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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

February 05, 2017

Who qualifies to be the best instrument of the Lord? How can we achieve that state?
Bhagawan explains with an inspiring example.

Amongst messengers, there are three kinds. The first kind are
those who take the orders of the Lord, disobey Him, and take to
such actions which go contrary to the wishes of the Lord. The
second kind are those who take what the Lord has said literally
and follow without either adding or taking away anything. The
results of such work is accepted by the Lord. The third kind are
those who take the wishes of the Master and perform the task in
such a way that the wishes of the Lord are fulfilled completely
and at all costs. They take back to the Master the message of
victory. Hanuman is an example of the third kind. This was
because Hanuman at all times would only think of Rama, and as
he knew very well the power of Rama, he always followed His
footsteps. Hanumans devotion and faith helped him greatly to
recognise the wishes of the Master.

- Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1977, Ch 10.

Earn the sword of wisdom (Jnana) to cut asunder the veil of ignorance and illusion
(Maya). Baba

05 PrvrI, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: Bgvwn dy swirAW qoN cMgy hiQAwr bxx dI Xogqw kOx r`Kdw hY? aus pweydwn qy AsIN ikvyN pu`j skdy
hW?Bgvwn swnUM, iek auqswh dyx vwlI audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: dUq(sMdyS lY jwx vwly), iq`n qrHW dy huMdy hn[pihlI iksm dy dUq auh dUq hn ijhVy Bgvwn dw hukm lYNdy
hn, aus dI pwlxw nhIN krdy Aqy ies qrHW dy krm krdy hn ijhVy, Bgvwn dI ie`CwvW dy ault hox[dUjI iksm dy
dUq auh hn ijhVy Bgvwn dw hukm lYNdy hn Aqy aus hukm dI, ie`n-ib`n pwlxw krdy hn[ ies qrHW dy dUq, Bgvwn
nUM mMnzUr huMdy hn[qIjy iksm dy dUq, ies qrHW dy huMdy hn ijhVy Bgvwn dI ie`Cw nUM smJdy hn Aqy Bgvwn dI ie`Cw
nUM, hr mumikn FMg nwl pUrI krdy hn[auh dUq, Bgvwn v`loN id`qy krm dI ij`q dI sUcnw, Bgvwn nUM idMdy hn[qIjy
iksm dy dUq dI audwhrx, hnumwn hn[ies dw ieh kwrx hY ik hnumwn, hr vyly Bgvwn dw ismrx krdy sn Aqy
aunHW dI SkqI bwry jwxdy sn Aqy hmySw aunHW dy nkSy-kdm qy cldy sn[hnumwn , Bgvwn pRiq BgqI Aqy ivSvwS
dy kwrx hI, aunHW dI ie`CwvW nUM smJ sky[( smr Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn, 1977, A`iDAwey 10)[

A`igAwnqw Aqy mwieAw dy prdy nUM Kqm krn leI, igAwn dI qlvwr(h`iQAwr) pRwpq kro[(bwbw)[

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