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Registration for RoboCup Finals 2017 now open

Would you like to take part? Book your places nowheres how..
Location: Adastral Park, Ipswich IP5 3RE
In order to help meet the expected demand from schools to attend the various competitions this
year, we have split them across various days according to league and age. Please check
carefully the requirements for each day so that you book your teams onto the right sessions.
To book a team/teams please email with the following information by
25th March 2017 for April Competitions or 12th May 2017 for the June Competitions.
Competition being entered
Date of Competition
School Name
School Contact email for the purposes of the competition
Number of teams being entered
Approx. number of students
Age of students
Please be aware that owing to demand we may ask you to reduce the number of teams being
entered. You may like to run you own intra school competitions to select these teams.
In order to fit all the requirements for the challenges, these competition days are longer than our
normal taster and improver days.
Outline schedule for each of the days:
09:00 - Arrival
09:15 - Welcome
09:30 Let the Competition Begin
16:00 Closing Ceremony and Awards
16:30 Finish
On arrival teams will be issued with a detailed schedule for the day including details of when their
challenges, competitions and interviews are along with the locations

It is expected that all participants (students and mentors alike) will respect the aims and ideals of
RoboCup Junior. The volunteers, referees and officials will act within the spirit of the event to
ensure the competition is competitive, fair and most importantly fun.

However it is expected that the aim of all teams is to participate fairly. The teams are expected to
work independently away from the Adults accompanying them from the school. Sufficient seating
will be supplied for mentors to remain in a supervisory capacity close to the student work area.
Mentors are not permitted to repair robots or be involved in programming of their teams robots.
Mentor interference with robots or referee decisions will result in a warning in the first instance. If
this recurs, the team will risk being disqualified. Robots have to be mainly students' own work. Any
robot that appears to be identical to another robot may be prompted for re-inspection.

Remember it is not whether you win or lose, but how much you learn that counts!

Version 1.0 Date January 2017

RoboCup Junior CoSpace Rescue UK Finals
In CoSpace Rescue, teams have to develop and program
appropriate strategies for virtual autonomous robots to navigate
through the real and virtual worlds to collect objects while
competing with another teams robot that is searching and collecting
objects in the same virtual worlds. Teams should be made up of 2-3


th Primary League st
25 April 11-14 year olds as of 1 July 2017

th st
25 April Secondary League 15-18 year olds as of 1 July 2017

th Primary Schools
12 June KS2 pupils

1. Matches
Teams will be issued with a new field for the matches and given a maximum of 2 hours to develop and
optimise their programs to compete in 8 minute matches. Both World 1 and World 2 will need to be
programmed. Teams are allowed to bring a program with them to the competition that they have
developed within their team at school. There will be some limited time between the matches to improve
the programs before the next round.
2. Technical Challenge
Teams will be given a new field and a task to complete within a set time.
3. Interviews
Each team will have a 5-10 minute interview where they will have the opportunity to discuss their
programming, strategy and journey to the final. It is recommended that the teams keep a learning journal or
any form of documentation describing the information about the team, their preparation efforts in
programming and how they prepared for RoboCupJunior. The learning journal should be presented during
the interview. There will also be roving interviewers who will talk to the students throughout the day.
4. Poster
Teams should bring along an A3 poster
The poster should be brought along to the technical interview. After the interview the poster should be
displayed in the location indicated.
The aim of the poster is to explain the technology used in the robots. It should include:
1. Team name;
2. Team members' names and (perhaps) a picture of the team members;
3. Team's school and County
4. Development of the searching and strategies.
5. Any interesting or unusual features of their programs;
6. What the team hopes to achieve in robotics.

