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The Path To Alpha Status

Often each arena in life has Alpha males who stand

head and shoulders above the crowd in their ability to take
the lead and arrest everyones attention. Alpha males show
up everywhere from politics to sports.
Alpha males are leaders. They arent back seat drivers
but rather are up in the drivers seat of life, leading the
charge. Many alpha males naturally gravitate toward the
military and/or law enforcement. They even show up and
stand out in many physical endeavours, team sports and
other similar ventures.

Alpha Status Do You have IT?

If you paid attention to the recent NFL Draft, you probably
heard many sports commentators mention that Johnny
Manziel (Johnny Football) has it. When it comes to
football, he is the top dog. Doesnt even need a last name.
Theres one Johnny in football, and thats Johnny Football.
So what is this it factor, this element that makes him
different? It is Alpha Status. Not only does Johnny play
football, but he also plays it with an edge. An alpha male
has that edge, that intangible element that makes whoever
possesses it stand out. And they really stand out. It isnt so
much what they are doing (although that is part of it) but it
is how they do it as well. Thousands of guys play football
but one Johnny Football. He brought an entirely new style
to the field and he has style off the field as well.
Arnold the Alpha Male
Arnold is another guy with Alpha Status. Everything about
Arnold stands out. And interestingly, it isnt all about
muscle. Several bodybuilders have been as big or bigger
than Arnold, and many won Mr. Olympia titles, or multiple
titles like Arnold, yet they remain relatively obscure
compared to his worldwide and continuing fame. Arnold
stands out in any crowd and his popularity has staying
power. If you wanted a living example of an alpha male,
Arnold is one of the best.
Consider this - Arnold rose rapidly to the top in
bodybuilding, then in the movie world, and then in the
political world. He is the ultimate alpha male, able to
command total attention in any group. And he doesnt need
a last name to be known either. And he isnt done yet. He
keeps pushing forward, conquering new areas of life. And
that is what you would expect from the ultimate alpha
male, who once said: For me life is continuously being
hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to
survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to
conquer. And conquer he has.
Head of the Pack
There arent too many alpha males in the wolf pack, and
there arent too many alpha males in the guy group either.
There is typically one alpha male in a group and then there
is everyone else. That includes beta males wannabes, and
everything in-between. Where do you fall? Odds are you
are in the other group. That is because by definition there
arent too many alpha males. And only the alpha males get
the good press. Consider this definition of a beta male from
the Urban Dictionary:
An unremarkable, careful man who avoids risk and
confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence,
charisma and confidence of the Alpha male.
Pete knew he was losing the girl he'd just met at the
bar to the guy who bought her a drink, but he was too
much of a beta male to do anything about it.
And thats the way it goes. Women seem to have a natural
knack for seeking out the alpha male. It is partly a function
of supply and demand not many alpha males with a lot of
females after him makes him seem even more desirable. An
alpha male is a desirable commodity since there are a lot
more betas and wannabes compared to the few alpha males
around. Consider this quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger on
uniqueness: What is the point of being on this Earth if
you are going to be like everyone else?
Dont despair you dont have to remain stuck in the slow
lane. You can make some changes that can start to change
you into the alpha type.
Interestingly, the traits of an alpha male are a mix of the
physical, mental, emotional and intangible. And it isnt just
about being buff many buff bodybuilders are beta in their
mind and approach to life.
How Do I Become An Alpha - The As of the Alpha Male
There are a handful of observable elements of the alpha
male that really stand out from other people. Many of these
elements can be summed up by the As of the alpha male.
Altitude and Room Control
When the Turkish Ambassador met with his Israeli
counterpart a few years ago the Israelis put the Turkish
minister in a shorter seat. Height conveys importance in
every culture, and the Turks were highly offended by this
maneuver. This is often mistakenly by some to believed
that stature is significantly important for being an Alpha
male, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Controlling a room and being strategic in how you position
yourself is likely the most important factor in how you will
be received in a social setting.
