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Come Up Here and Come Away!

Clues to the Timing of the Rapture in Scripture and the Star

Gospel Connected to the Heavenly Signs of 2010 and 2011
By Helena Lehman of

Pillar of Enoch Ministry

IMPORTANT NOTE: This Revised and Updated Article, originally written in March 2010,
was fully revised and updated with new text and illustrations twice: in August and November 2010.
So, if you read the original article or first revision, please read the entire article again to gain the full
benefit of what it teaches about the End Times and the timing of the Rapture and Tribulation. This
article contains copyrighted prose and graphics and may not be altered, excerpted or quoted from
without listing Helena Lehman of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry as the source. Also, please note that if
the print used in this article is too small to read, please use the Zoom feature in your browser
window or within your PDF Reader to re-size the text to suit your eyesight.


Biblical Clues to the Nature of the Rapture and the Bride of Christ ......................................2

More Scriptural Clues Pointing to Two Raptures........................................................................4

The Rapture Revealed in the Parable of the Ten Virgins .........................................................6

Heavenly Signs Announcing the Rapture and Tribulation........................................................7

Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus: Cosmic Spiritual Messengers .....................................................8

Eclipses and Conjunctions Heralding the Wrath to Come ..................................................... 11

How Do We Know We Are Baptized with the Holy Spirit? .................................................... 30

Pinpointing the Seasons of the Rapture by the Feasts of Israel ......................................... 31

The Prophetic Themes of the Feasts of Israel ......................................................................... 31

The Timing of the Two Raptures ................................................................................................ 32

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Biblical Clues to the Nature of the Rapture and the Bride of Christ
One of the most beautiful passages in the Bible is found in the Song of Solomon, which is a love
poem written, at least in part, by King Solomon. Though it may have been written to woo a young noble
woman betrothed to him, some claim it was meant to woo the Queen of Sheba, whom legends state married
Solomon and produced a son by him that became a king in the line of Judah. As a poem between a king and
his bride-to-be, the Song of Solomon has many allegorical implications alluding to the imminent Wedding
Supper of the Lamb with His Bride: the Two-House Church of Judah (Jewish believers) and Ephraim
(Gentile believers). Upon re-reading a portion of this lovely poem recently, I noted a peculiarity that really
held my attention. Note the two identical passages that are repeated in the following section and my
notations identifying the prophetic meanings within the passage:

“My beloved (Yahshua) spoke, and said to me (His Bride the Church): ‘Rise up, my love, my
fair one, and come away (to Heaven). For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The
flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in
our land (in the mid to late spring). The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the
tender grapes give a good smell (unripe or abloom in spring, but ready to harvest in the mid
summer and early autumn). Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away!” - Song of Solomon
2:10-13 (NKJ)

Oddly, this Scripture alludes to two different seasons. The time of flowers and turtledoves singing
refers to the mid to late spring and therefore alludes to the Feast of Pentecost or Shavuot. In addition,
though figs appear in the spring and provide an early summer crop, the main harvest of grapes and figs is
in mid summer to early autumn. This harvest is therefore tied to the autumn harvest festival called the Feast
of Tabernacles. In addition, the fair Lady that the King desires is told to “come away” to dwell where the
King is - not just once - but two times in reference to these two different seasons. Since the Song of
Solomon is an allegory of Christ’s love for His Bride the True Church, it is as if Yahshua were the King
asking His Bride of true believers in Him to join Him in Heaven, where He currently resides with His
Father. This passage therefore contains a double allusion to the Rapture or catching up of the Church to
Yahshua’s Father’s House in Heaven, where Yahshua said that there are many mansions built to house His
saints (John 14:2).

Indeed, though many passages in Scripture hint at a “Rapture” or catching up of the Church, many
naysayers within the Body of Christ argue that belief in a Rapture will leave many unprepared for coming
disasters and hard times, as well as the Tribulation period to come when Yahweh will pour out His wrath
on mankind. Many of these naysayers think it would be a great honor to be called to fight for the cause of
the righteous (by their skewed definition) during the coming time of Jacob’s Trouble. These war-minded
people are often filled with suspicion and hate against specific groups of non-believers or apostates and
believe that God expects His followers to rise up against any and all oppressors with force of arms and
deadly violence if peaceful means fail to gain them their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (as
they define it, not God).

However, there is not one Scripture in the entire Brit Chaddasha or New Testament that advocates
using force of arms to protect our individual liberties or to preserve our nation, culture or lives, though a
few Scriptures are consistently taken out of context by those with no spiritual discernment. Though there
may be some point in the future when hardened warriors will be specifically called by God to fight against
the Antichrist and the New World Order just as the Israelites were called to do in the far past, there is
absolutely no current provision for the use of hard violence in any of Christ’s teachings. On the contrary!
Rather than ask us to fight with force of arms, Yahshua asks His true followers to love their enemies, bless
those who curse and use them, rejoice when they are reviled and turn the other cheek when they are
slapped in the face either emotionally or physically (See Matthew 5:38-44; Luke 6:26-35). Yahshua also
repeatedly asks His followers to develop a close personal relationship with Him and to longingly and
expectantly wait and watch for His return to Earth to rescue the Church from the coming Wrath of God
upon the wicked (See Matthew 7:7-8, 22-23; 24:38-47; John 10:14, 27-30; 2 Timothy 2:19).
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Nonetheless, there are many believers today who think that they will have to live through the entire
Tribulation and fight with physical weapons of war against God’s enemies. Some even believe that they
must win a physical Kingdom on Earth for Yahshua before He returns. Meanwhile, there are still others
who want to stay behind to fight against demonic spiritual principalities and powers by wielding the power
of the Holy Spirit against these unseen evil realms controlling our world today and winning lost souls for
Christ through evangelism and spiritual warfare. Due to these huge doctrinal schisms between various
groups of believers, it may be that Yahweh always intended to leave the Rapture in the realm of CHOICE.
In other words, it may truly be up to the individual believer to decide whether they will attend the Wedding
of the Lamb in Heaven or stay here on Earth to save the lost and/or fight the Antichrist and his wicked
armies either through force of physical arms or spiritual power, or both.

As a case in point, one day while I was in deep prayer, I was specifically asked by God if I would be
willing to stay on Earth during the Tribulation to be a witness for Him. At that time, I knew I had a right to
refuse because God knew how much I wanted to attend the Wedding Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, and
He had already promised that I would be a part of it. Nonetheless, after some deep contemplation of the
severe suffering I might have to experience first hand and the loss I might find from not being part of the
Rapture, I told God that I would stay if it would help further His kingdom. But I also asked that He take
away my fear, and He did by promising me that those who would willingly stay behind to be witnesses
would be protected and unable to be harmed. I realized then that God was trying to show me two things.
First, that Revelation’s 144,000 chosen ones of Israel are not all Jews, but also of the Lost Tribes of Israel like
me. Second, that these saints will be immortal when they are chosen to serve God during the Tribulation,
having already taken part in the Rapture!

Whether or not one chooses to believe that what I just described was a bonafide supernatural
encounter with the Living God of Abraham, Scripture makes it clear that our God Yahweh loves to present
paradoxes and mysteries for His human children to ponder, and, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, to
eventually help them to understand and embrace these paradoxes. I believe that this is one of those: that
while to go to be with Yahshua is the desire of every spiritually baptized believers’ heart, the desire to stay
and serve God may override that desire in certain people because they want to win souls for Christ by
taking part in the spiritual harvest that will take place during the Tribulation. I believe that the most
dedicated individuals among this group of Jewish and Israelite believers are destined to become the 144,000

Whether someone takes part in the Rapture or not is also based on how one chooses to live their
lives. If the believer in question is an intellectual or cultural Christian that is living carnally and shows no
fruits of the Spirit, this is clear evidence that they are not baptized with the Holy Spirit at all regardless of
their claims to believe in Christ and they will be left behind. Another sign of those who are only paying lip-
service to God and His Christ are those who show an unwillingness to pay any heed to Yahshua’s two all-
encompassing commandments (See Matthew 22:36-40). Yahshua’s second commandment is to love one
another as we love ourselves, which includes learning to truly love and care for ourselves and to love our
enemies and bless those who curse us. The first and greatest commandment is to love God the Father with
our whole heart, body, mind and spirit since He is the ultimate source of perfect love. Loving people God’s
way includes abstaining from emotional manipulation, sexual sin and substance abuse. Those who don’t
trust our Father Yahweh and His Son on a daily basis, don’t attempt to discern and follow Their will in
every aspect of their lives, and don’t care deeply about the welfare of believers and lost souls are carnally-
minded and therefore are consciously or unconsciously choosing to stay on Earth rather than participate in
the Rapture. As a result, they may be left behind by default unless they choose to become born again by
surrendering their lives to Christ before it is too late.

To become born again, a person must believe the following: 1) That Yahshua is the one and only Son
of Yahweh Elohim, was born of a virgin Jewess in Bethlehem, and - though the Jews rejected Him - died as
a sin offering for the sins of the Jewish people and the entire Gentile world on a Roman cross; 2) That
Father Yahweh raised Yahshua from the dead to show His power over death and the Devil; 3) That without
remorse and repentance that leads us to accept Yahshua’s sacrifice on the Cross to pay for our sins, there is
no other means of salvation; 4) That those who refuse to repent and accept Christ’s sacrifice are dead in
their sins and destined to perish; 5) That Yahshua expects His followers to commit their lives to Him and
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 4

have faith that He will never leave nor forsake them; 6) That believers must reject and deny the passions,
lusts and desires of the world and the flesh and change for the better with Christ’s help via His indwelling
Spirit; 7) That no one can truly believe in Yahshua or follow His perfect example unless they can conform to
the preceding six points via the baptism of the Holy Spirit; 8) That Yahshua sits at the right hand of His
Father in Heaven and that He will return one day soon in the flesh to save a remnant of the Jews and
Tribulation saints from annihilation, destroy the armies of the wicked gathered against Israel, and end the
persecution of the saints scattered abroad with their resurrection into everlasting life.

Though some would question my addition of the eighth point above, it is my contention that no true
believer would deny that Scripture teaches about Yahshua’s literal return to Earth in a glorified, resurrected
body and that our resurrected Messiah will allow many saints to share in His Glory on that day. Those who
deny Yahshua’s literal return are in danger of falling for a total imposter called the Antichrist, who some
say might be a cloned counterfeit or a literal descendant of the “seed of the serpent.” The serpent’s seed
were the Nephilim angel-human hybrids that ruled over and terrorized humanity before the Flood.

Indeed, though I wish it were far-fetched, it is now entirely possible that scientists could create a
cross between the Jewish bloodline of Christ and the Nephilim bloodline of the Devil through the DNA
found in the bones of humanoid giants and the blood stains that were found on the Shroud of Turin, which
may have been the actual burial cloth of Christ. Though many still deny it, there is every reason to believe
that the carbon dating of the Shroud was faulty due to the medieval interweaving of newer fabric into the
damaged corners of the Shroud where the samples were taken to do the tests.

Though it is hard to believe that there is any way that Yahweh would allow Yahshua’s literal blood
to be used in such an evil way, some also point to the sensationalistic claims that the late adventurer Ron
Wyatt found the Ark of the Covenant hidden beneath the crucifixion site of Christ at Golgotha in Jerusalem.
When documenting his claims on video, Ron claims to have retrieved a sample of Christ’s blood that had
pooled on the top of the Ark and that it proved to be “alive” when tested in a laboratory. Regardless of
where the bloodlines of the beast that will go down in history known as the Antichrist originate, however,
his plans will not succeed! In the end, he will perish - along with all who fall for his deceptive claims to be
both the Messiah of the world and a deity worthy of the wicked world’s worship.

