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List of the abilities within Breath of Fire IV.

The following is the list of abilities in Breath of Fire

IV. Any abilities that are gained through Defend or Masters are called Skills and can be
transferred between party members.

Skills in Breath of Fire IV are abilities learned by the main characters. There are two types of skills, "Natural
skills" and "Obtainable skills". Edit

Once a skill has been learned it can't be learned again: It does not matter whether the skill is
taught by a Master or learned from an Enemy. Only one Obtainable skill can be active at a time
amongst the entire party.

Aurum: Aurum is a consumable item that allows you to transfer skills from character to
character or from character to scroll book and vise versa. Those who have played Breath of Fire
III will know this item as Skill Ink. When at camp, you may use one Aurum at the diary to
transfer any amount of skills from character or Scroll Book. Once you exit out of the Scroll
Book, the Aurum is expended and you will need to use another to initiate the process.

Aurum is obtained via treasure chests, searching shelves and drawers and item satchels found
about the world. Monsters towards end game will also drop Aurum, although it is uncommon but
not rare. You will also be able to purchase Aurum from shops in your fairy colony later on it's

Combos: Breath of Fire IV introduced the combo system where skills can linked together to do
more damage and special attack. An example of one of the first combos you will encounter is
Burn + Sever = Firewind. The second skill, Sever, will be triggered as Firewind. Firewind does
more damage then sever, targets all enemies and has both Wind and Fire elemental attributes.

Natural Skills Edit

Natural Skills are skill learned by each character when reaching a specific level.

Name Type AP Description Level Image
Sever Combat/Wind 3 Level 1 Wind Magic Vs. One target Start
Cyclone Combat/Wind 6 Level 2 Wind Magic Vs. All targets 14
Typhoon Combat/Wind 12 Level 3 Wind Magic Vs. All targets 29
Kyrie Combat/Holy 9 Instant kill Vs. All targets 31
Heal Healing/Holy 5 Light healing of one target Start
Rejuvenate Healing/Holy 9 Medium healing of one target 11
Restore Healing/Holy 18 Major healing of one target 34
Vitalize Healing/Holy 20 Light healing on all targets 23
Vigor Healing/Holy 50 Medium healing on all targets 39
Raise Dead Healing/Holy 18 Revives one target with 1/4 HP but can fail 17
Resurrect Healing/Holy 30 Revives dead ally with full HP 36
Purify Cure/Holy 3 Cures Poison on one target Start
Remedy Cure/Holy 6 Restores status one one target 20
Inspire Assist/Stat Up 2 Raises Wisdom on one target by 20% 26
Barrier Assist/Level Up 4 Magic damage halved for 3 turns 8
Name Type AP Description Level Image
Rock Blast Combat/Earth 4 Level 1 Earth Magic Vs. All targets 8
Stone Pillar Combat/Earth 5 Level 2 Earth Magic Vs. One target 17
Quake Combat/Earth 12 Level 3 Earth Magic Vs. All targets 30
Protect Assist/Stat Up 2 Raises Defense of one target by 20% Start
Shield Assist/Stat Up 6 Raises Defense of all targets by 20% 25
Speed Assist/Stat Up 2 Raises Speed of one target by 50% Start
Might Assist/Stat Up 3 Raises Power of one target by 20% 21
Slow Assist/Stat Down 1 Lowers Speed of one target by 50% 11
Blunt Assist/Stat Down 1 Lowers Power of one target by 20% 14
Name Type AP Description Level
Combat/Melee 0 Critical hit or miss Start
Random damage betwen Dmg x 0 to
Wild Shot Combat/Melee 0 6
Dmg x 2
After the Deis
Stand Out None/Assist 0 Attracts all enemies' attention
Death Combat/Death 13 Instant kill Vs. One target 30
Blizzard Combat/Water 12 Level 3 Water Magic Vs All targets 16
Quake Combat/Earth 12 Level 3 Earth Magic Vs. All targets 23
Inferno Combat/Fire 10 Level 3 Fire Magic Vs. One target 28
Level 3 Typhoon Magic Vs. All
Typhoon Combat/Wind 12 35
Primus 15 Non-elemental attack on all enemies 45
Leve Imag
Name Type AP Description
l e
Frost Combat/Water 3 Level 1 Water Magic Vs. One target Start
Ice Blast Combat/Water 5 Level 2 Water Magic Vs. One target 16
Blizzard Combat/Water 12 Level 3 Water Magic Vs. All targets 28
Combat/Melee 10 Critical Melee -- Always hits Start
Lifestealer Combat/Melee 0 Fatal blow; user's MaxHP drops by 10% 34
Heal Healing/Holy 5 Light healing of one target Start
Rejuvenate Healing/Holy 9 Medium healing of one target 19
Restore Healing/Holy 18 Major healing of one target 37
Vitalize Healing/Holy 20 Light healing on all targets 31
Revives one target with 1/4 HP but can
Raise Dead Healing/Holy 18 22
Purify Cure/Holy 3 Cures Poison on one target Start
Remedy Cure/Holy 6 Restores status one one target 25
Confuse 2 Confuses one target Start
Sleep 3 Induces sleep in all targets Start
Name Type AP Description Level Image
Flare Combat/Fire 3 Level 1 Fire Magic Vs. One target Start
Fireblast Combat/Fire 6 Level 2 Fire Magic Vs. All targets Start
Inferno Combat/Fire 10 Level 3 Fire Magic Vs. One target 31
Cyclone Combat/Wind 6 Level 2 Wind Magic Vs. All targets 21
Rock Blast Combat/Earth 4 Level 1 Earth Magic Vs. All targets Start
Weaken Assist/Stat Down 1 Lower's one target's Defense by 20% Start
Enfeeble Assist/Stat Down 1 Lower's one target's Wisdom by 20% 24
Drain Combat/Death 3 Steals HP from one target 27
Leech Power Combat/Death 0 Steals AP from one target 28
Death Combat/Death 13 Instant kill Vs. One target 33
Confuse Assist/Stat Change 2 Confuses one target Start
Silence Assist/Stat Change 3 Stops magic use by all targets Start