The alpha male is always maneuvering to give himself
altitude a higher position both figuratively and physically.
Alpha guys seem to intrinsically know that they want the
highest position and that includes how tall they appear.
They may not really be all that tall, but they want to appear
tall. Many of Hollywoods leading men were famous for
having lifts in their shoes to help them appear taller than
they really were. They also have camera angles employed
to make them seem taller than they really are.
An alpha male is a climber he seeks to get up and above
everyone in whatever way he can for whatever arena he is
engaged in. And he doesnt stop. He wants to be at the
Mt. Everest of achievement for whatever project his is
involved in, whether that is winning a ball game or winning
a woman.
HOW TO: When positioning yourself in a room first and
foremost you never want to have your back exposed. This
is an unacceptable vulnerability both tactically and socially.
Not only does an Alpha understand how to control a room,
he is also responsible for protecting those in it, whether it is
his mate, his offspring or innocent bystanders.
An Alpha knows that an elevated position is the most
strategically effective for controlling a room and he will
work for a position which affords him a view of the area.
Upon entry an Alpha will scan the room for an elevated
position in order to gain the tactical advantage. Second, he
will scan the exits and know the safest most effective point
of exit should the situation arise. This is particularly
important when an Alpha is in public with his family. He is
responsible for their protection and well being and must be
able to protect them at all costs. This is a vital threat
assessment that all Alpha males do.
When selecting a location within the room, specifically
when being seated, an Alpha selects the table that affords
him a view of the primary point of entry, if possible at right
angles to the primary point of entry, away from windows
with a wall to his back and near a point of exit
This allows an Alpha maximum reaction time. In most
cases during a lethal encounter particularly with firearms, a
shooter will not enter and turn at right angles, he will take
immediate advantage of the first available targets.
Posture Power
One of the most prominent manners in which the alpha
male differs from others is his posture. An alpha male has
better posture than the typical guy. He carries himself, his
body, somewhat differently than the average guy. There is
no slumping with the alpha male he is upright and
engaged in anything and everything across the board.
Strong posture is an immediate sign of the alpha male. It is
a military style posture that an alpha male displays
consistently. This is not just a tucking the waist in but a
habitual pose. That posture is upright and even slightly
forward the alpha male looks like he is in ready to go
even when he is standing still.
Although most guys dont realize it, posture provides a way
to instantly improve the body by 15 percent or more. Forget
all those hyped diets or exotic supplements or secret
training routines posture is the quickest way to change the
body. And it can be done immediately right now you can
improve your body by 15 percent merely by improving
your posture. There isnt anything else that works
immediately as does changing your posture.
The alpha male seems to know this. The alpha male has
almost perfect posture. In fact the stronger the alpha
element in a guy, the stouter his posture seems to be. You
can usually tell an alpha male in any group simply by his
body language. He doesnt need to say a word because his
body is already doing all the talking. And it says that he is
the alpha male, the leader, the most dominant guy in the
And the opposite is obvious as well. Have you seen the
people who are slumped over all the time? Posture not only
affects how you look but also your health. Poor posture is
unhealthy while good posture is beneficial to the body. The
hunchback of Notre Dame position not only looks bad, it is
also unhealthy to boot.
Poor posture also conveys a message of weakness and
fragility. It may or may not be true individually, but that is
the picture that gets painted right up front.
Posture is powerful, but you dont want to push it too far.
Go too far on the posture front and you end up looking like
a cartoon character, and somewhat foolish. You look like a
balloon ready to be popped. So you want to have a strong
posture but you dont want to over-exaggerate it.
HOW TO: How do you improve your posture? It takes a
conscious choice if you havent made it a priority before.
With most people slumping in front of a computer for hours
on end, conscious posture control is more vital than ever
before. One way to simply recognize how far you have to
go is to stand with your back against the wall, chin up, and
put a book on your head. Step out and keep your body
upright enough to keep the book where it is. This is a
simple drill to get the feel of how real upright posture feels
like. Another option is to use a posture harness to keep
your body in an upright position throughout the day. You
dont use the harness permanently but you can use it for a
cycle of time to give your neuromuscular pathways a
pattern to employ.
