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Necrotizing fasciitis:
pathogenesis and treatment
Michael H Young, David M Aronoff and N Cary Engleberg

Necrotizing fasciitis is a rapidly progressive, life-threatening infection and a true infectious

disease emergency. Despite much clinical experience, the management of this disease
remains suboptimal, with mortality rates remaining approximately 30%. Necrotizing fasciitis
rarely presents with obvious signs and symptoms and delays in diagnosis enhance
mortality. Therefore, successful patient care depends on the physicians acumen and
index of suspicion. Prompt surgical debridement, intravenous antibiotics, fluid and
CONTENTS electrolyte management, and analgesia are mainstays of therapy. Adjunctive
History of necrotizing fasciitis clindamycin, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and intravenous immunoglobulin are frequently
Epidemiology employed in the treatment of necrotizing fasciitis, but their efficacy has not been rigorously
Microbiology established. Improved understanding of the pathogenesis of necrotizing fasciitis has
revealed new targets for rationally designed therapies to improve morbidity and mortality.
Risk factors for the
development of & mortality Expert Rev. Anti Infect. Ther. 3(2), 279294 (2005)
from necrotizing fasciitis
Pathology Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a life-threatening History of necrotizing fasciitis
Pathogenesis soft-tissue infection characterized by rapidly NF has existed as a clinically recognized entity
progressing inflammation and necrosis of sub- for hundreds of years, albeit under many differ-
Clinical features
cutaneous fascial tissues (with or without ent names. Hippocrates described a fulminant,
Diagnosis involvement of adjacent muscle). Although it fatal complication of erysipelas [2]. Throughout
Treatment is usually a polymicrobial infection, mono- the 18th and 19th centuries, several European
Expert opinion microbial infections occur, with group A strep- physicians described cases of rapidly progress-
tococcus (GAS) being the most important ing NSTIs by a variety of names, including
Five-year view
pathogen of the latter category. NF represents phagedena gangrenosa, necrotizing/gangre-
Key issues a subset of all necrotizing soft-tissue infections nous erysipelas, nonclostridial gas gangrene,
References (NSTIs), that include clostridial gas gangrene synergistic necrotizing cellulitis, hemolytic
Affiliations with myonecrosis, anaerobic cellulitis, and streptococcal gangrene and bacterial synergis-
severe, necrotizing vibrio infections. Fourniers tic gangrene [36]. The first description in the
gangrene represents a subset of NF localized to USA was reported in the 1870s by a Confeder-
the perineum [1]. NF is distinct from more ate surgeon, who referred to hospital

superficial soft-tissue infections such as erysip- gangrene [4]. The modern appellation of
Author for correspondence
University of Michigan Medical
elas, impetigo and cellulitis, which rarely necrotizing fasciitis was initially used by Wil-
School and University of Michigan progress beyond the superficial portion of sub- son in 1952 to encompass the most consistent
Hospitals, Department of cutaneous fat. This review will focus on the feature of this infection fascial necrosis [7].
Microbiology and Immunology, history, epidemiology, microbiology, patho- GAS NF as a distinct clinical entity has been
3116 Taubman Center, Box 0378 genesis and clinical presentation and manage- recognized more recently. Meleney described a
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
ment of NF, with an emphasis on NF caused syndrome of hemolytic streptococcal gangrene in
KEYWORDS: by GAS. Although the initial presentation and 1924 that may have been the first modern
antimicrobial therapy, bacterial, empiric management of patients suffering description of GAS NF, but this was before
bacterial toxins, clindamycin,
fasciitis, necrotizing, penicillins, from clostridial or waterborne vibrio NSTIs Lancefield had established methods for grouping
risk factors, septic shock, skin are similar to more typical NF, these specific streptococci [6]. Giulano suggested that mono-
diseases, streptococcus pyogenes,
superantigens infections are not addressed here. microbial GAS fasciitis was a distinct subset of 10.1586/14787210.3.2.279 2005 Future Drugs Ltd ISSN 1478-7210 279

