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Computer Networks

1. What Books to read :

Book Name :
1. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (1st Edition) by Kurose and Ross
2. Andrew S Tanenbaum - Computer networks , 4th edition
3. Behrouz A. Forouzan - Data Communications And Networking , 4th edition

2. Topics for that subject to read along with Chapter Subparts : ** m

arked parts are important for problems

Concept of layering --- Kurose & Ross chapter 1.7 / Andrew S Tanenba
um chapter - 1.4
LAN technologies (Ethernet) --- Kurose & Ross chapter 5.2.3 , 5.5(5.5.3)
/ Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 4.3
** Flow and error control techniques --- Kurose & Ross chapter 3.4.2 3.5.6[ fl
ow control], 5.1, 5.2 / Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 3.1, 3.3.2, 3.4 [ Flow
] 3.2 [ error]
switching --- Kurose & Ross chapter 1.4 / Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter
- 2.5.5
** IPv4/IPv6 ---- Kurose & Ross chapter 4.4, 4.7 / Andrew S Tanenbaum
chapter - 5.6.1, 5.6.2, ( IPv4) 5.6.8 (IPv6)
routers ---- Kurose & Ross chapter 4.6 / Andrew S Tanenbaum chapte
r - 5.1.3, 5.1.4
** routing algorithms (distance vector, link state) ----- Kurose & Ross chapte
r 4.2 / Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4 (DV)
, 5.2.5(link state),
TCP/UDP and sockets ---- Kurose & Ross chapter 3.3, 3.5 (sockets - 2.6,2.7)
/ Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 6.1.3(sockets) , 6.4.1(udp), 6.5.1,6.5.2,6
.5.3,6.5.4,6.5.5, 6.5.6, 6.5.8
** congestion control --- Kurose & Ross chapter 3.6, 3.7 / Andrew S Ta
nenbaum chapter - 5.4.2 [leaky & token]
Application layer protocols (DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP) --- Kurose & Ross chap
ter 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 / Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 7.1,7.2,7.3

Basics of Wi-Fi --- Kurose & Ross chapter 6.1,6.2,6.3 (5.7 in old version)
/ Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 4.4
Network security: authentication --- Kurose & Ross chapter 7.3
/ Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 8.7
** basics of public key and private key cryptography --- Kurose & Ross chapter
( Asymetric key cryptography) 7.2 / Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 8.3
digital signatures and certificates --- Kurose & Ross chapter 7.5 /
Andrew S Tanenbaum chapter - 8.4.2 , 8.5.1
firewalls --- Kurose & Ross chapter 8.5 / Andrew S Tanenbaum chapt
er - 8.6.2

3. From where to read ? to read from standard text book :

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (1st Edition) by Kurose and Ross [ Cha
pter 1 to 5 ]
[ chapter 6 (basics of wifi) - 6.1, 6.2 , 6.3 ] [ chapter 8 - security in compu
ter networks ]
AN Tanenbaum - chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
4 . Types of problems from where questions came previous years :

Important Types :
Addressing related questions :: Subnet address, supernet address, brodcast addre
ss, range of network, no of host, classless addressing, non continuous addresses
, first host and last host finding etc.
Properties Of Circuit Switching and packet switching, Routing Protocols and Nume
rical Problems on them.
Flow Control and Error Control Policies.
Numerical Problems on Window Size [ sliding window protocols ] , No Of Sequenc
e bits, frame size, bandwidth, round trip time, utilization, Hamming Distance, C
selective repeat [2016] , stop n wait [2016] , go back n[2008] - flow control .
Congestion Control policies like slow start, congestion avoidence and Congestion
Detection. Token bucket [2016]
IP Header , TCP and UDP header format, theory related to Ethernet . csma/cd
Basics Of Different Type of protocols like : FTP, HTTP, DHCP, ARP, RARP, SMTP, I
Basic Concepts of Cryptography and firewalls.

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