Version 1.0 Date January 2017

RoboCup Junior Inspired Line Tracking Regional Final
The land is simply too dangerous for humans to reach the victim!
Your team has been asked to carry out the rescue mission in fully
autonomous mode with no human assistance. The robot must be
strong and smart enough to navigate through uneven lands. Time
and technical skills are the essential!


th st
25 April Line Tracking 11-18 year olds (as of 1 July 2017)

th Line Tracking
13 June KS2 pupils

1. Courses
The teams will be given time slots to compete on a range of different tracks. Teams will be given
time to program their robots before each attempt on the different tracks.
A robot will be given a maximum time to complete the course. The time for each run will be kept by
the referee. Once a team is ready to perform a scoring run, they must notify the referee. To begin a
scoring run, the robot is placed on the starting tile of the course as indicated by the referee.
Once the scoring run has begun, the robot playing is not permitted to leave the competition area
Once a scoring run has begun, no more changes to the robot are allowed this includes changing of
code/code selection.
If the robot gets stuck somewhere in the field it can be restarted at the last visited checkpoint.
The robot must follow the line completely to enter the end zone.
Ties in scoring will be resolved on the basis of the time taken by each robot to complete the course.
2. Interviews
Each team will have a 5-10 minute interview where they will have the opportunity to discuss their
programming, strategy and journey to the final. It is recommended that the teams keep a learning journal or
any form of documentation describing the information about the team, their preparation efforts in
programming and how they prepared for RoboCupJunior. The learning journal should be presented during
the interview. There will also be roving interviewers who will talk to the students throughout the day.

3. Poster
Teams should bring along an A3 poster.

The poster should be brought along to the technical interview. After the interview the poster should be
displayed in the location indicated.

The aim of the poster is to explain the technology used in the robots. It should include:

Team name;
Team members' names and (perhaps) a picture of the team members;
Team's school and County
Development of the searching and strategies.
Any interesting or unusual features of their programs;
What the team hopes to achieve in robotics.

Version 1.0 Date January 2017

RoboCup Junior Inspired On Stage Regional Final
RoboCupJunior OnStage invites teams to develop a creative stage performance
using autonomous robots that they have designed, built and programmed. The
objective is to create a robotic performance of 1 to 2 minutes that uses
technology to engage an audience. The challenge is intended to be open-ended.
This includes a whole range of possible performances, for example dance,
storytelling or theatre. The performance may involve music but this is optional.
Teams are encouraged to be as creative, innovative and entertaining, in both the
design of the robots and in the design of the overall performance. There is no specific robot required for this
challenge anything goes as long as it is autonomous and programmed, for example Bee-Bots, Crumble
Robots, Mindstorms, Raspberry Pis etc.


th OnStage st
25 April 11-18 year olds (as of 1 July 2017)

th OnStage
13 June Primary pupils

- A maximum of two human performers are allowed on the stage at any one time
- All team members are encouraged to have a technical role in the team
- The focus of the performance should be on the robots, but props and scenery are allowed.
- Maximum stage size will be 4m x 3m, but you can use any size stage up to this maximum
- Whilst every effort will be made to make the stage flat this may not be possible
- Each team will have a total of 6 minutes on the stage this includes
Set up
Introduction - Teams are strongly encouraged to use the time while they are setting up on the
stage to introduce to the audience the performance and the features of their robots.
1-2 minute performance
Clear up
- Any performance that includes violent, military, threatening or criminal elements will be excluded.
Performances may not include explosions, smoke or flame, use of water, or any other hazardous
1. Technical Challenge
After the performances teams will be given a task to complete which is in the spirit of OnStage, so please
bring any equipment needed to program your robots for this challenge.
2. Interviews
Each team will have a 5-10 minute interview where they will have the opportunity to discuss their
programming, strategy and journey to the final. It is recommended that the teams keep a learning journal
or any form of documentation describing the information about the team, their preparation efforts in
programming and how they prepared for RoboCupJunior. The learning journal should be presented during
the interview. There will also be roving interviewers who will talk to the students throughout the day.
3. Poster
Teams should bring along an A3 poster. The poster should be brought along to the technical interview.
After the interview the poster should be displayed in the location indicated.
The aim of the poster is to explain the technology used in the robots. It should include:
- Team name;
- Team members' names and (perhaps) a picture of the team members;
- Team's school and County
- Development of the searching and strategies.
- Any interesting or unusual features of their programs;
- What the team hopes to achieve in robotics.
Version 1.0 Date January 2017

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