7) = kaf zayin = ; j28 (20+8) = kaf ht = ; j29 (20+9) = kaf tt = ;

j30 (30) = lamd = ;

jacuzzi = ambat 'isoui = ' ; jacuzzi = giaqouzi = ;

Jaffa = yafo = ;

jamais = af pa'am = ;

jambe = rgl(f.) = ; jambes = raglayim(f.) = ;

Japon = yapan = ;

jardiner =00> (pi'l) ginn, legann/legonn, megann, ginanti, agann tegann =

jardiner =50> jardin d'enfants, crche = gan yladim = ; jardinier d'enfants = ganan yladim = ; jardinire d'enfants =

gannt yladim = ;

jardiner =50> jardin, parc = gan = ; jardin = ginah = ; jardinier = ganan = ; jardinire = gananit = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

jaune(m.) = tsahov = ; jaune(f.) = tsehoubah = ; jaunes(m.) = tsehoubim = ; jaunes(f.) = tsehoubot =

je(m./f.) = ani(m./f.) = ;

Jean = yohanan = = (Matthieu 21.25) ;

jeans = gjins = ' ;

Jrusalem = yrouchalaim = ;

Jrusalemien (habitant de Jrusalem) = yrouchalmi = ; Jrusalemienne (habitante de Jrusalem) = yrouchalmit = ;

Jsus-Christ = Yechou'a haMachiah =

; Romains 1.1

jeter, lancer =00> (pa'al) zaraq, lizroq, zorq, zaraqti, zroq tizroq = ;

jeter, lancer =50> jet d'eau (fontaine) = mizraqah = ;

jeter, rejeter, propulser =00> (hif'il) hichlik, lehachlik, machlik, hichlakti, achlik tachlik =

jeter, rejeter, propulser =50> tashlikh (= tu enverras [au loin] = tachlik = ; Coutume Juive pratique l'aprs-midi de Roch HaChanah =>

jeudi (jour cinquime) = yom hamichi = ;

jeune(m.) = tsa'ir = ; jeune(f.) = tse'irah =

; jeunes(m.) = tse'irim = ; jeunes(f.) = tse'irot = ;

jener =00> (pa'al) (tsoum) tsam, latsoum, tsam, tsamti, atsoum tatsoum = ;

jener =50> assoiff = tsam = ; assoiffe = tsamah =

; tre assoiff = liheyot tsam = ;

jener =50> jen ( jen) = batsom = ; jene = tsom = ; soif = tsama = ;

jeunesse (les jeunes) = no'ar = ;

joindre =00> (pa'al) havar, lahavor (le), hovr, havarti, hvor tahevor = )(

joindre =50> joint(n.) = mahbar = ; joint (reli) = mehoubar = ; jointure = hibour = ; jonction = havirah =

joindre, adjoindre, assembler =00> (pi'l) tsrf, letsarf, metsarf, tsrafti, atsarf tetsarf =

joindre, adjoindre, assembler =50> adjonction = tsrouf =

; assemblage (runion) = tsirouf = ;

joindre, adjoindre, assembler =50> bijoutier = tsorf =

; bijoutire = tsorft = ;

joindre, adjoindre, assembler =50> joint (attach) = metsoraf = ; jointe (attache) = metsorft = ;

joindre, adjoindre, assembler =50> joint (ci-joint) = metsoraf bazh = ;

joindre, adjoindre, assembler =50> joint (ci-joint) = ratsouf bazh = ; joint (ci-jointe= = ratsoufah bazh = ;

jolie jolie jolis jolies = yafh yafah yafim yafot = ;

Jonas (= colombe) = yonah = = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

Jonathan (prnom m.) = yonatan = ;

jordanien, jordanienne = yardni, yardnit = ;

Joseph (prnom m.) = yosf = ;

joue = lhi(f.) = ; joues = lhayim(f.) = ;

jouer (musique/instrument) =00> (pi'l) nign, lenagn (be..), menagn, niganti, anagn tenagn = )(

jouer (musique/instrument) =50> instrument (de musique) = kli neginah = ;

jouer (musique/instrument) =50> instrumentiste(m.), musicien = nagan = ; instrumentiste(f.), musicienne = naganit = ;

jouer (musique/instrument) =50> mlodie, musique = manginah = ; mlodieux = nigouni = ; mlodieuse = nigounit =

jouer (musique/instrument) =50> musicalit = hitnagnout = ; musique = neginah = ;

jouer, rire, interprter (rle) =00> (pi'l) sihq, lesahq, mesahq, sihaqti, asahq tesahq =

jouer, rire, interprter (rle) =50> acteur, comdien = sahqan = ; actrice, comdienne = sahqanit = ;

jouer, rire, interprter (rle) =50> jeu = mishaq = ;

jouer, rire, interprter (rle) =50> jeu de mots = mishaq-milim = ; jeu de hazard = mishaq-mazal = ;

jour (du jour, quotidien) = yomi =

; jour (du jour, quotidienne) = yomit = ;

jour = yom =
; deux jours = yomayim = ; jours = yamim = ; jours de la semaine = yamim hachavoua' =

jour de pluie = sagrir = ;

Jourdain = yardn = ;

journal = 'iton = ;

journaliste(m.), reporter(m.) = 'itonay =

; journaliste(f.), reporter(f.) = 'itonayit = ;

jubiler =00> (pi'l) rinn, lerann ('al), merann, rinanti, arann terann = )(

Juda (prnom m.) = yehoudah = ; Jude = yehoudah = ;

jugement = din = ;

juger =00> (pa'al) chafat , lichpot, choft, chafatti, chpot tichpot =


juger =50> judiciaire(m.) = chipouti = ; judiciaire(f.) = chipoutit = ;

juger =50> juge(m.), magistrat = choft = ; juge(f.), magistrate = choftt = ; juges, magistrats = choftim =

juger =50> jugement, procs = michpat =

= (Exode 28.30) ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

juger =50> phrase = michpat = ;

juger =50> tribunal = bit michpat = ;

Juif = yehoudi = ; Juive = yehoudit = ; Juive = yehoudiyah = ; Juifs = yehoudim = ; Goy (= non

Juif) = goy = ;

Juif messianique = yehoudi mechihi = ; Juive messianique = yehoudit mechihit = ;

jument = sousah = ;

jurer, se lamenter, se dsoler =00> (pa'al) alah, laalot, olh, aliti, lh tlh =

jus (de fruit) = mits = ; jus d'oranges = mits tapouzim = ; jus d'oranges(p.) = mitsy-tapouzim =

jus de pamplemousses = mits chkoliyot = ;

jusqu' = 'ad = ;

juste, exact = nakon = ;

kabbale = qabalah = ; kabbaliste(m.) = meqoubal(m.) = ;

kaki (couleur) = haqi = ;

kaki (le fruit) = afarsmon = ;

karaoke = qrioqi = ;

kibbouts = qibouts = ;

kidnapper, enlever(rapt), dtourner(avion) =00> (pa'al) hataf, lahtof, hotf, hatafti, htof tahatof =

kidnapper, enlever(rapt), dtourner(avion) =50> dtournement (avion) = hatifah =
; enlvement (rapt) = hatifah = ;

kidnapper, enlever(rapt), dtourner(avion) =50> kidnapp = nhtaf = ; kidnappe = nhtft = ;

kidnapper, enlever(rapt), dtourner(avion) =50> kidnappeur = hotf = ; kidnappeuse = hotft = ;

kilo = qilo = ; kilogramme = qilogram = ;

kilomtre = qilomtr = ; kilomtre-heure = qilomtr lecha'ah = /
" ;

Kinrt = kinrt = ;

kippa, calotte, dme = kipah = ;

kiwi = qivoui = ;

knock-out, KO = noqaout = ;

l, ici = kan = ; l-bas = cham = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

labourer, creuser =00> (pa'al) harach, laharoch, horch, harachti, hroch, taharoch =

labourer, creuser =50> charrue = mahrchah = ; labour = harich = ; labourage = harichah = ;

lac = agam = ;

lacet = srok = ;

laque(m.) = hilon = ; laque(f.) = hilonit = ;

laine = tsmr = ;

lait = halav = ;

laitue = hasah = ;

laminer (taler) =00> (pi'l) ridd, leradd, meradd, ridadti, aradd teradd =

laminer (taler) =50> laminage = ridoud = ;

lampe (lanterne), phare (de vhicule), torche = panas = ; lampe (lanterne) frontale = panas 'al haroch = ;

lampe = menorah =
; Mnorah = menorah =
; lampe de chevet (de table) = menorat choulhan = ;

langue (corps) = lachon = ; langue (la mauvaise langue) = lachon-hara' = ;

langue (parle/crite) = safah = ; langue maternelle = safet m = ;

languir, avoir la nostalgie =00> (pi'l) gi'ega', lega'ega', mega'eg'a, gi'ega'eti, tga'ega' titga'ega =

languir, avoir la nostalgie =0r>

languir, avoir la nostalgie =50> nostalgie = ga'egou'im = ;

languir, se languir =00> (hitpa'l) hitga'eg'a, lehitga'eg'a (le), mitga'eg'a, hitga'ega'eti, tga'eg'a titga'eg'a =
)( ;

languir, se languir =0r>
languir, se languir =60> =>(verbe)=> languir, avoir la nostalgie = (pi'l) gi'ega', lega'ega'

lapin = chafan = ; lapine = chfanah = ;

larmoyer =00> (pa'al) dama', lidmo'a, dom'a, dama'ti, dma' tidma' =


larmoyer =50> larme = dim'ah = ; larmes = dma'ot = ;

latin = latinit = ;

lavement = hoqn = ;

laver du linge, lessiver, faire la lessive =00> (pi'l) kibs, lekabs, mekabs, kibasti, akabs tekabs =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

laver du linge, lessiver, faire la lessive =50> lave-linge = mekonat kvisah = ;

laver du linge, lessiver, faire la lessive =50> lessivable(m.) = mitkabs = ; lessivable(f.) = mitkabst = ;

laver du linge, lessiver, faire la lessive =50> lessive = kvisah = ; lessiv = mekoubas = ; lessive = mekoubst =

laver la vaisselle =00> (hif'il) hidiah, lehadiah (klim), madiah, hidahti, adiah tadiah = )(

laver la vaisselle =50> lave-vaisselle (machine laver la vaisselle) = mediah klim = ;

laver, se laver =00> (pa'al) rahats, lirhots, rohts, rahatsti, rhats tirhats =

laver, se laver =50> ablution (lavement de mains) = rahetsah = (Exode 30.18) ;

laver, se laver =50> baignade = rahatsah =

; baigneur = mitrahts = ; baigneuse = mitrahtst = ;

laver, se laver =50> lavage = rehitsah = ; lav = rahouts = ; lave = rehoutsah = ;

laver, se laver =50> toilette = rahatsah = ;

Lah (prnom f.) = lah = ;

leon = chi'our = ; leons = chi'ourim = ;

lgende (explication, cl) = maftah = ;

lgifrer =00> (pa'al) haqaq, lahaqoq/lahoq, hoqq, haqaqti, heqoq taheqoq = /


lgifrer =50> lgislateur, lgislatif = mehoqq = ; lgislatrice, lgislative= mehoqqt = ; lgislation= haqiqah =

lgifrer =50> lgitime(m.) = houqi = ; lgitime(f.) = houqit = ; loi = hoq = ;

lgifrer =00> (pi'l) hoqq, lehoqq, mehoqq, hoqaqti, ahoqq tehoqq =

lgifrer =60> =>(verbe)=> lgifrer = (pa'al) haqaq, lahaqoq/lahoq

Lgo = lgo = ;

lgume = yaraq(m.) = ; lgumes = yeraqot(m.) = ; lgumier = yarqan(m.) = ; lgumire = yarqanit(f.) =


lendemain = yom hamohorat = ; lendemain (le lendemain) = lemohorat = ;

lentement (doucement) = lat = ;

lettre (caractre) = ot(f.) =

; lettres (caractres) = otiyot(f.) = ;

lettre (caractre) gutturale = ot(f.) gronit = ; lettres (caractre) gutturales = otiyot(f.) groniyot = ;

lettre (note) = igrt = ;

lettre d'information (bancaire) = daf mida' = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

levain = hamts = ; levain = seor = ;

Levi (nom) = lvi = ;

levure = chmarim = ;

lvre = safah(f.) = ; lvres = sfatayim(f.) = ; lvre (bord de mer) = sfat hayam = ;

lexique = lqsiqon = ;

Liban = levanon = ;

librer, relcher, dbloquer, desserrer =00> (pi'l) chihrr, lechahrr, mechahrr, chihrarti, achahrr techahrr =

librer, relcher, dbloquer, desserrer =50> Guerre de Libration = milhmt hachihrout = ;

librer, relcher, dbloquer, desserrer =50> Guerre d'Indpendance = milhmt 'atsmaout = ;

librer, relcher, dbloquer, desserrer =50> librateur = mechahrr = ; libratrice = mechahrrt = ; libration = chihrout =

librer, relcher, dbloquer, desserrer =50> libr = mechouhrar = ; libre = mechouhrrt = ; libert = hirout =

libert = hofch = ; libre(m.) = hofchi = ; libre(f.) = hofchit = ; libres(m.) = hofchiim =


libre(m.) = panoui = ; libre(f.) = panouyah = ;

livre(m.) = arnav = ; livre(f.) = arnvt = ;

ligne, range = chourah = ;

ligne = chochlt = ;

lin = pichtan = ;

lion = arih(m.) = ; lions = arayot(m.) = ;

Lior (prnom m.) = lior = ;

liquide (argent liquide), comptant, espces (argent) = qch =

; liquide (argent liquide), comptant, espces (argent) = mezouman = ;

lire haute voix =00> (hif'il) hiqri, lehaqri, maqri, hiqrti, aqri taqri =
lire haute voix =60> =>(verbe)=> lire, appeler, nommer = (pa'al) qara, liqro

lire, appeler, nommer =00> (pa'al) qara, liqro (le..), qor, qarati, qra tiqra = )(

lire, appeler, nommer =50> appel, cri = qriyah =

; nomm = qaroui = ; nomme = qarouyah = ;

lire, appeler, nommer =50> curriculum vitae(m.) = qorot-hayim = ;

lire, appeler, nommer =50> je/on m'appelle = qorim li = ; il/elle s'appelle = qorim lo/lah = / ;

lire, appeler, nommer =50> lecteur = qariyan =

; lectrice = qariyanit =
; lecture = qriah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

lire, appeler, nommer =50> original = meqori = ; originale = meqorit = ;

lire, appeler, nommer =50> tu(m.) liras = tiqra = ; tu(f.) liras = tiqrii = ;

lisse(m.) = halaq = ; lisse(f.) = halaqah = ;

lit = mitah(f.) = ;

litre = litr = ;

littral = milouli = ; littrale = miloulit = ;

local = meqomi = ; locale = meqomit = ;

loger, coucher, passer la nuit =00> (pa'al) lan, laloun (be..), lan, lanti, aloun taloun = )( ;

loger, coucher, passer la nuit =50> nuite = linah = ;

loger, installer =00> (pi'l) chikn, lechakn, mechakn, chikanti, achakn techakn =
loger, installer =50> =>(verbe)=> habiter = (pa'al) chakan, lichkon

loin, loign = rahoq = ; loin(f.), loigne = rehoqah = ; loins(m.), loigns = rehouqim = ; loins(f.),

loignes = rehouqot = ;

Londres = london = ;

long = arok(m.) = ; longue = aroukah(f.) = ; longs = aroukim(m.) = ; longues = aroukot(f.) =


long (le long de) = leork = ; longueur = ork(m.) = ;

longtemps = zman rav =

; longtemps (depuis longtemps) = mizman = ;

Lot (prnom m.)

= lot = ; femme de Lot = ichat lot = ;

loto = loto = ;

louer (locataire) =00> (pa'al) sakar, liskor, sokr, sakarti, skor tiskor =

louer (locataire) =50> location (locataire/propritaire) = haskarah = ; loyer = skar-dirah = ;

louer (propritaire) =00> (hif'il) hiskir, lehaskir, maskir, hiskarti, askir taskir =

louer (propritaire) =60> =>(verbe)=> louer (locataire) = (pa'al) sakar, liskor

louer, glorifier =00> (pi'l) hill, lehall/leholl, mehall, hilalti, ahall tehall = /

louer, glorifier =41> loue, glorifie = hall = (hall = Prire juive compose des Psaumes 113-118 = ; louez, glorifiez = hallou =

louer, glorifier =41> louez Dieu, glorifiez Dieu = halelou-yah = = - (Psaumes 111.1 ) => Yah est trs probablement le Nom de Dieu le Pre cleste ! ;

louer, glorifier =50> gloire = tehilah = ; glorieux = mehoulal = ; glorieuse = mehoullt = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

louer, glorifier =50> hiloulah (= anniversaire joyeux de la mort d'un Juif) = hiloulah = ;

louer, glorifier =50> Psaumes = tehilim(m.) = ;

lourd = kavd =
; lourde = kvdah = ; lourds = kvdim = ; lourdes = kvdot = ;

lumire = or =
; lumire du matin = or haboqr = ;

lundi (jour deuxime) = yom chni = ;

lune = yarah = ; lune = levanah = ;

lunettes = michkafayim = ;

lunettes de soleil = michkafi chmch = ; lunettes de vue = michkafi reyah = ;

mcher =00> (pa'al) la'as, lil'os, lo's, la'asti, l'as til'as = ;

mcher =50> mch = la'ous = ; mche = la'ousah = ;

machine = mekonah = ; machine caf = mekonat-qafh = ;

Madrid = madrid = ;

magasin, boutique = hanout(f.) = ; magasins, boutiques = hanouyot(f.) = ;

magistrature = praqlitout = ;

magnifique(m.) = nhedar = ; magnifique(f.) = nhedrt = ;

maillot de bain = bgd yam = ; maillots de bain = bgadi yam = ;

maillot de bain (1 pice = complet) = bgd yam chalm = ; maillot de bain (biqini) = bgd yam biqini =

maillot de corps, tricot de peau = goufiyah = ;

main = yad(f.) =
; mains = yadayim(f.) = ; mains (avec les mains) = bayadayim = ;

main-d'uvre = koah adam = ;

maintenant = 'akchaiv = ; maintenant = 'ata = ;

maire = roch-'ir(m.) = ; (m.) malgr le fait que : ville, villes = 'ir(f.), 'arim(f.) = ' ;

mais, cependant = oulam = ; mais = ak = ; mais = aval = ;

mas = tiras = ;

maison = bayit(m.) = ; maisons = bitim(m.) = ; maison ( la maison, chez soi) = habaytah = ;

maison des enfants = bit-yladim = ;

majorit, plupart (la plupart) = rov = ;

majuscule (caractre plus grand) = ot rabati = ;

mle, masculin (grammaire) = zakar = ;

malgr = lamrot = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

maltraiter =00> (pi'l) 'oll, le'oll, me'oll, 'olalti, a'oll te'oll =


maman = ima = ;

manche (de vtement) = charvoul = ; manches (sans manches (de vtement)) = bli charvoulim = ;

mandoline = mandolinah = ;

manger =00> (pa'al) akal, lkol, okl, akalti, okal tokal = ;

manger =50> aliment = maakal = ;

manger =50> mangeable(m.) = akil = ; mangeable(f.) = akilah = ;

manger =50> manger (nourriture), repas = okl = ; manger (action) = akilah = ; salle manger = hadar-okl = ;

manger =50> mangeur = aklan =

; mangeuse = aklanit = ; nourriture = okl = ;

manire (faon) = drk(f.) = ; manire (faon) = drakim(f.) = ;

manire (faon) = ofn =

; manires (faons) = ofnim = ; manire (de toute faon/manire) = bekol ofn = ;

manifester =00> (hif'il) hifgin, lehafgin, mafgin, hifganti, afgin tafgin =

manifester =50> manifestation = hafganah = ;

manquer =00> (pa'al) hasar, lahsor, hasr, hasarti, hesar thesar =


manquer =50> tre absent = lihyot hasr = ; manquant, absent = hasr = ; manque = hosr = ;

manquer =50> valeur (sans valeur) = hasar 'rk = ;

manteau = me'il =
; manteau d'hiver = me'il horf = ;

manuel, livre d'tudes = sfr limoud = ;

maquiller =00> (pi'l) ipr, leapr, meapr, iparti, aapr teapr =

maquiller =50> maquillage = ipour = ; maquill = meoupar = ; maquille = meouprt = ;

maquiller =50> maquilleur = meapr = ; maquilleur = meaprt = ;

marche (d'escalier) = madrgah = ;

march = chouq =
; marchs = chvaqim = ;

mardi (jour troisime) = yom chlichi = ;

Mardoche = mardakai = = (Esther 2.5) ;

mari = ba'al =
; mon mari = ba'ali = ;

mariage (institution) = nisouim = ;

marie (nom) = kalah = ;

mari, marie (adjectif) = nasoui, nsouah = ; maris, maries (adjectif) = nsouim, nsouot = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

marmite, casserole = sir = ;

Maroc = maroq = ;

marquer, tracer, signaler =00> (pi'l) simn, lesamn, mesamn, simanti, asamn tesamm =

marquer, tracer, signaler =50> marquage = simoun = ;

marquer, tracer, signaler =50> marque (signe) = siman = ; marqu = mesouman = ; marque = mesoumnt = ;

marquer, tracer, signaler =50> signal, signe = siman = ; signet = simaniyah = ;

marron (couleur) = houm(m.) = ; marron (couleur) = houmah(f.) = ;

marteau = patich = ;

masculin (grammaire) = zakar = ; masculin singulier = zakar-yahid = ; masculin pluriel = zakar-rabim = ;

masque = maskah = ; mettre un masque = lasim maskah = ;

Massada = matsadah = ;

masser =00> (pi'l) 'isah, le'asot, me'ash, 'isiti, a'ash te'ash =


masser =50> massage = 'isoui = ; masseur = me'ash = ; masseuse = me'asah = ;

matelas = mizron = (langue parle) ; matelas = mizran = (dictionnaire) ;

matriel (informatique) = homrah = ;

mathmatiques = matmatiqah = ;

matire, argile, sujet, matire (sujet) = homr = ; matire (sujet) = nos = ;

matin = boqr =
; matinal = chahari = ; matinale = chaharit = ;

matrimonial = chl nisouim = ;

maudire =00> (pa'al) arar, laor, orr, ararti, eror tieror = ;

maudire =50> maudit = arour = ; maudite = arourah = ;

mauvais (moralement / pas au got), mauvaise, mauvais, mauvaises = ra' ra'ah ra'im ra'ot = ;

maximum = mrav = ;

mayonnaise = mayonz = ;

mchancet = ro'a lv = ; mchancet (cruaut) = rcha' = ;

mchant = racha' = ; mchante = racha'ah = ; mchante = racha'it = ;

mchant = meroucha' = ; mchante = meroucha'at = ;

Mdes, Mdie = madai = = (Esther 1.3) ;

mlanger, confondre =00> (pi'l) 'irvv, le'arbv, me'arbv, 'irvavti, a'arvv te'arvv =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

mlanger, confondre =50> mlange = 'irbouv = ; mlang = me'ourbav = ; mlange = me'ourbvt =

mlanger, fusionner, climatiser =00> (pi'l) mizg, lemazg, memazg, mizagti, amazg temazg =

mlanger, fusionner, climatiser =50> climatisation (mlange d'air) = mizoug avir = ;

mlanger, fusionner, climatiser =50> climatis = mmouzag = ; climatiseur = mazgan avir = ;

mlanger, fusionner, climatiser =50> fusion, union = mizoug = ;

mlanger, fusionner, climatiser =50> temps (mto) = mzg avir = ;

mlodie, musique = lahan = ;

melon = mlon = ;

membre(m.) (de la famille) = bn michpahah = ; membre(f.) (de la famille) = bat michpahah = ;

membre(m.) (d'un kibbouts) = havr-qibouts = ;

membre(m.) (d'un kibbouts) = qiboutsniq = ; membre(f.) (d'un kibbouts) = qiboutsniqit = ;

mme (= pareil) = oto = ;

mme (00. le mme) = oto = ; mme (la mme) = otah = ;

mme (01. moi-mme) = oti = ;

mme (02. toi-mme(m.)) = otka = ; toi-mme(f.) = otak = ;

mme (03. lui-mme) = oto = ; mme (elle-mme) = otah = ;

mme (04. nous-mme) = otanou = ;

mme (05. vous-mme(m.)) = tkm = ; vous-mme(f.) = tkn = ;

mme (06. eux-mme(m.) = otam = ; elles-mme(f.) = otan = ;

mme (11. moi-mme) = le'atsmi = ;

mme (12. toi-mme(m.)) = le'atsmeka = ; toi-mme(f.) = le'atsmk = ;

mme (13. lui-mme) = le'atsmo = ; elle-mme = le'atsmah = ;

mme (14. nous-mme(m./f.)) = le'atsmnou = ;

mme (15. vous-mme(m.)) = le'atsmkm = ; vous-mme(f.) = le'atsmkn = ;

mme (16. eux-mme) = le'atsmam = ; elles-mme = le'atsman = ;

mme (adverbe) = afilou =

; mme comme ! = afilou kakah = ; mme comme ! = gam kakah = ;

mentalit = mentaliyout = ;

mentir =00> (pi'l) chiqr, lechaqr, mechaqr, chiqarti, achaqr techaqr =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

mentir =50> mensonge = chqr = ; mensonges = chqarim = ; mensonger = chiqri = ; mensongre = chiqrit =

mentir =50> menteur = chaqran = ; menteuse = chaqranit = ;

menton = santr = ;

menu = tafrit(m.) = ; menus = tafritim(m.) = ;

menuiserie = nagarout =
; menuiserie (atelier) = nagariyah = ; menuisier = nagar = ; menuisire = nagarit = ;

mer = yam = ; mers = yamim = ;

