11ap Gopo Calendar

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Calendar, Weeks of 2/6 & 2/13

2/6 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10

Executive Branch Presidential War Powers Presidential FRQ #10
Ratings & the Imperial Power
Homework: Presidency Class/Homework:
Neustadt, Homework: RING SSB, 425-444
Presidential Schlesinger, Homework: OF
Power; selected The Imperial Healy and Lynch, FIRE
President reading Presidency; Power Surge:
& assignment: Smith, Going to The Constitutional
Presidential War: Who Record of George
Rating Decides & review W. Bush
the constitutional
war powers of the
E & L branches
(Article I, Sec. 8;
Article II, Sec. 2)

2/13 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/17

Executive Branch Executive Executive Executive Bureaucratic
Bureaucracy Agencies Agencies Agencies Pathologies

Homework: Homework:
Handout: SSB, p. 444-448;
Bureaucratic Handout: IG
Pathologies Interconnections;
Iron Triangle

NOTE: If school is cancelled for any reason, you still are responsible for keeping up with the
readings and assignments for that day. If Ms. Ward is unexpectedly absent, continue following your
calendar as is until she revises it for you.
Reading Questions, Weeks of 2/6 & 2/13
As you complete the readings for each week, you should be taking thorough notes to help you
remember the material, sort out complex ideas, make connections to other class content and
keep track of any questions you may have.

Use the questions below as a GUIDE to help you complete your readings and notes these
questions are NOT all-inclusive! Almost all non-textbook readings will be eligible for the Hot
Seat; remember that when you turn in notes about Ring of Fire articles, at a MINIMUM, your
notes must address these reading questions.

Use your own words!!! Use complete sentences where appropriate!!!

Its a good idea to LOOK UP terms/concepts/laws/cases/etc. that are referenced in your

readings that you are not familiar with!

Be prepared to take A QUIZ about any and ALL readings from SSB and elsewhere!!!

Handout: Richard Neustadt, Presidential Power (Monday 2/6)

As you read the Neustadt article, annotate the text. Complete a Ring of Fire ticket.

Handout: Arthur Schlesinger, The Imperial Presidency (Tuesday 2/7)

As you read the Schlesinger article, annotate the text. Complete a Ring of Fire ticket.

Handout: Gene Healy and Timothy Lynch, Power Surge: The

Constitutional Record of George W. Bush (Wednesday 2/8 Ring of Fire)
As you read the Healy and Lynch article, annotate the text. Complete the special RoF ticket.

SSB, p. 425 444 (Friday 2/10)

1. What are the characteristics of bureaucracy set forth by Max Weber? Why can setting up
the government as a public bureaucracy be useful?
2. What potential disadvantages of bureaucracy are identified in the acquisitive and
monopolistic bureaucratic models?
3. Identify three specific facts that illustrate the growth of the federal bureaucracy over time.
4. What are the four structures in the executive branch?
5. What legislative, executive and judicial powers are held by the independent regulatory
6. What is deregulation? What are some examples of industries that have been
7. What factors does the president consider when offering appointments?
8. How did the Pendleton Act and the Hatch Act change the staffing of the bureaucracy?
9. Congress does have the power to exert some control over the bureaucracy. Explain how
the Government in the Sunshine Act, sunset legislation, performance-based budgeting, and
whistleblower protections have been used by Congress to rein in the power of the
10. What is an advantage of privatization of government services? What is a disadvantage of
Handout: Bureaucratic Pathologies (Wilson & DiIulio) (Thursday 2/16)
1. Define pathology.
2. Describe the five bureaucratic pathologies that are identified in the reading.
3. Explain why each of the five pathologies described in the reading exist.

SSB, p. 444 448 (Friday, 2/17)

1. What is the purpose of enabling legislation? Why doesnt Congress simply implement the
laws it makes itself?
2. Define an iron triangle.
3. Why are iron triangles less common today than in the past?
4. How is the concept of an issue network different from the iron triangle concept?
5. What are four controls that Congress has over the bureaucracy?

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