More Scriptural Clues Pointing to Two Raptures

In this article, I am going to show that those nay saying the Rapture for whatever reason are wrong
to deny the many hints in Scripture of the reality of both an early or Pre-Tribulation Rapture and a second
Mid-Tribulation or Pre-Wrath Rapture of the saints. In order to do so, I am going to overlook many of the
more familiar passages concerning the Rapture and focus on a few obscure ones, like the passage quoted
from the Song of Solomon earlier. In addition, I am going to point to the Signs in the Heavens that Yahshua
warned His disciples to look for when His coming draws near. The most important of these signs are the
three Solar Eclipses on the 1st of the Jewish month of Av between 2008 and 2010, the three Jupiter-Uranus
Conjunctions in Pisces of 2010 and 2011, and the three Taurus-Scorpio Solar Eclipses between December
2010 and December 2011. But before we explore the implications of the triple eclipses and triple conjunctions
between two prophetically significant planets, let’s take a look at another Scripture relating to the Rapture
that is tied to the passage quoted from the Song of Solomon earlier in this article. It is found in Proverbs,
portions of which have also been attributed to Solomon:

“Do not exalt yourself in the presence of the king, and do not stand in the place of the great;
For it is better that he say to you, ‘Come up here,’ than that you should be put lower in the
presence of the prince, whom your eyes have seen.” - Proverbs 25:6-7 (NKJ)

Note that in this passage, we are instructed not to be haughty or proud in the presence of the King,
which alludes to our Heavenly Father. This is followed by a warning that we will not be invited to “Come
up here” into the King and Prince’s presence unless we are humble and worshipful before them both! It is
obvious that the Prince being referred to allegorically here is none other than Yahshua the Messiah, the
great Bridegroom who asks his betrothed to “Come away!” in the Song of Solomon. It is therefore no
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coincidence that the phrase “Come up here” used in Proverbs is nearly identical to the “Come away!”
references in the Song of Solomon. Fascinatingly, the phrase “Come up here” is also found twice in the
Book of Revelation. The first occurrence is as follows:
“After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice
which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here, and I will show you
things which must take place after this.’ Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in
heaven, and One sat on the throne.” - Revelation 4:1-2 (NKJ)

In the preceding Scripture, the command to “Come up here” is found in reference to an open door
that allows a person to visit the throne room of Yahweh in Heaven, where the Wedding of the Lamb will no
doubt take place. This command to enter through that open door is made at the beginning of the Tribulation
period, before the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls of God’s Wrath are unleashed. Prophetically, this open door
is an allusion to Christ’s Cross, whose shed blood cleanses those who are covered by it of their sins. It is
also the door that is given to the Church of Philadelphia or True Church to escape God’s coming Wrath:

“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for
you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.” - “Because you have
kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon
the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what
you have, that no one may take your crown.” - Revelation 3:8, 10-11 (NKJ)

This Scripture is clearly referring to a supernaturally led Exodus of God’s servants to a heavenly
place of refuge from God’s Wrath. Anyone who argues that this does not refer to the coming Rapture of the
saints is blind to the prophetic Language of God. As such, they are not allowing themselves to be led by the
Holy Spirit and cannot correctly interpret Scripture. Therefore, such misguided souls can only give a carnal,
worldly interpretation of these passages. Interestingly, the command to “Come up here!” appears for the
second time in reference to the resurrection of the Two Witnesses:

“Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them (i.e. the Two
Witnesses), and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. And they heard
a loud voice from heaven saying to them, ‘Come up here.’ And they ascended to heaven in a cloud,
and their enemies saw them. In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city
fell. In the earthquake seven thousand men were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to
the God of heaven.” - Revelation 11:11-13 (NKJ)

This resurrection and subsequent translation of the Two Witnesses occurs at exactly the mid-point of
the seven-year Tribulation period that is identified in Scripture as Daniel’s Seventieth Week. At the time
that the Two Witnesses are caught up to Heaven with the command “Come up here!”, it is my contention
that a final wave of attendees to the Wedding of the Lamb will be snatched away with them. This
miraculous translation and snatching up of perhaps billions of new believers may actually release an
enormous amount of supernatural energy that could trigger the massive earthquake that Scripture indicates
will accompany the ascension of the Two Witnesses into Heaven. In this way, the world may easily be
duped into thinking that those who are missing were merely lost in this fierce quake rather than saved by
Yahweh’s Grace and mercy. Interestingly, this is also when the last of the Seven Trumpets of judgment is

“The second woe is past. Behold, the third woe is coming quickly. Then the seventh angel
sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdoms of this world have become
the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” - Revelation
11:14-15 (NKJ)

Could this be the Last Trumpet that the Apostle Paul spoke about in his description of the Rapture
in 1 Thessalonians as shown in the following Scripture?
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 6

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed - in a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead
will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” - 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (NKJ)

Even though the Book of Revelation wasn’t likely written until Paul had gone to be with the Lord
there is no reason to doubt that the last trumpet Paul spoke about in the above passage could be a prophetic
reference to the last or Seventh Trumpet of God’s Wrath that is mentioned in Revelation, while at the same
time being tied to the Shofars or ram’s horn trumpets sounded on the Feast of Trumpets or Yom Teruah.
Could it be that Paul, who always preached to the Jews he found in each community before preaching to
the Gentiles, was preaching to the Jews when he said the above and that he was referring specifically to the
time when many Jews would at last believe that Yahshua is the Messiah and would be saved out of the
Tribulation just before the bowls of God’s wrath are poured out? If so, the 144,000 Witnesses chosen at the
beginning of the Tribulation will be snatched up to Heaven at this time along with the believing Jews and
new Christians found throughout the world.

In fact, Yahshua’s true Second Coming in Glory may actually be at the mid-point and not at the end
of the Tribulation! From the references in Revelation pertaining to the 144,0000, it appears that Yahshua will
retrieve the rest of His bridal party and return to Heaven with them until it is time for them to return at the
Battle of Armageddon. In fact, it could be Yahshua’s miraculous appearance and snatching away of the
carnal world’s hated Messianic and Christian hostages at this time that will drive the wicked in their final
detestable assault on the Promised Land of Israel. In their insane efforts to annihilate the stubborn Jewish
people that our Messiah nonetheless still loves, the wicked armies of the Antichrist will perish by the
sword. After this, their bodies will become food for the carrion birds after their blood literally floods the
battlegrounds in Israel and atones for the murder of God’s people throughout history. My ideas about the
144,000 Witnesses was originally explained in a short article that was written several years ago. Here is a
link to it:
Who Are the 144,000 Witnesses of Revelation?:

The Rapture Revealed in the Parable of the Ten Virgins

In my book “The Language of God in Humanity,” it is shown that the Parable of the Ten Virgins in
Matthew, Chapter 25 is an amazing allegorical picture of the events that will coincide with the seven-year
Tribulation period on Earth. In fact, this parable literally refers to the Wedding of the Lamb mentioned in
the Book of Revelation. For this heavenly wedding, Yahshua will be the Groom who will come to take His
Bride and five of her virgin handmaidens to the Wedding Supper in His Father’s House in Heaven. Here is
the portion of this amazing Parable that explains this:

“And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’
Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us
some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should
not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while
they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the
wedding; and the door was shut.” - Matthew 25:6-10 (NKJ)

This Parable is filled with allegorical references that can be interpreted as follows. The door that
was shut is referring to the open door in Revelation 3:8. This door will be opened to admit the Raptured
saints and then it will be shut. The Bridegroom, of course, is Yahshua Ha Mashiach. However, the
Bridegroom also signifies all literal Jewish believers, while the Bride signifies the Israelite Tribe of Ephraim
that is spoken of so often along with Judah in many Bible prophecies. In ancient times, the Ephraimites
mingled among the Gentiles when they sinned against God and were carried away from Israel as captives
and refugees.

Now, while the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel also allegorically refers to Gentiles that have hidden
Israelite blood in their heritage and have lost their Israelite identity, the Tribe of Ephraim is a special class
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 7

of deeply devoted Israelite believers that will form the Bride of Christ. The Bride therefore is not formed by
all believers but represents only the elect among the part-Israelite people of the world whose relationship
with and love for God is beyond reproach. However, keep in mind that some saved souls that are to be
counted as the Bride of Christ are purely Gentile believers that have spiritually married or been adopted
into the Tribe of Ephraim.

Meanwhile, the Ephraimite Bride’s virgin handmaids signify believers from five of the Seven
Churches of Gentile and mixed Israelite believers spoke of in Revelation. The five virgins that have enough
oil of the Holy Spirit in the their lamps signify only a portion of the most faithful among the spiritual and
literal Israelites who love God dearly and do their best to follow His law to love one another as Yahshua
loves us. Meanwhile, the five foolish virgins that don’t have enough oil and are left-behind signify those
who are technically saved among the Gentiles and Lost Israelites, but whose spiritual walk with God is
weak and leaves much to be desired.

In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, five of the virgin attendants of the Israelite Bride of Christ are
ready to leave with her when the Jewish Bridegroom arrives to take her to His Father’s House in Heaven for
the wedding. However, five of the virgins attending the Bride do not get to join the bridal procession
because they have to go out and buy more oil for their lamps. This oil is referring to the anointing of the
Holy Spirit, as all anointing that set people and objects apart for holy service in Israel was once done with a
special blend of olive oil that was scented with aromatic plant extracts including spikenard, frankincense,
aloe, and/or myrrh.

Since five of the Ten Virgins have no oil or Holy Spirit power as the seal guaranteeing their
inheritance in the Kingdom of God, Yahshua sadly must reprimand them by telling them that “I never knew
you.” This suggests that those left behind will have the appearance of godliness without knowing its spirit
because they will have absolutely no relationship with Christ. They will be barred from Heaven by their
failure to procure the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit that brings true believers the spiritual gifts of
love, peace, kindness, gentleness, long-suffering, visions, dreams, discernment, and Christ’s power to help
the needy, heal the sick and cast out demons.

The singling out of five of the ten virgin bridesmaids also suggests that Yahshua will have to leave
behind about half of those who claim Yahshua as their Bridegroom. This will be due to the fact that -
though these people may have accepted Christ - they will have done nothing to prove their salvation nor
shown the true gifts of the Holy Spirit to do good works in keeping with God’s Spirit. In light of this, and
the fact that the Scriptures explored earlier in this article clearly hint that the Rapture will occur in two
distinct phases, the Parable of the Ten Virgins suggests that a Second Rapture may have to occur. This
Second Rapture will be to gather up the wayward virgins or believers that are not ready when Yahshua first
comes for His Bride.

Heavenly Signs Announcing the Rapture and Tribulation

Now that we have examined the Scriptures, let’s look at the heavenly signs that may be announcing
the coming of the first Pre-Tribulation or early Tribulation phase of the Rapture and the imminent onslaught
of the Tribulation. In my book “The Language of God in Prophecy,” I explore many heavenly signs that
have or will occur between 1995 and the year 2017. This article is now destined to become a part of the last
chapter in that book and will appear in my revision of it slated for release in mid December 2010. In that
book, I show that the Tribulation may begin in 2011 using the symbolism in the Hallel Psalms and the Great
Pyramid at Giza. If this is true - as the exhaustive findings in my book strongly suggest - then the first
phase of the Rapture must occur sometime between the end of 2010 and the end of 2012. Though the
Rapture could occur at anytime in the first few years of the Tribulation, the first of the seven years of the
Tribulation will likely be 2011, or the year 5771 on the Jewish Calendar.

Start of Excerpt from the last chapter of “The Language of God in Prophecy,”
with color illustrations substituted for the black and white ones in the book:
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 8

Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus: Cosmic Spiritual Messengers

Regarding God’s timing, there are three major sets of triple Signs in the Heavens that are
earmarking 2010 and 2011 as highly significant. First, there were three Solar Eclipses on the 1st of Av, which
is in the middle of a time of mourning over the loss of the Temple to Yahweh in 70 AD. These Solar Eclipses
occurred on August 1st, 2008 and July 22nd, 2009 in the sign of Cancer, and on July 11th, 2010 in the sign of
Gemini. The second set of signs is a triple conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Uranus in the sign of
Pisces on June 6th, 2010, September 22nd, 2010, and January 4th, 2011. Then there is a third triple sign of
three consecutive Total Lunar Eclipses - with the first one on the Winter Solstice of December 21st, 2010 in
the sign of Taurus over Orion’s upraised sword. This will be followed by Total Lunar Eclipses on June 15th,
2011 in the sign of Scorpio and on December 10th, 2011 in the sign of Taurus. All three sets of these triple
heavenly signs likely have much to do with the imminence of the Rapture and beginning of the Tribulation.

Before we continue, however, it is important to note that the connection of heavenly signs with Bible
prophecy cannot be clearly seen unless one has the baptism of the Holy Spirit and knows the spiritual
meaning behind each planets’ and star signs’ physical and allegorical characteristics. For example, Uranus is
the third largest planet in our Solar System next to Jupiter and Saturn. Now - according to the Gospel in the
Stars and the Language of God that are a part of Sacred Astronomy - both Jupiter and Saturn represent
Yahshua the Messiah in his differing roles. Utilizing the spiritual disciplines that righteous Sethites like
Enoch and Noah understood, Jupiter, with its reddish cast suggestive of blood, can be seen to signify
Yahshua as a Shepherd King, Kinsman Redeemer and Avenger of Blood. Meanwhile, Saturn with its serene
blue coloration and regal rings or crowns, represents Yahshua as the Crowned King and Judge of a peaceful
Universe that is finally and forever under His absolutely loving government control. However, since Satan
is currently the ruler of this world, Saturn is often falsely associated with Satan in occult circles.

Because they can’t be seen without the aid of powerful telescopes, the planet Uranus and its near-
twin Neptune (the fourth largest planet with its own special story to tell) signify godly spiritual mysteries.
The mysteries of our faith that are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and concern the Kingdom of God are
mentioned often by the Apostle Paul (Romans 11:25, 16:25; Ephesians 3:3-4, 6:19; Colossians 1:26-27).
Although these planets cannot be seen with the naked eye, Uranus and Neptune have great mass and exert
strong magnetic and gravitational forces on the other bodies in our Solar System. This means that they also
must have a strong hidden affect on the events revealed in Enoch’s Heavenly Tablets, which are the
divinely written histories found in the 48 constellations of the ancient Zodiac that were authored by
Yahshua when He created the Universe for His Father with the aid of the Holy Spirit.