Mer des Roseaux, Mer des Joncs = Yam-Souf = ;

Mer Mditerrane = Yam haTikon = ;

Mer Morte = Yam haMlah = ;

Mer Rouge = Yam haAdom = ;

mercredi (jour quatrime) = yom rvi'i = ;

mre = m =
; mre, maman = ima = ; mres, mamans = imahot = ;

mridional = daromi = ;

merveilleux = nifla = ; merveilleuse = niflah = ;

mesurer, essayer (vtement) =00> (pa'al) madad, limdod/lamod, modd, madadti, mdod timdod =

mesurer, essayer (vtement) =50> essayage = medidah = ; mesurable(m.) = madid = ; mesurable(f.) = madidah = ;

mesurer, essayer (vtement) =50> mesure (quantit), taille = midah = ; mesur = madoud = ; mesure = madoudah = ;

mesurer, essayer (vtement) =50> Quelle taille (mesure) ? = izh midah ? = ;

mthode = chitah = ;

mtier, profession, matire d'enseignement (discipline) = miqtso'a(m.) = ; mtiers, professions, matires d'enseignement (disciplines) = miqtso'ot(m.) =

mtre = mtr = ; mtres = mtrim = ;

mtro = mtro = ;

mettre en scne =00> (pi'l) biym, levaym, mevaym, biyamti, avaym tevaym =

mettre en scne =50> metteur en scne = bamay = ; metteuse en scne = bamayit = ; mise en scne, simulation = biyoum =

mettre en scne =50> podium, scne = bimah = ;

mettre, poser =00> (pa'al) (sim) sam, lasim, sam, samti, asim tasim = ;

mettre, poser =50> mise = simah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

meubler =00> (pi'l) riht, leraht, meraht, rihatti, araht teraht =


meubler =50> meuble = rahit = ;

meubler =50> meubl(n.) = dirah merohtt(f.) = ; meubl = merohat = ; meuble = merohtt =

mexicain = mqsiqani = ;

mzouzah = mzouzah = ;

Michel (prnom m.) = mikal = ;

micro-onde = miqrogal = ;

microbe, bactrie = haydaq = ;

microphone = miqrofon = ;

midi = tsohorayim = =
; => mais, en hbreu ancien, on dit : tsaharayim =

midi = hatsot hayom = ;

miel = dvach = ;

mieux(m.) = tov yotr = ; mieux(f.) = tovah yotr = ;

migration (animaux) = nedidah = ; migration (animaux) des oiseaux = nedidat tsiporim = ;

milli = mili = / "

; millilitre = mililitr = ;

milieu = mtsa' = ;

mille (1000) = lf = ;

milliard = miliard = ;

millier = lf = ;

million = milion = ; millionnaire = milionr = ;

mince(m.), maigre(m.) = razh = ; mince(f.), maigre(f.) = razah = ;

minces(m.), maigres(m.) = razim = ; minces(f.), maigres(f.) = razot = ;

minral = minral = ; minraux = minralim = ;

minimum = minimoum = ;

ministre = sar = ;

minorit = mi'out = ;

minuit = hatsot halaylah = ;

minuscule(m.) = za'ir = ; minuscule(f.) = ze'irah = ;

minute = daqah =
; minuterie = timr = ; minuterie (de chabat) = cha'on chabat = ;

minutie = diqdouq = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

miracle = ns = ; miraculeux = nisi = ;

mobile(m.), mobile (ordinateur, tlphone), portable = nayad = ; mobile(f.) = naydt = ; mobilit = nayadout = ;

mode = ofnah = ; mode ( la mode) = baofnah = ; mode (dmod) = lo baofnah = ;

mode ( la mode) = ofnati = ; mode (dmod) = lo ofnati = ;

modem = modm = ;

moderne(m.) = moderni =
; moderne(f.) = modernit = ; moderne (modernits) = moderniyot = ;

modernes(m.) = moderniyim = ; modernes(f.) = moderniyot = ;

mois (01-03) : Janvier (1) = yanouar = ; Fvrier (2) = fbrouar = ; Mars (3) = marts = ;

mois (04-06) : Avril (4) = april = ; Mai (5) = may = ; Juin (6) = youni = ;

mois (07-09) : Juillet (7) = youli = ; Aot (8) = ogoust = ; Septembre (9) = septembr = ;

mois (10-12) : Octobre (10) = octobr = ; Novembre (11) = novmbr = ; Dcembre (12) = dtsmbr =

mois hbraque (01-03) : Tichri/Tichry (1) = tichri/tichri = ; Hchvan (2) = hchvan = ; Kislv (3) = kisl(i)v = ;

mois hbraque (04-06) : Tvt (4) = tvt = ; Chvat (5) = chvat = ; Adar (6) = adar = ;

mois hbraque (07-09) : Nisan (7) = nisan = ; Iyar (8) = iyar = ; Sivan (9) = sivan = ;

mois hbraque (10-12) : Tamouz (10) = tamouz = ; Av (11) = av = ; loul (12) = loul = ;

Mose (prnom m.) = mochh = ;

moissonner =00> (pa'al) qatsar, liqtsor, qotsr, qatsarti, qtsor tiqtsor =

moissonner =50> moisson = qatsir = ; moissonneur = qotsr = ; moissonneuse = qotsrt = ;
moissonner =60> =>(verbe)=> abrger, raccourcir = (pi'l) qitsr, leqatsr

mollet = choq(f.) = ; mollets = choqim(f.) = ;

monde, univers (monde) = 'olam(m.) = ; mondes = 'olamot(m.) = ; mondial = 'olami = ; mondiale = 'olamit =

monnaie (devise), pice (monnaie) = matb'a(m.) = ; monnaies (devise), pices (monnaie) = matb'ot(m.) = ;

monnaie (petite monnaie) = 'odf = ;

monnaie trangre (devise), pice trangre (monnaie) = matb'a(m.) houts = ; => matah(m.) = " ;

Monopoly = monopol = ;

monsieur = adoni = ;

Mont des Olives = har-hazitim = ; -> Montagne des Oliviers : Zacharie 14.3-4

Mont Scopus = har haTsofim = ;

mont, montagne = har =

; montagneux = harari = ; montagneuse = hararit = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

monter sur (cheval, vlo, moto) =00> (pa'al) rakav, lirkov ('al), rokv, rakavti, rkav tirkav = )(

monter sur (cheval, vlo, moto) =50> char, chariot <04818> = merkavah = (voir 1 Rois 7.33) ;

monter sur (cheval, vlo, moto) =50> chevaucher = monter cheval = lirkov 'al sous = ;

monter sur (cheval, vlo, moto) =50> rouler vlo = lirkov 'al ofanayim = ;

monter sur (cheval, vlo, moto) =50> train = rakvt(f.) = ; trains = rakavot(f.) = ; mtro = rakvt tahtit (train sous-terrain) =

monter sur (cheval, vlo, moto) =50> voiture, vhicule = rkv = ; voiture de location = rkv-sakour = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =00> (pa'al) 'alah, la'alot (le..), 'olh, 'aliti, 'lh ta'alh = )(

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> ascenseur = ma'alit = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> cot = 'alout = ; cots = 'alouyot = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> degr (temprature) = ma'alah = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> dessus (haut) = ma'alah = ; en dessus, en haut = lema'alah = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> lvation (augmentation) = ha'alah = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> lvation (augmentation) de salaire = ha'alah bamaskort = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> grenier = 'aliyat gag(m.) = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> grossir (monter en poids) = la'alot bamichqal = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> immigrant = 'olh = ; immigrants = 'olim = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> immigrant (nouvel immigrant) = 'olh hadach = ;

monter, grimper, coter, migrer en Isral =50> monte = 'aliyah = ; monte (versant) = ma'alh = ;

monticule = tloulit = ;

montre, chronomtre = cha'on = ; montre-bracelet = cha'on yad = ;

montrer, faire voir, prsenter =00> (hif'il) hreah, lehareot, mareh, hreyti, areh tarehh =

montrer, faire voir, prsenter =50> apparence (vue) = marh(m.) = ; apparences (vues) = marot(m.) = ;

montrer, faire voir, prsenter =50> miroir = marah = ;

montrer, faire voir, prsenter =50> rfrence (bibliographique) = marh maqom (m.) = ;

montrer, faire voir, prsenter =50> vue = marh(m.) = ; vues = marot(m.) = ;

morceau = hatikah = ; morceaux = hatikot = ; morceau de pomme = hatikah tapouah = ;

mot = milah(f.) = ; mots = milim(f.) = ;

mot compos (tat construit) = smikout = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

mot de passe = sismah = ;

motif (motivation) = motiv = ;

moto = ofanoa' = ;

mourir =00> (pa'al) (mout) mt, lamout, mt, mati, amout tamout = ;

mourir =50> mort = mt = ; morte = mtah = ;

moustache = safam = ;

mouvement, geste = tnou'ah = ;

moyen (m.) = bnoni = ; moyenne (f.) = bnonit = ;

moyen (n.) = mtsa'i =

; moyens de rencontre = draki mifgach = ;

Moyen Orient (est de la Mditerrane) = hamizrah hatikon = ;

multicolore(m.) = sasgoni = ; multicolore(f.) = sasgonit = ;

multicolore(m.) = rav goni = ; multicolore(f.) = rav gonit = ;

multiplier, doubler =00> (pa'al) kafal, likpol, kofl, kafalti, kpol tikpol =

multiplier, doubler =50> double(n.) = kfl = ; double(m.) = kafoul = ; double(f.) = kfoulah = ;

multiplier, doubler =50> duplication = hakpalah = ;

multiplier, doubler =50> Grotte de Makplah Hbron = Tombeau des Patriarches (grotte des doubles [tombes]) = me'arat hamakplah =
multiplier, doubler =50> => selon la tradition juive, le tombeau cache des tombes jumelles o sont enterrs quatre couples bibliques importants : (1) Adam et
ve ; (2) Abraham et Sarah ; (3) Isaac et Rbecca ; (4) Jacob et La.

multiplier, doubler =50> multiple = kfoulah = ; multiplication (calcul) = makplah = ; multipli (x) = kafoul = ;

multitude, foule = hamon = ;

mur = qir(m.) = ; murs = qirot(m.) = ;

muraille = homah = ; murailles = homot = ;

mre (fruit) = tout = ;

mrir =00> (hif'il) hichvil, lehachvil, machvil, hichvalti, achvil yachvil =


mrir =50> mr = bachl = ; mre = bachlah = ; mrissement, maturation = havchalah = ;

murmurer =00> (pa'al) lahach, lilhoch, lohch, lahachti, lhach tilhach =


murmurer =50> murmure = lahach = ; murmure = rahach = ;

muscle = chrir = ; muscl = chriri =

; muscle = chririt = ;

muse = mouzon = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

muse (Yad vaChm) = mouzon yad vachm = " " ;

muse (Yad vaChm) =

= = un monument, un titre ; (Isae 56.5 :

musical = mousiqali = ; musicale = mousiqalit = ;

musicien (adj.) = mousiqi = ;

musicien = mouziqi = ; musicienne = mouziqit = ;

musique = mouziqah =
; musique douce (silencieuse) = mouziqah chqtah = ;

musulman = mouslemi = ; musulmane = mouslemit = ;

mutuellement, l'un l'autre = had t hachni = ; mutuellement, l'un l'autre = had lachni = ;

mystique = mistiqah = ;

mythologique = mitologi = ;

nager =00> (pa'al) sahah, lishot, sohh, sahiti, shh tishh =

nager =50> nage = shiyah = ; nageur = sahyan = ; nageuse = sahyanit = ; natation = shiyah =

Nahoum (prnom m.) = nahoum = (Nahum 1.) ; consolation = nihoum = ;

naf = tamim = ; nave = tmimah = ;

natre, tre n =00> (nif'al) (yilad) nolad, lehivald, nolad, noladti, ivald tivald =

natre, tre n =0r>

natre, tre n =50> naissance = lidah = ; naissance = houldt = ; n = nolad = ; ne = noldt = ;

natre, tre n =50> nat de nouveau = yivald mimqor = = (Jean 3.3 = ;

natre, tre n =50> nouveau-n = valad =

; nouveau-n = yilod = ;

nappe = mapah =
; napperon (petite serviette) = mapit = ; napperons (petites serviettes) = mapiyot = ;

Natanya (ville) = nataniah = ;

nation = 'oumah = ; national = leoumi =

; nationale = leoumit = ;

nature = tva' = ; nature (en pleine nature) = beriq hatva' = ;

navigateur, navigateur (Internet) = navat = ;

naviguer (sur l'eau) =00> (pa'al) chat, lachout (be), chat, chatti, achout tachout = )(

nazi = natsi =
; nazis = natsim = ;

ne mais plutt ... = lo la ... = ... ... ;

nant (pas de), il n'y a pas = in = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

ncessaire = 'rkah = ; ncessairement = behkerah = ;

Nguv = ngv = ;

neige = chlg = ;

Nephthali (tribu de) = naftali = (Gense 30.8) ;

nettoyer =00> (pi'l) niqah, lenaqot, menaqh, niqiti, anaqh tenaqh =


nettoyer =50> nettoyage = niqoui = ; nettoyant (matire nettoyante) = homr niqoui = ; nettoy = menouqh =

nettoyer =50> propre(m.) = naqi = ; propre(f.) = neqiyah = ; propret = niqayon = ;

neuf ( 9) = tcha'(f.) = ; neuf ( 9) = tich'ah(m.) = ;

neuf-cent (900) = tcha' mot = ;

neveu, nice = ahiyan, ahiyanit = ; neveux, nices = ahiyanim, ahiyanot = ;

New York = niou-yorq = ;

nez (s.) = af = ; nez (p.) = apim = ;

ni ni = lo .. velo = ;

Nice = nis =? ;

nichon (sein) = tsitsi = ;

nid = qn = ;

nier, refuser, s'opposer =00> (pa'al) chalal, lichlol/lachol, choll, chalalti, chlol tichlol = /

nier, refuser, s'opposer =50> ngatif = chlili = ; ngative = chlilit = ; ngation, refus = chlilah = ;

Nil = nilos = =
; Nil = yeor = = (Esae 23.3 : le Nil , Gense 15.18 : fleuve d'gypte = nahar-Mitsrayim) ;

niveau = ramah =
; niveau B = ramat bt = ; niveau (linguistique) = michlav = ;

No (prnom m.) = noah = (Gense 5.29) ;

nud papillon = papiyon = ;

noir (couleur) = chahor(m.) =
; noire (couleur) = chhorah(f.) = ; noirs (couleur) = chhorim(m.) = ; noires (couleur) =

chhorot(f.) = ;

nom = chm(m.) =
; noms = chmot(m.) = ; nom de moi (= je m'appelle) = chmi = ;

nom commun = chm 'tsm = ; noms communs (noms d'objet) = chmot 'tsm = ;

nom de famille = chm hamichpahah = ; nom et prnom (=nom plein) = chm mal = ;

nom verbal = chm pe'oulah = ;

nombreux = meroubh = ; nombreuse = meroubah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

non = lo = ; non seulement mais aussi ... = lo raq la gam ... = ... ;

nord(s.) = tsafon = ; nord(p.) = tsfonim =

; nordique = tsafoni = ; nord (vers le nord) = tsafonah = ;

Nord-Ouest = tsfon-ma'arav = ; Nord-Est = tsfon-mizrah = ;

note (musique) = tav = ;

nourrir =00> (hif'il) hkil, lehaakil, maakil, hkalti, aakil taakil =


nourrir =50> aliment = maakal = ; nourriture = okl = ;

nourriture = mazon = ;

nous(m./f.) = anahnou(m./f.) = ; nous(m./f.) = anou(m./f.) = ;

nuage = 'anan = ; nuageux = me'ounan = ;

nuit = laylah(m.) = ; nuits = laylot(m.) = ;

numrique, digital = digitali = ;

nylon = niilon = ;

obir =00> (pi'l) tsiyt, letsayt (le), metsayt, tsiyati, atsayt tetsayt =

obir =50> obissance = tsiyout = ; obissance = tsayitanout = ; obissant = tsiyitan = ; obissante = tsiyitanit =

obligation = hovah =
; obligation (finance = note de dette), bon (d'obligations/du trsor) = igrt hov = ;

oblig = hayav =
; oblige = hayvt = ; oblig = moukrah = ; oblige = moukrahah = ;

oblique(m.), dcal = melouksan = ; oblique(f.), dcale = melouksnt = ;

obliques(m.), dcals = melouksnim = ; obliques(f.), dcales = melouksnot = ;

obscurit, tnbres = hochk = (Gense 1.2) ;

observer, prvoir, surplomber =00> (pa'al) tsafah, litspot (be..), tsofh, tsafiti, tsph titsph = )(

observer, prvoir, surplomber =50> observateur, tlspectateur = tsofh = ; observatrice, tlspectatrice = tsofah = ;

observer, prvoir, surplomber =50> observateurs, tlspectateurs = tsofim = ;

observer, prvoir, surplomber =50> observation = tsfiyah = ; observatoire = mitsph = ;

observer, prvoir, surplomber =50> prvu = tsafoui = ; prvue = tsafouyah = ;

observer, prvoir, surplomber =50> Scopus (Mont Scopus) = har haTsofim = ;

observer, ( )
regarder =00> (hitpa'l) histakl, lehistakl (be..), mistakl, histakalti, stakl tistakl =

regarder =50> contemplation = histaklout = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

obtenir =00> (hif'il) hisig, lehasig, masig, hisagti, asig tasig = ;

obtenir =50> obtention = hasagah = ;

occasion (=pas neuf = 2ime main) = yad chniyah = ;

occident, ouest = ma'arav = ; occidental, ouest (vers l'ouest) = ma'aravi = ;

occuper, prendre, attraper (saisir), saisir =00> (pa'al) tafas, litpos, tofs, tafasti, tpos titpos =

occuper, prendre, attraper (saisir), saisir =50> occup (pris) = tafous =

; occupe (prise) = tafousah = ;

occuper, prendre, attraper (saisir), saisir =50> pris = nitpas = ; prise = nitpst = ;

il = 'ayin(f.) = ; yeux = 'inayim(f.) = ; il (le mauvais il) = 'ayin-hara' ; yeux ( mes yeux = mon avis) = be'inayi = ;

uf = bistah(f.) = ; ufs = bistim(f.) = ;

oignon = batsal = ;

oindre =00> (pa'al) machah, limchoah, mochah, machahti, mchah timchah =

oindre =50> (voir 1 Samuel 24.6,10 , 26.16, 2 Samuel 2.14,16,21, 19.21, 23.1, Lamentations 4.20, Daniel 9.25-26 -> ,


oindre =50> Christ, Oint, Messie, Sauveur = Machiah = = (Luc 2.11) ;

oindre =50> cirage = michhat na'alayim = ;

oindre =50> crme, pommade = michhah = ; dentifrice dents = michhat chinayim = ;

oindre =50> messianique = mechihi = ; messianisme = mechihiyout = ;

oindre =50> onction = mechihah = ;


oindre =50> Sauveur = mochi'a = = (Luc 2.11) ;

oiseau = tsipor(f.) =
; oiseaux = tsiporim(f.) = ; oiselier = tsapar = ; oiselier = tsaprt = ;

olive = zayit(m.) =
; olives = zitim(m.) = ; olivier = 'ts-zitim = ;

Olympiade = olympiadah = ; olympique = olimpi = ;

ombre = tsl = ; ombres = tselalim = ;

omelette = hativah = ;

oncle = dod = ;

onze (11) = ahat-srh(f.) = ; onze (11) = ahad-'asar(m.) = ;

opra = oprah = ;

oprer (mdecine), analyser =00> (pi'l) nitah, lenatah, menatah, nitahti, anatah tenatah =

oprer (mdecine), analyser =50> analyse = nitouah = ;

oprer (mdecine), analyser =50> analyste(m.) = menatah = ; analyste(f.) = menatahat = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

oprer (mdecine), analyser =50> chirurgien = rof menatah = ; chirurgienne = rofah menatahat =

oprer (mdecine), analyser =50> opration chirurgicale = nitouah = ; opr = menoutah = ; opre = menoutahat =

or (mtal, couleur) = zahav = ;

oral (par oral = par la bouche) = be'al ph = ;

orageux = so'r =
; orageuse = so'rt = ; mer agite (orageuse) = yam so'r = ;

orange = tapouz =
; orange = tapouah-zahav = ;

orange(m.) (couleur) = katom = ; orange(f.) (couleur) = ktoumah = ;

oranges(m.) (couleur) = ktoumim(m.) = ; orange(f.) (couleur) =/ ktoumot(f.) = ;

oratoire = ?? = ?? ; oratoire pour femmes = 'zrt-nachim = ;

ordre (commandement), impratif (grammaire) = tsivoui = ;

ordure (dchet) = achpah = ; ordure = zvl = ;

oreille = ozn(f.) =
; oreilles = oznayim(f.) = ;

organiser =00> (pi'l) irgn, leargn, meargn, irganti, aargn teargn =

organiser =50> organique(m.) = organi = ; organique(f.) = organit = ;

organiser =50> organisateur = meargn = ; organisatrice = meargnt = ;

organiser =50> organisation = irgoun = ; organis = meourgan = ; organise = meourgnt = ;

orge = se'orah = ;

orgueil = gaavah = ;

orient,est = mizrah = ; oriental, est (vers l'est) = mizrahi = ;

os (s.), objet (chose) = 'tsm(f.) = ; os (p.), objets (chose) = 'atsamot(f.) = ;

o = chebo/chbah/chcham = ;

o (statique) ? = (i)foh ? ( prononcer "fo") = ;

ou, ou bien = o = ;

oublier =00> (pa'al) chakah, lichkoah, chokah, chakahti, chkah tichkah =

oublier =50> oubli = chikehah = ; oubli = nichkah = ; oublie = nichkahah = ;

ouest, occident = ma'arav = ; ouest (vers l'ouest), occidental = ma'aravah = ;

oui = kn = ;

ourm, urim (lumires) = ourim = = = (Exode 28.30) ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

outil, ustensile = kli = ; outils, ustensiles = klim = ;

ouvrir =00> (pa'al) patah, liftoah, potah, patahti, ftah tiftah =


ouvrir =50> ouvert = patouah = ; ouverte = ptouhah = ; ouverts = ptouhim = ; ouvertes = ptouhot =

ouvrir =50> ouverture = ptihah = ; ouverture (compte bancaire) = ptihat hchbon = ;

ouvrir =50> ouvre-boite = pothan = ; ouvre-bouteilles = pothan baqbouqim = ;

ouvrir =50> patah (= "a" patah = "a" ouvert) = patah = ; => "a patah" (aussi = gam = )

oy (=? oh) = oy = ;

page, feuille = daf = ; pages, feuilles = dafim = ;

paille = qach = ;

pain = lhm = ; pains = lehamim = ;

pain azyme (= sans levain) = matsah = ; pain blanc tress de chabat = halah = ; pain grill = lhm qalouy = ;

paix, salut, bonjour = chalom = ;

palais = armon(m.) = ; palais(p.) = armonot(m.) = ; palais royal = bit hamlk = (Esther 1.5) ;

palais = hikal = ; palais du livre = hikal-hasfr = ;

ples(m.) = hiourim = ; ples(f.) = hiourot = ;

Palestine = palestinah = ;

palmier-dattier (arbre), dattier (arbre) = 'ts hatamar = ;

pamplemousse = chkolit = ;

pancake = panqiq = ;

panier = sal = ;

panne (en panne)(m.) = meqoulqal = ; panne (en panne)(f.) = meqoulqlt = ;

panne = taqalah = ; panne (en panne) = betaqalah = ;

panneau = chlt = ; panneaux = chalatim = ;

panneau indicateur, signalisation (panneau de signalisation) = tamrour = ; panneau d'affichage = louah moda'ot = ;

panorama, paysage = nof = ;

pansement = havichah = ;

pantalon = miknasayim = ' ; pantalon-jean = miknasi-gjins = ;

papa = aba(m.) =
; papas = abot(m.) = ; pre (mon pre) = avi(m.) = ;