Young, Aronoff & Engleberg

NF, which he dubbed Type II (see below) [8]. In 1989, Stevens hypertension, a third were obese and a quarter had cardiac
and colleagues described a syndrome of streptococcal toxic disease [13]. Approximately 15 to 18% of patients had malnu-
shock syndrome (TSS) that was often associated with NF. trition, alcohol abuse, peripheral vascular disease or chronic
These authors were also the first to characterize unique clinical pulmonary disease; and 11 to 13% had either a history of
characteristics associated with GAS NF [9]. Interestingly, GAS intravenous drug abuse (IVDA) or carcinoma. Antecedent
NF became a prominent infectious disease in the lay press dur- trauma (including IVDA) is a common theme, ranging from
ing the mid-1990s, when several outbreaks were reported, and seemingly innocuous minor abrasions to blunt or penetrating
the disorder was labeled a flesh-eating disease in the British trauma and may result from surgical incisions or percutane-
tabloid press [10]. ous catheters [4]. However, hematogenous seeding of bacteria
to the fascia may also occur [21,22].
Epidemiology A case-control study by Factor and colleagues identified
The true incidence of all types of NSTIs is unknown, specific risk factors for 139 patients with invasive GAS dis-
although GAS NF is best studied from an epidemiologic ease, defined as infection associated with the isolation of GAS
standpoint. It is estimated that 10,000 cases of invasive GAS from a normally sterile site [23]. NF represented only a minor-
disease occur per year in the USA, of which approximately ity (6%) of these cases (bacteremia and cellulitis were the
7% are NF [11]. Since GAS is implicated as the cause of most common forms of invasive disease). In adults aged 18 to
approximately 10 to 20% of all NF cases, it can be estimated 44 years, factors associated with invasive disease included
that 7000 to 14,000 cases of all types of NF may occur in the exposure to one or more children with sore throats (relative
USA each year. NF affects all age groups, although adults are risk [RR]: 4.93; p = 0.02), HIV infection (RR: 15.01;
most commonly afflicted, and a slight male predominance is p = 0.04) and history of IVDA (RR: 14.71; p = 0.003). In
typical (60%). The overall mortality is approximately 30%, adults over 45 years of age, number of people in the home
with higher mortality at the extremes of ages [1214]. (RR: 2.68; p = 0.004), DM (RR: 2.27; p = 0.03), cardiac dis-
ease (RR: 3.24; p = 0.006), cancer (RR: 3.54; p = 0.006) and
Microbiology corticosteroid use (RR: 5.18; p = 0.03) were the most impor-
Although cultures from NF wounds are often sterile due to tant. However, up to 65% have no identifiable risk factor for
prior antibiotic therapy [13,14], a diverse range of bacteria have invasive GAS disease [22].
been isolated from active lesions (TABLE 1). Giulano was the first Risk factors adversely affecting the prognosis of established
to suggest a classification scheme for NF based on the wound NF include advanced age, female gender, cardiac disease, mal-
microbiology [8], dividing NF into two types. Type I, which nutrition, alcohol abuse, peripheral vascular disease and
represents approximately 80 to 90% of all NF cases, includes chronic pulmonary disease. The combination of age over
polymicrobial infections with obligate anaerobes, entero- 60 years, renal failure and DM was associated with a mortality
bacteraciae, and (nongroup A) streptococci [12,15,16]. Wound rate of 64.7% [13]. In another large series by Childers and col-
cultures from Type I NF yield an average of approximately four leagues, higher mortality rates were noted at the extremes of age
to five different species per lesion [13]. Monomicrobial infec- (<1 or >60 years), with IVDA, and comorbidities included can-
tions are found in 15 to 30% of all NF wound cultures, but cer, renal failure and congestive heart failure [12]. Certain clini-
GAS is the sole isolate in approximately 10% of cases [13,14]. cal features (e.g., positive blood cultures or truncal/perineal
Type II infections are defined by the presence of GAS, most involvement) are associated with a poor outcome.
commonly as a single agent, but occasionally in a mixed infec- Concurrent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
tion. Multiple GAS M types have been associated with NF; (NSAIDs) has been suggested to pose a potential risk for the
type M1 is the most prevalent [9,1720]. To this classification, development of GAS NF and/or the worsening of an estab-
some authors have suggested a third type, to distinguish fasciitis lished infection [24,25]. However, a recent review of available
caused by marine vibrios [4]. retrospective and prospective studies did not support a
causal relationship [25,26]. These authors noted that the use of
Risk factors for the development of & mortality from NSAIDs may mask the symptoms of NF and delay diagnosis,
necrotizing fasciitis especially when the clinical suspicion for NF is low [26].
In general, risk factors for the development of Type I and II NF
are similar. Type I fasciitis occurs more commonly in immuno- Pathology
suppressed patients and rarely develops in young, healthy indi- The histologic findings of NF are the same in both Type I
viduals. Type II NF appears more capable of developing in and II. The essential features of NF are widespread necrosis
otherwise healthy people (TABLE 2). Immunosuppression may be of superficial fascia, subcutaneous fat, nerves, arteries and
profound (e.g., patients on high-dose corticosteroids or veins. Deep fascia may be involved as well, but superficial
infected with HIV) or subtle (e.g., advanced age, diabetes mel- skin and deeper muscle are typically spared. Early in the dis-
litus [DM] or alcoholism). Comorbid illnesses appear to ease process there is obliterative vasculitis with micro-
present a risk for the development of NF. In a large retro- angiopathic thrombosis at the leading edge of the lesion,
spective analysis of NF, most patients had DM, a third had accompanied by acute inflammation in the subcutaneous

280 Expert Rev. Anti Infect. Ther. 3(2), (2005)

Necrotizing fasciitis

Table 1. Microbiology of necrotizing fasciitis.

Organism Common Unusual
Gram-positives Group A streptococcus Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
- or -hemolytic streptococci Group B, C and G streptococcus
Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus pneumoniae
Coagulase-negative staphylococci
Enterococcus spp.
Bacillus spp.
Corynebacterium spp.
Gram-negatives Enterobacteriaceae Marine vibrios
Escherichia coli Aeromonas spp.
Enterobacter spp. Edwardsiella spp.
Klebsiella spp. Hemophilus spp.
Proteus spp. Photobacterium damsela
Serratia marcescens Burkholderia pseudomallei
Pseudomonas spp. Pasteurella multocida
Acinetobacter spp. Ochrobactrum anthropi
Citrobacter spp. Eikenella spp.
Anaerobes Peptostreptococcus spp. Flavobacterium odoratum
Clostridium spp.
Bacteroides spp.
Prevotella spp.
Fusobacterium spp.
Propionibacterium spp.
Veillonella spp.
Lactobacillus spp.
Fungi Candida spp. Aspergillus spp.
Cryptococcus spp.
Apophysomyces elegans
Absidia corymbifera
Acid-fast bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis

tissue [12,15]. Superficial hyaline necrosis may be seen, along hemorrhage are also characteristic of later lesions and
with edema and inflammation of the dermis [3,8] and sub- myonecrosis may develop as well [27]. Gram-stain of affected tis-
cutaneous fat [27]. As the process advances, lesions develop sue may be positive. Strikingly little inflammation is found in
liquefaction necrosis of all tissue levels. The fascia become the surrounding tissues [3,8].
swollen and exhibit a dull grey discoloration. Subepidermal To the surgeon, there may be a remarkable lack of resistance
necrotic bullae, subcutaneous fat and eccrine necrosis, and a of normally adherent muscular fascia to blunt dissection and
dense neutrophil-predominant inflammatory infiltrate are little bleeding of fascia during dissection [28]. A foul-smelling,
noted [27]. Noninflammatory intravascular coagulation and dishwater exudate may also be present. 281
Young, Aronoff & Engleberg

