Geography Mathematics

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Geography/ Mathematics

Topic Holiday Year 6 Key Geography/

Destinations Learning Mathematics
Unit 10 lessons over 4 weeks
Duration Lessons are based on two per week
Unit duration equals to 4 to 5 weeks with allowing adjustments
Adjustments Allow for lesson adjustments for interruptions to schedule
Dramatic absences
All lessons will be evaluated for adjustments if needed
Cross ICT- Laptops, iPads, websites, blogs, cameras, interactive whiteboard and
Curriculum videos
Literacy- (See curriculum outcomes section)
Diverse All lessons are planned to cater for the needs of all diversity in student
Student backgrounds. From cultural to low socio-economic needs, all lessons are
Needs broken down to where activities can start from a technological viewpoint.
An additional teachers aide/ support staff individual will be available for
each lesson with remedial students.
General Analyse information logically and make reasoned judgments
Capabilities Apply logic and strategies to uncover meaning and make reasoned
Generate and develop ideas and possibilities
Transfer their knowledge to new situations
Identify increasingly sophisticated characteristics of their own
cultures and the cultures of others
Reflect on how intercultural encounters have affected their
thoughts, feelings and actions
Previous Students have a previous knowledge of budgeting for holidays and making
Knowledge graphs with their findings. They also bring a background of previous
research methods and are able to communicate their findings through
relevant presentation methods via verbally to a class or in written text form.
Students also have use ICT in the classroom for various reasons from
coding applications to the use of dictionary meanings.
Curriculum Locate and collect relevant information and data from primary sources and
Outcomes secondary sources (ACHASSI095)

Organise and represent data in a range of formats including tables, graphs

and large- and small-scale maps, using discipline-appropriate conventions

Interpret data and information displayed in a range of formats to identify,

describe and compare distributions, patterns and trends, and to infer
relationships (ACHASSI100)
Use criteria to make decisions and judgements and consider advantages and
disadvantages of preferring one decision over others (ACHASSI103)

Present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of texts and

modes that incorporate source materials, digital and non-digital
representations and discipline-specific terms and conventions

The influence of people on the environmental characteristics of places in

Europe and North America and the location of their major countries in
relation to Australia (ACHASSK111)

The geographical diversity of the Asia region and the location of its major
countries in relation to Australia (ACHASSK138)

Apply a methodology to locate and collect relevant information and data

from a range of primary sources and secondary sources ACHASSI153

Solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-

digit numbers using efficient mental, written strategies and appropriate
digital technologies (ACMNA100)

Create simple financial plans (ACMNA106)

Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital
technologies to solve problems (ACMNA291)

Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate
digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with
whole numbers (ACMNA123)

Investigate and calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% on

sale items, with and without digital technologies (ACMNA132)

Investigate and calculate 'best buys', with and without digital technologies

Find percentages of quantities and express one quantity as a percentage of

another, with and without digital technologies. (ACMNA158)

Learning Outcomes
Finding geographical information in primary sources (such as fieldwork and photographs)
and secondary sources (such as maps, plans and reports in digital and non-digital form)
Using geographical tools (for example, a globe, wall map or digital application such as
Google Earth) to collect information (for example, to identify the environmental
characteristics of the major countries of Europe and North America)

Deciding which recording methods and tools (for example, graphs, tables, field sketches,
questionnaires, scatter grams, audio-recorders, video recorders, cameras, water or air
Quality testing kits, binoculars, clinometers, calculators) suit the data or information to be

Organise, categorise and represent data in a range of appropriate formats using discipline-
specific conventions, including different types of graphs, tables, field sketches and
annotated diagrams, and maps at different scales

Describing the relative location of places and their features in Australia and in selected
countries of North America and Europe

Selecting and applying appropriate media and strategies to suit their communication,
including the use of graphs, tables, timelines, photographs and pictures, in digital and non-
digital modes