Papaousie = papouah = ;

papier = neyar =
; papier hyginique (WC) = nyar toualt = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

papillon = parpar = ;

Pque (Pessah) = Psah = = (Exode 12.11) ;

paquet = havilah = ; paquet = hafisah = ;

par (agent) = 'al yedi =
; par (chemin, direction) = drk = ;

paramdical = paramdiq = ;

parapluie = m(i)triyah = ;

parc = parq = ; parc haute technologie (high tech park) = hay tq parq = ;

parce que = mipni ch... = ; parce que, car = ki = ;

parchemin = qlaf = ;

pardonner, excuser =00> (pa'al) salah, lisloah (le..), solah, salahti, slah tislah = )(

pardonner, excuser =50> pardon = slihah = = (Psaumes 130.4, Hbreux 10.18) ;

pardonner, excuser =50> pardonnable(m.) = saliah = ; pardonnable(f.) = salihah = ;

pardonner, excuser =50> pardonn = nislah = ; pardonne = nislahah = ;

parent = horh =
; parents = horim = ; parents = aba v ima = ;

parfois = lif'amim = ; <=> autrefois = lefanim = ;

parfumer =00> (pi'l) bism, levasm, mevasm, bisamti, avasm tevasm =

parfumer =50> parfum = bosm = ; parfum = mevousam = ; parfume = mevousmt = ;

Paris = paris = ;

parler =00> (pi'l) dibr, ledabr ('im, 'al, al), medabr, dibarti, adabr tedabr = ) (

parler =50> parl = medoubar = ; parle = medoubrt = ; parole = dibour = ; paroles = dibourim =

parler =50> parole = davar = ; porte-parole(m.) = dovr = ; porte-parole(f.) = dovrt = ;

= -
parler =50> Parole de Dieu = Dvar lohim = ; <= voir 1 Samuel 9.27, 1 Chroniques 17.3, Marc 7.13, Actes 6.7

= -
parler =50> Parole de l'ternel = Dvar Adona = ; <= voir 1 Rois 17.24

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =00> (pi'l) hilq, lehalq, mehalq, hilaqti, ahalq tehalq =

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> blouse, peignoir = halouq = ; blouse de mdecin = halouq-rof = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> dpartement = mahlaqah = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> distributeur (commerant) = mehalq = ; distributrice (commerante) = mehalqt = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> distribution = halouqah = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> divis = mehoulaq = ; divise = mehoulqt = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> diviseur = mehalq = ; divisible(m.) = mithalq = ; divisible(f.) = mithalqt =

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> division (math.) = hilouq = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> part, partie (morceau) = hlq = ; partage, rpartition = halouqah = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> peignoir, blouse = halouq = ; peignoir de bain = halouq-magvt = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> quelques = hlq = ; quelques (quelques-uns parmi vous) = hlqkm = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> rayon (magasin) = mahlaqah = ;

partager, distribuer, diviser, rpartir =50> service (dpartement) = mahlaqah =

; terrain (parcelle) = hlqah = ;

participer, prendre part =00> (hitpa'l) hichtatf, lehichtatf (be..), michtatf, hichtatafti, chtatf tichtatf = ( )

participer, prendre part =50> participant = michtatf = ; participante = michtatft = ; participation = hichtatouf =

participer, prendre part =60> =>(verbe)=> associer, cooprer, faire participer/partager = (pi'l) chitf, lechatf

particulier (= unique en son genre), spcial = meyouhad = ; particulire (= unique en son genre), spciale = meyouhdt = ;

particuliers (= unique en son genre), spciaux = meyouhadim =
; particulires (= unique en son genre), spciales = meyouhadot = ;

partout = bekol maqom = ;

pas (ne pas) = lo =

; pas (ne pas : interdiction) = al = ; <=> lui = lo =

pas (il n'y a pas du tout) = in biklal = ;

passeport = darkon = ;

passer, dpasser, outrepasser, traverser, dmnager =00> (pa'al) 'avar, la'avor, 'ovr, 'avarti, 'vor ta'avor =

passer, dpasser, outrepasser, traverser, dmnager =50> dmnagement = ha'avarah = ; dmnager (d'appartement) = la'avor dirah =

passer, dpasser, outrepasser, traverser, dmnager =50> pass = 'avar = ; passe = 'avrah = ; passer chabat = la'avor chabat =

passer, dpasser, outrepasser, traverser, dmnager =50> prcdent (pass) = 'avar = ; prcdente (passe) = 'avrah = ;

passer, dpasser, outrepasser, traverser, dmnager =50> trafic (circulation) = ta'avourah = ;

pastque = avatiah = ;

pte = batsq = ;

ptes = pastah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

patron = bos = ; patronne = bosit = ;

paume (de la main) = kaf yad = ;

pauvre(m.) = 'ani = ; pauvre(f.) = 'aniyah = ; pauvres(m.) = 'aniyim = ; pauvret = 'oni = ; <=> je(m./f.) = ani(m./f.) =

payer =00> (pi'l) chilm, lechalm, mechalm, chilamti, achalm techalm =


payer =50> Combien de paiements (chances) ? = Kamah tachloumim ? = ;

payer =50> complet, entier = chalm = ; complte, entire = chalmah = ;

payer =50> crdit ( crdit) = tachloumim = ; paiement = tachloum = ;

payer =50> pay = mechoulam = ; paye = mechoulmt = ; payeur = mechalm = ; payeuse =

mechalmt = ;

pays(s.) = rts(f.) = ; pays(p.) = artsot(f.) = ;

paysage, panorama = nof = ;

peau (du corps, d'un vtement), cuir = 'or = ;

pche = afarsq = ;

pcher =00> (pa'al) dag, ladoug, dag, dagti, adoug tadoug = ;

pcher =50> pche (de poissons) = dayig = ; pcheur = dayag = ; pcheuse = daygt = ;

pcher =50> poisson = dag =
; poissonnerie = hanout dagim = ; poissonnier = mokr dagim = ;

pcher, tre corrompu =00> (pa'al) sarah, lisroh, sorh, sarahti, srah = ;

pcher, se tromper, fauter =00> (pa'al) hata, lahto, hot, hatati, hta thta =

pcher, se tromper, fauter =50> pch = hataah = = (Exode 32.31) ;

pcher, se tromper, fauter =50> pch = ht = = = (Romains 6.23) ; pchs = htim = (Hbreux 10.18) ;

pcher, se tromper, fauter =50> pcheur = hot = ; pcheuse = hott = ;

pectoral = hochn = = (Exode 28.31) ;

peigner, scanner =00> (pa'al) saraq, lisroq, sorq, saraqti, sraq tisraq =

peigner, scanner =50> peigne = masrq = ; peign = mesoraq = ; peigne = mesorqt = ;

peigner, scanner =50> scan = sriqah = ; scanner = sorq = ;

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =00> (pa'al) tsava', litsbo'a, tsov'a, tsava'ti, tsba' titsba' =

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =50> colorant = tsva' = ; coloration = tsvi'ah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =50> color (multicolore), colore (multicolore) = ts(i)v'oni, ts(i)v'onit = ;

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =50> couleur (de couleur ...) = betsva' = ; <= Trs utile si on ne connat pas le genre (m./f.) du mot !

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =50> couleur = tsva' = ; couleurs = tsva'im = ;

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =50> multicolore(m.) = ts(i)v'oni = ; multicolore(f.) = ts(i)v'onit = ;

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =50> peint = tsavou'a = ; peinte = tsavou'ah = ;

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =50> peintre(m.) (en btiment) = tsaba' = ; peintre(f.) (en btiment) = tsaba'it = ; peinture (produit) = tsva' =

peindre, colorer, teindre, teinter =50> teinte = tsva' = ; teinture = tsvi'ah = ;

pelouse = dch = ;

pendant = bizman = ;

pendre, accrocher =00> (pa'al) talah, litlot, tolh, taliti, tlh titlh =

pendre, accrocher =50> pendaison = tliyah = ; pendant = talouy = ; pendante = talouyah = ; pendantif = tilyon =

pendre, accrocher =50> penderie = aron tliyah = ; pendu = talouy = ; pendue = talouyah = ;

pendre, accrocher =50> dpend ! = taloui ! = ! ; dpendre de (In) = lihiyot taloui be... =... ;

pntrant = hodrani =
; pntrante = hodranit =
; pntrants = hodrim = ; pntrantes = hodrot =

penser, rflchir =00> (pa'al) hachav, lahchov, hochv, hachavti, hchov tahachov =

penser, rflchir =50> calculatrice = mahchevon = ; ordinateur = mahchv = ; ordinateur portable = mahchv nisa =

penser, rflchir =50> compte, note ( payer) = hchbon = ;

penser, rflchir =50> important = hachouv = ; importante = hachouvah = ;

penser, rflchir =50> pense = hachivah = ; pense, rflexion = mahchavah = ;

penser, rflchir =50> restitution = hachavah = ;

Pentecte = Chavou'ot = ;

perception (finance) = gviyah = ;

pre = av(m.) = ; pres, anctres, patriarches = avot(m.) = ;

Pre cleste = av bachamayim = =

(Matthieu 5.48) ;

percer, transpercer, poignarder, piquer =00> (pa'al) daqar, lidqor, doqr, daqarti, dqor tidqor =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

percer, transpercer, poignarder, piquer =50> perforation (piqre) = diqour = ;

percer, transpercer, poignarder, piquer =50> piquant (acr) = doqrani = ; piquante (acre) = doqranit = ;

percer, transpercer, poignarder, piquer =50> piqre = dqirah = ; poignardage = dqirout = ;

perdre (garer) =00> (pi'l) ibd, leabd, meabd, ibadti, aabd teabd =

perdre (garer) =50> kamikaze(m.) = mitabd =

; kamikaze(f.) = mitabdt = ;

perdre (garer) =50> perdu = avoud = ; perdue = avoudah = ; perte = avdah = ; perte = iboud =

permettre =00> (pi'l) ifchr, leafchr (le), meafchr, ifcharti, aafchr teafchr = )(

permettre =50> impossibilit = i-fcharout = ;

permettre =50> impossible = i-fchar = ; impossible (absolument) = bilti-fchar = ;

permettre =50> possibilit = fcharout = ;

permettre =50> possible (adj m.) = fchari = ; possible (adj f.) = fcharit = ;

permettre =50> possible (nom) = fchar = ; possible (il est possible, on peut) = fchar = ;

permettre =50> possible (il est impossible, on ne peut pas) = i-fchar = ;

permettre, autoriser =00> (hif'il) hirchah, leharchot (le..), marchh, hirchti, archh tarchh =

permettre, autoriser =50> autorit (administration) = rachout = ; permission = rechout = ;

permettre, autoriser =50> permis = richaion = ; permis de conduire = richaion-nehigah = ;

perptuer, immortaliser =00> (hif'il) hintsiah, lehantsiah, mantsiah, hintsahti, antsiah tantsiah =

perptuer, immortaliser =50> ternel, immortel = nitshi = ; ternelle, immortelle = nitshit = ; ternit = ntsah = ;

perptuer, immortaliser =50> perptuit = ntsah = ;

persan = farsit = ;

Perse = paras = = (Esther 1.3) ;

persil = petrozilah = ;

personne (3ime personne : conjugaison) = gouf hachlichi = ;

personne ("mme pas une seule personne" = "0 individu") = af had = ; personne ne ... = af had lo ... = ;

personnel (travail) = sgl = ;

personnel = ichi = ; personnelle = ichit = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

peser, considrer =00> (pa'al) chaqal, lichqol, choql, chaqalti, chqol tichqol =

peser, considrer =50> balance, poids = michqal = ;

peser, considrer =50> considration (prise en compte, et non dfrence) = chiqoul = ; quivalent = chaqoul = ;

peser, considrer =50> pes = chaqoul = ; pese = chqoulah = ; pess = chqoulim = ; pese(nom) =

chqilah = ;

peser, considrer =50> shekel = chql = ; shekels = chqalim = ;

Pessah (Pque juive) = psah = ; Pessah kachr (= digne) et joyeux(s.) ! = Pesah kachr vesamha ! = ! ;

petit (en taille) = namouk = ; petite

(en taille) = namoukah = ;

petit = qatan = ; petite = qtanah =

; petits = qtanim = ; petites = qtanot = ;

petit-fils(s.) = nkd =
; petits-fils(p.) = nkadim = ; petite-fille = nkdah = ; petites-filles = nkadot = ;

petits-enfants(p.) = nkadim = ;

ptrir =00> (pa'al) lach, lalouch, lach, lachti, alouch talouch = ;

ptrir =50> ptrissage = lichah = ;

ptrole = nft =
; ptrolier = mekalit nft = ;

peu = me'at =
; peu (un peu) = qtsat = ;

peuple = 'am = ;

peut-tre = oulai = ;

pharaon = par'oh = = (Exode 3.10) ;

phare (maritime) = migdalor = ;

Philistin = pelichti = =
(I Samuel 17.8) ;

philosophie = filosofiah = ;

photo (selfie) = slfi = ;

photos d'enfance = tmounot yaldout = ;

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =00> (pi'l) tsilm, letsalm, metsalm, tsilamti, tsalm tetsalm =

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =50> appareil photo = matslmah = ;

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =50> photocopie = tsiloum =

; photocopieur = mekonat tsiloum = ;

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =50> photographe(m.) = tsalam = ; photographe(f.) = tsalmt = ;

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =50> photographe(m.) amateur = tsalam hovv = ;

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =50> photographie (clich) = tsiloum = ; photographie (image) = tatsloum = ;

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =50> photographi = metsoulam = ; photographie = metsoulmt = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =50> photographie (clich) = tsiloum = ; [photographie = tmounah = (pas mme racine)]

photographier, prendre en photo, filmer =50> photographi = tsilm = ; radiographie = tsiloum = ;

phrase = michpat = ; phrases = michpatim = ;

physique (adj.) = fizi =
; physique = fiziqah = ; physicien = fiziqi = ; physicienne = fiziqit = ;

piano = psantr = ;

pice (document) = mismak = ;

pice (monnaie) = matb'a = ;

pied, jambe = rgl(f.) = ; pieds, jambes = raglayim(f.) = ; pied ( pied) = bargl = ;

pierre = vn = ; pierres = avanim = ;

pilule = kadour = ;

piment, poivre, poivron = pilpl = ;

pionnier = halouts = ; pionnire = haloutsah = ;

pique-nique = piqniq = ;

piquer =00> (pa'al) 'aqats, la'aqots, 'oqts, 'aqatsti, 'qots ta'aqots =

piquer =50> pine = qots =
(<Strong 06975> = pine, buisson dpines, ronces ) ; pineux = qotsni = ; pineuse = qotsnit =

piscine = brkah = ; piscine = brikat shiyah = ;

pitah (pain plat et rond) = pitah = ;

pizza = pitsah = ;

place (publique) = kikar(f.) = ; places (publiques) = kikarot(f.) = ;

place, endroit = maqom(m.) = ; places, endroits = maqomot(m.) = ;

plage = hof =
; plage = hof-yam = ;

plaie (blessure) = ptsa' = ;

plaire, tre agrable =00> (pa'al) na'am, lin'om, na'im, na'amti, n'am tin'am =

plaire, tre agrable =50> agrable(m.), plaisant = na'im =

; agrable(f.), plaisante = ne'imah = ;

plaisir = kif = ; quelle joie/plaisir = izh kif = ;

planer, voltiger =00> (pi'l) rihf, lerahf, merahf, rihatfi, arahf terahf =

planer, voltiger =50> et le souffle de Dieu planait la surface des eaux. = . = = - ,( = Gense 1.2) ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

planifier, prvoir =00> (pi'l) tiknn, letaknn, metaknn tiknanti, ataknn tetaknn =

planifier, prvoir =50> planificateur = metaknn = ; planificatrice = metaknnt = ; planification = tiknoun =

planifier, prvoir =50> planifi = metouknan = ; planifie = metouknnt = ; planning = tiknoun = ;

planifier, prvoir =60> =>(verbe)=> programmer = (pi'l) tiknt, letaknt

plantation d'agrumes = pards = ;

plante = tsmah =
; plantes = tsmahim = ;

planter =00> (pa'al) nata', linto'a, not'a, nata'ti, ta' tita' = ;

planter =50> plantation (acte) = netiy'ah = ;

planter, greffer =00> (pa'al) chatal, lichtol, chotl, chatalti, chtol tichtol =

planter, greffer =50> plant = chtil = ; plantation = chtilah = ; plant = chatoul = ; plante = chatoulah =

plastique(m.) = plasti = ; plastique(f.) = plastit = ;

plat (= mets), portion = manah = ;

plat (= plat premier), hors d'uvre = manah richonah = ; plat principal = manah 'iqarit = ;

plateau (de service du Sdr de Pessah) = magach = ;

pleurer =00> (pa'al) bakah, livkot, bokh, bakiti, vkh tivkh = ;

pleurer =50> pleur = bki =

; pleurnicheur = bakyan = ;

plier =00> (pa'al) qipl, leqapl, meqapl, qipalti, aqapl teqapl =

plier =50> pli = qfl = ; pliage = qipoul = ; pliant = mitqapl = ; pliante = mitqaplt =

plier =50> pli = meqoupal = ; plie = meqouplt = ;

plomberie = chravravout = ; plombier = chravrav = ;

pluie = gchm = ;

plume (d'oiseau) = notsah = ;

plume (pour crire), stylo = 't = ;

plupart (la plupart de ...) = rov ha... = ; plupart (la plupart d'entre nous) = rovnou = ;

pluriel (grammaire), nombreux = rabim = ;

plus (+) = ve'od =

; plus (+) = plous = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

plus (le plus) = haki = ; plus (le plus), davantage = kekol = ;

plus, davantage = iotr = ; plus (le plus) = beiotr = ; plus que = iotr machr = ;

plusieurs = ahadim = ;

point = neqoudah = ;

pointu (nez), aquilin, busqu = nichri = ;

poire = agas = ;

poireau = krechah = ;

pois = afounah = ; pois chiche (pure de pois chiches) = houmous = ;

poitrine = hazh = ;

poivre = pilpl = ; poivre noir = pilpl chahor = ;

poivron, piment = pilpl = ; poivron = pilplt = ;

poli (courtois) = nimousi = ; poli = menoumas = ; polie = menoumst = ; politesse = nimous =

police = michtarah = ;

policier, agent(m.) de police = chotr = ; policire, agent(m.) de police = chotrt = ; policier : commissaire <07860> 2
Chroniques 26.11

politicien = polotiqay = ; politicienne = polotiqayit = ;

politique = politiqah = ; politique = politi = ;

Pologne = polin =
; polonais = polani = ; polonaise = polanit = ;

polyester = polistr = ;

pomme (de l'arbre) = tapouah-'ts = ;

pomme = tapouah = = ; pommes = tapouhim = ;

pomme de terre = tapouah adamah = ; pommes de terre = tapouhi adamah = ;

pomme verte = tapouah yaroq = ; pommes vertes = tapouhim yerouqim = ;

ponctuation (voyelle) = niqoud = ;

pont = gchr = ;

populaire(m.) = 'amami =
; populaire(f.) = 'amamit = ; popularit = 'amamiout = ;

populaire(m.) = popoulari = ; populaire(f.) = popoularit = ;

port = naml = ;

portable = nisa = ;

portail, porte (monumentale) = cha'ar = ; portails, portes (monumentales) = che'arim = ;

porte = dlt(f.) =
; portes = dlatot(f.) = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

porte-monnaie, bourse = arnaq = ;

porter (ceinture, pe), ceindre =00> (pa'al) hagar, lahgor, hogr, hagarti, hegor tahegor =

porter (ceinture, pe), ceindre =50> ceinture = hagorah = ;

porter (chapeau) =00> (pa'al) havach, lahvoch, hovch, havachti, hevoch tahchov =

porter (lunettes, bijou) =00> (hif'il) hirkiv, leharkiv, markiv, hirkavti, arkiv tarkiv =

porter (lunettes, bijou) =50> porter des lunettes = leharkiv michqafayim = ;

porter =00> (pa'al) nasa, last, nost, nasati, sa tisa = ;

porter =50> matire (sujet) = nos =

; porteur = nos = ; porteuse = nost = ; sujet = nos = ; thme

= nos = ;

porter, mettre (chaussettes, bas) =00> (pa'al) garav, ligrov, gorv, garavti, grov tigrov =

porter, mettre (chaussettes, bas) =50> chaussette = grv =

; chaussettes = garbayim = ; collants (bas) = garbiyonim = ;

Portez-vous bien ! = Targich tov ! = ; Targichi tov ! = ; Targichou tov ! =


positif, affirmatif = hiyouvi =

; positive, affirmative = hiyouvit = ;

possder, hriter =00> (pa'al) nahal, linhol, nohl, nahalti, nhal tinhal = ;

possder, hriter =50> patrimoine (proprit des pres) = nahalat avot (f.) = ; proprit = nahalah = ;

poste, bureau de poste = doar = ;

poste, emploi = misrah = ; mi-temps = htsi misrah = ; plein temps = misrah melah =

pot de fleurs = 'atsits = ;

pou = kinah(f.) = ; poux = kinim(f.) = (Exode 8.12-14) ;

poulailler = loul = ;

poule = tarnegolt = ;

poumon = riah = ;

poupe = boubah = ;

pour (+ pas d'infinitif), afin de (+ pas d'infinitif), l'intention de = bichvil = ;

pour (+infinitif), afin de (+infinitif) = kedi = ; pour que, afin que = kedi ch... = ... ;

pour (01. pour moi) = bichvili = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

pour (02. pour toi(m.)) = bichvilka =

; pour (02. pour toi(f.))= bichvilk = ;

pour (03. pour eux) = bichvilham =

; pour (03. pour elles) = bichvilhan = ;

pour (03. pour lui) = bichvilo = ; pour (03. pour elle) = bichvilah = ;

pour (04. pour nous(m./f.)) = bichvilnou = ;

pour (05. pour vous(m.)) = bichvilkm = ; pour (05. pour vous(f.))= bichvilkn = ;

pourcentage, pour cent(s.) , % = ahouz = ; pourcentages, pour cent(p.) , % = ahouzim = ;

Pourim = pourim = = = (Esther 9.26) ;

pourtant (malgr tout) = lamrot hakol = ;

pourquoi ? = lamah ? = ? ; pourquoi ? (en insistant) = madou'a ? = ? ;

pourvu que, j'espre = halvai ch.. = .. ;

pousser (dplacer) =00> (pa'al) dahaf, lidhof, dohf, dahafti, dhaf tidhaf =

pousser (dplacer) =50> pousse = dhifah = ; poussez (push) = dehof = ; poussez (ne poussez pas !) = lo lidhof ! = !

poussin = froah = ; poussins = froahim = ;

poutre = qorah = ;

pouvoir, tre capable =00> (pa'al) yakol, likol, yakol (le..), yakolti, oukal toukal = )(

pouvoir, tre capable =50> capacit (facult) = yekolt = ;

pratique = praqti = ;

prcher =00> (hif'il) hitif, lehatif (le), matif, hitafti, atif tatif = )(

prdicateur (= retient) = 'qv = (voir 1 Corinthiens 9.18) ;

prdicateur = magid = = (voir 1 Timothe 2.7, 2 Timothe 1.11) ;

prdicateur = matif = = ;

prfrer =00> (hif'il) h'edif, leha'edif, ma'edif, h'edafti, a'edif ta'edif =


prfrer =50> prfrable = 'adif = ; prfr = mou'adaf = ; prfre = mou'adft = ;

prfrer =50> prfrence = ha'adafah = ; prfrence = ha'adifout = ;

prfixe = itana = ; <= dixit O.E. ! => mais mon dictionnaire dit : prfixe = thilit = ;

prlvement automatique (banque) = horaat-qva' = ;

premier = richon = ; premire = richonah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

prendre =00> (pa'al) laqah, laqahat, loqah, laqahti, qah tiqah = ;

prendre =50> client, acheteur = laqoah(m.) =

; cliente, acheteuse = laqohah = ; clients, acheteurs = laqohot(m.) =

prendre =50> prendre (retirer) = laqahat mi... = .. ;

prendre =50> prise (action) = leqihah = ; enlvement (son enlvement) = laqho =

(Hbreux 11.5) ;

prendre la peine de, s'vertuer, se donner de la peine =00> (pa'al) tarah, litroah, torah, tarahti, trah titrah =

prnom (= nom priv) = chm prati = ;

prparer (mdicaments) , mlanger (mdicaments) =00> (pa'al) raqah, lirqoah, roqah, raqahti, rqah tirqah =

prparer (mdicaments) , mlanger (mdicaments) =50> pharmacie = bit-mirqahat = ; pharmacien = roqah = ;

prparer =00> (hif'il) (kon) hkin, lehakin, mkin, hkanti, akin takin = /

prparer =50> prparatifs = hakanot = ; prparation = hakanah = ; prparatoire(m.) = mkin = ; prparatoire(f.) =

mkinah = ;

prparer =50> prt = moukan = ; prte = moukanah = ;

prescription (ordonnance) = horaah = ;

prsence, existence (il y a) = ych = ; prsence, existence (il n'y a pas, nant, pas de) = in = ;

prsent (temps : conjugaison de prsent) = hovh = ;

prsentateur = qaryan = ;