contribute to virulence, including streptokinase, streptolysin O

Table 2. Risk factors for necrotizing fasciitis. and S, hyalouronidase, DNAses A, B, C and D and strepto-
Type 1 NF Type II (GAS) NF coccal pyrogenic exotoxin (Spe) B. Streptolysin O and S are
cytolysins with activity against a range of human cell types.
Alcoholism Alcoholism Streptolysin O is distinguished by its ability in the presence of
Antecedent trauma Antecedent trauma oxygen, whereas steptolysin S is oxygen stable. Streptokinase
converts human plasminogen to plasmin, and hyaluronidase
Carcinoma Carcinoma
digests the hyaluronic acid of connective tissue ground sub-
Cardiopulmonary disease Cardiopulmonary disease stance. The activity of the DNAses is self-explanatory, although
Diabetes Diabetes their significance in infection is unknown. Finally, SpeB is a
potent cysteine protease whose precise role is uncertain,
Iatrogenic procedures Immunosuppression (e.g., HIV although streptokinase, streptolysin S and SpeB have been
and corticosteroid use)
shown to enhance dermal necrosis in animal models [3436].
Immunosuppression (e.g., HIV Intravenous drug abuse These virulence factors are differentially utilized by GAS
and corticosteroid use) throughout each stage of infection (initiation, local replication
Intravenous drug abuse Male gender and dissemination), which requires the highly coordinated reg-
ulation of virulence gene expression. Therefore, it is not sur-
Male gender Peripheral vascular disease prising that several global regulators of virulence have been
Peripheral vascular disease Recent surgery identified. For example, Mga is a DNA-binding protein that
positively regulates expression of the antiphagocytic M protein
Recent surgery Exposure to children with sore
throats(?) gene (emm) and at least eight other putative virulence-related
proteins that enhance colonization or immune evasion. Accord-
Smoking HLA Class II haplotype(?) ingly, Mga-regulated genes are expressed during the mid-
Lack of specific anti-GAS exponential phase of growth [37]. Alternatively, the two-compo-
antibodies nent regulator, CsrRS (CovRS), represses streptococcal capsule
Varicella infection
production and several tissue-damaging toxins that are required
for various aspects of necrotizing skin infection in animal mod-
GAS: Group A streptococcus; HLA: Human leukocyte antigen; els [3840]. Streptokinase, steptolysin S and SpeB are positively
NF: Necrotizing fasciitis.
controlled by other defined regulatory systems [4144]. In vitro,
these regulated toxins are expressed in the stationary phase, sug-
Pathogenesis gesting that they may be deployed during infection when the
Bacterial factors bacteria have depleted local nutrients and need to spread
The underlying pathogenesis of Type I NF is poorly understood. It through tissue to continue their growth.
is presumed that diverse bacterial species work together to GAS also express a host of superantigens (SAg) that appear to
enhance the spread of infection, and the growth of invading play an important, although as yet unidentified role in infec-
microbes is synergistic. Experimentally, this has been demon- tion. Some are chromosomally encoded, but most are found on
strated in animal models, in which coinoculation of distinct bacteriophages. The best characterized of these include SpeA,
anaerobic species resulted in larger skin lesions than mono- C, F, G, H, I, J, K and L, but also streptococcal superantigen
microbial inoculation [2931]. However, the validity of this (SSA) and streptococcal mitogenic exotoxin Z-1 and -2
synergism in human infection remains speculative. (SMEZ-1 and -2) [32]. Approximately half of Type II NF cases
In contrast, the virulence factors of GAS, the cause of Type II are associated with a clinical entity similar to staphylococcal
NF, have been well studied [3233]. These include factors that TSS [17,22,45]. Streptococcal TSS is a form of severe invasive
mediate attachment to host cells, such as protein F, lipotechoic GAS disease that is characterized by hypotension and multior-
acid and M protein. The M protein is also intimately involved gan dysfunction [22]. As in staphylococcal TSS, streptococcal
in the evasion of the human immune response through inhibi- TSS appears to be a SAg-mediated process. However, whereas
tion of opsonization and phagocytosis. M protein directly there is a single SAg responsible for the syndrome in staphylo-
binds human fibrinogen to create a molecular camouflage of cocci, it has been difficult to assign an essential role to any par-
sorts, and also binds the complement regulatory Factor H, ticular SAg or combination of SAgs. Multiple M types of GAS
which, in turn, inhibits binding of the opsonin C3b. Related producing myriad SAgs have been isolated from patients with
M-like proteins bind immunoglobulins, and C5a peptidase invasive infections, including NF [9,1719,46]. Most, but not all
inhibits chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) isolates from severe invasive GAS cases (including NF) in the
by inactivating C5a. Resistance to killing by PMNs is also USA and Canada are positive for SpeA, B or C [18,47]. There is
mediated by the hyaluronic acid capsule, as GAS strains with also evidence that GAS SAgs may be directly involved in GAS
increased capsule are better able to resist phagocytic killing [39]. NF independent of streptococcal TSS (see below). Analysis of
GAS also produce a number of extracellular exotoxins that tissue samples from patients with severe GAS soft-tissue