Using geographical tools (for example, a globe, wall map or digital application such as
Google Earth) to identify the relative location of the major countries of Europe and North
America and their environmental characteristics

Identifying steps in the research process (for example, identifying information needed,
locating information, recording relevant information from sources)

Using a range of methods, including digital applications, to plan and conduct an

information search, and to refine a search for specific or relevant information/images (for
example, using image search and advanced search functions)

Creating a simple budget for a class fundraising event

using calculators to check the reasonableness of answers

Applying strategies already developed for solving problems involving small numbers to
those involving large numbers

Using authentic information to calculate prices on sale goods

Applying the unitary method to identify best buys situations

Using authentic problems to express quantities as percentages of other amounts

Focu How do places, people and cultures Why is it important to

s differ from across the world? have an understanding
Ques What are Australias connections about other countries and
tions between places and people? cultures?
What mathematical formulas and
conventions are used in planning a
overseas trip?

Voca Budgets ICT

bular Research Traditions
y North America Places
Asia People
Understanding Diversity
Presentation Analyse
Unit Smartboard Pencils
resou Laptop with relevant and appropriate Ipads
rces programs for lessons Individual laptops for
for Geography books word documents,
Mathematics Books researching, website and
Flip cameras blog relevancy
Interactive Whiteboard

Web Interactive Maps: Google Maps:

s Travel Project:
viewer.html Complete assignment
GeoGuesser: PowerPoint for class: https://www.teacherspayteachers.
Travel Math: 2174830 Budgeting for a trip:
Maths with travel & transport: ers/lesson-plan/budgeting-trip Holiday Planning Maths:

Explains budget for holiday Part 1: Travel Budget Costing Students
create their dream holiday through filling
out their vacation booklet. Students go
Accurately measures & calculates through the booklet at their pace researching
holiday costing (measurement, and recording; flight costs, accommodation
addition, percentages, timetables) costs, sales percentages/discounts, activity
Ability to plan and sequence events itinerary, rental car log of distances & daily
and activities timetable.
Ability to identify and discuss Part 2: Tourism Information Students will
cultural similarities and differences create an informational text in the medium
Identifies features that make the of their choice (pamphlet, poster,
country a livable place PowerPoint, Prezi etc.) explaining cultural
Mapping skills: able to demonstrate traditions of their chosen holiday country.
an understanding of where the Students will discuss similarities &
county is located differences between their country and
Australia. The information must include
maps, charts and diagrams explaining the

Learning Experiences Teaching Strategies Differentiation

Researching relevant Coherent and engaging (ATSI, ESL, NEP) students
information classroom and students alike, some
assistance will be required
The correct use and Group Work from either a teaching aid or
implementation of ICT in an adaption to the activity.
the classroom Presentations
For example, one on one and
Finding new ways to present Differentiating group work time will be
findings with ICT allocated for assisting
Collaborating students.

Assisting students in the Higher achieving students

writing process will be extended through
thorough detail and thought
Providing an encouraging in the writing process to
platform for the basis of their extended abilities.
presentations Their engagement and
commitment will also be
noted during the duration of
each lesson.

Unit Outline
Prior Knowledge
What do we know:
1. Class Discussions: What do we know about travelling overseas?
2. What processes are involved?
3. What mathematics skills are involved?
4. What makes places livable?
Use the interactive whiteboard to record findings and ideas from the discussion.

Homework: Brainstorm three different ways that Mathematics is used when planning a
holiday somewhere.

Lesson 1- Countries Exploration

Class to share and discuss homework task.
Explain that students are going to be creating their dream holiday.
Brainstorm: Students brainstorm some of the countries that they may like to further
explore for a holiday project.
Use the interactive whiteboard to record ideas/ suggestions
Brochure Exploration: Students use travel brochures supplied to have a look at
some different countries.
In groups students have 2-3 minutes to share with a partner a travel brochure
Students write down some positives about travel in this country.
Continue this process swapping brochures until each group has had a look at each
brochure of the continents.
Students then use this brainstorm to narrow down their choice to one
continent/country that they would like to focus upon for their project.
Once students have explored and discussed print brochures, they are to use laptops to
view brochures online and compare the differences or similarities between digital and
print brochures.

