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The New Indian Express

Saturday, May 22, 2010 multiverse 7


I think its neat how the words bud and get come together to form the word
budget, especially when there is no j sound in either bud or get
Your Saturday

Are the spider

Magazine Silicon
Farwa Imam Ali

monkeys on drugs?
is a journalist based in the US.


Aishwarya Subramanian E-sevaks and

S the new code
: Its ridiculous! We never talk about K: Obviously.

A terrible
anything serious or relevant, its S: How about we talk about normal things
just nonsense from start to finish. in a normal way? Maybe if we stick to normal

of conduct
If anyone overheard these conver- things the conversations will stay normal.

sations, theyd say we were... K: Ok.
K: Brain-damaged spider monkeys on S: Tell me what you did today.
drugs? K: Ioh, nothing.

S: See? Thats exactly what Im talking S: Tell me.
about. Stop saying things like that! K: I dont think I should. echies turn to internet editions of
K: Why? Whats wrong with brain-damaged S: Tell me and Ill decide whether we should their favourite Indian newspapers
spider monkeys on drugs? pursue the conversation further. and magazines to connect with the
S: I am not going to have a conversation K: I was trying to make candy by melting goings-on in India. Some days the
with you about brain-damaged spider mon- Kuzhali Manickavel some old Bournvita. news is good, other days it is bad,

few years ago I spent a sum- keys on drugs or Squirrel AIDS or... S: And? and some other times it sparks impassioned
mer vacation in England K: Squirrel AIDS is serious stuff, I saw it is the author of Insects Are Just Like You and K: The neighbour aunties hair caught fire. exchanges on a specific subject. The latter
with some British friends. on YouTube. Me Except Some of Them Have Wings. She S: Ok, thats a conversation we dont want scenario best describes what happened when
Since they had grown up there, S: I just want to talk about something with blogs at http://thirdworldghettovampire. to have because it will probably go into non- I mentioned an article from a leading Indian
one of the things we discussed intellectual maturity and depth. normal areas. I better hang up. magazine to a techie making what I thought
was what information about India K: You mean like science? I dont know any- K: Ok. I need to go apologise to the neigh- was a harmless comment about the changing
one picked up from the English thing about science. bour auntie anyway. face of some techies in India.
school system. Inevitably the sub- S: Do you have anything serious, relevant S: Call me if something normal happens. In short, the article highlighted a group of
ject of caste came up. I brushed it or important to say? About anything? K: Will do. young techies in Bangalore attending weekly
aside, saying that while I was tech- K: No. IT Milans. Author Anil B Lullas definition
nically a brahman it wasnt some- S: Well call me when you do. describes the Milan as a techie-adapted ver-
thing I thought about very much

sion of the daily shakha held by the Rash-
that I didnt identify myself as triya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) across the
a Hindu in any case that had