282 Expert Rev. Anti Infect. Ther. 3(2), (2005)

Necrotizing fasciitis

infections revealed that bacterial load and in situ expression of alone. The initial findings may be misleadingly benign (TABLE 3),
SpeF correlated with severity of clinical grade [48]. The severity resembling more innocuous processes, such as cellulitis, arthri-
of soft-tissue infection also correlated with local expression of tis, bursitis or musculoskeletal injury or strain. In a series of 89
interleukin (IL)-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-, interferon patients with NF, only 15% were suspected of having NF on
(INF)-, CC chemokine receptor 5, CD 44, and cutaneous first presentation [14]. The most common misdiagnoses in these
lymphocyte-associated antigen, demonstrating that the patients were cellulitis (59%) and abscess (18%) [14]. The rate
cytokine profile in affected tissues themselves mimics a SAg of missed diagnoses is also high in GAS NF, with severe local-
response [48]. ized pain as the presenting symptom in 70 to 90% of
patients [22,60], but an initial misdiagnosis in 35% [61].
Host factors Accurate and early diagnosis is important in these cases, since
Identical GAS strains can be isolated from cases of severe invasive the outcome of NF depends on rapid institution of treatment
infections and from healthy individuals in the complete absence (see below). Although several hard clinical signs: hypotension,
of disease [4951]. Therefore, in addition to acquired crepitance, skin necrosis, bullae and subcutaneous gas on plain
comorbidities, individual genetic traits may influence the course radiograph [13,62] are specific indicators of NF, many patients
of the disease in the infected host. Patients with more severe inva- lack these signs on initial presentation to a healthcare provider.
sive GAS disease have increased in situ expression of TNF- and In one series, 61% of NF patients had no hard signs on initial
IL-2 and -6 in blood [51], and a recent series of NF patients examination and nonspecific signs and symptoms predomi-
showed that nonsurvivors had elevated levels of proinflammatory nated [62]. However, exquisite pain, specifically, pain that is dis-
cytokines compared with survivors [52]. Part of this variability proportionate to what would be expected from the clinical
may be due to host variations in responses to streptococcal SAgs findings, is seen in nearly 100% of patients with NF [12,14,15,62]
[53,54]. Additionally, certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and should strongly suggest the diagnosis. In addition, there are
haplotypes have been associated with increased responsiveness to other clinical findings that should be considered red flags, suggest-
streptococcal SAgs in vitro and have been clinically associated ing a possible necrotizing process (FIGURE 1). For example, a lack of
with the development of severe invasive GAS disease [51,53,55,56]. lymphangitis or lymphadenopathy, which are often seen in less
Low levels or absence of protective antibodies (e.g., anti-M) complicated soft-tissue infections, are rarely seen in NF [6,15].
may also facilitate invasive GAS disease [5759]. However, lack of In most series, the majority of NF cases have an identifiable
antibody cannot entirely explain why some patients develop source of infection. Reported portals of entry for bacteria are
NF while others develop less severe invasive GAS disease diverse and range from the obvious (surgical wound) to the
(e.g., bacteremia or pneumonia) [57]. occult (insect bite) (BOX 1). However, a significant number of
cases lack an identifiable focus [1214,16,61,63].
Clinical features Any anatomic site may be involved in NF, although the
The stereotypical course of NF involves a normal or slightly extremities, abdomen and perineum are the most commonly
inflamed soft-tissue area that suddenly and dramatically affected sites [1214,61,62]. Abdominal NF is usually Type I and is
progresses to overt fasciitis, accompanied by evidence of systemic typically related to postsurgical complications [4,63]. Fourniers
toxicity. The natural history of NF was succinctly described by gangrene is also typically a polymicrobial infection, and has a
Meleney as acute inflammatory changes that spread quickly, comparatively higher rate of mortality [1].
accompanied by high fever and eventual prostration [6]. The The overall mortality rate for NF ranges from approximately
overlying skin would become smooth, tense and shiny. Diffuse 20 to 35% and is higher at the extremes of age [1214,28,6264].
erythema without distinct borders, in contrast to erysipelas, Patients with GAS NF are more likely to be seriously ill dur-
would be present. Within 1 to 2 days, the lesions might develop ing their course in comparison with Type I NF patients, and
progressive color changes, from red to purple to blue and then appear to have an increased risk of death compared with
become frankly gangrenous by the fourth or fifth day, first turn- Type I patients [13,21]. This is probably due to the presence
ing black, then greenish yellow. From days 7 to 10, provided the of streptococcal TSS in approximately 50% of patients suf-
patient had survived, a line of demarcation between viable and fering from GAS NF [22,60,61]. The most important determi-
necrotic tissue would become sharply defined. Necrotic skin nant of patient survival is the time between the onset of soft
would slough to reveal underlying pus and extensive liquefaction tissue symptoms (or presentation to a healthcare provider)
necrosis of subcutaneous tissues, which was significantly more and the first operative debridement [3,13,14,67,68]. This under-
extensive than would be suspected by the overlying area of scores the need for clinicians to think about the possibility
necrotic skin. Pulmonary distress and metastatic abscesses might of an early NF in a patient who presents with acute soft-tissue
develop as well. pain or inflammation.
The signs and symptoms most commonly associated with
Types I and II NF are detailed in TABLE 3. The significant Diagnosis
amount of overlap in the presenting signs and symptoms The presence of hard clinical signs requires immediate surgical
between the two types make it impossible to reliably distin- evaluation, and certain clinical red flags should motivate
guish the microbial etiology based on clinical presentation further diagnostic consideration of NF (FIGURE 1). The lack of 283
Young, Aronoff & Engleberg

score [28]. With respect to streptococcal fasciitis, it has been

Box 1. Necrotizing fasciitis: inciting events and reported that a C-reactive protein of greater than or equal to
pre-existing conditions. 16 mg/dl is strongly associated with GAS NF (sensitivity
89%; specificity 90%; positive predicitve value 44% and
Soft-tissue injury: superficial abrasions, lacerations, negative predicitve value 99%) [21]. An elevated creatine
penetrating trauma, injection drug use, subcutaneous kinase of greater than or equal to 600 units/l was also found
injections such as insulin injections, surgical wound, insect to be poorly predictive (sensitivity 58%; specificity 95%;
bite, burn, snake bite, chickenpox or zoster positive predicitve value 58% and negative predicitve value
Head and neck: dental abscess, odontogenic infection, 95%) [21]. A molecular diagnostic technique for Type II NF,
parotitis, peritonsillar abscess or cervical adenitis based on the identification of SAg genes within involved tissue
Abdominal: appendicitis, strangulated hernia, colocutaneous using polymerase chain reaction remains investigational [69].
fistula, diverticulitis, perirectal abscess, omphalitis or Radiographic procedures can be helpful in the evaluation
perforated viscus of suspected cases of NF, but the use of such technologies
Genitourinary: Bartholins gland cyst, coital injury, septic should not delay appropriate surgical management of highly
abortion, vulvar abscess, postepisiotomy, renal calculus, suspicious cases. The ideal radiologic test would successfully
pilonidal cyst, cesarean section surgery, tubal ligation identify patients with early, minimally symptomatic fasciitis,
surgery, hysterectomy or traumatic bladder instrumentation while excluding patients with less complicated soft-tissue
Musculoskeletal: ankle sprain, trauma, foot ulcers, skin infections. Plain x-rays are useful in detecting gas in the soft
abscess or cellulitis tissues that may not be detected on physical
Iatrogenic: percutaneous endoscopically placed gastrotomy examination [70]. However, gas tends to appear late in the
tube, central lines, percutaneous catheters, chest tube, course of NF and the prevalence of soft-tissue gas at the time
peripheral intravenous site, nerve block, cardiac of presentation is highly variable (1570% of cases) [13,70].
catheterization or acupuncture Computed tomography (CT) scans have the benefit of
Spontaneous/idiopathic improved sensitivity over a plain radiograph, especially
Hematogenously seeded regarding soft-tissue edema, are nearly as rapid and easily
Munchausens syndrome obtained as plain x-rays and better delineate the extent of
infection not obvious to the examiner. Asymmetric fascial
fever should not rule out the diagnosis of NF as this is variably thickening with fat stranding can be found in approximately
present. If the diagnosis is in doubt, frequent and repeated 80% of cases [71]. CT scans also identify fluid collections
examinations of the patient are mandatory. and foreign bodies that may be unapparent on plain films.
Routine laboratory evaluation may help distinguish NF However, CT scans may not adequately differentiate severe
from non-necrotic soft-tissue infections. Based on a compar- cellulitis from NF, and cases of NF with negative CT find-
ison of 31 NF cases and 328 non-NF soft-tissue infections, ings have been reported [71]. There have also been no pro-
Wall and colleagues proposed a simple discriminative model spective studies examining the ability of CT to diagnose NF
based on the white blood cell count and the serum sodium before clinically obvious signs of disease erupt.
concentration [62]. In this model a combination of count In comparison, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has very
greater than 15.4 x 109/l and serum sodium less than high sensitivity (93100%) for diagnosing NF, although pub-
135 mol/l had a sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 76%, lished reports include patients in whom NF was already clini-
positive predictive value of 26% and negative predictive cally suspected at the time of presentation [7275]. Differentiat-
value of 99% [62]. However, this model has not been vali- ing NF from severe cellulitis may also prove problematic based
dated prospectively. Wong and colleagues have more on MRI alone. NF exhibits high signal intensity on T2-
recently developed a Laboratory Risk Indicator for necrotiz- weighted images and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images
ing fasciitis (LRINEC) in which a score is assigned from a by MRI. However, hyperintense T2 signal can be seen in a
combination of values for C-reactive protein, white blood number of conditions with fascial edema but no necrosis,
cell count, hemoglobin, serum sodium, creatinine and glu- including abscess, cellulitis, cellulitis with lymphatic obstruc-
cose [28]. A score of less than or equal to five (low risk) was tion, cellulitis with venous thrombosis, recent radiation ther-
associated with a less than 50% chance of having NF; a score of apy, neoplasm-related soft-tissue swelling, rheumatic disease,
six to seven (moderate risk) with a 50 to 75% probability and a recent surgery, ruptured popliteal cyst and passive edema [73].
score greater than or equal to eight (high risk) with a greater Moreover, MRI is often difficult to obtain in a timely manner,
than 75% probability of NF. The authors chose a cut-off may not detect soft-tissue gas, is comparatively expensive and
score of six, at which the positive predictive value of this may be technically difficult to perform on a critically ill patient.
model was 92% and the negative predictive value was 99%. Wang and Hung recently prospectively examined the utility
This model has also not been prospectively analyzed and the of transcutaneous soft-tissue oximetry to diagnose NF of the
authors themselves advocated surgical intervention when the lower extremities [76]. They reported significantly decreased
index of clinical suspicion is high, regardless of the LRINEC oxygen saturation (SaO2) readings within areas of suspected