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =00> (hif'il) hitsig, lehatsig, matsig, hitsagti, atsig tatsig =

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =50> dfil de mode (exposition de mode) = tetsougat ofnah = ;

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =50> cran (d'ordinateur) = tsag / matsag = / ;

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =50> exposant (exposition) = matsig = ; exposante (exposition) = matsigah = ;

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =50> exposition = tetsougah = ; exposition (prsentation) = htsg = ;

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =50> prsentation = hatsagah = ;

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =50> reprsentation thtrale, spectacle = hatsagah = ;

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =50> reprsentant = natsig =

; reprsentante = natsigah = ;

prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =50> reprsentation (dlgation) = netsigout = ;
prsenter, exposer, jouer (spectacle), reprsenter =60> =>(verbe)=> reprsenter = (pi'l) yitsg, leyatsg

presque, peu prs = kim'at = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

presser, faire pression, serrer, cliquer (/souris) =00> (pa'al) lahats, lilhots ('al), lohts, lahatsi, lhats tilhats = )(

presser, faire pression, serrer, cliquer (/souris) =50> pression = lahats =

; serrer la main = lilhots yad = ;

presser, faire pression, serrer, cliquer (/souris) =50> tension artrielle (pression du sang) = lahats-dam = ;

prtentieux = youmrani = ; prtentieuse = youmranit =

; prtention = youmrah = ; prtention = youmranout =

prter (argent) =00> (hif'il) hilvah, lehalvot, malvh, hilvti, alvh talvh =

prter (argent) =50> prt (bancaire) = halvaah =

; prteur (argent) = malvh = ; prteuse (argent) = malvah = ;

prter (objet), fournir =00> (hif'il) hicheil, lehacheil, macheil, hichealti, acheil tacheil =

prter (objet), fournir =50> prt (objet) = hachealah = ;

prtre (Juif) = kohn = ; prtresse = kohnt =
; prtre (Catholique) = komr = ;

prvenir, empcher =00> (pa'al) mana', limno'a (me), mon'a, mana'ti, mna' timna' = )(

prvenir, empcher =50> empch = manou'a = ; empche = mana'at = ; empchement = meni'ah = ;

prvenir, empcher =50> prventif = mon'a = ; prventive = mona'at = ; prvention = meni'ah = ;

prier =00> (hitpa'l) hitpall, lehitpall (le..), mitpall, hitpalalti, tpall titpall = )(

prier =50> phylactres = tefilin(fp.) = ; prire = tefilah = ;

prire de = na = ;

prince = nasik = ; princesse = nesikah = ;

principal(n.) = 'iqar =
; principal(m.) = 'iqari = ; principale = 'iqarit = ; plat principal = manah 'iqarit =

principalement, surtout = be'iqar = ;

principe = 'iqaron(m.) = ; principes = 'qronot(m.) = ; principe (en principe) = bedrk klal = ;

principe de libert d'expression = 'qron hofch habitoui = ; <- smikout

printanier = avivi = ; printanire = avivit = ; printemps = aviv = ;

priv = prati =
; prive = pratit = ; priv (renseignements privs) = pratim = ;

prix (rcompense) = pras = ; Prix Nobel (rcompense) = pras nobl = ;

prix (valeur) = mehir = ;

probablement (sans doute) = kanirh = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

problme = be'ayah = ; problme (il n'y a pas de problme) = in be'ayah = ;

prochain (suivant) = haba = ; prochaine (suivante) = habaah = ; prochains = habaim = ; prochaines = habaot =

procuration = yipoui-koah = ;

prominent = bolt = ; prominente = boltt = ; prominents = boltim = ; prominentes = boltot =

profaner, commencer =00> (hif'il) hhl, lehahl/lehahlil, mhl, hhalti, ahl tahl =

profaner, commencer =50> profanateur = mehall = ; profanatrice = mehallt = ; profanation = hiloul = ;

profaner, commencer =50> profane (nom) (= le non sacr) = hol(m.) = = (Lvitique 10.10) ;

profaner, commencer =50> profan = mehoulal = ; profane = mehoullt = ;

professeur = profsor = ; professeur (prof.) = prof' = ;

profession, mtier = miqtso'a(m.) = ; professions, mtiers = miqtso'ot(m.) = ;

professionnalisme = miqtso'iyout = ; professionnalisme = miqtso'anout = ;

professionnel (homme du mtier) = ba'al miqtso'a = ;

professionnel(a.) = miqtso'i = ; professionnelle(a.) = miqtso'it = ;

professionnel(n.) = miqtso'an = ; professionnelle(n.) = miqtso'anit = ;

profit, bnfice = rvah = ;

( )
profiter, apprcier, se distraire, se plaire, jouir de =00> (nif'al) nhnah, lehhanot (me), nhnh, nhniti, ahanh thanh =

profiter, apprcier, se distraire, se plaire, jouir de =50> jouissance = hanaah = ; jouisseur = nhntan = ; jouisseuse = nhntanit =

programmer =00> (pi'l) tiknt, letaknt, metaknt, tiknati, ataknt tetaknt =

programmer =50> mission (radio), programme = toknit = ; missions (radio), programmes = tokniot(f.) = ;

programmer =50> logiciel = toknah = ;

programmer =50> programmateur = metaknt = ; programmatrice = metaknnt = ; programmation = tiknout =

programmer =50> programm = metouknat = ; programme = metouknnt = ;

programmer =50> programme = toknit(f.) = ; programmes = tokniot(f.) = ;

programmer =50> programmeur = toknitan = ; programmatrice = toknitanit = ;

programmer =50> recette (cuisine) = matkon = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

prononcer un discours =00> (pa'al) naam, lineom, nom, naamti, neam tineam =

prononcer un discours =50> discours = neoum = ;

prononcer, concevoir (inventer) =00> (pa'al) hagah, lahagot, hogh, hagiti, hegh thegh =

prononcer, concevoir (inventer) =50> phontique = hgh =

; prononciation = hagiyah = ;

prophtiser =00> (nif'al) niba, lehinav, niba, nibti, nav tinav =

(Ezchiel 37.4) ;

prophtiser =50> Jsus, le prophte, de Nazareth en Galile = Hanavi Ychou'a minetsrt bagalil = = = = (Matthieu
21.11) ;

prophtiser =50> prophte = navi = = (II Rois 5.3, Matthieu 1.22, 21.11)
; prophtes (21= = =
) = neviim = (Nombres 11.29, phsiens 4.11) ;

prophtiser =50> prophtesse = neviah = = (Juges 4.4)

; prophtie = nevouah = (II Chroniques 15.8) ;

prophtiser =50> prophtique(m.) = nevoui = ; prophtique(f.) = nevouit = ;

prophtiser =00> (hitpa'l) hitnab, lehitnab, mitnab, hitnabti, tnab titnab =

(Nombres 11.27) ;

prophtiser =50> prophtie = hitnabeout = ;
prophtiser =60> =>(verbe)=> prophtiser = (nif'al) niba, lehinav

proportion, rapport (relation) = yahas = ;

proportionnel, relatif = yahasi = ; proportionnelle, relative = yahasit = ; proportionnellement, relativement = yahasit = ;

propos ( propos) = [drk] agav = ;

proposer, suggrer, offrir =00> (hif'il) hitsi'a, lehatsi'a, matsi'a, hitsa'ti, atsi'a tatsi'a =

proposer, suggrer, offrir =50> devis = hatsa'at mehir = ;

proposer, suggrer, offrir =50> proposition, offre = hatsa'ah = ;

propritaire = ba'al-bayit = ;

proprit, biens = rekouch = ;

protine = hlbon = ;

protestant = protestanti = ; protestante = protestantit = ;

prothse = totav = ;

prouver, dmontrer =00> (hif'il) hokiah, lehokiah, mokiah, hokahti, okiah tokiah =

prouver, dmontrer =50> preuve = hokahah = ; prouv = moukah = ; prouve = moukahat = ;

proverbe = pitgam =
; proverbial = pitgami = ; proverbiale = pitgamit = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

province = provintsiyah = ;

provision (banque) = kisoui = ;

prune = chezif = ;

psychologue = psikolog =
; psychologie = psikologiah = ;

pub, bistrot, bar = pav = ; pubs, bistrots, bars = pabim = ;

public (adj) = tsibouri = ; publique = tsibourit = ;

public (nom) = tsibour = ; public (nom) = qahal = ;

publier, diter =00> (pi'l) pirsm, lefarsm, mefarsm, pirsamti, afarsm tefarsm =

publier, diter =50> clbre(m.), fameux, renomm = mefoursam = ; clbre(f.), fameuse, renomme = mefoursmt =

publier, diter =50> publicit = pirsomt = ; publication = pirsoum = ;

publier, diter =50> renomme = pirsoum = ;

pudding = pouding = ;

puricultrice = ganan = ;

puissance (force) = 'otsmah = ; puissance (tat) = ma'atsamah = ;

pull-over, veste = svdr = ; pull-overs, vestes = svdarim = ;

punir =00> (hif'il) h'nich, leha'anich, ma'anich, h'nachti, a'anich ta'anich =


punir =50> puni = n'nach = ; punie = n'ncht = ; punitif = an'chi = ; punitive = an'chit =

punir =50> punition (peine) = 'onch = ; punition (action) = ha'anachah = ; punition (action) = 'anichah =

pyjama = pig'amah = ' ;

qamats ("a" qamats) = qamats = ; => "a qamats" (l-bas = cham = )

qamats qatan ("a qamats qatan") = qamats qatan = ; => "a qamats qatan" (tout = kol = )

qoubouts ("ou qoubouts") = qoubouts =

; => "ou qoubouts" (table = choulhan = )

quand ? = matai ? = ? ; quand y-a-t-il ? = matai ych ? = ? ... ;

quand = kaachr = ; quand, lorsque = likch- / kch- = / ;

quarante (40) = arba'im = ;

quart = rva'(m.) = ;

quartier, arrondissement = rova' = ; quartiers, arrondissements = rova'im = ;

quatre (4 ) = arba'(f.) = ; quatre (4) = arba'ah(m.) = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

quatre (4, .1, nous quatre) = arba'tanou(m./f.) = ;

quatre (4, .2, vous quatre) = arba'tekm(m.) = ; quatre (vous quatre) = arba'tekm(f.) = ;

quatre (4, .3, eux quatre) = arba'tam(m.) = ; quatre (vous quatre) = arba'tan(f.) = ;

quatre-cent (400) = arba' mot = ;

quatre-mille (4000) = arba'-alafim = ;

quatre-vingt (80) = chmonim = ;

quatre-vingt-dix (90) = tich'im = ;

quatre(m.) = arba'ah(m.) = ; quatre(f.) = arba'(f.) = ;

quatrime(m.) = rvi'i = ; quatrime(f.) = rvi'it = ;

que = ch = ; que = achr = ;

quel ? = izh ? = (hbreu "parl") ; quels ? / quelles ? = ilou ? = (hbreu "normatif");

quel = izh = ; quelle = izo = ;

quelqu'un = michhou = ; quelqu'une = michhi = ;

quelque chose = machhou = ; quelque chose = davar mah = ;

quelque part = i-cham = ;

quelques, plusieurs = kamah = ; quelquefois = kamah pa'amim = ;

questionner, demander, poser une question, emprunter (objet) =00> (pa'al) chaal, lichol, chol, chaalti, cheal ticheal =

questionner, demander, poser une question, emprunter (objet) =50> emprunt = cheilah = ; emprunt = chaoul = ; emprunte =

chaoulah = ;

questionner, demander, poser une question, emprunter (objet) =50> interrog = nichal = ; interroge = nichlt = ;

questionner, demander, poser une question, emprunter (objet) =50> question, interrogation = chelah = ;

questionner, demander, poser une question, emprunter (objet) =50> questionnaire = chelon = ; questionneur = chol = ; questionneuse

= cholt = ;

queue (file d'attente) = tor = ;

queue = zanav = ;

qui ? = mi ? = ? ; qui ? = t mi ? = ;

qui, que = ch = ;

quiche = pachtidah = ;

quoi ? = mah ? = ;

quoi, quel = mah, mahou, mahi, mahm, mahn = ;

quotidien = yomi =
; quotidienne = yomit = ; quotidien = yomyom = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

Qumran = qoumran = ;

raccourci (chemin) = qitsour drk = ;

race = gza' =
; rac = giz'i = ; race = giz'it = ;

Rachel (prnom f.) = rahl = ;

racheter, dlivrer =00> (pa'al) pada h, lifdot, podh, paditi, fdh tifdh =

racine (d'un verbe) = chorch = ; racine (lexique de racines hbraques) = chorachon = (
par-racines/) ;

racisme = giz'anout = ; raciste(m.) = giz'an =

; raciste(f.) = giz'anit = ;

raconter =00> (pi'l) sipr, lesapr, msapr, siparti, asapr tesapr =


raconter =50> bibliothque = sifriah = ;

raconter =50> crivain, auteur = sofr = ; crivaine, auteure = sofrt = ; crivains, auteurs = sofrim = ;

raconter =50> re chrtienne (de l're chrtienne) = lasfirah = ;

raconter =50> histoire (rcit) = sipour = ;

raconter =50> libraire(m.) = safran = ; libraire(f.) = safranit = ; librairie = hanout-sfarim = ;

raconter =50> littrature = sifrout = ; livre = sfr = ; livres = sfarim = ;

raconter =50> manuel, livre d'tudes = sfr limoud = ; manuels, livres d'tudes = sifri limoud = ;

raconter =50> racont = mesoupar = ; rcit = sipour = ;

raconter =50> roman (= livre de lecture) = sfr qriah = ;

raconter =50> scribe(m.) = sofr = ; scribe(f.) = sofrt = ; scribes(m.) = sofrim = ;

radio = radio = ;

radiographie = tsiloum = ; radiographie (plaque) = chiqouf = ;

radis (= gros radis) = tsenon = ; radis (= petit radis) = tsenonit(f.) = ;

raide(m.), lisse(m.) = halaq = ; raide(f.), lisse(f.) = halaqah = ;

raisin = 'nav = ; raisins = 'anavim =

; raisin sec = tsimouq = ;

ranger, arranger, disposer =00> (pi'l) sidr, lesadr, mesadr, sidarti, asadr tesadr =

ranger, arranger, disposer =50> arrangement = hsdr = ; arrangement = sidour = ;

ranger, arranger, disposer =50> emploi du temps = sdr-yom =

ranger, arranger, disposer =50> en ordre (bien, d'accord, OK) = besdr = ; trs bien (bien achev/fini) = besdr gamour = ;

ranger, arranger, disposer =50> ordre (rangement, rangement, ordonnancement, ordre des choses ) = sdr = ; ordre du jour = sdr hayom =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

ranger, arranger, disposer =50> rang = mesoudar =

; range = mesoudrt = ; rangement = sidour = ;

ranger, arranger, disposer =50> srie, srie (de films) = sidrah =

; sries, sries (de films) = sdarot = ;

rappeler, mentionner =00> (hif'il) hizkir, lehazkir, mazkir, hizkarti, azkir tazkir =

rappeler, mentionner =50> mention, rappel (vocation) = izkour = ; mentionn = meouzkar = ; mentionne = meouzkrt =

rappeler, mentionner =60> =>(verbe)=> se souvenir, se rappeler =00> (pa'al) zakar, lizkor

raser, tondre =00> (pi'l) gilah, legalah, megalah, gilahti, agalah tegalah =

raser, tondre =50> rasage = gilouah = ; ras = megoulah = ; rasoir = sakin gilouah = ;

rasoir = ta'ar = ;

rassasier, satisfaire =00> (hif'il) hisbi'a, lehasbi'a, masbi'a, hisba'ti, asbi'a tasbi'a =

rassasier, satisfaire =50> rassasi = sav'a =

; rassasie = sava'ah = ;

rassasier, satisfaire =50> satisfaisant = masbi'a ratson =

; satisfaisants = masbi'ah ratson = ;

rassembler, ramasser, collecter, collectionner =00> (pa'al) asaf, lsof, osf, asafti, sof tsof =

rassembler, ramasser, collecter, collectionner =50> collecteur (collection) = osf = ; collectrice (collection) = osft = ;

rassembler, ramasser, collecter, collectionner =50> ramassage = isouf = ; rassemblement (groupement) = isouf = ;

rat = houldah = ; rat = 'akberoch = ;

rayon (faisceau) = qrn =
; rayon de lumire = qrn or = ;

) (
ragir, rpliquer =00> (hif'il) hgiv, lehagiv ('al be le), mgiv, hgavti, agiv tagiv =

ragir, rpliquer =50> commentaire sur Internet (rplique) = tgouvah = ; commentaire (sans commentaire) = in tgouvah = ;

ragir, rpliquer =50> ragir, rpliquer =50> raction, rplique, commentaire sur Internet = tgouvah = ;

raliser (concrtiser) =00> (pi'l) mimch, lemamch, memamch, mimachti, amamch temamch =

raliser (concrtiser) =50> concret = mamachi = ; concrte = mamachit = ; concrtisation = hitmamchout =

raliser (concrtiser) =50> ralisation = mimouch = ;

raliser (concrtiser) =50> ralit = mamach = ; rellement, vraiment, vachement = mamach = ; rel = mamachi = ;

relle = mamachit = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

ralit = metsiout = ; raliste(m.) = metsiouti = ; ralit virtuelle = metsiout medoudah =


ranimation = nimrats tipoul = ; ranimation = hahyah = ;

recevoir, accueillir, accepter =00> (pi'l) qibl, leqabl, meqabl, qibalti, aqabl teqabl =

recevoir, accueillir, accepter =50> kabbale = qabalah = ; kabbaliste(m.) = meqoubal(m.) = ;

recevoir, accueillir, accepter =50> rception (heures d'ouverture = rception [du] public) = qabalat qahal = ;

recevoir, accueillir, accepter =50> rception = qabalah =

; rception (invits), accueil = qabalat panim = ;

recevoir, accueillir, accepter =50> rceptionniste(m.) = paqid qabalah = ; rceptionniste(f.) = paqidah qabalah =

recevoir, accueillir, accepter =50> rceptionniste(m.) = meqabl-panim = ; rceptionniste(f.) = meqablt-panim =

recevoir, accueillir, accepter =50> reu = qabalah = ;

recherche (scientifique) = hqr = ;

rcipient = mekal = ;

rcit, lgende = hagadah = ; Hagadah (rcit) de Psah = hagadah chl pesah = ;

rclamer, exiger, demander, s'enqurir de =00> (pa'al) darach, lidroch (t be), dorch darachti, droch tidroch = ( )

rclamer, exiger, demander, s'enqurir de =50> commentaire (exgse) = midrach = ;

rclamer, exiger, demander, s'enqurir de =50> exigence = drichah = ; requis = darouch = ; requise = drouchah =

rclamer, exiger, demander, s'enqurir de =50> recherche, demande (on recherche, on demande) = darouch, darouchah = ;

recommander =00> (hif'il) himlits, lehamlits ('al), mamlits, himlatsti, amlits tamlits= )(

recommander =50> recommandable(m.), recommand = moumlats = ; recommandable(f.), recommande = moumltst =


recommander =50> recommandation = hamlatsah = ;

reconstituer =00> (pi'l) chihzr, lechahzr, mechahzr, chihzarti, achahzr techahzr =


reconstituer =50> reconstitu = mechouhzar = ; reconstitue = mechouhzrt = ; reconstitution = chihzour =

rduction (remise), rabais = hanahah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

rcrire (rewriting), remanier, corriger (texte) =00> (pi'l) chiktv, lechaktv, mechaktv, chiktavti, achaktv techaktv =

rcrire (rewriting), remanier, corriger (texte) =50> rcrit = mechouktav = ; rcrite = mechouktvt = ;
rcrire (rewriting), remanier, corriger (texte) =60> =>(verbe)=> crire = (pa'al) katav, liktov (be ..)

rfectoire = hadar-haokl = ;

rflexologie = reflxologi = ;

refroidir =00> (pi'l) qrr, leqarr, meqarr, qrarti, aqarr teqarr =


refroidir =50> froid (n.) = qor =

; froid = qar =
; froide = qarah = ; froideur = qrirout = ;

refroidir =50> rfrigrateur, frigo = meqarr =

; rfrigration = qrour = ;

refroidir =50> refroidi = meqorar = ; refroidie = meqorrt = ;

regarder, observer =00> (hif'il) hibit, lehabit ('al be), mabit, hibatti, abit tabit = ) (

regarder, observer =50> regard = mabat = ;

rgime (alimentaire) = ditah = ; rgime crtois = ditah qrstit = ;

rgion = izor = ; rgional = azori =

; rgionale = azorit = ;

rgle (instrument) = sargl = ;

rgle (principe) = klal = ;

rglement, statut = taqanon = ; rglement, statut = taqanah = ; rglementaire(m.) = tiqni = ; rglementaire(f.) = tiqnit =

rglisse = rglis = ;

rgner=00> (pa'al) malak, limlok ('al), molk, malakti, mlok timlok = )(


rgner =50> ange = malak = ;

rgner =50> rgne = malkout =
; reine = malkah = ; roi = mlk = ; rois = melakim = ;

rgner =50> reine du ciel = melkt hachamayim =

= = (Jrmie 7.18) ;

rgner =50> Roi des Rois et Seigneur des Seigneurs = mlk hamelakim vaadoni haadonim = = = = (Apocalypse
19.16) ;

rgner =50> royal = malkouti =

; royale = malkoutit = ;

rgner =50> royaliste(m.) = meloukani =

; royaliste(f.) = meloukanit = ;

rgner =50> royaume, royaut = malkout = = (Esther 4.14, Matthieu 6.33) ; royaut, royaume = malkout = ;

rgner =50> Royaume de Dieu = malkout halohim = (Jean 3.3) ;

rgner =50> Royaume des Cieux = malkout hachamayim= =

(Matthieu 3.2) ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

regretter, tre dsol =00> (hitpa'l) hitsta'r, lehitsta'r ('al), mitsta'r, hitsta'arti, tseta'r titsta'r = ( )
regretter, tre dsol =60> =>(verbe)=> chagriner, dsoler = (pi'l) tsi'r, letsa'r

relev (de compte bancaire) = daf hchbon = "

; relev (de compte bancaire) = dou"ah tnou'ah = ;

relever, restaurer, soulever =00> (pi'l) qomm, leqomm, meqomm, qomamti, aqomm teqomm =

religieux = dati = ; religieuse = datiyit = ; religieuse = datiyah = ;

religion = dat = ; religions = datot = ;

remarque = h'arah = ;

remarquer, faire attention =00> (pa'al) (sim) sam, lasim (lv), sam, samti, asim tasim = )(

rembourser, rgler =00> (pa'al) para', lifro'a, por'a, para'ti, fra' tifra' =

rembourser, rgler =50> chance = zman pira'on = ; paiement, rglement (dette) = pira'on = ;

rembourser, rgler =50> rembourser dette = lifro'a hov = ;

remercier, admettre, avouer, confesser =00> (hif'il) hodah, lehodot ('al le be), modh, hoditi, odh todh = ( )

remercier, admettre, avouer, confesser =50> aveu = hodaah = ; remerciement = haba'at todah = ;

remercier, admettre, avouer, confesser =50> Dieu merci ! = todah lal = ; merci ! = todah ! = ! ;

remercier, admettre, avouer, confesser =50> merci beaucoup ! = rav todot ! = ! !