S: So I take it nothing normal has hap- country. About 3,000 techies, most being RSS
there been any sort of relevant pened. flag bearers steeped in Hindutva, congregate
regulatory body for this sort of S: So obviously the serious relevant impor- K: Not really. Something normal almost regularly to discuss current affairs, do yoga
thing I would have been demoted tant conversations arent happening. happened and I almost called you but then the and much more. The much more is what in-
long ago for my irreligious, alco- normal thing became very non-normal. terests me. For, to their credit the young as-
hol-drinking, beef-eating ways. I S: Do you have normal conversations with sembly of RSS members also performs mer-
then said that I had discarded my other people? itorious social service. And how does this
caste identity altogether. K: Sure. They talk about stuff and when I saffronised techie version 2.0 sit with com-
And then I immediately felt like get bored I hang up. patriots in Silicon Valley, USA?
an idiot for saying it. Because of S: Ah. This is probably why you have no This is probably the first time techies
course an upper-middle-class, friends. in the Valley are hearing about members of
upper-caste young person living K: Probably. the code-writing fraternity hobnobbing dire
in Delhi isnt going to think about S: Lets talk about the budget. ctly with political outfits. While the respon
caste very much; its never been K: Why? ses I garnered may or may not be representa-
thrust upon her notice. And this S: Because its normal, serious, important tive of the majority, the reactions are sharp
whole idea of discarding ones and relevant to our daily lives. What do you and diverse. Some Valley folks think it is
caste is extremely desirable, but think about the budget? smart to use an available platform to make
its not one-sided. If I casually K: I think its neat how the words bud and your mark on society. So if you are imple-
claimed caste did not bother me, get come together to form the word budget, menting tangible socio-economic services
would it really make any differ- especially when there is no j sound in either directed at the poor or attempting to safe-
ence to the way I was treated by bud or get. guard and restore the Indian culture maybe
people for whom it was a factor? S: Forget the budget. Lets talk about pov- the unlikely marriage of tech and politics is
(Answer: no). And was I being erty. fine says one group. Purely a matter of perso
blind to the more invisible ways K: I want to make a movie about American nal choice says a second bloc which also asks
in which caste affected my life? poverty called GhettoDawg BlingBling. I want how these techies would react if their coun-
(Answer: yes). to promote it by adopting a lot of poor white terparts from other faiths began congregat-
children. ing in a similar fashion?
S: Forget poverty. What books have you read Meanwhile, a third faction is plain uneasy
So yes, Ill do what lately?
K: I dont read.
about the liaison explaining that social ser-
vice does not require a political identity and
other people are S: Then Im going to tell you about a book that the agenda is questionable. Conspiracy
Ive read. Im going to tell you about this book theories and hidden agendas aside, the fact
doing and write and were going to have a normal, intelligent that folks in India want to step up and give
Indian next to my conversation about it. Ok? back to society is commendable. But is it nec-
K: Ok. essary to saffronise their endeavours? I plead
name. I only hope S: This book was about a guy- the First Amendment on that, but techie
that Ill be able to do K: What was his name?
S: I cant remember.
friends think their Indian friends would ben-
efit more were they to establish a separate
it without becoming K: Was it Juniper? apolitical identity to channel their energies
too complacent S: No.
K: Isnt that neat how you cant remember
and ideas. Especially given the fact that much
of Indian polity is corrupt.
what the name was but you can remember Hoping to start an intelligent conversation,
Ive been thinking about this what it wasnt? Imagine if that was how we I wonder if I have stirred a hornets nest.
recently because of the various introduced ourselves. Hi, My Name Isnt Ju- Members of the IT Milan may perhaps won-
arguments over including caste as niper. der just what gives their counterparts in this
one of the factors in the census. S: Youre doing it again. part of the world the right to pass judgment.
Briefly, the political parties all K: Isnt it neat how your name isnt Juniper Rest assured this too is just a discussion,
seem to want this information and my name isnt Juniper? We have that in much like the current affairs discussions at
about us. Its easy to see why. Oth- common. Same pinch. the IT Milans! Frankly, it is nice to see the
er people have protested against S: For the love of God please stop. financially successful Gen-XYZ think about
this, among them Amitabh Bach- K: In school, some girls used to say same fulfilling their duty to the nation. And if IT
chan. Apparently Bachchan has pinch kreech-kreech. What is a kreech- Milans fill this gap, so be it. The words to
stated that if he is asked about his kreech? focus on though, are duty to the nation. A
caste hes just going to reply In- S: STOP IT! nation filled with people of varied class, caste
dian. Theres now a whole move- K: Sorry. and creed. I guess techies in this part are wor-
ment called Meri Jaati Hindu- S: Maybe we just cant have a normal con- ried that their counterparts noble endeavors
stani to convince people to write versation. Maybe its impossible. and right mindedness might get hijacked by
Indian or its equivalent when K: Maybe we should talk about how I set the the political outfits garbed as culture protec-
questioned about their castes. A neighbour aunties hair on fire. It sounds way tors. And if it did, what code of conduct
number of people who I know illustration: tuhin chakraborty
more interesting than that book you read. would these e-sevaks be writing then?
have resolved to do this and are
trying to get their families and
friends to do the same. And it is
encouraging to see.
If someone tries to ask me
about my caste, Id like to go with Letters to the editor
something completely nonsensi-

Dont try to generate power at the cost of rivers...