284 Expert Rev. Anti Infect. Ther. 3(2), (2005)

Necrotizing fasciitis

Table 3. Common presenting signs and symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis.

Type I Presented (%) Type II Presented (%)
Intense pain* 7398 Intense pain* 87
Fever 3180 GI (nausea, vomiting and 47
Numbness 1 Flu-like (flu or aches, chills 46
and feverishness)
Weakness 0.5 Temperature over 37.7C 45
Altered sensorium 1418

Warmth 97 Localized edema 36
Tenderness 98 Localized erythema 27
Swelling 7592 Cutaneous lesion 18
Tachycardia 74 Heart rate above 90 73
Erythema 66100 Hypotension (if streptococcal 18; >95
TSS present)
Foul discharge 47 TSS 4073
Skin discoloration 1849 Acute renal insufficiency 45
(on presentation)
Blistering/bullae 1445 Rash 35
Induration 1245 Crepitus or soft tissue air less than 20
Shock 22
Jaundice 16
Fluctuance 11
Crepitus 036
Sensory or motor deficits 927
(e.g. localized anesthesia)
Skin sloughing/necrosis 531
Hypotension 418
Multiorgan dysfunction 4.5
Soft tissue air on x-ray 1757
*Pain out of proportion to examination.
Type I [12-15,143]; Type II [13,22,60,61].
GI: Gastrointestinal tract; NF: Necrotizing fasciitis; TSS: Toxic shock syndrome.

NF compared with control patients with cellulitis. Setting a The diagnostic gold standard for NF is the finding of fascial
cut-off SaO2 value of 70% or less, the sensitivity of this test was necrosis at the time of surgery. Others have suggested less
100% and the specificity was 97%. Interestingly, readings invasive, tissue-based diagnostic procedures to help aide the
returned to normal after fasciotomy and may be useful to mon- diagnosis of NF. As early as the 1950s, investigators sug-
itor the response to therapy. However, patients with athero- gested using the finding of fascial dehiscence as a diagnostic
sclerotic peripheral vascular disease and very obese patients test. Wilson advocated using a mechanical probe or ones own
were not included in this study and only lower extremity finger to probe to the deep fascia through either a spontane-
lesions were examined. ous wound opening or creating a small surgical opening [7]. 285
Young, Aronoff & Engleberg

Signs or symptoms of
soft tissue infection?


Pain out of proportion to Red flags on physical examination:

physical examination? Edema extending beyond area Risk factors for NF:
of erythema Diabetes mellitus
Or Absence of lymphangiitis Alcoholism
or lymphadenopathy No Immunosuppression
Tachycardia Peripheral vascular disease
'Hard' signs of NF present: No Myalgias Intravenous drug abuse
Crepitance Constitutional symptoms Recent surgery
Skin necrosis Altered mental status Abdominal or perineal
Bullae Slow/absent response to antibiotics localization of disease
Focal anaesthesia
Rapid progression of lesion Yes Yes
Gas on x-ray No
Hemodynamic instability
Systemic toxicity


Prompt surgical consultation to

Yes Positive blood work?*:
confirm diagnosis of NF: LRINEC score 6
WBC 15.9 x 109/l
Diagnosis by surgical
CRP 16mg/l
debridement, or
CK 600U/l
'Finger' probe test, or No
Acute renal insufficiency
Frozen-tissue section

Diagnosis Diagnosis Blood work negative

confirmed excluded Positive but clinical suspicion
evaluation for NF high
Treat as NF: Treat as simple soft
Negative tissue infection
Wide surgical debridement evaluation
Broad spectrum antibiotics, Radiographic imaging: (e.g. cellulitis) or
MRI noninfectious process
including clindamycin
CT (e.g. deep venous
Cardiopulmonary stabilization
Ultrasound thrombosis).
Blood cultures and blood work
if not already done
Consider IVIg if GAS suspected Reevaluate in 24 hours.
or if criteria for streptococcal TSS
are met

Figure 1. General approach to the patient with possible necrotizing fasciitis.

CBC, metabolic profile, C-reactive protein, creatinine kinase, blood culture.

MRI, if promptly available, is preferred modality due to high sensitivity. CBC: Complete blood count; CK: Creatinine kinase; CRP: C-reactive protein;
CT: Computed tomography; GAS: Group A streptococcus; IVIg: Intravenous immunoglobulin; LRINEC: Laboratory risk indicator for necrotizing fasciitis;
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; NF: Necrotizing fasciitis; TSS: Toxic shock syndrome; WBC: White blood cell.