*Note- Contact local Travel agent/ Fight Centre- asking for out of date brochures that can
be used in the classroom.

Lesson 2- Flights & Accommodation

Flights: Students use laptops/computers to research the cost of flights from Australia to
chosen country
a. What flight company will you use?
b. How will you fly? Economy? Business? What is affordable?
c. What is the best deal you can get? When is the best time to fly?
d. What is the total cost of the flights?
Accommodation: Students use travel brochures to find the type of accommodation and
a. Where is the best location to stay in your country?
b. Is it central to what you will be doing?
c. How many nights will you stay there?
What is the total cost?
Students will then use flip cameras to interview each other to discuss and record
their findings/ choice of location.
The educator will then make an iMovie from the footage of flip cameras to view at
the next lesson as a class on the interactive whiteboard.

Lesson 3- Transport & Measurement

As a class, watch the iMovie created from the previous lesson and discuss.
Discuss: What are the different transport options for your country?
Transport cost: Students then find out the cost of transport throughout their overseas
holiday with the use of laptops.
a. What transport will be used? Bus/car/train etc.
b. Will a rental car be used?
c. What is the total cost of transport?
Transport Distances: Students then need to fill out a table detailing the distances that they
will be travelling with their transport.
Students will use Google Maps to track the different distances that they will travel.
Travelling from: Travelling to: Total distance in kms:

Extension: Work out petrol costs

Lesson 4- Tours/ activities & spending money

Discuss: What activities might people do when they are on holiday?
Explain that students need to plan one tour/activity for each day on their holiday
Plan out ideas
Research: Use computers to find tours and record costs
Choose budget and spending money
Students will then use their laptops to provide their information for their budget into a
table on an Excel spreadsheet.
Students will then use their table of information to present their findings in a graph to
be shared with the class.
Students may like to use this opportunity to record their voice over their spreadsheet
as another way of presenting their findings to the class for discussion.

Lesson 5- Best buys & total costing

Best Buys: You have contacted a travel company who has offered further discounts off
your holiday if you book through them. Calculate the total discount for your trip depending
on each choice. Work out your answers first then check using a calculator.
Option 1:
10% off all flights & accommodation
Option 2:
25% off all accommodation
Option 3
50% off all tours and activities

Students will then fine tune their budgets with the new information
Students are then to use their laptops to research applications on iPads that could be
easily accessed whilst on holiday.

Assessment Task 1: Travel Budget Costing- Assignment due

Students are to present their tables with budget outline, graphs and an
application on an iPad that has their budget easily assessable.

Lesson 6-10- Task 2:

Students will create an informational text in the medium of their choice (in a digital
source, PowerPoint, Prezi, Website, Blog, IMovie etc.) explaining cultural
traditions of their chosen holiday country. Students will discuss similarities &
differences between their country and Australia. The information must include
maps, charts and diagrams explaining the country.
Students are given project outline. They then use the following lessons to complete
research and make their presentation
Students are encouraged to include their finished budgets for a breakdown of the
total cost of the holiday including maps, graphs, data displays and images.

Assessment Task 2: Tourism Information Assignment due

Evaluation/ Reflection
As an educator where were the strengths/ weaknesses in the lesson?

Were students engaged in all aspects of the

activities and lessons or only some?
Researching, collaborating, class discussion
and presentations?
Writing features

Were students aware of what each lesson/

activity required from them?

Were differentiation activities/ adaptions


Were final digital presentations clear,

concise and relevant?
ICT Incorporation:

Was ICT used effectively in each lesson and

research, presentation component?
Ongoing Lessons:

Where to now?

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