A big part of excellent posture comes simply simply get
your chest up and your shoulders back instead of slumped.
Notice an alpha male and those are the distinguishing
characteristics, along with holding the chin up. It will take
some practice if you have had poor posture or havent built
up strong posture habitually, but it is a habit you can
change and the sooner the better.
For many alpha males this trait may come naturally but it is
also a learned behavior. Poor posture may be the lot of the
beta male but posture can be changed. It may take some
practice but it definitely can be learned. And a mirror helps
a lot, particularly if you can see yourself from several
In addition to posture, body positioning also plays a role in
the non-verbal messages that the alpha male is conveying.
An alpha male knows right where to put himself in any
interpersonal interaction to get the most of the encounter.
He is an expert at exerting leverage both physically and
in every other area as well.
The postural Keys include:
Take up as much space as possible but refrain from
inflating your self. This simply means head up, shoulders
back and your neck should be touching the back collar of
your shirt.
Your feet should be shoulder width or slightly wider apart
Stay relaxed, if you look stiff and tense it becomes
Hold your head high and chin level. Your chin is only
tucked when you enter combat, the remainder of the time
is it level. It is not elevated either as this is a position
which conveys arrogance. An Alpha male is not arrogant,
and arrogance and self-awareness rarely occupy the same
person. An Alpha male is very self-aware.
Stand firm, dont sway
Arms are never crossed and your hands are not in your
The next A of the alpha male is attention. The alpha male
always seems to be at the center of attention, and he
commands attention. In fact he expects it. Even his posture,
the upright and forward position, draws attention to
himself. Where he stands draws attention. He carries
himself as if he is important and others seem to pick up on
this non-verbal cue.
The alpha male acts as if what he is relating is the most
important thing in the world and both mind and body
believe that. Thats how he generates such great confidence
in himself, and conveys that confidence outward. It was
said that Bill Clinton could make anyone he talked to feel
special. He turned his powerful attention on people and
they just melted, even if they didnt want to. That ability is
a big part of the alpha male package.
In effect an alpha male is on a lifelong push for a personal
PR campaign which always includes himself at the center
of whatever universe he is in. He uses powerful tools like
extreme confidence and body language to get there, as well
as being totally engaging to the people he needs to click
with. And he almost always does. People readily buy into
the alpha males viewpoint.
You could accurately say that the alpha male projects
confidence from every angle. Attitude and posture work in
a synergistic manner to make what the alpha male is saying
seem somehow more vital than anything else that others are
being said. So even in what they say, alpha males seek and
gain the prime position. And in doing so, things fall into
place for them. Arnold once said: When you have a well
developed body and you're confident, you see people
bending your way, wanting to be on your side, wanting to
do things for you.
HOW TO: What an Alpha male intrinsically understands
about gaining the attention of others is to be attentive. Or
said another way, to be interesting be interested. You need
to shift your mindset to truly become the focal point of a
An Alpha male recognizes the needs of others who are
longing to be heard so he will turn his gaze and meet the
eyes of the other who is talking. This is particularly
important when it is someone whom you are interested in
You will allow them to talk completely about themselves
and as I said earlier you will reveal very little about
Here are some keys to ensure you remain an Alpha:
Being too eager to please - This is an instant signal that
you are not an Alpha - do this and be peppered to get
walked all over.
Speaking too quickly - this portrays nervousness. Speak
slowly with good voice volume, inflexion and tone. This is
comforting to those around you who are naturally followers
or Beta males. It signals to them that they will be ok on a
subconscious level.
Being overly impressed - Alphas are kind but rarely ever
overly impressed. Give credit where it is due and dont be
afraid to provide positive reinforcement. This shows that
you are comfortable and confident.
Shifting eyes - hold the gaze of those around you, assess
them and show them you are interested.
