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Why death haunts black lives

Douglas S. Masseya,1

In their article, Umberson et al. (1) demonstrate that (8). This fact is important because the residential seg-
African Americans are much more likely than whites to regation of any group with a high rate of poverty (such
experience deaths in their immediate family circle, as blacks) inevitably concentrates poverty and its cor-
and that this elevated exposure to death occurs at relates spatially to create a uniquely dangerous and
virtually all stages of the life cycle. Differential expo- disadvantaged social environment (9).
sure to bereavement by race is likely to contribute to Affluence offers African Americans little protection
long-standing blackwhite differentials with respect from the predations of segregation. Indeed, blacks in
to health and socioeconomic status more generally. the top quintile of income distribution are more seg-
As the authors note, human well-being across a range regated than Hispanics in the bottom quintile (10). As
of dimensions is well known to be adversely affected a result, in addition to the discrimination, exclusion,
by exposure to the stress of bereavement. and stigma that African Americans individually en-
counter as they navigate American society, blacks of
Black Residential Segregation all social classes are exposed to levels of neighbor-
The marked exposure of blacks to death comes as hood crime and violence that few other Americans
no surprise to me, given my own research on racial resi- ever encounter (11). Even the richest African Americans
dential segregation. Research increasingly points to seg- experience more spatially concentrated disadvantage
regation as the principal structural feature of US society than the poorest whites, Asians, or Hispanics (12).
responsible for the perpetuation of black disadvantage
(2, 3). At present, more than half of all black metropolitan The Consequences of Segregation
residents live under conditions of high residential segre- The spatial concentration of disadvantage, in turn,
gation, and a third live under conditions of hypersegre- predicts a plethora of other maladies, including high
gation (4). High segregation is defined by a blackwhite rates of violence, crime, infant mortality, and homicide
residential dissimilarity index of 60 or greater (on a scale and low levels of life expectancy, public trust, inter-
where 0 is complete integration and 100 is total segre- personal connection, and political efficacy (13). In
gation), and hypersegregation refers to an intense form of addition, black neighborhoods are far more likely than
segregation characterized by high indices (above 60) on other areas to contain toxic environmental hazards
at least four of the five constituent dimensions of geo- (14, 15). By systematically exposing them to uniquely
graphic inequality, which are unevenness, isolation, clus- high levels of disorder, violence, and toxicity, racial
tering, concentration, and centralization (5). The nations segregation functions malevolently to get under the
hypersegregated metropolitan areas presently include skin of African Americans to compromise health and well-
Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Flint, being through a series of increasingly well-understood
Kansas City, Milwaukee, New York, Philadelphia, and biosocial pathways (16).
St. Louis, among others (6). In these metropolitan areas, First, prolonged exposure to spatially concentrated
blacks display substantially diminished life chances com- deprivation increases the allostatic load routinely ex-
pared with whites and other groups. perienced by African Americans. Allostasis refers to the
No other group in the history of the United States human bodys proclivity to maintain stability and en-
has ever experienced the degree of segregation that sure survival through autonomic physiological changes
has routinely been visited upon African Americans since in response to threats in the environment (17). The re-
the early 20th century (7). Segregation persists today peated activation of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal
not simply as a holdover from a racist past but as an axis in response to the disorder and violence that prevail
outcome that is actively produced by racialized be- in poor black neighborhoods raises the average allostatic
haviors, institutionalized practices, and prejudicial load of residents by secreting excess amounts of adren-
public policies that prevail in many metropolitan areas aline, fibrinogen, and cortisol into the bloodstream (18,

Office of Population Research, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
Author contributions: D.S.M. wrote the paper.
The author declares no conflict of interest.
See companion article on page 915.

800802 | PNAS | January 31, 2017 | vol. 114 | no. 5

19), which, over time, increase the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular A key means by which environmental circumstances affect
disease, diabetes, inflammatory illnesses, autoimmune disorders, and gene expression is through a process known as methylationthe
other physical ailments (20). In addition, exposure to spatially con- addition of a methyl group to the 5 position of a cytosine pyrim-
centrated disadvantage undermines memory and attention to impair idine ring (a point where cytosine and guanine are separated by a
cognitive functioning and mental health (21, 22). single phosphate), which inhibits genetic expression of that seg-
A second pathway connects neighborhood poverty to reduced ment of the DNA even though it does not change the underlying
black health and welfare through the shortening of human telo- DNA sequence itself (32, 33). Recent work suggests that exposure
meres, which are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the to disadvantage can influence the process of methylation in sig-
ends of chromosomes that act as buffers to protect genetic ma- nificant ways. Children raised in orphanages, for example, display
terial from deterioration and errant recombination during cell di- higher levels of methylation that those raised by biological par-
vision (23). Telomeres naturally shorten in the course of aging; but ents (34), and, compared with individuals born into advantaged
this normal process of shortening is accelerated by exposure to neighborhoods, those from disadvantaged neighborhoods dis-
environmental stressors (24). According to Blackburn et al. (25), played higher rates of methylation at birth of the MEG3 gene, a
telomere attrition can lead to potentially maladaptive cellular maternally expressed, imprinted, long noncoding RNA gene
changes, block cell division, and interfere with tissue replacement, which has been linked to various kinds of cancer (35).
and greater overall telomere attrition predicts mortality and age- In sum, a growing body of evidence suggests that black and
related diseases. Recent research suggests that the unique expo- white Americans experience very different health and mortality
sure of African Americans to stressful neighborhood circumstances outcomes throughout the life course, outcomes that occur not
indeed acts to shorten telomeres to put blacks at greater risk of simply because blacks have lower levels of education, income, and
morbidity and mortality throughout life (2628). wealth than whites but because they experience radically more
A final pathway by which neighborhoods influence individual life disadvantaged neighborhood circumstances irrespective of the
chances is through geneenvironment interactions in which expo- socioeconomic status they achieve. Owing to the persistence of
sure to the same environmental circumstances yields different out- high levels of black segregation in the United States, neighborhood
comes depending on which variants of a gene one carries (29). One disadvantage remains the critical nexus through which black pov-
study found, for example, that exposure to social disadvantage re- erty is transmitted and reproduced across lives and between gen-
duced telomere length among young black males, but that the effect erations (36).
was mediated by a specific set of alleles for serotonin and dopamine Umberson et al. (1) clearly identify excess mortality within the
that made individuals more or less susceptible to environmental in- black family as an important but heretofore overlooked source of
fluences. Those with greater genetic sensitivity displayed shorter racial disadvantage in the United States, but we must bear in mind
telomeres than average when exposed to a disadvantaged envi- that it is but one of a multitude of inequality-producing mechanisms
ronment but longer telomeres when exposed to an advantaged rooted in continuing residential segregation of African Americans in
environment (30). Another study examined the combined effect of the United States. Now, as in the past, residential segregation con-
carrying the DRD4 long allele for dopamine (which heightens sen- tinues to serve as the linchpin of the American system of racial
sitivity to attractive circumstances) and the 5-HTTLPR short allele for stratification (37).
serotonin (which increases sensitivity to aversive conditions) and
found that exposure to disadvantaged circumstances produced Acknowledgments
more aggression among those with the sensitive genotypes but The authors work is supported by the National Institute of Child Health and
less aggression among those without the sensitive alleles (31). Human Development Grant 2 P2C HD047879.

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