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Pokemon Reborn
X-- Episode 15: Never After --X
6/8/15- 15.1 Public Release
To start the game, run Game.exe.
If you find any bugs, especially crashes, please report them at http://www.pokem
Feel free to send me (Amethyst) a message on those forums (I check them regularl
y) or make a help topic.
You can also catch me or join us on Reborn's Showdown Server at -- come hang out!
I'll do everything I can to help fix the issue both for you and in the long run.
Please avoid saving outdoors in the following areas before updating:
Reborn City
Chrysolia Forest
Spinel Town
Route 2
Consider visiting a Pokemon Center in the new update -before- using Teleport/Dig
As a final note, the item PC was removed due to its relative uselessness, so ple
ase recover any stored items there before updating.
Table of Contents
--- Pokemon Reborn
------Initial notes
--- Table of Contents
--- Notable Changes
------ Field Effect changes
--- Links
--- Controls
--- Credits
Notable Changes:
NOTE: Pre-Agate dive areas will not be accessible until the canon return to thos
e locations
* All shiny sprites have been recolored!
* The AI has been tuned up, yet again.
* The following abilities have been improved in some way:
Stance Change Simple Pixilate
Aerilate Tinted Lens Poison H
eal Defiant
Contrary Competitive Unnnerve
Harvest Sniper Huge Pow
er Pure Power
* The following items have been improved in some way:
Kee Berry Maranga Berry Wing Items
Cotton Candy
Pokesnax Binding Band Stat Berries
Type Gems
Enigma Berry Jaboca Berry Rowap Berry
Healing items
* The following moves have been improved in some way:
Fury Cutter U-Turn Volt Swi
tch Sticky Web
Oblivion Wing Toxic Flying Press
Water Sport Mud Sport Magic Ro
om Wonder Room
Explosion Selfdestruct Torment
Noble Roar
Rest Snarl
* The two salons' happiness gains have been corrected
* A back-up save feature has been implemented. Past save files will be aut
omatically stored and categorized for players to rename/replace at will, and sho
uld be automatically loaded to the most recent functional save upon discovering
a corrupt file.
* The Bag may now be automatically alphabetized by pressing the A key.
* The 'Gym Guy,' who was a tool and skipped out on half the gyms, has been
sacked. A more reliable system has been implemented in his place.
* The level curve from Noel to Charlotte has been adjusted, sinking slight
* A Pledge tutor has been added to the Lapis Ward.
* The separate mid-story Obsidia Park map has been removed.
* The daily timers on the Grand Hall trainers have been removed. They can
now be battled repeatedly.
* The Item PC has been disabled. It was pointless anyway. Items previously
deposited can be removed in previous episodes.
* The Move Pokemon command has been switched to the top place of the PC.
* Items stolen from partner trainers may no longer be kept.
* The amount of lightning in Stormy weather has been halved.
* The windy weather animation has been reworked to reduce lag.
* Windy days will now cause battles to begin with the Strong Winds weather
* The Ribbon section of the Summary screen has been removed and replaced w
ith the EV/IV display
* The Pickup Table has been altered again. See
* Some event Pokemon will now generate with one of several egg moves
* Rock Smash has been converted to a TMX (HM). The Secret Power TM has bee
n added.
* Radomus and Florinia have received team changes.
* Shade has received team changes and now gives TM Shadow Claw. Shadow Cla
w will be available to players who have already beaten Shade in place of Shadow
Ball in the future.
* Serra has received a new Field Effect, arena, and team.
* Potions, etc, will no longer use a turn when selected to use on a full H
P Pokemon
* The Low Battery message has been disabled
* Hold items have been updated to ORAS availability
* The Pokemon Psychologist no longer has a time restriction.
#---------------------------- E14.5 Changes ---------------------------#
* The following abilities have been scripted, fixed or technically improve
d in some way:
Cheek Pouch Aroma Veil Telepath
y Pressure
Analytic Infiltrator Parental
Bond Symbiosis
Moxie Pickpocket Magician
Primordial Sea Desolate Land Delta Stream
Turboblaze Illusion Flower V
eil Aftermath
(All abilities are now implemented)
* The following moves have been scripted, fixed or technically improved in
some way:
Dragon Ascent Origin Pulse Precipice Blades
Protect Detect King's S
hield Spiky Shield
Endure Wide Guard Quick Gu
ard Final Gambit
Fusion Flare Fusion Bolt Diamond Storm
Steam Eruption
Flame Burst Magnetic Flux Fairy Lock
Ally Switch
Last Resort Hyperspace Hole Payback
Wonder Room
Fell Stinger Crafty Shield Quash
After You
Me First Flower Shield Retaliate
Thousand Waves Powder Electrify
Ion Deluge
Sky Drop Mat Block Thousand
Arrows Electroweb
(All moves are now implemented)
* The following items have been scripted, fixed or technically improved in
some way:
Eject Button Red Card Rocky Helmet
Air Balloon
Red Orb Blue Orb Prison B
ottle Assault Vest
ORAS Mega Stones
(All items are now implemented)
* The following areas have been touched up to reduce lag, at least a littl
Byxbysion Wasteland Chrysolia Forest Peridot
Beryl Ward Spinel Town
Jasper Ward
Opal Ward Central Obsidia
North Obsidia
South Obsidia Route 2
This has the effect of resetting some trainer and other events in the ar
* The timing of sending out Pokemon has been updated to properly happen at
the end of a round, instead of before end-of-round-effects or mid-attack in dou
ble battles.