Now, in my book “The Language of God in History,” I examined Classical Mythology to show its
amazing ties with the characters and events in the Old Testament historical narratives. This was done partly
to prove that Nimrod’s Babylon knew and bastardized the Star Gospel to invent a false religion centered
around the humanistic worship of people and created things instead of the Creator God. Interestingly, the
attributes and events surrounding the false gods connected to the planets Uranus and Neptune are likely
deified perversions of the righteous man Noah’s character and history. In keeping with the hidden aspect of
Uranus and Neptune, my book also shows that Noah was likely a hermit like his great grandfather Enoch.
Like Enoch, Noah may have remained righteous by keeping himself separate from the affairs of mankind
and hidden from them so that only a few knew where he dwelled or how to find him. This suggests that
those who will be counted as the Bride of Christ may need to be virtual hermits as well, with themselves
and their immediate family living in the world but totally separate from and basically unconcerned with
fleshly, carnal, political and organized religious pursuits.

Amazingly, many more of the physical characteristics of Uranus have strong biblical connections. For
example, Uranus has eleven faint rings and 27 known moons, but only five of its moons are truly
prominent. Likewise, the Bible tells us that there were only eleven faithful apostles of Christ and there are
exactly 27 books in the New Testament, with five - the four Gospels and the Book of Revelation - that are
more significant than the rest. In addition, though the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, five of those letters
having an additional finial form that were shown to be tied to the Tribulation period in Chapter Two.
Oddly, Uranus is also the only planet in the Solar System whose poles point nearly directly toward the Sun.
Due to this, Uranus appears as though it had been knocked over onto its side in some kind of massive
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 9

cosmic collision. Allegorically, Uranus’ unique tilt is also suggestive of bowing down before a great
personage, and the greater celestial bodies Jupiter and the Sun signify the Preincarnate Christ and God the
Father. Therefore, Uranus’ tilt could signify the pure nature of true believers that are fully humble and
repentant before God and His Son and not proud of their sins. Meanwhile, Uranus’ eleven faint rings may
signify the crowns or diadems to be worn by the eleven faithful Tribes of Israel that will form the Bride of
Christ - excluding the Tribe of Dan.

Now, when pairing up the planets with the Zodiac signs and Tribes of Israel in my book “The
Language of God in the Universe,” I followed traditional Astrology to some extent. However, I also showed
the connection of the Twelve Tribes of Israel to each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Interestingly, Uranus
is connected to the Zodiac sign of Pisces, which signifies the Two Houses of Israel, and the Tribe of Simeon.
This is because Reuben sinned against God and lost his birthright, so Leah’s son Simeon became Jacob’s
heir instead of Reuben. The Holy Spirit also revealed to me that - as a large planet that is adjacent to Saturn
but too distant to be seen with the naked eye - Uranus signifies the Bride of Christ who is now hidden in
the world, but will soon be revealed in all of her Glory as the true Queen of Heaven and Earth. Because
Uranus is invisible without a telescope, this large pale blue planet also represents the mystery of the
Kingdom of God (See Mark 4:11), which will become a material reality on Earth after the Wedding of the
Lamb with the Bride of Christ.

As revealed in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, only five of the Bride’s virgin handmaids are taken
with her to the Wedding. The five handmaids that accompany the Bride because they have enough “oil” or
gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lamps signify groups of believers that are truly born-again. These believers
live under Grace and actively utilize their spiritual gifts to give light to others who are in spiritual darkness.
Meanwhile, the other five virgins without enough oil that are left behind signify spiritually lazy people who
profess to love Yahshua but are not born-again and do not share their faith or actively seek to draw nearer
to God.

Jupiter the Kinsmen Redeemer and Uranus the Bride of Christ

Likewise, Uranus’ five prominent moons signify the Bride’s five virgin handmaids that have plenty
of Holy Spirit oil. Meanwhile, Uranus has twenty-two other moons, and 22 is the number of letters in the
Hebrew Alphabet and in the Book of Revelation, which ends with a description of the New Jerusalem. As
such, the number 22 signifies completion. Adding these 22 small moons to Uranus’ five largest moons, this
planet has 27 moons altogether - and there just happens to be 27 books in the New Testament or Brit
Chaddasha. Could these moons signify the 27 books of the New Testament that record the details and rules
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 10

of the New Covenant? It would seem likely since Uranus signifies the Bride of Christ and the Bride should
faithfully follow the New Testament, which is the only reliable earthly record of Yahshua’s teachings of the
concepts of Salvation and Grace.

As expounded earlier, the planet Jupiter also has much allegorical meaning. Since ancient times,
Jupiter has been considered the “king” planet in association with the “king” star Regulus in Leo, as both of
these celestial bodies are often found to be prominent in the sky at the births of great personages like kings.
Jupiter is therefore associated with greatness and is second only to Venus and the star Sirius in brilliance.
Likewise, according to the Jewish sages, Jupiter signifies their coming Messiah and King. Not surprisingly,
Jupiter was extremely prominent in the heavens at the most likely time of Christ’s birth, which was between
the summer of 3 BC and the winter of 2 BC. As explained in my book “The Language of God in the
Universe,” the retrograde movements of the planet Jupiter may have been partly behind the biblical
description of the miraculous Star that the Magi followed to Bethlehem.

Now, due to the Judeo-Christian allegorical meanings behind the planets Uranus and Jupiter, any
conjunction between them is quite significant. Not only are they a symbol for the future Wedding of the
Lamb, but of Christ’s great love for His Bride the True Church. Hauntingly, just as the dawning of the first
day of God’s Creation may have occurred on June 6th, 10,500 BC (a symbolic 666), Jupiter and Uranus will
be in conjunction in Pisces for the first time in 2010 on June 6th, which is just one month before an amazing
Solar Eclipse on the 1st of Av or July 11th, 2010 in the sign of Gemini. Now, since God may have begun His
act of Creation on June 6th, 10,500 BC - a date that invokes the number 666 - could it be that this number
originally signified godly things? Intriguingly, there is evidence of this hidden within the Magic Sun Square,
which may allegorically depict not only the Sun, which signifies Yahweh, but God’s Throne room in
Heaven. For further study, refer to my detailed article about the Magic Sun Square and its connection to the
Great Pyramid, which can be found at my web site. If so, the date of June 6th for this
conjunction may be hinting that the evil perpetrated by the Antichrist whose name number is 666 will be
reversed by the coming Rapture of those who love the 66 books of the Bible as well as the Second Coming
of Christ. The Rapture may lead millions of unsaved people who are left behind to repent and accept Christ
as their Savior before the Antichrist and his armies are destroyed at the Battle of Armageddon.

Amazingly, the Zodiac signs that these two prominent celestial events of 2010 will occur in are
directly connected to both the Wedding of the Lamb and His Bride the True Church. For example, those
who have read my books will remember that the two fishes of Pisces signify the Two Houses of the Church
today. Indeed, coupled with neighboring Aquarius, the Pisces fishes form “the Sign of Jonah” that Yahshua
spoke of (Matthew 12:39-40, 16:4; Luke 11:29-30). The fish swimming toward the constellation Andromeda
signifies those who are bound to the Law and to salvation by works. These are the people who are under a
yoke of slavery to the Law because they are not baptized with the Holy Spirit and have no lasting ability to
resist sin or avoid the lusts of the flesh. They may have been baptized with water, but they have never
experienced a true change of heart as a direct result of a supernatural encounter with the living God.

Meanwhile, the other fish of Pisces that is swimming along the path of the Sun called the ecliptic
signifies those who are following the righteous Way of Yahweh. These redeemed souls are depicted as a fish
following the literal path of the Sun as a symbol of righteousness. These are the fish caught in the harvest
who are saved by Yahshua’s blood and are living under His Grace. Meanwhile, in its simplest sense,
Gemini the Twins signifies a bond of love and a covenant union that ends the animosity between two
warring family groups. In the Bible, Gemini can therefore signify the end of the antagonism between Cain
and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob, and Reuben and Joseph via acts of forgiveness and love.

In modern times, Gemini still signifies the war between Ishmael or Islam, and Isaac or Judeo-
Christianity. However, though it is the resurrected Yahshua who will bring these opposing factions together
one day in a truly lasting peace, the Antichrist must first appear to offer these warring parties a temporary
peace that will lead to the most oppressive government and massive war in human history. This war has
been dubbed the Battle of Armageddon after the word used to name the valley in the Book of Revelation
where the Antichrist’s multinational armies gather (Rev. 16:16). Fascinatingly, the number of the passage in
Revelation that speaks of this great war is 16:16, and it is highly possible that this battle may begin in 2016 if
the Tribulation begins in 2011. The valley where the battle will primarily take place can be identified with
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 11

modern Israel’s Jezreel Valley in the north. This valley was once in the land of the Philistines. The ancestors
of the Palestinians were the Philistines, who also hated the Israelites and repeatedly tried to destroy them
after the Israelites had conquered and resettled much of the Promised Land. As a result, the Valley of
Megiddo, which was the ancient home of the Philistine city of Megiddo, saw many terrible wars.

Now, the most amazing thing about the conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces in 2010 is that
they will occur near to the center of the fish on the ecliptic, and this fish is the one that signifies the True
Church, while the other fish signifies the Jewish people. Amazingly, the fish on the ecliptic has always
rested directly above the back of Pegasus, the flying white horse, and this white horse is a symbol for the
one that Yahshua will ride to victory when He returns to Earth at the End of the Tribulation (Rev. 19:11).

On Sunday, June 6th, 2010, a conjunction occurred between Jupiter signifying the Messiah and
Bridegroom and the planet Uranus representing the Bride of Christ and five of her handmaids. This
conjunction appeared directly over the Pisces fish that is allegorically riding the celestial horse named
Pegasus. which represents the white steed that will carry our Messiah Yahshua between Heaven and Earth!
Meanwhile, the Sun was centered between the horns of Taurus signifying the Tribe of Joseph, the Ten Lost
Tribes of Israel and the Gentile Church, and the planet Venus representing Yahshua as the Morning Star
was centered over the Pollux twin of Gemini signifying Yahshua as the Bridegroom. In allegorical cosmic
terms, there truly could not be a more appropriate symbol for the return of Yahshua to claim His Bride!

At the same time as the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, there was another conjunction between the
planet Mars signifying war and blood atonement and the king star Regulus in Leo that represents Yahshua
our Messiah crowned as king and coming to defeat Satan and reign victoriously over the whole Earth.
Coupled with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces representing believing Jews and Gentiles that are
God’s Chosen People Israel, this Mars-Regulus conjunction suggests that the war between the righteous and
the wicked will soon escalate and lead to the Second Coming of Christ represented by the sign of Leo, the
Lion and King of Judah. But this is not the only witness in the stars, for this amazing double conjunction on
June 6th was closely followed by other celestial signs that will be discussed in the next section.

Eclipses and Conjunctions Heralding the Wrath to Come

Three triple occurrences of specific Heavenly Signs will occur between mid 2008 and the end of 2011.
The first triple sign of the coming Tribulation’s imminence is a string of three Total Solar Eclipses in 2008,
2009 and 2010 on the 1st day of the Jewish Lunar Month of Av. The 1st of Av is nine days before a major
Jewish day of lamentation and fasting called the 9th of Av, which ends a three week period of mourning
over the destruction of the Temple to Yahweh in Jerusalem in 70 AD. Intriguingly, the 1st of Av falls in the
middle of this time of sadness. This, coupled with the fact that there are three of these eclipses in a row,
emphasizes the dire seriousness of the prophetic event that they are portending for the Jewish people. Since
the last of these eclipses falls in 2010, these eclipses seem to be heralding a terrible time of great sorrow and
fasting for the Jewish people that may be coming for them in 2011. Could this be the time of Jacob’s Trouble
that is also known as the Great Tribulation? Could they mark the nearness of the onset of the war between
Israel and her enemies that was heralded by Psalm 83 and Psalm 108? The Solar Eclipse on August 1st, 2008
was best seen in the Middle East in the sign of Cancer the Crab, which is a symbol representing the
spiritual harvest of the Two-House Church of Judah and Ephraim during the Church Age or Age of Pisces
as well as the future Kingdom of God on Earth during the Millennial Rule of Christ. The Solar Eclipse on
July 22nd, 2009 was also best seen in the sign of Cancer, but in Southeast Asia rather than the Middle East.