Presently, several authors advocate such a finger test through additional benefits of identifying NF cases where the clinical
a 2 cm incision [12,15,28]. Lack of bleeding and dishwater dis- suspicion was low and also preventing unnecessary surgery in six
charge are both ominous signs. Blunt dissection is then performed cases [68]. However, biopsy specimens must be processed and read
using a finger. If the normally adherent subcutaneous tissue easily by an experienced dermatopathologist immediately, which makes
dissects off deep fascia, then the diagnosis of NF is made. Unfortu- such a technique impractical at most institutions.
nately, while such a test seems logical and efficient, its utility has
not been validated by any clinical trials [77]. An alternative bedside Treatment
technique employs the use of frozen section cutaneous biopsies Several aspects of NF therapy have confirmed benefit and
[68,78]. Briefly, this involves taking a tissue biopsy down to deep fas- have achieved the status of standard of care. The rationale
cia of an area of suspected NF and then sending such a biopsy for for these modalities, that is, aggressive surgical debridement,
prompt frozen section pathology. This modality was found to broad-spectrum empiric antibiotics and hemodynamic sup-
reduce the time between presentation and definitive surgical debri- port, are discussed in this section. Elements of care that are
dement (21 h vs. 6 days) and also demonstrated a mortality benefit available but do not have firm evidence supporting their use
(12.5 vs. 72.7%) [68]. Frozen-section tissue biopsy had the will be discussed in the expert opinion section that follows.

286 Expert Rev. Anti Infect. Ther. 3(2), (2005)

Necrotizing fasciitis

Surgery community-acquired MRSA strains remain susceptible to

Definitive therapy of NF includes immediate and extensive numerous antibiotics, including clindamycin, as in a recent
debridement of all necrotic and devitalized or at-risk-appearing cluster of MRSA-associated NF cases in California [83].
tissue [3,13,14,63,65,66,79,80]. The goal of the clinician should be The authors advocate adding clindamycin to the above
surgical intervention within 24 h of presentation, as the mortal- empiric regimens until the presence of GAS can be confirmed
ity rate significantly increases beyond this period [14]. Not only or excluded. This recommendation is based upon both animal
does the timeliness of surgical intervention impact mortality, studies and human epidemiologic investigations demonstrating
but the adequacy of the first debridement is also beneficial effects of clindamycin on mortality in GAS NF
important [4,63,7981]. Wide resection, not simple incision and (reviewed extensively in [84]). This mollifying effect on GAS NF
drainage, should be performed of all tissue that can be easily may result from the ability of clindamycin to inhibit protein
elevated off deep fascia with gentle finger dissection [15]. Re- synthesis, to suppress production of GAS exotoxins and/or vir-
exploration and further debridements should be aggressively ulence factors [8590] and to enhance the phagocytosis of GAS
performed as needed to control the necrotizing process [13]. by inhibiting M-protein synthesis [84]. Interestingly, clinda-
Multiple trips to the operating suite are the rule, and survival mycin has been shown to reduce the expression of virulence
has been reported in patients with up to 45% of their body sur- proteins in bacterial species against which it has poor antibacte-
face area debrided [82]. In one series, an average of 2.1 debride- rial activity (e.g., Gram-negative bacteria), suggesting it may be
ments were performed within the first 5 days, with an average useful in cases of non-GAS NF, although clinical evidence is
of 3.8 debridements per patient per total hospital stay [13]. lacking [85,87,88,9195]. The host inflammatory response to GAS
Once necrosis has been controlled, surgery should be aimed at infection may be beneficially altered by clindamycin as well.
optimizing wound care. Diverting colostomies may be needed Unlike -lactam antibiotics, clindamycin does not appear to pro-
to prevent soilage of abdominal and perineal wounds [13]. NF mote the release of proinflammatory cell wall components from
patients may require surgical wound closure in order to mini- dying bacteria [96], and proinflammatory cytokine expression
mize protein, fluid and electrolyte losses [15]. Temporary clo- may be directly downregulated by the drug [90,97,98]. Additionally,
sures may be required until definitive debridement is accom- as opposed to -lactams, the potency of clindamycin against GAS
plished, at which time split-thickness skin grafting, flaps or free is not reduced by a high microbial burden. This inoculum size
flaps may be required. In one review, the average time to final effect (also called the Eagle effect) describes the observed
wound closure was 26.4 days after initial surgery [13]. decreased susceptibility of GAS to penicillin when organisms are
present in high density [99]. This phenomenon may result from
Antibiotics reduced expression of penicillin-binding proteins in the station-
Parenteral antimicrobial therapy is an important aspect of NF ary phase of growth [100]. Consequently, in a mouse model of
management and initial empiric antimicrobials must be streptococcal myositis, animals receiving clindamycin survived
broadly active against a wide range of possible pathogens better than those treated with penicillin [101]. Although evi-
including: Gram-negative enteric bacteria, anaerobes and dence from prospective, randomized trials is lacking, analysis of
Gram-positive organisms such as staphylococci and strepto- available retrospective data suggests a benefit for clindamycin in
cocci. A -lactam/-lactamase combination such as ampicil- invasive GAS disease, including NF [84].
lin/sulbactam, piperacillin/tazobactam or ticarcillin/clavulanate
would be reasonable empiric choices, although increasing resist- Supportive care
ance to ampicillin/sulbactam by enteric pathogens such as Patients with NF are often critically ill and usually require
Escherichia coli may limit its future utility in polymicrobial NF. metabolic and hemodynamic support. Hypotension, respira-
Alternative combinations include a third- or fourth-generation tory distress and shock should be aggressively managed, as
cephalosporin along with metronidazole or clindamycin for should analgesia. Nutritional support is also
anaerobic coverage. For the penicillin-allergic patient, clin- important [12,13,15], especially considering the extensive loss
damycin plus aztreonam is an acceptable choice. Consideration of fluids, proteins and electrolytes from large surgical
should be given to Pseudomonas spp. if NF develops in a previ- wounds that mimic losses observed in burn victims. Aggres-
ously hospitalized patient or arises in the proximity of a chroni- sive nutritional support has been shown to improve survival
cally infected ulcer (e.g., decubitus ulcer). Similarly, extended [12,13,15] and some authors have suggested that patients
coverage for highly resistant Gram-positive bacteria should be receive twice their basal caloric requirement in the acute
added in nosocomial or surgical wound-associated infections. phase of management [12,13].
Vancomycin remains the drug of choice in such settings,
although both linezolid and daptomycin are alternatives for Expert opinion
patients unable to receive vancomycin. A recently observed Our perspectives on the diagnosis and therapy of NF are
increase in community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphy- summarized in FIGURE 1. The elements of the therapeutic
lococcus aureus (MRSA) infections raises the question of standard of care are summarized below:
whether or not such extended Gram-positive coverage should Prompt and aggressive surgical debridement of devitalized
be included empirically for all cases of NF. However, most tissue with drainage of any purulent material 287
Young, Aronoff & Engleberg

Empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics with activity against been demonstrated with staphylococcal and streptococcal
community-acquired Gram-positive and -negative patho- SAgs [47,107,109111]. It may also directly modulate immune
gens as well as obligate anaerobes. Options include: cytokine responses through unidentified pathways, includ-
-lactam/-lactamase combinations, such as ampicillin/sul- ing interactions with soluble immune components or
bactam, piperacillin/tazobactam or carbenicillin/clavu- cytokines themselves, blockade of Fc receptors, induction of
lanic acid, carbepenems, third- or fourth-generation counter-regulatory cytokines and interruption of the bind-
cephalosporins plus clindamycin or metronidazole ing of SAgs to the major histocompatibility complex
Focused antimicrobial therapy for Type II NF due to GAS with (MHC)-II or T-cell receptors [107,112114]. Pooled IVIg has
high-dose penicillin G or ampicillin and clindamycin, immedi- been shown to contain neutralizing antibodies to several
ately and until all infected tissues have been debrided or drained streptococcal SAgs [47,54,59,109,110,115] and acute plasma taken
from patients treated with IVIg for severe invasive GAS dis-
Hemodynamic and aggressive nutritional support ease demonstrated significantly increased ability to neutral-
Additional treatment options are available, but they are expen- ize streptococcal SAgs [45,47]. One small, retrospective review
sive, and their effectiveness is unclear. These options may be by Kaul and colleagues suggested a reduction in overall mor-
considered on a case-by-case basis, in extremely ill patients, if tality [17]; however, this study used historic controls, and a
resources are available and if there is no contraindication subsequent analysis did not find IVIg to be an independent
predictor of death. Recently, a small randomized, controlled
Hyperbaric oxygen study of 21 patients given IVIg as treatment for streptococcal
While the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) in anaerobic TSS showed decreased mortality at 28 days (10%) compared
infections such as clostridial gangrene is supported by experi- with patients not receiving IVIg (36%) [45]. While specifically
mental data [102], only anecdotal and/or retrospective data are investigating streptococcal TSS, over half of patients had
available in NF. It has been demonstrated that HBO may aug- deep-tissue infection, likely including cases of GAS NF.
ment neutrophil microbicidal activity, impair the virulence of However, the study size was small and did not reach statisti-
(or kill) certain bacterial pathogens, promote angiogenesis and cal significance [45]. Experimentally, an animal model
wound healing, increase red blood cell pliability, terminate showed no additional benefit of IVIg compared with anti-
lipid peroxidation and reduce local vasoconstriction and biotics alone [108]. The lack of consensus on the optimal dose
edema [4,103,201]. Retrospective analyses suggest both mortality and therapeutic window further complicates the use of IVIg.
and morbidity benefits for HBO in the setting of NF, with IVIg is also expensive, often difficult to obtain, and not
perhaps the most consistent improvement being accelerated without risks, including anaphylaxis (in individuals with
wound healing [4,12,13,15,67,103,104,201]. However, these observa- IgA deficiency) and renal failure. Finally, titers of strepto-
tions have not been prospectively validated. Additionally, coccal SAg-neutralizing antibodies vary in different prepara-
HBO is not readily available at most institutions, and there are tions of IVIg [116,117]. This variability confounds studies of
the practical difficulties of monitoring and managing a criti- IVIg and has obvious clinical implications.
cally ill patient isolated in a pressurization chamber. Complica-
tions of HBO are common, and include reversible myopia (up Activated protein C
to 20%) that may last for months, otobarotrauma (320%), Although not specifically targeted against GAS, nor intended
pneumothorax, pulmonary oxygen toxicity and CNS oxygen for NF infections, activated Protein C (drotrecogin-; Xigris)
toxicity with seizures (1:10,000) [201]. Therefore, consider is a commercially available agent that modifies the course of
HBO an adjunctive therapy that should not precede definitive sepsis and the response of the contact system [118], a collection
surgical intervention. of plasma proteins that have anticoagulant, profibrinolytic,
antiadhesive and proinflammatory functions and serve as
Intravenous immunoglobulin & group A streptococcus physiologic mediators of vascular biology and inflammatory
necrotizing fasciitis reactions [119]. Its potential in NF is theoretic, as microvascular
The role of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) in the thrombosis is an important component of such infections, and
treatment of invasive GAS disease also remains the subject sepsis and uncontrolled inflammatory responses often accom-
of debate. Although primarily given as therapy for strepto- pany NF. However, there has only been a single case report of
coccal TSS, IVIg has also been used as an adjunctive treat- its use in NF with no clear indication of benefit [120].
ment in GAS NF. Retrospective reviews suggest a mortality
benefit [61,105107]. There are several proposed mechanisms of Five-year view
action for IVIg. IVIg may directly opsonize GAS and pro- The basic approach to clinical management outlined above is
mote its clearance by the immune system, although a unlikely to change over the next 5 years. Promising new diag-
murine model failed to demonstrate improved bacterial nostic approaches, for example, transcutaneous oximetry, if it
clearance [108]. It has also been postulated that IVIg may can be validated on a larger scale, might significantly advance
directly antagonize streptococcal SAgs. The ability of IVIg to our ability to provide prompt therapy, whereas a more rigorous
inhibit bacterial SAgs and the immune response to SAgs has evaluation of the efficacy of clindamycin, HBO and IVIg will