* ORAS Megas have been implemented (note: This does not mean already avail
* Diancie, Hoopa and Volcanion have been implemented
* Heavy Rain, Harsh Sun and Strong Winds have been added
* Ally Switch's effect has been altered to switch the user with a Pokemon
in the party on -1 priority
* The 7th Street and Agate Circus move tutors have been updated to ORAS Mo
ves. A new tutor has been added to each place.
* All HMs have been converted to TM-variants and can now be forgotten at w
* Quick Jump Tauros have been added to the ends of Route 1, appearing afte
r a certain part of the story
* IV Breeding issues should be resolved
* Ability Capsules should be more reliable
#---------------------------- Base Essentials changes (v15.0) -----------------
* The following abilities have been fixed or technically improved in some
Abilities activating on damage
* The following moves have been fixed or technically improved in some way:
Sweet Scent Helping Hand Assist
Grudge Destiny Bond
* The following items have been fixed or technically improved in some way:
Honey Repels Quick Claw
Shell Bell
Life Orb
* Pokmon can now relearn a move it knew when the player obtained/hatched it
* Chance of a wild encounter when using Rock Smash is now 25%.
* Fishing was made easier.
* AI improvements/tweaks
* Weather now tints to time of day
* The enemy party balls in battle against two opposing trainers now have 3
balls for each trainer, rather than all 6 for the first trainer.
* Pokmon holding Exp Shares now gain Exp even if there are no non-fainted P
okmon who would gain Exp normally from the opponent (e.g. because of Selfdestruct
#---------------------------- Field Effect changes ---------------------------#
(See "Field Effect Manual.txt" for full listing)
* Field Transformations now occur at the end of an attack, rather than dur
ing damage calculation.
* Non-environmental Field Effects (such as the Gym Leader's forced Corrosi
ve Mist battle) now default to the regular environment (normal Corrosive) when d
* Redundant Field Effect messages, such as in multi-hit attacks, have been
* The following Field Effects have been added:
* Crystal Cavern
* Murkwater Surface
* Mountain
* Snowy Mountain
* Holy Field
* Mirror Arena
* Electric Terrain
* Thousand Arrows now gains Electric type damage.
* Selfdestruct and Explosion now increase in power x1.5 (up from x
* Surf, Muddy Water, Hurricane, Smack Down and Thousand Arrows now
increase in power x1.5
* Misty Terrain
* Now transformed into the Corrosive Mist Field by Poison Gas.
* Secret Power now reduces SpAtk (changed from reducing Accuracy)
* The accuracy of Lovely Kiss is no longer boosted.
* Steam Eruption increases in power x1.5
* Now removed by Twister
* Pitch Black Field
* Has been renamed to Dark Crystal Cavern
* Temporarily transformed by sunny weather into Crystal Cavern
* Now transformed into a Cave by Earthquake and Bulldoze.
* Big Top Arena
* Fly and Bounce no longer gain negative priority on landing.
* Earthquake and Magnitude are now boosted by the High Striker.
* Burning Field
* Thousand Arrows now gains Fire type damage and increases in powe
r x1.5
* Smog and Clear Smog now increase in power x2 (up from x1.5)
* Swamp Field
* Thousand Arrows increases in power x1.5
* Corrosive Field
* Thousand Arrows now gains Poison type damage and increases in po
wer x1.5
* Pokemon with Wonder Guard are now immune to the entry-hazard and
sleep damage.
* Now transformed into Grassy Terrain by Seed Flare
* Corrosive Mist Field
* Now removed by Twister
* Desert Field
* Thousand Waves increases in power x1.5
* Icy Field
* Steam Eruption suffers x0.5 decrease in power.
* Rock Type attacks now become pure-Ice-type, rather than Rock/Ice
* Rocky Field
* Nature Power becomes Rock Smash
* Earthquake, Magnitude, Rock Climb and Strength increase in power
* Super-heated Field
* Steam is now created by Water-sport.
* Steam now generates at the end of an attack, and only once per t
* Fire Attacks now increase x1.1 (down from x1.2)
* Water attacks now suffer a x0.9 decrease of power (up from x0.8)
* Scald and Steam Eruption now increase in power x1.667, still tot
alling x1.5
* Factory Field
* Now transformed into the Short-circuit Field by Ion Deluge and F
* Discharge transforms into Short-circuit Field within the turn, p
otentially multiple times per attack.
