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COVRMRLCMA™ GIStEN bESCMS (Subtisteme de Lumedunnt Ode eleurenty BUILDING Arelatively permanent enclosed ‘structure constructed over plot — flan for aha e, ssyerstructore Tevertcalexioasen ofa unger other | cxstruction above he oundston | root, set i — Themtorerameworeewalsanitioret abeling : substructure 7 “re under stevctorefomtng he ‘oauavnat a aldo other cosstctin system group of intrscting, nerd. or Interdepraen Dirgs opts oriag 3 couple or fed wil oop. taser a commen prs. 7 ot ae ee Xu a o Thee Re be solo r AWE 2 wee. ® Pincay Weer) © oe vi 7 FORA (erret}s MEE Lone, 7 | Eta Meme Loki Th NAIL ait pitaatentydl Bure creo Forma | Cea wot v Oh cient er Crna ake jserierey ote Frame | ovigrete® he ep eee \ de \ mg hn (Sagetle) ae H 0, ( Tyas a pi eae & 1 ‘ rm larg }—_—_2-_+ 4} ba S So. 7 cmdnhnoe me CUO dw teu tu ue Alt Comarmneut Ab A ne Moment SS . oes Aare luéclens Canactoigeape want thee de cmyok. clipantek LL Oona. o 21} Ss fae Sata @ LUNcenmee, ~ (Howrecagen | ee iE age pa — ferfecenn— ALUNeeKees “= olen hi e| 74 & Ce Paks ae = 3 atx ) FAAMBASUL —— juereninte wort bee SESE anaes Carnie Sai he we tate cepa’ 9 Crowle uments — vatemne ethics’, Four ceitica A omui TLE depmole de ~ 2VELTETE 4 = MATERIAL FORA DO TVAMETAD. rigtt eae Momventon SERRE Pree Na pends Us FRTRATUL Woneinll Stupun & hE: i ge Un ~ PIG RITATIER MAT | | i PE LT ee = are 6. Ratan -fPosstnce} Pleweree RR UTKT FoR Me — 6 $$ *\ Ar, ~ foubewe (amir (oratare) FRAMED LC ATEE AL AL URE, GRANW OF an Con Cody, 13 Figg. 99-101. Montaggio det portal of una sutra ci grand montaggie dele DOME s ceulus ‘kein open esp one at the cron at done. — lantern esperar cron roa or done semidome ovin ape rwindowed nal alte ght Hada ome over eien ada. ascvea senlcala ope. ulede-our ‘serine oequrter spore ra 2 ‘overan apse orache. capola Algh stractarson3 deme coo, saieg 263 boy lantern, or bovedere ‘tambour Thovercal arto copola pendentive ‘spherical angle foring te torsion po eerie: ‘rom te cic pan ofadonetotae ebetstasdiet cater polenal pan of is sappering stsctar. shel otadome. prlacarae unctte ‘Anateainthe plane ofa nalframed by hervasl coring awed, — me eee ‘vault in which low sousds prodaced aera ‘Aspherical dome formed by emoving oor Seger soshasTe meng this potdentvs ands ema squsrepon {ayo cata pats se clary ‘ndtleatcertan omer dane iat, squint ‘Aceh crelg ul scrote wer Ins corr ot gaan ope Thesldecteuperpoce cctagol nese tea eyedecator nated tunsracoon enprced vidos spertigs i Orkre, hohe | tholbate srocacena Teast sapporega Aoweor ca bandage ~ Aang rca pedals Stress tater together, so arousd the spragng of 8 baie ui one a a Fig, 8 Cupola catedralet St faes | Fig. 8 Catedraia Stata Sofia | ny 1 din Constamrinopot (eth Sante Maria de! Flore cin fn 7 ‘Anthems cin Trales Rorenfa (ath. Flippo Bru | | tedor ci Met, 532.537) ele 1436), Ax > plan si secjiune ometia de orsambiy ‘xonomettia stucturt Fig. 7 ‘Catedroia Néwe-Dome din Paris (1163-1250) - plan §: secfiune transvetsaka Fig. 9 Blsotica Sant’ Ivo ila Sapienza din Roma 1685C0 Borromi: 1660) - sectiune: 1 fig. 10 Scherna geome st tied o planull’ biseriit sant’ vo ala Saplenza TY, fig. 11 Cotedrala st Poul din Londra (ath. CChistopher Wren... |: daha Fig. 37 Cupola Cnt mrolct, Mail, Zebrt grec oaselor croniulu focedeu borin lic de ga | amitecturale plecand Fig. 39 b Gaia ICY Lyon + sttuctué din ofe! gi belon prelensonat - vedere $ sectiune Fig. 99 Calatrava Fig. 39.¢ Structure “osoosé" «i unei pozorele suspendate Fig, 64 Cort trodijionol tip “hurts” fig, 68 Povllonu"Oteada" ta Expo’ 92, Sovlla (ng. | 7 M, Barnes, W. Renner, M. fig. 65 Cott fotos in Atica - pares, eee, cthetipul com Ingineresc SARA UGOARE | INTEHGRN WL ace Fig. 70 Poviion plutitor Io. Gréningan (oh. Furniko ing. Kel: Mizu) ~ plan $ vedere Fig. 71 Cort experimental stratticat in Mataeza (ing. F. Otto, 8. Rosch). vedari fig, 49 Comtul “Starwane* 1a Biencla do la Venotic. (he. F, Cito, 8 Rasch, 1996) - stéIpi sunt contrad: Faneafi cu soci umpluti cu plots if 20° a WORFOWNE i Ser CUR AAK, Fig. 89 Structuid de tensegiitate cu dubia Fig. 84 Structura elementora curbut6, in strat dubiy Gene Moto) set i - Sons 7 ise amido ontpworria Pema | pe a Fig. 86 b Antipisme de tenseailicte obfinule prin | plasatea bareior ca dia! ‘gonale in prise gle gandu-le capetele cu cablut (D.G. Emmerich) Fig. 90 a Pasoreld pietonalts intrun element Enecr coxtr | Fig. 90 © Bolté clindticé tormata | into rejea tn strat dublu com- pti impietice fig, 90 ¢ Meconistul de plere-de- pliare o sttuctutior de tensegdate. foloseste bare sau nodurl active Fig. 87 o Sculpture iui Kil Joganson, “Studia in echilioru” (1921) Fig. 87 b Sculptua tut Keneth Snelson (1948) Fig. 90 d Conours pentru Téte De- ' fence (att. D.G. Emmerich, 1980) Fig. 88 Pima apicatie 4 sistemas de tense- otitaie pentru integu- fates unel sfere cu sttot unle - RB. Fuller

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