Finally, the Solar Eclipse on the 1st of Av on July 11th, 2010 occurred in the sign of Gemini the
Twins and was best seen over Easter Island in the South Pacific. Fascinatingly, Gemini is a symbol for the
conflict between brothers seen in Abraham’s sons Isaac and Ishmael and Isaac’s fraternal twin sons
Jacob/Israel and Esau. However, it also signifies the resolution of the conflict via marriage - specifically the
coming marriage of Yahshua to His Bride the True Church at the Wedding of the Lamb. To better explain
the amazing prophetic symbolism of this triple string of Solar Eclipses on the 1st of Av between 2008 and
2010, illustrations were created using a Starry Night Backyard astronomy program and graphics software.
These illustrations can be found on several pages within this section. Of these, there are two illustrations
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pertaining to the Easter Island Solar Eclipse on July 11th, 2010 showing its connection with the mysterious
Moai statues on Easter Island and the highly significant conjunctions between Jupiter and Uranus in the
Sign of Pisces the Fishes, which signifies the Two Houses of Israel.

The Easter Island

Jupiter & Uranus over Pegasus & Pisces Fish: July 11, 2010 Eclipse is tied to the Scorpio-
Sagittarius Longitude in the
Pacific Ocean, which I gained
knowledge of while finishing
“The Language of God in
History” in the spring of 2009.
At that time, I found that the
Longitudinal Meridians of the
Earth that are tied to the
Celestial Meridians used in
astronomy programs and
planispheres to chart the
movement of celestial bodies in
Earth’s skies have a strong
prophetic quality. Then, using
the correlation of the Giza
Pyramid Complex with Orion’s
Belt and the Red and Bent
Pyramids at Dahshur in Egypt
with the horns of Taurus, I was
able to locate the alignment of
the Celestial Meridians with
the Earth in the orientation
being indicated by the
pyramids. Upon doing so, it
became evident that the
constellation Orion, which is
symbolized as a warrior or
hunter striding forward with a sword or club raised overhead, is a giant time-marker. In fact, Orion’s
sword-tip points to a spot on the Sun’s Ecliptic that lies directly between the signs of Gemini and Taurus.
This also marks a Celestial Longitude where the Summer Solstice occurs in our era.

Intriguingly, if viewed from the air, it can be seen that the processional causeway of the Great
Pyramid points directly to the Summer Solstice point on the eastern horizon at that latitude, which is 14
degrees north of east. Furthermore, the Pillar of Enoch represents the brightest star in Orion’s Belt, which
has the name “Al Nitak.” This Arabic phrase means “The Wounded One” and is allegorically referring to
the wounds that our Messiah Yahshua received on the Cross. Fascinatingly, the three big pyramids at Giza
also symbolize the three crosses that were erected just outside of Jerusalem when Christ was crucified. As
such, the Great Pyramid signifies the cross of the repentant robber, who through his humility and remorse
reflects the nature of the people within the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ. For a more detailed
explanation of this amazing allegorical connection of the Giza Pyramids with the crucifixion of Christ, see
Book Three and Chapter Four of this book.

Since there is this undeniable correlation, could the causeway of the Great Pyramid be pointing to
the Summer Solstice to indicate that this marks the season when Yahshua will return for His Bride in the
Rapture? If so, could it be targeting the Summer Solstice on June 21st, 2011 as the solstice in question? It is
possible. However, since no one can know the exact day or hour of the Rapture, this solstice and the
summer season of 2011 could also be marking some other significant prophetic event that will involve the
Body of Christ and the Jewish people residing in Israel such as the coming war between the Muslim
descendents of Ishmael and the Jewish descendents of Isaac predicted by the prophetic words of Psalm 83
and Psalm 108.
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1st of Av Solar Eclipse of August 1st, 2008

1st of Av Solar Eclipse of July 22nd, 2009

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No matter how else they are viewed, this triplet of 1st of Av Solar Eclipses between 2008 and 2010 is
unquestionably heralding a time of unprecedented trouble for the nation of Israel and the Jews. Lending
credence to the theory that these heavenly signs are heralding the coming of the Tribulation, another triple
celestial sign marks not only the entire year 2011 on the Gregorian Calendar, but particularly the month of
June in 2011. This triple sign is a series of Total Lunar Eclipses that will either directly or indirectly involve
the sign of Taurus the Bull and its opposing sign of Scorpio. Fascinatingly, the first of these is on the night
before the Winter Solstice, and the causeway of Khafre’s Pyramid at Giza which signifies the Cross of Christ
points to the Winter Solstice at that latitude. Could this be a sign that Yahshua will return for His Bride
sometime in the 2010-2011 winter season? Though no one knows for certain, the fact that the Total Lunar
Eclipses between December 2010 thru December 2011 will target the Celestial Meridians marking the
beginning (Taurus) and the end (Scorpio) of the conflict between Jacob and Esau, Judah and Ephraim, and
the ongoing conflict between the Jews and the Gentiles is certainly no accident. These conflicts that are
marked by Taurus and Scorpio correspond to the 30th east longitude over Egypt and Israel and the
opposing 150th west longitude of the Earth over Alaska and Hawaii that are ominously tied not only to
Scorpio, but are physically tied to the westernmost part of the USA.

Before exploring these

Solar Eclipse Over Easter Island - July 11th, 2010
Lunar Eclipses connected to
Taurus, however, let’s focus on
the 1st of Av Solar Eclipses -
particularly the one in 2010. On
the 1st of Av on Sunday, July
11th, 2010, the Moon completely
covered the Sun in a Total Solar
Eclipse. Intriguingly, the 1st of
Av marks the beginning of the
nine days of awe leading up to
the traditional 9th of Av Jewish
day of mourning over the
destruction of the First and
Second Temples in Jerusalem. It
also falls in the middle of a
three-week period of mourning
and lamentation that devout
Jews commemorate between the
17th of Tammuz when Jerusalem
was surrounded by Roman
soldiers in 70 AD and the 9th of
Av when the Temple to Yahweh
in Jerusalem was subsequently
sacked and burned.

Unlike the Solar Eclipses

that occurred on the 1st of Av in
2008 and 2009, this Solar Eclipse
was best be seen over Easter
Island in the South Pacific, which is one of the most remote locations on the Earth. Intriguingly, Easter
Island features many mysterious lava-rock cut statues called Moai. Though few seem to comment on it,
these statues physically appear to be representing hundreds of starving, distressed people looking anxiously
upward. Could it be that they were left there by our righteous ancestors to indicate a time when such
frightening Signs in the Heavens would begin to appear over this exact spot on Earth? It would make sense,
since these statues and the barren, near desolate island they have been built upon appear to accurately
depict the End Times described in the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Revelation:

“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress
of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and
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the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven will be
shaken.” Luke 21:25-26 (NKJ)

“When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, ‘Come and see.’ So I
looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I
heard a voice… saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius;
and do not harm the oil and the wine.’ When He opened the fourth seal… I looked, and behold, a
pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And
power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death,
and by the beasts of the earth.”
“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the
sun became black as sackcloth of hair (a Solar Eclipse), and the moon became like blood (a Lunar
Eclipse). And the stars of heaven fell to the earth… Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled
up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place (a global pole shift?). And the kings
of the earth… the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in
the rocks of the mountains, and said to the(m)… ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who
sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and
who is able to stand?’” - Revelation 6:5-8, 12-17 (NKJ)

The Star Gospel surrounding the 2010 Easter Island Solar Eclipse ties in well with the symbolism of
Psalm 110, and the prophecies in the Hallel Psalms indicate that Psalm 110 is tied to 2010 - the probable year
before the Tribulation begins. In Psalm 110, we are told that Yahshua will sit at His Father’s right hand to
watch upcoming events on Earth and that He will extend His scepter from Zion, which is tied to Orion and
the Great Pyramid. The day before this Solar Eclipse, the Messiah planet Jupiter and Uranus were in near
conjunction over the Pisces Fish riding on the back of Pegasus, as seen in the illustration on page 12.

As shown in Book One, Jupiter signifies the Messiah Yahshua as our Savior or Kinsmen Redeemer,
and Uranus with its five moons can signify Christ’s Bride and her five virgin maids going to Heaven in the
Rapture. Meanwhile, the fish over Pegasus signifies Ephraim or the True Church being taken to Heaven in
the Rapture. Amazingly, Jupiter (Christ) and Uranus (His Bride) will remain over this Ephraimite fish
through January 2011, when Jupiter and Uranus will move into conjunction one last time before moving
apart again. Could this be hinting that the Rapture will come shortly after this last conjunction? If it does, it
could mean that the late winter or early spring of 2011 might be a tragic time for all who are left behind!
Considering that the true start of 2011 on the Jewish Sacred Calendar is Nissan 1 or April 5th, 2011, and
Easter Island was discovered on April 5th in 1722 by a Dutch explorer named Jacob (i.e. Israel!) Roggeveen,
the Rapture could occur before then if it is to be a Pre-Tribulation event. If so, then the Signs in the
Heavens targeting June of 2011 could mark the time of the terrible war that will lead to the Antichrist’s final
rise to power in Daniel’s 70th week - when the Antichrist will help ratify an infamous and false seven-year
covenant or treaty with Israel.

Now, at the time of the 1st of Av Solar Eclipse on July 11th, 2010 over Easter Island, the Moon -
which signifies the two wives of Jacob and the Two House Church of Judah and Ephraim - was positioned
directly over the Sun, which was over the Pollux twin of Gemini signifying Christ as the Bridegroom.
Intriguingly, the Sun also represents Yahshua as the Son of God and the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi
4:2). Incidentally, all Solar Eclipses signify the unconstructive meddling of a woman over a male leader’s
good decisions such as was displayed by Sarah over Abraham and Rachel over Isaac. Sadly, a Solar Eclipse
can also signify the imagined dominance that wicked humanity thinks it has over God Almighty! This is
likely why Solar Eclipses have traditionally been considered negative signs of foreboding over the lands
where they can be seen. Intriguingly, in every instance of these Total Solar Eclipses on the 1st of Av, the
planet Mercury was also in close proximity. Since Mercury signifies Enoch the Sethite as the translated
Scribe of Righteousness for Yahweh who records everything of divine prophetic significance, it is a prime
indicator that the Sign in the Heavens it accompanies has a prophetic purpose.

This July 2010 Solar Eclipse occurred when the Sun was directly over the Pollux star twin of Gemini
representing the Bridegroom Yahshua as well as Jacob, as shown in the illustration on page 14. Adding to
this symbolism, the star Castor in Gemini the Twins can depict Yahshua’s Bride the True Church as well as
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 16

Esau (Arab and Persian Muslims). As such, Gemini signifies the healing of the breach between feuding
brothers and warring nations. This will be brought about by a divinely sanctioned marriage that will unite
the opposing parties into one loving family for all time.

Due to the heavy symbolism pertaining to the Middle-East Conflict recorded within the 1st of Av
Solar Eclipses that occurred in the summers of 2008, 2009 and 2010, there is no doubt that they were
intended to alert humanity that the Rapture and the time of Jacob’s Trouble are imminent. Furthermore,
since the Jewish religious calendar starts a new cycle on Nissan 1 or April 5th, 2011 - the same date that
Easter Island was discovered - it is likely that these celestial warnings are pointing to events that could
occur in the Jewish sacred year that will fall between Nissan 1 on April 5th, 2011 and Nissan 1 on March
24th, 2012.

Uncannily, there is ample evidence that the Gregorian year beginning on January 1st, 2011 is just as
prophetically significant as the Jewish Sacred Year beginning on April 5th, 2011. This can be found in a
series of three amazing Total Lunar Eclipses or Blood Moons that will mark the beginning, middle and end
of 2011 and that will occur in Taurus and its opposing Zodiac sign Scorpio. As shown in my book “The
Language of God in History,” these two signs figured prominently in the Star Gospel of our righteous
ancestors and were permanently marked on the Earth with magnificent architectural monuments. These can
be found in the pyramids at Egypt at Giza and Dahshur, in the pyramids of Mexico at Teotihuacán, and in
the temples in Angkor, Cambodia. Angkor is the location of Angkor Thom, one of the largest religious
complexes in the world, and it is tied directly to the Satanic constellation Draco the Dragon and indirectly to
Scorpio the Scorpion.

The first of these Blood

Lunar Eclipse Over Orion’s Sword - December 21, 2010 Moons will occur on December 21st,
2010. On that evening just before the
Winter Solstice Sun rises, this Total
Lunar Eclipse will occur on the
ecliptic directly between the signs of
Gemini the Twins and Taurus the
Bull. This is shown in the
illustrations on page 14 and on page
22. Interestingly, Taurus signifies
both God’s great mercy on the
Gentiles and His terrible wrath upon
those who reject Him, while the sign
of Gemini depicts the resolution of
the Arab-Israeli conflict in the
Wedding of the Lamb uniting the
Two-House Church of Judah and
Ephraim or the Bride of Christ.