* Short-circuit Field
* Now transformed into the Factory Field by Ion Deluge.
* Discharge transforms into Factory Field within the turn, potenti
ally multiple times per attack.
* Wasteland
* Nature Power now becomes Gunk Shot
* Ashen Beach
* Ash now rises at the end of an attack, and only once per turn.
* Thousand Waves and Sand Tomb increase in power x1.5
* Strength now gains Fighting/Psychic type damage and is boosted x
* Pokemon trapped in Sand Tomb suffer an accuracy drop each turn.
* Water Surface
* Now transformed into Murkwater Surface by Sludge Wave
* Underwater
* Now transformed into Murkwater Surface by Sludge Wave with a tot
al x2 damage boost (from the usual x1.3 transformation boost)
* Cave
* Cave ceilings now require two uses of the move to collapse.
* Cave collapses now happen at the end of the turn rather than bef
ore damage calculation.
* Pokemon using Endure, or having Sturdy may survive the collapse
with 1 HP from full health.
* Pokemon with Battle Armor and Shell armor take 50% damage from t
he collapse.
* Pokemon with Solid Rock take 33% damage from the collapse.
* Pokemon behind protect moves including Wide Guard, or having Bul
letproof, Rock Head or Wonderguard are immune to the collapse damage.
* Now transformed into Crystal Cavern by Power Gem or Diamond Stor
* Only non-contact Flying-type moves are now reduced in power.
Game home-page:
Updates will be posted on Reborn's Website and server~
Need help, found a bug, or want to share your team? Check out Pokemon Reborn's d
iscussion forum:
Here's a listing of the Field EffectS:
Curious what Pokemon are obtainable in the game so far?
The Pickup Table is different in Reborn. Check it here:
Other questions? Check the FAQ!

~X-- COMING SOON: Episode 16: A City, Reborn --X~
Arrow Keys: Move
Z key: A button; Talk/Select
X key: B button; Open Menu
Space: Run
S: Toggle Walk/Run
Shift: Registered item; Rotate Tile Puzzle
A: Mega-Evolve; Dismount Pokemon; Sort Bag
D: Quick-Save
F1: Program Options (Mute sound/music)
F8: Take Screenshot
F12: Soft-Reset
Alt+Enter: Full Screen

Small note about 6th gen battle and overworld sprites- I've tried very hard to k
eep a list of everyone who made or contributed to the sprites that we currently
use but if I've missed your or someone else's credit please contact me so I can
add it
--Main Development
Amethyst (design, primary development)
Kurotsune, Blind Guardian (scripting)
Inuki (assistant development)
Jericho (assistant scripting)
Jan (assistant spriting)
Will Veenerick chasemortier Mektar (Pokemon Amethyst
JoshR691 kidkatt ShinxLuver Dr Shellos
--6th gen sprites:
Amethyst Noscium Quanyails Zermonious
Kyle Dove dDialgaDiamondb N-kin Misterreno
Xtreme1992 Vale98PM
--Mega Sprites:
Julian Amethyst Gardrow FlameJow
The Cynical Poet Greyenna Brylark
Princess Phoenix Gnomowladn Bryancct
Featuring GlitchxCity ( )
23 Dragon-Tamer795
--World Conception
Amethyst Will Dodge Ice
--Secondary Scripting Support:
Guhorden Woobowiz Inuki XmarkXalanX
Joeyhugg Nickaloose mej71 Suzerain
Beba worldslayer89 the dekay saving raven Truegee
--Pokemon Essentials:
Maruno Poccil Flameguru P-Sign.
Secondary Mapping
Tempest Inuki
--Beta Testers:
Shout out to Reborn's Ace Members for Beta Testing!
--Alpha Testing
--Tile Puzzle Artists:
germy21 (Swirlix) Macuarrorro (Spritzee)
Ramiro Maldini (Conkledurr) Otonashi (Froakie)
iamherecozidraw (Carracosta) syansyan (Archeops)
Sires J Black (Turtwig)
--Community Support:
bluebomberdude Ikaru zelient Jacze Flux
jeroen4923 Khayoz Cobrakill Ryan C
Manes Calvius Eagleby18 garchomp550
Guigui DarkLucario79 grasssnake485 Acquiesc
SonOfRed Rimmintine Arkhidon Jericho
Vinny chase_breaker Sheep!
Shiny Spriting
Amethyst UnprofessionalAmateur Nefalem Jacze Freya
Calvius Flux Thirdbird Jericho Bazaro Azery
Bakerlite Gamien Rielly987 smeargletail Nsuprem
15gamer2000 dragon in night Nova Night Fighter
Serythe MetalKing1417 roqi Jan MMM
Sir_Bagel Pixl
--Special Thanks:
--Special thanks to all of the Reborn Line Leaders over the years!
--Thanks to the whole of the Reborn community and staff for helping make Reborn
a success~
--And finally, thanks to YOU for playing!

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