288 Expert Rev. Anti Infect. Ther. 3(2), (2005)

Necrotizing fasciitis

allow treatment of NF, in particular GAS NF, to be optimized. regimens for GAS NF. There are newer experimental data
Additionally, a more robust understanding of the pathogenesis demonstrating that the oxazolidinone antibiotic linezolid
of both GAS and non-GAS NF would facilitate the identification also decreases expression of streptococcal SAgs [85,86]. It has
of new targets for therapy. In this section, we will address several also been suggested that antisense DNA or small interfering
new developments regarding potential therapies for GAS NF in RNA may be used to downregulate specific virulence
particular. GAS vaccines and novel antimicrobials may provide genes [128]. This approach is still highly theoretic, and it
potent alternatives to current regimens, and several develop- remains to be seen whether this will be clinically applicable.
ing therapies show promise in controlling the toxin-induced Also lacking is knowledge regarding the timing of SAg
manifestations of infection. expression in vivo, and therefore the optimum time to
administer such therapy. Interference with quorum sensing
GAS vaccines to decrease SAg expression in Gram-positive organisms has
Several efforts to produce an effective streptococcal vaccine are in been shown experimentally in staphylococci, offering
progress. A multivalent M protein vaccine has been effective in another novel strategy, but this modality is also still in its
protecting mice against intranasal challenge with GAS [121], and a infancy and not completely understood [128]. Finally, it has
comparable vaccine appears to be safe and immunogenic in adult recently been shown that GAS may secrete a pheromone pep-
humans [122]. Similarly, a vaccine consisting of a streptococcal tide that degrades IL-8, preventing neutrophil influx, which
fibronectin-binding protein was shown to provide protection in a may represent another potential target for future therapies [129].
murine intranasal model [123]. Additionally, a vaccine against the
tissue-destructive toxin, streptolysin S, was shown to neutralize the Superantigen neutralization
toxin in vivo [124], and immunization against both SpeA and C tox- Drawing from the observation that IVIg appears to bind and
oids was found to be protective for streptococcal TSS in a rabbit neutralize streptococcal SAgs, investigators have explored
model [125,126]. It is not clear whether such vaccines might offer alternative modalities to inactivate SAgs. As mentioned pre-
protection against NF and further studies are required. viously, specific SAg toxoid vaccines have been shown to
generate protective responses in vivo against streptococcal
Novel antibiotics TSS [125,126]. Another promising approach is treatment with
GAS continue to be among the few bacterial species that remain a peptide SAg antagonist. Arad and colleagues developed a
highly susceptible to penicillin, and consequently penicillins are dodecapeptide based on a -strand-hinge--helix domain
likely to remain the drugs of choice in the future. In contrast, mac- within staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) B that is conserved
rolide resistance appears to be an emerging problem in the USA, among other Gram-positive SAgs. They demonstrated that
and many resistant strains are also resistant to clindamycin [127]. the peptide inhibited SEB-induced expression of Th1
One possible response to this emerging resistance problem will be cytokines and protected and rescued mice from SEB-
to find alternative antimicrobials that offer the same advantages of induced lethal shock [130132]. This peptide was also found to
clindamycin in necrotizing infections. Initial studies suggest that be protective against lethal shock in mice to SpeA and sta-
the protein-synthesis inhibitor, linezolid, provides the same toxin- phylococcal SAg SEA, both of which have little homology to
inhibiting benefits of clindamycin [85,86]. Alternatively, dapto- SEB [132]. Surviving mice treated with this antagonist also
mycin, a pore-forming antibiotic that broadly inhibits metabolic developed broad immunity to rechallenge to SEB or SpeA
activity in Gram-positive bacteria, may have a similar benefit in [130132]. It has been speculated that this peptide interferes
reducing streptococcal toxin production and limiting tissue with the usual Th1 cytokine response induced by SAgs and
damage, but this remains speculative. allows a vigorous Th2 response to develop protective anti-
bodies to SAgs [130133]. Interestingly, mice treated with the
Superantigen-directed therapies peptide and challenged with SEB developed protective cros-
Other innovative treatments to control the toxic effects of simmunity to staphylococcal TSST-1 and streptococcal
streptococci involve the inhibition of SAg-mediated SpeA despite being naive to these SAgs [130132].
immune dysregulation. These treatments can be divided
into three categories: Modulation of superantigen-induced
proinflammatory cascade
Inhibition of SAg production by GAS
Some authors have suggested aphereis or hemadsorption as useful
SAg neutralization adjunctive therapies in the treatment of septic shock, including
Suppression of the SAg-induced proinflammatory GAS-induced shock [134138]. It has been proposed that such
cytokine cascade blood purification allows the removal of larger bacterial sub-
stances such as SAgs (>40 kDa) as well as immune complexes,
Inhibition of superantigen production by GAS cytokines and coagulation factors [138]. In small human studies,
As previously discussed, the ability of clindamycin to inhibit survival rates of 50 to 80% in patients suffering from severe
protein synthesis and reduce expression of streptococcal sepsis, septic shock or multiple organ system dysfunction have
SAgs and virulence factors justify its inclusion in antibiotic been reported using apheresis or plasma exchange [138]. 289
Young, Aronoff & Engleberg

Other novel therapies for invasive GAS infections may arise responses and alter vascular stability [119,139141]. SpeB has
from studies focused upon modulating the sepsis response with been shown to cleave high molecular weight kininogen
designer peptides. Activated protein C (drotrecogin-; Xigris) in vivo in a mouse model, and it has been shown that
is a commercially available example of such rationally designer peptides can block this activity [141,142]. Similarly,
designed therapies. However, other potential targets exist. M protein has also been shown to induce vascular leak and
GAS interacts with numerous components of the contact treatment with a 2-integrin antagonist prevented this effect
system and can thus directly promote proinflammatory in a murine model [140].

Key issues

Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a rapidly progressive, life-threatening infection that affects certain risk groups disproportionately, but
can also occur in healthy individuals of any age.
Early diagnosis is critical, since the ability to intervene and to spare life and limb depends on prompt recognition and treatment. NF
rarely presents with obvious signs and symptoms, and delays in recognition and diagnosis contribute to the staggering morbidity
and mortality.
A suggested clinical approach to diagnosis and treatment in algorithmic format is shown in FIGURE 1; however, no formalized system
can substitute for an experienced physicians clinical judgment in cases such as these.
New diagnostic modalities, such as transcutaneous oxygen saturation testing, may revolutionize our ability in the next few years to
avoid disastrous therapeutic delays.
Surgical debridement of devitalized tissues within 24 h will remain a primary goal of therapy.
Clindamycin added to standard antistreptococcal antimicrobials in order to suppress bacterial toxin production has become a
standard of care. Newer antistreptococcal drugs, such as linezolid and daptomycin, may replace clindamycin in this role as
clindamycin resistance becomes more common. Intravenous immunoglobulin, hyperbaric oxygen and activated protein C are still of
uncertain value; their effectiveness in reducing mortality or morbidity remains to be rigorously established.
Current evidence suggests that a combination of host immunogenetic factors and microbial toxins converge to produce group A
streptococcus NF. Basic research into the mechanism of superantigen-mediated disease has already provided promising new targets
for rationally designed therapies, and studies of streptococcal virulence factors may identify novel targets for vaccine development.

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