Could this Lunar Eclipse on

December 21st, 2010 be a symbol
that Christ is readying for battle with
His earthly enemies, the Rapture is
imminent, and God’s seven-year
period of wrath is about to begin? As
an eerie sign of the terrible wars and
subsequent Wrath of God to come,
this Lunar Eclipse will occur directly
over the tip of the messianic
constellation Orion’s upraised sword. Since Orion depicts Christ, the sword that the Lunar Eclipse occurs
over is the sword of Christ, and also represents His scepter! Likewise, in Psalm 110, Yahshua is seen
extending His scepter from “Zion,” which may refer to the Great Pyramid and its connection to the star Al
Nitak in Orion’s Belt. This eclipse will be visible over much of North America, which will likely be one of
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 17

the hardest hit sections of the world when the sudden disappearance of millions of believers occurs in the

Similar to the July 11th, 2010 Solar Eclipse, this Lunar Eclipse occurring before the Winter Solstice
sunrise on December 21st, 2010 will be best viewed from Hawaii, Easter Island, and French Polynesia.
However, this Blood Moon will also be fully visible to most of the people living in North, Central and South
America. On page 19, the illustration shows that this Lunar Eclipse will be accompanied by several other
heavenly signs in a formation called a partial Grand Cross. On page 22, the illustration shows this same
Lunar Eclipse as seen from Hawaii - a spot on the globe that was identified as an allegorical epicenter of evil
lying fully within the Scorpio Meridian of the Earth in Book Three. A map taken from that book on page 18
shows these ancient Earth Meridians that are amazingly connected to the Celestial Meridians used by
astronomers today. As mentioned earlier, the locations of these Meridians can be deduced from the
connection of the Giza Pyramids with Orion’s Belt and the sign of Taurus.

From the map of the Earth shown on page 18, it is easy to see that Hawaii and half of Alaska lies
within the Scorpio Meridian of the Earth, and in the Star Gospel, Scorpio is a symbol of Satanic evil, pain
and death. Interestingly, as revealed in Book Three, Mount McKinley in Alaska is the second tallest
mountain in the world next to Mount Everest, and at 151 degrees west of Greenwich, it lies within the
Scorpio Earth Meridian. Fascinatingly, Mount McKinley also happens to be one of the coldest spots on the
Earth, with recorded temperatures approaching minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit (-73°C). Furthermore, the
mountain that rises up out of the Pacific Ocean to form the Big Island of Hawaii in the Hawaiian Island
chain is not only the tallest peak in the world as measured from the ocean floor, but the site of two of the
most active volcanoes in the world.

Intriguingly, if the Zodiac were to be mapped out on the surface of the entire Earth using the
orientation of Taurus and Orion that is highlighted via Egypt’s biggest pyramids, Scorpio would rest dead
center in the Pacific Ocean. What’s more, the tail of Scorpio would rest over and mimic the curve of the
Hawaiian Island chain! There is no way that this is a coincidence, but it has all the earmarks of the hand of
God upon its design.

Two years later, on the Winter Solstice of December 21st, 2012, the heavenly Anti Peace Sign will
appear in the heavens to announce the release of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Then, in 2014 and
2015, a Tetrad or series of four Total Lunar Eclipses or Blood Moons will fall on the first day of Passover and
Tabernacles. The last two times these Blood Moon Tetrads occurred was in 1948, the year that saw the
rebirth of Israel as a nation, and in 1967, the year when Israel recaptured Jerusalem during the Six-Day War
between Israel and her hostile Arab neighbors.

Could it be that Israel will be surrounded by the Antichrist’s armies and the Battle of Armageddon
will begin around Passover in 2014 and escalate even more in 2015? Could 2016 see the Second Coming of
Christ a year early to end the carnage before all life on Earth is annihilated? Only time will tell, but there is
no doubt that all of these heavenly signs have been left for us to ponder God’s will and His ultimate
purposes for Israel and the True Church at this time in history!

As shown in “The Language of God in History,” volcanoes are symbolic of the intense heat needed
in the forges where weapons are cast and tempered, and the Book of 1 Enoch explains that it was the fallen
angel Azazel - also know as Lucifer or Satan - who introduced the forging of metals to mankind and taught
them how to make weapons and jewelry. Sadly, this skill led all of humanity to sin far more than before
due to the murderousness and lustfulness that weapons and jewelry provoked. Perhaps that is why the
immense peak that rises from the depths of the world’s biggest ocean’s darkness to form this majestic island
within the Scorpio Meridian suggests the pride and lust of Satan, who will be thrown down to the lowest
depths by Christ when He comes again in Glory to set up His Millennial Kingdom on Earth.
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 18

Earth’s Longitudinal Meridians Connected to the Zodiac

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Grand Cross in Heaven on the Winter Solstice of 2010

Though it may seem fantastic to some, my books give ample evidence to prove that our righteous
ancestors were as close to Yahweh God as any Bible-educated believer is today. In fact, they understood
God and knew Him on a whole different level than we modern believers are even capable of. This is
because we are totally divorced from their thought processes. Too many of us live in cities of wood, metal
and glass separated from nature, and can only see the stars in our dreams - if we are even motivated
enough to think of them - and so few are. The majority of us are separate from nature and ignorant of what
it contains for our spirits. As a result, we cannot easily grasp the beauty and spiritual power of the starry
Universe and the message of failure, despair, repentance, struggle, hope, faith and everlasting promise that
the Star Gospel written within it contains for all mankind.

Our righteous ancestors Enoch, Abraham, and Moses knew that future generations of mankind
would be spiritually blind because of their separation from God and nature. Unlike us, they saw the
Language and Mind of God in everything that He created, especially the Universe that was visible in the
skies around them at night and gave them a visual divine record of everything that is, was, or ever will be.
As a testimony of their ability to see, understand and love God and the future generations of mankind yet
to be born that they could read about in the stars, they built incredible sacred monuments in stone to point
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 20

us toward the Signs in the Heavens that warn of God’s coming judgment and His promise of deliverance
from that time of trouble for the faithful.

The oldest and most finely hewn of these monuments were NOT built by aliens or fallen angels! No
way, no how, nowhere! No demon would ever leave so clear a testimony of God’s love for mankind
through Yahshua Ha Mashiach, the divine Savior that God memorialized forever in the ancient Zodiac! In
fact, Yahshua is either directly or indirectly the subject of the entire Star Gospel! As a hint of God’s message
to us in the stars, Bible passages such as this one from Psalm 103 echo the separation between the Taurus
Meridian in the Eastern Hemisphere and the Scorpio Meridian in the Western Hemisphere:

“The LORD (Yahweh) is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He
will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us
according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above
the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, so
far has He removed our transgressions from us.” - Psalm 103:8-12 (NKJ)

Other passages in the Bible speak of the allegorical and spiritual meaning of Taurus the Bull, since
bulls were once required to make sin offerings of atonement to God. These bulls were burned outside the
Israelite camp as a symbol of the separation between God and man that the bull temporarily healed over by
the shedding of its innocent blood and flesh. These bulls that served as the sin offerings of the Israelites
were an allegorical symbol pointing to mankind’s need for the shed blood of Christ to end their separation
from Yahweh God once and for all time and to allow them to live as one with God forever:

“And he said to Aaron, ‘Take for yourself a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt
offering, without blemish, and offer them before the LORD (Yahweh). And to the children of Israel
you shall speak, saying, “Take a kid of the goats as a sin offering, and a calf and a lamb, both of the
first year, without blemish, as a burnt offering, also a bull and a ram as peace offerings, to sacrifice
before the LORD (Yahweh).”’” - Leviticus 9:2-4 (NKJ)

This sacrifice for sin was also made on the Day of Atonement. Though two goats highlighted the
sacrificial offerings made that day, a bull and a ram signifying the horned altar in heaven formed by Taurus
the Bull and Aries the Ram were also sacrificed just as they were in the preceding passage. Fascinatingly,
the constellation known as Auriga the Goat Shepherd that twinkles above Gemini signifies the importance
of the goats that were offered at these times:

“On the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy convocation. You shall afflict
your souls; you shall not do any work. You shall present a burnt offering to the LORD (Yahweh) as
a sweet aroma: one young bull, one ram, and seven lambs in their first year. Be sure they are
without blemish.” - Numbers 29:7-8 (NKJ)

Likewise the evil of the Scorpion depicted by the sign of Scorpio and the malevolence of the huge,
writhing form of Serpens the Serpent that is depicted in a decan constellation belonging to Scorpio is also
clearly depicted within the Bible’s hallowed pages. The following passage that records God speaking to the
Israelites is taken from the Book of Deuteronomy. It was delivered to Moses just before the Israelites
crossed the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land. Therein, Yahweh reminded the Israelites of their
deliverance from evil during their wanderings in deserts full of scorpions and serpents. Yet, though God
also promised great future blessings upon the righteous, He also issued a stern warning that contained a
terrible curse upon those who disobeyed God:

“Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God (Yahweh your Elohim), failing to
observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Otherwise, when
you… build fine houses and settle down, and… your silver and gold increase and all you have is
multiplied, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God (Yahweh
your Elohim), who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. He led you through the vast
and dreadful desert, that thirsty and waterless land, with its venomous snakes and scorpions. He
brought you water out of hard rock. He gave you manna to eat in the desert… to humble and to test
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 21

you so that in the end it might go well with you. You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the
strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the LORD your God
(Yahweh your Elohim), for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth… If you ever forget…
and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will
surely be destroyed. Like the nations the LORD (Yahweh) destroyed before you, so you will be
destroyed…” - Deuteronomy 8:11-20 (NIV)

Contrary to what some apostates in the Church are claiming today, this curse upon those who forget
and disobey God has not changed. Not even Yahshua, who died for our sins and rose from the dead, can
change His own Word, which is the Word of His Father Yahweh. As Yahshua said: “till heaven and earth
pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled” (Matthew 5:18). For
this reason, Yahweh’s curse upon the Israelites is an everlasting one, and it will be poured out one day
upon all of the wicked, not just the foolish Israelites who have sinned without truly seeking forgiveness.
Indeed, when this curse is carried out, it will not only fulfill the Book of Deuteronomy but also God’s Word
in the Star Gospel by using creatures carrying the poisonous and painful sting of scorpions and serpents:

“And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great
furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. Then out of the
smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth
have power. They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any
tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” - Rev. 9:2-4 (NKJ)

Due to these correlations between the Word of God in the Bible and the Gospel in the Stars, we
should be seriously paying a great deal of heed to the heavenly warnings being issued by the triple Signs in
the Heavens targeting 2010 and 2011 that are being talked about in this section. To that end, let me point
out that the following heavenly signs are even more clear than the Solar Eclipses were in heralding the
beginning of the end of this evil world system and the coming of the King of Righteousness.

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction on Feast of Tabernacles 2010

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Blood Moon Over Hawaii on December 21st, 2010

January 4th, 2011 Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

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To see a clear explanation of the Star Gospel message connected to the Lunar Eclipse on December
21st, 2010, see the first illustration on page 22 and the illustration on page 24. This sign by itself is an
ominous warning of impending judgment. However, when we look at the meaning of the partial Solar
Eclipse on January 4th, 2011 that is shown in the second illustration on page 22 and compare it to the first
one, it provides an even clearer the forewarning that God’s judgment is imminent.

On January 4th, the Sun will be eclipsed by the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius signifying Yahshua
as Israel’s Avenger of Blood riding upon a white horse. Meanwhile, Jupiter will move into its final
conjunction with Uranus in Pisces, which is another clear sign announcing that the Rapture is also
imminent. Remember that the first of these occurred on June 6th, 2010 - shortly before the July 11th, 2010
Solar Eclipse in Gemini over Easter Island. In addition, Jupiter remained close to Uranus over the
Ephraimite fish of Pisces so that their second conjunction could occur on September 22nd, 2010 and their
third conjunction could happen on January 4th, 2011.

Before focusing more on the January 4th, 2011 Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and Solar Eclipse, let’s
back track for just a moment to the September 22nd Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. This conjunction is also
highly significant because it occurred on the same day as the Autumn Equinox when the Sun was in the
sign of Virgo, a symbol of Eve as Adam’s virgin bride, Yahshua’s earthly mother Miriam as the bride of
Joseph of the Tribe of Judah (suggesting the Tribe of Ephraim (Joseph) being united to Judah), and Israel as
the virgin Bride of Christ. Fascinatingly, the Autumn Equinox is also an indicator that the autumn feasts of
Israel are at hand, and all of these feasts have yet to be completely fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom of
Christ. In addition, the evening of September 22nd, 2010 was also the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, a
major week-long Jewish Festival celebrating the culmination of all the harvests of the summer season, the
coming of the Messiah, and the ingathering of all of God’s people to dwell together in the Promised Land in
peace forever. See my illustration of this sign below:

Pisces is surrounded by a very powerful section of the Gospel in the Stars. For example, the
Ephraimites fish of Pisces is resting on the back of the heavenly white horse called Pegasus, which signifies
the white horses that Christ and His saints will ride at the battle of Armageddon. To add power to the
scene, Pegasus is suspended over the constellation called Cygnus the Swan, which is also called the
Northern Cross. This heavenly white swan is a symbol of the purity and beauty of those who are saved and
who will become the spotless Bride of Christ. As revealed earlier, the North America Nebula appears in the
tail of this swan, which is also the head section of the Cross of Christ that the swan actually represents.
Since the United States is symbolic of the multicultural and multinational Tribe of Ephraim, and Ephraim is
an allegorical reference to the Bride of Christ, this suggests that (though a political leader of the United
States may play a terrible villain during the Tribulation period) the United States will continue to serve as
“the helmet of God’s head” - as described in Psalm 108 - until the Rapture. Even afterward, the United
States may be a home and a refuge to many Tribulation Saints, who will resist the Antichrist and fight
against his schemes through prayer and spiritual warfare.