Apologizing too much. Never be afraid to say sorry if
youve made a mistake, but once said its done so move on.
Worrying about people liking you (alpha males are well-
liked, and they know it)
Looking for praise - Listen closely, I barely care if people
tell me what I am doing is good. It is good or I wouldnt be
doing it. This same mindset goes for you as well.
The attitude of the alpha male is strong point also. In fact of
all the As, attitude is the most potent. It is where the
alpha males confidence resides and
What if you struggle in this area? Consider what one of the
most well-known alpha males of all time, Muhammad Ali,
once said. To be a great champion you must believe you
are the best. If youre not, pretend you are. So co-opt that
approach by aiming at where you want to go with your
attitude, even if you arent quite there yet.
Ali had a super powerful attitude and once provided insight
into his thinking when he said:
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small
men who find it easier to live in the world they've
been given than to explore the power they have to
change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion.
Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible
is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is
Thats a base for a powerful attitude and he did the
impossible, becoming the best known boxing champion of
all time. He is still better known than any other fighter
before or after him. But it didnt start in the gym it started
in his mind, and with his attitude.
HOW TO: The process of improving your attitude and
becoming Alpha really is less difficult than you might
How you project yourself to others really begins with how
you perceive yourself in any environment.
First off, your own environment. You should have already
begun the transformation of your body using SpecForce
Alpha. By simply starting your program you are going to
start a chemical chain reaction that produces an extremely
important cycle.
Naturally improving your testosterone levels using these
workouts is your first step to improving your attitude. The
increased testosterone and growth hormone in your system
has the immediate effect of increased confidence and
positive self image. This has a cascade effect and literally
permeates every other aspect of your life.
A second and equally important step, but one which begins
with implementation of the first step, is your ability to
accept being uncomfortable.
It doesnt matter if this is physical discomfort through the
process of body transformation, or social discomfort. I have
written about it extensively and the fact is to be Alpha you
must be comfortable with being uncomfortable. That is
how you learn, and that is how you lead other Beta males
who are too afraid of their own shadows to even venture
out beyond that which they are currently capable.
We have given you the tools for your body transformation.
As for your social transformation (if required at all) here
are some tactics Alphas successfully use in social
You make physical contact with others in the group,
without expressed or implied permission. This means a
properly timed and placed hand on a shoulder or forearm.
Do this wrong and you will send a creep signal. It is usually
used in response to a comical statement or emotional
You may need to assert yourself and intimidate by staring,
or he could simply use the unnerving tactic to demand
attention. A stare can be used with a slight smile to signal
dominant presence. Be careful because it can also be a
precursor to combat, however there are several other
indicators which will indicate dominance vs. combat.
You are never uncomfortable with eye contact, and will
never break it first.
Utilize the pregnant pause, stopping in the middle of
sentences, phrases, even words, because he enjoys it when
others allegorically hang on his every word. This is
particularly important with women who have an emotional
response to properly timed words and phrases.
When anyone in the group makes a significant statement,
everyone in the group will look to the alpha male for his
Ask questions of your cohorts. Most conversations will be
one-sided, with your mind being the inquiring one. You will
disclose very little about yourself.
The tendency here is to mistakenly use these Alpha male
tactics in a manner which projects arrogance. That would
be a mistake.
An Alpha Male is both fierce and kind hearted. I have been
challenged in a room on various topics, which is a blatant
attempt by a Beta trying to assert themselves. An Alpha
welcomes this, and is both swift and kind in response. This
clearly signals to the room that you remain the Alpha.
As for the lesser Beta Male - I will always take him aside
privately look him in the eye and forcefully use the
following phrase: Do Not Mistake Kindness For
Weakness, that would be an error on your part. I give
them a firm hand shake and a smile and permit them to
This is a very effective way to politely establish yourself
firmly as an Alpha.
Action and Achievement
The alpha male is a man of action. There is no question
this, he gets strongly involved in whatever is before him.