cal. Sinapistic (literally con-
cerned with mustard. Mustard
does concern me) or Canine or
Left-Handed. I will probably go
with Indian (or why not Hu-
man?) just to reflect solidarity. I
genuinely believe that counting
There are a number of alternative methods available for power generation today (Dam site cursed, May 15). They may be
caste as part of our census is a expensive, but then a proper allocation of funds in the budget can solve that issue. We are already facing a lot of issues related to
terrible idea.
And yet its all a little too glib. nature and environment. Why do we want to generate power at the cost of rivers? C Divakaran, Thiruvananthapuram
That one minor act of protest may
make a huge and important state- should guide them when the subject they that all agencies have synergised with the
ment if done in conjunction with Dam will prevent flood 27 years, not 17 handle is likely to intrude the individuals community to achieve sustainable livelihoods
thousands of others, but it costs The Athirapally fall is the by-product of Perin- The intro under the photograph of the water- private life. for the poor tribal fisherfolks. This write-up
me less than nothing. What I am galkuthu dam. If the proposed dam is built, we fall says, Central Keralas Athirapally dam M G Warrier, Thiruvananthapuram shows us the path for empowering ourselves to
afraid of is forgetting something can prevent flood in the monsoon, caused due to was first proposed in 1983. Seventeen years become a well developed nation. Kudos to
that is important to me to know; overflowing of the Chalakudy river. It will also have passed... It should be 27 years, not sev- Inspiring initiative Zeitgeist for publishing a motivating piece.
that the belief that I can just throw help us get water during summer. If any river enteen years. Fishing with the flood-struck locals in Shashi Shekher Thakur, by e-mail
off my caste identity like that is in Kerala is full of water in summer, it is because K Anantharaman, Coimbatore Maharashtra (May 15) made interesting and
itself born out of various privi- of the dam in that river. In the 1950s, some people informative reading. That a calamity like Informative cartoons
leges. My acknowledgment of this were against the construction of the Peechi dam. When media cross the limit flooding of dams was taken as an opportunity The actionist by Bharath Murty (May 15)
fact many not strike a huge blow Now Peechi dam gives drinking water to Thris- This refers to Star-crossed lovers struck by to create livelihood deserves appreciation. In was superb. After Kondapallis death in 2002,
against the caste system, but I sur and its surrounding areas. cameras by Ashley Tellis (May 15). Beyond our country where tribal populations are the the CPI (Maoist) was formed, merging other
dont see how were to move past Seby Joseph, Thrissur the scholarly analysis of the nitty-gritty of most neglected groups, the outlook of the offi- groups. We endorse the views of Naipaul that
the system without it. gay marriages in Manipur, the article should cials that the locals have a right to resource is middle-class people are rather vain and fool-
So yes, Ill do what other people Find a solution keep media managers (both print and elec- refreshing. It is an exemplary illustration of ish as they can be shaped in any form. The
are doing and write Indian next Your cover story was an eye-opener. It high- tronic) pondering as to whether they can think committed officials and enthusiastic local message Hate oppression, but fear the op-
to my name. I only hope that Ill lighted the travails and tribulations encoun- of a self-imposed code of conduct to draw a population conjuring a model of sustainable pressed is true in letter and spirit. Remem-
be able to do it without becoming tered in the proposed construction of the line where their efforts to improve social be- livelihood. ber Albert Camus statement that the Russian
too complacent. Athirapally Dam. It has been more than 27 havior and educate public trespasses the right Francis Kuriakose, Puducherry Communism represents the exultation of the
years, but still the issue remains unsolved. If to privacy of individuals, families and social executioner by the victim.
The writer is a student of English the dam is constructed, it will kill the environ- groups. The awareness that the common man Success story U K Atiyodi, Payyanur
literature. She blogs at ment and also unsettle the tribals in the area. (includes woman and transgender folk) is not The article portrays an inspiring success story Its time we found a solution to this issue. as thick-skinned as those who always enjoy for all of us to emulate and implement for the Your feedback can be sent to Jaya Venkitachalam, Chennai limelight even at the expense of silly talk poor in our country. It is encouraging to read

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