After this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on September 22nd, 2010, the next heavenly sign of
importance will be the December 21st, 2010 Total Lunar Eclipse, which will technically occur directly on the
Taurus-Gemini Meridian in heaven where Orion’s sword tip touches the ecliptic. Since Orion is considered
a decan of Taurus, this Lunar Eclipse is also targeting that Zodiac sign as well as their earthly counterparts
in the magnificent pyramids that were built by Jacob’s righteous ancestors at Giza and Dahshur in Egypt.

Significantly, Taurus the Bull’s horns represent the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh as well as the
apostate and faithful branches of the Church of Christ. Could it also be possible that these horns are
representative of the two End Time leaders of the countries that can be most closely associated with those
two tribes of Israel that descended from the patriarch Joseph, specifically Barack Hussein Obama and Prince
Charles of Wales (or his son William)? Though these leaders may not turn out to be the two Antichrist
figures identified by the prophet Daniel as the King of the North and the King of the South, they certainly
have the credentials to fulfill those roles in Bible prophecy. Due to the fact that the two antagonists of
Christ during the Tribulation may prove to be the leaders of the most powerful military machines in the
world, Taurus the Bull can be seen as an enraged bull charging the allegorical Matador or Messiah signified
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 24

by the constellation of Orion. Indeed, Orion can easily be envisioned to be a proud prince or king wielding
a sword and waving his regal red cape to entice the raging bull to charge and meet his death!

Incidentally, on the dawn following the Blood Moon on December 21st, 2010, the Winter Solstice
Sun will rise directly on the heavenly counterpart to Earth’s Scorpio-Sagittarius Meridian, which is tied
directly to the United States or Ephraim through the States of Alaska and Hawaii. The Winter Solstice Sun
will also be accompanied by Mercury in the constellation Ophiuchus, which represents Christ wrestling with
Satan for dominion of the Earth. In addition, Mars will be in Sagittarius, which could indicate an impending
war that will affect the west coast of the United States that is tied to Sagittarius. Could this be a war
between the United States and North Korea and/or China?

December 21st, 2010 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio

Following closely after that December 2010 Blood Moon, there will be a partial Solar Eclipse in the
sign of Sagittarius on January 4th, 2011 representing Yahshua as Israel’s Avenger of Blood. Fascinatingly,
since Sagittarius borders Scorpio, this Solar Eclipse also targets the Scorpio-Sagittarius Meridian that
symbolizes evil being vanquished by Yahshua as well as the western coast of the United States. This Solar
Eclipse will be best viewed over Israel and the Middle East but will also be visible from most of Europe and
Russia, suggesting that Russia may simultaneously stir up unrest or war in the Middle East when China and
the United States are engaged in the Pacific. Even more fascinatingly, the January 4th, 2011 Solar Eclipse
will occur on the day after Jupiter and Uranus meet for a third and last time in a perfect conjunction over
the Ephraimite fish of Pisces before slowly beginning to move apart. Could this double sign on that day be a
sign that the Rapture may occur around then and the Psalm 83/Psalm 108/God-Magog war will soon begin?
It is certainly possible, though no one knows for certain when the Rapture or the war triggering the
Tribulation will be. But if it is to be a Pre-Tribulation event and April 5th, 2011 is the true start of the seven-
year Tribulation period, then the Rapture will have to occur beforehand.

Many undeniable Signs in the Heavens are announcing that the First Rapture could happen
sometime shortly before or after the Tribulation period begins, such as those that occur in June of 2011. On
the 28th of Iyar or June 1st, 2011, for example, there will be a partial Solar Eclipse that will occur in the sign
of Taurus over Antarctica. Incidentally, the 17th of Iyar is the day that Noah’s Flood began and it will fall
on May 21st, 2011. This was the day that Noah’s deliverance from death began in the Ark, which is
symbolic of the re-birth signified by baptism that will lead to the First Resurrection and the Rapture.
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 25

June 15th, 2011 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio/Ophiuchus

December 10th, 2011 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio

Though this June 1st, 2011 Solar Eclipse is rather minor visually, the location of the Sun (Yahweh)
and Moon (the Church) directly at the tips of the horns of Taurus on that day signifies God’s redemption
for sin as well as the animosity toward God and His followers that may be manifested one day soon by two
of the world’s most powerful leaders in the West, specifically in the UK or EU and the USA. In addition,
this Solar Eclipses’ proximity to Antarctica is significant because the South Pole is located there, and Earth’s
poles serve as the dividers between the Taurus-Gemini Meridian and the Scorpio-Sagittarius Meridian of the
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 26

Earth! If the horns of Taurus do signify the leaders of the allegorical Tribe of Ephraim or the United States
as the King of the South and the allegorical Tribe of Manasseh or the United Kingdom as the King of the
North, the bull fights that have been carried on in Spain for centuries in mimicry of Orion’s seeming face-off
with Taurus are a sign that the bullish plans of the leaders attempting to forge the New World Order in the
United States, the United Kingdom and Europe definitely will lose the battle when our Messiah Yahshua
returns to the Earth! Hallelu-Yah for that!

The June 1st Solar Eclipse will be closely followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon on June
15th, 2011 in the opposing sign of Scorpio, specifically in Ophiuchus. This ominous Blood Moon will fall
only three days after Pentecost, which is on June 12th, 2011. Significantly, the baptism of the Holy Spirit or
Ruach Ha Kodesh was given to the Church on Pentecost and this miraculous event has a strong allegorical
connection to the purpose of the Rapture, which is re-birth, renewal and resurrection. Fascinatingly, if we
were to jump to the Moon to view this Lunar Eclipse, it would fall directly in the sign of Taurus. This is also
true in reverse for the Blood Moons on December 21st, 2010 and December 10th, 2011. If viewed from the
Moon as shown in the illustrations in this section, they would appear in the sign of Scorpio, which is Orion
and Taurus’ absolute opposite in spiritual meaning. These eclipses therefore may be a sign that the terrible
war between the evil and darkness of Satan and the goodness and light of God that will be waged during
the Tribulation will begin in earnest in 2011.

To drive this point home, God designed another Total Lunar Eclipse to appear on December 10th,
2011 in the sign of Taurus. These are connected to the December 21st, 2010 Lunar Eclipse through the
Gospel in the Stars surrounding Taurus and its opposition found in Scorpio. As already shown, these two
Zodiac signs represent opposing forces in the Universe and the unseen battle that is always raging between
them. Could this war between good and evil that is being singled out in the heavens through these three
Lunar Eclipses be reaching its climax beginning in 2011 as the first year of the Tribulation? It is possible,
especially since the Great Pyramid and the Hallel Psalms also appear to be pointing to 2011 as the starting
point for the time of Jacob’s Trouble.

Adding even more strength

to this hypothesis, another Total
Solar Eclipse that will be best seen
from Easter Island will occur late
in the day on November 13th,
2012. As shown in the Illustration
on this page, this Solar Eclipse will
occur in the Zodiac Sign of Libra
the Scales. Libra is a very powerful
symbol of the concept of justice
and the impending judgment of
the wicked. Fascinatingly, the
ancient Egyptians depicted this
sign as a large set of scales within
the Judgment Hall of Osiris. On
these, the Egyptians believed that
a deceased human’s heart would
be weighed against a feather from
Ma’at, their winged goddess of
truth, peace and balance. In
ancient Babylon, however, Libra
was seen as a round altar being
grasped in the claws of Scorpio the
Scorpion. Like the scales of Libra,
an altar also can convey the idea of
balance and justice in that Yahshua was our Passover Lamb who died in our stead to negate the evil we
have done and hide it from view with His righteousness as a covering. We are allegorically sprinkled with
the blood of Yahshua when we believe in Him as the Son of God and Messiah. It is Yahshua alone who
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 27

came to die for mankind’s sins and rise from the dead so that we could be set free from the curses of sin
and death through His righteous sacrifice. Therefore, a Solar Eclipse in this sign can be an omen of coming
divine Judgment on a grand scale.

In a Solar Eclipse, the Moon can be seen as a symbol for Satan and fallen humanity that is
attempting to blot out the Sun representing God the Father and His Son, and this is symbolic of Satan’s
pride and arrogance. If we pair this allegorical message of the Sun and Moon with the close proximity of
Mercury, the Scribe of God, it suddenly takes on extremely prophetic significance as a message from God’s
Heavenly Tablets to us. Now, note the presence of Mars, which portends war and bloodshed. It is located
in Sagittarius, which depicts the Divine Adversary of the Serpent and Scorpion coming to do battle. Viewed
with these other signs, there is no doubt that the November 13th, 2012 Solar Eclipse is attempting to portray
a picture of impending world judgment and strife as the battle between good and evil escalates to
unprecedented levels.

Indeed, when viewed along with the amazing signs in the heavens that will appear on December
21st, 2012, the November 13th Solar Eclipse can be nothing less than a sign that the battle between light and
darkness is destined to reach epic proportions toward the end of 2012 and on into 2013 and beyond.
Coupled with the amazing stellar line-up of all the major planets, the Sun, Earth and the Galactic Center of
the Milky Way on the Winter Solstice on December 21st, 2012 - the Mayan world end date - that November
Solar Eclipse is nothing short of a trumpet blast from Heaven announcing that the beginning of the end of
this evil world has come!

End of Excerpt from “The Language of God in Prophecy.”

In the same book that this lengthy excerpt detailing the heavenly signs of 2010, 2011 and 2012 came
from, I originally thought that Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets was tied to the Second Coming of
Christ, and that the Rapture would be accompanied by trumpet blasts on that day. I fancied that the
trumpets heard would perhaps - at least in part - be the Shofars used by Jews and Christians to celebrate
God’s goodness on that day. Like many Messianics, I thought it was possible that Yahshua would come for
His Bride in the Rapture sometime during the two days of Rosh Hashanah in 2010, which occurred on
September 9th and 10th that year. Adding to this assumption, the second conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus
over the Ephraimite fish of Pisces that rests over the back of the constellation Pegasus the Flying White
Horse occurred on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot on September 22nd, 2010. Sukkot begins
on the 15th day of the 7th Jewish month, which is considered to be the first month on the Jewish Civil
Calendar. In 2010, Sukkot occurred between September 22nd and 30th, and it began when the Full Moon
was in conjunction with Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. This sign in the heavens seemed to suggest that the
Rapture could have happened around the time of Sukkot or Tabernacles instead of on Rosh Hashanah in
2010. This was possible, even though Sukkot 2010 was officially in the autumn after the September 21st
Autumn Equinox, and the Rapture is tied to the Summer harvest season.

The Rosh Hashanah preceding this Feast of Tabernacles in 2010 was considered to be the beginning
of the Jewish Year 5771, which is analogous to the Gregorian year 2011. However, as I stated earlier, it may
be that the true start of 2011 via Jewish reckoning isn’t until the true first month on the Jewish Calendar.
This is the month of Nissan, also called Aviv or Abib - the month that Passover Week almost always fall in.

As I was finishing my book “The Language of God in Prophecy,” I received and recorded a
prophetic word that suggests the Rapture might not occur until sometime near the end of 2010. This
prophecy concerns the Autumn Feasts of Israel and their relationship to the timing of the Tribulation
between 2011 and 2017. According to this word, the years 1999 and 2000 are tied to Rosh Hashanah (aka
Yom Teruah or the Feast of Trumpets). After this, the nine days counted from Rosh Hashanah to the Day of
Atonement would apply to the years 2001 through 2009, with 2010 being tied to the Day of Atonement or
Yom Kipper.

Since Yom Kippur is the last day on the Jewish religious calendar that God is perceived as forgiving
sins and allowing a repentant person’s name to be inscribed in the Book of Life, it follows that the year 2010
may be the last year that God will allow this to happen. What this means is that all those who are destined
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 28

to be saved before the Tribulation and included in the Rapture must choose to follow Yahweh and His Son
Yahshua by the end of the year 2010 to inherit a place in the Millennial Kingdom of God that will precede
the New Heaven and New Earth in eternity. But since the Gregorian year 2010 and the Jewish Year 5770
may not end until Nissan 1 or April 5th, 2011 via Jewish reckoning, it leaves the entire first half of the
calendar year 2011 open to the possibility of a Rapture event.

Here are links to the online HTML and PDF versions of my Autumn Feasts prophetic word:

A Prophecy Hidden in the Autumn Feasts of Israel:

In light of the preceding information, if there are to be two Raptures, the First Rapture of the saints
may not occur before the close of 2010, but sometime in the first half of 2011. But if it is to be before the
Tribulation begins, the Rapture may occur either on or before the Lunar Eclipse over the sword of Orion on
the Winter Solstice of 2010. The reason I say this is because this Lunar Eclipse coupled with the Lunar
Eclipses of June 2011 and December 2011 may be the divinely designed celestial markers for the first year of
the Tribulation period.

