Ted 690 Literature Review 4 Steven Bambauer

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Literature Review Domain D

Steven Bambauer

National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690Capstone Course

Professor Nanci Hanover



The California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE) Domain D Planning

Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students is summarized.

The article Differentiating Instruction in Response to Student Readiness, Interest, and

Learning Profile in Academically Diverse Classrooms: A Review of Literature is summarized

with a focus on the enhanced quality of instruction. Domain D and the Article are then

compared to discuss how the article relates to meeting the TPE sections

outlined in Domain D. Finally, a different instructional planning methods is


Literature Review Domain D and Differentiating Instruction in Response to Student

Readiness, Interest, and Learning Profile in Academically Diverse Classrooms: A Review of


Domain D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students

TPE8: Learning about Students
TPE9: Instructional Planning

Domain D, TPE 8 and TPE 9 require that the teacher knows their student and has a

comprehensive plan to teach the material. Within TPE 8the need to be able to differentiate

instruction based on a students non-learning characteristics is apparent; candidates are

knowledgeable about students community contexts and socio-economic, culture and language

backgrounds teachers are required to use ongoing multiple and, where appropriate,

differentiated assessment options to collect evidence of individual and whole class learning

(California Teaching Performance Expectations, 2013 p. 15). TPE 9 discusses the necessity of

teachers to tie the instructional plan to the characteristics they discovered about their students

including the delivery of the material and the assessments that they choose to highlight the

information. The main theme of Domain D is to explain the importance of differentiated

instruction and formal plans to meet the expectations of both the California TPEs and the


Article Summary

This article covers how the difference in ability within a classroom has to be

identified and accounted for early meeting the challenges of those differences a part of the

instruction. The purpose of the article is to examine a need for differentiated or academically

responsive instruction. It provides support in theory and research for differentiating instruction

based on a model of addressing student readiness, interest, and learning profile for a broad range

of learners in mixed-ability classroom settings. (Tomlinson 2003, p. 119) The article concludes

that teachers are not being proactive enough to make the modifications needed of their students.

Relationship between Domain D and the Article

Domain D TPE 8 and 9 focus on the expectation teachers will be willing and able to

differentiate instruction for the needs of their students with article specifically looking at the

differentiation required when the students abilities in the classroom vary. The TPE is more of a

high level approach to differentiation focusing on both education and personal characteristics of

the students while the article is very specific to one form of student characteristic that requires

that the teacher differentiate instruction. The article notes that while it is not happening in the

classroom today, it is important for teachers to make changes based on the varying readiness

levels, interests, and learning profiles of the academically diverse. (Tomlinson, 2003 p.135)

Instructional Planning

Instructional planning is the best opportunity for a teacher to meet the needs of the

California TPE and the needs of their students. Instructional Planning should be something that

is completed with what the teacher knows about the students in mind. This will at least start the

process of ensuring that the teacher is prepared to make additional changes as necessary through

the class period and semester.



California Teaching Performance Expectations. (2013, March). Commission on Teacher

Credentialing. Retrieved from http://www.ctc.ca.gov/educator-prep/standards/adopted-


Tomlinson, C.; Brighton, C.; Hertberg, H.; Callahan, C.; Monn, T.; Brimijoin, K.; Conover, L.;

& Reynolds, T. (2003). Differentiating Instruction in Response to Student Readiness,

Interest, and Learning Profile in Academically Diverse Classrooms: A Review of

Literature. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. Vol. 27, No. 2/3 pp. 26

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