; merci bien ! = todah rabah ! =

remplir =00> (pi'l) mil, lemal, memal, mimalti, amal temal =


remplir =50> plein, rempli = mal = ; pleine, remplie = melah = ; remplissage = miloui = ;

renard = chou'al = ;

rencontrer =00> (pa'al) pagach, lifgoch (be), pogch, pagachti, fgoch tifgoch = )(

rencontrer =50> rencontre, rendez-vous(s.) = mifgach = ; rencontre, rendez-vous(s.) = pgichah = ;

rendez-vous (chez le mdecin) = tor larof = ;

rendre malade =00> (pi'l) hilah, lehalot, mehalh, hiliti, ahalh tehalh =
rendre malade =60> =>(verbe)=> tre malade, tomber malade = (pa'al) halah, lahalot

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

rendre, ramener, rpondre =00> (hif'il) hchiv, lehachiv, mchiv, hchavti, achiv tachiv =
rendre, ramener, rpondre =60> =>(verbe)=> revenir, retourner = (pa'al) chav, lachouv

rendre, rembourser, ramener (faire revenir), retourner, renvoyer =00> (hif'il) hhzir, lehahzir, mahazir, hhzarti, ahazir tahazir =

rendre, rembourser, ramener (faire revenir), retourner, renvoyer =50> remboursement = hhzr = ; remboursement d'un prt = hhzr halvaah =

rendre, rembourser, ramener (faire revenir), retourner, renvoyer =50> rembourser dette = lehahzir hov = ;

renom, renomme = chm tov = ;

renoncer =00> (pi'l) vitr, levatr, mevatr, vitarti, avatr tevatr =


renoncer =50> renonciation = vitour = ;

renouveler, innover =00> (pi'l) hidch, lehadch, mehadch, hidachti, ahadch tehadch =

renouveler, innover =50> dsinformation (= nouvelles mensongres) = hadachot chiqriot = ;

renouveler, innover =50> innovation = hidouch = ;

renouveler, innover =50> mois(s.) = hodch = ; deux mois = hodchayim = ; mois(p.) = hodachim = ;

renouveler, innover =50> neuf (=nouveau), neuve, neufs, neuves = hadach hadachah hadachim hadachot =

renouveler, innover =50> nouveau (de nouveau) = behadach = ; = 'od pa'am =


renouveler, innover =50> nouveau nouvelle nouveaux nouvelles = hadach hadachah hadachim hadachot =

renouveler, innover =50> nouveau ( nouveau) = mehadach = ; nouveaut = hidouch = ;

renouveler, innover =50> nouvelles, informations = hadachot = ;

renouveler, innover =50> novateur = hadchan =

; novateur(a.) = hadchani = ; novatrice = hadchanit = ;

renouveler, innover =50> renouveau, renouvellement = hithadchout = ; renouvelable = lehidouch = ;

renouveler, innover =50> renouvel, rnov = mehoudach = ; renouvele, rnove = mehoudcht = ;

renouveler, innover =50> rnovateur = mehadch = ; rnovatrice = mehadcht = ;

renouveler, innover =50> retrouvailles = pgichah mehoudcht = ;

rentabilit = kedaiout = ;

rentable, cela vaut la peine, digne = kedai =

; pas rentable, cela ne vaut pas la peine, pas digne = lo kedai = ;

renvoyer, carter, liminer, vacuer, expulser =00> (pi'l) silq, lesalq, mesalq, silaqti, asalq tesalq =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

renvoyer, carter, liminer, vacuer, expulser =50> limination, renvoi = silouq = ;

rparer, corriger =00> (pi'l) tiqn, letaqn, metaqn, tiqanti, ataqn tetaqn =

rparer, corriger =50> rparateur = metaqn =

; rparatrice = metaqnt = ;

rparer, corriger =50> rparation, correction = tiqoun =

; rpar, corrig = metouqan = ;

repas = arouhah = ; repas du matin = arouhat-boqr = ; repas du midi = arouhat tsohorayim =

repasser (avec un fer) =00> (pi'l) gihts, legahts, megahts, gihatseti, agahts tegahts =

repasser (avec un fer) =50> repassage = gihouts =

; repass = megohats = ; repasse = megohtst = ;

repasser (avec un fer) =50> repasseur = megahts =

; repasseuse = megahtst = ;

rpter =00> (pa'al) chanah, lichnot, chonh, chaniti, chanh techanh =


rpter =50> deux (2) = chnaim(m.) = ; deux (2) (forme raccourcie) = chni(f.) = ;

rpter =50> deux (nous deux) = chninou(m.) = ; deux (nous deux) = chtinou(f.) = ;

rpter =50> deux (vous deux) = chnikm(m.) = ; deux (vous deux) = chtikm(f.) = ;

rpter =50> deux (eux deux) = chnihm(m.) =

; deux (elles deux) = chtihm(f.) = ;

rpter =50> Mishna = michnah = ;

rpter =50> rptition = yichnah = ;

rpter =50> second (deuxime)(m.) = chni = ; seconde (deuxime)(f.) = chniyah = ;

rpter =50> seconde = chniyah = ;

rpondre, rpliquer =00> (pa'al) 'anah, la'anot ('al), 'onh, 'aniti, 'nh ta'anh = )(

rpondre, rpliquer =50> rponse = ma'anh = ;

reporter(m.) radio = chadar = ; reporter(f.) radio = chadarit = ;

reporter(m.), journaliste(m.) = 'itonay =

; reporter(f.), journaliste(f.) = 'itonayit = ;

repousser =00> (pa'al) hadaf, lahadof, hodf, hadafti, hedof tahedof =


repousser, diffrer, rejeter (refuser) =00> (pa'al) dahah, lidhot, dohh, dahiti, dhh tidhh =

repousser, diffrer, rejeter (refuser) =50> rejet = dhiyah = ;

repousser, diffrer, rejeter (refuser) =50> repoussant = dohh = ; repoussante = dohah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

repousser, diffrer, rejeter (refuser) =50> repouss = nidah =

; repousse = nidht = ;

repousser, rejeter, fouler, mpriser =00> (pa'al) salah, lislot, solh, saliti, slh tislh =

reprsenter =00> (pi'l) yitsg, leyatsg, meyatsg, yitsagti, ayatsg teyatsg = ;

reprsenter =50> reprsentatif = yitsougi =

; reprsentative = yitsougit = ; reprsentation = yitsoug = ;

reprsenter =50> reprsent = meyoutsag =

; reprsente = meyoutsgt = ;

rputation = moniti = ;

respecter, honorer, servir avec attention =00> (pi'l) kibd, lekabd, mekabd, kibadti, akabd tekabd =

respecter, honorer, servir avec attention =50> honneur, respect = kavod = ; honneur (en l'honneur de) = likvod = ;

respecter, honorer, servir avec attention =50> honneur (bravo, tout l'honneur) = kol hakavod = ;

respecter, honorer, servir avec attention =50> honneur, respect (priv de gloire) = ikavod = (I Samuel 4.21) ;

respecter, honorer, servir avec attention =50> honorable, respectable(m.) = mekoubad = ; honorable, respectable(f.) = mekoubdt =

respecter, honorer, servir avec attention =50> honorable, respectable(m.) = nikbad = ; honorable, respectable(f.) = nikbdt = ;

respecter, honorer, servir avec attention =50> respectueux = mekabd =

; respectueuse = mekabdt = ;

respirer =00> (pa'al) nacham, linchom, nochm, nachamti, chom tichom =


respirer =50> me = nechamah = ; [me = nfch = (pas mme racine)]

respirer =50> respiration = nechimah = ;

ressembler =00> (pa'al) damah, lidmot, domh, damiti, dmh tidmh =


ressembler =50> personnage = dmout = ; personnages = dmouyot = ;

ressembler =50> ressemblance = dimiyon = ;

restaurant = mis'adah = ;

rester =00> (pa'al) chaar, licheor, chor, chaarti, chear tichear =


rester =50> reste = chear = ; rest = nichear =

; reste = nichrt = ;

rester, demeurer =00> (nif'al) nichear, lehichar, nichear, nichearti, char tichar =
rester, demeurer =60> =>(verbe)=> rester = (pa'al) chaar, licheor

rsultat = totsaah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

rsumer, conclure, totaliser =00> (pi'l) sikm, lesakm, mesakm, sikamti, asakm tesakm =

rsumer, conclure, totaliser =50> conclu = mesoukam = ; conclue = mesoukmt = ;

rsumer, conclure, totaliser =50> montant (somme) = skoum = ; rsum, totalisation = sikoum = ;

rsumer, conclure, totaliser =50> somme = sak = ; total = sak hakol= ;

rsumer, conclure, totaliser =50> totalisateur = mesakm = ; totalisatrice = mesakmt = ;

retraite = gimlaot = ; retrait = gimlai = ; retraite = gimlaiit = ;

retraite = pensiah = ; retraite (partir en retraite) = latst lepensiah = ;

russir, prosprer =00> (hif'il) hitsliah, lehatsliah (be..), matsliah, hitslahti, atsliah tatsliah =

russir, prosprer =50> russi = moutslah = ; russie = moutslahat = ;

russir, prosprer =50> russite, succs = hatslahah = ; bonne russite ! (=bonne chance !) = behatslahah = ;

rveiller, se rveiller =00> (hitpa'l) hit'orr, lehit'orr, mit'orr, hit'orarti, t'orr tit'orr =

rveiller, se rveiller =50> rveil = hit'orrout = ;
rveiller, se rveiller =60> =>(verbe)=> rveiller, stimuler, provoquer, soulever = (pi'l) 'orr, le'orr

rveiller, stimuler, provoquer, soulever =00> (pi'l) 'orr, le'orr, me'orr, 'orarti, a'orr te'orr =

rveiller, stimuler, provoquer, soulever =50> veill = 'rani =

; veille = 'ranit = ;

rveiller, stimuler, provoquer, soulever =50> rveill = 'r = ; rveille = 'rah = ; rveil-matin = cha'on me'orr =

revenir, retourner =00> (pa'al) chav, lachouv (me), chav, chavti, achouv tachouv = )(

revenir, retourner =50> encore ( nouveau), nouveau ( nouveau) = chouv = ; retour = chivah = ;

revenir, retourner =50> repentir = tchouvah = ;

revenir, retourner =50> rpondeur = mechivon = ; rponse = tchouvah = ;

revenir, rviser, rpter, retourner, rentrer =00> (pa'al) hazar, lahazor (le..), hozr, hazarti, hzor tahazor = )(

revenir, rviser, rpter, retourner, rentrer =50> cochon, porc = hazir = ;

revenir, rviser, rpter, retourner, rentrer =50> porc (viande de porc) = basar-hazir = ; jambon = qotli-hazir =

revenir, rviser, rpter, retourner, rentrer =50> rptition, retour, rvision (scolaire) = hazarah = ;

revenir, rviser, rpter, retourner, rentrer =50> restitution = hhezr = ; restitution = hahazarah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

rver, faire un rve =00> (pa'al) halam, lahalom ('al), holm, halamti, hlom tahalom = )(

rver, faire un rve =50> rve = halom(m.) = ; rves = halomot(m.) = ; rveur = holm = ; rveuse = holmt =

riche = 'achir = ; riche(f.) = 'achirah = ;

rid, chiffonn = meqoumat = ; ride, chiffonne = meqoumtt = ;

rideau = vilon(m.) = ; rideaux = vilonot(m.) = ;

rien (de rien !) = in be'ad mah ! = ; rien = choum davar = : rien = kloum = ;

rien que, seulement, uniquement = raq = ;

rire =00> (pa'al) tsahaq, litshoq, tsohq, tsahaqti, tshaq titshaq=

rire =50> drle = matshiq = ;

rire =50> Isaac (prnom m.) = Yitshaq (= il rira) = ;

rire =50> riant = tsohq =
; riante = tsohqt = ; rire = tshoq = ;

rivaliser, concurrencer, faire la comptition, tre en comptition =00> (hitpa'l) hitharah, lehitharot (be), mitharh, hitharihti, tharh titharh =

)( ;

rivaliser, concurrencer, faire la comptition, tre en comptition =50> comptition = hitaharout = ; comptition, concurrence = taharout =

rivaliser, concurrencer, faire la comptition, tre en comptition =50> comptiteur, concurrent = mitharh = ; comptitrice, concurrente =

mitharah = ;

rivaliser, concurrencer, faire la comptition, tre en comptition =50> comptif, concurrentiel = taharouti = ; comptive, concurrentielle =

taharoutit = ;

rivaliser, concurrencer, faire la comptition, tre en comptition =50> rival = mitharh = ; rivale = mitharah = ;

rivire, torrent = nahal = ;

Rebecca (prnom f.) = rivqah = (Gense 22.23) ;

riz = orz = ;

robe = simlah = ; robes = smalot = ;

robe du soir = simlat 'rv = ; robes du soir = smalot 'rv = ;

robe verte = simlah yaroq = ; robes vertes = smalot yeraqot = ;

robinet = brz = ;

rocher, roche = sla' = =
; rochers, roches = sla'im = = (Jrmie 16.16) ;

= = =
rochers (fentes des rochers) = qiqi hasla'im = (Jrmie 16.16) ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

rocheux = mesoula' = ; rocheuse = mesoula'at = ;

rle = tafqid = ;

romain, romaine = romi, romit = ;

roman = roman = ;

romantique = romanti = ;

Rome = roma = ;

rond = 'agol =
; ronde = 'agoulah = ; ronds = 'agoulim =
; rondes = 'agoulot = ;

rose (couleur) = varod(m.) / vroudah(f.) = ; roses (couleur) = vroudim(m.) / vroudot(f.) = / ;

rose (fleur) = vrd = ;

rose (fleur), lis = chochanah = ; roses (fleurs), lis = chochanim = (Cantique 2.16);

ros (vin) = rozh = ;

Rose, Lis (prnom f.) = chochanah = ;

rti = tsali = ;
roue : = Ezchiel 1.15 -> roue <0212> = ofan =
roue :

= Isae 28.28 -> roue <01536> = gilgal = ; variante de <01534>
roue :
= Ecclsiaste 12.6 -> roue <01534> = galgal = ;
rouge = adom(m.) / adoumah(f.) = / ; rouges = adoumim(m.) / adoumot(f.) = / ;

rouleau (parchemin) = megilah = ;

roumain, roumaine = romani, romanit = ;

route = kvich = ;

route, chemin, manire (faon) = drk(f.) = ; routes, chemins, manires (faons) = drakim(f.) = ;

route du vin = drk-hayayin = ;

roux (couleur) = gingi = ; rousse (couleur) = gingit = ;

ruisseau = nahal qatan = ;

russe = rousit = ; Russie = rousiah = ;

Ruth (prnom f.) = rout = (Ruth 1.16) ;

s'abriter, se rfugier =00> (pa'al) hasah, lahasot (be), hosh, hasiti, hesh thesh = )(

s'abriter, se rfugier =50> tu t'abriteras / tu trouveras un refuge = thesh = (Psaumes 91.4) ;

s'adresser, se tourner (= donner sur), tourner =00> (pa'al) panah, lifnot (le..), ponh, paniti, fnh tifnh = )(

s'adresser, se tourner (= donner sur), tourner =50> niveau de la mer (= face de la mer) = pny-hayam = ;

s'adresser, se tourner (= donner sur), tourner =50> tte--tte, face--face = panim l panim = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

s'adresser, se tourner (= donner sur), tourner =50> tournant (changement) = tafnit = ; tournant (changement) = mifnh = ;

s'adresser, se tourner (= donner sur), tourner =50> visage = panim(f.) = ; visage/face de = pny- = ;

s'amouracher, s'prendre, tomber amoureux =00> (hitpa'l) hitahv, lehitahv (be..), mitahv, hitahavti, tahv titahv =
)( ;
s'amouracher, s'prendre, tomber amoureux =60> =>(verbe)=> aimer = (pa'al) ahav, lhov

s'amuser, procurer du plaisir, jouir =00> (pi'l) hinah, lehanot, mehanh, hiniti, ahanh tehanh =

s'amuser, procurer du plaisir, jouir =50> jouissance, plaisir = hanaah = ; jouisseur = nhntan = ; jouisseuse = nhntanit =

s'apitoyer =00> (pi'l) rihm, lerahm ('al), merahm, rihamti, arahm terahm = )(

s'apitoyer =50> grce (pardon), misricorde, piti, compassion = rahamim =

(Isae 47.6) ; piti = rahmanout = ;

s'approcher =00> (hitpa'l) hitqarv, lehitqarv (le..), mitqarv, hitqaravti, tqarv titqarv = ( )

s'approcher =50> approch = hitqarv = ; environ ( peu prs) = meqorav = ;

s'approcher =50> bataille, combat = qrav = ; combat rapproch (bataille bouclier) = qrav maga' = ;

s'approcher =50> bientt = beqarov = ;

s'approcher =50> prs(m.), proche(m.) = qarov = ; prs(f.), proche(f.) = qarovah = ; prs de .. = qarov le.. =

s'approcher =50> proche(m.), prochain = qarov = ; proche(f.), prochaine = qarovah = ;

s'asseoir, tre assis =00> (pa'al) yachav, lachvt, iochv, iachavti, chv tchv =

s'asseoir, tre assis =50> collge talmudique, cole talmudique = yechivah = ; position assise = yechivah = ;

s'asseoir, tre assis =50> runion = yechivah = ; sige = mochav = ;

s'attrister =00> (hitpa'l) hit'atsv, lehit'atsv, mit'atsv, hit'atsavti, t'atsv tit'atsv =

s'attrister =60> =>(verbe)=> chagriner, attrister = (hif'il) h'tsiv, leha'atsiv

s'chapper, s'enfuir, fuir =00> (pa'al) barah, livroah (me..), borah, barahti, vrah tivrah = )(

s'chapper, s'enfuir, fuir =50> fugue, fuite (dpart) = brihah = ; fugitif = borah = ; fugitive = borahat = ;

s'largir (se dvelopper) =00> (hitpa'l) hitrahv, lehitrahv, mitrahv, hitrahavti, trahv titrahv =

s'largir (se dvelopper) =50> esplanade = rehavah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

s'largir (se dvelopper) =50> large(m.) = rahav = ; large(f.) = rahavah = ; larges(m.) = rahavim = ; larges(f.) = rahavot

= ;

s'largir (se dvelopper) =50> rue = rhov(m.) = ; rues = rhovot(m.) = ; rue pitonnire = midrehov = ;

( )
s'embrasser =00> (hitpa'l) hitnachq, lehitnachq ('im), mitnachq, hitnachaqti, tnachq titnachq =

s'embrasser =60> =>(verbe)=> embrasser = (pi'l) nichq, lenachq

s'embrouiller, confondre =00> (hitpa'l) hitbalbl, lehitbalbl, mitbalbl, hitbalbalti, tbalbl titbalbl =
s'embrouiller, confondre =60> =>(verbe)=> confondre, embrouiller = (pi'l) bilvl, levalvl

s'merveiller, admirer =00> (hitpa'l) hitpa'l, lehitpa'l, mitpa'l, hitpa'alti, tpa'l titpa'l =

s'merveiller, admirer =50> merveillement = hitpa'alout = ;

s'mouvoir, tre mu de, avoir le trac =00> (hitpa'l) hitragch, lehitragch (me..), mitragch, hitragachti, tragch titragch =
)( ;
s'mouvoir, tre mu de, avoir le trac =60> =>(verbe)=> se sentir, ressentir =00> (hif'il) hirgich, lehargich

s'endormir =00> (nif'al) nirdam, lehradm, nirdam, nirdamti, radm tradm =


s'endormir =50> endormi = radoum = ; endormie = radoumah = ; endormi = nirdam = ; endormie = nirdmt =

s'enflammer, s'irriter =00> (pa'al) harah, leharot, horh, hariti, herh therh =

s'enfler =00> (hitpa'l) hitnapah, lehitnapah, mitnapah, hitnapahti, tnapah titnapah =

s'enfler =60> =>(verbe)=> enfler = (pa'al) tafah, litpoah

s'ennuyer =00> (hitpa'l) hichta'emm, lehichta'emm, michta'emm, hichta'emamti, chta'emm tichta'emm =


s'ennuyer =50> ennui = hichta'ememout = ;
s'ennuyer =60> =>(verbe)=> ennuyer = (pi'l) chi'emm, lecha'emm

s'tendre, s'allonger, taler =00> (hitpa'l) histar'a, lehistar'a, mistar'a, histara'ti, stara' tistara' = ( )

s'tendre, s'allonger, taler =50> superficie, terrain, tendue, zone = chtah = ; superficiel = chithi = ; superficielle = chithit =

s'tonner, s'merveiller =00> (hitpa'l) hitpal, lehitpal ('al), mitpal, hitpalti, tpal titpal = ( )

s'tonner, s'merveiller =50> merveillement = hitpalout = ; tonnement (merveillement) = hitpalout = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

s'vader, dserter =00> (pa'al) 'araq, la'aroq (me..), 'orq, 'araqti, 'roq ta'aroq = )(

s'vader, dserter =50> dserteur = 'ariq =

; dserteuse = 'ariqah = ; dsertion = 'ariqah = ;

s'exercer =00> (pi'l) tirgl, letargl, metargl, tirgalti, atargl tetargl =


s'exercer =50> exercice = targil = ;

s'exiler, s'expatrier =00> (pa'al) galah, liglot, golh, galiti, glh tiglh = ;
s'exiler, s'expatrier =60> =>(verbe)=> exiler, expatrier, bannir = (hif'il) higlah, lehaglot

s'habiller =00> (hitpa'l) hitlabch, lehitlabch (be..), mitlabch, hitlabachti, tlabch titlabch = ( )
s'habiller =60> =>(verbe)=> s'habiller, mettre/ porter (vtement) = (pa'al) lavach, lilboch

s'habiller, mettre/ porter (vtement) =00> (pa'al) lavach, lilboch, lovch, lavachti, lbach tilbach =

s'habiller, mettre/ porter (vtement) =50> habill, vtu = lavouch =

; habille, vtue = lavouchah = ;

s'habiller, mettre/ porter (vtement) =50> habillement = halbachah = ; habit = levouch= ;

s'habiller, mettre/ porter (vtement) =50> port (d'un vtement) = levichah = ;

s'habiller, mettre/ porter (vtement) =50> uniforme (vtement) = tilbocht ahidah = ;

s'habituer =00> (hitpa'l) hitragl, lehitragl (le..), mitragl, hitragalti, tragl titragl =

s'habituer =50> courant (usuel) = ragil = ; courante (usuelle) = ragilah = ;

s'habituer =50> habitude = hrgl = ; habitu = ragil = ; habitue = ragilit = ;

s'habituer =50> habituel, ordinaire = ragil = ; habituelle, ordinaire = ragilah = ;

s'identifier avec, sympathiser avec =00> (hitpa'l) hizdahah, lehizdahot ('im bfni), mizdahh, hizdahiti, zdahh tizdahh =

) ( ;
s'identifier avec, sympathiser avec =60> =>(verbe)=> identifier, reconnatre = (pi'l) zihah, lezahot

s'implanter =00> (hitpa'l) hitnahl, lehitnahl (be), mitnahl, hitnahalti, tnahl titnahl = )(

s'implanter =50> implantation = hitnahalout = ; implantations = hitnahalouyot = ;

s'installer =00> (hitpa'l) hityachv, lehityachv (be), mityachv, hityachavti, tyachv tityachv = ( )
s'installer =60> =>(verbe)=> coloniser, installer (peupler), peupler = (pi'l) yichv, leyachv

s'intresser , surveiller =00> (pi'l) bonn, levonn, mevonn, bonanti, avonn tevonn =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

s'occuper de, travailler, pratiquer =00> (pa'al) 'asaq, la'asoq (be), 'osq, 'asaqti, 'soq ta'asoq = )(

s'occuper de, travailler, pratiquer =50> affaire (commerce), business = 'sq = ; affaires (commerce) = 'asaqim = ;

s'occuper de, travailler, pratiquer =50> affair, occup (pour affaire) = 'asouq = ; affaire, occupe (pour affaire) = 'asouqah = ;

s'occuper de, travailler, pratiquer =50> commerce (affaire) = 'sq = ;

s'occuper de, travailler, pratiquer =50> occup (pour affaire), affair = 'asouq = ; occupe (pour affaire), affaire = 'asouqah = ; occupation =

'isouq = ;

s'occuper de, travailler, pratiquer =50> transaction (commerce) = 'isqah = ;

s'opposer, rsister, objecter =00> (hitpa'l) hitnagd, lehitnagd (le, be), mitnagd, hitnagadti, tnagd titnagd = )
( ;

s'opposer, rsister, objecter =50> contraire(adj.) = menougad = ; contraire = nogd = ; contre = ngd = ;

s'opposer, rsister, objecter =50> objecteur, opposant = mitnagd = ; objecteuse, opposante = mitnagdt = ;

s'opposer, rsister, objecter =50> oppos = ngdi = ; oppose= ngdit = ;

s'opposer, rsister, objecter =50> opposition, rsistance = hitnagdout = ; rsistance (lectricit) = nagad = ;

s'organiser =00> (hitpa'l) hitargn, lehitargn, mitargn, hitarganti, targn titargn =

s'organiser =60> =>(verbe)=> organiser = (pi'l) irgn, leargn

sable = hol(m.) =
; sables = holot(m.) = ;

sabra (enfant n en Isral)(m.) = tsabar(m.) =

; sabra (enfant n en Isral)(f.) = tsabarit(f.) = ;

sac, sac main, "attach case" = tiq =

; sac dos = tiq-gav = ; sacoche = tiq tsad = ;

sachet = saqit =
; sachet plastique = saqit plastit = ;

sacrifier =00> (hif'il) hiqriv, lehaqriv, maqriv, hiqravti, aqriv taqriv =

sacrifier =50> sacrifice, victime = qorban = ; => Voir

sacrifier =50> sacrifice de Pque = qorban pesah = ; => Voir , et =
Interprtation chrtienne du korban.

