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Name/NIM : Ayu Delisa Putri/11314202240

Class : PBI V E
Subject : TEFL Final Test


1. A. My reasons for learning TEFL are:

a. By learning TEFL, I can know how to teach English Language in EFL
class easily.
b. It will bring me into contact with people from a huge variety of
backgrounds, cultures and age groups.
c. Teaching EFL will equip me with a veritable plethora of new skills. I will
also learn great communication, interpersonal and presentation skills that
will count as great transferable skills.
d. Teaching English as a Foreign Language is a great way to incorporate a bit
of creativity into my life. Making my own lessons lively and interesting.
Also lead to a more varied and interesting learning experience for the

B. The differences are:

TEFL: Usually the teachers or students, after the class finish, they did
not use the English anymore. So it is only used inside the classroom.
For example: Indonesia.
TESL: Both of teachers and students still use the English even outside
the classroom. For example: Malaysia, India and the like.
Mean while, TESOL: one classroom might have more than one
language. The people or students came from all of the world. For
instance, one classroom consists of students from Morocow, Australia,
Singapore and the like. For Singapore, they tried to make English as
their first language.

2. The definition of:

a. Approach: it is a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of
learning which is translated into classroom. In other words, it refers to
theories of the nature of language learning.
b. Method: it is a systematic way of doing something. It implies an orderly
logical arrangement of steps. It is more procedural.
c. Techniques: it is a well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific
activity or task. It must be coherent with the method and must be harmony
with the approach.
d. Strategy: it is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular

3. Characteristic of CLT:
a. Classroom goals are focused on all of the components (grammatical,
discourse, functional, sociolinguistic, and strategic) of communicative
b. Language techniques are designed to engage learners in the pragmatic,
authentic, functional use of language for meaningful purpose.
c. Fluency and accuracy are seen as complementary principles underlying
communicative techniques but fluency have to take on more important
than accuracy.
d. Students in a communicative class ultimately have to use the language,
productively, receptively, in unrehearsed outside the classroom.
e. Students are given opportunities to focus on their own learning process
through understanding of their own styles of learning and through the
development of appropriate strategies for autonomous learning.
f. The role of teacher is that of facilitator and guide, not an all-knowing of
knowledge. Students are therefore encouraged to construct meaning
through genuine linguistic interaction with other.

Learner-Centered Instruction: In this learning, the focus is on student

as learner, on improving students learning and success, rather than on
the transmission of information. It typically refers to forms of
instruction that, for example, give students opportunities to lead
learning activities, participate more actively in discussions, design their
own learning projects, explore topics that interest them, and generally
contribute to the design of their own course of study.

Cooperative learning: students work together in small groups on a

structured activity. They are individually accountable for their work,
and the work of the group as a whole is also assessed. Cooperative
groups work face-to-face and learn to work as a team. Meanwhile,
collaborative learning is a method of teaching and learning in which
students team together to explore a significant question or create a
meaningful project. A group of students discussing a lecture or students
from different schools working together over the Internet on a shared
assignment are both examples of collaborative learning.

Whole Language Education: is a method of teaching reading and

writing that emphasizes learning whole words and phrases by
encountering them in meaningful contexts rather than by phonics
exercises. For example: In teaching, say for instance character
development in a story, the whole language teacher might use a story
map, a web, a reading guide, have the students act out parts, write a
paragraph, etc. The skills teacher would have the students answer
questions about the characters and perhaps have a class discussion after
reading the story.
Interactive learning is a more hands-on, real-world process of relaying
information in classrooms. Passive learning relies on listening to
teachers lecture or rote memorization of information, figures, or
equations. But with interactive learning, students are invited to
participate in the conversation, through technology or through role-
playing group exercises in class.

Content-Based Instruction is an approach to language teaching that

focuses not on the language itself, but rather on what is being taught
through the language; that is, the language becomes the medium
through which something new is learned. IN the CBI approach the
student learns the TL by using it to learn some other new content. For
example by studying the French Revolution while using the French
language. The language being learned and used is taught within the
context of the content.

