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Enabling Easy Display of Data

Using the shortest possible
variable names in a data dis-
play makes it easier to display
data when you want to change
datasets. For example, after a
harmonic balance simulation,
instead of entering the equa-
just enter the equation:

This way, to display a spectrum

using a different dataset, all
you have to do is change the
dataset name in the default
dataset window. Using com-
plete variable names (as in the
first equation above) is neces-
sary when you want to display
the results of two different
simulations simultaneously.

Figure 1. Using Short Variable Names

HINT Managing Projects

10 Use Model
A basic HP Advanced Design
System use model is as follows:
Categorizing Designs
What do you do if you decide
that the numerous schematics
in a particular project need to
1. You create a schematic and
HP Advanced Design System projects then run a simulation, be categorized into subdirecto-
are organized as shown in this exam- which generates a dataset. ries for better organization?
ple (CDMAsrc_prj): The dataset is written into The program does not allow the data directory with a subdirectories in the networks .ds suffix. directory, so something else
data must be done. Here are two
2. You open a data display
DataSrcTest.ds solutions:
window to view the results
RevLinkSrc.ds of the simulation. In the Main window, copy
mom_dsn 3. After viewing the simula- the project (File > Copy
networks tion results, you may save Project), and delete
DataSrcTest.ael, etc. the data display window as unwanted designs from the
RevLinkSrc.ael, etc. a .dds file. new project (File > Delete
synthesis Design).
Some users find it easiest
verification To delete unwanted
to keep schematic,
There are other files as well, and they dataset, and data display datasets, use the Data Dis-
are documented in the program manu- names identical. This way, play window command
als. it is easy to determine File > Delete Dataset.
which simulation set-up If you have subcircuits that
was used to generate a par- you want to be able to
ticular data display. access from two projects,
but you do not want to
keep two copies, select
File > Open then File
Current Include > Remove Projects
This area displays any
project directory hierarchy in the current project. to enable you to access
designs in project B from
project A.
Alternatively, you can cre-
ate a new project and just
copy designs from the orig-
inal project into the new
Simulation one (Copy Design in the
data Main window).
Momentum You will have to use an
data operating system file man-
Designs ager to move or copy
DSP datasets and data display
synthesis files.

The Main
window displays the directories Current directory path
that are created for a new projecf
Figure 1. A Typical Directory


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