The Heavenly Anti-Peace Sign of December 21st, 2012

If there are to be two Raptures, the first one could also occur on or after the third conjunction of
Jupiter and Uranus between January 2nd and 9th, 2011, which might be after the Tribulation officially
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 29

begins. Nonetheless, if the First Rapture is to be early in the Tribulation and not before it, it should occur
before the Antichrist takes control of the world. According to the time line discussed in my book on
prophecy, the Antichrist will almost certainly be in control of a world government and global military by the
end of 2014, which will likely be the fourth year or middle of the Tribulation period. Therefore, since the
Second Rapture is supposed to occur in the middle of the Tribulation with the resurrection of the Two
Witnesses, the First Rapture must happen before that if it is to happen at all.

In my book “The Language of God in Prophecy,” it is shown that the Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse are symbolically connected to the Gospel in the Stars. In fact, four of the twelve major Zodiac
signs represent these four horsemen that are part of the first four Seal judgments against unrepentant
mankind. Ominously, on the Mayan date for the end of the world, which falls on the Winter Solstice on
December 21st, 2012, these signs will house all the major planets and will form a giant upside down Peace
sign in the heavens! Below is my illustration showing this upside down or Anti-Peace sign targeting four
specific Zodiac signs and showing the planetary line up in these signs on that date.

As shown in my book “The Language of God in History,” the Mayan calendar may have an
Enochian or Noahide origin. This would explain why the Mayan date for the end of the world is identified
in the Book of Revelation via the symbolism behind the Four Horsemen! However, since the Four Horsemen
are released AFTER God’s command to “Come up here!” is uttered for the first time in the Book of
Revelation, it is highly unlikely that the First Rapture will occur after Revelation’s first four Seal Judgments
are opened. Since December 21st, 2012 may be the time when these Seal Judgments begin to be poured out,
this suggests that the First Rapture will have to occur before that date.

Before closing this section of the article, I wanted to mention the fact that, while searching for more
information about the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of June 2010 on the Internet, I came across quite a few
web sites with articles explaining the New Age and Occult point of view that unsaved Astrologers and New
Age spiritual practitioners have of this conjunction. In the process of sifting through this material, I was
shocked to discover how much they had distorted the spiritual meaning of this important heavenly sign.
New Agers and Wiccans give this sign a positive spiritual spin and see it as heralding a coming time of
worldwide prosperity, peace and spiritual awakening. However, some of these heathens follow the Pre-
Christian Native American belief that this will be a time of worldwide upheaval when the Earth goddess will
begin to shake off the souls of supposedly spiritually defective people. According to some Occultists and
Pagans, this spiritual cleansing of the Earth will escalate as December 21st, 2012 approaches. Thus, they
present the Christian hope in the Rapture and the devastating death toll of the Tribulation period in a
twisted light - not as a way to bring more people into the Kingdom of God but as a way for God to rid the
world of defective people.

In the minds of Occult practitioners and Astrologers, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is a sign that
the New Age of Enlightenment and Harmony that they think they are meditating and speaking into
existence is going to take a big leap forward into reality this year. They think that this conjunction will have
many positive spiritual and material affects, including helping those who embrace the dark side to generate
more wealth, increase their sensual pleasure and find a deeper connection to the divine within themselves.
Some even suspect that it may be a sign that Mother Earth is about to dispose of millions of supposedly
spiritually retarded people in order to bring the New Age fully into existence.

Of course, this is undoubtedly Satan’s fictitious but cunningly compelling explanation for the
Rapture of the saints. There is also no doubt that many already deceived people believe this and are
awaiting this great sweeping away of degenerate souls. Unfortunately, to the spiritually blind, all those who
believe in the one true God and His Son are supposedly holding back the transformation of planet Earth
into a place filled with the New Age version of peace, love and harmony that not only tolerates sin, but
encourages and celebrates it. Sadly, this New Age viewpoint has taken hold in every area of society today.
In most places in the West, the Judeo-Christian view that we are all degenerate sinners that are ripe for an
eternity spent in Hell unless we repent is seen as backward and defective. But the Bible makes it clear that
the New Agers who reject this biblical view are the ones who are being deceived, and they will perish when
they accept the Great Deception of the Antichrist and follow him into perdition.
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 30

In the meantime, as believers await Yahshua’s return to Rapture His saints, they need to take
advantage of their authority, duty and privilege in Christ and pray that all these lost souls will find the light
of Yahshua and the Holy Spirit before it is too late. In addition, they need to engage in active spiritual
warfare against demonic forces and pray that they and all their fellow professing Messianics and Christians
will be ready when Yahshua comes for them.

To that, I say: “Amen and Maranatha!”

How Do We Know We Are Baptized with the Holy Spirit?

Before we examine the seasons when the two Raptures may occur, I want to make something
perfectly clear. I am not infallible, and I make mistakes. Therefore, if the Rapture does not come when I
suspect that it might, this doesn’t mean that God’s prophecies are false! What it means is that my
interpretation of the evidence may be faulty. Although I am being guided by the Holy Spirit to make certain
deductions from God’s Word and the celestial signs, sometimes I have to make calculated guesses that may
or may not be correct. Therefore, I must admonish everyone to not let your faith in God be swayed if the
teachings of godly men or women occasionally prove to be false. I also want to admonish everyone that if
your faith is based solely on the fulfillment of prophecy as it is interpreted by any human teacher, then you
really don’t have a living, breathing faith in the Lamb of God - Yahshua Ha Mashiach. In order to have a
true and saving relationship with Yahshua, there must be a supernatural element to it.

At its most mundane level, this supernatural element of our walk with Yahshua includes having
occasionally vivid prophetic dreams that we may not necessarily understand at first, but that will always
agree with what is taught in Scripture when it is analyzed and understood. At this same spiritual
“beginners” level, believers also often have frequently strong impressions of conscience that lead us to make
good moral choices. These are the clearest evidence that any believer has an active and saving relationship
with God. Without a Spirit-led conscience that leads to remorse, repentance, changed behavior and
righteousness, a person who says they believe in Yahshua as their Savior does not have the baptism of the
Holy Spirit, which is the seal that guarantees our salvation:

“Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal
of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” - 2
Corinthians 1:21-22 (NIV)

Once we have the Holy Spirit as a seal, we must deepen our walk with God by seeking His wisdom
and love through His Spirit. In this way, a believer’s dreams and spiritual impressions should eventually
lead them to experience waking visions that communicate truths as they contemplate God’s Word. Finally,
those who have the deepest sort of relationship with God will begin to literally hear and understand the
quiet inner voice of the Holy Spirit that indwells and guides them in all truth. At this point, believers will
discover that they have a place where they can withdraw to in their hearts - a living tabernacle of the Spirit
of God within - where they can find truth, conviction, love and comfort in the all-encompassing embrace of
God’s Spirit.

Since I have experienced all of these manifestations of the Holy Spirit being active in one’s life, I
know that I am saved and that Yahshua will always be with me, even if my intellectual deductions based on
Scripture might fail to materialize. I also know that my faith will not end if I am wrong in these deductions
because I have an active and real relationship with God, and I also know that I occasionally don’t hear Yah
correctly or I am unwilling to accept what He has shown me. Nonetheless, when I am open and willing, I
can feel Yah’s presence and hear His voice! I can commune with God within myself in my waking moments
without having to be satisfied merely with dreams and visions! Though dreams and visions from the Spirit
of God are profound and beautiful when they happen, having a real ability to communicate with God and to
hear His voice on a personal and intimate level is far more wonderful.

It is this type of intimate relationship with God that every believer should strive to reach. Without
this type of relationship with Yahshua, a person’s faith is like chaff in the wind! It has no strength, and
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 31

when calamity strikes, it will be destroyed! As John the Baptist clearly admonished, those who are like chaff
are without the Holy Spirit and risk being burned in the fire of Hell or the Lake of Fire:

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier
than I… He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He
will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn
up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” - Matthew 3:11-12 (NKJ)

Do not base your faith on experience alone! Base it on your relationship with God. Can you hear
Him? Do you know Yahweh through the Word of God and Yahshua’s Spirit? Do you trust God’s Word and
God’s Spirit to lead you and to help you make sense of your experiences? If you diligently seek God, you
should eventually experience a supernatural relationship with Him. But if not, then your faith may be carnal
and weak. This means it is based on one’s flesh or intellect, but not on a manifestation of the Spirit of God
in one’s life.

Pinpointing the Seasons of the Rapture by the Feasts of Israel

Now that we have determined that there may be two distinct Rapture events - one at the beginning
and one at the midpoint of the Tribulation, it leads us to ponder the season when these events may occur.
In my book “The Language of God in Humanity,” I carefully explained that the Rapture can be tied to both
Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets. Could it be that I made that deduction in the past so that I would be
able to see how these two Feasts of Israel may be tied directly to the two Rapture events that are revealed in
Scripture? Before I go further, let me share what I said about these feasts and the Rapture in Book Two:

Start of Excerpt with illustrations from pages 99 through 101 in

Chapter Two of “The Language of God in Humanity:”

The Prophetic Themes of the Feasts of Israel

Another essential element in our walk with Yahweh is understanding the meaning of the seven
religious Feasts of Israel that Yah ordained on Mount Sinai. This is because these seven Holy Days literally
show us Yahweh’s loving provision for mankind. In addition, they show us what to expect just before and
during Yahshua’s reign as King on Earth. In fact, unless we are familiar with the literal and allegorical
meanings associated with the biblically ordained feast days, it is difficult to correctly interpret biblical
prophecy. For example, the doctrine of the Rapture, besides having New Testament Scriptural support, is
alluded to in the Old Testament – through the autumn feast day called Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of
Trumpets. This prophetic aspect of all the biblical feast days makes them good times for believers to gather
together and share their joy in, and anticipation of being future royal priests and citizens in Christ’s
Millennial Kingdom on Earth. We will explore why this is true a bit later.

In this section, we will focus on how the seven feast days ordained by Yahweh and the two feasts
instated by the Jews are prophetically connected to both the seven and nine-branched versions of the
Menorah. Using the illustration on page 32, which was taken from an even more in depth discussion of
Menorah patterns in Book Four, we can see how the seven biblical feast days correspond to a seven-
branched Menorah. In the illustration, note that Pentecost falls over the fourth or Servant Lamp, which
corresponds to Christ.

This is highly significant, showing that each dispensation of Truth that God has given or will give to
mankind was or will be delivered to us on Pentecost through His Son, as the preincarnate Word of God
(Mount Sinai), as the Son of Man (First Advent), and as the Son of God (Second Coming). Some think this
suggests that Christ will come again in the Rapture on Pentecost. This is possible because, even though this
current Church Age dispensation of Grace will end, prophecies in the Book of Revelation reveal that a new
dispensation of Grace will be extended to unrepentant sinners. This will be through the ministrations of the
144,000 Witnesses chosen by God from around the world, and the Two Witnesses who will be based in
Jerusalem (Rev. 11:3, 14:1). In fact, in Revelation 14:1, the revelator sees Yahshua standing on Mount Zion
with the 144,000 Witnesses. This is highly reminiscent of Moses on Mount Sinai on Pentecost.
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 32

In reality, when Christ told His disciples that they would not be able to predict the exact day or hour
in which Christ would come again (Mat. 24:36), He may have been referring to the unpredictability of
Pentecost, which depends on when Passover officially begins and when the Sunday of Passover Week falls.
So, though Christ could come at any time, the Scriptures hint that it may be around Pentecost. Since the
autumn Feast of Trumpets is a two day feast and Christ’s return is associated with trumpets, it could also
occur around that time too. But, though we may not be able to predict the exact day of Christ’s return, we
may be able to predict the year and the season. This is shown conclusively in Book Four, “The Language of
God in Prophecy.”

Though it is interesting that the

Servant Lamp in a seven-branched Menorah
serves as the light representing Pentecost,
however, it omits two feast days that were
added to the Jewish liturgical year after the
Mosaic Law was given: Purim and
Chanukah. Fascinatingly, if we place the
feasts of Purim and Chanukah at the end of
a Chanukiah or nine-branched Menorah,
then the center or Servant Lamp becomes
the fifth lamp. This would then correspond
to the Feast of Trumpets, which is a day
that heralds Christ’s Second Coming at the
Last Trumpet. So, the seven-branched
Menorah’s central lamp marked Christ’s
First Advent, while the central lamp in a
Chanukiah marks Christ’s Second Advent.
This has led some prophecy teachers to
assume that Yahshua will come again on
Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets.
But since no one can predict the exact day
or hour of that glorious moment in history
except God Himself, anyone who sets exact dates is acting foolishly. Even so, Rosh Hashanah symbolizes
Christ’s return and is also connected to the Rapture.

End of Excerpt from Chapter Two in “The Language of God in Humanity.”