Obtainable Skills Edit

Obtainable skills can be gained in two different ways:

Learning them from enemies: In order to learn any skill from an enemy, at least one
unit must be defending (through the use of the "Defend" command) during the turn in
which that enemy is using the skill. Any character can learn any skill provided there is at
least one free slot on their Skill List. Different skill have different chance of being
learned. Fou-Lu can learn skills too, and any skill obtained by him will show up in Ryu's
"Special" list, and any skill Ryu has on his skill list will be usable by Fou-Lu.

Learning them from Masters: To learn a skill from a master, all you need to do is fulfill
the specific requirements for that particular Master.

Once a skill has been learned you can not learn it again: Once a skill has been
learned, you will be unable to learn it again. This means no duplicates or triplicates and
applies to both Master taught and Monster learned skills. You must use Aurum (a
consumable item) at camp to transfer skills from one character. Removing a skill from the
list, however, takes no Aurum.

Name Type AP Description Enemies Learned From
Random damage
Wild Swing Melee 0 betwen Dmg x 0 to Armor, Bee Troop, Battle Suit
Dmg x 2
Either misses or lands a
Risky Blow Melee 0 Fire Ant, Cyclops
critical hit
Shadowwalk Melee 12 Critical Hit Chingol, Knight, Bunyan
Reduces enemy's HP to
Disembowel Death 0 Shadow
1 and user's HP by 10%
Repeated attacks
Super Combo Melee 12 depending on initial Una
button sequence
Non Elemental Magic
Magic Ball Melee 5 Egg Gang, Diviner, Rwolf
User sacrifies 25% of
current HP to deal
Blitz Melee 0 Bilbao, Saruga, Loam, Una
damage against all
Physical attack that can
Stat Down 2 reduce enemy's Power Sepoy, Shade
by 20%
Reduces all enemies
Megaphone Stat Down 4 Defense and Increases Kryrik
their Power by 40%
Physical attack that can
Mouse, Mimic, Gold Fly,
Snap Stat Down 2 reduce enemy's Defense
by 20%
Physical attack that can
Puspool, Loam, Tar Baby,
Molasses Stat Down 2 reduce enemy's Speed
by 20%
Status Physical attack that can Gasser, Toxic Fly, Rat, Yaen,
Chlorine 2
Change Poison target Gold Fly, Angler
Status Physical attack that can Krabby, Bolt Trp, Puppeter,
Knock Out 2
Change put target to Sleep Titan
Status Physical attack that can Cadaver, Caterpillar, Zombie
Feint 2
Change Confuse target Dr., Grunt A, Pupeter, Angler
Status Physical attack that can
Blind 2 Scorpion, Grunt A, Mask Crab
Change Blind target
Status Physical attack that can
Muffle 2 Saruga, Puppeter
Change Silence target
Status Physical attack that can
Air Raid 2 Crawler, Ibomb
Change Stun Target
Practice attack, no
Feign Swing Melee 0 Zombie, Any confused ally
Unit "stares into space", Cap, Zombie, Any confused
Distracted Melee 0
no effect ally
Bad Back Melee 0 Injures back, no effect Wizard
Raises unit Physical
Focus Level Up 0 Kahn, Sepoy, Battle Suit
Raises unit Magical Star Gazer, Evoker, Diviner,
Concentrate Level Up 0
Power Abbess
Unit is Invincible for 1
Resist Level Up 0 Gold Gang, Glebe, Lyta
Counter all physical
Counter Level Up 1 Mask, Skullen
attacks for 1 turn
Stat Healing magic
Supplication Up/Level 0 effect/Dodge up for 1 Lyta
Up turn
Transforms unit's
Last Resort Level Up 0 Defense into Power, Bilboa, Sting Fly
Defense is reduced to 0
Doubles unit Power,
Speed, Wisdom and
Celerity Stat Up 0 Abbess
Defense, 3 hours
Makes unit invincible
Final Hope Level Up 0 during 3 turns, then unit Bunyan
dies, 3 hours cooldown
Status Stuns all combatants,
Shout 0 Khan
Change enemies and allies
Nullifies all Assist
Won-Qu, A-Tur, Tyrant, Astral,
Sanctuary None 8 Magic from all
