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SYLLABUS AnglishteprInfermieri

Njsiaakademike: Universiteti I Gjakovs FehmiAgani
Titulliilnds: AnglishteprInfermieri
Programi: Infermieri
Niveli: Para mesatar /Pre Intermediate
Statusilnds: Obligative
Vitiistudimeve: VitiiIr semestriiIIt
Numriiorvenjav: 2+2
Vlerankredi ECTS: 3
Koha / lokacioni: E mart: 1300 - 1700Fakulteti I Mjeksis
Msimdhnsiilnds: Mrs.PhD.cand. Laura Koshi - Naka
Detajetkontaktuese: E-mailizyrtar:
Tel.mob. +37744 484 600
Lnda: AnglishteprInfermieris

Semestri: II-t Viti: I-r Vitiakademik: 2015/2016

Vendiqzlnda Obligative + Zgjedhore

Qllimi I lnds

Studimiorientohetdrejtprvetsimittgjuhsshuajnshkrim, leximdhekomunikimgojor.
Fokustveant do tikushtohetmsimitttermavespecifikeqiprkasinlmisslaborantitmjekesor.
Studentiduhettnjohkonceptetkryesoretantropologjiskulturore me

Kjolndsynonnaftsimin e studentve me shqiptimin e sakttfjalve, ndrtimin e
fjalivedhenprdorimin e gramatikssksajgjuhe.

Me prfundimin e ksajlndestudentt do tjenngjendjet:

Prdortermetrelevantengjuhn e huaj

Lexoj material tndryshmengjuhn e huaj

Prdorfjalorinnmnyradekuatesidhetbjhulumtimet literatures ngjuhn e huaj


Mnyra e realizimittmsimdhniesdheprvetsimittnjohurive (tshnuara me bold)

Ligjrata Seminare Ushtrimelaboratorike Konsultime Mentorim Multimedia/Internet


Procesimsimor Orprjav Nr. I Gjithsejorprlndn ECTS


Ligjrata 15 45

Seminare 15 15


Praktikaklinike 3

Vetmsim 30

Provim 1

Gjithsej: 90

Vlersimiprfundimtaristudentveprprvetsiminelnds, dotbhetdukevlersuar:

- Pjesmarrjadheangazhiminligjrata 5%

- Pjesmarrjadheangazhiminseminaredheushtrime 5 %

- KolokuiumiI 20%
- KolokuiumiII 20%

- Provimiprfundimtar 50%

Oxford English for Careers: Nursing 1: Oxford English for Careers: Nursing: ELT Level 1: Pre-
Intermediate: Student's Book ; Tony Grice, Oxford University Press, 2011

LlambiLeka , Mentor Petrela, Nelson Qirjaku.

frngjisht, anglisht, italishtTiran: Dituria, 2005

Opportunities Pre-intermediate; EFL BOOKS Hillside Press; Coursebook and workbook

Thomson, J, A; Martinet, V, A; A Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1986

Emmerson, Paul; Business English Frameworks, Cambridge Univerity Press

English Grammer in Use.

'' Interchange'', Botimiitret, Jack C. Richards

Plani I dizejnuar I msimit:

Java Ligjrataq do tzhvillohet

Java e par: Unit 1 Hospital Jobs

Describing what people in a hospital do
Describing routines and current activities
The nursing profession
Present Simple tense vs Present continuous tense
Java e dyt: Unit 2 what hospital departments do
Giving directions in a hospital
Prepositions of place and movement
Describing where things are
Java e tret: Unit 3- the hospital admission procedure
Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Filling in a patient record card
Writing a summary of a patient
Java e katrt: Unit 4 talking about first aid
Understanding and giving instructions
The symptoms of shock
Describing how to deal with an emergency
Java e pest: Unit 5- Pain
Describing types of pain
Describing degrees of pain
Comparing things
Asking about pain
Java e gjasht: Unit 6 Symptoms
Describing and asking symptoms
How to form questions
Tongue diagnosis

Java e shtat: Unit 7 Caring for the elderly

Care homes
The ageing brain
Future with WILL
Describing the problems of the elderly
Aids used by the elderly
Java e tet: Kollofiumi I par

Java e nnt: Unit 8 Nutrition and obesity

Nutritional value of different foods
Vitamins and mineral
Eating disorders
Java e dhjet: Unit 9 Blood
Describing and talking about blood types
Doing a blood test and giving results
Conditionals with if and when
The heart
Java e Unit 10 Death and Dying
njmbedhjet: Talking about dying
The body after death
Expressing possibility
Discussing euthanasia
Java e Unit 11 Hygiene
dymbdhjet: Hospital hygiene quiz
Talking about the spread of infections and obligation
Auxiliary and modal verbs
Completing a Pathology lab report
Java e Unit 12 Mental health Nursing
trembdhjet: Describing the symptoms of mental illness
Java e Present Perfect Tense
katrmbdhjet: Schizophrenia
Writing a job application

Java e Kollofiumi I dyt

Politikatakademikedherregullat e mirsjelljes:
Studentt jan t obliguar :
Studentiduhettrespektojorarin e ligjratavedhetjet ivmendshmnornmsimore.
Ti prmbahettgjitharregullaveedukativo-arsimore.
Studentiduhettjetipregaditurprligjrat duke qentpajisur me
Nrespekttkolegvettyrestudent, ataduhettindalojntelefonat personal gjatmsimit.
Studentiduhettjetpjesmarrsaktivnligjrata, (meqenselibriiparaparprzhvillimin e lends,
shtlibr, icilitematkryesishtitrajtonnformtushtrimeve,
dhesiitillkrkonbashkpunimtvazhdueshm, nmestmsimdhnsit, studentvedhelibrit).
Studentishtiobliguartparaqesdheposedoj IDkartelnnkolokfiumedhetestinprfundimtar.


Studenttqndjekinrregullishtkursin do tjetngjendjetmarrinpjesnmnyraktivenklas,
duke dhnkontributin e tyrekonkretgjatligjrataveinteraktivedhegjatushtrimit. Prandaj,
kontributiityreprpjesmarrjedhetmsuaritdhedetyrat e tyre do

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