Safed (ville) = tsaft = ;

sage(m.) = hakam = ; sage(f.) = hakmah = ;

saigner =00> (pi'l) dimm, ledamm/ledomm, medamm, dimamti, adamm tedamm = /


saigner =50> saignant = medamm = ; saignante = medammt = ; saignement = dimoum = ; sang = dam

= ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

sain, sant (en bonne sant(m.)) = bari = ; saine, sant (en bonne sant(f.)) = briah = ; Ce n'est pas bon pour la sant. = Zh lo bari. = .

saison = 'onah =
; fin de saison = sof 'onah = ;

salade [de] ... = salat-... = ; salade grecque = salat-ivanit = ;

salade [de] fruits = salat-prot = / ; salade [de] lgumes / riz / ptes = salat-yraqot / orz / pastah / =

/ ;

salade, laitue = hasah = ; salade = salat = ;

salaire = maskort = ; salaires = maskorot = ;

salari = sakir =
; salarie = sakirah = ; salaire = sakar = (Romains 6.23) ;

sal = melouah =
; sale = melouhah = ; sals = melouhim = ; sales = melouhot = ;

salir =00> (pi'l) liklk, lelaklk, melaklk, liklakti, alaklk telaklk =

salir =50> sale(m.) = melouklak = ; sale(f.) = melouklkt= ; salet = liklouk = ;

salir =50> salissant = melaklk = ; salissante = melaklkt = ;

salle(m.) = oulam = ; salles(m.) = oulamot = ;

salle de bain = hadar-ambatiah = ;

salle de gym (salle de fitness) = hadar kochr = ;

Salomon (prnom m.) = chlomoh = = (I Rois 2.12) ;

salon, salle de sjour = salon = ;

salut ! (argot) = ahalan = ;

salut (dlivrance) = techou'ah = yechou'ah
(voir 2 Chroniques 6.41 + Luc 19.9) ; salut (dlivrance) = = ;

salut, bonjour, paix = chalom = ! ; salut (bien le bonjour!) = chalom rav ! = ;

samedi (jour 7) = chabat = ; samedi soir (la fin du chabat) = motsay chabat = ;

Samuel (prnom m.) = Chmoul = ;

sandale = sandal = ;

sandwich = karik = ; sandwich = sandvits = ;

sans = bli = ;

sant (en bonne sant(m.)) = bari = ; sant (en bonne sant(f.)) = briah = ;

sant = briout(f.) = ; ta sant ! (quand quelqu'un ternue) = labriout = ;

Sarah (prnom f.) = sarah = ;

sardine = sardin = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

satrape (gouverneur) = partm = = (Esther 1.3) ; satrape (gouverneur) = ahachdarpn =

(Esther 3.12) ;

saucisse = naqniqiyah = ; saucisson = naqniq = ;

sauf = houts mi.. = .. ;

saumon = salmon = ;

sauna = sonah = ;

sauter =00> (pa'al) qafats, liqpots, qofts, qafatsti, qpots tiqpots =


sauter =50> saut (bond) = qfitsah = ;

sauterelle = arbh = ;

sauver =00> (hif'il) hochi'a, lehochi'a, mochi'a, hocha'ti, ochi'a tochi'a =

sauver =50> (voir 1 Samuel 24.6,10 , 26.16, 2 Samuel 2.14,16,21, 19.21, 23.1, Lamentations 4.20, Daniel 9.25-26 -> ,

sauver =50> Christ, Oint, Messie, Sauveur = Machiah = =

= (Luc 2.11) ;

sauver de, dlivrer, librer )(

=00> (pa'al) gaal, ligol (me), gol, gaalti, gal tigal =

sauver de, dlivrer, librer =50> rdempteur, sauveur = gol =

; rdemption = geoulah = ;

sauver, prserver =00> (hif'il) hitsil, lehatsil, matsil, hitsalti, atsil tatsil =

sauver, prserver =50> matre-nageur, sauveteur = matsil = ;

sauver, prserver =50> sauv = moutsal = ; sauve = moutslt = ;

sauver, prserver =50> sauvetage = hatsalah = ; sauveteur = matsil = ; sauveteuse = matsilah = ;

sauver, prserver =50> secours ( l'aide !, au secours !) = hatsilou = ;

savoir =00> (pa'al) iada', lada'at, iod'a, iada'ti, da' tda' = ;

savoir =50> annonce = moda'ah =

; avis (point de vue) = d'ah = ; avis (annonce) = hoda'ah = ;

savoir =50> avis ( mon avis, selon moi) = lefida'ati = ; avis ( mon avis, pour moi) = leda'ati = ;

savoir =50> bureau des renseignements = modi'in = ;

savoir =50> connaissance (savoir) = da'at = ; connaissance (savoir) = yedi'ah = ;

savoir =50> connu, s = yadou'a =

; connue, se = yedou'ah = ; connus, ss = yedou'im = ; connues, ses = yedou'ot =

savoir =50> diagnostic (avis) = havat-da'at = ;

savoir =50> information (nouvelle) = yedi'ah = ; information (savoir) = mida' = ;

savoir =50> information (renseignements)

= modi'in = ; informatique = mad'i mahchv = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

savoir =50> savoir = yda' = ; science = mada' = ;

savonner =00> (pi'l) sibn, lesabn, mesabn, sibanti, asabn tesabn = ;

savonner =50> savon = sabon = ; savonnage = siboun =

; savonnette (=paquet de savon) = hafisat sabon = ;

scne, squence = setsnah = ;

sceptre = charvit = =
= (Esther 4.11) ;

sculpter =00> (pi'l) pisl, lefasl, mefasl, pisalti, afasl tefasl =


sculpter =50> sculpt = mefousal = ; sculpte = mefouslt = ; sculpteur = pasal = ; sculptrice = paslt =

sculpter =50> sculpture = pisoul = ; statue = psl = ;

se bronzer =00> (hitpa'l) hichtazf, lehichtazf, michtazf, hichtazafti, chtazf tichtazf =


se bronzer =50> bronzage = chizouf = ; bronz = chazouf =
; bronze = chazoufah = ;

se cacher =00> (hitpa'l) histatr, lehistatr (me), mistatr, histatarti, statr tistatr = )(
se cacher =60> =>(verbe)=> cacher, dissimuler = (hif'il) histir, lehastir

se calmer =00> (nif'al) nirga', lehraga', nirga', nirga'ti, raga' traga' =

se calmer =60> =>(verbe)=> calmer, rassurer = (hif'il) hirgi'a, lehargi'a,

se cicatriser =00> (hitpa'l) hitstalq, lehitstalq, mitstalq, hitstalaqti, tstalq titstalq =


se cicatriser =50> cicatrice = tsalqt = ; cicatris = metsoulaq = ; cicatrise = metsoulqt = ;

se concentrer =00> (hitpa'l) hitrakz, lehitrakz (be), mitrakz, hitrakazti, trakz titrakz =

se concentrer =60> =>(verbe)=> concentrer, centraliser = (pi'l) rikz, lerakz

se coucher, s'allonger =00> (pa'al) chakav, lichkov, chokv, chakavti, chkav tichkav =

se coucher, s'allonger =50> couche (paisseur) = chikvah =

; couche (lit) = michkav = ;

se coucher, s'allonger =50> couch = chakouv = ; couche = chkouvah = ;

se dbrouiller, s'arranger =00> (hitpa'l) histadr, lehistadr, mistadr, histadarti, stadr tistadr =
se dbrouiller, s'arranger =60> =>(verbe)=> ranger, arranger, disposer = (pi'l) sidr, lesadr

se dcourager, se dsesprer, renoncer =00> (hitpa'l) hityach, lehityach (me), mityach, hityaachti, tyach tityach =
)( ;
se dcourager, se dsesprer, renoncer =60> =>(verbe)=> dcourager, dsesprer = (pi'l) yich, leiach
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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

se dcouvrir, se rvler, tre mis jour =00> (hitpa'l) hitgalah, lehitgalot, mitgalh, hitgaliti, tgalh titgalh =
se dcouvrir, se rvler, tre mis jour =60> =>(verbe)=> dcouvrir, rvler = (pi'l) gilah, legalot

se dguiser =00> (hitpa'l) hithaps, lehithaps (le), mithaps, hithapasti, thaps tithaps = ( )

se dguiser =50> dguis = mehoupas = ; dguise = mehoupst = ;

se dguiser =50> dguisement = tahpost = ; dguisement = hithapsout = ;

se dpcher, tre press, tre empress =00> (pi'l) mihr, lemahr, memahr, miharti, amahr temahr =

se dpcher, tre press, tre empress =50> rapide(m.) = mahir = ; rapide(f.) = mehirah = ;

se dpcher, tre press, tre empress =50> rapidement, vite = mahr = ; vitesse, hte = mehirout = ;

se dshabiller =00> (hitpa'l) hitpacht, lehitpacht, mitpacht, hitpachateti, tpacht titpacht =

se dshabiller =60> =>(verbe)=> se dshabiller, enlever (vtement) = (pa'al) pachat, lifchot

se dshabiller =00> (pa'al) pachat, lifchot, pocht, pachatti, fchot tifchot =


se dshabiller, enlever (vtement) =00> (pa'al) pachat, lifchot, pocht, pachatti, fchot tifchot =
se dshabiller, enlever (vtement) =60> =>(verbe)=> simplifier = (pi'l) picht, lefacht

se dvelopper =00> (hitpa'l) hitpatah, lehitpatah, mitpatah, hitpatahti, tpatah titpatah =


se dvelopper =50> dveloppement = hitpathout = ;
se dvelopper =60> =>(verbe)=> dvelopper = (pi'l) pitah, lefatah/lefatah

se disperser
=00> (pa'al) pats, lafouts, pats, patsti, afouts, tafouts = ;

se disperser
=50> diffusion (distribution) = tfoutsah = ;

se disperser
=50> dispersion (exil), diaspora = tfoutsah = ; maison de la diaspora = bit hatfoutsot = ;

se disputer, se quereller =00> (pa'al) rav, lariv ('im), rav, ravti, ariv tariv = ;

se disputer, se quereller =50> dispute, querelle = riv = ; dispute = merivah = ;

se disputer, se quereller =50> rabbin = rav = ; rabbins = rabanim = ; rabbin (pouse du rabbin) = rabanit = ;

se disputer, se quereller =50> rabbinat = rabanout = ;

se distraire, passer du bon temps, user =00> (pi'l) bilah, levalot (be), mevalh, biliti, avalh tevalh =

se distraire, passer du bon temps, user =50> distraction (divertissement) = biloui = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

se doucher =00> (hitpa'l) hitqalah , lehitqalah, mitqalah, hitqalahti tqalah titqalah =


se doucher =50> salle de bain, douche = miqlahat = ; salles de bain, douches = miqlahot = ;

se faire coiffer, se faire couper les cheveux =00> (hitpa'l) histapr, lehistapr, mistapr, histaparti, stapr tistapr =

se faire coiffer, se faire couper les cheveux =50> ciseaux = misparayim = ;

se faire coiffer, se faire couper les cheveux =50> coiff = mesoupar = ; coiffe = mesouprt = ;

se faire coiffer, se faire couper les cheveux =50> coiffeur (salon de) = misparah = ; coiffeur = sapar = ; coiffeuse = saparit =

( )
se fiancer, s'engager =00> (hitpa'l) hitars, lehitars ('im), mitars, hitarasti, tars titars =

se fiancer, s'engager =60> =>(verbe)=> fiancer = (pi'l) rs, lears

se joindre , s'associer, participer =00> (hitpa'l) hitstarf, lehitstarf (le), mitstarf, hitstarafti, tstarf titstarf = ( )

se joindre, unir =00> (hitpa'l) hitstavt, lehitstavt, mitstavt, hitstavati, tstavt titstavt =
se joindre, unir =60> =>(verbe)=> joindre, adjoindre, assembler = (pi'l) tsrf, letsarf

se laver =00> (hitpa'l) hitnaqot, lehitnaqot, mitnaqt, hitnaqdti, tnaqh titnaqh =

se laver =60> =>(verbe)=> nettoyer = (pi'l) niqah, lenaqot

se laver les mains =00> (pa'al) natal, lintol, notl, natalti, tol titol = ;

se laver, se doucher, se baigner =00> (hitpa'l) lehitrahts, mitrahts, hitrahatsti, trahts titrahts =

se laver, se doucher, se baigner =60> =>(verbe)=> laver, se laver = (pa'al) rahats, lirhots

se lever, se rveiller, tre fond (tabli) =00> (pa'al) (qoum) qam, laqoum, qam, qamti, aqoum taqoum =

se lever, se rveiller, tre fond (tabli) =50> tage = qomah = ; rez-de-chausse (= tage-sol) = qomat qarqa' = ;

se lever, se rveiller, tre fond (tabli) =50> lever, rveil = qimah = ;

se maquiller =00> (hitpa'l) hitapr, lehitapr, mitapr, hitaparti, tapr titapr =

se maquiller =60> =>(verbe)=> maquiller = (pi'l) ipr, leapr

se marier =00> (hitpa'l) hithatn, lehithatn('im), mithatn, hithatanti, thatn tithatn = ( )


se marier =50> mariage (crmonie) = hatounah = ; mari (nom) = hatan = ; mari(m.) = hithatan = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

se montrer gnreux =00> (hitpa'l) hithasd, lehithasd, mithasd, hithasadti, thasd tithasd =

se montrer gnreux =50> charit = hsd = ;

se noyer, couler =00> (pa'al) tava', litvo'a, tov'a, tava'ti, tba' titba' =

se noyer, couler =50> noyade = tvi'ah = ;

se parfumer =00> (hitpa'l) hitbasm, lehitbasm, mitbasm, hitbasamti, tbasm titbasm =

se parfumer =60> =>(verbe)=> parfumer = (pi'l) bism, levasm

se peigner =00> (hitpa'l) histarq, lehistarq, mistarq, histaraqti, starq tistarq =

se peigner =60> =>(verbe)=> peigner, scanner = (pa'al) saraq, lisroq

se peser, tre pes =00> (nif'al) nichqal, lehichaql, cheqal, nichqalti, chaql techaql =
se peser, tre pes =60> =>(verbe)=> peser, considrer = (pa'al) chaqal, lichqol

se prparer, envisager =00> (hitpa'l) hitkavn, lehitkavn (le), mitkavn, hitkavanti, tkavn titkavn = )(

se prparer, s'apprter =00> (hitpa'l) hitkonn, lehitkonn (le), mitkonn, hitkonanti, tkonn titkonn = ( )

se prparer, s'apprter =50> prparation = hitkonenout = ;
se prparer, s'apprter =60> =>(verbe)=> tablir, arranger, constituer = (pi'l) konn, lekonn

se produire, se passer, arriver =00> (hitpa'l) hitrahch, lehitrahch, mitrahch, hitrahachti, trahch titrahch =

se produire, se passer, arriver =50> vnement = hitrahachout = ;

se promener, se balader, faire une excursion, aller en excursion =00> (pi'l) tiyl, letayl, metayl, tiyalti, atayl tetayl =

se promener, se balader, faire une excursion, aller en excursion =50> partir en voyage/excursion = latst ltiyoul = ;

se promener, se balader, faire une excursion, aller en excursion =50> promenade, balade, excursion = tiyoul = ; promenade (route) = taylt =

se promener, se balader, faire une excursion, aller en excursion =50> promeneur = metayl = ; promeneuse = metaylt = ;

se promener, se balader, faire une excursion, aller en excursion =50> promeneur = tayal = ; promeneuse = taylt = ;

se propager, s'tendre =00> (pa'al) pasah, lifsot, posh, pasiti, fsh tifsh =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

se prosterner =00> (hitpa'l) hichtahavah, lehichtahavot (le), michtahavh, hichtahaviti, chtahavh tichtahavh =

)( ;

se prosterner =50> prosternation = hichtathout = ; prosternation = hichtahavout = ;

( )
se rapprocher =00> (hitpa'l) hitqarv, lehitqarv (le..), mitqarv, hitqaravti, tqarv titqarv =

se rapprocher =50> rapprochement = hitqarvout = ;
se rapprocher =60> =>(verbe)=> s'approcher = (hitpa'l) hitqarv, lehitqarv

se raser =00> (hitpa'l) hitgalah, lehitgalah, mitgalah, hitgalahti, tgalah titgalah =

se raser =60> =>(verbe)=> raser, tondre = (pi'l) gilah, legalah

se raliser, se maintenir, se tenir, se drouler, exister, vivre de =00> (hitpa'l) hitqaym, lehitqaym, mitqaym, hitqayamti, tqaym titqaym =

se rencontrer, rencontrer =00> (nif'al) nifgach, lehipagch ('im), nifgach, nifgachti, fgch tipgch =

se rencontrer, rencontrer =60> =>(verbe)=> rencontrer = (pa'al) pagach, lifgoch
se rendre : utiliser "voyager" :

se repentir =00> (hitpa'l) hithart, lehithart ('al), mithart, hitharatti, thart, tithart = ( )

se repentir =50> repentir = hithartout = ;
se repentir =60> =>(verbe)=> pcher, se tromper, fauter = (pa'al) hata, lahto

se rpter =00> (nif'al) nichnah, lehichanot, nichnh, nichniti, chanh techanh =

se rpter =60> =>(verbe)=> rpter = (pa'al) chanah, lichnot

se reposer =00> (pa'al) nah, lanouah, nah, nahti, anouah tanouah = ;

se reposer =50> chaise longue = kis(m.) noah=

; chaises longues = kisot(m.) nouhim = ;

se reposer =50> commode(m.), confortable(m.) = noah =

; commode(f.), confortable(f.) = noahah = ;

se reposer =50> repos (il se reposera) = yanouah =

; repos = menouhah = ;

se reposer, rcuprer =00> (pa'al) nafach, linpoch, nofch, nafachti, poch tipoch =

se reposer, rcuprer =50> me = nfch(f.) = ; mes = nfchot(f.) = ;

se reposer, rcuprer =50> repos = nofch = ;

se rveiller =00> (nif'al) n'or, leh'or, n'or, n'arti, 'or t'or = ;

se rveiller =60> =>(verbe)=> rveiller, stimuler, provoquer, soulever = (pi'l) 'orr, le'orr

se revoir, rencontrer =00> (hitpa'l) hitraah, lehitraot ('im), mitrah, hitraiti, trah titrah = ( )

se revoir, rencontrer =50> se revoir (au revoir !) = lehitraot ! = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =
se revoir, rencontrer =60> =>(verbe)=> voir = (pa'al) raah, lirot

se rvolter
=00> (hitpa'l) hitqomm, lehitqomm (ngd), mitqomm, hitqomamti, tqomm titqomm =

)( ;

se rvolter
=50> soulvement = hitqommout = ;
se rvolter =60> =>(verbe)=> relever, restaurer, soulever = (pi'l) qomm, leqomm

se sentir, ressentir =00> (hif'il) hirgich, lehargich, margich, hirgachti, argich targich =

se sentir, ressentir =50> motion (trouble) = hitragchout = ; motion (moi) = rigouch = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> motionnel = rigchi = ; motionnelle = rigchit = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> mouvant = meragch = ; mouvante = meragcht = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> sensibilit = regichout = ; sensible(m.) = ragich = ; sensible(f.) = ragichah = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> sensiblerie = ragchanout = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> senti = mourgach =

; sentie = mourgcht = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> sentiment = hargachah =

; sentiment = rgch = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> sentimental = ragchani =

; sentimentale = ragchanit = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> sentimental = rigchi =

; sentimentale = rigchit = ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> sentir (je me sens bien = je suis en forme) = ani margich tov. = . ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> sentir (portez-vous bien !) = targich tov ! = ; targichi tov ! = ; targichou tov !

= ;

se sentir, ressentir =50> touch = nirgach = ; touche = nirgcht = ;

se sparer de =00> (nif'al) nifrad, lehipard (me), nifrad, nifradti, pard tepard = )(

se sparer de =50> sparation = prdah =

; sparation (dpart) = hafradah = ;

se sparer de =50> spar = moufrad = ; spare = moufrdt = ;

se soucier, s'inquiter =00> (pa'al) daag, lideog (le..), dog, daagti, deag tideag = )(

se soucier, s'inquiter =50> inquiet = dog = ; inquite = dogt = ;

se soucier, s'inquiter =50> inquiet = moudeag =

; inquite = moudegt = ;

se soucier, s'inquiter =50> inquitant = madig = ; inquitante = madigah = ; inquitude = deagah = ;

se soucier, s'inquiter =50> souci = deagah = ; soucieux = moudeag = ; soucieuse = moudegt = ;

se souvenir, se rappeler =00> (pa'al) zakar, lizkor, zokr, zakarti, zkor tizkor =

se souvenir, se rappeler =50> commmoration = azkarah = ; Jour du Souvenir = yom hazikaron = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

se souvenir, se rappeler =50> mmoire, mmorial = zikaron = ; mmorandum = tazkir = ; mmorandum = mizkar = ;

se souvenir, se rappeler =50> rappel (vocation) = izkour = ; rappel (mmento) = tizkort = ;

se souvenir, se rappeler =50> secrtaire(m.) = mazkir = ; secrtaire(f.) = mazkirah = ;

se souvenir, se rappeler =50> secrtariat = mazkirot = ; secrtariat de dpartement = mazkirot-mahlaqah =

se souvenir, se rappeler =50> souvenir = zkr = ; souvenir (objet) = mazkrt = ;

se souvenir, se rappeler, tre mentionn =00> (nif'al) nizkor, lehizakr (be..), nizkar, nizkarti, zakr tizakr = )(
se souvenir, se rappeler, tre mentionn =60> =>(verbe)=> se souvenir, se rappeler = (pa'al) zakar, lizkor

se spcialiser =00> (hitpa'l) hitmahah, lehitmahot (be), mitmahh, hitmahiti, tmahh titmahh = ( )

se spcialiser =50> spcialisation = hitmahout = ; spcialiste(m.) = moumhh = ; spcialiste(f.) = moumhit =

se spcialiser =50> spcialit = moumhiyout = ;

) (
se taire =00> (pa'al) chataq, lichtoq (le.., 'al), chotq, chataqti, chtoq tichtoq =

se taire =50> silence = chtiqah = ;

se taire =50> silence = chqt = ; silence = chqt ! = ; silencieux, tranquille = chaqt = ; silencieuse = chqtah =

se taire, demander le silence, faire taire, calmer =00> (pi'l) hisah, lehasot, mehash, hisiti, ahash tehash =

se taire, demander le silence, faire taire, calmer chut ! = silence ! = has ! = ;

se tenir debout, tre debout =00> (pa'al) 'amad, la'amod, 'omd, 'amadti, 'mod ta'amod =

se tenir debout, tre debout =50> candidat, postulant = mou'amad = ; candidate, postulante = mou'amdt = ;

se tenir debout, tre debout =50> comptoir, guichet (poste, position) = 'mdah = ;

se tenir debout, tre debout =50> debout(m.) = 'omd = ; debout(f.) = 'omdt = ;

se tenir debout, tre debout =50> page (numro de page d'un livre) = 'amoud = ;

se tenir debout, tre debout =50> position (debout, opinion) = 'mdah = ; position cl = 'mdat maftah = ;

se tenir, avoir lieu, se drouler =00> (nif'al) n'rak, leh'ark, n'rak, n'rakti, 'ark t'ark =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

se transformer, changer =00> (hitpa'l) hichtanah, lehichtanot, michtanh, hichtaniti, chtanh tichtanh =

se transformer, changer =50> Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de chang ? = Mah nichtanah ? = ;
se transformer, changer =60> =>(verbe)=> changer, modifier = (pi'l) chinah, lechanot

se tromper, avoir tort =00> (pa'al) ta'ah, lit'ot, to'h ta'iti, t'h tit'h =

se tromper, avoir tort =50> erreur, faute = ta'out(f.) =

; erreurs, fautes = ta'ouyot(f.) = ;

se tromper, avoir tort =50> trompeur = mate'h = ; trompeuse = mate'ah = ;

se trouver, tre retrouv, tre trouv =00> (nif'al) nimtsa, lehimats (be), nimtsa, nimtsti, mats timats = ( )
se trouver, tre retrouv, tre trouv =60> =>(verbe)=> trouver, plaire = (pa'al) matsa, limtso

scher, asscher =00> (pi'l) yibch, leyabch, meyabch, yibachti, ayabch teyabch =

scher, asscher =50> sec = yavch =

; sche = yvchah = ;

scher, asscher =50> schage = yibouch =

; schoir = meyabch = ;

scher, asscher =50> sche-cheveux = meyabch s'ar = ; sche-linge = meyabch kvisah = ;

second (deuxime)(m.) = chni =

; seconde (deuxime)(f.) = chniyah = ; second Temple = bayit hachni = ;

secondaire = levai = ;

secret(n.) = sod = ; secret(m.) = sodi = ; secrte(f.) = sodit = ;

sgol ( " sgol") = sgol = =
; => " sgol" (garon, enfant = yld = )

sein (poitrine), mamelle = chad = (Cantique 1.13, 4.5, 7.4,8,9, 8.10, Ezchiel 16.7) ;

sel = mlah = ;

selon = lefi = ; selon = 'al pi = ;

semaine (chaque semaine) = kol chavou'a(m.) = ; semaine (toute la semaine) = kol hachavou'a(m.) = ;

semaine = chavou'a(m.) =
; semaines = chavou'ot(m.) = ; deux semaines = chvou'ayim = ;

semaine (une Semaine) = chavou'a(m.) had = = (Daniel 9.27) ;

