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Tackle the Gaps

Pupils: dependent on group size. 8 on each team.

Kit: Rugby balls and bibs.

GAME 1 stay down tackler

Pupils are in teams. They start with a game of touch.

Tackling is fed into the game when pupils feel confident and
understand the basic rules.
When a tackle is made,
o The tackler goes down on one knee.
o The ball carrier places the ball between their legs if playing
touch or present the ball towards their team if tackled.
o A team mate acts as scrum half to collect and play the ball
o Introduce the rule where the ball can only be played
when the whistle s blown to reduce game speed and
ensure tacklers are down on one knee.
The tackler may only stand up once there has been another tackle

GAME 2 join the other team tackler

This game will include all pupils to make some form of tackle
against the ball carrier as the number of players on their team

Same as game 1.
However when the tackle is made. The tackler instead joins the
other team and supports them.
You may like to add a number of tackles (such as 6 like in League
and Touch) before the ball is turned over.
GAME 3 I need 3!
This game is a good plenary for introducing the concept of
rucking in the next lesson.

Same as game 1.
But there must be the tackler and two more players on either side of
the tackler on their knees. They are known as the pillar and post
They may not stand up and re-join the game until the next tackle
has been made.

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