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The two sides of nonmalcy

trouble finding work. The Youth
r rt-i,. are picked uP randomlY and

the meaning of normalcy.

, **d, time
are foisted on them' Each
"ur", a tension-inducing
:*i-ffiffi iffi*r_:J:n{:i;*t';;ra
:i:*:,'^.' i:l :i^:,:'l'"":::
kilting-takes place, theY retreat
normalcy elicits a sharP response
to Muslim-dominated areas.
here. "There is not a single woman
We cross the Sabarmati and
in Hussain Nagar whose dignitY
wasleft intact,"ruiae*i"uiupi ffiffi pass v:Ylclt":t ll t":-"t:
who lives at the Narodr, r-*'u"j reffiIffil@ A.P
9l:"lt Y:T::
Relief camp, of the
lommunal clashes rocked "X':-':":
*r*ri,rr,rher{arodiapatiyacamp }tf"t}T:-;lJi;,XffiT"111
,rpJd, cut to pieces or burnt." theatres. we repeat the normalcv question and- get 'all is
^;;;:il;;;.;; realisation d1yls:-i-n
Raziyabi, 1/,speakswithacynicismwhichisatestimony w-ell' smiles in reply' And then
.No woman *us ,uped today," ,h" **id, "So i Narendra Modi's Gujarat, normal depends on which side
to her times. I
suppose things are normal." amina says that the men have of the Sabarmati you are in'
included Brijnath's mother, brother
No light yet Integrated Digital Solutions, who later
won the tender, too, backed out after and nephew. Hiral Lal Bhat, one ofthe
mourners, spoke most vehementlY
the ministry did not approve the
expense estimate. against the state government for
It is rumoured that the reason the preventing the Nadimarg survivors
ministry did not give the go-ahead the from leaving Kashmir. I told him that
A MRITSAR: During Baisakhi the survivors had, in fact, sold their
.ta,- (April 13), thousands visit the second time around is the Cabinet
decision to make the Prime Minister belongings, and were on their waY to
Jallianwala Bagh, the site of Gen.
the chairman of the trust. Opposition Jammu. "You were there?" he asked.
Dyer's massacre. Successive govern-
leader Sonia Gandhi heads it now. Hiral LaI seemed shocked when I
ments have liberallY helPed the
told him that I lived in Kashmir- "Have
Jalianwala Bagh National Memorial
you not migrated? How are You alive?"
Trust maintain the garden and
provide amenities for the 5,oOo daily
Any answersP he shot off breathlesslY.
"I am a Muslim," I said in a low
visitors. During the 75th anniversary
voice. Hiral Lal stood gaping, and then
.jJt 1994,, the Centre sanctioned Rs 2 By TARI0 BHAT
disappeared into the crowd. After the
-rre to the trust.
puja, he came up to me and asked me
Former Prime Minister I.K. Gujral T AMMU: A sombre gathering of a question that sPoiled mY day.
also donated Rs 50 lakh towards alight J Kashmiri Pandits on the banks of "Neither me nor mY two sons can
and sound show. Philips India bagged Jammu's Tawi river watched as a
return to Kashmirj' he said. "But do
the contract, but the work was never barber shaved off Brijnath's hair and
you think my grandchildren can make
undertaken, because the culture beard. They were there for the loth duy
to itbackto Kashmir?" I had no answer
ministry which was to give the final rites for the 24 victims of the
and he did not press me for a rePlY. I
nod, sat on the proposal for too long. Nadimarg massacre: the victims

4. Produots endor$cd bY
Bandra railway $tation.', grcat*gfandfather wag lndian cricketer$ hav&..
1, Former Bollywood vamp
f,omilla $utton urito$ oll.,, U Carry placands with $ocial turned flrray from a fl Been boycotted
tr Showhiz tidbits messages chandelier shop, he,.. ft Seen a dip in sales
n Vedic a$tnologY trSell peanuts tr Had the shop assistant f $een a marked incnea$o
trPlay tnuant fired in sales
tr Starlets and item
numbers if lInote out a cheque for
3. Aften GM Amarinder the entire collection For hints scs Pages
Singh's none too good-lookin$ [l Brokc all the chandeliers s6,29, 62,04
2. 0ollege student$ at

Ap*.27,2oo3 triitffi*tn ffi

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