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Partnership made a unified, vision for learning which is the Framework for
21st century which aims to assist practitioners in using skills in teaching
academic subjects. It describes how students will become successful in work
and life by using their knowledge, skills and expertise to the fullest
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2009, p.1). P21 framework definitions.

B. Academic writing according to the Institute of Education is a holistic process.

When you start writing, you need to plan what you want to write first.
Planning includes reading books and magazines, etc., attending seminars
and training as well. You can write notes while reading and listening on the
informations heard and start organizing your own write up (Institute of
Education, 2008, p.10). Student writing guide: Academic writing in
educational settings. University of London

C. According to Gurney., et. al, there is global biodiversity crisis and

environmental problems will increase due to socioeconomic and climate
change such as population growth, economic development and urbanization
(Gurney,, p.98). In global environment change,26, 98-107.

D. In 2014, Soreide said; corruption happens both on private and public

organization. It means that the briber will benefit the decision while the
amount paid will give risk to the person who sold his vote and destroying
himself by betraying the institution (Soreide, 2014, p. 1). Drivers of
corruption: A brief overview.

E. According to Getubig M.David and Remenyi, Microfinance is the provision of

financial assistance to the poor by giving short term loans, giving small
savings, and giving some financial products and services. Microfinance aims
to reduce or eliminate poverty within a reasonable period of times by giving
financial assistance to the poor (Getubig, Gibbons, & Remenyi, 2007, p. 7)
Financing a revolution.

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