Commands confused
Command None 0 allies/enemies to attack Red Cap, Fungoid, Bad Coil
Restores unit a small
Rest Holy 0 Eye Goo, Yaen
ammount of HP & AP
Restores unit a small
Snooze Holy 0 ammount of HP & AP Toadpole, Mud Pup
and causes sleep
Restores HP and cures
Palliate Holy 20 status ailments to one Lampkin
Transfer Holy 20 Restores 20 AP to a Istalk
target, user loses 20 AP
Revives all KO allies
Benediction Holy 45 Rider, Lyta
with 25% HP, it can fail
Attempt to steal an item
Steal Treasure 0 Stoll
from an enemy
Attempt to steal an item
Pilfer Treasure 0 while attacking an Una
Unit recieves all
Monopolize Treasure 0 experience gained Marlok
during combat
Increases chance of
Charm Treasure 0 reciving an item from Marlok
an enemy
Performs one extra
Nut Troop, Bolt Archer,
Double Blow Melee 3 attack with decreased
Guardian, Kolpum, BoltTroop
Performs one to three
Multistrike Melee 5 attacks with decreased Bolt Archer, Karon
Performs two extra
Triple Blow Melee 8 attacks with decreased Guardian, Horseman, Gecko
Physical attack that uses
Oracle Melee 2 Wisdom as Power, extra Momo
damage to Demons
Physical attack that uses
Spray Melee 2 Defense as Power, extra Momo
damage to Insects
Physical attack that uses
Clip Melee 2 Speed as Power, extra Momo
damage to Plants
Physical attack that
Spirit Blast Melee 0 Death Bot, Cyclops, Kryrik
ignores Defense
Weak attack against all
Cleave Melee 3 enemies, ignores Gecko, Rider, Kryrik
Drake (attack it with fire), Fire
Fire element physical
Flame Strike Melee 2 Ant, Snapfly, Kolpum, Aura,
Wind element physical Lizard Man, Kolpum,
Wind Strike Melee 2
attack Myrmidon/Knight
Water element physical
Frost Strike Melee 2 Blue Ball, Kolpum
Earth element physical Sandclaw, Kolpum,
Searing Sand Melee 2
attack Behemoth/Mammoth
Holy element physical
Holy Strike Melee 2 Kolpum, Lyta
Physical attack that
Backhand Melee 0 Bunyan
can't kill enemy
Deals damage equal to
Timed Blow Melee 13 unit's current HP, kills Gonger, Black Goo, Baby Goo
Physical damage based
Melee 2 on number of escaped Stoll
Low HP = High damage
Reversal Melee 0 Salt Claw
Transforms user into an
Egghead None 0 Momo
Level Reduces target's
Douse 1 Giant Roach, Tar Baby
Down resistance to Fire
Chance of reducing all
Curse Death 13 Angler, Poppy
enemies' HP by half
Chance of reducing all
ProtoBot (transform it with an
Sacrifice Death 13 enemies' HP to 1, kills
element combo), Istalk, Ibomb
Restores all allies' HP
Faerie Breath Holy 20 Njomo
and cures ailments
Increases front row
War Shout Stat Up 20 allies' Power, depends Njomo
on Faerie Troops
Attack against all
enemies, damage
Faerie Attack Melee 20 Njomo
depends on Faerie
Attack against all
Faerie Charge Melee 20 Njomo
enemies, 6 faeries min.
Ebonfire None 9 Non-Elemental magic Gulper, Black Goo, Dragonne
Random Effect! Feeling
Roulette None 0 Marlok
Physical attack that can
Mind Flay Stat Down 2 reduce enemy's Wisdom Cracker, Bolt Archer
by 20%
Level 1 fire magic Mage Goo, Joh, Drake, Morph
Burn Fire 1
against one target Goo, Baby Goo
Level 1 wind magic
Eddy Wind 2 Wyd, Morph Goo, Rwolf
against one target
Level 2 water magic
Icicle Water 4 Ice Beak, Moph Goo
against one target
Level 2 earth magic
Plateau Earth 5 Morph Goo, Rwolf
against one target
Physical attack at half
Target Melee 1 Stingfly, Shadow, Elite Troop
power that never misses
Physical attacks against
Tiger Fist Melee 6 Kahn
all enemies
Status Chance of poisoning all
Flex 0 Kahn
Change combatants
Level 3 fire magic
Flame Pillar Fire 8 Morph Goo, Rwolf
against one target

Names that are underlined are masters you can learn the skill from.

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