= =
semaine (70 Semaines) = chavou'im(m.) chivim = = (Daniel 9.24) ;

semaine dernire, semaine passe = chavou'a che'avar = ; semaine prochaine = chavou'a che'habaah =

sembler, apparatre, se rvler =00> (nif'al) nirah, lehraot, nirh, niriti, rah trah =
sembler, apparatre, se rvler =60> =>(verbe)=> montrer, faire voir, prsenter = (hif'il) hrah, leharot

semer =00> (pa'al) zara' lizro'a, zor'a, zara'ti, zra' tisra' = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

semer =50> graine, semence = zra' = ; semeur = zor'a = ; semeurs = zor'im = (Psaumes 126.5) ;

semer =50> semeuse = zora'at = ; semeuse = mazr'ah = ;

sentinelles, gardes = notsrim = = (Jrmie 31.5 );

sentir (odeur), humer =00> (hif'il) hriah, lehariah, mriah, hrahti, ariah tariah =

sentir (odeur), humer, flairer =50> nausabond = masriah = ; nausabonde = masrihah = ;

sentir (odeur), humer, flairer =50> odeur = riha(m.) = ; odeurs = rihot(m.) =

; odeur = niroah = ;

sentir (odeur), humer, flairer =50> odorant = rhani = ; odorante = rhanit = ;

sentir (odeur), humer, flairer =50> odorat = harahah =

; odorifrant = rihani = ; odorifrante = rihanit = ;

sparer (dissocier) =00> (hif'il) hifrid, lehafrid (bin), mafrid, hifradti, afrid tafrid = )(

sparer (dissocier) =50> sparation = prdah = ; sparation (dpart) = hafradah = ;

sparer (dissocier) =50> spar = moufrad = ; spare = moufrdt = ; sparment = benifrad = ;

sparer (diviser) =00> (pa'al) hatsats, lahatsots/lahtsts (bin), hotsts, hatsatsti, hetsots tahetsots = ( )/
sparer (diviser) =60> =>(verbe)=> sparer (en deux), traverser (une route) = (pa'al) hatsah, lahatsot

sparer (en deux), traverser (une route) =00> (pa'al) hatsah, lahatsot, hotsh, hatsiti, htsh thtsh =

sparer (en deux), traverser (une route) =50> cloison (mur) = mehitsah = ;

sparer (en deux), traverser (une route) =50> jupe = hatsayit(f.) = ;

sparer (en deux), traverser (une route) =50> moiti, demi = htsi = ; moitis(m.), demis(m.) = htsim = ; moitis(f.), demis(f.) = hatsot =

sparer (en deux), traverser (une route) =50> sparation (cloison) = mehitsah = ; sparation (cloison) = hatsitsah = ;

sparer (en deux), traverser (une route) =50> traverse = hatsiah = ;

sept (7) = chva'(f.) = ; sept (7) = chiva'ah(m.) = ; sept(m.) = chiv'ah(m.) = ; sept(f.) = chva'(f.) =

sept-cent (700) = chva' mot = ;

septentrional = tsafoni = ;

septime (adjectif) = chvi'it(f.) = ;

srieux(s.) = retsini = ; srieuse = retsinit = ; srieux(p.) = retsiniim = ; srieuses = retsiniot =

serviette (de toilette) = magvt = ;

serviette = mapit = ; serviettes = mapiyot = ; serviette en papier = mapit neyar = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

servir ( table), prsenter (servir) =00> (hif'il) higich, lehagich, magich, higachti, agich tagich =

servir ( table), prsenter (servir) =50> prsentateur = magich = ; prsentatrice = magichah = ; prsentation = hagachah =

servir ( table), prsenter (servir)=50> serveur = magich = ; serveuse = magichah = ; service (action) = hagachah = ;

servir (au restaurant) =00> (pi'l) miltsr, lemaltsr, memaltsr, miltsarti, amaltsr temaltsr =

servir (au restaurant) =50> serveur = mltsar = ; serveuse = mltsarit = ; service (au restaurant) = mltsarout = ;

servir =00> (pi'l) chrt, lechart, mechart, chrati, achart techart =


servir =50> banque (service bancaire) = banq chirout = : change (bureau de change (service de conversion)) = chirout hamarah =

servir =50> service = chirout = ;

servir =50> service inclus = koll chirout = ; service [10%] non inclus = lo koll chirout =

servir =50> serviteur = mechart = ;

servir =50> taxi service = monit chirout = :

servir =50> toilettes (services) = chiroutim = ; WC (toilettes) = chiroutim = ;

ssame = choumchom = ;

seul (isol) = levad =

; seul (unique(m.)) = yahid = ; seule (unique(f.)) = yehidah = ;

seul, isol, solitaire = bodd = ; seule, isole, solitaire = boddt = ;

seulement, rien que, uniquement = raq = ; seulement = la = ;

shampoing (lavage) = hafifah = ; shampoing (produit) = champou = ;

shekel = chql =
; shekels = chqalim = ;
Shekel : Conversion euro<->shekel + Historique d'volution sur 2 ans :
=> (1 = 4.114 (=ILS) , 1 (=ILS) = 0.243 ), Taux ILS/EUR (depuis 2001) pour 1.000 (Max en 2002.0117 = 271.40 , min en 2007.0805 = 167.60 )
Shekel : Description des pices et billets : = "Shekel"
Le shekel est librement convertible depuis le 1er janvier 2003. Au 16 fvrier 2009, un shekel valait 0,1924 et 1 valait 5,1978 shekalim. (depuis cette date 1 fluctue autour de plus ou moins 5 shekalim)

short = miknasayim qtsarim = ;

si (hypothse) = im = ;

Sichm = chkm = ;

sicle = mah = ; le 19ime sicle = hamah hatcha 'srh = 19 ;

signalisation (panneau de signalisation), panneau indicateur = tamrour = ;

signer =00> (pa'al) hatam, lahatom ('al), hotm, hatamti, hetom tahtom = )(

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

signer =50> signataire(m.) = hatam = ; signataire(f.) = hatmt = ; signature = hatimah = ;

Silo = chilo = ;

Simon (prnom m.) = chim'on = ;

simplifier =00> (pi'l) picht, lefacht, mefacht, pichatti, afacht tefacht =


simplifier =50> simple(m.) = pachout = ; simple(f.) = pchoutah = ; simplement = befachtout = ;

simplifier =50> simplicit = pachtout =

; simplification = pichout = ;

simplifier =50> simpliste(m.) = pachtani =

; simpliste(f.) = pachtanit = ;

Sina = sinai = ;

singulier (grammaire) = yahid = ;

sinus = sinous = ;

Sion = tsion =
; sioniste(m.) = tsioni = ; sioniste(f.) = tsionit = ;

sirocco = hamsin = ;

site = atar = ; site Internet = atar intrnt = ;

six (6) = chch(f.) =
; six (6) = chichah(m.) = ; six(m.) = chichah(m.) = ; six(f.) = chch(f.) = ;

six-cent (600) = chch mot = ;

sixime (adjectif) = chichit(f.) = ;

ski = sqi = ;

SMS = s-m-s = ;

social = hvrati = ; sociale = hvratit = ;

sociologie = sotsiologiah = ;

sur (00.) = ahot =
; surs = ahayot = ; sur (01. ma sur) = ahoti = (de moi = chli = );

soigner (donner de soins), prendre soin de =00> (pi'l) tipl, letapl (be..), metapl, tipalti, atapl tetapl =

soigner (donner de soins), prendre soin de =50> traitement, soin = tipoul = ; soins intensifs = tipoul nimrats = ;

soir, soire = 'rv = ; soire (fte) = nchf = ;

soixante (60) = chichim = ;

soixante-dix (70) = chiv'im = ;

soja = soyah = ;

sol = qarqa' = ; [rez-de-chausse (= tage-sol) = qomat qarqa' = ]

soldat = hayal = ; soldate = haylt = ;

solde = yitrah =
; solde crditeur = yitrat zkout = ; solde dbiteur = yitrat hovah = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

soleil = chmch(f.) = ;

solide = itan = ;

solution = pitron(m.) =
; solutions = pitronot(m.) = ;

son, voix = qol(m.) = ; sons, voix = qolot(m.) = ; voix ( haute voix) = beqol = ;

sonner (be ..), tlphoner (le..) =00> (pi'l) tsilstl, letsaltsl (be .., le ..), metsalstl, tiltsalti, atsaltsl tesaltsl = ( )

sonner (be ..), tlphoner (le..) =50> appel tlphonique, sonnerie = tsiltsoul = ; son, sonorit = tslil = ;

Sorbonne = sorbon = ;

sort (pour) = pour =
= (Esther 3.7) ; sort = goral = ; sort (tirage au sort) = hagralah = ;

sortir, partir =00> (pa'al) iatsa, latst (m..), iots, iatsati, ts tts =

sortir, partir =50> exception : sort de la rgle (paroi) = iots min/mi dofn = ;

sortir, partir =50> exception : sort de la rgle = iots min/mi haklal = ;

sortir, partir =50> partir en retraite = latst lepensiah = ;

sortir, partir =50> partir en vacances = latst lehoufchah = ;

sortir, partir =50> publier (diter = mettre en lumire) = latst laor = ;

sortir, partir =50> sortant = iots = ; sortante = iotst = ; sortie = itsiah = ;

soucoupe volante = tsalahat me'offt = ;

soudain = pitom = ! ? !
; Quoi ? Jamais ! = Mah ? Pitom ! = ; Ce n'est pas vrai ! = Mah pitom =

souffler =00> (pa'al) nachav, linchov, nochv, nachavti, chov tichov = ;

souffler =50> souffle = nechivah = ; souffle (respiration) = machav = ;

souligner, accentuer =00> (hif'il) hidgich, lehadgich, madgich, hidgachti, adgich tadgich =

souligner, accentuer =50> accentu = moudgach = ; accentue = moudgcht = ;

souligner, accentuer =50> soulign = moudgach = ; souligne = moudgcht = ; soulignement = hadgachah =

soumettre, matriser =00> (hif'il) hikni'a, lehakni'a, makni'a, hikna'eti, akni'a takni'a =

soumettre, matriser =50> soumis = kanou'a = ; soumise = kanou'at = ; soumission = kni'ah = ;

soupe = maraq = /
; soupe [de] lgumes / poisson = maraq-yraqot / dag = ;

source (origine), origine = maqor = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

source, fontaine = ma'ayan(m.) = ; sources, fontaines = ma'ayanot(m.) = ;

sourcil = gabah(f.) = ;

sourire =00> (pi'l) hiyk, lehayk, mehayk, hiyakti, ahayk tehayk = ;

sourire =50> souriant = haykan = ; souriante = haykanit = ; sourire = hiyouk = ;

souris (animal), souris (ordinateur) = 'akbar = ;

sous-vtements = levanim = ; sous-vtements de femmes = livni-nachim= ;

sous, dessous = tahat = ;

soutien-gorge = haziyah = ;

souvent = tkoufot= ; souvent (= pour des temps proches) = le'itim qrovot = ;

spaghetti = spageti = ;

spirituel (de l'esprit rouah) = rouhani = ; spirituelle (de l'esprit rouah) = rouhanit = ;

sport = sport = ; sportif = sportai =

; sportive = sportait = ;

stade (de sport) = itstadion = ;

stand, podium, tal = doukan = ;

stationner, camper =00> (pa'al) hanah, lahanot, honh, haniti, hnh tahanh =

stationner, camper =50> arrt, gare, station = tahanah = ; arrt (d'autobus) = tahanat otobous = ;

stationner, camper =50> camp = mahanh(m.) = ; camps = mahanot(m.) = ;

stationner, camper =50> camp d'extermination = mahanh(m.) hachmadah = ;

stationner, camper =50> camp de concentration = mahanh(m.) rikouz = ;

stationner, camper =50> fourrire (parking de la police) = tahanat michtarah = ;

stationner, camper =50> gare (de chemin de fer) = tahanat rakvt = ; gar = honah = ;

stationner, camper =50> parking = hanion =

; parking interdit (stationnement interdit) = in haniah = ;

stationner, camper =50> stationnement = hanayah =

; stationn = honah = ; terminus = tahanah sofit =

statu quo = statous qvo = ;

steward (de l'air) = dayal = ;

strudel (@ = arobase) = chtroudel = ; -> Mthode Assimil p129

strudel (gteau) = krokit = ;

studio (appartement) = dirat hdr = ;

studio (professionnel) = oulpan = ;

style = signon(m.) =
; styles = signonot(m.) = ; stylisation = signoun = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

stylo = 't = ; stylo bille = 't kadouri= ; stylo encre = 't nov'a = ; stylo feutre, crayon-feutre = touch

= ;

sucre = soukar = ;

sucrer =00> (pi'l) mitq, lematq, mematq, mitaqti, amatq tematq =


sucrer=50> sucrant = mamtiq =

; sucrante = mamtiqah = ;

sucrer=50> sucr = matoq = ; sucre = metouqah = ; sucr = memoutaq = ; sucre = memoutqt =

sucrer=50> sucrerie = mamtaq = ; sucrette = mamtiq = ;

sud = darom =
; vers le sud = daromah = ;

Sud-Ouest = drom-ma'arav = ; Sud-Est = drom-mizrah = ;

suffire, russir, arriver , en avoir assez =00> (hif'il) hispiq, lehaspiq, maspiq, hispaqti, aspiq taspiq =

suffire, russir, arriver , en avoir assez =50> assez (suffisamment), suffisant = maspiq = ; assez (c'est assez) = zh maspiq = ;

suffire, russir, arriver , en avoir assez =50> suffisant = maspiq = ; suffisante = maspiqah = ;

suffisamment = dai =
; suffisamment = lemadai = ; suffisamment, assez !, suffit ! (= suffit !) = dai ! = ! ;

suffixe, finale = sofit = ;

suggrer, voquer, insinuer =00> (pa'al) ramaz, lirmoz, romz, ramazti, rmoz tirmoz =

suggrer, voquer, insinuer =50> insinuation = remizah = ;

suggrer, voquer, insinuer =50> suggr = meroumaz = ; suggre = meroumzt = ;

suite ( la suite de) = 'qv = ; suite ( la suite de) = be'iqvot = ;

suite (tout de suite), bientt (= encore peu) = tkf = ;

suivant (prochain) = haba = ; suivante (prochaine) = habaah = ; suivants = habaim = ; suivantes = habaot =

suivre, filer, talonner =00> (pa'al) 'aqav, la'aqov (ahari), 'oqv, 'aqavti, 'qov ta'aqov = )(

suivre, filer, talonner =50> Jacob (prnom m.) = ya'aqov = ;

suivre, filer, talonner =50> filature (action de suivre) = ma'aqav = ;

suivre, filer, talonner =50> suite ( la suite de) = 'qv = ; suite ( la suite de) = be'iqvot = ; suivi(n.) = ma'aqav =

suivre, filer, talonner =50> talon (chaussure) = 'aqv(m.) = ; talons, traces = 'aqvot(m.) = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

sujet = 'inyan = ; comment va ? (comment les sujets ?) = mah ha'inyanim ? = ? ;

super ! (= bravo ! / c'est bien !) = yofi = ! ;

super = soupr = ; supermarch = souprmarqt = ; suprette = minimarqt = ;

supprimer, dtruire, liquider =00> (pi'l) hisl, lehasl, mehasl, hisalti, ahasl tehasl =

supprimer, dtruire, liquider =50> liquidation = hisoul = ; liquidateur = mehasl = ; liquidatrice = mehaslt =

supprimer, dtruire, liquider =50> liquid = mehousal = ; liquide = mehouslt = ;

supprimer, dtruire, liquider =50> suppression = hisoul = ;

sr (bien sr !), bien entendu ! = kamouvan ! = ! ;

sr = vadai =
; srement, bien sr = bevadai = ;

surfer, glisser, skier, dborder =00> (pa'al) galach, ligloch, golch, galachti, gloch tigloch =

surfer, glisser, skier, dborder =50> dbordement, glissade = glichah = ; surfeur = golch = ; surfeuse = golcht =

surfer, glisser, skier, dborder =50> internaute(m.) = golch = ; internaute(f.) = golcht = ; internautes(m.) = golchim =

surfer, glisser, skier, dborder =50> skieur = golch = ; skieuse = golcht = ; skis = miglachayim = ;

surfer, glisser, skier, dborder =50> surf = glichat galim = ; surfeur = golch = ; surfeuse = golcht =

surfer, glisser, skier, dborder =50> onde, vague = gal = ; vague, onde = gal = ; vague de terreur = gal chl tror = ;

surnom = kinoui = ;

surnoms affectifs (mots d'affection) = chmot hibah = ;

surprendre =00> (hif'il) hifti'a, lehafti'a, mafti'a, hifta'ti, afti'a tafti'a =

surprendre =50> surprenant = mafti'a = ; surprenante = mafti'ah = ;

surprendre =50> surpris(a.) = moufta' = ; surprise(a.) = moufta'at = ; surprise(n.) = hafta'ah = ;

surraliste = sourialisti = ;

surtout, principalement = be'iqar = ;

survenir, se trouver l (par hasard) =00> (hitpa'l) hizdamn, lehizdamn (le), mizdamn, hizdamanti, zdamn tizdamn = ( )

survenir, se trouver l (par hasard) =50> occasion, opportunit = hizdamnout = ; occasions, opportunits = hizdamnouyot =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

susceptible de = 'aloul = ;

Suze = chouchan =
= (Esther 1.2) ;

sycomore = siqmim = ;

symbole = sml = ; symboles = smalim = ;

sympathique(m.) sympathique(f.) sympathiques(m.) sympathiques(f.) = nhmad nhmadah nhmadim nhmadot =


synagogue = bit knst = ;

syrien = souri = ;

systme = ma'arkt = ;

table = choulhan(m.) =
; tables = choulhanot(m.) = ; table ( manger) = choulhan okl = ;

tableau (colonnes, lignes) = tavlah = ;

tableau (d'art = peinture), photo = tmounah = ;

tableau (dans la classe) = louah(m.) = ; tables (tableaux dans la classe) = louahot(m.) = ; tableau (d'affichage) = louah moda'ot =

Tables (Tables de la Loi) = louhot habrit = ;

taille, hanche = motn(m.) = ;

hanche, taille = motn(m.) = ; hanches = matnayim(m.) = ;

talent (don) = kicharon = ; talentueux = kichroni = ; talentueuse = kichronit = ;

Tamar (prnom f.) = tamar = ;

Tanak (= 39 livres de la Bible) = tanak = ;

tant = kol kak = ;

tante = dodah = ;

taper (au clavier) =00> (pi'l) tiqtq, letaqtq, metaqtq, tiqtaqti, ataqtq tetaqtq =

tapis = chatiah = ;

tapisserie (tenture) = gobln = ;

tasse = sfl = ;

tatouer =00> (pi'l) qi'aqa', leqa'aqa', meqa'aq'a, qi'aqa'ti, aqa'aqa' teqa'aqa' =

tatouer =50> tatouage = qa'aqou'a = ; tatouage = ktovt qa'aqa' = (Lvitique 19.28 : interdiction des
tatouages) ;

taureau = chor = ; taureau = par = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

taux d'intrt = cha'ar ribit = ;

taxi = monit =
; taxi service = monit chirout = ;

tchat = tsa't = ;

technicien = tknay = ; technicienne = tknayit = ;

Technion ( Hafah) = teknion = ;

technique = tkniqah = ;

technologie = tknologiah = ;

tel, comme (m.), de ce genre(m.) = kazh = ; telle, comme (f.), de ce genre(m.) = kazot = ; tels, comme (p.), de ce genre(p.) =

kalh = ;

Tel-Aviv = tl-aviv =
= ; Tel-Avivien = tl-avivi = ;

tlphoner =00> (pi'l) tilpn, letalpn (le..), metalpn, tilfanti, atalfn tetalfn =

tlphoner =50> tlphone = tlfon = ; tlphone cellulaire = tlfon sloulari = ;

tlphoner =50> tlphone portable = tlfon nayad = ; tlphone sans fil = tlfon alhouti = ;

tlvision = tlviziah = ;

tellement, si, tant = kol-kak = = ;

tmoigner, affirmer =00> (hif'il) h'id, leha'id (be), m'id, h'adti, a'id ta'id =

tmoigner, affirmer =50> glise (assemble) = 'dah = (Matthieu 18.17, Actes 12.1) ; ethnie (origine) = 'dah = ;

tmoigner, affirmer =50> jusqu' = 'ad =
; jusqu' ce que = 'ad ch = ; jusqu' l = 'ad koh = ; jusqu'ici = 'ad kan =

tmoigner, affirmer =50> pour (en faveur de) = be'ad = ;

tmoigner, affirmer =50> tmoignage = 'dout = ; tmoin(m.) = 'd = ; tmoin(f.) = 'dah = ;

tmoigner, affirmer =50> toujours (pour toujours) = la'ad = ;

temprature (= fivre) = hom = ; forte fivre = hom gavoha = ;

Temple (de Jrusalem) = Bit-hamiqdach = ; miqdach" est en rapport avec "qadoch" = sacr (adjectif) , saint (adjectif)

temps (mto) = mzg avir = ;

temps (s.) = 't =

; temps (p.) = 'itim = ;

temps du prsent = zman hovh = ; temps du pass = zman 'avar = ; temps du futur = zman 'atid =

temps(s.) (dure) = zman = ; temps(p.) (dure) = zmanim = ;

tnbres, obscurit = hochk = (Gense 1.2) ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tente = ohl = ; tentes = ohalim = ;

terminer, achever, finir =00> (pa'al) gamar, ligmor, gomr, gamarti, gmor tigmor =

terminer, achever, finir =50> achev = gamour = ; achvement = gmirah = ; fini = gamour = ; finition = gimour =

terrain = migrach = ; terrain de sport = migrach sport = ;

terre (matire) = adamah = ;

terreur = imah = ;

terrible, super = mechage'a(m.) = ; = mechaga'at(f.) = ;

terrifiant, terrible = nora = ; terrifiant (pas grave !, peu importe) = lo nora ! = ! ;

terrorisme = tror = ; vague de terreur = gal chl tror =
; terroriste(m.) = mehabl = ; terroriste(f.) = mehablt =

tester, prouver, examiner =00> (pa'al) bahan, livhon, bohn, bahanti, vhan tivhan =

tester, prouver, examiner =50> diagnostic = avhanah = ;

tester, prouver, examiner =50> discernement = ivhoun = ; discernement = havhanah = ;

tester, prouver, examiner =50> prouvette = mavhnah = ;

tester, prouver, examiner =50> examen (interrogation) = bohan = ; examen (scolaire) = bhinah = ; examen (scolaire), preuve, test = mivhan

= ;

tester, prouver, examiner =50> examinateur = bohn = ; examinatrice = bohnt = ;

tte = roch = ; tte (en tte) = beroch = ; tte (avec la tte) = baroch = ; tte (en tte, l'avance) = mroch =

tte de l'anne (= 1er jour de l'an) = roch hachanah = ; tte du mois (= 1er jour du mois) = roch hodch = ;

texte = tqst = ;

th = th = ; th de plantes (= tisane) = th tsmahim = ;

thtre = tatron = ; thtre, drame = dramah = ;

thon = tounah = ;

Tibriade = tivriah = ; Tibriade (lac de Tibriade) = [yam] kinrt = ][ ; (

ticket, billet, carte = kartis = ;

timbre poste = boul = ;

tirer, attirer, retirer (argent), prolonger, sduire =00> (pa'al) machak, limchok, mochk, machakti, mchok timchok =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tirer, attirer, retirer (argent), prolonger, sduire =50> attirant = mochk =