Beginning of Excerpt from The Last Chapter in “The Language of God in Prophecy:”

The Timing of the Two Raptures

Taking my cue from all of my Language of God Series books, I want to stress that I am not
attempting to set exact dates for the Rapture or Tribulation. Instead, I am presenting believers with all the
heavenly and biblical evidence that I have found that strongly suggests that the Rapture and Tribulation
could be imminent. Both the Lunar Eclipse of December 2010, and the Solar Eclipse and the Jupiter-Uranus
Conjunction of January 2011 suggest the imminence of the Tribulation and the Rapture. In fact, the Rapture
could very well come early in the winter of 2011, since this would be at a time when most of God’s
watchmen least suspect it! Coupling these heavenly signs with the physical evidence of the birth pains of
the Tribulation that can be seen in the major increase in the amount and severity of volcanic eruptions,
severe weather, and earthquakes in 2010, there is no doubt that the Rapture and Tribulation are fast

The political climate is even more tell-tale, with Russia and China dropping the US dollar as their
monetary standard for trade and tensions between China, North Korea and the United States brewing in the
North Pacific. Meanwhile, Muslim-controlled Pakistan is dangerously unstable and already has nuclear
weapons in its military arsenal, and Iran is developing nuclear weapons and may soon act on its mandate to
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 33

destroy Israel when nuclear warheads are readily available to them. Adding to these potential war zones,
the publishing of hundreds of sensitive communications between US diplomats, embassy heads, and
political leaders that made world news in November of 2010 bodes very badly for the United States and
Israel in the coming months.

From my reasoning in the preceding sections of this book, it seems logical that if there are to be two
Raptures before the Bowls of God’s Wrath are poured out in the last half of the Tribulation, the First
Rapture should be tied to the late spring Feast of Weeks or Pentecost, while the Mid-Tribulation Rapture
should be tied to the autumn feasts of Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of
Tabernacles. To add fuel to the fire of this hypothesis, Pentecost or Shavuot is the last major Jewish Feast of
the Jewish Civil Year when the Shofar is ceremonially blown, while Rosh Hashanah is actually the first of
the major Feasts on the Civil Calendar but the only one where the blowing of the Shofar is required. Now,
in 1 Corinthians 15:51-54, the Apostle Paul spoke of the Rapture and First Resurrection occurring in relation
to the Last Trumpet. This trumpet is sounded in Revelation 11:15, immediately after or at the same time as
the Two Witnesses are resurrected and taken up to Heaven. This Seventh or Last Trumpet announces the
terrible intensification of the destructive power of God’s Wrath upon the wicked people of the Earth.

In regard to the First Rapture that is allegorically tied to Pentecost, consider the fact that ancient
Jewish writings indicate that the prophet Enoch was both born and translated on Pentecost, and Enoch’s
translation was a type of Rapture. In addition, consider that Yahshua ascended to Heaven twice during His
First Advent. The first time was immediately after His resurrection on the Sunday of the Temple Firstfruits
offering during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Furthermore, this event marks the beginning of the counting
of the seven weeks or 49 days until Pentecost Sunday or the Feast of Weeks!

Mysteriously, however, Yahshua did not ascend to Heaven on Pentecost, but ten days prior to this,
on the 40th day from the Firstfruits offering in the Temple that marked Yahshua’s resurrection from the
dead. Could our Messiah have ascended 10 days prior to Pentecost not only so that He could send the Holy
Spirit to baptize the Apostles on Pentecost, but to show that the full promise of Pentecost was not entirely
fulfilled at Yahshua’s First Advent? Could it be that the fulfillment of Pentecost was meant to be viewed as
nothing less than the resurrection into everlasting life of all those who believe in Yahshua? The fact that this
is possible can also be seen in that Pentecost or Shavuot marks the beginning of two rounds of grain
harvests, which may signify the people to be taken up at the First and Second Raptures.

In this case, the First Rapture would be tied to the barley harvest, which begins on the Sunday of
the Firstfruits Offering during Passover Week or the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The barley harvest is
counted for 49 days and officially ends on Pentecost, when the wheat harvest begins. Then the wheat
harvest is counted for fifty days until Tu B’Av or the 15th day of the Jewish month of Av. This minor Jewish
Feast day is reserved for wedding festivities in Israel and is often celebrated by Jews around the world as a
type of Valentine’s Day. Tu B’Av also marks the beginning of the fruit harvests of grapes, figs and dates in
Israel, which are all officially completed by Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish Civil New Year.

Due to these two major harvest seasons of Israel - one for grain and the other for fruit - it is not
Pentecost that is tied to the First Rapture event so much as the spring and early summer grain harvests in
Israel, while the Second Rapture is tied to the mid summer to early autumn fruit harvests. These crop
harvests are allusions to two distinct spiritual harvests that are connected to the 2,000-year Church Age, and
the Tribulation and the Millennial Rule of Christ. Due to this, the First Rapture could occur around June
12th, 2011, which is Pentecost or as late as Tu B’Av on August 15th, 2011, while the Second Rapture may
occur in the middle year of the Tribulation period, which is in 2014. However, there is also a slim possibility
that there will be no Rapture before the Mid-Tribulation point. Therefore, all believers need to be prepared
for the unpleasant prospect that they may have to endure the entire first half of the Tribulation.

If the True Church is still here on Earth after the summer of 2011, there is a slim possibility that the
First Rapture could occur sometime in 2012, especially since the signs in the heavens on December 21st,
2012 indicate that this could be the actual beginning point of the pouring out of God’s Wrath in the
Tribulation period. In this case, as well as if the Rapture is delayed until the Mid-Tribulation point in 2014,
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 34

all the natural and man-made disasters up to those times could be viewed as a part of the birth pains of the
Great Tribulation, which only refers to the last three-and-one-half years of the Tribulation period.

In any case, the Bible hints that the Mid-Tribulation Rapture could occur just before the worst of
God’s Wrath on the wicked is poured out. Marking this possibility, there is a heavenly sign alluding to the
Rapture on October 8th, 2014, when there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces representing the
Two Houses of Israel. According to the Gospel in the Stars that is captured in the illustration of this Blood
Moon on this page, the Two Houses of Israel - Judah or the Jews and Ephraim or the mixed Israelite and
Gentile Church - are not in sync with one another in their interpretation of who Christ is and what His
sacrifice on the Cross did for humanity. In fact, there is a big divide between them that centers on how
binding the keeping of the Mosaic Law is upon believers in Yahshua as the Son of God and the perfect
Passover Lamb. Some Torah-observant congregations insist that the entire Law is binding on all believers,
not just the Jewish members of these congregations, and that the Law should be kept and followed in every
respect that is possible without the existence of the Temple to Yahweh in Jerusalem. So, excluding the laws
pertaining to animal sacrifices in the Temple, this group of believers thinks that all of the Law must be kept
to the best of their ability.

Blood Moon on Feast of Tabernacles, October 8th, 2014

Nonetheless, as shown in my book “The Language of God in Humanity,” there is ample evidence in
the New Testament that the Law is only meant to be a binding upon those who have not accepted Yahshua
as their Messiah. Though the Law itself and the blessings and curses of the Law are still fully in effect, they
have no hold on the way Christians and enlightened Messianics show their love and devotion to Yahshua.
This is because Yahshua initially came to fulfill the Law perfectly and to die on the Cross so that His
perfection in keeping the Law could cover all those who are baptized by His blood. All of this is graphically
shown in the Star Gospel surrounding this Lunar Eclipse on October 8th, 2014 that will feature the Moon in
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 35

conjunction with Uranus, the planet signifying the Bride of Christ and five of her virgin handmaids. Could
this be a sign that Yahshua will come at that time for the five virgins that were initially left behind?

Yahshua’s desire to save His Bride and her virgin handmaids from sin and death can be seen in the
presence of Aries as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and in the Ephraimite Fish
swimming along the ecliptic or path of the Sun that is the heavenly Way of Yahweh. That little fish is
swimming with all its might toward the inexhaustible supply of the Holy Spirit that is depicted in the
neighboring sign of Aquarius. Thus, the Star Gospel shows that Yahshua’s shed body and blood became the
perfect covering for sin that allows us to appear as white as snow before God instead of as the filthy sinners
that we are and will remain until we partake in the First Resurrection. With their baptism by the Holy
Spirit, true believers now have God’s direct guidance through their Spirit-inspired consciences, as well as
through visions, dreams, and direct words of knowledge from God or his holy angels. These Spirit-filled
believers living under Grace rather than the Law are the only members of the Church that will be included
in the Rapture. It is therefore fitting that the Lunar Eclipse on October 8th, 2014 will be on the evening of
the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, which celebrates the ingathering of all God’s people during the
Millennial Rule of Christ. Indeed, it can also signify the ingathering of the all the saints that will take part in
the Rapture and the Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven, and it may be that this Blood Moon on the first day
of Tabernacles in 2014 is meant to indicate the bad luck of those who insist on keeping the Law and
rejecting the Grace, peace and freedom offered to those covered by Christ’s shed blood.

Now, in support of the hypothesis that the First Rapture is tied to the late spring and early summer,
the marriage of Ruth to Boaz occurred in the summer just after the barley and wheat harvests were
completed. In addition, the Song of Solomon alludes to the Shunamite woman, who is an allegorical symbol
for the Bride of Christ. In the Song, the Shunamite is searching for her beloved Bridegroom as he is feeding
his flocks among the lilies. This mention of lilies in relation to feeding Yahshua’s flocks are allusions to the
late spring and early summer months when almost all lilies bloom:

Song 2:16 - “My beloved is mine, and I am his. He feeds his flock among the lilies…”; Song
6:2-3 - “My beloved has gone to his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed his flock in the gardens,
and to gather lilies. I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine. He feeds his flock among the lilies.”

In this book, I have presented much evidence that the Tribulation may be tied to Psalms 111 though
117, which are tied to the years 2011 through 2017. In addition, I discovered that Hallel Psalms 110 and 118
serve as a type of frame around the other Hallel Psalms. By examining the liturgical use and wording of
Hallel Psalms 110 through 118, it appears that these psalms are truly tied to the prelude to the Tribulation,
the Tribulation period itself, and the year of the restoration of Christ’s Kingdom in its aftermath. As already
discussed, there are also numerous heavenly signs in the year 2010 that seem to show its importance as the
year before the Tribulation begins, as well as many sings in 2011 indicating that it may be the first year in
the Tribulation. Now, since 2010 may be the year before the Tribulation, it would make sense for the
Rapture to occur sometime during this year, which ends on the Jewish Spiritual Calendar on Nissan 1 or
April 5th, 2011.

However, the Lunar Eclipse on December 21st, 2010 may mark the true beginning of the Tribulation
period, so if the Rapture happens after that it may not be before God’s reckoning of the beginning of the
Tribulation as marked by the Gospel in the Stars. Shortly after that Winter Solstice Blood Moon, the third
and final Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will occur on the same day as a partial Solar Eclipse on January 4th,
which is two days before the Feast of Epiphany on January 6th, 2011. Epiphany is the 12th day of
Christmas, and the day when Catholics and Orthodox believers commemorate the time when the Magi
discovered Yahshua in Bethlehem. It is also considered to be the close of the Christmas season. Wouldn’t it
be fitting if the First Rapture occurred around then to end the Church Age? Though this would be poetically
ironic, the First Rapture could occur anytime between the close of 2010 and the end of summer in 2011. So,
though no one is certain when Yahshua will return to steal away His Bride to His Father’s House, we need
to prayerfully consider that the Tribulation is very likely going to begin by the end of 2010. Because of this,
believers in Yahshua should be anxiously striving to be worthy to be taken up to Heaven in the Rapture
which should shortly follow the beginning of the Tribulation.
Come Up Here and Come Away! Page 36

In closing this section of the book, let me point out that Yahshua was unquestionably alluding to the
Rapture when He said:

“’In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to
prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you
to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you
know.’ Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know
the way?’ Jesus (Yahshua) said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through Me.’” - John 14:2-6 (NKJ)

Though some have said that these words of Yahshua do not pertain to the Rapture, I wholeheartedly
disagree. Indeed, they can only pertain directly to the Rapture since our final everlasting habitation will not
be in Heaven with the Father but on the Earth in the New Jerusalem with Christ. Both Yahshua and the
Apostle John, who wrote the Book of Revelation mentioned that the New Jerusalem would come down out
of Heaven and rest on the Earth forever after the Millennial Rule of Christ:

“He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out
no more. And I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the
New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new
name.” “Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His
people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.’” - Rev. 3:12 & Rev. 21:2-3 (NKJ)

There you have it! The beautiful city called the New Jerusalem, which was built by God for mankind
to dwell in forever, will one day rest on the Earth. These Scriptures serve as a potent indication that the
Earth will one day be re-created to be mankind’s and Yahshua’s perfect and everlasting habitation for all
eternity. What a glorious point beyond time that will be! Thank you Yahshua, and Maranatha!

End of Excerpt from the Last Chapter of “The Language of God in Prophecy.”

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