4. In my opinion, the Audio-lingual method is the best method for teaching

English. Because the objective of Audio-lingual method is accurate
pronunciation and grammar, the ability to respond quickly and accurately in
speech situations and knowledge of sufficient vocabulary to use with grammar
patterns. Students also practice with a variety of drills, and the instructor
emphasizes the use of the target language at all times. In sum, it is suitable for
them in learning English language.

5. Scientific approach consists of 5 steps: observing, questioning, associating,

experimenting and networking. The following are the procedures of scientific

a. Pre-activity:
- Teacher greets the students using English in order to create English
- Teachers and students pray together.
- Teacher checks the students attendance.
- Students receive information competence, material, purpose, benefits,
and lessons that will be implemented.

b. Whilst activity:
1. Observing
It acts as the first phase in the teaching and learning activity. This refers
mainly to the introduction of the activity such as greeting and motivating
students before learning. By doing such and such, teachers can see clearly
students level of strength in learning. For instance:
- Students listen the audio and read the text of My Holiday in Bali.
- With teacher guidance, students discuss whather friend doing in Bali.
2. Questioning.
In this phase, students ask questions about what have not understood
previously. This intends to gain additional information of the observable
object as well. Therefore, students are encouraged to raise questions as
many as they need. In addition, this phase aims to develop students
creativity, curiosity, and ability in formulating questions. For instance:
- Teacher gives chance to students to ask questions and students giving
feedbackabout the material or materials on the social function, the
phrase associated with the material, and linguistic elements
3. Associating
This mainly falls into twofold: inductive and deductive. In this phase,
students are encouraged to conclude what they have gained with the reality
inductively (specific to general) as well as deductively (general to
specific). Therefore, in the realm of teaching, this phase is devoted to
identifying as well as comparing social function, text structures, and
language aspects. For instance:
- Students relate the recount text with previous material
- Students in group make a story that contains one of
the group's experience.
4. Experimenting.
In this step, students are encouraged to gain more information not only in
the class but also outside it. This can be done through reading another
source other than textbook, observing objects/events and activities, and
conducting an interview. This phase aims to develop students positive
attitude (honesty, carefulness, open-mindedness, and politeness), develop
students ability to communicate, develop students ability to gain
information as well as their learning habit. For instance:
- Students work in group to identify the events that occur on the audio.
- With teacher guidance students discuss the sequences of events that
occur in conjunction: first, then, after that, finally.
5. Networking
In this phase, the teacher acts as a mediator and/or manager promoting
collaborative learning, and sharing between them. In conclusion, this phase
is devoted to actualizing the knowledge to the present. For instance:
- One of each group come to the front of class and
present and share the story that they have made in the
- The other group give feedback and teacher gives
confirmation about the performance of the presentation.

c. Post activity:
- Students with teacher conclude the learning.
- Students reflect on the activities that have been carried
- Students answer the questions given by the teacher

6. The psychology side in TEFL:

a. Good learners are curious Finding out about something they didnt know
satisfies them for the moment, but their curiosity is addictive.
b. Good learners pursue understanding diligently They search out
informationsometimes aspiring to find out everything that is known
about something.
c. Good learners recognize that a lot of learning isnt fun Some learning
tasks require boring repetition; others a mind-numbing attention to detail;
still others periods of intense mental focus. Backs hurt, bottoms get tired,
the clutter on the desk expands, the coffee tastes staleno, most learning
isnt fun.
d. Failure frightens good learners, but they know its beneficial Its a part of
learning that offers special opportunities that arent there when success
comes quickly and without failure. In the presence of repeated failure and
seeming futility, good learners carry on, confident that theyll figure it out.
e. Good learners make knowledge their own They use the new knowledge
to tear down whats poorly constructed, to finish whats only partially
built, and to create new additions.
f. Good learners never run out of questions They are pulled around by
questionsthe ones they still cant answer, or can only answer part way,
or the ones without very good answers. Those questions follow them
around like day follows night with the answer bringing daylight but the
next question revealing the darkness.
g. Good learners share what theyve learned Good learners can explain
what they know in ways that make sense to others. They arent trapped by
specialized language. They can translate, paraphrase, and find examples
that make what they know meaningful to other learners.

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