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tTHEl{ D0UES MEET: fhe Sankanacharya

giving an anTawa tpamto Pnime
Minister Atal Bihari Vqipayee

land next to the disputed site for puja.

This did not work out .
There is much speculation-on the
seer's proposal. But those close to him
say there are two'solutions' which will
not have his blessings. One, a court
settlement and two, the building of a
neutral structure. A court decision, he
' has maintained, would hurt the
sentiments of either of the
communities. The disputed site is
sacred to both Hindus and Muslims
and so a neutral structure is also ouL
of the question.
The Sankaracharya rhas rbeeri
secretive this time because he does not
want the initiative to be destroyed in

The smlllng salnt the beginning itself. Journalists are

welcome to seek blessings,'but my lips
are sealed until July 7l' He too has
The Kanchi Sank ar acharya is eminently learnt lessons from his last experience.
Some Hindu and Muslim
suited for the peacemaker's role organisations have questioned the
seer's right to intervene in the issue.
By FAIIYA IMAM ALl/Kanchi obviously emerged from these But he remains unfazed. "Politics must
confabulations. All he would say, a be delinked from religion if the
anchi Sankaracharya month &Bo, was that he "was working Ayodhya issue is to be solved," he has
Jayendra Saraswati is a in tand.em with leaders of both said. But politically speaking, his
gentle but tenacious person. religions." strength comes from having a hopeful
The gentleness aids him in being Last time, the seer managed to get ally in Prime Minister Atal Bihari
persuasive and the tenacity goads him the Viswha Hindu Parishad to the Vajpayee, who has encouraged
to try and try again. FIe will need both negotiating table. The Muslim leaders (actuallypersuaded, many say) him to
these qualities in abu.ndance as he were a bit reluctant. This time, the mediate.
makes yet another effort to solve the \IHP has scaled up its rhetoric and has The Sankaracharya has studied rffi
Ayodhya problem. made critical remarks on the issue in detail. He has received inputY
The Kanchi mutL officials privately Sankaracharya but the Muslim leaders from former bureaucrats, diplomats
term it the Ayodhya match. (The seer, have responded positively. and top politicians who visit the mutb.
it is said, likes cricket.) The TheVHP leaders queeredthe pitch 'Also, he has read up alot onAyodhya,"
Sankaracharya, however, must know by statirrg that Kashi and Mathura said a mutt official.
by now that it is a rather sticky wicket. issues would be taken up. (In a He has also done much for the
That is probably why he is being previous interview to The Week the temple town, focusing on the socio-
very careful this time. His previous Sankaracharya had expressed the hope economic uplift of the Ayodhya
effort was bogged down in that'Ayodhya-like" issues would' not populace. The seer set up the Kanchi
fundamentalist sloganeering. Since be raised again.) Probably the AyodhyaNagara Development Trust a
then he has not talked about 'formula organisation is smarting from the last year ago with five trustees (two Hindus
Ayodhya'. But he was in constant touch experience. The Sankaracharya had and two Muslims from Ayodhya and
with religious leaders of both the persuaded the VHP leaders to agree to one official from the mutt).
communities. The latest proposal, abide by the court verdict. In return, The trust promotes self-
which he has forwarded to the All he promised, he would tryto persuade employment of members of both the
India Muslim Personal Law Board the Prime Minister to allot them the communities. It embodies the
Sankaracharya's ability to balance
religiosity with the neeos of the
Tho sssr har astrnnf",ally tm Uqipryso conlrlrunity. The exact'balance' which
is needed to resolve the Ayodhya
whf;r supports hir rscolrfiiliatlnrt iltorre. rssue. I
40 FJTi?!7Jil Jury 6,2oo3

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