He gets after the task. He goes for it. He isnt hesitant and
unsure but resolved to achieve. An alpha male executes. He
gets things done. He has a compulsion to closure as some
have put it, a desire to wrap things up effectively and move
on to the next project. He doesnt rest on his laurels but
proceeds to more action, achievement and engaging
Arnold stated he wanted to continually achieve. And guess
what? He did. And does he keeps going and going. Alpha
males have a high motor and keep it running.
To reach achievements requires action and the alpha male
knows this. Alpha males are strongly into merit, using their
action to attain achievement in whatever realm they set
their gaze on. Having said this, they do not require
acknowledgment of their efforts to continue to take action.
Action is often the one big difference between the alpha
male and the beta males. The alpha male gets things done.
They may not always be right or on target, but he pushes
ahead because in many cases it would not get done
Interestingly, alpha males arent always the smartest guy on
the block but they make up for that with cleverness. They
find a way to get things done. Arnold was not a scholar but
he was able to work directly with the sharpest minds
around and he could engage them on an equal basis. Alpha
males have quick minds and grasp situations almost
instantaneously but not on a simple linear level, they know
how a particular course of action will impact a variety of
situations. And what is even more amazing is that the alpha
male often outwits guys who are scholars or brainiacs
because the alpha male usually sees the big picture better
than the bookworm.
The combination of a sharp wit with physical presence
gives the alpha male a huge edge. Smart guys often defer to
guys who have a physical presence. And when that guy has
a wit and style, its all over.
HOW TO: Becoming an Action Taker is not to be
confused with becoming a risk taker. As I outlined in my
book, STAND APART, there is a little voice inside you that
has told you to move ahead on more than one occasion.
It is time to start listening. Whether it is an idea for
business, or a problem that has been facing you. Stop the
sensation of feeling overwhelmed. It is never truly has hard
as you think.
This will contribute directly to your Positive Alpha Loop as
well. The confidence you will attain from overcoming a
problem and pressing ahead will actually contribute to the
increase in testosterone in your body. It really is an
important cycle.
All of these other As of the alpha male add up to the final
big A aura. When all of those elements come together
they create an aura around the alpha male. Arnold had an
aura of invincibility. So too did Muhammad Ali. And
Johnny Football.
That aura of invincibility in turn makes the alpha male all
that hard to top. Arnold spoke in the documentary Pumping
Iron about being the king of the hill, and the desire to stay
the king of the hill. Alpha males aspire to stay at the top,
and the aura they build helps them stay there.
This aura allows the alpha male to dominate any situation
he is in. He may not always dominate the scene but he can
at any time he wants to. He is second to no one and when
he needs to, he can quickly put that dominance in play. He
has a dominant card he can play at any time that trumps
any betas best suite. It may be subtle or overt, but it is
always there.
HOW TO: This is the most simple of all. Start
implementing the previous aspects into your life and this
becomes automatic.

Alpha Status is not merely muscle factor, or brute power.
There are a lot of muscular brutes who are beta males or
wannabes. Alpha Status comes as much from an inner
factor as it does the physical.
Yes, most alpha males have some strong physical attributes,
and Arnold, Muhammad Ali and Johnny Football all are
athletically capable. In fact they are supremely gifted in
their arenas. But there is more to them than mere physical
apparatus. It is how they use that apparatus. It is their style.
Alpha males have a supremely strong style, a personal,
unique style. And it is their minds, and it is the way they
carry themselves and present themselves to the world.
Make no mistake, the physical such as muscle does make a
difference. It can make an alpha a better alpha or a beta a
better beta. But it isnt that element alone that makes one an
alpha. It is just one of many factors that together add up to
make the alpha male. Often unique aspects such as how
you carry yourself, your posture, your wit, all come
together to play a part in you becoming an Alpha Male.
The alpha male puts himself in prime position almost
effortlessly and effectively. But he is doing certain things
that give him an advantage and an edge in anything he
engaged in. You can use these tools as you wish to get to
become an Alpha.

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