; attirante = mochkt = ;

tirer, attirer, retirer (argent), prolonger, sduire =50> dcouvert (bancaire) = mechikat ytr = ; retrait (de fonds) = mechikah =

tirer, attirer, retirer (argent), prolonger, sduire =50> tirage = mechikah = ; tireur (banque) = mochk = ; tirer (pull) = mechok =

tisane (= th de plantes) = th tsmahim = ;

tissu, toffe = bad = ;

titre (dans un texte) = kotrt = ; titre (valeur mobilire) = neyar = ; titres (valeurs mobilires) = neyarot = ;

toilettes = toualt = ;

toit = gag(m.) =
; toits = gagot(m.) = ;

Tokyo = toqio = ;

tolrer, subir, supporter (subir), souffrir (subir) =00> (pa'al) saval, lisbol (me), sovl, savalti, sbol tisbol = )(

tolrer, subir, supporter (subir), souffrir (subir) =50> patience = savlanout = ; patient = savlani = ; patiente = savlanit =

tolrer, subir, supporter (subir), souffrir (subir) =50> souffrance = svl = ; souffrant = sovl = ; souffrante = sovlt =

tolrer, subir, supporter (subir), souffrir (subir) =50> tolrable(m.) = nisbal = ; tolrable(f.) = nisblt = ;

tolrer, subir, supporter (subir), souffrir (subir) =50> tolrance = sovlanout = ; tolrant = sovlani = ; tolrante = sovlanit =

tomate = 'agvaniyah = ;

tomber, chuter, mourir =00> (pa'al) nafal, linpol/lipol, nofl, nafalti, fol tipol = /

tomber, chuter, mourir =50> chute = nefilah = ; nphilim (anges dchus) = nefilim = ; Gense 6.4

tonnerre = ra'am =
; tonnerres = re'amim = ;

Torah (5= ) (= La Loi = Pentateuque) = torah = ;

Torah (les 5 livres : les cinq cinquimes de la Torah) (= Deutronome) = houmach (= hamichah houmchi Torah) = ;

Torah (rouleau de la Torah = Pentateuque) = sfr torah =
; Torah (rouleaux de la Torah) = sifri torah = ;

Torah crite = torah chbektav = ; Torah orale = torah chb'al ph = ;

torrent, rivire = nahal = ;

tortue = tsav = ;

tt, en avance(m.) = mouqdam(m.) = ; tt, en avance(f.) = maqdimah(f.) = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

totalit = klal = ;

Tou Bichvat = t"ou bichvat = " ;

touche (ordinateur) = maqach = ; touche (piano) = qlidim = ;

toucher =00> (pa'al) naga', lingo'a/laga'at, nog'a, naga'ti, ga' tiga' = /


toucher =50> ne pas toucher ! = lo laga'at ! = ! ; ne touches pas ! = al tiga' ! = ! ;

toucher =50> plaie (calamit) = nga' = (Gense 12.17) ;

toucher =50> touchant = nog'a = ; touchante = noga'at = ; touche (action) = negi'ah = ;

toujours = tamid = ; toujours (pour toujours) = la'ad = ; toujours (depuis toujours) = m'olam = ;

toummm, thummim = toumim = = = (Exode 28.30) ;

tour = migdal = ;

touriste(m.) = tayar = ; touriste(f.) = tayrt = ; touristes(m.) = tayarim = ; touristes(f.) = tayarot =


tourterelle = tor = (Cantique 2.12) ;

tousser =00> (hitpa'l) hichta'l, lehichta'l, michta'l, hichta'alti, chta'l tichta'l =


tousser =50> toux = chi'oul = ;

tout = hakol =
; de tout = m hakol = ; <= son "m " devant les caractres gutturaux (exemple mnmonique: m Antibes !)

tout le temps = kol hazman = ;

tout, tous, tout le monde = koulam = ; toutes = koulan = ;

toute la journe (= la journe entire) = kol hayom = ; tous les jours = kol hayamim = ;

tracteur = tractor = ;

traduire =00> (pi'l) tirgm, letargm, metargm, tirgamti, atargm tetargm =

traduire =50> traducteur = metargm = ; traductrice = metargmt = ; traduction = targoum = ;

traduire =50> traduit = metourgam = ; traduite = metourgmt = ;

train = rakvt(f.) = ; trains = rakavot(f.) = ;

traite (dette) = chtar mekirah = ;

tramway = hachmalit = ;

transfrer, transmettre =00> (hif'il) h'vir, leha'avir, ma'avir, h'varti, a'avir ta'avir =

transfrer, transmettre =50> transfert, virement = ha'avarah = ;

transition = ma'avar = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

transmettre, remettre, dlivrer =00> (pa'al) masar, limsor, mosr, masarti, msor timsor =

transmettre, remettre, dlivrer =50> dvou = masour = ; dvoue = masourah = ;

transmettre, remettre, dlivrer =50> message = msr = ; messages = mesarim = ; transmission = timsort = ;

transmettre, remettre, dlivrer =50> message (texte) = misron = ; SMS = misronim = ;

transmettre, remettre, dlivrer =50> tradition = masort =

; traditionnel = masorti = ; traditionnelle = masortit =

transparent(adj.) = chaqouf =
; transparente(adj.) = chqoufah = ;

transparent(nom) = chqf = ; transparents(nom) = chqfim= ;

transporter =00> (hif'il) hisi'a, lehasi'a, masi'a, hisa'ti, asi'a tasi'a =


transporter =50> croisade (voyages de la croix) = mas'i hatslav = ;

transporter =50> tapis roulant (belt) = maso'a = ; transport = hasa'ah = ;

transporter =50> voyage = masa' = ;

travailler =00> (pa'al) 'avad, la'avod, 'ovd, 'avadti, 'vod ta'avod =

travailler =50> esclavage = 'avdout = ; esclave = 'vd = ; esclaves = 'avadim = ; serviteur = 'vd =
(Romains 1.1) ;

travailler =50> travail ( la maison) = 'avodat-bayit = ; travaux ; ( la maison) = 'avodot-bayit =

travailler =50> travail = 'avodah = ; travailleur = 'ovd = ; travailleuse = 'ovdt = ;

trembler, vibrer =00> (pa'al) ratat, lirtot, rott, ratatti, rtot tirtot =

trembler, vibrer =50> tremblement = rtt = ;

trembler, vibrer =50> vibrant = rott = ; vibrante = rottt = ; vibration = rtt = ;

tremper (un aliment) =00> (pa'al) taval, litbol, tovl, tavalti, tbol titbol =

trente (30) = chlochim = ;

trs = mod = ;

trs beau = yeffh = ; trs belle = yeffiyah = ;

trs bien (bien achev/fini) = besdr gamour = ;

trsor = otsar = ;

triangle = mechoulach = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

tribu = chvt = ; tribus = chvetim = ; tribus (les 12 tribus d'Isral) = chnayim-'asar chvetim Yisral =

tribunal (religieux) = bit din = ;

tribut, impt = mas = = (Esther 10.1) ;

tricher, tromper, rouler =00> (pi'l) rimah, leramot, meramh, rimiti, aramh teramh =

tricher, tromper, rouler =50> tricheur = ramai = ; tricheuse = ramait = ; tricherie = ramaout = ;

tricher, tromper, rouler =50> tromp = meroumh =

; trompe = meroumah =
; tromperie = ramaout = ;

triompher, vaincre, gagner, diriger (orchestre) =00> (pi'l) nitsah, lenatsah (be.., 'al ..), menatsah, nitsaheti, anatsah tenatsah = )
( ;

triompher, vaincre, gagner, diriger (orchestre) =50> chef(m.) d'orchestre = menatsah = ; chef(f.) d'orchestre = menatsahat = ;

triompher, vaincre, gagner, diriger (orchestre) =50> triomphal = nitshoni = ; triomphale = nitshonit = ; triomphe =

nitsahon = ;

triompher, vaincre, gagner, diriger (orchestre) =50> victoire = nitsahon = ; victorieux = menatsah = ; victorieuse = menatsahat =

trois (3 ) = chaloch(f.) = ; trois (3) = chlochah(m.) = ;

trois (3, .1, nous trois) = chlochtanou(m./f.) = ;

trois (3, .2, vous trois) = chlochtekm(m.) = ; trois (vous trois) = chlochtekn(f.) = ;

trois (3, .3, eux trois) = chlochtam(m.) = ; trois (elles trois) = chlochtan(f.) = ;

trois-cent (300) = chloch mot = ;

trois-mille (3000) = chlocht-alafim = ;

troisime(m.) = chlichi =
; troisime(f.) = chlichit = ;

tronc = gza' = ;

trne = ks hamalkout = ; trne royal = kis malkout = (Esther 1.2) ;

trop = iotr midai = ; trop petit = qatan midai = ;

trop vite = iotr midai mahr = ;

trou = hor = ;

trouer, perforer =00> (pi'l) niqv, lenaqv, menaqv, niqavti, anaqv tenaqv =

trouer, perforer =50> femelle, fminin (grammaire) = neqevah = ; fminin (grammaire) = neqvi = ;

trouer, perforer =50> fminin singulier = neqvah-yahid = ; fminin pluriel = neqvah-rabot = ;

trouer, perforer =50> perforateur = menaqv = ; perforatrice = menaqvt = ; perforation = niqouv = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

trouer, perforer =50> perfor = naqouv = ; perfore = naqouvah = ; perfor = menouqav = ; perfore = menouqvt =

trouer, perforer =50> trou (perforation) = nqv = ;

trouver, plaire =00> (pa'al) matsa, limtso (hn), mots, matsati, mtsa timtsa = )(

trouver, plaire =50> humeur = matsav rouah = ;

trouver, plaire =50> issue, origine = motsa = ; issue (sans issue) = in motsa = ; issue (voie sans issue) = lelo motsa =

trouver, plaire =50> plait ( me plait) = mots/motst hn beinay. = ;

trouver, plaire =50> prsence = himatsout = ; situation, condition = matsav = ; trouvaille = metsiah = ;

trouver, plaire =50> trouv (il s'est trouv) = matsa t 'atsmo = ;

(" tsr") =
tsrh = ; => " tsr" (oui = kn = )

tsunami = tsounami = ;

tu(f.) = at(f.) = ; tu(m.) = atah(m.) = ;

tuer =00> (pa'al) harag, laharog, horg, haragti, hrog taharog = ;

turc = tourki = ; turque = tourkit = ;

turquoise = tourqiz = ;

Ukraine = ouqrinah = ;

un (1) = ahat(f.) = ; un (1) = had(m.) = ;

un, quelqu'un = had = ; une, quelqu'une = ahat(f.) = ;

uniforme (semblable) (m.) = ahid = ; uniforme (semblable) (f.) = ahidah = ;

uniforme (vtement militaire) = madim = ;

unique(m.), seul, isol = yahid = ; unique(f.), seule, isole = yehidah = ; singulier (grammaire) = yahid = ;

unique(m.), spcial = myouhad = ; unique(f.), spciale = myouhdt = ;

uniquement = bilvad = ;

unit (lment) = yehidah = ; ensemble = yahad = ; unique = yahid = ;

urgence = hirom = ; urgences = miyoun = ;

ustensile, outil = kli = ; ustensiles, outils = klim = ;

utrus, sein (ventre maternel) = rhm = (Psaumes 22.10, Jrmie 20.18) ;

utiliser =00> (hitpa'l) hichtamch, lehichtamch (be ..), michtamch, hichtamachti, chtamch tichtamch =

)( ;

utiliser =50> utile(m.) = chimouchi = ; utile(f.) = chimouchit = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

utiliser =50> utilisable(m.) = chamich = ; utilisable(f.) = chamichah = ;

utiliser =50> utilisateur = michtamch =

; utilisatrice = michtamcht = ;

utiliser =50> utilisation = chimouch = ; utilitarisme = chimouchiyout = ; cabinet (toilettes) = bit chimouch =

vacances, cong = houfchah = ; vacancier = nofch = ; vacancire = nofcht = ;

vaccin = hisoun = ;

vache = parah = ;

Vachti = vachti = = (Esther 1.9) ;

valeur = 'rk =
; valeurs = 'arakim = ; de valeur = 'rki = ;

valet (de chambre) = hadaran = ; femme (de chambre) = hadaranit = ;

validit = toqf = ;

valise = mizvadah = ;

valle = gai = ; valle = 'mq = ;

valve = chastom = ; aorte (pre les artres) = av ha'orqim = ; valve aortique = ?? = ?? ;

vanille = vanil = ;

veau = 'gl = ;

vlo = ofanayim = ;

vendre =00> (pa'al) makar, limkor, mokr, makarti, mkor timkor =

vendre =50> marchand, vendeur = mokr = ; marchande, vendeuse = mokrt = ;

vendre =50> vendeur (homme de ventes) = ich mekorot = ; vendeurs (gens de ventes) = anachi mekorot = ;

vendre =50> vendre d'occasion = limkor yad chniyah = ;

vendre =50> vendu = makour = ; vendue = makourah = ; vendu = nimkar = ;

vendre =50> vente = mekirah = ; vente = mkr = ; vente terme (= crdit) = mekirah behaqafah =

vendredi (jour sixime) = yom chichi = ;

) (
venir, arriver =00> (pa'al) ba, lavo (le.., me.., im), ba, bati, avo tavo =

venir, arriver =50> arrivants, ceux qui arrivent = habaim = ;

venir, arriver =50> arrive, venue = biah = ; l'arrive/venue = beviah = ;

venir, arriver =50> arrive/venue du Messie = biat haMachiah = ;

venir, arriver =50> avenir ( l'avenir) = lehaba = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

venir, arriver =50> prochain, suivant = haba = ; prochain, suivante = habaah = ;

venir, arriver =50> prochains, suivants = habaim = ; prochaines, suivantes = habaot = ;

vent, esprit = rouah(f.) = ;

ventre = btn(f.) = ;

verger = boustan = ; verger (plantation d'agrumes) = pards = ;

vrifier, confirmer =00> (pi'l) imt, leamt, meamt, imati, aamt teamt =

vrifier, confirmer =50> vrifi, confirm = meoumat = ; vrifie, confirme = meoumtt = ;

vrifier, confirmer =50> vritable(m.) = amiti = ; vritable(f.) = amitit = ; vritablement, vraiment, en vrit = bemt =

vrifier, confirmer =50> vrit = mt = ; vrification, confirmation = imout = ;

vrifier, examiner, tester =00> (pa'al) badaq, livdoq (t), bodq, badaqti, vdoq tivdoq = )(

vrifier, examiner, tester =50> analyse (mdicale) = bdiqah = ; examen (mdical), test, vrification = bdiqah = ; test = mivdaq =

vrifier, examiner, tester =50> prise de sang = bdiqat-dam = ;

verre ( boire) = kos(f.) = ; verres ( boire) = kosot(f.) = ; verre ( boire) en plastique = kos(f.) plasti = ;

vers ... (direction) = l... = /

; vers ... (direction) = me... / mi... = ; vers [un/une/des] = l = ; vers le/la/les/l' = le+ha = la =

vers (vers lui) = la(i)v = ; vers o (direction) ? = lan ? = ; vers(prp.) = liqrat = ;

verset = pasouq = ;

vert = yaroq = ; verte = yarouqah = ; verts = yerouqim = ; vertes = yerouqot = ;

vert bouteille = yaroq baqbouq = ; vert kaki = yaroq haqi = ; vert olive = yaroq zayit = ;

veste = giaqt = ' ;

vtement = bgd = ; vtements = bgadim = ;

vtements de femmes = bigdi-nachim= ; vtements d'enfants = bigdi-yeladim = ;

veuf = alman = ; veuve = almanah = ;

viande = basar = ; viande grille (au barbecue) = basar "al hach" = " " ;

ide(m.) = riq = ; vide(f.) = riqah = ; vide(n.) = riq = ; vide(n.) = riqanout = ;

vido = vido = ;

vie (exprience de vie) = havaiah = ; vie (expriences de vie) = havaiot = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

vieillir =00> (hitpa'l) hizdaqn, lehizdaqn, mizdaqn, hizdaqanti, zdaqn tizdaqn =


vieillir =50> vieille = zqnah = ; vieillesse = ziqnah = ; vieillissement = hizdaqnout = ; vieux (g : sens pjoratif)

= zaqn = ;

vieillir =50> vieux (nom), (homme) g = zaqn = ; vieille (nom), (femme) ge = zaqnah = ;

vierge(f.) = betoulah = = (Esther 2.4) ; vierge(m.) = batoul = ; virginit = betoulim = ;

vieux = 'atiq = ; vieille = 'atiqah = ;

vieux, ancien (objets) = yachan = ; vieille, ancienne (objets) = yechanah = ;

vigne = gfn =
; vigneron = korm = ; vigneronne = kormt = ; vignoble = krm = ; vignobles = keramim =

villa = vilah = ;

village = kfar = ; villageois = kfari = ;

ville = 'ir(f .) =
; villes = 'arim(f.) = ; ville (petite ville), localit (commune), bourg = 'ayarah = ; ville (ville basse) = 'ir tahtit =

vin = yayin(m.) = / /
; vins = yayinot(m.) = ; vin rouge / blanc / ros = yayin(e) adom / lavan / rozh =

vingt (20) = 'srim = ;

vingt-cinq(m.) = 'srim hamichah = ; vingt-deux(f.) = 'srim vehamch = ;

vingt-deux(m.) = 'srim ou
chnayim = ; vingt-deux(f.) = 'srim chtayim = ;

violence = alimout =
; violemment = bealimout = ; violent = alim = ; violente = alimah =

violence (littrale) = alimout miloulit =

; violence (physique) = alimout fizi = ;

violet = sagol =
; violette = sgoulah = ; violets = sgoulim(m.) =
; violettes = sgoulot(f.) = ;

violon = kinor = ;

virer (argent), endosser (argent) =00> (hif'il) hsv, lehasv, msv, hsavti, asv tasv =

virer (argent), endosser (argent) =50> transfert = hasavah = ;

virtuel = medoudh =
; virtuelle = medoudah = ;

virus = negif = ;

visiter (un lieu, quelqu'un) =00> (pi'l) biqr, levaqr (b.., l/tsl, t), mevaqr, biqarti, avaqr tevaqr = / )
( ;

visiter (un lieu, quelqu'un) =50> contrle = biqort = ; contrles = biqorot = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

visiter (un lieu, quelqu'un) =50> visite = biqour =

; visiteur = mevaqr = ; visiteuse = mevaqrt = ;

visiter (un lieu, quelqu'un) =50> visiter (visiter un endroit) = levaqr be... = ... ;

visiter (un lieu, quelqu'un) =50> visiter (se rendre chez quelqu'un) = levaqr tsl ... = ... ;

visiter (un lieu, quelqu'un) =50> visiter (aller visiter quelqu'un en particulier) = levaqr t ... = ;

vitrail = vitrazi = ;

vitre = chimchah = ;

vivre, exister =00> (pa'al) hayah, liheyot, hai, hayiti, heyh tiheyh = ;

vivre, exister =50> vivant = hai = ; vivante = hayah =

; vie = hayim = ; vie (vraie vie) = hayim mitiyim =

vivre, exister =50> vie ( la vie ! = chin chin ! (quand on trinque avec un ami)) = lehayim(mp.) ! = ! ;

vivre, exister =50> vie ternelle = hayi 'olam = = (Jean 17.3) ;

vocabulaire (= trsor des mots) = otsar milim = ;

vocalisation = niqoud = ;

voici = hinh = ;

voie rapide = kvich-mahir = ;

voie, route (filire) = nativ = ;

voir =00> (pa'al) raah, lirot, roh, raiti, rh tirh = ;

voir =50> vision, vue = reyah = ;

voir =50> se revoir (au revoir !) = lehitraot ! = ;

voiture, automobile = mekonit(f.) = ; voiture, automobile = oto = ;

son, voix = qol(m.) =

; sons, voix = qolot(m.) = ; voix ( haute voix) = beqol = ;

voler (en avion), prendre l'avion =00> (pa'al) tas, latous, tas, tasti, atous tatous = ;

voler (en avion), prendre l'avion =50> pilote(m.) (d'avion) = tayas = ; pilote(f.) (d'avion) = tayst = ; vol (en avion) = tisah =

voler (oiseau), voleter =00> (pa'al) 'af, la'ouf, 'af, 'afti, a'ouf ta'ouf = ;

voler (oiseau), voleter =50> aroport = sdh t'oufah = ; aroport = nemal t'oufah = ;

voler (oiseau), voleter =50> envol = hit'ofefout = ;

voler (oiseau), voleter =50> oiseau, poulet, volaille, volatile = 'of(m.) = ; oiseaux, poulets, volailles, volatiles = 'ofot(m.) = ;

voler (oiseau), voleter =50> volant = me'off = ; volante = me'offt = ;

voler, drober =00> (pa'al) ganav, lignov, gonv, ganavti, gnov tignov = ;

voler, drober =50> drob, vol = ganouv =

; drobe, vole = ganouvah = ;

voler, drober =50> vol (d'objet) = gnvah =

; voleur = ganav = ; voleuse = ganvt = ;

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =

vouloir, dsirer =00> (pa'al) ratsah, lirtsot, rotsh, ratsiti, rtsh tirtsh =

vouloir, dsirer =50> content, satisfait = meroutsh = ; contente, satisfaite = meroutsah = ;

vouloir, dsirer =50> dsir (volont) = ratson = ; dsirable(m.) = ratsoui = ; dsirable(f.) = ratsouyah = ;

vouloir, dsirer =50> volontaire(m.) = retsoni =

; volontaire(f.) = retsonit = ; volontairement = mratson = ;

vouloir, dsirer =50> volont = ratson = ; volontiers = beratson = ;

volume (livre) = krk = ;

vous(m.), vous(f.) = atm(m.), atn(f.) = / ;

voyager (sur terre) =00> (pa'al) nasa', linso'a (le..), nos'a, nasa'ti, sa' tisa' = )(

voyager (sur terre) =50> voyage = nesi'ah = ;

voyager (sur terre) =50> voyage d'affaire = nesi'at 'avodah = ;

voyager (sur terre) =50> voyageur, passager = nose'a = ; voyageuse, passagre = nosa'at = ;

voyelle = tnou'ah = ;

week-end = sof-chavou'a = ; week-end (=la fin de semaine) = sof hachavou'a = ;

Wikipedia = viqipediah = ;

yaourt = yogourt =
; yaourt aux fruits = yogourt 'im prot = ;

Yhoudah (prnom m.) = yehoudah = ;

Ymen, Tman, Thman = timan = = = (Gense 36.15,42) ;

yeux (1m./f. mes yeux) = be'inay = ;

yeux (2m. tes(m.) yeux) = be'inika = ; yeux (2f. tes(f.) yeux) = be'inaik = ;

yeux (3m. ses(m.) yeux) = be'inaiv = ; yeux (3f. ses(f.) yeux) = be'iniah = ;

yeux (4m./f.. nos yeux) = be'ininou = ;

yeux (5m. vos(m.) yeux) = be'inikm = ; yeux (5f. vos(f.) yeux) = be'inikn = ;

yeux (6m. leurs(m.) yeux) = be'inihm = ; yeux (5f. leurs(f.) yeux) = be'ininam = ;

yiddish = yidich = ;

yoga = yogah = ;

Youtube = youtoub = ;

zro (0) = fs = ;

zoo = gan hayot = ; zoos = gni hayot = ;


2012.02f : 0590 milim
2013.06f : 1880 milim
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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )
Hbreu : Vocabulaire (Mots + Verbes => 7130) = Lexique = Otsar Milim =
2014.06f : 2400 milim
2015.09f : 5200 milim => 5000 milim
2015.10f : 5580 milim => 5320 milim
2015.11f : 5940 milim => 5470 milim
2015.12 : Suppression : 1) doublons ; 2) noms ayant un pluriel rgulier vident => -545 !
2015.12f : 5940 milim => 5500 milim
2016.01f : = 5600 milim => = 5600 milim
2016.02f : = 5798 milim => 5800 milim
2016.03f : = 6074 milim => 6070 milim
2016.04f : = 6122 milim => 6120 milim
2016.05f : = 6363 milim => 6360 milim
2016.06f : = 6708 milim => 6700 milim
2016.08 : Suppression : 1) doublons ; 2) prnoms courants (non bibliques) => -100 !
2016.08f : = 6602 milim => 6600 milim
2016.09f : = 6647 milim => 6650 milim
2016.10f : = 6761 milim => 6760 milim
2016.11f : = 6946 milim => 6940 milim
2016.12f : = 7105 milim => 7100 milim
TOTAL (en comptant les ";" ) => 7136

=> Clavier Virtuel Hbreu : (2011.01 - 2015.09) Andr Gagnoud
(Fr) =
(En) =
Hbreu (Vocabulaire d'Hbreu moderne) : (2011.09 - 2016) Andr Gagnoud
=> Hbreu (Vocabulaire d'Hbreu moderne) =
=> Conjugaison des Verbes : (Fr-He) =

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( => Gense 12.3 Berechit (Fr+He), Genesis 12.3 Berechit (En+He) <= ) ( => Bndictions (Fr) + Brakot (Fr+He), Blessings (En) + Brakot (En+He) <= )

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